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Groin dissection in vulvar carcinoma removes in early tumor stages histological non-metastatic lymph nodes in 80%. Associated morbidity is enormous but groin dissection seems to be of therapeutic relevance besides prognostic significance of nodal status. A method, which predicts lymph node metastases would have essential clinical consequences, but clinical and diagnostic procedures and tumorbiological characteristics are not helpful. Thus, sentinel lymph node biopsy could be very valuable. First experiences in vulvar carcinoma show high detection rates and sensitivity, but because of low patient numbers and possible therapeutic effect of groin dissection further evaluation of the procedure is necessary. Consequently, the AGO initiated a multicenter observational study before a change in therapeutic procedure should be discussed.  相似文献   

Although the local and regional radicality in treating vulvar carcinoma could be reduced during the last years, the inguinal lymphadenectomy with its short term and long term morbidity will remain in most cases a necessary part of the surgical treatment. Therefore, since some years, there are studies to find out whether the procedure of sentinel lymph node biopsy could be used in vulvar cancer. The results up to now show an almost hundred percent rate for identification of the sentinel node using radioactive tracer alone or in combination with vital dye. Histological diagnosis of metastases in a sentinel node yields very high values for sensitivity and specificity. The sentinel lymph node procedure in vulvar cancer, however, is not sufficiently evaluated up to now to replace the standard of complete inguinal lymphadenectomy.  相似文献   

Between 1970 and 1982, 113 patients were treated for invasive vulvar cancer in FIGO stages I-IV; 97 patients were available for follow-up. Forty-one patients (42.3%) underwent radical vulvectomy and lymphadenectomy, 21 underwent simple vulvectomy, and 12 (12.4%) had electric resection of the lesion; 42 patients (43.3%) received postoperative radiotherapy. The 5-year survival rate was 61.8% after surgery and radiotherapy. Five-year survival in stages I, II, and III was 85.3%, 60.7%, and 17.9%, respectively. Overall 5-year survival was 52.6%. Patients with small, highly differentiated squamous cell cancers, without lymph node involvement, did best.  相似文献   

Zum Thema Seit über 20 Jahren ist die pelvine und paraaortale Lymphonodektomie Routineverfahren im Rahmen der Operation des Ovarialkarzinoms. Studien zu der Frage, welchen Benefit dieser erweiterte Eingriff für die Patientinnen bringt, fehlten aber bisher. Zwei gro?e Multicenter-Studien laufen derzeit. Sie sollen kl?ren, ob dadurch die 5-Jahre-überlebensrate verbessert werden kann. Es gibt Pr?missen für solche Untersuchungen. Dazu geh?rt die Frage, ob es sich überhaupt um Lymphknotenmetastasen handelt. Zu entscheiden ist das nur durch eine sorgf?ltige histologisch-pathologische Diagnostik. Diese kann bei hochdifferenzierten, ser?sen Ovarialkarzinomen oder ser?sen Borderlinetumoren sehr schwierig sein. Weiter ist zu kl?ren, wie h?ufig und in welchen Regionen Lymphknotenmetastasen beim Ovarialkarzinom vorkommen. Die Literaturangaben hierüber schwanken erheblich, zumal die Metastasierung auch vom klinischen Stadium und von der histologischen Auspr?gung des Tumors abh?ngig ist. Allgemein wird mit ca. 40 % Metastasen in die pelvinen und paraaortalen Lymphknoten gerechnet. Ca. 35 %–40 % der Lymphknoten sind tumorfrei. Sind die Lymphknoten befallen, verschlechtert sich die Prognose. Rezidive beim Ovarialkarzinom treten nur in 8 % in den Lymphknoten, ebenfalls in 8 % im loko-regionalen Bereich, aber in 81 % im Peritoneum auf. Ein Rezidiv in den Lymphknoten ist prognostisch wesentlich günstiger als im Peritoneum. Zusammenfassung In den letzten 2 Jahrzehnten wurde die pelvine und paraaortale Lymphonodektomie schrittweise in die Prim?roperation beim Ovarialkarzinom eingeführt, ohne da? bisher durch eine randomisierte Studie der therapeutische Nutzen dieser Ma?nahme bewiesen w?re. Die Diagnostik von echten Lymphknotenmetastasen ist technisch schwieriger, als viele nicht spezialisierte Nichtpathologen und Pathologen wissen, da bei der Frau in pelvinen und paraaortalen Lymphknoten sehr h?ufig papill?r ser?se Drüsen und Zysten eingeschlossen sind, die von Metastasen papill?r ser?ser Borderlinetumoren oder hochdifferenzierter Karzinome kaum zu unterscheiden sind. Man mu? deshalb annehmen, da? die in der Literatur bekannten H?ufigkeitsangaben über das Vorkommen von Lymphknotenmetastasen etwas zu hoch sind. Man rechnet heute damit, da? in pelvinen und paraaortalen Lymphknoten in etwa 30–60 % beim Ovarialkarzinom Metastasen gefunden werden. Die Angaben differieren erheblich. Im Stadium I schwanken die Zahlen zwischen 13 und 27 %, im Stadium II zwischen 23 und 50 % und im Stadium III zwischen 48 und 74 %. Bei hochdifferenzierten Karzinomen werden zwischen 14 und fast 60 %, bei mitteldifferenzierten zwischen 24 und 67 % und bei entdifferenzierten zwischen 44 und 67 % angegeben. Am h?ufigsten finden sich Lymphknotenmetastasen beim ser?sen Typ (45–66 %). Lymphknotenmetastasen werden in pelvinen Lymphknoten und hier besonders im Iliaca-externa- und interna-Bereich sowie in parakavalen und paraaortalen Lymphknoten beschrieben. In etwa 40 % treten Lymphknotenmetastasen in pelvinen und paraaortalen, in etwa 10 % nur in paraaortalen und in etwa 15 % nur in pelvinen Lymphknoten auf. Die Prognose bei lymphknotenpositiven Patientinnen ist immer ungünstiger als bei lymphknotennegativen. W?hrend aber die Fünfjahresüberlebensrate bei ausschlie?lich peritonealem Befall bei etwa 30 %, bei peritonealem und retroperitonealem Befall bei 25 % liegt, überleben Patientinnen ausschlie?lich mit retroperitonealer Metastasierung in knapp 60 % 5 Jahre. Von den bei Ovarialkarzinomen beobachteten Rezidiven sind über 80 % prim?r im Peritoneum und nur 8 % in den Lymphknoten lokalisiert. Im klinischen Stadium I und II wurden in 3 % paraaortale Lymphknotenmetastasen registriert, wenn nur eine pelvine Lymphonodektomie vorgenommen worden war; 2 gro?e Multi-Center-Studien werden in absehbarer Zeit kl?ren, ob eine vollst?ndige pelvine und paraaortale Lymphonodektomie im Rahmen der Prim?roperation die Fünfjahresüberlebensrate verbessert. Bis das Ergebnis dieser Studien vorliegt, wird empfohlen, immer dann, wenn bei einem eindeutig invasiven Karzinom dieses bei der Prim?roperation vollst?ndig oder weitgehend entfernt werden kann, eine vollst?ndige pelvine und paraaortale Lymphonodektomie anzuschlie?en.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Die Behandlungsergebnisse von 669 eigenen Patientinnen mit invasivem Plattenepithelkarzinom der Vulva, die zwischen 1952 und 1982 behandelt wurden, werden dargestellt und analysiert. Die absolute 5-Jahres-Heilung betrug in diesem Patientinnengut 62%. Bei Bereinigung der interkurrent verstorbenen und verschollenen Patientinnen steigt das Behandlungsergebnis auf 70%. Alle Patientinnen wurden einheitlich mittels elektrochirurgischer Radikaloperation und postaktinischer Bestrahlung der Inguinallymphknoten behandelt.
Radical vulvectomy using warm knife and irradiation of the inguinal lymph nodes for invasive squamous cell carcinoma of the vulva
Summary Clinical data on 669 patients with in vasive squamous cell carcinoma of the vulva were seen between 1952 and 1982. All of these patients were available for 5-year evaluation. The crude survival for these patients was 62%, and the “cleaned” 5-year survival for 585 patients was 70%. All patients were treated with radical vulvectomy using the warm knife and open-wound technique. Treatment of the regional lymph nodes was performed by irradiation alone. This simple surgical technique in combination with radiotherapy applied only to the inguinal lymph nodes gives an excellent result without the complications associated with aggressive surgery.

Vulvar cancer is a rare entity. It appears mostly in older women aged 70–79 years with a slow tendency to younger age. More than 90% of the tumors show a squamous differentiation. The correspondent preneoplasia is VIN 3. This lesion occurs in women mostly younger than 35 years. Experts assume vulvar cancer to appear in two different types: HPV-induced type in younger women and non-HPV-dependent type in older women. The preneoplasia VIN 3 already should be treated by resection or destruction. Invasive carcinomas stage I or II can be treated by wide local excision. The inguinofemoral lymph nodes should be resected if invasion exceeds 1 mm in depth. In larger primary tumors, vulvectomy with bilateral inguinofemoral node dissection is indicated. In advanced tumor stages, multimodal concepts are applied: primary radiotherapy or radiochemotherapy may precede a salvage operation.  相似文献   

Vulvar cancer is the fourth most common form of genital cancer in women and the incidence is increasing. Two forms of squamous cell carcinoma can be distinguished: a form dependent on the human papillomavirus (HPV) which is typical for younger women and an HPV-independent form in which mutations in the tumor suppressor gene p53 can often be detected. The primary therapy of choice is complete local removal of the tumor and an evaluation of the lymph nodes. There is a trend towards the least invasive and most tissue-sparing approach possible while maintaining oncological safety: this includes the use of sentinel lymph node techniques if appropriate for avoidance of comorbidity of inguinofemoral lymphadenectomy. The success of an intervention is decisive for the prognosis of patients. Radiation and/or chemotherapy can be further elements of the therapy concept. A thorough and regular clinical follow-up investigation within the framework of cancer screening as well as preventive vaccination strategies for high-risk HPVs can reduce the incidence and prevent late stage disease.  相似文献   

Whereas decades ago, vulvar cancer was a tumor primarily diagnosed in older women, nowadays, this tumor is increasingly seen in younger women. The rising incidence is mainly due to the increasing number of young women presenting with these tumors. Depending on the age of the women, persistent infection with high-risk human papillomavirus is responsible for the development of these lesions in 30–50% of the cases. More than 50% (our own data) of the tumors are located between the clitoris and urethra. Standard treatment is tumor resection with sufficient margin or (partial) vulvectomy and complete inguinofemoral lymphadenectomy or sentinel node biopsy in specialized centers. New therapy options include reconstruction of the vulva with local skin flaps to improve esthetic and functional outcome especially in young, sexually active women.  相似文献   

Vulvar cancer is a rare entity. It appears mostly in older women aged 70–79 years with a slow tendency toward younger age. More than 90% of the tumors show a squamous differentiation. The correspondent preneoplasia is VIN. This lesion occurs in women mostly younger than 35 years. Experts assume that vulvar cancer appears in two different types: HPV-induced type in younger women and non-HPV-dependent type in older women. The preneoplasia VIN already should be treated by resection or destruction. Invasive carcinomas stage I or II can be treated by wide local excision. The inguinofemoral lymph nodes should be resected if invasion exceeds 1 mm in depth. In larger primary tumors, vulvectomy with bilateral inguinofemoral node dissection is indicated. In advanced tumor stages, multimodal concepts are applied: primary radiochemotherapy may precede a salvage operation.  相似文献   

Laparoscopic lymph-node dissection is an attractive technique for the staging of pelvic tumors. Applications in gynaecological oncology include surgical therapy of cancers of the endometrium, cervix and vagina, and early-stage ovarian cancers. Meanwhile studies with large case series have been published and have shown that laparoscopic pelvic and paraaortal lymph-node dissection is at least equivalent to the open procedure in terms of radicality. Advantages over the open technique are reduced intraoperative blood loss, shorter hospital stay, and a reduction in postoperative pain. General dissemination has been hampered by the lack of availability of necessary equipment, the reportedly flat learning curve, and the challenging teaching process for this demanding technique. Modern multimodal and multimedia teaching techniques such as video demonstrations of the pelvic anatomy, phantom and cadaver courses, and visits to centres with the appropriate expertise are promising ways to provide access to the technique in clinical practice and to increase the number of centres offering this procedure to their patients.  相似文献   

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