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Molecular cloning and characterization of porcine Mx2 gene   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mx, an interferon-inducible protein, is found in various vertebrates and confers resistance to several RNA viruses. At least two Mx proteins occur in vertebrates, and these proteins are key components of innate defense against viral infection. In mice and humans, the two Mx genes have different antiviral activities. Both Mx1 and Mx2 have also been detected in pigs, although only a partial sequence of porcine Mx2 has been reported, and there is no information on its antiviral activity. Here, we report the structure of the intact porcine Mx2 gene having an open reading frame of 2136 bp. We also determined the sequence of the genomic region containing the entire porcine Mx2 gene in addition to Mx1 gene. A weak constitutive expression of porcine Mx2 mRNA and endogenous Mx2 protein was observed in interferon-untreated cells. Porcine endogenous Mx2 protein showed nuclear localization. Furthermore, assays using NIH3T3 cells transfected with Mx genes showed that porcine Mx2 possessed antiviral activity against influenza, although this activity was lower than that of human MxA. This report is the first to describe the intact porcine Mx2 gene, which is a functional gene that may play a key role in the clearance of viruses in pigs.  相似文献   

In this study we describe the characterization of the porcine orthologue of Siglec-5. A cDNa clone was obtained from a porcine cDNa library derived from swine small intestine which encodes a 555 a-a type 1 transmembrane protein with sequence homology to human Siglec-5. This protein consists of four Ig-like domains, a transmembrane region, and a cytoplasmic tail with two tyrosine-based signalling motifs. When expressed as a recombinant protein fused to the Fc region of human IgG1, porcine Siglec-5 was able to bind porcine red blood cells in a sialic acid-dependent manner. Monoclonal antibodies (mAb) were developed against porcine Siglec-5 and used to analyse its expression in bone marrow and blood cells, and lymphoid tissues. Porcine Siglec-5 expression was mainly restricted to myelomonocytic cells and their precursors, being detected also, although at low levels, on plasmacytoid dendritic cells and B lymphocytes. In lymphoid tissues, ellipsoids of the spleen and subcapsular and medullar sinuses of lymph nodes were positive for Siglec-5. These mAbs were able to precipitate, from granulocyte lysates, a protein of approximately 85 kDa under non-reducing conditions, indicating that porcine Siglec-5 is expressed as a monomer in the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

We isolated cDNA encoding porcine MyD88 (poMyD88) from Peyer's patches (Pps) of GALT. The complete open reading frame (ORF) of poMyD88 contains 879 bp encoding a deduced 293 aa residues. The amino acid sequence of poMyD88 was characterized by N-terminal death, intermediate and C-terminal Toll/IL-1 receptor (TIR) domains. The putative poMyD88 protein shares a higher level of homology with its human (87.2% amino acid identity) than with its mouse (77.4% amino acid identity) counterpart. Overexpression of poMyD88 participated in the further enhanced activation of NF-w.B in human embryonic kidney (HEK) 293 cells expressing porcine TLR2 and porcine TLR4/MD-2, but not porcine RP105/MD-1 after stimulation with the corresponding ligands. The expression levels of MyD88 were highest in the spleen and mesenteric lymph nodes (MLNs), and lower in digestive tissues of newborn swine. In adult swine, the expression levels in the digestive tissues were lower than those in MLNs and the spleen. These results suggest that an MyD88-dependent signaling pathway is present in newborn as well as in adult swine and that it is involved in the innate immune system of these animals.  相似文献   

Fang Q  Pan Z  Geng S  Kang X  Huang J  Sun X  Li Q  Cai Y  Jiao X 《Molecular immunology》2012,52(3-4):117-124
Toll-like receptors (TLRs) are pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) that are vital to activation of the innate immune system in response to invading pathogens through their recognition of pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs). TLR5 is responsible for the recognition of bacterial flagellin in vertebrates. In this study, we cloned the goose TLR5 gene using rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE). The open reading frame (ORF) of goose TLR5 cDNA is 2583 bp in length and encodes an 860 amino acid protein. The entire coding region of the TLR5 gene was successfully amplified from genomic DNA and contained a single exon. The putative amino acid sequence of goose TLR5 consisted of a signal peptide sequence, 11 leucine-rich repeat (LRR) domains, a leucine-rich repeat C-terminal (LRR-CT) domain, a transmembrane domain and an intracellular Toll-interleukin-1 receptor (TIR) domain. The amino acid sequence of goose TLR5 shared 50.5% identity with human (Homo sapiens), 49.8% with mouse (Mus musculus) and 82.7% with chicken (Gallus gallus). The goose TLR5 gene was highly expressed in the spleen, liver and brain; moderately expressed in PBMCs, kidney, lung, heart, bone marrow, small intestine and large intestine; and minimally expressed in the cecum. HEK293 cells transfected with goose TLR5 and NF-κB-luciferase containing plasmids significantly responded to flagellin from Salmonella typhimurium indicating that it is a functional TLR5 homologue. In response to infection with S. enterica serovar Enteritidis (SE), the level of TLR5 mRNA significantly increased over the control in PBMCs at 1 d post infection (p.i.) and was slightly elevated in the spleen at 1 d or 3 d p.i. IL-6 was expressed below control levels in PBMCs but was upregulated in the spleen. In contrast to IL-6, an evident decrease in the expression level of IL-8 was observed in both PBMCs and spleens at 1 d or 3 d p.i. SE challenge also resulted in an increase in the mRNA expression of IL-18 and IFN-γ in PBMCs and the spleen. These results imply that the expression of goose TLR5 is differentially regulated in various tissues and may participate in the immune response against bacterial pathogens.  相似文献   

The nucleotide-oligomerization domain (NOD) 2 is an important molecule involved in host defense. In this study, we report the cloning and characterization of porcine NOD2 (poNOD2) cDNA. The open reading frame of poNOD2 contains 3042 bp which encode 1013 amino acid residues. The putative poNOD2 protein shares higher level of homology with human counterpart (81.6% amino acid identity) than the mouse protein (76.6% amino acid identity). In order to determine the function of poNOD2, we established human embryonic kidney (HEK) 293 cells transfected to express poNOD2 cDNA. We found that poNOD2 was expressed not only in the cytoplasm but also in the inner side of the plasma membrane of HEK293 cells. HEK293 cells expressing poNOD2 responded to muramyl dipeptide (MDP) by activation of the nuclear factor kappa B (NF-kappaB). Quantitative real-time PCR revealed that poNOD2 mRNA was expressed by a number of tissues isolated from adult and newborn swine such as esophagus, duodenum, jejunum, ileum, ileal Peyer's patches (Pps), colon, spleen, and mesenteric lymph nodes (MLNs). In the newborn swine, the expression of poNOD2 mRNA was detected at higher levels in MLNs and spleen as compared to other tissues. In the adult swine, the highest expression was observed in ileal Pps. Furthermore, Toll-like receptor (TLR) and NOD2 ligands as well as immunobiotic lactic acid bacteria (LAB) enhanced the expression of NOD2 in gut-associated lymphoid tissues (GALT) in adult and newborn swine. Our results implicate NOD2 as an important immunoregulator in the swine intestinal immunity.  相似文献   

Human interleukin-29 (IL-29) is a recently discovered cytokine displaying antiviral activity against a broad spectrum of viruses, designated as interferon (IFN)-λ1. We here report the molecular cloning, expression and antiviral activity of porcine IL-29 (poIL-29). The full-length poIL-29 cDNA sequence encoded 191 amino acids with a 19 amino acid signal peptide. Sequence alignments showed that poIL-29 had amino acid sequence similarity to wolf (76%), bear (75%), horse (75%), orangutan (73%), human (72%), cat (72%) and dog (70%) IL-29. The poIL-29 without signal anchor sequence was efficiently expressed as a 6×HIS fusion protein in Escherichia coli and the antiviral activity of the purified recombinant protein was 1.8 × 103 U/mg protein. The purified recombinant poIL-29 also exhibited significant antiviral effects against porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus and pseudorabies virus in a dose-dependent manner, suggesting that poIL-29 is a potential antiviral agent against swine infectious diseases.  相似文献   

The present work describes cloning, expression, purification, characterization, and mutation of Plasmodium falciparum guanylate kinase (PlasmoDB ID PFI1420w). Amino-acid sequence alignment revealed important differences especially in K42-V51, Y73-A77, and F100-L110, which include residues important for kinase activity, and at helix 3, which is important for domain movements. The catalytic efficiency for dGMP was 22-fold lower than that for GMP, whose value is the lowest among known guanylate kinases. dGMP was found to a competitive inhibitor for GMP with Ki = 0.148 mM and a mixed-type inhibitor with regard to ATP with measured Ki = 0.4 mM. The specificity constant (Kcat/Km) of the four examined mutants varied for natural substrate GMP/dGMP, indicating the involvement of different mechanisms in substrate recognition and subsequent loop-domain movement. These results show that P. falciparum guanylate kinase is structurally and biochemically distinct from other guanylate kinases and could be a possible target in drug development.  相似文献   

Wu W  Chen J  Zeng S  Zhang Z  Gan W  Yu X  Hu X 《Parasitology research》2011,109(2):345-351
This study described the recognization, cloning, and recombinant expression of cyclophilin A-like gene from Clonorchis sinensis adult complementary DNA library (CsCyPA) and its expression and secretion in adult. Western blotting demonstrated the recombinant CsCyPA could be recognized by sera of clonorchiasis patients and a sole protein of the same size in the excretory-secretory antigens of in vitro cultured adult could be recognized by antiserum raised against the recombinant CsCyPA. Immunohistochemistry demonstrated that the CsCyPA was secreted in scattered vesicles from subtegumental parenchyma cells to the surface of tegument and mainly released from the tegument. ELISA showed the serum levels of IgG against CsCyPA in clonorchiasis patients negatively correlated with worm loads. This study suggested that C. sinensis adult in biliary ducts could release CsCyPA without signal peptide through nonclassical secretory pathway into the liver and might play a role in inflammation and biliary epithelium proliferation and adenomatoid hyperplasia.  相似文献   

以正常中国人血淋巴细胞染色体DNA为模板,PCR扩增出神经营养因子3(NT3)编码基因。将所得基因片段重组于M13噬菌体载体,筛选得到含中国人NT3基因的克隆。采用单链末端终止法测出其全部的核苷酸序列,该序列与国外文献所报道的完全一臻。将NT3编码基因亚克隆于杆状病毒表达载体,以在大肠杆菌内转座后的重组Bacmid大分子DNA转染悬浮培养的昆虫细胞后,在培养上清中检测到大量成熟型的NT3,后者对人神经母细胞瘤SH-SY5Y-T3具有较强的促进神经突起生长的作用,其生物学效应可被抗人NT3多克隆抗体所阻断。  相似文献   

B cell activating factor belonging to the tumor necrosis factor (TNF) family (BAFF) is critical for B cell survival, maturation and T cell activation by acting through its three receptors, BAFF-R, BCMA and TACI. In the present study, a porcine BAFF cDNA, designated pBAFF, was cloned by RT–PCR and rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE) strategies. The full-length cDNA of pBAFF consists of 805 bp with a 702 bp open reading frame, encoding 233 amino acids. The deduced amino acid sequence contains a predicted transmembrane domain and a putative furin protease cleavage site corresponding to other identified BAFF homologues. The amino acid similarity between the functional soluble parts of pBAFF and human BAFF (hBAFF) or chicken BAFF (cBAFF) is 93% and 85%, respectively, with identity at the amino acid level was 88% and 76%, respectively. The characteristic of the three-cysteine residues of BAFF is conserved in pBAFF. RT-PCR showed that BAFF is expressed in many tissues in the pig, including spleen, liver, lung, heart, intestine, kidney, thymus and PBLs. Recombinant soluble pBAFF (psBAFF) fused with His6 tag was efficiently expressed in Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3) and its expression was confirmed by sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide gel electropheresis (SDS-PAGE) and Western blotting. In vitro, purified psBAFF co-stimulates the proliferation of not only porcine B cells but also human B cells. In addition, hsBAFF binds to porcine B cells and has a positive effect on their proliferation. These findings indicate pBAFF plays an important role in proliferation of porcine B cells and functional cross-reactivity occurs between porcine and human BAFF. In vitro expression of bioactive psBAFF provides the basis for further investigation of its potential to be used as an immunoadjuvant for enhancing vaccine efficacy and an immunotherapeutic in pig. It also provides the basis for investigations on the role of BAFF in this important domestic species and an animal model for human diseases.  相似文献   

The Fas-FasL system plays a crucial role in the maintenance of homeostasis in the immune system. To characterize the Fas/FasL system in macaque monkeys that are commonly used as experimental primates, we cloned and sequenced Fas cDNA derived from the cynomolgus monkey. The predicted amino acid sequence consists of 331 amino acids with a calculated molecular weight of 35,800. The extracellular cysteine-rich motif of cynomolgus Fas is highly homologous to that of humans (96%), whereas the intracellular death domain has a relatively low similarity to that of humans (86%). An agonistic Fas antibody (CH11) or cynomolgus FasL induced apoptosis in human Fas-transfected K562 cells in the presence of CHX but not in the cynomolgus Fas transfectant. CH11 and FasL failed to trigger apoptosis in the transfectant expressing human-cynomolgus chimera Fas consisting mostly of human-derived extracellular region and cynomolgus-derived intracellular portion. On the other hand, the transfectant expressing cynomolgus-human chimera Fas with human-derived intracellular region underwent apoptosis upon exposure to FasL. In addition, the virus-transformed, Fas-positive cynomolgus monkey cell line was highly sensitive to FasL. These findings suggest that the lack of apoptotic activity in the cynomolgus Fas transfectant in the human cell line might be related to the species-specific structure of Fas, especially of the death domain.  相似文献   

A cDNA encoding transportin, a protein involved in the nuclear import of M9 nuclear localization signal-bearing proteins, has been cloned from the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum. The complete cDNA consists of 3,667 bp encoding 1,136 amino acid residues. Amino acid sequence analysis revealed that Ran-GTP and M9 binding domains are highly conserved in P. falciparum, suggesting that the transportin-mediated nuclear transport pathway exists in this protozoan parasite. Southern blot analysis revealed that the transportin gene exists as a single copy in the malarial genome.  相似文献   

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