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目的 :对目前最常用的燕尾底板托槽和网状底板托槽的粘结强度进行对比研究。方法 :选正畸需要而拔除的前磨牙为实验样本 ,将离体牙随机分为 4组 ,每组 10颗牙齿。在 1、3组牙面上粘结燕尾底板托槽 ,在 2、4组牙面上粘结网状底板托槽。以材料力学实验机分别对 1、2组进行即刻抗剪切强度的测定 ,对 3、4组进行即刻抗张强度的测定 ,并对每一牙面上的粘合剂残留量进行统计。结果 :无论是剪切强度还是抗张强度 ,两种底板托槽之间的粘结强度均无显著性差异。结论 :体外研究结果提示了这两种托槽在粘结强度上差别不大  相似文献   

目的 比较使用6种不同粘结剂在模拟口腔环境的体外实验中,抗剪切力的大小及托槽表面粘结接剂残余量。 方法 选择健康前磨牙60颗,随机分为6组,分别使用6种正畸托槽粘结剂:4款光固化型树脂粘结剂,1款光固化型玻璃离子粘结剂和1款化学固化牙釉质粘合树脂。6种粘结剂严格按说明操作粘结托槽,置于37 ℃的人工唾液中24 h后,用万能测力仪以1 mm/min的速度,记录托槽脱落的剪切力值,算出粘结剂的抗剪切力强度,结果用SPSS 17.0统计软件进行分析。在10倍放大镜下观察托槽的底板上残留粘结剂量,并进行ARI评分,将结果进行Kruskall-wallis H检验。 结果 Transbond XT光固化型树脂粘结剂组,Medicept光固化型树脂粘结剂组以及西湖巴尔公司产的光固化型树脂粘结剂组和非调拌型化学固化牙釉质粘合树脂组之间粘结强度无显著性差异(P>0.05);虽然GC光固化型玻璃离子粘结剂组和Prime-Dent光固化型树脂粘结剂组之间粘结强度亦无显著性差异(P>0.05),但与前4组粘结剂之存在显著性差异(P<0.05),粘结强度相对较小;ARI评分结果进行Kruskall-wallis H检验显示各组间无显著性差异(P>0.05)。 结论 6种正畸粘结剂的粘结强度存在差异,但能够满足正畸临床工作需要。  相似文献   

顾敏  王天丛  陈莉花  陈文静 《口腔医学》2010,30(5):298-299,303
目的 对网底托槽和激光底面托槽粘接强度进行比较研究,为临床选用金属托槽提供参考。方法 挑选对称性拔除第一前磨牙正畸患者20例,分2组,分别粘结激光底面托槽以及网底进口金属托槽,采用同样的方法及相同的步骤进行粘接。对患者托槽脱落情况作6个月的追踪观察每月复诊时并记录。采用同一患者拔除的前磨牙为实验样本,粘结与口内对应托槽,以材料力学实验机分别对其进行体外即刻抗剪切强度(SBS)的测定。结果 临床观察发现网底托槽脱落率大于激光底面托槽,体外实验也表明激光优化底板托槽剪切强度大于网底托槽,且差别具有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 托槽底板结构可影响托槽粘结强度,但两者都能很好满足临床正畸粘结需要。  相似文献   

目的:评价传统正畸粘接系统和自酸蚀粘接系统分别对金属托槽和陶瓷托槽的粘接强度。方法:将100颗人前磨牙均分为4组:金属托槽/传统粘接系统组(1组)、金属托槽/自酸蚀粘接系统组(2组)、陶瓷托槽/传统粘接系统组(3组)、陶瓷托槽/自酸蚀粘接系统组(4组),使用Transbond XT树脂糊剂将托槽粘接在牙面上,测量各组的抗剪切粘接强度,并评价其剩余粘接剂指数,对结果进行单因素方差分析。结果:统计学分析表明金属托槽的抗剪切粘接强度高于陶瓷托槽,其差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05);1组和2组平均抗剪切粘接强度的差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),3组和4组间的差异也无统计学意义(P>0.05);各组剩余粘接剂指数的差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),但各组的粘接强度与剩余粘接剂指数有平行相关性(P<0.05)。结论:金属托槽的粘接强度高于陶瓷托槽;自酸蚀粘接系统与传统粘接系统都可满足正畸临床粘接托槽的需求;大部分样本的粘接失败发生在托槽/粘接剂界面或粘接剂内部破坏,表明牙釉质受损的几率较低,且粘接强度和剩余粘接剂指数之间存在统计学相关性。  相似文献   

The ability of a restorative material to bond and seal the interface with tooth structure is perhaps the most significant factor in determining resistance to marginal caries. Thus, the quality and durability of marginal seal and bond strength are major considerations in the selection of restorative materials. The purpose of this study was to compare the bond strength and marginal discrepancies of five adhesive systems: All-Bond 2, Clearfil Liner Bond, KB 200, ProBond and AELITE Bond. Twenty-five buccal and 25 lingual cavities were prepared in 25 caries-free extracted molar teeth, giving 10 cavities for each of the 5 adhesive systems. All teeth were restored with the resin composite Pertac Hybrid, or PRISMA Total Performance Hybrid with their appropriate adhesive systems. After restoration, the teeth were thermocycled, were stained with a 1.5% aqueous solution of a procion dye (reactive orange 14) and sectioned coronally with a saw microtome. Three sections of 200 μm thickness were prepared from each restoration which were then examined microscopically to measure marginal gap widths using a confocal tandem microscope. Shear bond strength measurements were carried out on the dentine bond using a universal testing machine. The All-Bond 2 adhesive system was found to have higher shear bond strength and to have the least gap with at the cementodentinal margin.  相似文献   

The ability of a restorative material to bond and seal the interface with tooth structure is perhaps the most significant factor in determining resistance to marginal caries. Thus, the quality and durability of marginal seal and bond strength are major considerations in the selection of restorative materials. The purpose of this study was to compare the bond strength and marginal discrepancies of five adhesive systems: All-Bond 2, Clearfil Liner Bond, KB 200, ProBond and AELITE Bond. Twenty-five buccal and 25 lingual cavities were prepared in 25 caries-free extracted molar teeth, giving 10 cavities for each of the 5 adhesive systems. All teeth were restored with the resin composite Pertac Hybrid, or PRISMA Total Performance Hybrid with their appropriate adhesive systems. After restoration, the teeth were thermocycled, were stained with a 1.5% aqueous solution of a procion dye (reactive orange 14) and sectioned coronally with a saw microtome. Three sections of 200 μm thickness were prepared from each restoration which were then examined microscopically to measure marginal gap widths using a confocal tandem microscope. Shear bond strength measurements were carried out on the dentine bond using a universal testing machine. The All-Bond 2 adhesive system was found to have higher shear bond strength and to have the least gap with at the cementodentinal margin.  相似文献   

目的研究纳米级二氧化钛对正畸托槽粘接剂抗菌效果及拉伸粘接强度的影响。方法在光固化托槽粘接剂(Grengloo)中加入质量分数1%、2%、3%纳米级二氧化钛。空白对照组不加入二氧化钛。将托槽粘接于离体前磨牙上,测量拉伸粘接强度与粘接剂残留量。粘接剂制成树脂圆片与菌悬液共培养48 h后,进行细菌活性与代谢测定。结果 4组粘接剂的拉伸粘接强度和粘接剂残留指数无显著差异。2%、3%组的pH值明显增加、乳酸产生量明显减少,但两组间无明显差别。加入纳米二氧化钛的三组菌落计数均明显减少,但3组间无明显差别。结论 2%纳米二氧化钛对Grengloo托槽粘接剂拉伸粘接强度无明显影响,同时提高其抗菌性。  相似文献   

Background and objectivesShear bond strength and microleakage are the success factors of fixed retainers. Recently, primer-free composites were introduced to reduce chair time. The main objectives of this study were to compare the shear bond strength (SBS) and microleakage of GC Ortho ConnectTM Flow (OF) and TransbondTM XT (TXT) with two types of common retainer wires (0.0175-inch twisted wire and 0.028 × .0.008-inch ribbon dead soft wire retainers). The secondary objectives of the study were to compare enamel-adhesive interface and wire-adhesive interface microleakages.Materials and methodsThis in vitro study was conducted on 132 human mandibular incisors (96 for bond strength and 36 for microleakage). The teeth were randomly divided into four groups for use of ribbon and twisted wires with OF and TXT adhesives. The bond strength was measured by a universal testing machine. Microleakage was evaluated by the dye penetration test using 0.05% fuchsine. Data were analysed by two-way ANOVA (alpha = 0.05).ResultsNo significant difference was noted in bond strength among the four groups (P > 0.05). However, the microleakage of OF was significantly higher than that of TXT at both the enamel-adhesive and wire-adhesive interfaces (P < 0.001). The microleakage at the wire-adhesive and enamel-adhesive interface was not significantly different in groups 1 and 4 and was significant in group 2 and 3.ConclusionType of adhesive significantly affected the microleakage, and OF resulted in higher microleakage than TXT at both the enamel-adhesive and wire-adhesive interfaces. Type of wire had no significant effect on microleakage. Although OF showed comparable SBS to TXT, its higher microleakage may compromise its successful long-term clinical service.  相似文献   

目的:观察、比较不同黏结材料、不同酸蚀方法黏结正畸金属托槽后的微渗漏情况。方法:选择因正畸拔除的健康前磨牙36颗,随机分成3组,每组12颗。A组:37%磷酸酸蚀,京津釉质黏结剂黏结金属托槽;B组:37%磷酸酸蚀.3M Transbond光固化黏结剂黏结;C组:自酸蚀系统+3M Transbond光固化黏结剂。所有样本进行冷热循环,1%亚甲蓝溶液染色后.立体显微镜下观察并测量各组托槽周围微渗漏情况。用SPSS 11.0统计软件对试验结果先进行方差齐性检验,F检验有统计学意义,进一步用Q检验进行组间比较。结果:①3组间微渗漏差别有统计学意义(F=22.462.P〈0.01),两两比较发现,A组与B组的微渗漏差别无统计学意义(P〉0.05);而A、B组均较C组的微渗漏小,差别有显著性(P〈0.05)。②3组龈方微渗漏均大于[牙合]方,差别有统计学意义(分别为P〈0.05、P〈0.01、P〈0.01)。结论:①微渗漏的大小与黏结剂的种类无明显关系。②不同酸蚀方法间的微渗漏差别明显,自酸蚀组较磷酸酸蚀组的微渗漏明显大。③同种材料、同种酸蚀方法,托槽龈方微渗漏明显大于[牙合]方。  相似文献   

目的:对非贵金属烤瓷表面使用不同的处理方法和不同的粘结剂粘结金属托槽,检测其剪切强度并比较。方法:将非贵金属烤瓷块118个随机分为18组,分别采用不同的表面处理剂和粘结剂粘结托槽,使用万能力学试验机检测剪切强度并进行统计学分析。结果:单独使用35%正磷酸进行表面处理,其剪切强度为0;如辅以硅烷偶联剂,其剪切强度明显提高,从1.046Mpa-27.778Mpa不等。结论:正畸医生如需在烤瓷冠上粘结正畸附件,首推35%正磷酸 硅烷偶联剂KH-570 光固化粘结剂或化学固化粘结剂(晶津釉质粘接剂)。  相似文献   

目的:观察正畸托槽脱落后第2、3次黏结时托槽底板残留黏结剂的不同处理方法对抗剪强度的影响。方法:选择60颗离体人前磨牙,随机分成3组,每组20个样本,第1组为更换新托槽组(简称更新组),即在第2、3次黏结时分别更换新托槽;第2组为燃烧去除底板残胶组(简称燃烧组),即在进行第2、3次黏结时对托槽底板上的残留黏结剂进行燃烧处理;第3组为磨除法去除底板残胶组(简称磨除组),即在第2、3次黏结时对托槽底板上的黏结剂进行磨除处理。3组分别按常规操作对黏结托槽进行剪切试验,记录每组抗剪强度数值的变化并观察ARI指数(牙面残留黏结剂指数)。结果:3组托槽初次黏结的抗剪强度分别(10.00±2.95)MPa;(9.57±2.45)MPa;(9.09±2.58)MPa;更新组第2、3次黏结的抗剪强度分别为(9.55±2.84)MPa;(10.32±2.59)MPa。燃烧组第2、3次黏结抗剪强度分别为(7.30±2.15)MPa;(7.14±1.93)MPa;磨除组的第2、3次黏结抗剪切强度分别为(12.13±2.93)MPa;(12.86±3.08)MPa;燃烧组抗剪强度下降,磨除组抗剪强度则升高,两者均有统计学意义。结论:黏结脱落托槽时宜采用磨除法对脱落托槽底板上残留的黏结剂进行处理,避免使用燃烧底板残胶的方法。  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The purpose of this in vitro investigation was to evaluate the effects of air-powder polishing on the shear bond strength of two adhesive systems used for direct orthodontic bracket bonding. METHODS: Ninety-six third molar teeth were randomly assigned to be bonded with metal brackets using either a no-mix (System 1+) or a two-paste (Concise) orthodontic adhesive resin. Twelve samples in each test group were air-powder polished for either 0, 15, 30, or 60 seconds. The shear bond strength was determined for each bracket using the Instron. Scanning electron microscopy determined bond fracture patterns of tested samples. RESULTS: Mean shear bond strength values from baseline to 60 seconds varied from 22.9+/-1.9 megapascal units (MPa) to 18.2+/-4.1 MPa for Concise and from 15.5+/-2.1 MPa to 14.6+/-1.9 MPa for System 1+. A two-factor analysis of variance showed air-powder polishing significantly affected the mean shear bond strength of one adhesive. Results showed a significant decrease (p < or = .05) in the mean shear bond strength of the Concise adhesive at 60 seconds of air-powder polishing when compared to the 0-, 15-, and 30-second treatments. No significant within group time effect of air-powder polishing was found for System 1+. Differences in the fracture pattern of the Concise 60-second air-powder polishing group may account for the decrease in mean bond strength seen after treatment. CONCLUSION: Although in vitro results showed decreased bond strength for Concise, these values were well above the minimum values needed for successful bonding. Therefore, use of air-powder polishing on orthodontic bracket adhesive systems does not appear to be contraindicated.  相似文献   



The use of warm air-blowing to evaporate solvents of one-step self-etch adhesive systems (1-SEAs) has been reported to be a useful method. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of warm air-blowing on root canal dentin.


Four 1-SEAs (Clearfil Bond SE ONE, Unifil Core EM self-etch bond, Estelink, BeautiDualbond EX) were used. Each 1-SEA was applied to root canal dentin according to the manufacturers’ instructions. After the adhesives were applied, solvent was evaporated using either normal air (23 ± 1 °C) or warm air (80 ± 1 °C) for 20 s, and resin composite was placed in the post spaces. The air from the dryer, which could be used in normal- or hot-air-mode, was applied at a distance of 5 cm above the root canal cavity in the direction of tooth axis. The temperature of the stream of air from the dryer in the hot-air-mode was 80 ± 1 °C, and in the normal mode, 23 ± 1 °C. After water storage of the specimens for 24 h, the μTBS were evaluated at the coronal and apical regions. The μTBSs were statistically analyzed using three-way ANOVA and Student’s t-test with Bonferroni correction (α = 0.05).


The warm air-blowing significantly increased the μTBS of all 1-SEAs at the apical regions, and also significantly increased the μTBS of two adhesives (Estelink and BeautiDualBond EX) at coronal regions.


The μTBS of 1-SEAs to root canal dentin was improved by using warm air-blowing.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to investigate the suitability of different synthetic calcium phosphate based substrates as a biomimetic enamel surface model for orthodontic bond strength testing. METHODS: Carbonated apatite, amorphous calcium phosphate and commercial hydroxyapatite specimens were prepared as substrates for orthodontic bond strength testing. Carbonated apatite specimens were prepared by pressing, sintering and treatment with NaF. The shear bond strength was measured with a universal testing machine. RESULTS: Hydroxyapatite, amorphous and cold pressed carbonated hydroxyapatite exhibited fractures within the substrate after debonding. Mean bond strength values for carbonated hydroxyapatite were 7.38 (1.75) MPa for specimens pressed at 300 degrees C and 9.55 (2.23) MPa for specimens pressed at 300 degrees C and then sintered at 600 degrees C. An additional NaF treatment after sintering resulted in lower bond strength measurements of on average 6.52 (1.03) MPa. SIGNIFICANCE: Hot pressed and sintered carbonated hydroxyapatite showed acceptable shear bond strength values and may represent a suitable biomimetic model for orthodontic bond strength testing.  相似文献   

目的 评价一种新型季铵盐类单体,甲基丙烯酸十六烷基二甲(dimethylaminohexadecyl methacrylate,DMAHDM)对正畸粘接剂粘接强度和抗菌性能的影响.方法 将DMAHDM以0%(对照组),1.5%,3%和5%的比例添加到商品化的正畸粘接剂中.测试托槽剪切粘接强度,使用人唾液培养所得的牙菌斑全菌生物膜模型来研究粘接剂的抗菌性能.结果 在正畸粘接剂中添加3%的DMAHDM不影响托槽的粘接强度.随着DMAHDM含量的增加,改性正畸粘接剂的抗菌性能不断增加.含有3%DMAHDM的改性组试件表面附着菌斑的代谢活性和乳酸产量大约是对照组的15%.活/死菌染色显示对照组试件表面黏附有大量的活细菌,含有3%DMAHDM的改性组试件的表面主要为死细菌.结论 DMAHDM改性正畸粘接剂在不影响托槽粘接强度的前提下,显著提高粘接剂的抗菌性能,具有一定临床应用价值.  相似文献   

目的:探讨不同粘接材料及不同表面处理方法对瓷与托槽粘结强度的影响。方法:将烤瓷试样按喷砂+氢氟酸酸蚀+陶瓷偶联剂、喷砂+氢氟酸酸蚀、喷砂+陶瓷偶联剂分成A、B、C三组进行不同方法表面处理,然后分别用3M光固化型、3M化学固化型、西湖巴尔化学固化型、京津化学固化型釉质粘结剂粘结金属托槽。力学材料试验机上剪切法去除托槽,测定各自的抗剪切强度,并用ARI积分法记录托槽去除后瓷面上粘接剂残留指数,以上所有数据进行统计分析。结果:无论抗剪切强度还是瓷面上粘接剂残留指数,A、B组均大于C组(P<0.05),A、B组间无差异(P>0.05);3M光固化型粘结剂大于3M化学固化型、杭州西湖化学固化型粘结剂(P<0.05),3M化学固化型、杭州西湖化学固化型两种粘结剂间无差异(P>0.05),3M化学固化型、杭州西湖化学固化型两种粘结剂大于京津化学固化型粘结剂(P<0.05),3M光固化型粘结剂显著大于京津化学固化粘结剂(P<0.01)。结论:喷砂结合氢氟酸酸蚀瓷面粘结托槽效果较好,陶瓷偶联剂并不能增加其粘结强度;3M光固化粘结剂在瓷面上粘结效果最好,3M化学固化粘结剂、杭州西湖化学固化粘结剂次之,推荐使用3M光固化型粘结剂。  相似文献   

3种粘接瓷对钛瓷结合强度的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:观察3 种粘接瓷对钛瓷结合强度的影响,分析粘接瓷作用机制.方法:将纯钛试件随机分为3 组分别采用纯钛专用瓷Super Ti22,Duceratin,Titankeramik进行烧结,每种瓷粉又分为涂布粘接瓷组和未涂布粘接瓷组,共6 组.根据ISO9693标准,运用三点弯曲方法测试各组钛瓷结合强度.对钛瓷结合界面进行扫描电镜观察和能谱分析.结果:Super Ti22涂布粘接瓷组结合强度为(35.84±2.17) MPa,Duceratin涂布粘接瓷组结合强度为(35.45±2.37) MPa,均显著大于各自未涂布组(P<0.05);Titankeramik涂布粘接瓷组结合强度为(31.73±1.66) MPa, 略大于其未涂布组(29.86±2.48) MPa,但差异无显著性(P>0.05).电镜观察Super Ti22和Duceratin涂布粘接瓷组钛瓷结合界面结合紧密,未见明显孔隙出现;其余各组均可见明显孔隙.结论:粘接瓷的应用有利于钛瓷结合强度的提高.  相似文献   

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