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孤立性髂动脉瘤(ⅡAA)最早报道于19世纪20年代,是指局限在髂动脉部位的动脉扩张性疾病,包括单侧或(和)双侧髂总、髂外和髂内动脉瘤,其中髂总动脉瘤占70%~90%,髂内动脉瘤占10%~30%,髂外动脉极少受累。ⅡAA在临床极其罕见,发病率仅为0.1%~9%,发病原因尚不明确。ⅡAA临床表现比较隐匿,疾病预后差,动脉瘤破裂大出血是导致患者死亡的主要原因。本文将结合ⅡAA的病因、临床特点、诊断及其国内外最新治疗进展作如下综述。  相似文献   

Transfemoral endovascular repair with a combination of bifurcated and branched stent grafts enables aortoiliac reconstruction with internal iliac perfusion preserved. We report a case of successful endovascular repair of aortoiliac aneurysm with use of a bifurcated and branched stent-graft. Cathet. Cardiovasc. Intervent. 47:491–494, 1999. © 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Renal artery aneurysms are uncommon. They are either incidentally discovered or identified during workup for secondary hypertension. An association with rupture at sizes greater than 1.5 cm exists. In this case report, the exclusion of a renal aneurysm with a covered stent is described. In spite of compromise of a side-branch vessel, there were no deleterious effects on renal function at 6-month follow-up.  相似文献   

目的探讨合并髂动脉病变的腹主动脉瘤(AAA)的腔内处理方案。方法回顾性分析2008年1月至2016年12月北京积水潭医院血管外科收治的AAA行腔内治疗的52例患者临床资料,包括性别、年龄、患者临床特点(冠心病、高血压、糖尿病、高脂血症)、股深动脉及股浅动脉通畅率,按照是否存在严重髂动脉病变将患者分为髂动脉通畅组和髂动脉狭窄或闭塞组,分别进行腔内治疗,并于术后接受抗凝、抗血小板治疗以防动脉粥样硬化。根据数据类型,组间比较采用t检验或x~2检验(Fisher确切概率法)。结果 52例患者被分为髂动脉通畅组41例和髂动脉狭窄或闭塞组11例,其中通畅组髂动脉严重扭曲2例(3.8%,2/52),狭窄或闭塞组髂动脉狭窄9例(17.3%,9/52)及闭塞2例(3.8%,2/52),术前两组患者性别、年龄、患者临床特点(冠心病、高血压、糖尿病、高脂血症)、股深动脉及股浅动脉通畅率比较,差异均无统计学意义(P0.05)。两组患者均成功实施了AAA腔内修复(EVAR)术,其中通常组扭曲者通过特硬导丝纠正髂动脉成角后支架顺利通过,狭窄或闭塞组给予患侧或对侧球囊扩张或逆行开通股动脉进行扩张,支架最终顺利通过。随访了12~24个月,狭窄或闭塞组出现一侧髂动脉腿支的闭塞2例(P0.05),1例行右髂序贯放置髂腿支架1枚+双侧股动脉人工血管转流术,术后双下肢动脉供血良好。结论合并髂动脉病变会导致AAA腔内治疗困难,运用合理的手术技巧和器材的配合,AAA患者行EVAR术均可以获得成功,远期通畅率较好。  相似文献   

目的总结肾下腹主动脉瘤腔内修复术中的髂内动脉的处理方法。方法自1997年7月至2007年3月实施的腔内修复术中有62例肾下腹主动脉瘤涉及髂内动脉的处理。其中C型腹主动脉瘤57例(包括单侧髂总动脉分叉受累者35例,双侧髂总动脉分叉受累者22例),髂总动脉分叉过高5例。手术方法采用髂内动脉单纯覆盖、髂内动脉栓塞并覆盖、髂内动脉重建,针对具体的病变情况,采用不同的组合处理方法。结果无中转开腹手术,手术结束时6例(9.7%)Ⅰ型内漏。术后出现臀肌跛行5例(8.1%)、单侧下肢麻木1例(1.6%),无褥疮及结、直肠坏死表现。结论腔内修复术中保留一侧髂内动脉是合理的,尽可能避免同时破坏双侧髂内动脉。  相似文献   

目的了解髂动脉多发炎性腹主动脉瘤的临床特点,提高对本病诊断及药物治疗的认识。方法对1例发生于髂动脉的炎性腹主动脉瘤老年患者的临床资料进行分析,并复习有关文献。结果炎性腹主动脉瘤好发于70岁左右老年人,临床表现为突发腹痛或背痛,体重下降,C反应蛋白和红细胞沉降率升高,影像学检查可见动脉瘤壁增厚,炎症累及输尿管可引起肾盂积水,常规治疗需手术,早期经糖皮质激素及免疫抑制剂联合治疗可避免或推迟手术。结论突发严重腹痛的腹主动脉瘤患者,应尽早行影像学检查,发现动脉瘤壁增厚及肾盂积水支持本病诊断。早期糖皮质激素及免疫抑制剂治疗能显著缓解症状,并消除尿路梗阻。  相似文献   

Coronary artery aneurysm is a rare finding at coronary angiography. Most coronary aneurysms remain asymptomatic. There is no consensus on its management; some advocate aggressive approach while others advocate conservative management. A case of coronary artery aneurysm successfully treated by implantation of a polytetrafluoroethylene-covered coronary stent is presented.  相似文献   

We describe a case of endovascular exclusion of a splenic artery aneurysm. The repair utilized a novel balloon-expandable stent-graft.  相似文献   

We report a case of a prominent aneurysm of the right coronary artery secondary to atherosclerotic coronary artery disease. The aneurysm was complicated by recurrent myocardial infarction despite optimal medical treatment. It was successfully treated with coronary artery stenting, using a novel device, consisting two stents with a layer of expandable graft material placed between them. Follow-up angiography 6 months after the procedure showed a sustained excellent result.  相似文献   

Coronary artery aneurysms are relatively rare but have been diagnosed with increasing frequency since the advent of coronary arteriography. Their reported incidence varies from 1.5% to 5% with male dominance and a predilection for the right coronary artery (RCA), accounting for over 40% of all cases. The most common etiology amongst adults remains atherosclerosis accounting for 50% of coronary aneurysms. We describe the first use of a novel flexible pericardium covered stent for successful treatment of a ruptured coronary aneurysm in 76 year old lady. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Treatment for symptomatic extracranial carotid artery aneurysm is evolving and we describe two cases of successful endovascular treatment of distal internal carotid aneurysm using Jostent, a balloon-expandable coronary polytetrafluoroethylene-covered stent. Both patients remained symptom-free at 1 year after the procedure and patency of the stents was maintained. We conclude that endovascular treatment of carotid artery aneurysm with Jostent is feasible and safe and may be more preferable than conventional strategies.  相似文献   

目的总结高危患者行胸降主动脉瘤(descending thoracic aortic aneurysm,DTAA)腔内修复治疗(endovascular aneurysm repair,EVAR)的经验。方法回顾分析2001年1月至2007年7月我科24例高危DTAA患者行EVAR诊治经过、结果和并发症。所有患者因动脉瘤部位、破裂、高龄或严重合并症而不适合行开放手术。EVAR术后1个月、3个月、6个月、12个月和每年行螺旋CT血管造影、三维重建随访。结果所有患者均获技术成功(100%)。围手术期死亡2例(8.3%),分别死于多系统器官功能衰竭和急性心肌梗死。2例(8.3%)术后发生严重并发症(1例缺血性脑卒中和1例急性肾功能不全)。11例(46%)术后即时造影显示近端Ⅰ型内漏,其中3例内漏量大,行球囊扩张后内漏消失;另8例随访观察。19例患者获随访,随访时间为1~60个月(平均18.6±4.2个月)。1例患者术后4年发生支架型人工血管移位并发Ⅰ型内漏,1例术后2年出现迟发性Ⅲ型内漏,均成功行EVAR。1例死于结肠癌。其余患者术后3个月CT证实瘤腔内完全血栓形成,无支架移位和内漏。随访期间动脉瘤最大直径缩小0~18 mm(平均6.3±3.1 mm),4例辅助性动脉旁路在随访期间人工血管均通畅。结论EVAR治疗高危DTAA早期死亡率和并发症发生率尚可接受,对某些病例可能是首选治疗方法。  相似文献   

An 11 year-old boy with an Alagille syndrome was referred for an urgent echocardiography because of new onset of febrile hemoptysis. Follow-up in our institution to that point had shown severe hypoplastic pulmonary arteries. The diagnosis of tricuspid endocarditis complicated by pulmonary embolisms and aneurysm of the left pulmonary artery was done. Despite effective antiobiotics, the evolution was marked by rapid progression in size of the left pulmonary aneurysm. Since the surgery was not an option because of high risk of death, this aneurysm was treated by a trans-catheter technique using covered stents (CP stents, Numed Inc). Its exclusion allowed to stop its progression in size and to avoid its rupture.  相似文献   

We present a case of an unusual arterial – arterial anastamosis that resulted from an unsuccessful attempt at crossing a total occlusion of the common iliac artery. Subsequently, we were able to successful recanalize the artery using a modified technique with the Outback reentry catheter. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

An atherosclerotic aneurysm of the right coronary artery complicated by a recent myocardial infarction was successfully treated with coronary artery stenting, using a device consisting of 2 stents with a layer of expandable polytetrafluorethylene (PTFE) placed between them. A follow-up angiograph 5 months after the procedure showed sustained initial results.  相似文献   

Renal artery aneurysms are rare vascular anomalies in which rupture is associated with devastating consequences. Only a few reported cases involved percutaneous treatment. Recently, technological advances have expanded indications for percutaneous treatment of such complex peripheral lesions. Despite this, certain anatomical settings such as extreme vessel tortuosity or angulation of the afferent vessel continue to pose challenges. New steerable devices may play a crucial role in those cases where conventional techniques have failed. We report a case of successful percutaneous treatment of a renal artery aneurysm and stenosis in a young male using the Venture catheter.  相似文献   

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