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Hyperglycemia is significantly associated with increased mortality in critically ill patients and then, strict control of blood glucose (BG) concentration is important. Lowering of BG levels with intensive insulin therapy (IIT) was recommended in order to improve patient outcomes. But recently, some recent prospective trials failed to confirm the initial data, showing conflicting results (significantly increased mortality with IIT, more hypoglycemic episodes). So there is no consensus about efficiency and safety of IIT. Significant associations between glucose variability and mortality have been confirmed by several recent studies. A difference in variability of BG control could explain why the effect of IIT varied from beneficial to harmful. Managing and decreasing this BG variability could be an important goal of BG control in critically ill patients. Clinicians have to consider definitions, physiopathology and impacts of glucose variability, in order to improve patient outcomes.  相似文献   

The objectives for using sedation in neurointensive care unit (neuroICU) are somewhat different from those used for patients without severe brain injuries. One goal is to clinically reassess the neurological function following the initial brain insult in order to define subsequent strategies for diagnosis and treatment. Another goal is to prevent severely injured brain from additional aggravation of cerebral blood perfusion and intracranial pressure. Depending on these situations is the choice of sedatives and analgesics: short-term agents, e.g., remifentanil, if a timely neurological reassessment is required, long-term agents, e.g., midazolam and sufentanil, as part of the treatment for elevated intracranial pressure. In that situation, a multimodal monitoring is needed to overcome the lack of clinical monitoring, including repeated measurements of intracranial pressure, blood flow velocities (transcranial Doppler), cerebral oxygenation (brain tissue oxygen tension), and brain imaging. The ultimate stop of neurosedation can distinguish between no consciousness and an alteration of arousing in brain-injured patients. During this period, an elevation of intracranial pressure is usual, and should not always result in reintroducing the neurosedation.  相似文献   



Evaluate the changes in potassium following rapid sequence induction with succinylcholine in critically ill-patients and determine whether hospital length of stay could influence the succinylcholine-induced hyperkaliemia.

Study design

Prospective and observational study.

Patients and methods

After approval by our local ethical committee, we prospectively included 36 patients admitted from more than 24 hours in ICU and who required succinylcholine for rapid tracheal intubation (1 mg/kg). Serum potassium was measured before, 5 and 30 min after succinylcholine. The incidence of life-threatening hyperkaliemia (≥ 6.5 mmol/L) was noted.


We could observe significant and transient increase in serum potassium (median increase of 0.45 [0.20–0.80] mmol/L at five minutes). A significant relationship was observed between the ICU length of stay and arterial potassium increase (r = 0.37, P < 0.05). From the ROC curve, a threshold of 12 days had an 86% sensitivity and 69% specificity in discriminating patients in whom the potassium increase was more than 1.5 mmol/L.


Induction with succinylcholine is followed by significant but transient hyperkaliema. The ICU length of stay before giving succinylcholine could influence significantly the amplitude of potassium increase.  相似文献   



A national survey was conducted by the “Collège français d’anesthésie et de réanimation (CFAR)” and the “Collège des bonnes pratiques en réanimation (CBPR)”, to analyze the implementation of morbidity and mortality conferences (MMCs) in French intensive care units (ICUs).

Study design

An electronic questionnaire was set up. We directed the survey at French ICUs physicians registered in the two Colleges directories, only one form was filled in by each participating unit.


From December 2009 to February 2010, Among the 170 replies, 120 ICUs (71%) practiced MMC. No difference in the typology of the two groups was found. The median annual number of MMCs was 4 per year (1-15). The perimeter of the MMCs concerned only the ICU unit in 70 cases (58%), more than one ICU unit in the same department in 11 cases (9.8%), more than one department of ICU in 16 cases (13%) and other departments in 57 cases (48%). The events analyzed were: all deaths in 45 cases (37.5%), unexpected deaths in 50 cases (41.7%), severe adverse events in 67 cases (55.8%) and other events in 19 cases (15.8%). At least one adverse event defined by the two colleges in the process of “accreditation” was analyzed in 86 cases (72%). Participation of a physician of at least one other unit was reported in 56 cases (47%) and of medical students in 62 cases (52%). The low rate of participation of ICU nurses was reported in 62 cases (69.2%) and their absence in 35 cases (29%). MMCs consequences were drafting of new procedure in 99 cases (83%), changes in procedures in 75 cases (63%), conducting training programs in 60 cases (50%), organizational changes in 86 cases (72%), adverse event declaration in 21 cases (18%) and monitoring indicators in 40 cases (33%). Among units which did not practice MMCs, Identified obstacles were organizational causes in 25 cases (50%), inexperience in seven cases (14%), lack of methodology in 4 cases (8%), realization of other methods of formative assessment in 4 cases (8%) and physician's refusal in three cases (6%). The fear of medico-legal problem was never reported as a barrier to MMCs practice. Forty-five units (90%) projected to practice MMR.


This survey showed that the practice of MMR is common in French ICUs, allowing the identification of organizational problems, but also of training needs, joining one of the initial concerns that have led to their implementation. Expanding the participation to non-physician members of the units should be encouraged, without underestimating the difficulties particularly in the organizational domains that represent an obstacle to development of MMCs.  相似文献   



To evaluate whether intensivists would accept to optimize their orderings of biological samplings, x-rays and target drugs and to assess the consequence on patient's outcome.

Study design

Monocentric evaluation of medical economic procedure.


Meetings of consultants, registrars and residents started on Dec 21, 2006 with two to three sessions a year in order to evaluate the process of medical ordering. The physicians and pharmacists gave the results of orderings at each meeting. Orderings of systematic samplings, bedside x-rays and unjustified expansive drugs were discouraged, but target samplings and lung ultrasonography were encouraged. New residents were systematically taught about this programme. Meanwhile, monthly morbidity-mortality meetings were pursued in order to assess the consequences of this politics.


While ICU total production increased by 3.4% and potentially evitable deaths decreased by 34%, annual expenses decreased by approximatively 777,000 euros from 2006 to 2008. This was due to decreased orderings in biology by 30%, bedside x-rays by 10%, computed tomographic scans by 16% and target drugs by 35%. However, an increased ordering in four target drugs was observed in 2008 as compared with 2007.


Multidisciplary optimization of medical ordering can be efficient in ICU. However, a profit-sharing with ordering physicians would be necessary to prolong these effects.  相似文献   



The interest of tight glucose control in ICU is still debated. In France, no data are available regarding this therapy and the implementation of its guidelines.

Study design

Sub-study of a one-day audit performed between January and May 2009.

Patients and methods

During a one-day audit performed in 66 ICUs, trained residents collected data regarding the presence of a formal glucose control protocol and its practical application.


A formalized glucose control protocol was found in 88% of patients. During the day before the audit, 3645 glycemia measurements were performed accounting for six measurements [4–9] per patient with a median higher value of 1.6 [1.4–2.1]. Hypoglycemia (< 0.8 g/L) and hyperglycemia (> 1.4 g/L in non-diabetic and > 1.8 g/L in diabetic patients) were found in 81 (15%) and 326 (58%) patients respectively. Two episodes (0.36%) of severe hypoglycemia (< 0.4 g/L) were reported. Factors associated with glucose control protocol application were: a high SOFA score, cardioversion, mechanical ventilation, intracranial pressure monitoring, steroid use and nurse to patient ratio less than 1/2.5. Hepatic failure was the only factor associated with hypoglycemia.


Glucose control protocols are available in more than 80% ICUs but their implementation is still imperfect. However, the median glycemia meets international current recommendations. Severe hypoglycemia is a very rare event in ICU.  相似文献   

In pediatric intensive care unit, the available modalities of acute renal replacement therapy include intermittent hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis and continuous renal replacement therapies. No prospective studies have evaluated to date the effect of dialysis modality on the outcomes of children. The decision about dialysis modality should therefore be based on local expertise, resources available, and the patient's clinical status. Poor hemodynamic tolerance of intermittent hemodialysis is a common problem in critically ill patients. Moreover, many pediatric intensive care units are not equipped with dedicated water circuit. Peritoneal dialysis, a simple and inexpensive alternative, is the most widely available form of acute renal replacement therapy. However, its efficacy may be limited in critically ill patients. The use of continuous renal replacement therapy permits usually to reach a greater estimated dialysis dose, a better control of fluid balance, and additionally, to provide adequate nutrition.  相似文献   



To clarify the procedures related to mechanical ventilation in the intensive care unit setting: allocation of ventilators, team education, maintenance and reference documents.

Study design

Declarative survey.


Between September and December 2010, we assessed the assignment and types of ventilators (ICU ventilators, temporary repair ventilators, non-invasive ventilators [NIV], and transportation ventilators), medical and nurse education, maintenance of the ventilators, presence of reference documents. Results are expressed in median/range and proportions.


Among the 62 participating ICUs, a median of 15 ventilators/ICU (range 1−50) was reported with more than one trademark in 47 (76%) units. Specific ventilators were used for NIV in 22 (35%) units, temporary repair in 49 (79%) and transportation in all the units. Nurse education courses were given by ICU physicians in 54 (87%) units or by a company in 29 (47%) units. Medical education courses were made by ICU senior physicians in 55 (89%) units or by a company in 21 (34%) units. These courses were organized occasionally in 24 (39%) ICU and bi-annually in 16 (26%) units. Maintenance procedures were made by the ICU staff in 39 (63%) units, dedicated staff (17 [27%]) or bioengineering technicians (14 [23%] ICU). Reference documents were written for maintenance procedures in 48 (77%) units, ventilator setup in 22 (35%) units and ventilator dysfunction in 20 (32%) ICU.


This first survey shows disparate distribution of ventilators and practices among French ICU. Education and understanding of the proper use of ventilators are key issues for security improvement.  相似文献   



Describe systemic antifungal therapy in non-neutropenic adult patients in intensive care unit (ICU).

Patients and method

A prospective, observational study was conducted during the first half of 2010 in the 7 ICU in a hospital with medical consultant on antimicrobial therapy. All non-neutropenic consecutive adult patients receiving systemic antifungal therapy for documented or suspected invasive fungal infection (IFI) apart from aspergillosis were included.


Out of 1502 patients admitted in ICU, 104 (7 %) underwent systemic antifungal therapy, including 30 (29 %) for a documented IFI and 74 (71 %) for a suspected IFI. Candida albicans was identified in 23 (77 %) of the IFI and 45/52 (86 %) of the broncho-pulmonary and/or urinary colonizations in suspected IFI. Echinocandin was significantly more prescribed in patients with a documented infection (19/30 patients) and fluconazole in patients with a suspected infection (48/74 patients). The first line therapy was primarily stopped after recovery (11/30 patients) or de-escalation (9/30 patients) in documented infections, and for lack of indication (34/74 patients) or due to recovery (21/74 patients) in suspected infections after on average of 7 days of treatment.


For ICU non-neutropenic adult patients in our center, antifungal therapy is prescribed two times out of three for suspected, unproved infections, in most cases with fluconazole. Documented infections were more often treated by echinocandin with secondary de-escalation. An interventional prospective study to assess the role of antifungal pre-emptive or empirical therapy is necessary.  相似文献   



To describe the condition of the decision-making of admission and non-admission in intensive care unit.

Study design

Non-interventional observational cohort.

Patients and methods

Retrospective analysis of declarative terms of decision-making of patients admitted or denied in a surgical intensive care unit. The decision-making in the two admitted or not admitted troops was compared.


That it is during a non-admission (149 decisions) or of an admission (149 decisions), the decision-making process was not very different. The instruction of the files was regarded as collegial in nearly 80% of the cases by the intensivist in load. The dialogue precedent the decision utilized generally several speakers but who could be residents. The participation of the patient and/or his close relations, as that of the ancillary medical personnel was rare. No person of confidence or anticipated directive was quoted. More than 50% of the decisions were taken within a time lower than 30 minutes. The decisions of non-admission were considered to be more difficult than the decisions of admission. Traceability was not automatically given.


Thus, this study shows that in its current form the intensivists of the service estimate that in the majority of the cases the instruction of the files was collegial. However, the conditions of seniorisation of the decision, the collection of opinion of the patient and/or his close relations and the traceability are tracks of improvement to be implemented in certain circumstances of admission or non-admission.  相似文献   



Since the last consensus conducted by Sfar/SRLF, the use of protocol for sedation became the reference in our ICUs. Decrease in length of stay and length of mechanical ventilation with used of these protocols have been already described. We would like to investigate the economic impact associated.

Study design

Using the PMSI data, we studied retrospectively, the economic effect, one year before and one year after protocol implementation in our ICU.


The economic evaluation compared the cost of sedation but also the cost of mechanical ventilation and length of stay in ICU.


Characteristic and number of patients were equivalent during the two years. We described a significant decrease in length of mechanical ventilation (8.8 vs. 8.4; p < 0.05) but not in length of stay (11.4 vs. 11.7; NS) between the two periods. We described a decrease of sedation cost of 11 412 euros and a decrease of mechanical ventilation cost of 27 360 Euros between the two years.


We confirm in this study that use of sedation protocol in ICU is associated with a clinical impact but also with an economic effect.  相似文献   

Bacterial parotitis is a common childhood disease with a favorable outcome. Staphylococcus aureus is the most frequently involved pathogen. Clinical presentation in adult patients can be misleading, Onset occurs in patients with multiple comorbidities, making diagnosis difficult – particularly in ICU. Different pathogens are found in adults with worse outcomes observed. We report here the case of a critically ill patient and discuss diagnosis and management of bacterial parotitis.  相似文献   

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