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The objective of this study was to investigate social hearing in successful users of multichannel cochlear implants (CIs) and to compare the scores with those of a group of hearing-impaired adults using acoustical hearing aids (HAs). Out of 88 patients who had undergone surgery, 75 CI users with a mean age of 55 years and a mean pre-operative hearing level of 113dB in the better ear were compared with 59 users of acoustical HAs with a mean age of 56 years and a mean hearing level of 82dB in the better ear. Seven CI patients were non-users and were excluded from the study. The Performance Inventory for Profound and Severe Loss, a questionnaire that measures different aspects of hearing handicap, was used. The CI group scored significantly better than the HA group in three of six evaluated categories, measuring subjective intensity of sounds, speech with visual cues, and response to auditory failure. Awareness of environmental sounds, speech with no visual cues and personal reactions did not differ significantly. The group of successful CI users scored higher on a self-report measure than did a group of users of acoustical HAs with moderate- severe-profound deafness. The best CI users scored better than the best HA users, and the worst CI users scored worse than the worst HA users.  相似文献   

ObjectiveThe goal of this study was to evaluate the quality of life of parents of children who use hearing aids (HA) with those who use cochlear implants (CI) in the Indian context and document any differences found.MethodsThe Kannada version of the AQoL-4D was administered in a modified fashion to 131 parents (87 HA and 44 CI). Sociodemographic details were collected for supplemental information on the intervention strategy used.ResultsA total of 49 parents (29 HA and 20 CI) responded to the questionnaire sent. The mean total scores for both the groups were similar (HA group = 17.9 (SD = 5.5), CI group = 17.2 (SD = 3.4)), as was the score for the first subscale (HA group = 8.6 (SD = 2.9); CI group = 8.5 (SD = 2.6)) of the AQoL-4D. No significant differences were found between the two groups on either scores [Total Score: U (NHA = 29, NCI = 20) = 280.5, z = ?0.194, p > 0.05; Subscale 1 Score: U (NHA = 29, NCI = 20) = 281.5, z = ?0.176, p > 0.05]. The degree of hearing loss in the hearing aid group was equivalent to that of the cochlear implant group but this did not appear to influence parental quality of life.ConclusionParents of children with hearing aids and cochlear implants appear to be similar on several psychosocial factors in the realms of functional, social, and psychological well-being. In terms of parental quality of life, hearing aids and cochlear implants appear to be equally effective intervention techniques.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the maximal attainable performance of speech enhancement strategies based on coherent modulation filtering. An optimal adaptive coherent modulation filtering algorithm was designed to enhance known signals from a target talker in two-talker babble noise. The algorithm was evaluated in a closed-set, speech-recognition-in-noise task. The speech reception threshold (SRT) was measured using a one-down, one-up adaptive procedure. Five hearing-impaired subjects and five cochlear implant users were tested in three processing conditions: (1) original sounds; (2) fixed coherent modulation filtered sounds; and (3) optimal coherent modulation filtered sounds. Six normal-hearing subjects were tested with a 6-channel cochlear implant simulation of sounds processed in the same three conditions. Significant improvements in SRTs were observed when the signal was processed with the optimal coherent modulation filtering algorithm. There was no benefit when the signal was processed with the fixed modulation filter. The current study suggested that coherent modulation filtering might be a promising method for front-end processing in hearing aids and cochlear implants. An approach such as hidden Markov models could be used to generalize the optimal coherent modulation filtering algorithm to unknown utterances and to extend it to open-set speech.  相似文献   



Modern cochlear implant (CI) encoding strategies represent the temporal envelope of sounds well but provide limited spectral information. This deficit in spectral information has been implicated as a contributing factor to difficulty with speech perception in noisy conditions, discriminating between talkers and melody recognition. One way to supplement spectral information for CI users is by fitting a hearing aid (HA) to the non-implanted ear.


In this study 14 postlingually deaf adults (half with a unilateral CI and the other half with a CI and an HA (CI + HA)) were tested on measures of music perception and familiar melody recognition.


CI + HA listeners performed significantly better than CI-only listeners on all pitch-based music perception tasks. The CI + HA group did not perform significantly better than the CI-only group in the two tasks that relied on duration cues. Recognition of familiar melodies was significantly enhanced for the group wearing an HA in addition to their CI. This advantage in melody recognition was increased when melodic sequences were presented with the addition of harmony.


These results show that, for CI recipients with aidable hearing in the non-implanted ear, using a HA in addition to their implant improves perception of musical pitch and recognition of real-world melodies.  相似文献   

目的 评价成人语后聋人工耳蜗使用者感知音乐中节奏和音色的能力.方法 选取年龄与音乐经验相匹配的听力正常受试者与人工耳蜗使用者各12名,均为男5名,女7名.应用人工耳蜗音乐评估软件( Musical Sounds in Cochlear Implants,MuSIC)中的节奏辨别、乐器识别与乐器数辨别测试评价两组受试者的音乐节奏和音色感知能力.结果 12名人工耳蜗受试者平均节奏辨别率为84.4%,与听力正常受试者(85.1%)比较,差异无统计学意义(t=0.116,P>0.05);人工耳蜗受试者平均乐器识别率为72.3%、乐器数辨别正确率为39.2%,均低于听力正常受试者平均88.3%和73.5%的正确率,差异具有统计学意义(t值分别为2.498和4.673,P值均<0.05).结论 成人语后聋人工耳蜗使用者的节奏辨别能力与听力正常人相似,但音色感知能力明显差于听力正常人群.  相似文献   



The main purpose of the present study was to compare the consonant error patterns of Dutch prelingually deaf CI children with prelingually hearing-impaired hearing aid (HA) children. The authors hypothesized that subjects using conventional hearing aids would have poorer consonant production skills. Additionally, the impact of the age at implantation (CI) and the degree of hearing loss (HA) was determined.


This is a comparative study of 29 prelingually deaf CI children (m.a. 9;0 y) and 32 prelingually hearing-impaired HA children (m.a. 9;11 y) who received their first hearing aid before the age of 2 years. Nineteen CI children were implanted before the age of 5 years. Nine HA children had thresholds above 90 dB (range: 91-105 dB), 15 between 70 and 90 dB (range: 72-90 dB) and 8 below 70 dB (range: 58-68 dB). Speech samples of all the children were elicited by means of a picture naming test and were video-recorded for further phonetic and phonological analysis.


Considerably more phonetic and phonologic errors were observed in the HA children with thresholds above 70 dB (range: 72-105 dB). No notable differences could be found between deaf CI children and HA children with thresholds below 70 dB. Even children implanted after the age of 5 years showed significantly fewer phonetic and phonological errors than HA children.


The consonant production of implanted children is more adequate than the consonant production of HA children with a hearing loss of 70 dB or more. In addition, the results also indicate that even after the age of 5 years, implantation can still have an advantageous effect on a child's consonant production.  相似文献   

目的探讨人工耳蜗植入儿童和助昕器配戴儿童在声调识别方面是否存在差异;考查人工耳蜗开机时间、入园康复时间,儿童的年龄、性别等因素对声调识别是否有影响。方法采用《言语听觉反应评估》(evaluation of auditory responses to speech,EARS)中的“封闭式声调测试”作为测试材料.对61名3~6岁聋儿(其中人工耳蜗植入儿童31名,助昕器配戴儿童30名)进行声调识别的测试,利用SPSS软件对结果进行统计分析。结果助昕器配戴儿童在声调识别的精确性上优于人工耳蜗植入聋儿;人工耳蜗开机时间对声调测试成绩没有明显的影响;康复时间、聋儿的年龄和声调测试成绩呈正比;聋儿的性别和声调测试成绩无关。结论助昕设备类型、康复时间、年龄等对声调识别的成绩有一定影响,这些因素之间可能存在相互作用,有待进一步探讨。  相似文献   

The ability of 10 normally hearing (NH) adults and eight cochlear implant (CI) users to pitch-rank pairs of complex tones was assessed. The acoustically presented stimuli differed in fundamental frequency (F0) by either one or six semitones (F0 range: 98 to 740 Hz). The NH group obtained significantly higher mean scores for both experiments: (NH: one semitone – 81.2%, six semitones – 89.0%; CI: one semitone – 49.0%, six semitones – 60.2%; p < 0.001). Prior musical experience was found to be associated with higher pitch-ranking scores for the NH subjects. Those with musical experience ratings <3 obtained significantly lower scores for both interval sizes (p < 0.001) than those with higher ratings. Nevertheless, the scores obtained by the musically inexperienced, NH adults were significantly higher than those obtained by the CI group for both the one-semitone (p = 0.022) and six-semitone (p = 0.018) intervals. These results suggest that the pitch information CI users obtain from their implant systems is less accurate than that obtained by NH listeners when listening to the same complex sounds. Furthermore, the relatively poor pitch-ranking ability of at least some CI users may be associated with a more-limited experience of music in general.  相似文献   

Objective: The main goal of this study was to determine the knowledge and beliefs of otorhinolaryngologists in a secondary setting in selected economically advanced European countries concerning severe hearing loss, hearing aids, and cochlear implants (CIs). Secondary goals of the study looked into the information sources of the otorhinolaryngologists and into key topics of importance for these professionals. In Europe, many adults, who could benefit from a CI, do not have one despite their availability via national health care systems. This lack of coverage might be due, in part, to the knowledge and beliefs of otorhinolaryngologists.

Methods: Otorhinolaryngologists in a secondary setting in Germany, England, France, Austria, and Sweden were emailed a custom-made questionnaire on their knowledge and beliefs regarding hearing loss and its treatments. Results were presented in relative frequencies (%) according to each nation.

Results: Two-hundred and forty otorhinolaryngologists responded (50 from each nation except Sweden). Each nation regarded rehabilitation and hearing preservation as particularly important in CIs. National and international conferences and conversations with colleagues were much more popular methods of keeping abreast of medical issues than other information sources such as online media or company information.

Conclusion: The otorhinolaryngologists of the surveyed nations share many common beliefs about hearing loss, hearing aids, and CIs, although some national variation in opinion is present. The otorhinolaryngologists of each nation are knowledgeable, but could still benefit from an increased knowledge and awareness of hearing loss treatment modalities.  相似文献   

This study investigated the change in music perception of adults undergoing cochlear implantation. Nine adults scheduled for a cochlear implant (CI) were assessed on a music test battery both prior to implantation (whilst using hearing aids; HAs), and three months after activation of their CIs. The results were compared with data from a group of longer-term CI users and a group of HA-only users. The tests comprised assessments of rhythm, pitch, instrument, and melody perception. Pre-to-post surgery comparisons showed no significant difference in the rhythm, melody, and instrument identification scores. Subjects’ scores were significantly lower post-implant for ranking pitch intervals of one octave and a quarter octave (p=0.007, and p<0.001, respectively), and were only at chance levels for the smaller interval. However, although pitch perception was generally poorer with a CI than with a HA, it is likely that the use of both devices simultaneously could have provided higher scores for these subjects. Analysis of the other tests’ results provided insights into factors affecting music perception for adults with severe to profound hearing impairment.  相似文献   

目的对一例6岁人工耳蜗植入儿童进行阶段性听觉康复训练效果评估,探讨听障儿童在不同阶段的听觉康复效果,为制订术后康复训练计划提供依据。方法采用单训课的形式,以示范法、游戏法对个案进行听觉能力训练,利用评估词表对其进行阶段性评估。结果个案术后入班时评估的平均值为60.9%,术后训练3个月评估的平均值为94.7%,术后训练6个月评估的平均值为98.8%。结论人工耳蜗植入对该患儿具有良好的听力重建效果,术后经过6个月的系统康复训练,该患儿的听觉识别能力较术前有明显提高。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine and to compare the overall intelligibility, articulation, resonance, and voice characteristics in children using cochlear implants (CI) and children using conventional hearing aids (HA). Nine prelingually deaf children using CI and six children with a prelingual severe hearing loss using HA, were selected to participate. Objective (DSI, nasalance scores) as well as subjective assessment techniques (perceptual evaluations) were used. Both the CI and HA children demonstrated normal vocal quality and resonance but showed the presence of articulation disorders. In the CI children, intelligibility was significantly better compared to the HA children. Significantly more phonetic and phonological disorders were present in the HA children. The results of this study show a poorer intelligibility of the HA children in comparison with the CI children which is probably due to the occurrence of significantly more phonetic and phonological disorders. Future detailed analysis in a larger sample of CI and HA children may help further clarify the issue of speech and voice characteristics and may demonstrate an important prognostic value.  相似文献   

Objective: The aims of this study were: to investigate the referral rates of postlingually deafened adult cochlear implant (CI) candidates from a hearing aid (HA) clinic for a CI candidacy assessment and to gain insight about factors influencing the referral pathways to CI assessments. Design: Two methodologies were used: a retrospective cohort study reviewing clinical files and a questionnaire to clinicians. Study sample: The files of 1249 adult clients from the HA clinic who had average puretone hearing thresholds greater or equal to 65?dB?HL in the better hearing ear and unaided phoneme recognition scores of less than 50% in both ears were reviewed. All of the clinicians completed the online questionnaire. Results: Eighteen adults met the CI candidacy criteria, of whom 16 (89%) had a CI discussion with their audiologist, with 11 (61%) being referred for a CI evaluation. Of these 11, four proceeded to implantation. Questionnaire responses revealed the need for better information on candidacy and referral guidelines for HA audiologists, in addition to enhanced communication between HA and CI clinics. Conclusions: Overall the results indicate that the referral pathway to obtain a CI assessment is a barrier contributing to the low CI penetration rate in adults.  相似文献   



The present study characterizes the relationship between bimodal benefit and hearing aid (HA) performance, cochlear implant (CI) performance, and the difference in the performances of the two devices.


Fourteen adult bimodal listeners participated in the study. Consonant, vowel, and sentence recognition were measured in quiet and noise (at a +5 and +10 dB signal-to-noise ratio (SNR)) with an HA alone, a CI alone, and with the combined use of an HA and CI in each listener. Speech and noise were presented directly in front of the listener.


The correlation analyses showed that bimodal benefit was significantly associated with the difference in performances of a CI and an HA in all testing materials, with HA-alone performance in vowel recognition, and with CI-alone performance in sentence recognition. However, regression analyses showed that the independent contribution of the difference in performance across ears to bimodal benefit was significant, irrespective of the testing material or the SNR: the smaller the difference, the greater the benefit. Further, the independent contributions of HA-only performance and CI-alone performance were not significant factors in predicting the existence of bimodal benefit across testing materials and SNRs when the effect of the difference between CI and HA performance was removed from the model.


The results suggest that bimodal benefit is limited by how effectively the modalities integrate, rather than HA-only or CI-alone performance, and that this integration is facilitated when the performances of the modalities are similar.  相似文献   

Background: Sound localization is a valuable skill that children can develop to some extent via bilateral cochlear implants (biCIs). However, little is known regarding the change that can be expected in sound-source localization accuracy (SLA) pre- and post-biCI for children with bilateral, severe-to-profound hearing impairment who spent their early years listening via bilateral hearing aids (biHAs). This study therefore aimed to prospectively assess SLA in a group of children before, and at one year after, receiving simultaneous biCIs.

Methods: Ten children aged 5–18 years were tested. SLA was assessed using loudspeakers positioned at ?60, ?30, 0, +30, and +60 degrees azimuth. Root mean square (RMS) errors and percentage correct scores were calculated. Changes in SLA were analysed via paired t-tests and potential relationships between hearing threshold levels (HTLs) and SLA via correlation analyses. Response distributions via biHAs and biCIs were examined via scatterplots.

Results: The mean within-subject changes in SLA were a significant improvement in RMS error of 11.9° (p?p?Conclusions: The findings of the present study demonstrate that simultaneous biCIs lead to improved sound localization in children with bilateral, severe to profound sensorineural hearing loss who previously used biHAs. SLA via biHAs or biCIs could not be predicted from children’s audiograms, and therefore should be measured directly.  相似文献   

Introduction: Cochlear implantation (CI) has developed from its origins in the 1980s. Initially, CI was for profound bilateral hearing impairment. However, candidacy for CI have become more widespread in recent years with unilateral implantation and an emphasis on hearing preservation.

Evidence supports full electrode insertion in an atraumatic fashion into the scala tympani (ST) provides optimal hearing outcomes. The main aim of this systematic review was to elucidate the degree of trauma associated with CI insertion.

Methods: A systematic literature search was undertaken using PubMed Medline. A grading system described by Eshraghi was used to classify cochlear trauma. Both radiological and histological studies were included.

Results: Twenty one papers were identified which were relevant to our search. In total, 653 implants were inserted and 115 (17.6%) showed evidence of trauma. The cochleas with trauma had basilar membrane elevation in 5.2%, ruptured in 5.2%, the electrode passed from the ST to the SV in 84.4% and there was grade 4 trauma in 5.2%. The studies used a variety of histological and radiological methods to assess for evidence of trauma in both cadaveric temporal bones and live recipients.

Conclusions: Minimizing cochlear trauma during implant insertion is important to preserve residual hearing and optimize audiological performance. An overall 17.6% trauma rate suggests that CI insertion could be improved with more accurate and consistent electrode insertion such as in the form of robotic guidance. The correlation of cochlea trauma with post-operative hearing has yet to be determined.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the improvement in speech recognition provided by a cochlear implant (CI) in conjunction with a hearing aid (HA) in the opposite ear. The study was a retrospective cohort study in the context of a university teaching hospital CI programme. Seven CI patients who still use their HA in the opposite ear were tested. The scores with the CI alone and the CI in conjunction with an HA were evaluated by using three speech perception tests in quiet (Freiburger Numbers, Freiburger Monosyllables, and Innsbrucker Sentence Test). In the majority of tests and subjects, the CI alone performed better than the HA alone, and the bimodal (CI+HA) condition was superior to the CI alone. On the sentence test, the patients as a group improved from 47-96% (mean: 79%; CI alone) to 50-100% (mean: 88.1%; CI+HA, pv<0.05). With the more difficult monosyllable test, the scores improved from 15-52% (mean: 37.2%; CI alone) to 15-82% (mean: 48.7%; CI+ HA, p<0.05). On the numbers test, scores increased from 65-98% (mean: 83%; CI alone) to 75-98% (mean: 88.7%; CI+ HA, p<0.05). All patients in this study were implanted in the poorer ear. The results of the present study suggest the advantage of CI usage in conjunction with an HA in the opposite ear.  相似文献   

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