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Bothrops snake venoms contain metalloproteinases that contribute to the local effects seen after envenoming. In this work, a hemorrhagic metalloproteinase (BlaH1) was purified from the venom of the snake Bothrops lanceolatus by a combination of gel filtration, affinity (metal chelating) and hydrophobic interaction chromatographies. The hemorrhagin was homogeneous by SDS-PAGE and had a molecular mass of 28 kDa that was unaltered by treatment with beta-mercaptoethanol. BlaH1 gave a single band in immunoelectrophoresis and immunoblotting using commercial bothropic antivenom. BlaH1 had hemorrhagic, caseinolytic, fibrinogenolytic, collagenolytic and elastinolytic activities, but no phospholipase A(2) activity. The hemorrhagic and caseinolytic activities were inhibited by EDTA, indicating that they were metal ion-dependent. In contrast, aprotinin, benzamidine and PMSF did not affect these activities. The caseinolytic activity of BlaH1 had a pH optimum of 8.0 and was stable in solution at up to 40 degrees C; activity was completely lost at > or =70 degrees C. The hemorrhagic activity was neutralized by commercial bothropic antivenom. These properties suggest that this new hemorrhagin belongs to class P-I snake venom metalloproteinases.  相似文献   

Bleeding at the site of bite and/or systemic hemorrhage are symptoms frequently observed in envenomation by Bothrops jararaca snakes. In this study, we purified and characterized a prothrombin activator from B. jararaca that is probably involved in these clinical manifestations. The enzyme was isolated by a combination of gel filtration and ion exchange chromatographies and named bothrojaractivase. It has a single polypeptide chain with a molecular weight of 22,829 Da as measured by mass spectroscopy. Bothrojaractivase generates active thrombin from prothrombin, independently of cofactors. SDS-PAGE analysis of the prothrombin activation products shows that bothrojaractivase converts prothrombin into meizothrombin producing similar fragments to those generated by group A prothrombin's activators. In addition, bothrojaractivase degraded fibrinogen and fibrin. Chelating agents completely inhibited the enzymatic activity, whereas inhibitors of serine and cysteine proteinases had no effect. Amino acid sequence of four peptides demonstrated high similarity of bothrojaractivase with P-I class of snake venom metalloproteinases. Thus, our results indicate that bothrojaractivase is a new metalloproteinase that acts on different protein factors of the clotting cascade especially displaying a key and most relevant functional action in the generation of thrombin through prothrombin activation in a similar mode of action as that of group A activators.  相似文献   

A serine protease from Bothrops alternatus snake venom was isolated using DEAE-Sephacel, Sephadex G-75 and Benzamidine-Sepharose column chromatography. The purified enzyme, named Bhalternin, ran as a single protein band on analytical polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) and showed molecular weights of 31,500 and 27,000 under reducing and non-reducing conditions, respectively. Its complete cDNA was obtained by RT-PCR and the 708 bp codified for a mature protein of 236 amino acid residues. The multiple alignment of its deduced amino acid sequence showed a structural similarly with other serine proteases from snake venoms. Bhalternin was proteolytically active against bovine fibrinogen and albumin as substrates. When Bhalternin and bovine fibrinogen were incubated at 37 °C, at a ratio of 1:100 (w/w), the enzyme cleaved preferentially the Aα-chain, apparently not degrading the Bβ and γ-chains. Stability tests showed that the intervals of optimum temperature and pH for the fibrinogenolytic activity were 30-40 °C and 7.0-8.0, respectively. Also, the inhibitory effects of benzamidine on the fibrinogenolytic activity of Bhalternin indicate that it is a serine protease. This enzyme caused morphological alterations in heart, liver, lung and muscle of mice and it was found to cause blood clotting in vitro and defibrinogenation when intraperitoneally administered to mice, suggesting it to be a thrombin-like enzyme. Therefore, Bhaltenin may be of interest as a therapeutic agent in the treatment and prevention of thrombotic disorders.  相似文献   

In this work, a new weakly hemorrhagic metalloproteinase (BthMP) was purified from Bothrops moojeni snake venom. This enzyme was homogeneous by native and SDS-PAGE. It showed a polypeptide chain of 23.5 kDa, pI = 7.1, and N-terminal blocked. BthMP is comprised of high proteolytic activity on casein, fibrin and bovine fibrinogen, with no coagulating, esterase or phospholipase A2 activities; it was inhibited by EDTA, EGTA and 1,10-phenanthroline and maintained its activity on pH from 7.0 to 9.0 and temperature from 5-40 °C. Assays with metal ions showed that Ca2+ is an activator, whereas Zn2+ and Hg2+ inhibited about 50 and 80% of its activity, respectively. The edema evidenced the important role of the toxin in the inflammatory activity of the venom. BthMP also caused unclotting, and provoked histological alterations in the gastrocnemius muscle of mice inducing hemorrhage, necrosis and leukocytic infiltrate. The molecular mass and the inhibition assays suggest that the metalloproteinase BthMP belongs to class P-I of SVMPs.  相似文献   

A hemorrhagic metalloproteinase has been isolated from Bothrops alternatus venom from specimens that inhabit the north-east region of Argentina. The present study aimed at evaluating the proteolytic, hemorrhagic, edematogenic and myotoxic activities of the purified metalloproteinase, in order to consider its participation on the phatophysiology of the intoxication by Bothrops alternatus venom. The hemorrhagic metalloproteinase was isolated by a combination of DEAE-Cellulose chromatography and gel filtration on Sephadex G-75. The enzyme showed a molecular mass around 55k Da, it exhibited a hemorrhagic activity with a minimal hemorrhagic dose of 1.9 microg, almost two fold minor than the whole venom (3.6 microg). The enzyme showed a weak proteolytic activity on casein (18.72 U/mg enzyme), similar to the one exhibited by the whole venom (20 U/mg venom). Besides, the ability to degrade casein could be detected by SDS-PAGE; beta-casein was the fraction that showed the higher degradation, followed by alphas(1)-casein and kappa-casein degradation. The hemorrhagic metalloproteinase rapidly hydrolysed the A alpha-chain of fibrinogen, followed by B beta-chain degradation and leaving the gamma-chain unaffected. Proteolytic activities were inhibited by EDTA whereas they were not inhibited by benzamidine and PMSF. The metalloproteinase showed several polypeptides chains after autocatalytic processing, including a chain of 28k Da, it could be the processed disintegrin-like and cysteine-rich domains. The isolated enzyme exhibited myotoxic activity with high CK levels at 6h, due to local ischemia resulting of its hemorrhagic activity, and a significant edema-inducing effect (MED=1.3 microg), corroborated both results by the histological observations of samples of gastrocnemius muscle. These findings showed that this hemorrhagic metalloproteinase, possesses high edematogenic and myotoxic activities and, in despite of exhibiting a weak proteolytic activity, it is able to degrade fibrinogen. So, this enzyme would contribute markedly to the phatophysiology of the bothropic envenomation.  相似文献   

This article reports the purification procedure and the biochemical/functional characterization of Bp-PLA(2), a new myotoxic acidic phospholipase A(2) from Bothrops pauloensis snake venom. It was highly purified through three chromatographic steps (ion-exchange on CM-Sepharose, hydrophobic chromatography on Phenyl-Sepharose and RP-HPLC on a C8 column). Bp-PLA(2) is a single-chain protein of 15.8kDa and pI 4.3. Its N-terminal sequence revealed a high homology with other Asp49 acidic PLA(2)s from snake venoms. Its specific activity was 585.3U/mg. It displayed a high indirect hemolytic activity and inhibited platelet aggregation induced by collagen or ADP. It also induced in vivo edema and myotoxicity. Pretreatment of Bp-PLA(2) with BPB reduced the enzymatic activity, the inhibitory action on platelet aggregation and myotoxicity in vitro. Morphological analyses indicated that Bp-PLA(2) induced an intense edema, with visible leukocyte infiltrate and damaged muscle cells 24h after injection. Acidic myotoxic PLA(2)s from Bothrops snake venoms are still not extensively explored and knowledge of their structural and functional features will contribute for a better understanding of their action mechanism regarding enzymatic and toxic activities.  相似文献   

Since allergic sensitization to snake venom has been reported, anaphylactic reactions to snake venom might be an underestimated factor contributing to fatal snakebites, independently from the toxicity of the venom itself. However, little information is available on the determinants of such reaction. Hence, we studied a group of workers exposed to Bothrops jararaca venom (BJV), in order to clarify the factors related with snake venom allergy. The aim of this work was to investigate the prevalence and predictors of venom allergy among workers exposed to BJV and to confirm the involvement of IgE-mediated mechanisms in this condition. Workers exposed to BJV were assessed for venom allergy using questionnaires and immunological tests. The presence of BJV sensitization was determined through quantification of specific IgE. Allergens were studied using the Western blots and inhibition assays. Of the 67 workers evaluated, 7 (10.4%) presented specific IgE antibodies to BJV. Of those, 6 presented typical symptoms of an IgE-mediated allergic reaction when exposed to BJV. Venom sensitization was associated with length of employment (P=0.042), high levels of total IgE (P=0.034), atopy (P=0.051), and specific tasks, primarily the handling of dried venom (P=0.014). Our observations suggest that exposure to BJV can result in allergic sensitization in snake handlers through IgE-mediated mechanisms. The prevalence rate of this condition appears to be high among these workers, and the handling of dried venom, total IgE level above 100 kU/L, length of employment, and probably history of atopy were predictors of its occurrence.  相似文献   

PO41 was isolated from Philander opossum serum by DEAE-Sephacel, Phenyl Superose and Superdex 200 chromatographies and showed a molecular mass of 41,330 Da by MALDI-TOF MS. Molecular masses of 81.5 and 84.5 kDa were obtained by size exclusion chromatography and dynamic laser light scattering, respectively, suggesting that PO41 is dimeric. Its isoelectric point was estimated to be lower than 3.5. PO41 presented similar amino terminal sequence to those of DM40 and DM43, two antihaemorrhagins previously isolated from Didelphis marsupialis serum and was recognized by polyclonal antibodies raised against D. marsupialis antibothropic fraction. To study the inhibitory properties of this protein, the metalloproteinases bothrolysin and jararhagin were isolated from Bothrops jararaca venom by chromatographies on Superdex 200 and Phenyl Superose. Jararhagin was further submitted to a Mono Q column. The proteolytic and haemorrhagic effects of these haemorrhagins were neutralized by PO41. Both snake venom metalloproteinases formed stable complexes with PO41. The stoichiometry of the complex PO41-jararhagin was one inhibitor subunit to one molecule of the enzyme. These results show that PO41 has physicochemical, structural, immunoreactive and biological properties similar to other metalloproteinase inhibitors belonging to the supergene family of immunoglobulins.  相似文献   

Ying Jia 《Toxicon》2009,54(3):233-243
Two cDNA clones, AplVMP1 and AplVMP2, were isolated from a snake (Agkistrodon piscivorus leucostoma) venom gland cDNA library. The full-length cDNA sequence of AplVMP1 with a calculated molecular mass of 46.61 kDa is 1233 bp in length. AplVMP1 encodes PI class metalloproteinase with an open reading frame of 411 amino acid residues that includes signal peptide, pro-domain and metalloproteinase domains. The full-length cDNA of the AplVMP2 (1371 bp) has a calculated molecular mass of 51.16 kDa and encodes PII class metalloproteinase. The open reading frame of AplVMP2 with a 457 amino acid residues is composed of signal peptide, pro-domain, metalloproteinase and disintegrin domains. AplVMP1 and AplVMP2 showed 85% and 93% amino acid identical to PI class enzyme Agkistrodon contortrix laticinctus ACLPREF and PII class enzyme Agkistrodon piscivorus piscivorus piscivostatin, respectively. When expressed in Escherichia coli, most of recombinant proteins of AplVMP1 and AplVMP2 were in insoluble inclusion bodies, with soluble yields of 0.7 mg/l and 0.4 mg/l bacterial culture, respectively. Both affinity purified recombinant proteins show proteolytic activity on fibrinogen, although having an activity lower than that of crude A. p. leucostoma venom. Proteolytic activities of AplVMP1 and AplVMP2 were completely abolished after incubation with a final concentration of 100 μM of EDTA or 1,10-phenanthroline. Both AplVMP1 and AplVMP2 were active in a fibrin-agarose plate but devoid of hemorrhagic activity when injected (up to 50 μg) subcutaneously into mice, and had no capacity to inhibit platelet aggregation.  相似文献   

A hemorrhagic metalloprotease, named BjussuMP-I, was isolated from Bothrops jararacussu snake venom by a combination of gel filtration on Sephacryl S-200 (0.01 M Tris-HCl, pH 7.6 buffer) and Phenyl Sepharose CL-4B chromatography (0.01 M Tris-HCl plus 4 M NaCl, pH 8.6 buffer, followed by a concentration gradient from 4 to 0 M NaCl at 25 degrees C in the same buffer). BjussuMP-I is a 60 kDa protein with a pI approximately 5.5, which induced hemorrhage after intradermal injection in mice, with a minimum hemorrhagic dose of 4.0 microg. The hemorrhagic activity of BjussuMP-I was totally abolished after incubation with a chelating agent (EDTA), corroborating the metal-dependency of this effect. BjussuMP-I shows proteolytic activity on casein and fibrinogen, although having an activity lower than that of crude B. jararacussu venom and the metalloprotease neuwiedase isolated from Bothrops neuwiedi snake venom. It was recognized by anti-neuwiedase antibodies, with a reaction of partial immunologic identity. BjussuMP-I also shows bactericidal activity against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus. This is the first report on the isolation and characterization of a high molecular weight hemorrhagic metalloprotease (BjussuMP-I) from B. jararacussu venom, which may play a relevant role in local and systemic bleeding which characterizes Bothrops envenomations.  相似文献   

Snake venoms are known to be an extensive source of bioactive peptides. Bradykinin-potentiating peptides (BPPs) are inhibitors of the angiotensin-converting enzyme that have already been identified in the venom of many snake, scorpion, spider and batrachian species. Their most characteristic structural features are an invariable N-terminal pyroglutamate residue (pGlu or Z) and two consecutive proline residues at the C-terminus. Fragmentation of BPPs by collision-induced dissociation during electrospray tandem mass spectrometry analysis (ESI-MS/MS) generates a predominant signal at m/z 213.1 corresponding to the y-ion of the terminal Pro-Pro fragment. In addition, signals at m/z 226.1 and 240.1 that correspond to the b ions of the N-terminus pGlu-Asn and pGlu-Lys, respectively, can often be observed. Based on these structural determinants, the present work describes an original methodology for the discovery of BPPs in natural extracts using liquid chromatography coupled to ESI-MS/MS operated in precursor ion-scan mode. The venom of the Bothrops moojeni snake was used as a model and the methodology was applied for subsequent structural analysis of the identified precursors by tandem mass spectrometry on quadrupole-time-of-flight (Q-TOF) and matrix-assisted laser-desorption/ionization time-of-flight tandem mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS/MS) instruments. More than 40 peptides below 2500 Da could be detected, among them 20 were shown to belong to the BPP-like family including the related tripeptides pGlu-Lys-Trp and pGlu-Asn-Trp. A total of 15 new sequences have been identified using this approach.  相似文献   

Leucurolysin-a (leuc-a), a 23kDa non-hemorrhagic metalloproteinase, is found in venom of the viper Bothrops leucurus. Here, we examine the biological consequences of leuc-a, including thrombolytic activity, direct effects on endothelial cells in culture and edematogenic activity in vivo. We demonstrate fibrinolytic activity of leuc-a, in which the protease specifically degrades alpha, beta, and gamma-gamma chains. While not causing hemorrhaging, leuc-a does cause thrombolytic activities in whole blood clots. Endothelial cells are highly resistant to leuc-a in culture. Cell viability suffered only when cells were exposed to large quantities of the protease. Nevertheless, leuc-a induces changes in cell morphology. The impact of leuc-a on cell adhesion was confirmed by an adhesion assay, in which cell adhesion to fibronectin decreased due to leuc-a. This mild cellular impact is unlike that of crude venom, where lower concentrations triggered cell death and a greater reduction in cell adhesion. Also, leuc-a increased microvessel permeability with marked edema in mice peritoneum and foot pads. These effects are similar to those of other P-I class SVPMs. These in vivo effects were weaker when crude venom was tested. In conclusion, albeit not showing significant hemorrhagic activity, leuc-a can induce a prominent edema which appears to be significant in the local effects observed after B. leucurus venom accidents.  相似文献   

A 50 kDa fibrinogenolytic protease, ohagin, from the venom of Ophiophagus hannah was isolated by a combination of gel filtration, ion-exchange and heparin affinity chromatography. Ohagin specifically degraded the alpha-chain of human fibrinogen and the proteolytic activity was completely abolished by EDTA, but not by PMSF, suggesting it is a metalloproteinase. It dose-dependently inhibited platelet aggregation induced by ADP, TMVA and stejnulxin. The full sequence of ohagin was deduced by cDNA cloning and confirmed by protein sequencing and peptide mass fingerprinting. The full-length cDNA sequence of ohagin encodes an open reading frame of 611 amino acids that includes signal peptide, proprotein and mature protein comprising metalloproteinase, disintegrin-like and cysteine-rich domains, suggesting it belongs to P-III class metalloproteinase. In addition, P-III class metalloproteinases from the venom glands of Naja atra, Bungarus multicinctus and Bungarus fasciatus were also cloned in this study. Sequence analysis and phylogenetic analysis indicated that metalloproteinases from elapid snake venoms form a new subgroup of P-III SVMPs.  相似文献   

Vascular endothelial growth factors (VEGFs) are among the most important angiogenic proteins found on vertebrates. In the last years, some reports of the occurrence of such proteins in snake venoms are rising the importance of this family of proteins as toxins, since they appear to be involved in many features of Viperidae envenoming, such as hypotension and venom spread through increase in vascular permeability. Here we describe the occurrence of snake venom VEGF in Bothrops erythromelas, a clinical important snake from Northeast of Brazil, through immunodetection and cloning of its cDNA and briefly provide an overview comparison of all recent described svVEGF sequences.  相似文献   

Stejnitin, a novel class P-II snake venom metalloproteinase (SVMP) with a molecular weight of about 35kDa, was purified from Trimeresurus stejnegeri venom. The cDNA of stejnitin encoded a polypeptide of 295 amino acid residues which comprises a signal peptide, proprotein, metalloproteinase domain, spacer and disintegrin domain. The protein sequence deduced from cDNA was confirmed by peptide mass fingerprinting analysis. It is highly homologous to the members of subclass P-IIa SVMPs which comprises metalloproteinase and disintegrin together. Results from DNA fragmentation and flow cytometry analysis also indicated that stejnitin is able to induce apoptosis of ECV304 cells (R=0.908, P=0.012).  相似文献   

Different peptides have been isolated from a wide range of animal species. It is has become increasingly clear that due to the development of antibiotic-resistant microbes, antibacterial and antifungal peptides have attracted the attention in recent years, in order to find new therapeutic agents. In this work, a novel peptide with high inhibitory activity against fungi growth have been isolated from the venom of the Brazilian snake Bothrops jararaca. A Sephacryl S-100 gel filtration column was employed for further separation of proteins. The FV fraction with high antifungal activity was named Pep5Bj, pooled and submitted to reverse-phase chromatography in HPLC. The fraction containing the isolated peptide inhibited the growth of different phytopathogenic fungi (Fusarium oxysporum and Colletotrichum lindemuthianum) and yeast (Candida albicans and Saccharomyces cerevisiae). The peptide minimal inhibitory concentration is comparable to other known antifungal peptides, like insect defensins and cecropins, found in the last years in a large diversity of animals. We investigate F. oxysporum cells membrane permeabilization using SYTOX Green uptake, an organic compound that fluoresces upon interaction with nucleic acids after penetration in cell with compromised plasma membranes. When viewed under fluorescence optical microscopy, F. oxysporum cells exposed to Pep5Bj display strong SYTOX Green fluorescence in the cytosol, especially in the nuclei. The SYTOX Green data suggested that this effect is related to membrane permeabilization. The molecular masses of this peptide was obtained by MALDI-TOF spectrometry and corresponded to 1370Da.  相似文献   

A new serine protease with thrombin-like activity (TLBan) from Bothrops andianus (Andean Lancehead) was isolated in two chromatographic steps in LC molecular exclusion and reverse phase-HPLC. TLBan is a glycoprotein that contains both N-linked carbohydrates and sialic acid in its structure, with Mr ∼29 kDa under reducing conditions and non-reducing ∼25 kDa conditions and confirmed by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry (25,835.65 Da) and exhibited high specificity for BAρNA, Michaelis-Menten behavior with Km 5.4 × 10−1 M and the Vmax 7.9 × 10−1 nmoles ρ-NA/L/min for this substrate and high stability when was analyzed at different temperatures (25 to 60 °C), pHs (4.0 to 8.0), was inhibited by soybean trypsin inhibitor, EDTA and phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride (PMSF).The total amino acid sequence was obtained through sequencing of selected tryptic peptides and by inference obtained using SwissProt database http://br.expasy.org/ with the search restricted to serine proteases from Crotalinae snakes and show high amino acid sequence identity with other serine proteases from snake venom.TLBan showed the presence of His(44), Asp(91) residues and Ser was deduced (187) position, in the corresponding positions to the catalytic triad established in the serine proteases and Ser(187) are inhibited by phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride (PMSF).In this work, we investigated the ability of TLBan to degrade fibrinogen and we observed that it is able to cause α- and β-chain cleavage. Enzymatic activities as well as the platelet aggregation were strongly inhibited when were incubated with PMSF, a specific inhibitor of serine protease. TLBan showed a potential medical-scientific interest to understand the pathophysiological mechanism of the snake venom action and identification of new blood coagulation cascade acting enzymes of natural sources.  相似文献   

Herein we compared the biological activities of Bothrops insularis and Bothrops jararaca venoms as well as their neutralization by polyspecific Bothrops antivenom (PBA). On account of that, we investigated their antigenic cross-reactivity and the neutralization of lethal, myotoxic and defibrinating activities by polyspecific and species-specific antivenoms. Silver-stained SDS-PAGE gels evidenced many common bands particularly above 47 kDa between B. jararaca and B. insularis venoms. However, some protein bands between 46 and 28 kDa were observed exclusively in B. jararaca venom. Both venoms presented gelatinolytic, caseinolytic, fibrinogenolytic and phospholipase A(2) activities. No hyaluronidase activity was detected in both venoms by zymography. Polyspecific and species-specific antivenoms showed similar titers to B. jararaca and B. insularis venoms by ELISA, and recognized similar components by immunoblotting. The PBA was effective in neutralizing the lethal, myotoxic and defibrinating activities of both venoms as well as to abrogate microcirculatory disturbances induced by B. insularis venom. No statistically significant difference was observed for minimal hemorrhagic doses between both venoms. Antigenic cross-reactivity was evident between both venoms. Since toxic and enzymatic activities were similar, we speculate that B. insularis venoms can induce a local damage in humans comparable to that observed in other Bothrops venoms. Besides, the PBA was effective in neutralizing the toxic activities of B. insularis venom.  相似文献   

The structures and functional activities of metalloproteinases from snake venoms have been widely studied because of the importance of these molecules in envenomation. Batroxase, which is a metalloproteinase isolated from Bothrops atrox (Pará) snake venom, was obtained by gel filtration and anion exchange chromatography. The enzyme is a single protein chain composed of 202 amino acid residues with a molecular mass of 22.9 kDa, as determined by mass spectrometry analysis, showing an isoelectric point of 7.5. The primary sequence analysis indicates that the proteinase contains a zinc ligand motif (HELGHNLGISH) and a sequence C164I165M166 motif that is associated with a “Met-turn” structure. The protein lacks N-glycosylation sites and contains seven half cystine residues, six of which are conserved as pairs to form disulfide bridges. The three-dimensional structure of Batroxase was modeled based on the crystal structure of BmooMPα-I from Bothrops moojeni. The model revealed that the zinc binding site has a high structural similarity to the binding site of other metalloproteinases. Batroxase presented weak hemorrhagic activity, with a MHD of 10 μg, and was able to hydrolyze extracellular matrix components, such as type IV collagen and fibronectin. The toxin cleaves both α and β-chains of the fibrinogen molecule, and it can be inhibited by EDTA, EGTA and β-mercaptoethanol. Batroxase was able to dissolve fibrin clots independently of plasminogen activation. These results demonstrate that Batroxase is a zinc-dependent hemorrhagic metalloproteinase with fibrin(ogen)olytic and thrombolytic activity.  相似文献   

The thrombin-like serine protease TLBm from Bothrops marajoensis was isolated in one chromatographic step in reverse phase HPLC. Its molecular mass was 33239.95 Da, as based on the determined primary structure and confirmed experimentally by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry (33332.5 Da) and it contains 12 half-cysteine residues. This TLBm exhibited high specificity for BAρNA, Michaelis-Menten behavior with Km 2.3 × 10−1 M and the Vmax 0.52 × 10−1 nmoles ρ-NA/lt/min for this substrate. TLBm also showed ability to coagulate bovine fibrinogen and was inhibited by soybean trypsin inhibitor, EDTA and S(Dm) from the serum of the species Didelphis marsupialis. The primary structure of TLBm showed the presence of His(45), Asp(103) and Ser(228) residues in the corresponding positions of the catalytic triad established in the serine proteases and Ser(228) are inhibited by phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride (PMSF). Amino acid analysis showed a high content of Asp, Glu, Gly, Ser, Ala and Pro as well as 12 half-cysteine residues and calculated pI of 6.47; TLBm presented 285 amino acid residues. In this work, we investigated the ability of TLBm to degrade fibrinogen and we observed that it is able to cause α- and β-chain cleavage. Enzymatic as well as the platelet aggregation activities were strongly inhibited when incubated with PMSF, a specific inhibitor of serine protease. Also, TLBm induced platelet aggregation in washed and platelet-rich plasma, and in both cases, PMSF inhibited its activity.  相似文献   

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