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Carbon products such as anodes and ramming paste must have well-defined physical, mechanical, chemical, and electrical properties to perform their functions effectively in the aluminum electrolysis cell. The physical and mechanical properties of these products are assigned during the shaping procedure in which compaction stresses are applied to the green carbon paste. The optimization of the shaping process is crucial to improving the properties of the carbon products and consequently to increasing the energy efficiency and decreasing the greenhouse gas emissions of the Hall–Héroult process. The objective of this study is to experimentally investigate the effect(s) of the strain rate, of the stress maximum amplitude, and of the unloading level on the behavior of a green carbon paste subjected to cyclic loading. To this end, experiments consisting of (1) cyclic compaction tests at different maximum stress amplitudes and strain rates, and (2) cyclic compaction tests with different unloading levels were carried out. The study obtained the following findings about the behavior of carbon paste subjected to cyclic loads. The strain rate in the studied range had no effect either on the evolution of the permanent strain as a function of the cycle number, nor on the shape of the stress–strain hysteresis during the cyclic loading. Moreover, samples of the same density that had been subjected to different maximum stress amplitudes in their loading history did not have the same shape of the stress–strain curve. On the other hand, despite having different densities, samples subjected to the same number of cycles produce the same stress–strain curve during loading even though they were subjected to different maximum stress amplitudes in their loading histories. Finally, the level of unloading during each cycle of a cyclic test proved significant; when the sample was unloaded to a lower level of stress during each cycle, the permanent strain as a function of the cycle number was higher.  相似文献   

Gangue paste material is mainly composed of coal gangue with particle size, which is mixed with cement. Fly ash and additives can be added to change its performance. In this paper, the influence of each component on the mechanical properties of gangue paste material was studied by an orthogonal experiment. The conversion relationship among various indexes of mechanical properties of gangue paste material and the response surface prediction model were discussed. The results show that the mechanical properties of gangue paste materials are positively correlated with the content of cement, the content of fly ash and the mass concentration, which increase with the increase of the three factors, and show the primary and secondary relationship of the content of cement > the content of fly ash > the mass concentration. A response surface prediction model of mechanical property parameters is established, which includes the first order term of the influencing factors of gangue paste material and the first order interaction term between any two factors. In the response surface prediction model of uniaxial compressive strength, splitting tensile strength, cohesion and elastic modulus, the goodness of fit test coefficients are 0.998, 0.957, 0.970 and 0.997, respectively, which proves that the model has good goodness of fit. The research results provide basic parameters for paste filling mining practice, and also provide the basis for numerical simulation of filling body value.  相似文献   

Critical dynamic stress (σcri) and accumulative plastic strain (εp) are primary indicators regarding the dynamic stability of unbound granular materials (UGMs). This study aims to seek an effective method to evaluate the dynamic stability of UGMs used in railway subgrades. First, the dynamic characteristics of an UGM used in railway subgrade bed construction were investigated by performing a series of large-scale cyclic triaxial tests, with the results showing that εp versus cycle number (N) curves can be categorized into stable, failure, and critical patterns. Grey relational analyses were then established, where the analyzed results demonstrated that the εpN curve pattern and final accumulative plastic strain (εs) of the stable curves are strongly correlated with the moisture content (w), confining pressure (σ3), and dynamic deviator stress (σd). The analyzed grey relational grades distributed in a narrow range of 0.72 to 0.81, indicating that w, σ3, and σd have similar degrees of importance on determining the εpN curve patterns and the values of εs of the UGM. Finally, a data processing method using a back-propagation (BP) neural network is introduced to analyze the test data, and an empirical approach is developed to evaluate the σcri (considering the effects of σ3 and w) and εs (considering the effects of σ3, w, and σd) of the UGM. The analyzed results illustrated that the developed method can effectively reflect the linear/non-linear relationships of σcri and εs with respect to σ3 and/or σd. The σcri approximately increases linearly with increasing σ3, and a simple empirical formula is proposed for the σcri. In addition, εs and its variation rate increase non-linearly with increasing σd but decrease non-linearly as σ3 increases.  相似文献   

Cement-based lightweight materials have received much attention recently in embankment backfill applications, the boundary of which is more close to a plane strain condition. To study the influence of plane strain condition on the behavior and void structure of cement-based lightweight material under cyclic loading, this paper conducted a series of compression tests on foamed cement pastes with densities of 700 and 900 kg/m3 subjected to static and cyclic loading under plane strain conditions. The X-CT technique was adopted to obtain the three-dimensional (3-D) void structures of the specimens before and after the loading tests. The results showed that the plane strain conditions yielded specimen compression strengths 30–50% higher than the unconfined conditions. The specimen integrity endured under load levels of less than 0.5, but failed after approximately 1000 cycles under a load level of 0.8, indicating that cyclic loading could accelerate the degradation of the specimena. The void structures of the specimens showed that the void volumes were featured bfatured an unimodal distribution with unimodal positions in a range of 0.1–0.2 mm3. The unimodal position became higher with the increasing cyclic load level. Slices of the specimens after static and cyclic loading tests suggested that cyclic load could easily lead to the rupture of voids that then merge into bigger voids and the connection of voids forming cracks.  相似文献   

Thermal conductivity plays a significant role in controlling thermal cracking of cement-based materials. In this study, the thermal conductivity of cement paste at an early age was measured by the hot plate method. The test results showed that the thermal conductivity of cement paste decreased with the increase of water/cement ratio and curing age. Meanwhile, a multiphase model for the thermal conductivity of cement paste was proposed and used to study the influence of saturation and curing temperature on the thermal conductivity of cement paste. To determine the parameters involved in this model, the thermal conductivity of each phase in cement paste was calculated by the molecular dynamic simulation method, and the hydration of cement was simulated by the Virtual Cement and Concrete Testing Laboratory. The inversion results showed that the relative error between experimental and simulation results lay between 1.1% and 6.5%. The thermal conductivity of paste in the saturated condition was 14.9–32.3% higher than that in the dry state. With the curing temperature increasing from 10 °C to 60 °C, the thermal conductivity of cement paste decreased by 3.9–4.9% depending on the water/cement ratio.  相似文献   

Over the last few years, the addition of small amounts of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) to construction materials has become of great interest, since it enhances some of the mechanical, electrical and thermal properties of the cement. In this sense, single-walled and multi-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs and MWCNTs, respectively) can be incorporated into cement to achieve the above-mentioned improved features. Thus, the current study presents the results of the addition of SWCNTs and MWCNTs on the microstructure and the physical properties of the cement paste. Density was measured through He pycnometry and the mass change was studied by thermogravimetric analysis (TGA). The microstructure and the phases were analyzed using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). Finally, the electrical conductivity for different CNT concentrations was measured, and an exponential increase of the conductivity with concentration was observed. This last result opens the possibility for these materials to be used in a high variety of fields, such as space intelligent systems with novel electrical and electronic applications.  相似文献   

Cement paste powder (CPP) is a by-product of the recycling process of concrete with an elevated carbonation capability and potential to be recycled as a binding material in new concrete batches. The application of a carbonation treatment to CPP improves this potential even more, besides the evident gains in terms of CO2 net balance. However, the long duration usually adopted in this treatment, from 3 to 28 days, hampers the industrial viability of the process. We studied the feasibility of a short-duration carbonation process, with a duration of two hours, carrying out a comprehensive characterization of the material throughout the process. The test was performed on CPP with an average initial water content of 16.9%, exposed to a CO2 concentration of 80%. The results demonstrate two main carbonation rates: a rapid growth rate in the first 18 minutes of the process, involving all the calcium-bearing compounds in CPP, and a slow growth rate afterwards, where only C-S-H contributes to the carbonation reaction. During the 2 h carbonation process, the main CPP compounds, calcium silicate hydrate (C-S-H) and calcium hydroxide (CH), reached different carbonation degrees, 31% and 94%, with, however, close CO2 uptake values, 8% and 11%, respectively. Nevertheless, the total CO2 uptake for this process (≈19%) attained values not distant from the values usually obtained in a carbonation of 12 days or more (19–25%). Hence, these findings highlight the blocking role of C-S-H in the carbonation process, indicating that longer carbonation periods are only going to be useful if an effective carbonation of this compound is accomplished. In the present scenario, where CH is the main contributor to the reaction, the reduction in the process duration is feasible.  相似文献   

Carbon dioxide is the main component of greenhouse gases, which are responsible for an increase in global temperature. The utilization of carbon dioxide in cement-based materials is an effective way to capture this gas. In this paper, the influence of carbon dioxide curing on the setting time, the electrical resistivity, dry shrinkage ratio, water absorption by unit area and mechanical strengths (flexural and compressive strengths) were determined. The scanning electron microscope, X-ray diffraction and thermogravimetric analysis were obtained to investigate the mechanism of carbonation reaction of cement paste. Water–cement ratios of cement paste were selected to be 0.3, 0.4 and 0.5. Results showed that carbon dioxide curing could accelerate the setting of cement paste. The electrical resistivity decreased with the increasing water–cement ratio and increased with the carbon dioxide curing. Moreover, the evaluation function for the curing age and dry shrinkage rate or the mechanical strengths fit well with the positive correlation quadratic function. The water absorption by unit area increased linearly with the testing time. The carbon dioxide curing led to increasing the mechanical strengths and the dry shrinkage ratio. Meanwhile, the carbon dioxide curing demonstrated a decreasing effect on the water absorption by unit area. The mechanical strengths were improved by the carbon dioxide curing and increased in the form of quadratic function with the curing age. As obtained from the microscopic findings, that the carbon dioxide curing could accelerate the reaction of cement and improve the compactness of cement paste.  相似文献   

Considering the remarkable characteristics of nanomaterials, previous research studies investigated the effects of incorporating different types of these materials on improving the concrete properties. However, further studies are required to evaluate the complementary hybridization and synergistic influence of nanomaterials. In this research, the combined effect of adding nano silica particles (NS) and multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNT) on enhancing both the compressive and flexural strengths of the cement paste was investigated. Moreover, the morphology of the interface between cement paste and aggregates was studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The mixtures were prepared using three different portions of MWCNT and NS. Electron microscopy images indicated a uniform distribution of nanoparticles in the cement matrix, enhanced hydration reactions, and increased density. Based on the experiments’ outcomes, the combined utilization of silica and carbon nanomaterials in the cement paste did not necessarily result in the maximum compressive and flexural strengths. Furthermore, it was observed that the use of higher percentages of pristine NS in the absence of MWCNT can lead to further enhancement of strength properties of the cement paste.  相似文献   

The significant increase in metal costs has forced the electronics industry to provide new materials and methods to reduce costs, while maintaining customers’ high-quality expectations. This paper considers the problem of most electronic industries in reducing costly materials, by introducing a solder paste with alloy composition tin 98.3%, silver 0.3%, and copper 0.7%, used for the construction of the surface mount fine-pitch component on a Printing Wiring Board (PWB). The reliability of the solder joint between electronic components and PWB is evaluated through the dynamic characteristic test, thermal shock test, and Taguchi method after the printing process. After experimenting with the dynamic characteristic test and thermal shock test with 20 boards, the solder paste was still able to provide a high-quality solder joint. In particular, the Taguchi method is used to determine the optimal control parameters and noise factors of the Solder Printer (SP) machine, that affects solder volume and solder height. The control parameters include table separation distance, squeegee speed, squeegee pressure, and table speed of the SP machine. The result shows that the most significant parameter for the solder volume is squeegee pressure (2.0 mm), and the solder height is the table speed of the SP machine (2.5 mm/s).  相似文献   

The suitability of a new type of polyurethane-based composite carbon foam for several possible usages is evaluated and reported. A comparison of the properties of the as-prepared carbon foams was performed with widely available commercial biomass-derived activated carbon. Carbon foams were synthesized from polyurethane foams with different graphite contents through one-step activation using CO2. In this work, a carbon catalyst was synthesized with a moderately active surface (SBET = 554 m2/g), a thermal conductivity of 0.09 W/mK, and a minimum metal ion content of 0.2 wt%, which can be recommended for phosgene production. The composite carbon foams exhibited better thermal stability, as there is a very little weight loss at temperatures below 500 °C, and weight loss is slower at temperatures above 500 °C (phosgene synthesis: 550–700 °C). Owing to the good surface and thermal properties and the negligible metallic impurities, composite carbon foam produced from polyurethane foams are the best alternative to the conventional coconut-based activated carbon catalyst used in phosgene gas production.  相似文献   

Capacitive deionization is an emerging brackish water desalination technology whose principle lies in the utilization of porous electrodes (activated carbon materials) to temporarily store ions. Improving the properties of carbon material used as electrodes have been the focus of recent research, as this is beneficial for overall efficiency of this technology. Herein, we have synthesized a composite of activated carbon/graphene oxide electrodes by using a simple blending process in order to improve the hydrophilic property of activated carbon. Graphene oxide (GO) of different weight ratios was blended with commercial Activated carbon (AC) and out of all the composites, AC/GO-15 (15 wt.% of GO) exhibited the best electrochemical and salt adsorption performance in all operating conditions. The as prepared AC and AC/GO-x (x = 5, 10, 15 and 20 wt.% of GO) were characterized by cyclic voltammetry and their physical properties were also studied. The salt adsorption capacity (SAC) of AC/GO-15 at an operating window of 1.0 V is 5.70 mg/g with an average salt adsorption rate (ASAR) of 0.34 mg/g/min at a 400 mg/L salt initial concentration and has a capacitance of 75 F/g in comparison to AC with 3.74 mg/g of SAC, ASAR of 0.23 mg/g/min and a capacitance of 56 F/g at the same condition. This approach could pave a new way to produce a highly hydrophilic carbon based electrode material in CDI.  相似文献   

Solid waste soda residue (SR), as an industrial pollutant of water, air and soil environment, can be utilized to prepare the low-calcium fly ash (FFA)-based geopolymer paste activated by sodium silicate (NS) solution for goaf backfill. However, the high addition of NS produces the high cost and high strength of synthesized backfill material in the previous study. The objective of this research is to investigate the cost optimization method and performance evaluation of SR-FFA-based geopolymer backfill paste. The alkaline beta-hemihydrate gypsum (BHG) alternative to partial NS was proposed. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray diffraction (XRD) as well as Fourier transform infrared spectrometer (FTIR) tests were performed to clarify the role of BHG and evaluate the microstructures and products of backfill pastes. The results show that 10% BHG alternative ratios effectively improve fluidity, setting time and compressive strength to satisfy the performance requirement of goaf backfill material. The gel products in the optimal backfill paste C4 with 10% BHG alternative ratios are determined as the coexistence of C-S-H gel, (N,C)-A-S-H gel and CaSO4·2H2O at 28 d. The research results can make extensive utilization of SR and FFA in cemented paste backfill to synthesize cleaner material at a larger scale.  相似文献   

The huge plastic production and plastic pollution are considered important global issues due to environmental aspects. One practical and efficient way to address them is to replace fossil-based plastics with natural-based materials, such as cellulose. The applications of different cellulose products have recently received increasing attention because of their desirable properties, such as biodegradability and sustainability. In this regard, the current study initially reviews cellulose products’ properties in three categories, including biopolymers based on the cellulose-derived monomer, cellulose fibers and their derivatives, and nanocellulose. The available life cycle assessments (LCA) for cellulose were comprehensively reviewed and classified at all the stages, including extraction of cellulose in various forms, manufacturing, usage, and disposal. Finally, due to the development of low-carbon materials in recent years and the importance of greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions, the proposed solutions to make cellulose a low carbon material were made. The optimization of the cellulose production process, such as the recovery of excessive solvents and using by-products as inputs for other processes, seem to be the most important step toward making it a low carbon material.  相似文献   

This paper aims at further advancing the knowledge about the cyclic behavior of FRP strips glued to quasi-brittle materials, such as concrete. The results presented herein derive from a numerical model based on concepts of based on fracture mechanics and already presented and validated by the authors in previous works. Particularly, it assumes that fracture processes leading to debonding develop in pure mode II, as is widely accepted in the literature. Starting from this assumption (and having clear both its advantages acnd shortcomings), the results of a parametric analysis are presented with the aim of investigating the role of both the mechanical properties of the interface bond–slip law and a relevant geometric quantity such as the bond length. The obtained results show the influence of the interface bond–slip law and FRP bond length on the resulting cyclic response of the FRP-to-concrete joint, the latter characterized in terms of S-N curves generally adopted in the theory of fatigue. Far from deriving a fully defined correlation among those parameters, the results indicate general trends that can be helpful to drive further investigation, both experimental and numerical in nature.  相似文献   

This study presents an adsorbent material (activated carbon) used in the treatment of wastewater with the role of removing ibuprofen, acetaminophen, diclofenac and ketoprofen pollutants. The wastewater treatment efficiencies of the activated carbon were systematically investigated using adsorption kinetics. The parameters studied were: pH (4 and 6 values of pH), initial concentration of wastewater (1, 5, and 10 mg/L), contact time (10 min), adsorbent quantity (0.1, 0.5, and 1 g), and isotherm models (Langmuir and Freundlich). The highest wastewater treatment efficiency was obtained at the 6 pH value. The determination of four anti-inflammatory drugs, frequently monitored in wastewater, was performed by a simple and fast method using the HPLC-technique-type DAD (diode array detector). The method was linear when the concentration ranged between 0.5 and 20 m/L for all compounds. The equilibrium concentration was obtained after 8 min. The octanol/water coefficient influenced the removal efficiency of the four drugs by the adsorbent material (activated carbon). The dose of activated carbon (0.1 to 1 g) significantly influenced the efficiency of wastewater treatment, which increased considerably when the dose of the adsorbent material increased. Using 1 g of the adsorbent material for the treatment of wastewater containing 1 mg/L initial concentration of pollutant compounds, the efficiencies were 98% for acetaminophen, 92% for diclofenac, 88% for ketoprofen and 96% for ibuprofen.  相似文献   

Recently, the research of innovative building materials is focused on applying supplementary materials in the form of micro- and nanopowders in cementitious composites due to the growing insistence on sustainable development. Considering above, in paper, a research on the effect of microsilica and SiO2 nanoparticles addition to cement paste, designed with Andreasen and Andersen (AA) packing density model (PDM), in terms of its physical and mechanical properties was conducted. Density, porosity, compressive strength, hardness, and modulus of indentation were investigated and compared regarding different amount of additives used in cement paste mixes. Microstructure of the obtained pastes was analyzed. The possibility of negative influence of alkali-silica reaction (ASR) on the mechanical properties of the obtained composites was analyzed. The results of the conducted investigations were discussed, and conclusions, also practical, were presented. The obtained results confirmed that the applied PDM may be an effective tool in cement paste design, when low porosity of prepared composite is required. On the other hand, the application of AA model did not bring satisfactory results of mechanical performance as expected, what was related, as shown by SEM imaging, with inhomogeneous dispersion of microsilica, and creation of agglomerates acting as reactive aggregates, what as a consequence caused ASR reaction, crack occurrence and lowered mechanical properties. Finally, the study found that the use of about 7.5% wt. of microsilica is the optimum in regards to obtain low porosity, while, to achieve improved mechanical properties, the use of 4 wt. % of microsilica seems to be optimal, in the case of tested cement pastes.  相似文献   

The carbon steel is used in many areas due to its good mechanical properties; however, its low corrosion resistance presents a very important problem, for example, when carbon steel carabiners are used in the petroleum industry or navy, the possibility of an accident is higher due to carabiner failure. This phenomenon could occur as a consequence of the corrosion process which negatively affects mechanical properties. This paper study the possibility to improve its corrosion resistance by depositing on its surface a phosphate layer and a paint layer, and also aims to analyze the immersion behavior in saltwater of carbon steel, phosphate carbon steel, and phosphate and painted carbon steel. According to this study, by coating the carbon steel with a phosphate or paint layer, a higher polarization resistance is obtained in saltwater. Moreover, by electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), it was observed that the corrosion rate decreases with the increase of the immersion time. Meanwhile scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) revealed that the main compounds which formed on the sample’s surface were iron oxides or hydroxy-oxides, after immersion for a longer period. The overall results show that all types of deposited layers increase the corrosion resistance of C45 steel.  相似文献   

Photocatalysis is an attractive strategy for emerging pollutants remediation. Research towards the development of new, efficient and effective catalytic materials with high activity under wide irradiation spectra is a highly active sector in material science. Various semiconductor materials have been employed as photocatalysts, including TiO2, SrTiO3, CdS, BiVO4, Ta3N5, TaON, Ag3PO4, and g-C3N4. The latter is a metal-free, low cost polymer, providing high adsorption and catalytic properties, shown to be promising for photocatalysis applications under visible light. Furthermore, g-C3N4 composites are among the most promising advanced photocatalytical materials that can be produced by green synthesis processes. In this paper, the state-of-the-art of g-C3N4 applications is reviewed, and application perspectives are discussed. Photocatalysis tests with g-C3N4 under Xenon irradiation were performed to gather first-hand information to improve photoreactor design. Xenon light spectrum appears to be a suitable radiation source to replace direct sunlight in engineered pollutants removal processes catalyzed by g-C3N4, in lieu of other currently used heterogeneous photocatalysis processes (e.g., TiO2-UV). LED sources are also very promising due to higher energy efficiency and customizable, catalyzer-specific irradiation spectra.  相似文献   

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