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大学生性观念及AIDS相关态度健康教育干预效果评价   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:了解南京市大学生性观念及艾滋病相关态度的现状,评价健康教育效果。方法:采用整群随机抽样方法,对某高校662名大学生进行健康教育干预前后问卷调查。结果:部分大学生对"在校发生性行为、宿舍留宿异性、多性伴"等不因健康教育而有所纠正(P>0.05)。59.8%的大学生对艾滋病病人持同情和关爱态度,78.2%的大学生认可在性行为中使用安全套,与干预前比较均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。多因素分析结果显示,大学生的性观念及艾滋病相关态度得分与性别有关(P<0.01)。结论:干预前后,大学生的正确性观念和对艾滋病的态度由于受到宣传、教育和社会影响已形成。但是在大学生中开展艾滋病健康教育仍有必要,这有助于一部分大学生树立正确的性观念和正确认识艾滋病,对预防艾滋病性病有着积极的意义。  相似文献   

CONTEXT: Adequate medical education has 3 interrelated aspects: theoretical knowledge, practical skills and the personal attitude of the doctor. The current emphasis on medical science diverts attention from the importance of the attitude aspect of medical education. We argue that the integration of palliative care into medical curricula can correct this imbalance between knowledge, skills and attitude. In our view, incorporating palliative care into medical training not only improves the quality of palliative care, but also contributes to the moral quality of the doctors being trained. To support our argument we emphasise the moral aspects of attitude. Moral attitude focuses on the capacity to respond to others in a humane manner and can be compared with the way a virtuous doctor acts. We show the crucial role this moral attitude plays in palliative care and the surplus value palliative care education can have in general medical training. PERSPECTIVES: We suggest that clinical experience in palliative care, supplemented by reflection on narratives about chronically ill or dying patients and mourning or ageing processes, offers prospects for developing palliative care education. These perspectives can contribute to the transformation of the present 'hidden curriculum' of contemporary medical education, which implicitly shapes the student's moral attitude, into a future more explicit enculturation into the medical realm. Ultimately, this will improve health care as a whole.  相似文献   

[目的 ] 通过安全性行为的同伴教育 ,改变大学生的有关行为态度。 [方法 ]  1999年 9月至 12月对上海某理工科大学一年级学生进行性病 /艾滋病和安全性行为的同伴教育。 [结果 ] 通过同伴教育 ,极大地改变了大学生对婚前和婚外性行为的态度和行为意向 ,提高了对使用安全套的认识。 [结论 ] 安全性行为同伴教育对改变大学生的有关行为态度是有效的  相似文献   

The effect of a course in human sexuality on the sexual knowledge and attitudes of a fifth-semester class of Colombian medical students is described. The research design was a quasi-experimental one of the nonequivalent control group type, and the research instrument was Lief and Reed's SKAT. In evaluating the results, emphasis was given to the material, rather than statistical, significance of differences found. The attention of sex education researchers is called to the inconvenience of relying on statistical methods for assessing the effects of instruction in human sexuality. On the whole, the cautious conclusion can be made that the course produced a materially and statistically significant increase in the subjects' sexual knowledge, as well as a further liberalization of their sexual attitudes. Implications for evaluation of sex education programs are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

A retrospective study of attitude change during medical education   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
A retrospective attitude questionnaire was administered to 70 of 157 graduating seniors at the end of the medical school year. Students perceived that they became more cynical during medical education. In addition, they perceived that they were more concerned with making money, more concerned for patients, and more helpful. These findings relate to the developmental stressors of medical education as they affect the individual student. Burn-out and impairment are possible consequences; a preventive approach is advocated.  相似文献   

This study aimed to explore medical students' beliefs about medical education in the light of recent General Medical Council (GMC) recommendations for change and to examine how these beliefs relate to the students' year of training. All undergraduate medical students at a London medical school were given a questionnaire concerning basic sociodemographic information and levels of agreement with a number of statements relating to medical education. The response rate was 75·4% ( n  = 383). Most students agreed with the majority of recommendations for change. However, two key recommendations, `more community-based teaching' and `more optional courses', were supported by only 50·2 and 46·3% of respondents, respectively. Using factor analysis, students' responses were classified into five educational belief orientations relating to `psychosocial' (e.g. communication skills), `scientific' (e.g. new technologies), `active' (e.g. optional courses), `reform' (e.g. decreasing factual load) and `group' (e.g. small-group teaching) educational belief orientations. The results showed variations in students' belief orientations across the 5 years of training. The results are discussed in terms of their implications for implementing the GMC recommendations and the impact of medical education on students' belief systems.  相似文献   

Summary. The Universities of Kuopio and Tampere in collaboration with the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health and Finnish Medical Association carried out the 'Junior Physician 88' study in 1988, the purpose of which was to shed further light on the life situation and future plans of young doctors and their views concerning undergraduate and postgraduate medical education. The study concerned all the doctors registered during the years 1977–1986 in Finland (   n = 5208  ). After randomization, a postal questionnaire was sent to one half (   n = 2631  ) of these doctors. After the first reminder letter, 1745 questionnaires (66.3%) were returned. According to the views of the respondents undergraduate hospital teaching was adequate but the teaching of practice in health centres, school health care, team-work, health care of the elderly, home health care, rehabilitation, environmental health care and administration did not meet the professional needs of doctors. All doctors were satisfied with the hospital teaching in their undergraduate curriculum. However, only the doctors who graduated from the two modern universities in Kuopio and Tampere were satisfied with their undergraduate health centre teaching.  相似文献   

目的 了解四川省凉山州彝族初中生性知识、性态度和性行为现状,为学校开展有效的性教育和艾滋病教育提供参考。方法 于2014年10月选取凉山州某艾滋病高流行县2所中学,对所有的在校生进行匿名自填式问卷调查。结果 被调查的1699名彝族初中生中艾滋病3大传播途径全部回答正确者占53.4%,回答安全套和避孕药是有效避孕措施者分别占70.6%、56.1%,有25.8%的学生认为采取避孕措施后仍可能会怀孕;性态度方面,59.1%的学生不反对婚前性行为;36.5%的学生有过自慰,28.7%的学生谈过恋爱,10.9%的学生发生过性交,发生率男生均高于女生,差异均有统计学意义(均P<0.01);有51.4%的学生回答从学校获得相关的性知识。结论 彝族初中生知晓一定的性知识,但深入程度不够,性观念较开放,性相关行为比例较高。  相似文献   

The time available to medical students for learning is scarce in relation to the knowledge they are asked to absorb. New material should not therefore be added to medical curricula without careful consideration of the benefits of the extra knowledge compared to the costs of obtaining this knowledge. In this paper a justification for integrating economic principles into medical education is presented. It would benefit society by encouraging the practice of efficient medicine, and benefit students by giving them the ability to absorb the growing economic content of the medical literature and by encouraging an appreciation of why economic factors will influence their clinical decision-making. These benefits would accrue at little cost because only a limited number of economic concepts need to be absorbed by medical students. The critical concepts are outlined and some of the obstacles to students applying this knowledge in practice are considered. The paper concludes by suggesting that the impact of teaching economics to medical students should be evaluated, but this will require further research into ways of evaluating the outcome of medical education programmes in general.  相似文献   

曾婧  余庆  许珊丹  戴红  吴炽煦 《中国公共卫生》2007,23(12):1422-1423
目的 了解湖北省武汉地区男男性接触者(MSM)艾滋病相关态度/信念及行为,为制定针对性病艾滋病相关健康教育措施提供依据。方法 通过该人群的志愿者,在目标人群活动的某浴池(桑拿)对MSM进行自愿匿名问卷调查。结果 MSM群体性伴侣数较多,84.8%的人拥有2个以上性伴,性交方式以插入性肛交和口交较多,而安全套使用率不高,对危险性行为的认识不足。结论 该浴池MSM活动群体的危险性行为普遍存在,应尽快采取措施加强预防。  相似文献   

上海市家庭性教育状况及影响因素分析   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:12  
\t\t\t\t\t  目的  \t\t\t\t\t了解我国目前家庭性教育的状况及存在的主要问题, 为进一步发挥父母在青少年生殖健康促进中的作用提供建议。\t\t\t\t\t  方法  \t\t\t\t\t通过对2675名15~24岁青(少)年的自填式问卷调查及20名对象家长的深入访谈, 分析上海市城市家庭的性教育开展情况及其影响因素。\t\t\t\t\t  结果  \t\t\t\t\t只有21.97%的男性和44.35%的女性曾经接受过家庭性知识教育, 教育的主要内容是青春期生理卫生。17.36%的男性和34.85%的女性接受过家庭的异性交往指导。与女性相比, 男性不易获得家庭性教育。母亲在家庭性教育中的作用大于父亲。父母的文化程度越高、对子女管教越严及子女觉得幸福的家庭易对子女实施性教育。\t\t\t\t\t  结论  \t\t\t\t\t目前城市家庭的性教育状况不尽人意, 这与父母的能力和观念密切相关。因此, 应加强对父母的指导和教育, 提高其教育责任意识和教育能力, 应特别加强对男性青少年的性教育。  相似文献   

大学生性知识、态度、行为调查   总被引:9,自引:6,他引:3  
陈芳  许燕平 《中国公共卫生》2009,25(9):1029-1030
目的 了解大学生性知识态度行为现状,探讨性与生殖健康教育对策.方法 整群随机抽取上海海关学院和上海第二工业大学大学生1232人进行问卷调查.结果 生殖健康知识方面,22.56%学生有较多了解,46.92%部分了解,30.52%了解很少;赞成婚前性行为者占36.77%,有性经历者占11.61%,其中男生占13.82%,女生占8.38%;二年级学生占14.84%,一年级学生占8.85%;有性生活经历采用避孕措施者占76.92%,其中使用安全套者占19.58%;认为同性恋是不同的性取向者占52.75%,有过同性之间性接触的占2.92%;赞成婚前同居者男生占26.95%,女生占24.55%;二年级占24.91%,一年级占17.71%.结论 大学生对生殖健康知识了解不足,性态度及性行为有性别和年级差异.  相似文献   


Among marginalised groups in India, HIV prevalence is highest among transgender persons; however, little is known about their HIV vulnerability. This study describes transgender sex workers’ experiences of stigma and violence, a key driver of the HIV epidemic, and explores their coping responses. In-depth interviews were conducted with 68 respondents in Maharashtra state, India. Findings show that respondents face pervasive stigma and violence due to multiple marginalised social identities (transgender status, sex work, gender non-conformity), which reinforce and intersect with social inequities (economic and housing insecurity, employment discrimination, poverty), fuelling HIV vulnerability at the micro, meso and macro levels. Several factors, such as felt and internalised stigma associated with psycho-social distress and low self-efficacy to challenge abuse and negotiate condom use; clients’ power in sexual transactions; establishing trust in regular partnerships through condomless sex; norms condoning violence against gender non-conforming persons; lack of community support; police harassment; health provider discrimination and the sex work environment create a context for HIV vulnerability. In the face of such adversity, respondents adopt coping strategies to shift power relations and mobilise against abuse. Community mobilisation interventions, as discussed in the paper, offer a promising vulnerability reduction strategy to safeguard transgender sex workers’ rights and reduce HIV vulnerability.  相似文献   



Sex education is described as education about human sexual anatomy, sexual reproduction, sexual intercourse, reproductive health, emotional relations, reproductive rights and responsibilities, abstinence, contraception, family planning, body image, sexual orientation, sexual pleasure, values, decision making, communication, dating, relationships, sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and how to avoid them, and birth control methods. This study was conducted to explore perception of parents about school sex education and assess the attitude of teachers and students towards school sex education.


A cross-sectional quantitative and qualitative study was conducted on randomly selected 386 students, total census of 94 teachers and 10 parents in Merawi Town from March 13–27, 2011. Data were collected using self-administered structured questionnaire and in-depth interview guideline. Multiple linear regression analysis was performed using total score to determine the effect of the independent variables on the outcome variable and thematic analysis was used to analyze the qualitative data.


All study participants have favourable attitude towards the importance of school sex education. They also agreed that the content of school sex education should include abstinence-only and abstinence-plus based on mental maturity of the students. That means at early age (Primary school) the content of school sex education should be abstinence-only and at later age (secondary school) the content of school sex education should be added abstinence-plus. The students and the teachers said that the minimum and maximum introduction time for school sex education is 5 year and 25 year with mean of 10.97(SD±4.3) and 12.36(SD±3.7) respectively. Teacher teaching experiences and field of studies have supportive idea about the starting of school sex education. Watching romantic movies, reading romantic materials and listening romantic radio programs appear to have a contribution on the predictor of students'' attitude towards the starting time of school sex education.


All study participants have a need to start sex education at school. All study participants said that at early age (Primary school) the content of school sex education is abstinence-only and at later age (secondary school) is added abstinence-plus. School Sex education should be under considers the need of students, teachers and parents.  相似文献   

In recent decades, dominant discourses in health promotion have emphasized empowerment, client participation and the notion of people identifying and being facilitated to meet their own health needs. However, there has been little analysis of the concept of 'need' and the possibility, at least, that the fulfillment of some such self-defined needs are not in the interest of social justice and equality. In this article, we present an account of the sex education needs of secondary school pupils from their own perspectives, and problematize the concept of self-identified needs in health education. Twenty-nine focus group interviews were conducted with 226 secondary school pupils in Ireland, and data were subjected to a qualitative analysis. Findings suggested that young men tended to prioritize practical guidance that would provide them with the skills and confidence to take the lead in sexual encounters, and display competence in the act of penetrative sex. We argue that these self-defined sex education needs emanate from a culture of traditional masculinity where, for a male, one's place in the pecking order is derived from one's capacity to conquer, lead and display mastery with regard to sex. In the discussion, we attempt to unpack the notion of clients identifying their own needs and the concept of empowerment as it relates to our data, in the context of gender-based structural inequalities.  相似文献   

To date most studies of the impact of school‐based sex education have focused either on specific, local interventions or experiences at a national level. In this paper, we use a new cross‐country dataset to explore the extent to which laws on sex education affect teenage pregnancy rates in developed countries. We find some evidence that laws mandating sex education in schools are associated with higher rates of teenage fertility. Parental opt out laws may minimise adverse effects of sex education mandates for younger teens. The estimated effects of mandatory sex education are robust to some but not all of our specifications designed to tease out causality. Taken together, changes in national laws relating to sexual health are unable to explain the significant declines in teenage pregnancy rates, which have been observed in many developed countries in recent years.  相似文献   

加强乡村医生的医德教育,是新农村精神文明建设的重要内容,对全面提高乡村医生的综合素质,树立良好的职业道德,提升医疗服务质量,构建和谐的医患关系具有重要作用。该文阐述了乡村医生医德教育的必要性、分析了面临的形势,并就如何加强乡村医生医德教育提出了建议和措施,以期推进乡村医生医德水准的全面提高。  相似文献   

Controversies exist regarding the effects of sex education in the schools and informal sex education obtained from parents, peers, the mass media, and other sources. Similarly, there is widespread interest in premarital sexual behavior, especially its determinants. This study presents several issues reflecting these concerns which have been the subject of much speculation but which have received little attention by researchers. The purpose of this study was to investigate — through the use of respondent reports — how formal and informal sex education influences premarital sexual behavior during college. A national probability sample of 1177 college students was studied using face-to-face interviews with approximately equal numbers of males and females. These interviews, which were conducted for the Institute for Sex Research, included questions about past and present sexual involvement and other attitudinal, behavioral, and background variables. Accordingly, the data about sexual behavior and attitudes are based on the interviewees' self-reports. Indices were created which operationalized independent variables such as familial sexual conservatism, exposure to eroticism, perceived sex knowledge, and sexual exposure and assault during childhood and adolescence. Individual items reflecting childhood sex play, masturbation, current religiosity, religiosity while growing up, social class, sources of sex information, sex education in classrooms, and high school and college dating were used. The dependent variable, premarital sociosexual involvement, is a composite measure of incidence and prevalence of premarital heterosexual involvement which meets Guttman scaling criteria. An Automatic Interaction Detector analysis was used to determine the relative influences of reported sexualization variables on premarital sexual behavior. Major findings can be summarized as follows: Heterosexual behavior progresses in stepwise fashion from elementary to advanced levels of involvement, with each level representing a threshold. Reports of current influences and pressures explain more variance in premarital sexual behavior than reports of past informal sexualization influences, which, in turn, explain more variance than reported formal sex-educating experiences. Limited success was reported with the use of a four-stage AID analysis which attempted to ascertain whether variables represented in later stages of the sexualization process mask the effects of variables in earlier stages and whether a developmental process can be identified. It may be concluded that these data do not support the belief that exposure to sexuality through formalsex education influences premarital sexual behavior. Informalsex education has significantly more impact on premarital sexual behavior, but there are indications that pressures and experiences confronting young people in a given dating or peer group situation take precedence over all past sexual socialization influences. The original study was funded by NICHD Grant PHS RO1 HD 02257. The secondary analysis for this article was supported by a grant from the Woodrow Wilson Foundation.  相似文献   

This paper provides biographical and other data on the 185 people with learning disabilities referred to a specialist sex education service over a five year period. Their diverse range of needs are highlighted. Attention is paid to the different experiences of women and men. Prevalence figures of sexual abuse are given. A strong case is made for the development of further specialist services. Learning disabilities is the preferred term in Britain for what was previously known as mental handicap. In an international context it can be used interchangeably with developmental disability (mental retardation) or intellectual impairment.  相似文献   

Problem-based learning, combined with early patient contact, integration between different subject areas, elements of multiprofessional education, and special emphasis on the development of communications skills has become the basis for the medical curriculum at the Faculty of Health Sciences in Linköping. Critics have questioned the depth of the scientific and theoretical aspects of the curriculum. Through a series of specific measures in the organization of the curriculum and examinations, and due to the pedagogical principles involved per se , our claim is that students graduating at Linköping do possess the required theoretical knowledge and a scientific attitude to the practice of medicine, at least equivalent to that obtained in a more conventional medical curriculum. One such specific measure is that all students perform one field study and two scientific studies during the course of the curriculum. An investigation of student opinions regarding the value of performing scientific projects of their own have shown that these projects have had a positive impact on the students' general scientific attitude and their willingness to engage in future scientific work. The specific skills acquired, as confirmed by oral examinations, were largely determined by the scientific nature of the chosen field of study. Our graduates have not yet progressed far enough in their careers for comparisons to be made on the basis of the Swedish Licensing Board Internship Examinations, but continuing evaluations of students, graduates and licensed doctors emerging from the curriculum will provide future evi-dence as to whether our present evaluation is correct.  相似文献   

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