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The purpose of this study was to develop the Polish sentence matrix test (PSMT) to measure intelligibility of speech presented against a background noise. The PSMT consists of five columns containing: 10 names, 10 verbs, 10 numerals, 10 adjectives, and 10 nouns. Since each word was available as a separate sound file, it was possible to generate different sentences by juxtaposing randomly selected words taken from respective columns. This approach allows 100 000 unique sentences of a fixed grammatical structure to be generated. The speech reception threshold (SRT), i.e. the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) providing 50% speech intelligibility and S50, the slope of an intelligibility function at the SRT point, were shown to be ?9.6 dB and 17.1 %/dB, respectively. Note that in this study dB is regarded as dB SNR, otherwise reference is given. PSMT was also evaluated using an adaptive 1-up/ 1-down staircase procedure in investigations with and without participation of an experimenter. No significant differences were shown for SRTs obtained in these investigations.


El propósito de este estudio fue desarrollar la prueba matriz de frases en polaco (PSMT) para medir la inteligibilidad de lenguaje presentado contra ruido de fondo. El PSMT consiste de cinco columnas que contienen: 10 nombres, 10 verbos, 10 numerales, 10 adjetivos y 10 palabras. Dado que cada palabra estaba disponible como un archivo de sonido separado, fue posible generar diferentes frases por medio de la yuxtaposición aleatoria de palabras seleccionadas tomadas de las respectivas columnas. Este enfoque permite la generación de 100.000 frases singulares con una estructura gramatical fija. El umbral de recepción del lenguaje (SRT), p.e., la tasa de señal-ruido (SNR) brindando el 50% de inteligibilidad del lenguaje, y el S50, la pendiente de una función de inteligibilidad en el punto del SRT, fueron –9.6 dB y 17.1%/dB, respectivamente. Note que en este estudio los dB corresponden a dB SNR, a menos que se brinde otra referencia. También se evaluó el PSMT usando un procedimiento adaptativo en escalera de 1 hacia arriba y 1 hacia abajo, en investigaciones con y sin un experimentador. No se encontraron diferencias significativas para los SRT obtenidos en estas investigaciones.  相似文献   

Objective: Development of an Italian matrix sentence test for the assessment of speech intelligibility in noise. Design: The development of the test included the selection, recording, optimization with level adjustment, and evaluation of speech material. The training effect was assessed adaptively during the evaluation measurements with six lists of 20 sentences, using open- and closed-set response formats. Reference data were established for normal-hearing listeners with adaptive measurements. Equivalence of the test lists was investigated using the open-set response format at three signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs). Study sample: A total of 55 normal-hearing Italian mother-tongue listeners. Results: The evaluation measurements at fixed SNRs resulted in a mean speech reception threshold (SRT) of ? 7.3 ± 0.2 dB SNR and slope of 13.3 ± 1.2 %/dB. The major training effect of 1.5 dB was observed for the first two consecutive measurements. Mean SRTs of ? 6.7 ± 0.7 dB SNR and ? 7.4 ± 0.7 dB SNR were found from the third to the sixth adaptive measurement for open- and closed-set test response formats, respectively. Conclusions: A good agreement has been found between the SRTs and slope and those of other matrix tests. Since sentences are difficult to memorize, the Italian matrix test is suitable for repeated measurements.  相似文献   

Fluctuating interfering noises are highly suitable for speech audiometry because of the large inter-individual variability in intelligibility results. This study explores the maximum duration of silent intervals in the masker as an important factor underlying sentence intelligibility in fluctuating noise. Three versions of speech-simulating fluctuating interfering noises based on the icra noises (Dreschler et al, ) were explored: The original noise which simulates one interfering speaker and contains pause durations up to two seconds, as well as two modified versions with pause durations limited to 250?ms and 62.5?ms, respectively. In addition, a stationary speech-shaped noise was used. Test-retest reliability as well as speech reception threshold (SRT) and speech intelligibility function slope were determined with hearing-impaired subjects. All fluctuating noises differentiated very well between subjects. Partial rank correlation analysis showed that SRTs in fluctuating noise with longest maximum pause durations mostly depended on SRTs in quiet. SRTs in fluctuating noises with smaller maximum pause durations correlated both with SRTs in quiet and in stationary noise.


Los ruidos fluctuantes de interferencia son muy apropiados en logoaudiometría debido a la gran variabilidad inter-individuos en los resultados de inteligibilidad. Este estudio explora la duración máxima de intervalos de silencio en el enmascarador, como un importante factor subyacente en la inteligibilidad de frases en medio de ruido fluctuante. Se exploraron tres versiones de ruidos fluctuantes de interferencia simulando lenguaje, con base en los ruidos icra (Dreschler y col., 2001): el ruido original que simula la interferencia de un hablante y contiene pausas de hasta 2 segundos de duración, y también dos versiones modificadas con pausas de duración limitadas a 250 mseg y 62.5 mseg, respectivamente. Además, se utilizó un ruido estacionario moldeado como lenguaje. Se determinó la confiabilidad test-retest al igual que la pendiente de las funciones del SRT y la inteligibilidad del lenguaje, en sujetos hipoacúsicos. Todos los ruidos fluctuantes se diferenciaron muy bien entre los sujetos. Un análisis de correlación de rango parcial mostró que los SRT en ruido fluctuante con las duraciones más prolongadas de pausa máxima, dependían del SRT en silencio. Los SRT en ruido fluctuante con duraciones menores de pausa máxima, correlacionaron tanto con los SRT en silencio como con el ruido estacionario.  相似文献   

Objective: To compare speech reception thresholds (SRTs) in noise using matrix sentence tests in four languages: German, Spanish, Russian, Polish. Design: The four tests were composed of equivalent five-word sentences and were all designed and optimized using the same principles. Six stationary speech-shaped noises and three non-stationary noises were used as maskers. Study sample: Forty native listeners with normal hearing: 10 for each language. Results: SRTs were about 3 dB higher for the German and Spanish tests than for the Russian and Polish tests when stationary noise was used that matched the long-term frequency spectrum of the respective speech test materials. This general SRT difference was also observed for the other stationary noises. The within-test variability across noise conditions differed between languages. About 56% of the observed variance was predicted by the speech intelligibility index. The observed SRT benefit in fluctuating noise was similar for all tests, with a slightly smaller benefit for the Spanish test. Conclusions: Of the stationary noises employed, noise with the same spectrum as the speech yielded the best masking. SRT differences across languages and noises could be attributed in part to spectral differences. These findings provide the feasibility and limits of comparing audiological results across languages.  相似文献   

Objective: To develop, optimize, and evaluate a new Spanish sentence test in noise. Design: The test comprises a basic matrix of ten names, verbs, numerals, nouns, and adjectives. From this matrix, test lists of ten sentences with an equal syntactical structure can be formed at random, with each list containing the whole speech material. The speech material represents the phoneme distribution of the Spanish language. The test was optimized for measuring speech reception thresholds (SRTs) in noise by adjusting the presentation levels of the individual words. Subsequently, the test was evaluated by independent measurements investigating the training effects, the comparability of test lists, open-set vs. closed-set test format, and performance of listeners of different Spanish varieties. Study sample: In total, 68 normal-hearing native Spanish-speaking listeners. Results: SRTs measured using an adaptive procedure were 6.2 ± 0.8 dB SNR for the open-set and 7.2 ± 0.7 dB SNR for the closed-set test format. The residual training effect was less than 1 dB after using two double-lists before data collection. Conclusions: No significant differences were found for listeners of different Spanish varieties indicating that the test is applicable to Spanish as well as Latin American listeners. Test lists can be used interchangeably.  相似文献   

Objective: The feasibility of predicting the outcome of the German matrix sentence test for different types of stationary background noise using an automatic speech recognition (ASR) system was studied. Design: Speech reception thresholds (SRT) of 50% intelligibility were predicted in seven noise conditions. The ASR system used Mel-frequency cepstral coefficients as a front-end and employed whole-word Hidden Markov models on the back-end side. The ASR system was trained and tested with noisy matrix sentences on a broad range of signal-to-noise ratios. Study sample: The ASR-based predictions were compared to data from the literature (Hochmuth et al, 2015 Hochmuth S., Jürgens T., Brand T. & Kollmeier B. 2015. Influence of noise type on speech reception thresholds across four languages measured with matrix sentence tests. Int J Audiol., 54, doi: 10.3109/14992027.2015.1046502. [22 June 2015][Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]) obtained with 10 native German listeners with normal hearing and predictions of the speech intelligibility index (SII). Results: The ASR-based predictions showed a high and significant correlation (R² = 0.95, p < 0.001) with the empirical data across different noise conditions, outperforming the SII-based predictions which showed no correlation with the empirical data (R² = 0.00, p = 0.987). Conclusions: The SRTs for the German matrix test for listeners with normal hearing in different stationary noise conditions could well be predicted based on the acoustical properties of the speech and noise signals. Minimum assumptions were made about human speech processing already incorporated in a reference-free ordinary ASR system.  相似文献   


Objective: A Dutch matrix sentence test was developed and evaluated. A matrix test is a speech-in-noise test based on a closed speech corpus of sentences derived from words from fixed categories. An example is “Mark gives five large flowers.” Design: This report consists of the development of the speech test and a multi-center evaluation. Study sample: Forty-five normal-hearing participants. Results: The developed matrix test has a speech reception threshold in stationary noise of ? 8.4 dB with an inter-list standard deviation of 0.2 dB. The slope of the intelligibility function is 10.2 %/dB and this is slightly lower than that of similar tests in other languages (12.6 to 17.1 %/dB). Conclusions: The matrix test is now also available in Dutch and can be used in both Flanders and the Netherlands.  相似文献   


Objective: The aim of this study was to describe common properties (reproducibility, discrimination function, and its steepness) of matrix tests used for cochlear implant (CI) users and to obtain data for the German-language version matrix test, the Oldenburg sentence test (OLSA), presented in noise. Design: The speech reception thresholds (SRT) in noise were measured by means of an adaptive test procedure, and by measurement at various signal-to-noise ratios to determine the course of the entire discrimination function per subject. Study sample: The measurements were performed on 38 CI users fitted with a Cochlear? Freedom® or a Cochlear? Nucleus® 5 CI system. Results: The test–retest reproducibility showed a significant dependence on the SRT in noise. For the better performers, the test-retest difference was found to be smaller, while for the poorer performers the difference increased. For the better performers, the slope of the discrimination function at SRT (s50) was comparable to that for individuals with normal hearing, while for the poorer performers the s50 tended to be significantly reduced. Conclusions: As the CI users differed significantly in their SRT and their s50, a unified discrimination function for CI users must not be used. Further tailoring of the procedure may be required, especially for poorer CI performers.  相似文献   

A Danish speech intelligibility test for assessing the speech recognition threshold in noise (SRTN) has been developed. The test consists of 180 sentences distributed in 18 phonetically balanced lists. The sentences are based on an open word-set and represent everyday language. The sentences were equalized with respect to intelligibility to ensure uniform SRTN assessments with all lists. In contrast to several previously developed tests such as the hearing in noise test (HINT) where the equalization is based on scored (objective) measures of word intelligibility, the present test used an equalization method based on subjective assessments of the sentences. The new equalization method is shown to create lists with less variance between the SRTNs than the traditional method. The number of sentence levels included in the SRTN calculation was also evaluated and differs from previous tests. The test was verified with 14 normal-hearing listeners; the overall SRTN lies at a signal-to-noise ratio of ?3.15 dB with a standard deviation of 1.0 dB. The list-SRTNs deviate less than 0.5 dB from the overall mean.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of noise and filtering on the intelligibility of speech produced during simultaneous communication (SC). Four normal hearing, experienced sign language users were recorded under SC and speech alone (SA) conditions speaking Boothroyd’s forced-choice phonetic contrast material designed for measurement of speech intelligibility. Twenty-four normal hearing listeners audited the speech samples produced by the four speakers under the SC and SA conditions, three listeners in noise and three listeners in filtered listening conditions for each of the four speakers. Although results indicated longer sentence durations for SC than SA, the data showed no difference in the intelligibility of speech produced during SC versus speech produced during SA under either the noise or filtered listening condition, nor any difference in pattern of phonetic contrast recognition errors between the SA and SC speech samples in either listening condition. This conclusion is consistent with previous research indicating that temporal alterations produced by SC do not produce degradation of temporal or spectral cues to speech intelligibility or disruption of the perception of specific English phoneme segments.

Learning outcomes

As a result of this activity, the participant will be able to (1) describe simultaneous communication; (2) explain the role of simultaneous communication in communication with children who are deaf; (3) discuss methods of measuring speech intelligibility under filtered and noise conditions; and (4) specify the ability of listeners to perceive speech produced during simultaneous communication under noise and filtered listening conditions.  相似文献   

Traditionally, the speech reception threshold (SRT) for sentences in noise is measured in stationary speech-shaped noise; however, non-stationary masking noises are gradually becoming more common. A previous study by Rhebergen et al. () suggested that a learning effect might be present for the SRT in interrupted noise but not in stationary noise. The current study tested if a stable SRT for female or male speech is reached by determining SRTs in listeners with normal hearing in either stationary or 8-Hz interrupted noise after five replications. Contrary to repeated SRT measurements in stationary noise, a significant improvement was observed for SRTs in interrupted noise with replication. For both speech materials, after five replications, the SRT in interrupted noise improved about 3 to 4 dB in comparison to the first SRT. Stable thresholds seem to be reached after about two replications. This experiment shows that there is a substantial learning effect present in SRT measurements with interrupted noise but not in stationary noise. With non-stationary noise, it is recommended to include a repeated measures design.  相似文献   

IntroductionIn audiology, the usual tests of speech perception in silence are non-predictive of intelligibility in noise. The French Matrix was developed to assess intelligibility in noise in adults with normal cognitive capacity. A simplified adaptive version, FRA-SIMAT, was derived for use with children and elderly persons with diminished memory span. The aim of the present study was to apply this adaptive procedure to determine signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) according to percentage intelligibility.MethodsTwenty normal-hearing adults and 60 normal-hearing children aged 5–6 years (G1), 7–8 years (G2) and 9–10 years (G3) were included. FRA-SIMAT uses groups of 3 words, to limit memory demand.ResultsIn adults, SNR for 50% (SNR-50) and 80% intelligibility (SNR-80) was respectively −7.1 ± 1.4 dB and −3.7 ± 1.6 dB. In children, SNR-50 was −4.2 ± 1.3 dB in G1, −4.6 ± 1.2 dB in G2, and −5.5 ± 1.5 dB in G3.ConclusionThe FRA-SIMAT test of speech perception in noise was validated in adults and children of different ages, and can be implemented as a diagnostic and rehabilitation tool in clinical practice.  相似文献   


Objective: To propose and evaluate a new method for assessing the potential impact on speech intelligibility when wearing a hearing protection device (HPD) in a noisy environment. Design: The method is based on a self adaptive method for finding the speech reception threshold (SRT) using speech material from the Callsign acquisition test (CAT) presented at a constant level while adjusting the level of a background noise. A key point is to primarily examine the impact of the HPD; i.e. the difference between occluded and unoccluded SRTs, presented as the speech intelligibility impact level. Study sample: A total of 31 test subjects. Results: The method is shown to be stable, with a minimum amount of learning effect, and capable of detecting differences between hearing protection devices. It is also shown that low-attenuation passive HPDs are likely to have a very small effect on speech intelligibility in noise, and that an electronic HPD with a level-dependant function has the potential to improve intelligibility. Conclusions: The results are encouraging regarding the precision, repeatability, and applicability of the proposed method.  相似文献   


Objective: Development of the Mandarin Chinese matrix (CMNmatrix) sentence test for speech intelligibility measurements in noise according to the international standard procedure.

Design: A 50-word base matrix representing the distribution of phonemes and lexical tones of spoken Mandarin was established. Hundred sentences capturing all the co-articulations of two consecutive words were recorded. Word-specific speech recognition functions, speech reception thresholds (SRT: signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), that provides 50% speech intelligibility) and slopes were obtained from measurements at fixed SNRs. The speech material was homogenised in intelligibility by applying level corrections up to ± 2?dB. Subsequently, the CMNmatrix test was evaluated, the comparability of test lists was measured at two fixed SNRs. To investigate the training effect and establish the reference data, speech recognition was measured adaptively.

Study sample: Overall, the study sample contained 80 normal-hearing native Mandarin-speaking listeners.

Results: Multi-centre evaluation measurements confirmed that test lists are equivalent in intelligibility, with a mean SRT of ?10.1?±?0.1?dB SNR and a slope of 13.1?±?0.9 %/dB. The reference SRT is ?9.3?±?0.8 and ?11.2?±?1.2?dB SNR for the open- and closed-set response format, respectively.

Conclusion: The CMNmatrix test is suitable for accurate and internationally comparable speech recognition measurements in noise.  相似文献   

The current study was undertaken to investigate the impact of speech motor issues on the speech intelligibility of children with moderate to severe speech sound disorders (SSD) within the context of the PROMPT intervention approach. The word-level Children's Speech Intelligibility Measure (CSIM), the sentence-level Beginner's Intelligibility Test (BIT) and tests of speech motor control and articulation proficiency were administered to 12 children (3:11 to 6:7 years) before and after PROMPT therapy. PROMPT treatment was provided for 45 min twice a week for 8 weeks. Twenty-four naïve adult listeners aged 22–46 years judged the intelligibility of the words and sentences. For CSIM, each time a recorded word was played to the listeners they were asked to look at a list of 12 words (multiple-choice format) and circle the word while for BIT sentences, the listeners were asked to write down everything they heard. Words correctly circled (CSIM) or transcribed (BIT) were averaged across three naïve judges to calculate percentage speech intelligibility. Speech intelligibility at both the word and sentence level was significantly correlated with speech motor control, but not articulatory proficiency. Further, the severity of speech motor planning and sequencing issues may potentially be a limiting factor in connected speech intelligibility and highlights the need to target these issues early and directly in treatment.  相似文献   

Objective: To develop the Russian matrix sentence test for speech intelligibility measurements in noise. Design: Test development included recordings, optimization of speech material, and evaluation to investigate the equivalency of the test lists and training. For each of the 500 test items, the speech intelligibility function, speech reception threshold (SRT: signal-to-noise ratio, SNR, that provides 50% speech intelligibility), and slope was obtained. The speech material was homogenized by applying level corrections. In evaluation measurements, speech intelligibility was measured at two fixed SNRs to compare list-specific intelligibility functions. To investigate the training effect and establish reference data, speech intelligibility was measured adaptively. Study sample: Overall, 77 normal-hearing native Russian listeners. Results: The optimization procedure decreased the spread in SRTs across words from 2.8 to 0.6 dB. Evaluation measurements confirmed that the 16 test lists were equivalent, with a mean SRT of ? 9.5 ± 0.2 dB and a slope of 13.8 ± 1.6%/dB. The reference SRT, ? 8.8 ± 0.8 dB for the open-set and ? 9.4 ± 0.8 dB for the closed-set format, increased slightly for noise levels above 75 dB SPL. Conclusions: The Russian matrix sentence test is suitable for accurate and reliable speech intelligibility measurements in noise.  相似文献   



The purpose of this study was to explore the differences in speech intelligibility in short-reverberant sound fields using deteriorated monosyllables. Generated using digital signal processing, deteriorated monosyllables can lack the redundancy of words, and thus may emphasize differences in sound fields in terms of speech clarity.


Ten participants without any hearing disorders identified 100 monosyllables convolved with eight impulse responses measured in different short-reverberant sound fields (speech transmission index >0.6 and reverberation time <1 s), and we compared speech recognition scores between normal and deteriorated monosyllables. Deterioration was produced using low-pass filtering (cut off frequency = 1600 Hz).


Speech recognition scores associated with the deteriorated monosyllables were lower than those for the normal monosyllables. In addition, scores were more varied among the different sound fields, although this result was not significant according to an analysis of variance. In contrast, the variation among sound fields was significant for the normal monosyllables. When comparing the intelligibility scores to the acoustic parameters calculated from eight impulse responses, the speech recognition scores were the highest when the reverberant/direct sound energy ratio (R/D) was balanced.


Although our deterioration procedure obscured differences in intelligibility score among the different sound fields, we have established that the R/D is a useful parameter for evaluating speech intelligibility in short-reverberant sound fields.  相似文献   

目的考查构音干预对人工耳蜗植入儿童言语清晰度的影响。方法选取17名人工耳蜗植入儿童进行研究,实验组11名聋儿接受构音干预。对照组6名聋儿不接受干预,对两组儿童实验前后言语清晰度的变化情况进行比较。结果实验组聋儿言语清晰度提高速度快,平均增幅约为30%;对照组聋儿言语清晰度提高速度相对较慢。结论针对性构音干预对提高人工耳蜗儿童声母、韵母、声调的清晰度有着积极的影响。  相似文献   

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