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To investigate prospectively the relation between vibration-induced white finger (VWF), exposure to hand-trasmitted vibration (HTV) and the cold response of digital arteries in users of vibrating tools.


Two-hundred and sixteen HTV workers and 133 control men of the same companies underwent initially a medical examination and a standardised cold test with measurement of the change in finger systolic blood pressure (FSBP) after finger cooling from 30 to 10°C. They were re-examined 1 year later. Tool vibration magnitudes were expressed as frequency-weighted and unweighted r.m.s. accelerations. From the vibration magnitudes and exposure durations, alternative measures of cumulative vibration dose were calculated for each HTV worker, according to the expression: $ \text{dose} = \sum a_i^m t_iObjectives To investigate prospectively the relation between vibration-induced white finger (VWF), exposure to hand-trasmitted vibration (HTV) and the cold response of digital arteries in users of vibrating tools. Methods Two-hundred and sixteen HTV workers and 133 control men of the same companies underwent initially a medical examination and a standardised cold test with measurement of the change in finger systolic blood pressure (FSBP) after finger cooling from 30 to 10°C. They were re-examined 1 year later. Tool vibration magnitudes were expressed as frequency-weighted and unweighted r.m.s. accelerations. From the vibration magnitudes and exposure durations, alternative measures of cumulative vibration dose were calculated for each HTV worker, according to the expression: , where a i is the acceleration magnitude on tool i, t i is the lifetime exposure duration for tool i, and m = 0, 1, 2 or 4. Results Among the HTV workers, the initial prevalence and the 1-year incidence of VWF were 18.1 and 1.7%, respectively. At the first examination, the HTV workers with moderate or severe score for VWF showed a significantly increased cold reaction in the fingers when compared with the controls and the HTV workers with no vascular symptoms. At the follow-up, the controls, the asymptomatic HTV workers, and the prevalent cases of VWF did not show significant changes in the cold response of digital arteries. A deterioration of cold-induced digital vasoconstriction was found in the incident cases of VWF. In the HTV workers, vibration doses with high powers of acceleration (i.e., with m > 1) were major predictors of the vasoconstrictor response to cold at the follow-up examination. Conclusions The measurement of FSBP after local cooling may be a helpful objective test to monitor prospectively the change in vibration-induced vascular symptoms. The findings of this longitudinal study suggest a dose–effect relationship between cold-induced digital arterial hyperresponsiveness over time and measures of cumulative vibration exposure. In the controls, the cold response of the digital arteries was stable over 1-year follow-up period. Work presented at the second International Workshop 2006 on Diagnosis of Hand–Arm Vibration Syndrome in G?teborg, Sweden.  相似文献   

Caffeine is the most common psychoactive substance available to adults, as well as to children and adolescents. The safety of its use in younger age groups requires further research. The aim of this study was to evaluate caffeine intake, to identify products and drinks that are the main sources of caffeine intake in the diet of the subjects and the risk of excessive caffeine intake with the diet of adolescents, stratified by gender. A cross-sectional study was conducted among 508 adolescents aged 16–18 years from southern Poland. Black tea, cola-based soft drinks and milk chocolate were the most frequently consumed products containing caffeine in the diet of the examined persons. The average caffeine intake was 95.54 mg/day (1.54 mg/kg b.w.). In 12.2% of the subjects the dose of 3 mg/kg b.w./day was exceeded, and in over 41.3% the dose causing sleep disorders was exceeded. The dose causing anxiety was also exceeded in 18.1% of the respondents, significantly more often in girls than boys (p = 0.0487).  相似文献   

手臂振动对手部红外图像影响的研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
对37名手臂振动作业工人和30名健康对照工人,在冷水试验和振动负荷试验前后,以KY-333型远红外摄像仪进行手都红外摄像,比较研究其图像变化。结果表明,试验前两组基础指温差异不显著;试验后接振组指温下降明显。复温时间延长,冷试后5min、10min;振动负荷后即刻、5min差异显著。红外图像的改变,有助于振动职业危害的亚临床研究。  相似文献   

目的 探讨高寒地区农村冷湿住宅环境对人体健康的影响及成因。方法 观测了吉林省辉南县农村住宅12 5户的 2 13间居室 ,根据冷湿条件对 5 8间居室测定微小气候、墙内、外壁温并调查采暖和保温状况。对居住 5年以上的居民进行健康询问和体检 ,测定其皮肤温度、手指血流图并进行拣珠试验。结果 农村冷湿住宅居民平均皮肤温度和手指皮肤温度、拣珠总个数都低于对照组 ,差异有显著性 (P<0 .0 5 )。手指皮肤温度与室温呈正相关 (r=0 .7839,P<0 .0 0 5 )。寒冷刺激环境中腰腿痛阳性率与对照组的差异有高度显著性 (P<0 .0 1) ,咽痛、咳嗽、呼吸音粗糙等体征阳性率高于对照组。冷湿住宅与对照组住宅的燃煤与燃柴、砖墙与泥墙、门壁保温良好与不良的比率差异均有高度显著性 (P<0 .0 1)。结论 冷湿住宅环境对人体代谢及末梢血液循环 ,手指精细操作功能 ,腰腿痛 ,上呼吸道炎症的发生均有一定的关系。住宅冷湿环境的形成与门壁保温 ,墙壁材料 ,采暖燃料类型有密切关系。  相似文献   

局部振动对家兔血浆一氧化氮浓度的影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
探讨局部振动对血浆一氧化氮的影响及其意义。「方法」对不同接振时间、不同接振强度的家兔进行了血浆一氧化氮浓度的测定与分析。「结果」实验组家兔血浆一氧化氮浓度较对照组有降低趋势;随接振时间的延长和接振剂量的增大。降低更明显。「结论」局部振动可导致血浆一氧化氮浓度的降低,这种降低可能是振动生血管损伤的原因之一。  相似文献   

目的:评价深圳和眉山两地区不同部门和不同等级医疗机构人工流产服务质量,为进一步干预研究提供依据。方法:2005年10月~2006年3月,分别在深圳市和四川省眉山市对计划生育及卫生部门的市、县、乡三级开展人工流产服务机构,对完成流产手术离院前的妇女进行半结构式问卷调查,了解她们获得的相关服务及其对服务的评价。结果:术前医生对服务过程解释的比例为79%,术中对受术者不适进行处理的比例(61%),流产后避孕指导(67%)以及提供相应的宣教材料(52%)的水平均较低。深圳市流产服务在术后随访、性生活和避孕指导以及提供宣教材料方面高于眉山市,计划生育系统的人性化服务和流产后避孕服务好于卫生系统,县级机构术后指导和宣教以及人性化服务好于市级机构。总体上,流产妇女对服务的满意度为83%,其中对计划生育服务机构满意度(89%)高于卫生机构(76%),县级机构(93%)高于市级机构(72%)。结论:我国流产服务质量仍有很大的改善余地,尤其要加强以服务对象为中心的人性化服务和流产后避孕服务。经济欠发达地区和市一级服务机构是改进的重点。  相似文献   

探索多动症诊断中的客观指标.方法 对2191名儿童使用酚妥拉明皮内试验(PIT)并结合儿童行为量表法(CBS).结果 量表法阳性 182例,皮内法阳性 172例.两者无显著性统计学差异,酚妥拉明皮内试验法可作为诊断儿童多动症的一种筛选方法.结论 将皮内法与量表法结合可提高多动症诊断的客观性和可靠性.  相似文献   

School Lunch programs are a common strategy to address social inequalities in food access among children, especially food insecurity. The aim of this study was to evaluate the dietary intake and lifestyle habits of children aged 10–12 years enrolled in the School Lunch Program in Greece. A cross-sectional survey of fifth and sixth grade students, School Lunch recipients (n = 609) and control subjects (n = 736), collected data on sociodemographic, nutritional and lifestyle habits via self-reported questionnaires during May–October 2019. Despite enrollment in the School Lunch Program children in this group reported consuming less meals during the day (3.47 ± 1.38 vs. 3.65 ± 1.35, p = 0.002). No differences were seen in intakes of energy and macronutrients, however School Lunch recipients reported lower intakes of cereals/potatoes and legumes but higher fruit intake (2.32 ± 1.59 vs. 1.97 ± 1.72, p < 0.05). School Lunch recipients reported 42min/d and 28min/d higher screen-time during weekdays and weekends, respectively. Linear regression highlighted that dietary quality was not associated with School Lunch enrollment but rather sleep duration and screen time had a stronger influence on dietary habits. Enrollment in a School Lunch Program was linked to sustained differences in sedentary lifestyle habits but less so in dietary habits.  相似文献   

目的观察医院环境分离致多重耐药菌对常用消毒剂抗性。方法选取于2018年1月2日—2018年1月30日于本医院住院患者所用被褥、物品表面和医务人员手部研究对象,检验细菌状况,并进行培养,记录结果。结果铜绿假单胞菌以患者被褥检出率最高(66.67%);肺炎克雷伯杆菌检出以被褥检出率最高(46.67%);鲍曼不动杆菌检出以被褥检出率最高为(60.00%)。铜绿假单胞菌对84消毒液有抗性;肺炎克雷伯杆菌对苯扎溴铵有抗性;鲍曼不动杆菌对84消毒液和苯扎溴铵有抗性。三种致病菌差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论医院环境有多重耐药菌,建议临床依据平时对耐药菌的监测情况,适时调整消毒方案,做好医院环境清洁。  相似文献   

选取寒冷地区某综合医院门诊大厅作为研究对象,对医院门诊大厅进行空间测绘、数据采集和热工分析,总结建筑设计上存在的问题并提出优化策略,意在提供提高寒冷地区综合医院门诊大厅热环境舒适度、减少环境污染和资源消耗、建设绿色生态建筑的设计思路。  相似文献   

[目的]了解钢铁企业高温作业工人生存质量及其影响因素,为提高工人的生存质量提供理论依据。[方法]采用自制问卷和世界卫生组织生存质量测定量表简表(WHOQOL-BREF)对某钢铁企业400名高温作业工人进行问卷调查。[结果]高温作业工人生存质量中的生理、心理和环境领域得分均低于常模(P〈0.05),但主观感受积极。影响高温作业工人生存质量的主要因素有:①睡眠满意度、上班类型和工作满意度影响生存质量的生理领域得分;②睡眠满意度、睡眠时间影响生存质量的心理领域得分;③生存质量的社会领域得分受婚姻、工作满意度影响;④生存质量的环境领域得分受工作满意度、工作压力影响。[结论]该钢铁企业高温作业工人的生存质量较低,主要影响因素是睡眠满意度、工作满意度、睡眠时间、上班类型、工作压力等因素。  相似文献   

Production agriculture such as harvesting in oil palm plantation has been frequently associated with MSD and significant loss of productivities. This study tends to evaluate from the viewpoint of health, the association between self-reported prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders and productivities; the impact of musculoskeletal disorders on productivity. A cross-sectional study was conducted among 143 harvesters in oil palm plantation. A general questionnaire was used to collect socio-demographic background data while Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire was used to determine the prevalence of MSD. Expressed in 4 different indicators; daily harvesting quantity, efficiency score, sick leave and presenteeism, the productivity data were analysed for association. There is significant association between reported acute prevalence of MSD (within 7 d) and productivity loss in terms of presenteeism (χ2=5.088; p<0.05) as well as quantity of daily harvest (χ2=7.406; p<0.01). Logistic regression adjusted for age, BMI and smoking indicate that harvesters with MSD (past seven days) were more likely to be engaged in presenteeism (OR=2.87 95% CI=1.34, 6.14) and had lower daily productivity (OR=2.09 95% CI=1.02, 4.29) compared to harvesters without MSD (past 7 d). This study reveals that oil palm harvesters suffering acute MSD (for the past week) were likely to be still present to work and produce half lesser than their healthy counterparts. Thus, further study with comprehensive surveillance strategy is essential in order to determine the urgency or need of appropriate intervention.  相似文献   

3种代谢综合征诊断标准在杭州市城区人群中应用比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 比较中华医学会糖尿病学分会(CDS)、美国国家胆固醇教育计划成人治疗组(ATPⅢ)和国际糖尿病联盟(IDF)3种诊断标准对杭州市城区人群代谢综合征(MS)的适用性.方法 利用2009和2010年杭州市2个城区"中国居民营养与健康状况监测"的1904名居民调查资料,分别用3种诊断标准分析MS及其组分的患病情况.结果 ATPⅢ(2005)标准诊断MS标化患病率最高(15.81%),其次为IDF(2005)标准(13.51%),CDS(2004)标准检出最低(4.36%).ATPⅢ(2005)和CDS(2004)、ATPⅢ(2005)和IDF(2005)、CDS(2004)和IDF(2005)标准两两之间一致率分别为0.8195、0.9713和0.8183.ATPⅢ(2005)标准诊断出的MS患病率是IDF标准的1.17倍,2.69%个体仅符合ATPⅢ(2005)标准,而不符合IDF(2005)诊断标准.结论 CDS(2004)标准与ATPⅢ(2005)标准、IDF(2005)标准差异大,而ATPⅢ(2005)标准和IDF(2005)标准尽管一致性较好,但仍存在不一致.ATPⅢ标准较适用本次调查人群的MS诊断.  相似文献   

Background: Inflammaging is considered to drive loss of muscle function. Omega-3 fatty acids exhibit anti-inflammatory properties. Therefore, we examined the effects of eight weeks of vibration and home-based resistance exercise combined with a whey-enriched, omega-3-supplemented diet on muscle power, inflammation and muscle biomarkers in community-dwelling old adults. Methods: Participants were randomized to either exercise (3x/week, n = 20), exercise + high-protein diet (1.2–1.5 g/kg, n = 20), or exercise + high-protein and omega-3-enriched diet (2.2 g/day, n = 21). Muscle power (watt/m2) and chair rise test (CRT) time (s) were assessed via CRT measured with mechanography. Furthermore, leg strength (kg/m2) and fasting concentrations of inflammatory (interleukin (IL-) 6, IL-10, high-mobility group box-1 (HMGB-1)) and muscle biomarkers (insulin-like growth factor (IGF-) 1, IGF-binding protein-3, myostatin) were assessed. Results: Sixty-one participants (70.6 ± 4.7 years; 47% men) completed the study. According to generalized linear mixed models, a high-protein diet improved leg strength and CRT time. Only IGF-1 increased with additional omega-3. Sex-specific analyses revealed that muscle power, IL-6, IL-6/IL-10 ratio, and HMGB-1 improved significantly in the male high-protein, omega-3-enriched group only. Conclusion: Vibration and home-based resistance exercise combined with a high-protein, omega-3-enriched diet increased muscle power and reduced inflammation in old men, but not in old women. While muscle biomarkers remained unchanged, a high-protein diet combined with exercise improved leg strength and CRT time.  相似文献   

Tobacco smoking is the preventable health issue worldwide. The harmful consequences of tobacco smoking and exposure to second-hand tobacco smoke are well documented. The aim of this study is to compares the prevalence of smoking among students, faculty and staff and examines their interest to quit. Study also determines the difference on perceptions of smoking and non-smoking students, faculty and staff with regard to implementation of a smoke-free policy. A cross-sectional survey was administered to one of the largest universities in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia during the academic year of 2013. A Likert scale was used on questionnaires towards attitude to smoking and smoking free policy. The Chi squared test was used to determine the difference of support on completely smoke free campus for smokers and non-smokers. Smoking rates were highest among staff members (36.8 %) followed by students (11.2 %) and faculty (6.4 %). About half of the smokers (53.7 %) within the university attempted to quit smoking. Students (OR 3.10, 95 % CI 1.00–9.60) and faculty (OR 4.06, 95 % CI 1.16–14.18) were more likely to make quit smoking than staff members. Majority of the respondents (89.6 %) were supportive of a smoking—free policy and indicated that should be strictly enforced especially into public places. Results also showed that smokers were more likely to support a smoke-free policy if there are no fines or penalties. These baseline findings will provide information among administrators in formulating and carrying out a total smoke free policy. Although the majority of people within the King Saud University demonstrate a high support for a smoke–free policy, administrators should consider difference between smokers and non-smokers attitudes when implementing such a policy.  相似文献   

Ultra-processed drinks (UPDs) consumption is increasing, and this intake has been associated with the risk of illness and death. Data on individuals (n = 430) and food stores (n = 231) were collected in an economically vulnerable area in Recife-Brazil, and multilevel regression models were applied to assess the association between UPDs consumption with food environment characteristics. The results show 29.5% of individuals consume UPDs, higher UPD consumption was significantly associated with age (OR: 0.96), lower educational levels (OR:2.06), high density of stores predominantly selling UPFs (OR:2.34) and lower availability of FV in stores (OR:0.49). The applied methodology can inform food environment interventions to reduce UPDs consumption.  相似文献   

目的长期追踪火力发电厂煤尘对作业工人健康的影响情况。方法调查187名在职火力发电厂燃料车间工人为接尘组和80名非接触尘毒职工为对照组,分别比较10年前后的职业健康状况。同时测定生产环境中粉尘浓度及二氧化硅含量。结果生产环境粉尘中游离SiO2含量3.48%,粉尘浓度0.5~37.4mg/m^3,合格率82.16%。接尘组职业健康体检主要阳性结果中慢性咽炎、鼻炎、肺通气功能减退等检出率十年后明显增加,小气道功能减退出现得比较早。结论火力发电厂低浓度煤尘对长期作业工人健康的主要影响是引起呼吸道慢性炎症和肺功能减退。应加强防护措施。  相似文献   

Hypovitaminosis D is prevalent worldwide, and especially in South-Asia. According to the Institute of Medicine (IOM), 25(OH)D levels below 30 nmol/L are defined as vitamin D deficiency (VDD) and levels between 30–50 nmol/L as insufficiency (VDI). Besides its role in calcium homeostasis, it has been postulated that vitamin D is involved in metabolic syndrome. Given the scarcity of data on vitamin D status in Nepal, we aimed to examine the prevalence of VDD and VDI, as well as the determinants and association with metabolic parameters (lipids, HbA1c), in a cohort of women in rural Nepal. Altogether, 733 women 48.5 ± 11.7 years of age were included. VDD and VDI were observed in 6.3 and 42.4% of the participants, respectively, and the prevalence increased by age. Women reporting intake of milk and eggs > 2 times weekly had higher 25(OH)D levels than those reporting intake < 2 times weekly. Women with vitamin D levels < 50 nmol/L displayed higher levels of cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, triglycerides, and HbA1c. Additionally, a regression analysis showed a significant association between hypovitaminosis D, dyslipidemia, and HbA1c elevation. In conclusion, VDI was prevalent and increased with age. Milk and egg intake > 2 times weekly seemed to decrease the risk of VDI. Moreover, hypovitaminosis D was associated with an adverse metabolic profile.  相似文献   

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