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We report a novel three‐dimensional (3D) ultrashort echo time (UTE) sequence employing Cones trajectory and T preparation (UTE‐Cones‐T) for quantitative T assessment of short T2 tissues in the musculoskeletal system. A basic 3D UTE‐Cones sequence was combined with a spin‐locking preparation pulse for T contrast. A relatively short TR was used to decrease the scan time, which required T1 measurement and compensation using 3D UTE‐Cones data acquisitions with variable TRs. Another strategy to reduce the total scan time was to acquire multiple Cones spokes (Nsp) after each T preparation and fat saturation. Four spin‐locking times (TSL = 0–20 ms) were acquired over 12 min, plus another 7 min for T1 measurement. The 3D UTE‐Cones‐T sequence was compared with a two‐dimensional (2D) spiral‐T sequence for the imaging of a spherical CuSO4 phantom and ex vivo meniscus and tendon specimens, as well as the knee and ankle joints of healthy volunteers, using a clinical 3‐T scanner. The CuSO4 phantom showed a T value of 76.5 ± 1.6 ms with the 2D spiral‐T sequence, as well as 85.7 ± 3.6 and 89.2 ± 1.4 ms for the 3D UTE‐Cones‐T sequences with Nsp of 1 and 5, respectively. The 3D UTE‐Cones‐T sequence provided shorter T values for the bovine meniscus sample relative to the 2D spiral‐T sequence (10–12 ms versus 16 ms, respectively). The cadaveric human Achilles tendon sample could only be imaged with the 3D UTE‐Cones‐T sequence (T = 4.0 ± 0.9 ms), with the 2D spiral‐T sequence demonstrating near‐zero signal intensity. Human studies yielded T values of 36.1 ± 2.9, 18.3 ± 3.9 and 3.1 ± 0.4 ms for articular cartilage, meniscus and the Achilles tendon, respectively. The 3D UTE‐Cones‐T sequence allows volumetric T measurement of short T2 tissues in vivo.  相似文献   

Knee degeneration involves all the major tissues in the joint. However, conventional MRI sequences can only detect signals from long T2 tissues such as the superficial cartilage, with little signal from the deep cartilage, menisci, ligaments, tendons and bone. It is highly desirable to develop new sequences that can detect signal from all major tissues in the knee. We aimed to develop a comprehensive quantitative three‐dimensional ultrashort echo time (3D UTE) cones imaging protocol for a truly “whole joint” evaluation of knee degeneration. The protocol included 3D UTE cones actual flip angle imaging (3D UTE‐Cones‐AFI) for T1 mapping, multiecho UTE‐Cones with fat suppression for T2* mapping, UTE‐Cones with adiabatic T (AdiabT) preparation for AdiabT mapping, and UTE‐Cones magnetization transfer (UTE‐Cones‐MT) for MT ratio (MTR) and modeling of macromolecular proton fraction (f). An elastix registration technique was used to compensate for motion during scans. Quantitative data analyses were performed on the registered data. Three knee specimens and 15 volunteers were evaluated at 3 T. The elastix motion correction algorithm worked well in correcting motion artifacts associated with relatively long scan times. Much improved curve fitting was achieved for all UTE‐Cones biomarkers with greatly reduced root mean square errors. The averaged T1, T2*, AdiabT, MTR and f for knee joint tissues of 15 healthy volunteers were reported. The 3D UTE‐Cones quantitative imaging techniques (ie, T1, T2*, AdiabT, MTR and MT modeling) together with elastix motion correction provide robust volumetric measurement of relaxation times, MTR and f of both short and long T2 tissues in the knee joint.  相似文献   

Entheses are regions where tendons and ligaments attach to bone, and are the primary target in seronegative and other diseases of the musculoskeletal (MSK) system. MRI has been widely used for visualizing features of inflammatory and degenerative MSK disease; however, normal tendons and entheses have short transverse relaxation times (T2), and show little or no signal with conventional clinical MRI pulse sequences, making it difficult to investigate their MR properties. In this study we examined the normal MR morphology of the cadaveric Achilles tendon and enthesis at 3 T using novel three‐dimensional ultrashort echo time (3D UTE) Cones sequences, and at 11.7 T using conventional MRI sequences. We also studied the MR properties of the Achilles tendon and enthesis including T2*, T1, and magnetization transfer ratio (MTR). In addition, MT modeling of macromolecular proton fractions was investigated using 3D UTE Cones sequences at 3 T. Indentation testing was performed to investigate the mechanical properties of the tendons and entheses, and this was followed by histological examination. In total five specimens (<50 years) were investigated. On average, tendons and entheses respectively had T2* values of 0.93 ± 0.48 ms and 2.77 ± 0.79 ms, T1 values of 644 ± 22 ms and 780 ± 55 ms, MTRs of 0.373 ± 0.03 and 0.244 ± 0.009 with an MT power of 1000° and frequency offset of 2 kHz, and macromolecular proton fractions of 18.0 ± 2.2% and 13.9 ± 1.9%. Compared with the tendon, the enthesis generally had a longer T2*, a longer T1, a lower MTR, and a lower macromolecular proton fraction as well as both a higher Young's modulus and stiffness. Results from this study are likely to provide a useful baseline for identifying deviations from the normal in seronegative arthritis and other disease of the entheses.  相似文献   

Inversion recovery ultrashort echo time (IR‐UTE) imaging holds the potential to directly characterize MR signals from ultrashort T2 tissue components (STCs), such as collagen in cartilage and myelin in brain. The application of IR‐UTE for myelin imaging has been challenging because of the high water content in brain and the possibility that the ultrashort T2* signals are contaminated by water protons, including those associated with myelin sheaths. This study investigated such a possibility in an ovine brain D2O exchange model and explored the potential of IR‐UTE imaging for the quantification of ultrashort T2* signals in both white and gray matter at 3 T. Six specimens were examined before and after sequential immersion in 99.9% D2O. Long T2 MR signals were measured using a clinical proton density‐weighted fast spin echo (PD‐FSE) sequence. IR‐UTE images were first acquired with different inversion times to determine the optimal inversion time to null the long T2 signals (TInull). Then, at this TInull, images with echo times (TEs) of 0.01–4 ms were acquired to measure the T2* values of STCs. The PD‐FSE signal dropped to near zero after 24 h of immersion in D2O. A wide range of TInull values were used at different time points (240–330 ms for white matter and 320–350 ms for gray matter at TR = 1000 ms) because the T1 values of the long T2 tissue components changed significantly. The T2* values of STCs were 200–300 μs in both white and gray matter (comparable with the values obtained from myelin powder and its mixture with D2O or H2O), and showed minimal changes after sequential immersion. The ultrashort T2* signals seen on IR‐UTE images are unlikely to be from water protons as they are exchangeable with deuterons in D2O. The source is more likely to be myelin itself in white matter, and might also be associated with other membranous structures in gray matter.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study is to develop a 3D adiabatic inversion recovery prepared ultrashort echo time Cones (3D IR‐UTE‐Cones) sequence for high resolution and contrast imaging of the region of osteochondral junction (OCJ) of human knee joint using a clinical 3 T scanner. A feasibility study on direct imaging of the OCJ region was performed on a human patellar cartilage sample and on eight cadaveric knee joints using T1‐weighted, proton density (PD)‐weighted and short‐T2‐weighted 3D IR‐UTE‐Cones sequences. Contrast to noise ratio was measured to evaluate the effectiveness of the 3D IR‐UTE‐Cones sequences for selective imaging of the OCJ region. Computed tomography imaging was performed in parallel for the cadaveric knee joints. The optimized T1‐weighted 3D IR‐UTE‐Cones sequence was used to image the knee joints of eight healthy volunteers and six patients with osteoarthritis (OA) to evaluate morphological changes in the OCJ region. Clinical PD‐ and T2‐weighted FSE sequences were also performed for comparison. The T1‐weighted 3D IR‐UTE‐Cones sequence showed high resolution and contrast bright band of the normal OCJ region in the cadaveric joints. Normal OCJ appearances were also seen in healthy volunteers. Abnormal OCJ regions, manifested as ill‐defined, focal loss or non‐visualization of the high intensity band adjacent to the subchondral bone plate, were observed in the knee joints of both ex vivo and in vivo OA patients. The 3D IR‐UTE‐Cones sequence can image OCJ regions ex vivo and in vivo, with abnormalities depicted with high resolution and contrast. The technique may be useful for demonstrating involvement of OCJ regions in early OA.  相似文献   

Robust mapping of relaxation parameters in ex vivo tissues is based on hydration and therefore requires control of the tissue treatment to ensure tissue integrity and consistent measurement conditions over long periods of time. One way to maintain the hydration of ex vivo tendon tissue is to immerse the samples in a buffer solution. To this end, various buffer solutions have been proposed; however, many appear to influence the tissue relaxation times, especially with prolonged exposure. In this work, ovine Achilles tendon tissue was used as a model to investigate the effect of immersion in phosphate‐buffered saline (PBS) and the effects on the T1 and T2* relaxation times. Ex vivo samples were measured at 0 (baseline), 30 and 67 hours after immersion in PBS. Ultrashort echo time (UTE) imaging was performed using variable flip angle and echo train‐shifted multi‐echo imaging for T1 and T2* estimation, respectively. Compared with baseline, both T1 and T2* relaxation time constants increased significantly after 30 hours of immersion. T2* continued to show a significant increase between 30 and 67 hours. Both T1 and T2* tended to approach saturation at 67 hours. These results exemplify the relevance of stringently controlled tissue preparation and preservation techniques, both before and during MRI experiments.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to demonstrate the feasibility of biexponential T relaxation mapping of human knee cartilage in vivo. A three‐dimensional, customized, turbo‐flash sequence was used to acquire T‐weighted images from healthy volunteers employing a standard 3‐T MRI clinical scanner. A series of T‐weighted images was fitted using monoexponential and biexponential models with two‐ and four‐parametric non‐linear approaches, respectively. Non‐parametric Kruskal–Wallis and Mann–Whitney U‐statistical tests were used to evaluate the regional relaxation and gender differences, respectively, with a level of significance of P = 0.05. Biexponential relaxations were detected in the cartilage of all volunteers. The short and long relaxation components of T were estimated to be 6.9 and 51.0 ms, respectively. Similarly, the fractions of short and long T were 37.6% and 62.4%, respectively. The monoexponential relaxation of T was 32.6 ms. The experiments showed good repeatability with a coefficient of variation (CV) of less than 20%. A biexponential relaxation model showed a better fit than a monoexponential model to the T relaxation decay in knee cartilage. Biexponential T components could potentially be used to increase the specificity to detect early osteoarthritis by the measurement of different water compartments and their fractions.  相似文献   

Spin‐lock MRI is a valuable diagnostic imaging technology, as it can be used to probe the macromolecule environment of tissues. Quantitative T imaging is one application of spin‐lock MRI that is reported to be promising for a number of clinical applications. Spin‐lock is often performed with a continuous RF wave at a constant RF amplitude either on resonance or off resonance. However, both on‐ and off‐resonance spin‐lock approaches are susceptible to B1 and B0 inhomogeneities, which results in image artifacts and quantification errors. In this work, we report a continuous wave constant amplitude spin‐lock approach that can achieve negligible image artifacts in the presence of B1 and B0 inhomogeneities for both on‐ and off‐resonance spin‐lock. Under the adiabatic condition, by setting the maximum B1 amplitude of the adiabatic pulses equal to the B1 amplitude of spin‐lock RF pulse, the spins are ensured to align along the effective field throughout the spin‐lock process. We show that this results in simultaneous compensation of B1 and B0 inhomogeneities for both on‐ and off‐resonance spin‐lock. The relaxation effect during the entire adiabatic half passage (AHP) and reverse AHP, and the stationary solution of the Bloch‐McConnell equation present at off‐resonance frequency offset, are considered in the revised relaxation model. We demonstrate that these factors create a direct current component to the conventional relaxation model. In contrast to the previously reported dual‐acquisition method, the revised relaxation model just requires one acquisition to perform quantification. The simulation, phantom, and in vivo experiments demonstrate that the proposed approach achieves superior image quality compared with the existing methods, and the revised relaxation model can perform T quantification with one acquisition instead of two.  相似文献   

In conventional mice, the T cell receptor (TCR)αβ+ CD8αα+ and CD8αβ+ subsets of the intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes (IEL) constitute two subpopulations. Each comprise a few hundred clones expressing apparently random receptor repertoires which are different in individual genetically identical mice (Regnault, A., Cumano, A., Vassalli, P., Guy-Grand, D. and Kourilsky, P., J. Exp. Med. 1994. 180: 1345). We analyzed the repertoire diversity of sorted CD8αα and CD8αβ+ IEL populations from the small intestine of individual germ-free mice that contain ten times less TCRαβ+ T cells than conventional mice. The TCRβ repertoire of the CD8αα and the CD8αβ IEL populations of germ-free adult mice shows the same degree of oligoclonality as that of conventional mice. These results show that the intestinal microflora is not responsible for the repertoire oligoclonality of TCRαβ+ IEL. The presence of the microflora leads to an expansion of clones which arise independently of bacteria. To evaluate the degree of expansion of IEL clones in conventional mice, we went on to measure their clone sizes in vivo by quantitative PCR in the total and in adjacent sections of the small intestine of adult animals. We found that both the CD8αα and the CD8αβ TCRαβ IEL clones have a heterogeneous size pattern, with clones containing from 3 × 103 cells up to 1.2 × 106 cells, the clones being qualitatively and quantitatively different in individual mice. Cells from a given IEL clone are not evenly distributed throughout the length of the small intestine. The observation that the TCRαβ IEL populations comprise a few hundred clones of very heterogeneous size and distribution suggests that they arise from a limited number of precursors, which may be slowly but continuously renewed, and undergo extensive clonal expansion in the epithelium.  相似文献   

The regulation of nuclear factor (NF)-χB activation by the T cell receptor (TcR)/CD3 complex in primary human T cells has been studied at various times after activation. Only p50 NF-χB protein bound the χB element of interleukin-2 receptor (IL-2R) α chain promoter on resting T cells. However, immediately after TcR/CD3 cross-linking (after approximately 1 h; immediate) binding of p50.p65 heterodimers was observed. p50.c-rel heterodimers were also detected bound to this sequence at early time points (7–16 h; early), and both remained active at later time points (40 h; late) after activation. This regulation takes place mainly at the level of nuclear translocation of p65 and c-rel, at immediate and early time points. Activation also induced c-rel and p105/p50 mRNA synthesis, but not p65 mRNA whose expression was constitutive. Interestingly, all those early and late events, but not the immediate ones, were inhibited by a neutralizing anti-tumor necrosis factor α (TNF-α) monoclonal antibody. Similarly, cycloheximide prevented the p65 and c-rel translocation and consequent formation of active binding heterodimers, at early and late times. Cyclosporin A impaired not only early and late, but also immediate events; however, addition of TNF-α prevented all inhibition. These results indicate that the regulation of NF-χB activation during T cell activation by TcR/CD3 signals is biphasic: TcR/CD3 triggers its immediate translocation, which is transient if no TNF-α is present. TNF-α, therefore, emerges as the main factor responsible for a second phase of NF-χB regulation, controlling both translocation of p65 and c-rel, and new mRNA synthesis for c-rel and p105/p50.  相似文献   

An inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) comparable to human ulcerative colitis is induced upon transfer of T cell-depleted wild-type (F1) bone marrow into syngeneic T cell-deficient (tgε26) mice (F1 → tgε26). Previously we have shown that activated CD4+ T cells predominate in transplanted tgε26 mice, and adoptive transfer experiments verified the potential of these cells to cause disease in immunodeficient recipient mice. Using flow cytometry for the detection of intracellular cytokine expression, we demonstrate in the present study that large numbers of CD4+ and CD8+ TCRαβ+ T cells from the intraepithelial region and lamina propria of the colon of diseased, but not from disease-free mice, produced interferon-γ (IFN-γ) and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α). Large numbers of T cells from peripheral lymphoid tissues of these animals also expressed IFN-α and TNF-α, but few expressed interleukin-4, demonstrating g strong bias towards Th1-type T cell responses in these animals. TCRγδ+ T cells, typically minor constituents of the inflammatory infiltrate of the colon in F1 → tgε26 mice, also expressed IFN-γ at a high frequency upon CD3 stimulation. In light of these findings we examined the potential involvement of TCRγδ+ T cells by testing their ability to induce colitis in tgε26 mice. We report here that tgε26 mice transplanted with T cell-depleted bone marrow from TCRαnull and TCRβnull animals developed IBD. Furthermore, disease in these mice correlated with the development of peripheral and colonic TCRαδ+ T cells capable of IFN-γ production. These results suggest that IFN-γ may be a common mediator of IBD utilized by pathogenic T cells of distinct phenotype.  相似文献   

mAb targeting the γδ TCR have been used for γδ T‐cell depletion with varying success. Although the depletion‐capacity of the anti‐γδ TCR mAb clone GL3 has been disputed repeatedly, many groups continue to use γδ T‐cell depletion protocols involving the mAb clone UC7‐13D5 and find significant biological effects. We show here that treatment with both GL3 and UC7‐13D5 antibodies does not deplete γδ T cells in vivo, but rather leads to TCR internalization and thereby generates “invisible” γδ T cells. We addressed this issue using anti‐γδ TCR mAb injections into WT mice as well as into reporter TCR delta locus‐histone 2B enhanced GFP knock‐in mice, in which γδ T cells can be detected based on an intrinsic green fluorescence. Importantly, the use of TCR delta locus‐histone 2B enhanced GFP mice provided here for the first time direct evidence that the “depleted” γδ T cells were actually still present. Our results show further that GL3 and UC7‐13D5 mAb are in part cross‐competing for the same epitope. Assessed by activation markers, we observed in vitro and in vivo activation of γδ T cells through mAb. We conclude that γδ T‐cell depletion experiments must be evaluated with caution and discuss the implications for future studies on the physiological functions of γδ T cells.  相似文献   

We have observed that CD4 T lymphocytes from human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected patients marginally express interleukin-2 receptor (IL-2R)β and IL-2Rγ chains which are essential for IL-2 signal transduction. To analyze this observation further, we studied the influence of gp120 on the cell surface expression of IL-2Rβ and IL-2Rγ by purified CD4 lymphocytes in vitro. Cross-linking of the T cell receptors of these lymphocytes initiates entry into the cell cycle as measured by CD69 and CD71 cell surface expression and [3H]thymidine incorporation. It also induces the cell surface expression of IL-2Rβ and IL-2Rγ. We have shown that treatment of the CD4 T lymphocytes with HIV-1 gp120 before anti-CD3 stimulation impedes cell cycle progression as measured by reduced CD71 expression and inhibition of [3H]thymidine incorporation. Furthermore, cell surface expression of IL-2Rβ and IL-2Rγ subunits, which form the functional intermediate-affinity IL-2R, are significantly inhibited. More importantly, addition of exogenous IL-2 does not restore the proliferation of the CD4 T cells treated with gp120, suggesting that cells are anergic and/or that the remaining IL-2R are not functional. This is the first study of IL-2Rβ and IL-2Rγ dysregulation in the context of HIV infection and shows that CD4 is also involved in IL-2R expression.  相似文献   

γδ T cells are highly cytolytic lymphocytes that produce large amounts of pro‐inflammatory cytokines during immune responses to multiple pathogens. Furthermore, their ability to kill tumor cells has fueled the development of γδ‐T‐cell‐based cancer therapies. Thus, the regulation of γδ‐T‐cell activity is of great biological and clinical relevance. Here, we show that murine CD4+CD25+ αβ T cells, the vast majority of which express the Treg marker, Foxp3, abolish key effector functions of γδ T cells, namely the production of the pro‐inflammatory cytokines, IFN‐γ and IL‐17, cytotoxicity, and lymphocyte proliferation in vitro and in vivo. We further show that suppression is dependent on cellular contact between Treg and γδ T cells, results in the induction of an anergic state in γδ lymphocytes, and can be partially reversed by manipulating glucocorticoid‐induced TNF receptor‐related protein (GITR) signals. Our data collectively dissect a novel mechanism by which the expansion and pro‐inflammatory functions of γδ T cells are regulated.  相似文献   

Aim: Several studies have shown that a variety of peptides and cytokines are involved in ovarian regulatory mechanisms; however, their exact function is still unclear. In this work we study whether the administration of peptide α‐melanotropin and the cytokines interleukin‐1β (IL‐1β) and tumour necrosis factor‐α (TNF‐α) on their own modify the release of progesterone in cultured granulosa cells (GC) from pro‐oestrous rats. We also investigate an interaction between these cytokines and α‐melanotropin in the modulation of progesterone secretion. Methods: Granulosa cells were collected from the ovaries of female Wistar rats and cultured for up to 24 h in the presence of different concentrations of α‐melanotropin, cytokines or a combination of both. Progesterone concentration was measured by radioimmunoassay. Results: The addition of α‐melanotropin in a dose of 0.01 and 0.1 mm had no effect on progesterone release, whereas a dose of 1 mm significantly increased progesterone release (P < 0.01) compared with the control culture. Progesterone release was not modified when different concentrations of interleukin‐1β or TNF‐α were added to the cell cultures. However, when interleukin‐1β or TNF‐α were added simultaneously with 1 μm α‐melanotropin, a significant reduction (P < 0.01 for interleukin‐1β and P < 0.05 for TNF‐α) of the steroid release was found with respect to the α‐melanotropin‐treated group. Conclusions: These results lead us to suggest that, although α‐melanotropin stimulates progesterone release in pre‐ovulatory GC, this effect is blocked by the presence of interleukin‐1β or TNF‐α.  相似文献   

We show here that the expression of 4–1BB is rapidly induced in γδ T cells following antigenic stimulation in both mice and humans, and ligation of the newly acquired 4–1BB with an agonistic anti‐4–1BB augments cell division and cytokine production. We further demonstrate that γδ rather than αβ T cells protect mice from Listeria monocytogenes (LM) infection and 4–1BB stimulation enhances the γδ T‐cell activities in the acute phase of LM infection. IFN‐γ produced from γδ T cells was the major soluble factor regulating LM infection. Vγ1+ T cells were expanded in LM‐infected mice and 4–1BB signal triggered an exclusive expansion of Vγ1+ T cells and induced IFN‐γ in these Vγ1+ T cells. Similarly, 4–1BB was induced on human γδ T cells and shown to be fully functional. Combination treatment with human γδ T cells and anti‐hu4–1BB effectively protected against LM infection in human γδ T cell‐transferred NOD‐SCID mice. Taken together, these data provide evidence that the 4–1BB signal is an important regulator of γδ T cells and induces robust host defense against LM infection.  相似文献   

γδ T cell populations are known to expand in response to intracellular bacterial infectious agents regardless of previous priming. We have shown previously that soluble factor(s) produced by Mycobacterium-stimulated monocytes activate cord blood γδ T cells to proliferate. In this study, we investigated whether cytokines produced by monocytes are responsible for γδ T cell activation in vitro: interleukin (IL)-1β, IL-6, IL-8, IL-12, tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α and granulocyte/macrophage colony-stimulating factor were examined. Recombinant human IL-12 stimulated γδ T cells, but not αβ T cells in peripheral blood mononuclear cells, to express CD25 on their surfaces, and to expand in number in vitro. IL-12-primed γδ T cell numbers increased to a greater extent in the culture to which exogenous IL-2 (5 U/ml) was added. Anti-TNF-α monoclonal antibody inhibited IL-12-induced up-regulation of CD25 on γδ T cells, suggesting that endogenous TNF-α may play a role in IL-12-induced activation of γδ T cells. Recombinant TNF-α synergistically augmented IL-12-induced activation of γδ T cells. Furthermore, IL-12 up-regulated TNF receptors on γδ T cells in vitro: TNF-α binding to its receptor induced CD25 expression on the γδ T cells in an autocrine or paracrine fashion, or perhaps both. It also became evident that both IL-12 and TNF-α were produced by mycobacterial lysate-stimulated monocytes. Taken together, these results suggest that upon confrontation with mycobacterial organisms, γδ T cells can be quickly and antigen-nonspecifically activated by soluble factors including IL-12 and TNF-α, both of which are produced by mononuclear phagocytes in response to mycobacterial organisms.  相似文献   

Possible involvement of σ receptors in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia has been suggested. In this study we searched systematically for polymorphisms in the 5′‐franking region of the σ1 receptor. Genetic variation in this region could reduce the expression of the gene, and this suggestion is compatible with findings of reduced σ binding sites in several cortical regions of schizophrenia. We confirmed G−241T and G−240T polymorphisms; these two consecutive polymorphisms were resolved to be in complete linkage disequilibrium with each other by single‐strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) analysis. We also identified the A61C (Gln2Pro) polymorphism, which was in almost complete linkage disequilibrium with G−241T/G−240T. There was no significant difference in the distribution of alleles or overall genotypes of the polymorphisms between schizophrenic patients (n = 129) and controls (n = 140). We found slight increased homozygosity for T−241/T−240 and C61 in patients compared with controls using multiple comparison (p = 0.045). However, the significance did not remain when a Bonferroni correction was made (p = 0.135). These results do not support that the σ1 receptor gene plays a major role in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia. Am. J. Med. Genet. (Neuropsychiatr. Genet.) 96:118–122, 2000. © 2000 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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