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目的了解广东省一次性使用妇幼卫生用品原材料卫生质量状况。方法2007年抽取广东省江门、东莞、中山地区卫生类用品生产企业的一次性使用妇幼卫生用品原材料.检测其微生物指标和荧光增白剂。结果共抽查卫生用品类生产企业25家(江门、东莞、中山分别为11、10、4家),抽检各类原材料125份(膜类、包装袋类、无纺布类、纸类、其他分别为35、20、16、39、15份),总合格率为85.6%(107/125),其中微生物指标合格率为93.6%(117/125),荧光增白剂检出率为8.8%(11/125),纸类合格率最低,为89.7%(35/39)。11份荧光增白剂检测阳性样品中,8份迁移性荧光物质试验阳性。结论广东省大部分企业生产的一次性卫生用品的原材料卫生质量较好.部分栓出了荧光增白剂,其中多数为迁移性荧光物质。  相似文献   

随着人们生活水平的提高,桶装饮用纯净水的日渐普及,不少企业纷纷加入到饮用纯净水的生产中来,饮用纯净水的卫生质量也因此而良莠不齐.为了解泰州市区桶装饮用纯净水卫生质量,市疾病预防控制中心定期对市区桶装饮用纯净水生产企业卫生状况及桶装饮用纯净水卫生质量进行检测,现将2003年检测结果报告如下.  相似文献   

目的了解泉州市一次性卫生用品生产环境及产品消毒效果。方法于2011—2012年现场抽检泉州市一次性卫生用品生产厂家的生产环境消毒质量,并进行产品卫生质量检测。结果 2年共检测107家2 175份样品,总合格率83.7%,其中工作台面合格率91.9%,工作人员手合格率64.0%,生产车间空气合格率89.1%;抽检产品178份,合格率98.3%,均未检出致病菌。结论泉州市一次性卫生用品生产厂家环境消毒质量及产品卫生质量较好,但工人手卫生质量较差。  相似文献   

部分涉水产品卫生质量分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 为了解乐山市生产的水处理剂聚合氯化铝和市场销售的新型给水管材的卫生状况,于1999年至2001年对市内部分涉水产品进行了调查。方法 采用统一调查表格,对生产的水处理剂聚合氯化铝和市场销售的新型给水管材进行调查,并按现行标准进行抽样检验评价。结果 水处理剂聚合氯化铝近3年合格率仅为25.8%。近两年市销售的管材其持证率平均为63.8%,产品抽检合格率平均为65.1%。结论 本次调查的产品卫生状况不容乐观,卫生监督监测部门应加强对涉水产品生产、销售单位的监督监测,加大宣传力度,提高经营者法制观念和消费者的自我保护意识,进一步规范涉水产品的生产和经营行为,确保该类产品的卫生质量,促进产业的发展。  相似文献   

随着人民生活水平的提高,一次性纸品需求量日渐增多。为了解福建省莆田市一次性纸类卫生用品的卫生状况,作者于2004年8、9月间,对辖区内20家外资企业及个体小型企业进行监督检查,现将结果报告如下。1调查方法与结果根据国家GB15979-2002卫生标准,对一次性纸类卫生用品的生产厂家环境及产品进行采样、检测、分析、评价。1.1生产环境一次性纸类卫生用品生产厂家的包装车间现场空气采样72份,合格50份,占69.49%;包装台采样29份,细菌菌落总数超标8份,占27.59%;工作人员手采样48份,细菌菌落总数超标13份,占27.01%;三个厂家未设洗手池、更衣室。上…  相似文献   

为了解我市卫生用品的生产及产品卫生状况,进一步规范卫生用品的生产,我们于1998年3~5月对我市的卫生用品生产企业进行了卫生学调查,现将结果报告如下。 内容与方法 1.调查对象:本市的卫生用品生产企业17家,其中卫生巾厂14家,面巾纸厂3家。 2.调查方法:  相似文献   

目的了解广东省生产、销售的一次性使用卫生用品卫生质量状况,为今后加强此类产品的卫生监督管理提供依据。方法2002~2004年,采用随机抽样方法,抽取销售、生产环节的妇女卫生巾、婴儿纸尿裤(片)、纸巾纸,依照GB15979-2002《一次性使用卫生用品卫生标准》及《消毒管理办法》进行卫生质量检测、外包装标签标识评价。结果三类一次性使用卫生用品微生物检测总合格率为92.48%,不合格项目主要是细菌菌落总数和真菌超标;标签标识总合格率为64.32%,其中纸巾纸合格率偏低,仅为50.30%,存在问题是未标示厂名厂址等。结论广东省一次性使用卫生用品卫生质量和标签标识方面还存在较多问题,有必要加强对此类产品的监督管理。  相似文献   

王文明  董钵 《中国校医》2004,18(1):46-46
<黑板安全卫生要求>(以下简称<要求>)已于1998年10月1日起实施.为了解中小学教室内黑板的卫生质量,我们进行了调查,结果如下.  相似文献   

谢兵  李守斌 《职业与健康》2002,18(11):48-49
目的了解桶装饮用水生产企业的卫生管理、卫生设施及饮水卫生质量。方法 对桶装饮用水生产企业进行卫生监督检查,从同一批次的产品中随机抽样检测。检验项目,纯净水为:pH值、电导率、菌落总数、大肠菌群;矿泉水:菌落总数、大肠菌群。结果 共检测24家饮水生产企业,其中纯净水生产企业有18家,合格率为56.8%;矿泉水生产企业有6家,合格率为84.7%。结论 桶装饮用水的卫生质量不容乐观,应加大对桶装饮用水生产企业的卫生监督力度,尽快制定《桶装饮用水生产企业卫生规范》,以保障消费者的身体健康。  相似文献   

经济欠发达地区基层妇幼卫生管理的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解我市基层妇幼保健管理的现状,以推动经济欠发达地区妇幼保健工作的发展,我们对乡镇级妇幼卫生机构的现状进行了调查。针对存在的问题及影响因素进行了分析,并提出  相似文献   

The high environmental levels of foreign chemical substances and the inadequate intake of both essential nutrients, such as proteins, fats, carbohydrates, and micronutrients, such as minerals, vitamins, and trace elements, in half of the examined children and adolescents promoted a rise in the incidence of chronic noncommunicable diseases in 2005-2009 particularly in the districts of Dmitrovskv, Khovrino where the morbidity rates were 1.5-2 times higher than those in the whole area.  相似文献   

The Health and Productivity Management model at International Truck and Engine Corporation includes the measurement, analysis, and management of the individual component programs affecting employee safety, health, and productivity. The key to the success of the program was the iterative approach used to identify the opportunities, develop interventions, and achieve targets through continuous measurement and management. In addition, the integration of multiple disciplines and the overall emphasis on employee productivity and its cost are key foci of the International Model. The program was instituted after economic and clinical services' analyses of data on International employees showed significant excess costs and a high potential for health care cost reductions based on several modifiable health risk factors. The company also faced significant challenges in the safety, workers' compensation, and disability areas. The program includes safety, workers' compensation, short-term disability, long-term disability, health care, and absenteeism. Monthly reports/analyses are sent to senior management, and annual goals are set with the board of directors. Economic impact has been documented in the categories after intervention. For example, a comprehensive corporate wellness effort has had a significant impact in terms of reducing both direct health care cost and improving productivity, measured as absenteeism. Workers' compensation and disability program interventions have had an impact on current costs, resulting in a significant reduction of financial liability. In the final phase of the program, all direct and indirect productivity costs will be quantified. The impact of the coordinated program on costs associated with employee health will be analyzed initially and compared with a "silo" approach.  相似文献   

48% of India's 844 million population in 1991 were women and 62% were women and children. The health status of this population is a concern of the government in striving for Health for All by the year 2000. In this study, 60 women from Kurri and Bherian villages within 10-20 km of Hisar city of Haryana State, India and 82 preschoolers were randomly selected for health assessment in April-May 1990. Health status was assessed with anthropometric measures standardized by Jelliffe. The results for the women were grouped into good (80=100%) of standard values), average (60-79% of standard values), and poor (below 60% of standard values). The majority of women (56.66%) were aged 25-50 years and had an average health status, 43.44% had a good health status, and none was found in poor health status. Scores for height, head circumference and mid arm circumference were scored as 1 unit for weight, and totaled with parameters for weight for age, height for age, head circumference for age. Total scores were then grouped as good for 10-12 points, average for 7-9 points, and poor for 4-6 points; scores were determined as 1 for below 60% of the standard values, 2 for 60-79% of standard values, and 3 for 80-100% of standard values. The health status of children was found to show 53.66% of preschoolers with average health status, 35.36% with good health status, and 10.97% with poor status. 25.61% of the girls had an average health status and 28.05% of the boys had an average health status. Simple correlation analysis showed that the good health status of the mother was an important indicator of good health status of preschool children (r = .705, p .01). The health status of girls vs. boys was not found to be markedly different.  相似文献   

A dependence of a health status on a condition of adaptation and of functional reserves of child's organism was studied. It was shown that the health status of contemporary schoolchildren is characterized, alongside with a higher prevalence of poly-organs' and morphological-and-functional deviations and chronic pathologies, by impaired rates and a lack of harmonic physical development as well as by a low level of reserve organism abilities. A variety of measures is suggested to promote the existing system of physical education.  相似文献   

摘要:目的 了解某市熟肉制品卫生状况,为安全监管提供数据支持,更好地保护消费者的身体健康。方法 从2012-2013年在某市中心城区、县城区、乡镇随机现场采集熟肉制品样本,进行亚硝酸盐和致病菌的指标检测。结果 亚硝酸盐残留量检出率27.50%,合格率100.00%,致病菌指标合格率91.14%,检出金黄色葡萄球菌6份、致泻大肠埃希氏菌1份,无2种致病菌混合污染。结论 该市熟肉制品整体卫生状况良好,亚硝酸盐添加剂指标得到很好的控制,但存在食源性致病菌污染,应继续加强熟肉制品安全监管工作。  相似文献   

Workers in all the technological areas of lead processing industry are affected by industrial aerosols and hazardous microclimate conditions. The aerosols are of compound compositions containing large quantities of lead, zinc, cremnium, copper, cadmium, arsenic and other elements. The content of lead and concomitant metals in the air in different parts of the lead producing shop varies significantly depending on the technological processes' specificity. The degree of concentration in different parts of the shop will also depend on the architectural design features of the working area as well as on the locality of the lead shop in the production site. The unfavourable microclimate conditions are determined by the technological process specificity, the area's climatic characteristics and the presence of vast embrasures and openings in the shop building. The labour improving measures taken for several years proved to be ineffective. The multistage technology, inadequacy of some technological processes, insufficient hermetization and ventilation cannot exclude the workers' immediate contact with toxic substances. The significant pollution of the working zone area with toxic substances is just another factor which may affect the workers' health conditions.  相似文献   

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