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Sivatharan Vedavanam Nicholas Steel Joanne Broadbent Susan Maisey Amanda Howe 《The British journal of general practice》2009,59(559):e32-e37
Depression is a leading cause of disease and disability internationally, and is responsible for many primary care consultations. Little is known about the quality of primary care for depression in the UK.Aim
To determine the prevalence of good-quality primary care for depression, and to analyse variations in quality by patient and practice characteristics.Design of study
Retrospective observational study.Setting
Eighteen general practices in England.Method
Medical records were examined for 279 patients. The percentage of eligible participants diagnosed with depression who received the care specified by each of six quality indicators in 2002 and 2004 was assessed. Associations between quality achievement and age, sex, patient deprivation score, timepoint, and practice size were estimated using logistic regression.Results
There was very wide variation in achievement of different indicators (range 1–97%). Achievement was higher for indicators referring to treatment and follow-up than for indicators referring to history taking. Achievement of quality indicators was low overall (37%). Quality did not vary significantly by patient or practice characteristics.Conclusion
There is substantial scope for improvement in the quality of primary care for depression, if the highest achievement rates could be matched for all indicators. Given the lack of variation by practice characteristics, system-level and educational interventions may be the best ways to improve quality. The equitable distribution of quality by patient deprivation score is an important achievement that may be challenging to maintain as quality improves. 相似文献2.
Mourad SM Hermens RP Nelen WL Braat DD Grol RP Kremer JA 《Human reproduction (Oxford, England)》2007,22(10):2665-2672
BACKGROUND: Internationally, several organizations have developed clinicalguidelines for subfertility care to supply patients with thebest possible care. However, to improve the implementation ofsuch guidelines, we first need to gain insight into the applicationof clinical guidelines in daily practice. Valid quality indicatorsare necessary to estimate actual guideline adherence. However,none of the existing subfertility guideline programmes is accompaniedby a satisfactory set of quality indicators. In this study,we develop a set of valid guideline-based quality indicatorsfor subfertility care. METHODS: A systematic RAND-modified Delphi method was used to developa set of key recommendations based on 10 national Dutch subfertilityguidelines, international literature and existing internationalindicators. Experts opinions were used to appraise recommendationsregarding specific criteria such as efficacy, level of healthgain, applicability and potential for care improvement. RESULTS: A representative set of 39 key recommendations was selectedfrom 303 initial recommendations. The recommendations coveredtwo structural and 37 procedural aspects, the latter encompassingindications for treatment, diagnostic procedures,treatment procedures and patient information. CONCLUSIONS: This study describes the systematic, stepwise method used todevelop 39 process and structure indicators that can be usedto monitor subfertility care. 相似文献
Amy Waller Mariko Carey Danielle Mazza Serene Yoong Alice Grady Rob Sanson-Fisher 《The British journal of general practice》2015,65(634):e312-e318
GPs are often a patient’s first point of contact with the health system. The increasing demands imposed on GPs may have an impact on the quality of care delivered. Patients are well placed to make judgements about aspects of care that need to be improved.Aim
To determine whether general practice patients perceive that the care they receive is ‘patient-centred’ across eight domains of care, and to determine the association between sociodemographic, GP and practice characteristics, detection of preventive health risks, and receipt of patient-centred care.Design and setting
Cross-sectional survey of patients attending Australian general practice clinics.Method
Patients completed a touchscreen survey in the waiting room to rate the care received from their GP across eight domains of patient-centred care. Patients also completed the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) and self-reported health risk factors. GPs completed a checklist for each patient asking about the presence of health risk factors.Results
In total 1486 patients and 51 GPs participated. Overall, 83% of patients perceived that the care they received was patient-centred across all eight domains. Patients most frequently perceived the ‘access to health care when needed’ domain as requiring improvement (8.3%). Not having private health insurance and attending a practice located in a disadvantaged area were significantly associated with perceived need for improvements in care (P<0.05).Conclusion
Patients in general practice report that accessibility is an aspect of care that could be improved. Further investigation of how indicators of lower socioeconomic status interact with the provision of patient-centred care and health outcomes is required. 相似文献4.
Peter Griffiths Trevor Murrells Jill Maben Simon Jones Mark Ashworth 《The British journal of general practice》2010,60(570):e36-e48
In many UK general practices, nurses have been used to deliver results against the indicators of the Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF), a ‘pay for performance’ scheme.Aim
To determine the association between the level of nurse staffing in general practice and the quality of clinical care as measured by the QOF.Design of the study
Cross-sectional analysis of routine data.Setting
English general practice in 2005/2006.Method
QOF data from 7456 general practices were linked with a database of practice characteristics, nurse staffing data, and census-derived data on population characteristics and measures of population density. Multi-level modelling explored the relationship between QOF performance and the number of patients per full-time equivalent nurse. The outcome measures were achievement of quality of care for eight clinical domains as rated by the QOF, and reported achievement of 10 clinical outcome indicators derived from it.Results
A high level of nurse staffing (fewer patients per full-time equivalent practice-employed nurse) was significantly associated with better performance in 4/8 clinical domains of the QOF (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, coronary heart disease, diabetes, and hypertension, P = 0.004 to P<0.001) and in 4/10 clinical outcome indicators (diabetes: glycosylated haemoglobin [HbA1C] ≤7.4%, HbA1C ≤10% and total cholesterol ≤193 mg/dl; and stroke: total cholesterol ≤5 mmol/L, P = 0.0057 to P<0.001).Conclusion
Practices that employ more nurses perform better in a number of clinical domains measured by the QOF. This improved performance includes better intermediate clinical outcomes, suggesting real patient benefit may be associated with using nurses to deliver care to meet QOF targets. 相似文献5.
Joanne Broadbent Susan Maisey Richard Holland Nicholas Steel 《The British journal of general practice》2008,58(557):839-843
Osteoarthritis is the most common chronic disease in the UK, with greater prevalence in women, older people, and those with poorer socioeconomic status. Effective treatments are available, yet little is known about the quality of primary care for this disabling condition.Aim
To measure the recorded quality of primary care for osteoarthritis, and assess variavariations by patient and/or practice characteristics.Design of study
Retrospective observational study.Setting
Eighteen general practices in England.Method
Records of 320/393 randomly selected patients with osteoarthritis (response rate 81%) were reviewed. High-quality health care was specified by nine quality indicators. Logistic regression modelling assessed variations in quality by age, sex, deprivation, severity, time since diagnosis, and practice size.Results
There was substantial variation in the recorded achievement of individual indicators (range 5% to 90%). The percentage of eligible patients whose records show that they received care in the form of information provision ranged from 17% to 30%. For regular assessment indicators the range was 27% to 43%, and for treatment indicators the range was 5% to 90%. Recorded achievement of quality indicators was higher in those with more severe osteoarthritis (odds ratio [OR] 1.38, 95% CI = 1.13 to 1.69) and in older patients (OR 1.14, 95% CI = 1.02 to 1.28). There were no significant variations by deprivation score.Conclusion
This study has demonstrated the feasibility of using existing robust quality indicators to measure the quality of primary care for osteoarthritis, and has found considerable scope for improvement in the recording of high-quality care. The lack of variation between practices suggests that system-level initiatives may be needed to achieve improvement. One challenge will be to improve care for all, without losing the equitable distribution of care identified. 相似文献6.
Narinder Sahota Andrew Hood Anandagiri Shankar Barbara Watt Sam Ramaiah 《The British journal of general practice》2008,58(557):856-861
There has been increasing interest in the development of performance indicators in primary care, especially since the introduction of the Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF). Public health and primary care trusts collect a range of data from routine or non-routine sources that may be useful for this purpose.Aim
To assess whether performance against the QOF is a robust measure of practice performance when compared with health-inequality indicators and to contribute to the development of a tool to monitor and improve primary care services.Design of study
A retrospective cross-sectional study.Setting
Sixty-three GP practices contracted with Walsall Teaching Primary Care Trust.Method
Correlation analysis and scatter plots were used to identify possible significant relationships between QOF scores and health-inequality data. The study also utilised confidence limit theory and control chart methodology as tools to identify possible performance outliers.Results
Little correlation was found between overall QOF score and deprivation score. Uptake of flu immunisation (r2 = 0.22) and cervical screening (r2 = 0.11) both showed a slight increase with increased QOF score. Benzodiazepine (r2 = 0.06) and antibiotic prescribing levels (r2 = 0.02) decreased slightly with increased QOF scores, although not significantly. An increase in practice-population deprivation score was correlated with a reduction in cervical screening uptake (r2 = 0.27) and an increase in benzodiazepine prescribing (r2 = 0.25). Statistically significant relationships were found between the patient: GP ratio and flu immunisation uptake (r2 = 0.1) and antibiotic prescribing (r2 = 0.1). The majority of GPs found it acceptable to use performance indicator data as part of their annual appraisal.Conclusion
QOF and health-inequality data can be used together to measure practice performance and to develop tools to help identify areas for performance development and the sharing of best practice. 相似文献7.
Robert Fleetcroft Sheetal Parekh-Bhurke Amanda Howe Richard Cookson Louise Swift Nicholas Steel 《The British journal of general practice》2010,60(578):e345-e352
General practices in the UK contract with the government to receive additional payments for high-quality primary care. Little is known about the resulting impact on population health.Aim
To estimate the potential reduction in population mortality from implementation of the pay-for-performance contract in England.Design of study
Cross-sectional and modelling study.Setting
Primary care in England.Method
Twenty-five clinical quality indicators in the contract had controlled trial evidence of mortality benefit. This was combined with condition prevalence, and the differences in performance before and after contract implementation, to estimate the potential mortality reduction per indicator. Improvement was adjusted for pre-existing trends where data were available.Results
The 2004 contract potentially reduced mortality by 11 lives per 100 000 people (lower–upper estimates 7–16) over 1 year, as performance improved from baseline to the target for full incentive payment. If all eligible patients were treated, over and above the target, 56 (29–81) lives per 100 000 might have been saved. For the 2006 contract, mortality reduction was effectively zero, because new baseline performance for a typical practice had already exceeded the target performance for full payment.Conclusion
The contract may have delivered substantial health gain, but potential health gain was limited by performance targets for full payment being set lower than typical baseline performance. Information on both baseline performance and population health gain should inform decisions about future selection of indicators for pay-for-performance schemes, and the level of performance at which full payment is triggered. 相似文献8.
The availability of patient information to practitioners forms the basis of informational continuity of care. Changes in family practice that now encourage multiphysician clinics have meant that informational continuity of care has become crucial because it is likely that a patient will not continuously see the same doctor. Therefore a review of the nature of informational continuity is useful.Aim
To answer the question ‘How is informational continuity developed in general practice?’.Design of study
A rigorous systematic review of relevant electronic databases.Method
Databases were searched for articles answering the research question. Articles focused on family medicine and informational continuity of care were included. Data from reviewed articles were independently extracted and reviewed by two researchers. Conceptual and evidence-based articles were included.Results
Initially, 193 articles were obtained from all five bibliographic databases; 57 were retained following title and abstract review. Of these, 34 articles were included in the final systematic review. Results show that informational continuity of care is developed using paper/electronic records and remembered information collectively, through a series of doctor–patient consultations over time. Obstacles to its development are practitioners not recording patient information and patients not disclosing important details.Conclusion
These findings have implications for newer styles of primary care that may have a negative impact in the successful management of chronic illnesses in particular. 相似文献9.
Mark Ashworth Paul Seed David Armstrong Stevo Durbaba Roger Jones 《The British journal of general practice》2007,57(539):441-448
BACKGROUND: The existence of health inequalities between least and most socially deprived areas is now well established. AIM: To use Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF) indicators to explore the characteristics of primary care in deprived communities. DESIGN OF STUDY: Two-year study. SETTING: Primary care in England. METHOD: QOF data were obtained for each practice in England in 2004-2005 and 2005-2006 and linked with census derived social deprivation data (Index of Multiple Deprivation scores 2004), national urbanicity scores and a database of practice characteristics. Data were available for 8480 practices in 2004-2005 and 8264 practices in 2005-2006. Comparisons were made between practices in the least and most deprived quintiles. RESULTS: The difference in mean total QOF score between practices in least and most deprived quintiles was 64.5 points in 2004-2005 (mean score, all practices, 959.9) and 30.4 in 2005-2006 (mean, 1012.6). In 2005-2006, the QOF indicators displaying the largest differences between least and most deprived quintiles were: recall of patients not attending appointments for injectable neuroleptics (79 versus 58%, respectively), practices opening > or =45 hours/week (90 versus 74%), practices conducting > or = 12 significant event audits in previous 3 years (93 versus 81%), proportion of epileptics who were seizure free > or = 12 months (77 versus 65%) and proportion of patients taking lithium with serum lithium within therapeutic range (90 versus 78%). Geographical differences were less in group and training practices. CONCLUSIONS: Overall differences between primary care quality indicators in deprived and prosperous communities were small. However, shortfalls in specific indicators, both clinical and non-clinical, suggest that focused interventions could be applied to improve the quality of primary care in deprived areas. 相似文献
Peter Schofield Frances Baawuah Paul T Seed Mark Ashworth 《The British journal of general practice》2012,62(603):e703-e709
NICE guidelines are the accepted standard for determining the management of hypertension in UK primary care.Aim
To explore adherence and non-adherence to NICE hypertension guidelines, the extent to which this influences blood pressure control, and the role of ethnicity.Design and setting
A cross-sectional study was conducted based on primary care data from Lambeth DataNet, a database of primary care records in one inner-city London borough.Method
NICE guidelines were used to determine adherence to recommended treatment options for four groups of patients with hypertension: aged <55 years on monotherapy; aged ≥55 years on monotherapy; any age on dual therapy; any age and with comorbid diabetes. Blood pressure control was determined for each treatment category and ethnic group. The study controlled for age, sex, social deprivation, and clustering within general practices.Results
A total of 32 183 patients were identified with a current diagnosis of hypertension. Ethnic coding was available for 28 320 (88.0%). Overall, 13 546 patients with ethnicity coding could be allocated to one of the four clinical categories of hypertension; 44% of these patients received non-guideline-adherent treatment; ethnicity was not a significant determinant. Mean arterial pressure did not differ significantly between those receiving ‘correct’ or ‘incorrect’ hypotensive therapy.Discussion
Evidence-based guidelines for the management of hypertension were not followed in a relatively large proportion of patients included in this study. Nevertheless, no evidence was found that failure to follow treatment recommendations resulted in poorer blood pressure control. Further work is needed to determine the reasons for non-implementation of guideline recommendations in primary care. 相似文献11.
John Campbell Martin Roland Suzanne Richards Andy Dickens Michael Greco Peter Bower 《The British journal of general practice》2009,59(558):e8-e15
National standards for delivery of out-of-hours services have been refined. Health service users'' preferences, reports, and evaluations of care are of importance in a service that aims to be responsive to their needs.Aim
To investigate NHS service users'' reports and evaluations of out-of-hours care in the light of UK national service quality requirements.Design
Cross sectional survey.Setting
Three areas (Devon, Cornwall, Sheffield) of England, UK.Method
Participants were 1249 recent users of UK out-of-hours medical services. Main outcome measures were: users'' reports and evaluations of out-of-hours services in respect of the time waiting for their telephone call to the service to be answered; the length of time from the end of the initial call to the start of definitive clinical assessment (‘call back time’); the time waiting for a home visit; and the waiting time at a treatment centre.Results
UK national quality requirements were reported as being met by two-thirds of responders. Even when responders reported that they had received the most rapid response option for home visiting (waiting time of ‘up to an hour’), only one-third of users reported this as ‘excellent’. Adverse evaluations of care were consistently related to delays encountered in receiving care and (for two out of four measures) sex of patient. For 50% of users to evaluate their care as ‘excellent’, this would require calls to be answered within 30 seconds, call-back within 20 minutes, time spent waiting for home visits of significantly less than 1 hour, and treatment centre waiting times of less than 20 minutes.Conclusion
Users have high expectations of UK out-of-hours healthcare services. Service provision that meets nationally designated targets is currently judged as being of ‘good’ quality by service users. Attaining ‘excellent’ levels of service provision would prove challenging, and potentially costly. Delivering services that result in high levels of user satisfaction with care needs to take account of users'' expectations as well as their experience of care. 相似文献12.
Connolly A Iliffe S Gaehl E Campbell S Drake R Morris J Martin H Purandare N 《The British journal of general practice》2012,62(595):e91-e98
Primary care services are often the main healthcare service for people with dementia; as such, good-quality care at this level is important.Aim
To measure the quality of care provided to people with dementia in general practice using routinely collected data, and to explore associated patient and practice factors.Design and setting
Observational, cross-sectional review of medical records from general practices (n = 52) in five primary care trusts.Method
A total of 994 people with dementia were identified from dementia registers. An unweighted quality-of-care score was constructed using information collected in the annual dementia review, together with pharmacological management of cognitive and non-cognitive symptoms. Multilevel modelling was carried out to identify factors associated with quality-of-care scores.Results
In total, 599 out of 745 (80%) patients with dementia had received an annual dementia review; however, a social care review or discussion with carers was evident in just 305 (51%) and 367 (61%) of those 599 cases, respectively. Despite high prevalence of vascular disease, over a quarter (n = 259, 26%) of all patients with dementia were prescribed antipsychotics; only 57% (n = 148) of these had undergone medication review in the previous 6 months. Those with vascular dementia who were registered with single-handed practices received poorer quality of care than those registered with practices that had more than one GP.Conclusion
Although the number of people with dementia with a record of an annual dementia review is high, the quality of these reviews is suboptimal. The quality score developed in this study could be used as one source of data to identify weaknesses in practice activity that need to be corrected, and so would be of value to commissioners and regulators, as well as practices themselves. 相似文献13.
Anthony Harnden Richard Mayon-White David Mant Deirdre Kelly Gale Pearson 《The British journal of general practice》2009,59(568):819-824
In 2006 the Confidential Enquiry into Maternal and Perinatal Deaths was extended to pilot a collection of child deaths. This helped optimise data collection for local safeguarding children''s boards, which, since April 2008, have a statutory responsibility to review all child deaths. Reviewing primary care records may highlight areas in which systems, skills, and care could be improved.Aim
To review the role and quality of primary care in child deaths.Design of study
Confidential enquiry into child deaths.Setting
Five regions of the UK: North-East, South-West and West Midlands, Wales, and Northern Ireland.Method
The confidential enquiry collected core data for all child deaths (age range 28 days to 17 years) and an age-stratified sample was assessed by multidisciplinary panels for avoidable factors. An independent detailed review was conducted of the primary care records on all children in the North-East region and all children who were reviewed by panel in the other four regions.Results
Primary care records were reviewed for 168 child deaths. There were 25 (15%) deaths from acute infection, 22 (13%) from cancer, and 11 (7%) from asthma or epilepsy. Fifty-nine (35%) deaths were sudden: sudden unexplained death in infancy, suicides, and assaults. Of 149 with immunisation records, only 88 (59%) had been fully vaccinated on time. One or more primary care professionals were involved in the management of 90 (54%) children. Avoidable primary care factors were identified in 18 (20%) of these deaths. Avoidable primary care factors included failure in the recognition and management of serious infection, failure to vaccinate, and inadequate management of asthma and epilepsy.Conclusion
Decisions made about diagnosis and management in primary care may affect the cause, time, and circumstances of a child''s death. Maintaining skills in assessing the acutely ill child remains an essential part of good clinical practice. 相似文献14.
The population of cancer survivors is growing, and GPs have an increasing role in their care. The General Practice Research Database was used to compare consultation rates between cancer survivors and controls. Breast and colorectal cancer survivors had one more consultation per year compared with controls up to 5 years after diagnosis; rates then converged at 10 years post-diagnosis. Prostate cancer survivors consistently consulted up to three more times per year than controls. These increased consultation rates are leading to an impact on service capacity. 相似文献
Primary care supports for children with chronic health conditions: identifying and predicting unmet family needs 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
Objective To examine unmet needs among families of childrenwith chronic health conditions treated in primary care settingsand to identify predictors of these needs. Method Primarycare physicians referred 83 caregivers of children with chronichealth conditions. Mothers completed the Family Needs Survey,as well as other measures of child and family functioning. Results Mothersreported a high prevalence and broad range of unmet family needs.The most frequent area of need was for information about servicesand ways to promote child health and development. Predictorsof total number of family needs included demographic characteristics,ratings of social support, and appraisals of family burden.Predictors of specific types of family needs varied accordingto category of need. Conclusions Innovative psychosocialintervention programs are needed in primary care settings toreduce family needs and promote child health. More intensivefamily supports may be indicated for those with minority-groupor low socioeconomic status, limited social support, or highperceived burden. 相似文献
Bruce Guthrie Tom Love Rebecca Kaye Margaret MacLeod Jim Chalmers 《The British journal of general practice》2008,58(550):311-317
BACKGROUND: The Shipman Inquiry recommended mortality rate monitoring if it could be 'shown to be workable' in detecting a future mass murderer in general practice. AIM: To examine the effectiveness of cumulative sum (CUSUM) charts, cross-sectional Shewhart charts, and exponentially-weighted, moving-average control charts in mortality monitoring at practice level. DESIGN OF STUDY: Analysis of Scottish routine general practice data combined with estimation of control chart effectiveness in detecting a 'murderer' in a simulated dataset. METHOD: Practice stability was calculated from routine data to determine feasible lengths of monitoring. A simulated dataset of 405,000 'patients' was created, registered with 75 'practices' whose underlying mortality rates varied with the same distribution as case-mix-adjusted mortality in all Scottish practices. The sensitivity of each chart to detect five and 10 excess deaths was examined in repeated simulations. The sensitivity of control charts to excess deaths in simulated data, and the number of alarm signals when control charts were applied to routine data were estimated. RESULTS: Practice instability limited the length of monitoring and modelling was consequently restricted to a 3-year period. Monitoring mortality over 3 years, CUSUM charts were most sensitive but only reliably achieved >50% successful detection for 10 excess deaths per year and generated multiple false alarms (>15%). CONCLUSION: At best, mortality monitoring can act as a backstop to detect a particularly prolific serial killer when other means of detection have failed. Policy should focus on changes likely to improve detection of individual murders, such as reform of death certification and the coroner system. 相似文献
Jonathan Hammond Katja Gravenhorst Emma Funnell Susan Beatty Derek Hibbert Jonathan Lamb Heather Burroughs Marija Kovand?i? Mark Gabbay Christopher Dowrick Linda Gask Waquas Waheed Carolyn A Chew-Graham 《The British journal of general practice》2013,63(608):e177-e184
General practice receptionists fulfil an essential role in UK primary care, shaping patient access to health professionals. They are often portrayed as powerful ‘gatekeepers’. Existing literature and management initiatives advocate more training to improve their performance and, consequently, the patient experience.Aim
To explore the complexity of the role of general practice receptionists by considering the wider practice context in which they work.Design and setting
Ethnographic observation in seven urban general practices in the north-west of England.Method
Seven researchers conducted 200 hours of ethnographic observation, predominantly in the reception areas of each practice. Forty-five receptionists were involved in the study and were asked about their work as they carried out their activities. Observational notes were taken. Analysis involved ascribing codes to incidents considered relevant to the role and organising these into related clusters.Results
Receptionists were faced with the difficult task of prioritising patients, despite having little time, information, and training. They felt responsible for protecting those patients who were most vulnerable, however this was sometimes made difficult by protocols set by the GPs and by patients trying to ‘play’ the system.Conclusion
Framing the receptionist–patient encounter as one between the ‘powerful’ and the ‘vulnerable’ gets in the way of fully understanding the complex tasks receptionists perform and the contradictions that are inherent in their role. Calls for more training, without reflective attention to practice dynamics, risk failing to address systemic problems, portraying them instead as individual failings. 相似文献19.
Jean Robson 《The British journal of general practice》2009,59(559):104-109
Published clinical guidelines need to be combined with effective educational interventions to produce change in practice. Problem-based learning (PBL) groups are effective; however, research studies have not looked at change in practice following PBL that is independent of group interaction.Aim
To determine whether clinical guidelines combined with modified PBL e-learning modules, in which dialogue between learners is replaced by interaction with a computer, could increase knowledge, result in changes in practice, and be acceptable to participants as a mode of modifying practice.Design of study
Quantitative and qualitative methods.Setting
Web-based application.Results
Online PBL modules were studied by 45 primary care clinicians. Replacement of group functions by interaction with the computer was found to be an acceptable form of learning, and resulted in reported changes in practice among GPs choosing this method of study. This study shows that changes were independent of demonstrable knowledge gains.Conclusion
Online PBL modules could complement other arms of guideline-implementation strategies. More work is needed to determine which groups would benefit most. 相似文献20.
Fleetcroft R Cookson R Steel N Howe A 《The British journal of general practice》2011,61(590):e556-e564