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Lavilla Martín De Valmaseda M Benítez Camacho F García Jiménez M Sánchez-Jara Sánchez JL De Saa Alvarez R González MA García García B 《Acta otorrinolaringologica espanola》2000,51(1):80-84
Actinomycosis of the cervicofacial area is a rare infection with a difficult clinical diagnosis. We report a case of lingual actinomycosis which was diagnosed after a long remission with empirical antibiotic treatment, two years after onset. The clinical characteristics, differential diagnosis, and therapeutic options in this unusual infection are discussed. 相似文献
Lingual tonsillectomy is a surgical treatment that is seldom performed because lingual tonsillitis is infrequently diagnosed. We have reviewed a group of patients with lingual tonsillitis or lingual tonsil hyperplasia who were treated with lingual tonsillectomy. Lingual tonsil lesions, the anatomy and histology of the lingual tonsil, and surgical approaches to lingual tonsillectomy are discussed. 相似文献
语言是人们在社会沟通交往中最重要的途径。儿童认知发展的核心就是语言能力的提高,句法结构的习得是学龄前儿童在语言发展关键期所需掌握的关键内容。听障儿童由于先天听力损失,其语言发展受到一定影响,略显滞后。本文旨在通过探索健听儿童句法习得的发展规律,从教学内容、教学过程、教学用具和教学评估四方面探索其对听障儿童语言康复训练的启示,以期提高听障儿童语言能力。 相似文献
目的探讨小儿言语发展规律,观察小儿语言发展的各个环节及进度,以便及时查清病因,尽早干预。方法选择1岁8个月~8岁语言发育迟缓患儿120例,通过倾听家人主诉、观察患儿现状,明确患儿言语发育迟缓原因,实施早期言语干预训练,比较训练前后的语言发展水平。结果120例语言发育迟缓患儿中91例为听力损失,占76%;29例为语言中枢发育迟缓、轻度孤独症倾向等,占24%。因听力损失导致语言发育迟缓病例配戴助听装置并进行言语训练后,听觉感知及语言表达能力均有显著改善。其余病例经个体综合能力训练6~12个月后,语言逐渐萌发,可看图认读。结论小儿语言言语的发育受多因素影响,家长应了解并掌握小儿语言发展规律,发现语言发育迟缓问题及时就医并进行适当干预,以保证小儿语言正常发展。健康成长。 相似文献
Baylor C Yorkston K Eadie T Miller R Amtmann D 《Journal of medical speech-language pathology》2008,16(4):191-198
People use speech in a variety of ways to fulfill life roles and responsibilities. Documenting speech usage is critical in clinical work to plan relevant intervention goals for individual clients, and in clinical research to better describe participant characteristics. A few voice-use classification scales exist; however, they are limited in scope (e.g., focus almost exclusively on occupation) and in applicability beyond voice-disordered populations. The Levels of Speech Usage is a self-report categorical rating scale intended for use with adults across a wide range of communication disorders and life situations. This article presents data from the initial analysis of this scale in a sample of 200 people with spasmodic dysphonia (SD). Speech usage was significantly associated with age, education level, and work status (full time, part time, no paid work). Speech usage was not significantly associated with gender, SD duration, self-rating of voice, treatment status, presence of other medical conditions, Voice Handicap Index, or a measure of communicative participation. Further research is needed to explore the function of this scale in other populations. 相似文献
听力障碍给个人、家庭和国家带来沉重的社会和经济负担.针对听力障碍的解决方法包括预防、早期发现、早期诊断、早期干预和康复,如果措施得当,至少有一半的病例可以避免.这一系统工程就是世界卫生组织提倡的听力障碍预防与康复事业.我国帮助聋儿的历史可以追溯到1887年,经过解放前、解放后多年的发展,主要是聋哑学校和聋教育的开展.我国政府于二十世纪八十年代将聋儿康复作为一项抢救性工程纳入国家经济社会发展规划,在此基础上逐渐发展听力障碍预防与康复事业,特别是改革开放30年来,各行各业发生了天翻地覆的变化,我国的听力障碍预防与康复事业也在快速发展,包括国家政策和重点项目的开展、听力技术的引进、机构建设、教育培训与学科建设、宣传教育等. 相似文献
目的 调查正常儿童常用单音节词语音发展状况,为聋哑儿童康复提供参考;探讨不同年龄阶段之间、常用单音节词之间有无差异.方法 2 029名3岁3个月~6岁2个月的正常儿童按年龄段分为三组,简称小、中、大班组;选择常用单音节词945个,采用听说复述法,测试各组儿童不少于50人/词.结果 小、中、大班年龄组对945词的复述正确率分布区间分别为:0.40~1(中位数0.94)、0.42~1(中位数0.95)、0.76~1(中位数0.97).各年龄组间及测试词间差异均有显著统计学意义(P<0.01).结论 3~6岁儿童单音节词语音发展状况存在年龄差别和词间差别,言语测试时应考虑制定相应的评估标准和测试词库. 相似文献
舌根异位甲状腺的诊断及处理-附3例报告 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
异位甲状腺是一种胚胎发育异常性疾病,可发生于不同部位.舌甲状腺系位于舌根中部的异位甲状腺,舌根异位甲状腺非常罕见,有报道其临床发病率为1:3 000~1:100 000.尽管可伴有其它部位的甲状腺存在,但70%的舌甲状腺是唯一的功能甲状腺,临床上若有误切,必然造成患者终生服用甲状腺素的后果,应引起广大同仁的重视.舌根甲状腺常出现的症状是咽下困难、发音改变、呼吸困难、咽部异物感和舌根甲状腺出血,但大多数情况下,舌根甲状腺是无症状的.诊断主要是依靠临床和实验室检查,放射性甲状腺扫描等.舌甲状腺治疗方法的选择依赖于诸多因素,并且由于此病临床罕见,有关报道很少,故尚无一规范的治疗手段.本文报道3例舌甲状腺患者的诊治过程,并对有关文献进行了复习. 相似文献
汉语普通话学龄前儿童日常生活口语词库的建立 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目的 采集学龄前3~6岁听觉言语发育正常的儿童在日常生活中出现的口语资料,建立正常儿童口语词库,作为编制儿童言语测试材料的选材来源. 方法采用分层随机抽样法选取北京地区3~6岁儿童20名,以录音的方式采集儿童日常生活言语,采用汉语词法分析系统(institute of computing technology, Chinese lexical analysis system,ICTCLAS)进行自动分词和词性的自动标注,参考国际儿童语言数据交流系统(child language data exchange system,CHILDES)的建立方法获得词库,计算每个词在词库中出现的词频数.结果 建立了汉语普通话3~6岁儿童日常生活口语词库,包括单音节词1 979个,双音节词2 745个,三音节词384个,四音节词42个.结论 儿童日常口语词库可以作为儿童言语诊断词表编制的选词基础,也可用于编制儿童不同言语发育时期康复材料的素材、研究儿童语言习得资料,为儿童语言的研究提供参考数据. 相似文献
Tumors of the tongue and the base of mouth are seen rarely in children. The incidence of the ones that are large enough to fill the oral cavity is especially low. If not recognized and treated, tongue tumors may obstruct the upper aero-digestive tract and be fatal. A case of a huge lingual cystic tumor mimicking ranula, and obstructing the upper aero-digestive tract, which was diagnosed antenatal and treated during and after the delivery, is presented together with a review of the literature. 相似文献
The Speech Intelligibility Rating (SIR) Test has been developed for use in clinical comparisons of hearing aid conditions. After listening to a short passage of connected speech, subjects generate a rating proportional to its intelligibility using an equal-appearing interval scale from 0 to 10. Before test passages are presented, the signal-to-babble ratio (SBR) is adjusted to a level that elicits intelligibility ratings of 7-8 for a "setup" passage. Then, with SBR held constant, three or more test passages are rated and the results averaged for each aided condition. This paper describes the generation of recorded test materials and their investigation using normally hearing listeners. Based on these data, a critical difference of about 2 scale intervals is recommended. A future paper will deal with results for hearing-impaired subjects. 相似文献
《International journal of audiology》2013,52(5):275-285
The present paper describes a clinical test for the assessment of speech perception in noise. The test was designed to separate the effects of several relevant monaural and binaural cues. Results show that the performance of individual hearing-impaired listeners deviates significantly from normal for at least 2 of the following aspects: (1) perception of speech in steady-state noise; (2) relative binaural advantage due to directional cues; (3) relative advantage due to masker fluctuations. In contrast, both the hearing loss for reverberated speech and the relative binaural advantage due to interaural signal decorrelation, caused by reverberation, were essentially normal for almost all hearing impaired. 相似文献
目的 考察音乐教育对3~4岁听障儿童听觉能力、言语能力发展的影响.方法 将40名3~4岁语前聋儿童随机分成实验组和对照组,每组20人.在5个月内,实验组持续参加每周1次、每次1小时的音乐教育课程;对照组只接受常规的康复教育.采用<听障儿童听觉、言语能力测试表>测试两组被试在实验前后的听觉能力和言语能力.结果 ①在听觉能力、言语能力测试总分上,实验组和对照组的前测、后测成绩均没有显著差异;②在听觉能力测试中,实验组的各项后测成绩均显著高于其前测成绩,包括声母识别率(t=-4.736,P<0.01)、韵母识别率(t=-3.603,P<0.01)、双音节识别率(t=-3.432,P<0.01)、短句识别率(t=-4.228,P<0.01)、总分(t=-5.067,P<0.01).对照组只在声母识别率(t=-2.877,P<0.05)、韵母识别率(t=-2.779,P<0.05)及总分(t=-2.393,P<0.05)3项上的后测成绩显著高于其前测成绩;③在言语能力测试中,实验组和对照组的各项后测成绩均显著高于其前测成绩,且实验组在主题对话部分的后测成绩显著高于对照组(t=2.076,P<0.05).结论 音乐教育是听障儿童康复训练中可以选择使用的一种康复方式,对听障儿童的听觉能力、言语能力发展有一定的帮助. 相似文献
Mustafa Kazkayasi Ahmet Ergin Mehmet Ersoy Osman Bengi Ibrahim Tekdemir Alaittin Elhan 《The Laryngoscope》2001,111(4):609-614
Objectives To determine and to standardize the certain anatomical relations, and the precise size, course, and location of the infraorbital foramen, canal, and groove for facilitating surgical and invasive procedures. Study Design This anatomical study consisted of two main steps, namely, the examination of skulls and the cephalometric analysis of the skulls. Measurements of the skulls and of the radiograms were performed. Methods Thirty‐five adult bony heads (70 sides) were studied regarding the localization and dimensions of the infraorbital groove (IOG), infraorbital canal (IOC), and infraorbital foramen (IOF) as well as their relationships with different anatomical landmarks. The cephalometric analysis of the skulls was measured for evaluating the relationships of certain anatomical points and the distances of the skulls in the cephalometric analysis. For this purpose, 13 different distances and two angles were measured on anteroposterior and lateral craniographies. Differences between data of skull and cephalogram measurements were analyzed by the Student t test. The Pearson correlation test was used in the statistical analysis of the 15 values in the cephalogram. Results Examination of the 70 sides of the 35 bony heads revealed that the shape of the IOF was oval in 34.3%, round in 38.6%, and semilunar in 27.1% of all skulls. The IOF was single in 94.3% and double in 5.7% of the cases. The average distance from the IOF to the infraorbital margin and to the lateral process of the canine tooth in vertical direction and to the lateral nasal border in horizontal direction were 7.19 ± 1.39 mm, 33.94 ± 3.15, and 17.23 ± 2.64 mm, respectively. In cephalometric analysis, when S‐N (the distance between the center of the sella turcica and the nasion) and N‐ANS (the distance between the nasion and the anterior nasal spine) distances were used as independent parameters for the linear analysis, the correlation of the three values for both independent parameters were statistically significant. Conclusion While the IOF has no statistically significant changes with regard to the size of the skull, expressive changes take place in the course and the length of the IOG and IOC. Meticulous preoperative evaluation of the IOF and the route of the infraorbital nerve are necessary in patients who are candidates for maxillofacial surgery and regional block anesthesia. If these measurements are taken into account, there will be little surgical risk, and this will be helpful in identifying the extent of the operative field. 相似文献
The pontobulbar body (PBB) is located in the cerebellopontine angle caudally to the cochlear nuclear complex (CN). We found the common boundary between these two structures on the surface of the brain stem as well as within it. We used the Kluver-Barrera staining technique to characterize different neuronal types adjacent to the boundary. Although the majority of them in the CN were globular, we also saw a substantial number of spherical neurons. Neurons in the PBB were substantially different in shape and were mainly angular. The boundary between the PBB and CN at their closest contact runs around the caudal side of the ventral cochlear nucleus and the most proximal part of the eighth nerve. In the more dorsal region, the PBB is completely separated from the CN by the brain stem tissue. In the ventral region, the PBB runs between the seventh and eighth nerves, and it is adjacent to both. These results might aid accurate placement of the central electroauditory prosthesis and further understanding of the general anatomy of the cerebellopontine angle. 相似文献
113例聋儿的助听及言语发育调查分析 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
目的了解0~6岁聋儿的助听、言语发育及交流情况。方法自制调查问卷表,随机对2005年2~5月在北京同仁医院耳科门诊就诊的113例双侧听力损失儿童的助听、语训、言语发育及交流能力等进行调查,并对相关数据作统计学分析。结果113例中助听器佩戴者85例(75.22%),其中,助听后语训者占51.76%(44/85),助听后无语训者占48.24%(41/85),无助听无语训者28例,占24.78%(28/113);无助听无语训者中重度聋以上23例,占82.14%(23/28)。70%的中度聋儿存在构音障碍和言语交流障碍;重度和极重度聋儿中,97.03%存在构音障碍,88.12%有不同程度的言语障碍和交流障碍。结论中-重度聋以上聋儿,无助听和无语训比例偏高,言语障碍和交流障碍较明显。加强聋儿家长对佩戴助听器和言语训练必要性的宣传和教育具有非常重要和深远的意义。 相似文献