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State laws are awash with discord concerning whether a police officer's request or court order necessarily obligates physicians to perform a body fluid analysis of an arrested, conscious, nonconsenting suspect. Police typically bring arrestees directly to the emergency department (ED), and federal courts have begun to wrestle with the implications of the Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA), which requires that anyone presenting to the ED be screened for treatment. Some state laws require health care providers to comply with any police request for lab analysis, while other states offer more leeway to physicians. Recent trends in federal case law interpreting EMTALA suggest that a medical screening exam is not required for patients brought by police specifically for a blood or urine sample unless either the arrestee requests medical care or a prudent observer would believe medical care was indicated. This article answers two questions: What happens when a police officer presents to the ED requesting service on behalf of an arrestee? What does EMTLA require of physicians in response? We survey current state statutes, review recent state and federal case law, describe example policies from various hospitals, and conclude with recommendations for hospital risk managers.  相似文献   

The Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA) was enacted in 1986. Its purpose was to ensure that all individuals receive necessary emergency services from hospitals and not be denied care (i.e., "patient dumping") because of their economic status or lack of insurance. In its application, EMTALA has reduced "patient dumping," but at great cost to hospitals and physicians as an unfunded mandate. Despite 17 years of experience with the law, providers have been uncertain as to where and when, and to whom, the EMTALA obligations apply. The law has also proven to be burdensome and has been interpreted as extending far beyond the hospital emergency room. After reviewing the law for some time, the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) released its final rules redefining the scope of EMTALA, reaffirming certain guidelines and modifying or clarifying others. The new regulations attempt to restate the parameters of the law as it applies to the emergency department and the hospital, as well as to inpatients and outpatients. The new rules clarify on-call obligations for physicians, confirming guidance issued by CMS in June 2002. This article summarizes the salient features of these new regulations.  相似文献   

The allegation of delay in performing an emergency cesarean delivery is common in litigation involving neurological injury to newborns. Analyzing the actual performance of an emergency cesarean involves multiple steps, individuals, and systemic processes that need coordination for appropriate action when necessary. This article gives risk managers a systematic way to evaluate a given perinatal unit's approach to the ability to perform an emergency cesarean through evaluating the 6 “A”s: Assess, Alert, Align, Assemble, Act, and Analyze. Each of these elements is discussed based on current evidence. A checklist that may be useful in the evaluation of the elements of performance of emergency cesarean delivery is provided.  相似文献   

“Recovered memory therapy” for eating disorders and other psychiatric conditions seeks to help the patient recover repressed memories of childhood sexual abuse and other traumatic experiences. Through this technique, it is hoped that the patient can work through these experiences to achieve relief from shame, body dissatisfaction, and symptoms of depression and eating disorders. However, this method was questioned in the recent Ramona case, where a father successfully sued two therapists and a hospital for allegedly implanting false memories of childhood sexual abuse in his bulimic daughter. The testimony and verdict in this case recall the principle of primum non nocere: Although it is clearly reasonable to consider an unproven therapeutic technique in an attempt to relieve human suffering, the potential risk of the technique—in this case the possible induction of false incest memories—must be weighed carefully against the technique's expected benefits. © 1996 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

A culture that provides for safe patient environments demands that health care risk managers address all barriers to safe care, sometimes in extraordinary ways. For example, the operating room is one environment that has gained attention with policies on performing “time outs” before beginning a case and strong emphasis on correct site, correct patient and correct procedure surgery. However, a common hospital practice that has been generally accepted is to invite, allow and encourage sales representatives, or vendors, into the operating room to help surgeons use new equipment or devices. This article will describe how risk managers — partnering with their facility's sourcing and materials management departments — were able to influence a network‐wide shift in vendor interactions in the operating room to create safer places for patient care.  相似文献   

Progress in medicine and the subsequent extension of health coverage has meant that health expenditure has increased sharply in Western countries. In the United States, this rise was precipitated in the 1980s, compounded by an increase in drug consumption which prompted the government to re-examine its financial support to care delivery, most notably in hospital care and emergencies services. In California for example, 50 emergency service providers were closed between 1990 and 2000, and nine in 1999–2000 alone. In that State, only 355 hospitals (out of 568) have maintained emergency services departments (Darves, WebMB, 2001). Reforming hospital Emergency Department (ED) operations requires caution not only because the media pay a lot of attention to ED operations, but also because it raises ethical issues: this became more apparent with the enactment of the EMTALA which stipulates that federally funded hospitals are required to give emergency aid in order to “stabilize” a patient suffering from an “emergency medical condition” before discharging or transferring that patient to another facility. While in essence the law aims to preserve patient access to care, physicians assert that the EMTALA leads to more patients seeking care for non-urgent conditions in EDs (GAO, Report to Congressional Committees, 2001), leading to overcrowding, delayed care for patients with true emergency needs, and forcing hospitals to divert ambulances to other facilities resulting in further delays in urgent care. Also, fewer physicians are willing to be on-call in emergency departments because the EMTALA law requires on-call physicians to provide uncompensated care. Thus there is a need to find a balance between appropriate care to be provided to ED patients, and low costs since uncompensated care is not covered by state or federal funds. This concerns, first and foremost, hospitals that provide a greater amount of uncompensated care (e.g. hospitals serving communities with a higher population of illegal immigrants). Looking at the intrinsic causes of high ED costs, the paper first explains why costs of care provided in EDs are high, and look at a major cause of high ED costs: overcrowding and ED users’ characteristics. This is followed by a discussion on a much-debated factor: the use of EDs for non-emergency conditions, a practice which has often been accused of disproportionately raising costs. We look at various mechanisms used either to divert or prevent the patient from using ED: these include triage services; and the role of HMOs in the ED chain of care: though the US government has increasingly relied on Managed Care organizations to contain costs (e.g. Medicaid and Medicare Managed Care), do HMOs make a difference when it comes to ED costs? Of particular interest is the family physician acting as a gatekeeper, and the legislation that was enacted to protect those who bypass the referral system. We then look at the other end of the ED chain (i.e. the recipient): the financial responsibility of ED users has increased. Alternative providers such as walk-in clinics are increasingly common. EDs also attempt to reengineer their operations to curb costs. While the data are mostly applicable to a private health care system (e.g. the US), the article, using a critical assessment of the existing literature, has implications for other EDs generally, wherever they operate, since every ED faces similar funding problems.  相似文献   

The Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act (EMTALA), which requires Medicare‐participating hospitals to provide emergency care to patients regardless of their ability to pay, plays an important role in protecting the uninsured. Yet many hospitals do not comply. This study examines the reasons for noncompliance and proposes solutions. We conducted 11 semistructured key informant interviews with hospitals, hospital associations, and patient safety organizations in the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services region with the highest number of EMTALA complaints filed. Respondents identified 5 main causes of noncompliance: financial incentives to avoid unprofitable patients, ignorance of EMTALA's requirements, high referral burden at hospitals receiving EMTALA transfer patients, reluctance to jeopardize relationships with transfer partners by reporting borderline EMTALA violations, and opposing priorities of hospitals and physicians. Respondents suggested 5 methods to improve compliance, including educating subspecialists about EMTALA, informally educating hospitals about borderline violations, and incorporating EMTALA‐compliant processes into hospital operations such as by routing transfer requests through the emergency department. To improve compliance we suggest (1) more closely aligning Medicaid/Medicare payment policies with EMTALA, ( 2) amending the Act to permit informal mediation between hospitals about borderline violations, (3) increasing the hospital's role in ensuring EMTALA compliance, and (4) expanding the role of hospital associations.  相似文献   


The outsourcing of health services has gained prominence over the past decades. Because numerous factors affect outsourcing in the field of health services, identifying and prioritizing these factors is specifically important. This study sought to identify and prioritize the factors affecting outsourcing, and to propose a model for the effective outsourcing of hospital services in Shiraz, Iran. The study drew on an exploratory mixed research method. In the first stage, all the criteria affecting the outsourcing of activities in hospitals were identified through the theoretical framework, a literature review, and interviews with hospital experts. Next, the criteria were finalized and prioritized using the fuzzy best-worst method (BWM). Following the literature review, 34 criteria for outsourcing were identified based on the studies explored and the interviews with the experts; the criteria were categorized into seven dimensions including “strategy”, “management”, “economy”, “quality”, “security and keeping patients’ records”, “service”, and “agility.” These dimensions formed the final outsourcing model of hospitals in Shiraz. Finally, the fuzzy BWM analysis revealed that “security and keeping patient’s records” had the highest priority in outsourcing-related decision-making. The findings can help hospital managers make the right decision concerning the outsourcing of hospital services. The dimensions found in this research might also have been identified in other models, although this study was different in that it concentrated on the criteria in the specialized area of hospital management, while identifying the importance and weights of all the criteria involved.  相似文献   

Marker allele-disease association and linkage between a disease locus and a marker locus are two different phenomena. Linkage without evidence of association and association without evidence of linkage are possible observations. Linkage analysis uses marker loci and the phenomenon of recombination to look for disease-related loci which are presumably major contributors to disease expression (“necessary” loci). However, the phenomenon of association is more complex. One explanation for the existence of an association is that there is a “necessary” locus in linkage disequilibrium with a marker locus. Another explanation is that the marker locus itself (or a closely linked locus in linkage disequilibrium with the marker) is a “susceptibility” locus, which increases the probability of contracting the disease but is not necessary for disease expression. Although there are other possible explanations for the existence of an association, these two can lead to different results when family data from a disease showing association are analyzed for linkage between the associated marker and the disease. If the linkage disequilibrium hypothesis is correct, there will be evidence for linkage. If the susceptibility locus hypothesis is correct, there may be strong evidence against linkage. In this work, we explore a method that could indicate whether an association is due to a susceptibility locus or a necessary locus. We show that, by dividing families based on the presence or absence of the associated marker allele in a randomly chosen affected sib, calculating lod scores, and then calculating a heterogeneity statistic, we could distinguish whether linkage data came from a susceptibility locus or a necessary locus. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A case study was conducted in 2016 to evaluate the effectiveness of an innovation to enable people with “complex” care requirements to be discharged from hospital to an appropriate service for their care, without using the NHS England Continuing Health Care (CHC) assessment. The setting was a rural district general hospital in England, where the quality outcomes and cost‐effectiveness of the CHC assessment being conducted in hospital were giving cause for concern. The NHS CHC Framework advocates conducting these assessments in the community where a more accurate indication of long‐term care can be determined. The “5Q Care Test” was collaboratively developed with health and social care partners, care providers, and CHC interest groups, including users of the services. It was implemented as a tool to support moving the CHC assessment into the community, as it enabled practitioners to swiftly determine patients' appropriate initial care pathway out of hospital. A full economic impact analysis was conducted 7 months after the tool was introduced. The results showed significant improvement in the quality and cost‐effectiveness of the “5Q Care Test,” with a reduction in the hospital length of stay, which is known to be associated with improved outcomes for patients and financial savings.  相似文献   

One of the most controversial dimensions along which developing therapeutic approaches for bulimia can be differentiated is their allegiance to an “abstinence” or “nonabstinence” model. Through analogy to traditional treatment programs for chemical dependency, many self-help and professional programs for bulimia hold that the complete elimination of binge-vomiting behavior is a prerequisite for therapeutic work, and require abstinence from the inception of treatment. In contrast, the nonabstinence model suggests that a more gradual reduction in the frequency of episodes may be preferable in that it provides more opportunities for relapse prevention training and avoids reinforcing dichotomous thinking styles. The present paper reviews the theoretical and clinical arguments that have been advanced by each side, including the case for classifying bulimia as a substance abuse disorder. A strategy for investigating the relative efficacy of the two approaches is proposed. It is suggested that particular attention be paid to such variables as differential attrition, the effect of each modality on the accuracy of self-report, the need for continuing or supplementary therapy, the occurrence of treatment “casualties,” interactions between client characteristics and mode of therapy, and long-term results. In the interim before such data are available, a reasonable clinical recommendation may be the implementation of a “compromise” approach designed to maximize the advantages claimed by each model while minimizing possible risks.  相似文献   

Congress primarily enacted the Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act (EMTALA) in 1986 to prevent the denial of care to uninsured patients in emergency departments. The final version of EMTALA lacks specific protection for indigent patients and saddles hospitals and physicians with more liability than Congress initially intended. Loopholes in the law allow denial of care to patients when temporarily stabilized. Congress should ameliorate these problems through amendment of the law.  相似文献   

The concept of missed care refers to an irrefragable truth that required nursing care, which is left undone, occurs in the delivery of health care. As a technical concept, missed care offers nurses the opportunity to articulate a problematic experience. But what are we to make of missed care from an ethical perspective? Can nurses be held morally responsible for missed care? Ethically speaking, it is generally accepted that if a person has a moral obligation to do something, s/he needs to have the capacity to do it. If a person does not have the capacity to fulfil a moral obligation, then s/he cannot be held responsible for failing to do so. This is captured by the “ought implies can” (OIC) principle. This paper brings the OIC principle to the forefront of the discussion on missed care. It is contended that nurses – qua moral agents – may be discharged from a moral obligation to carry out a required caring act because of some inability that is not of their making and therefore may not be morally responsible for missed care. However, the OIC principle may not be applied to all situations of missed care depending on their causes. In addition, following in the thought of Sapontzis (The Southern Journal of Philosophy, 1991, XXIX, 383–393) it is contended that when an original obligation to deliver a required act of care cannot be fulfilled, other obligations may be generated as summed up in the “Principle of Making Amends” and the “Principle of Appropriate Feeling.” It is the view of this paper that these further principles could prevent the OIC principle from being used to simply excuse omissions of care from a normative standard and could support the view that nurses continue to have alternative obligations to make amends and to respond with appropriate feelings to missed care.  相似文献   

A qualitative analysis of 68 community‐dwelling spouses of institutionalized patients with Alzheimer's disease was conducted. The goal was to ascertain to what degree they perceived themselves as married. Five groups representing different degrees of couplehood emerged. Ranging from strong couplehood to no couplehood, groups were given the following terms: “’Til Death Do Us Parts,”“We, but …,”“Husbandless Wives/Wifeless Husbands,”“Becoming an I,” and “Unmarried Marrieds.” Ways to interpret this typology and implications for both further research and practitioners are described.  相似文献   

Illicit drug use affects every area of the hospital/health care setting and presents thorny legal dilemmas for security directors and risk managers when patients are found using and/or attempting to sell controlled substances. Should you handle it privately or should you call in the police? Do local law enforcement and prosecutors really want to be bothered with every $25 worth of cocaine seized from a patient? If you inform the police and arrests are made, could your hospital develop a reputation as a drug-infested combat zone? If you handle it privately, are you at risk for litigation because of invasion of privacy or an illegal search? On the other hand, if drugs are reported and you do nothing, are you liable for a negligence lawsuit? Clearly, there is a need for proactive planning and policy development prior to being confronted with patient drug possession. In this report, hospital security directors discuss how they handle this situation at their facilities and how they formulate policies and procedures. We'll also offer advice from legal experts on patient privacy issues and interacting with local law enforcement.  相似文献   

In an attempt to improve organ donation rates, some countries are considering moving from “opt‐in” systems where citizens must express their willingness to be an organ donor, to “opt‐out” systems where consent is presumed unless individuals have expressed their wishes otherwise, by, for example, joining an “opt‐out” register. In Wales—a part of the United Kingdom—the devolved government recently legislated for an “opt‐out” system. For the change to be effective, a public awareness campaign was critical to the policy's success. Using quantitative and qualitative content analysis, we explored media coverage of the change to better understand the relationship between the state, policy actors, media and the public when such policy changes take place. Our findings illustrate how a state communication campaign can effectively set the media agenda within which we saw a degree of interdependency created with the state using the media to promote policy, and the media relying on the state for credible information. Yet we also found that the media is not uncritical and observed how it uses its autonomy to influence policy setting. Over the period of study, we found that a change in tone and view towards deemed consent organ donation has taken place in the media. However, while this may influence or reflect public attitudes, it is yet to be seen whether the media campaign translates into behavioural change that will result in increases in organ donations.  相似文献   

Patient handoffs come in many forms, some of which are permanent (the provider will not get the patient back) and some of which are temporary (the provider will get the patient back). The danger inherent in temporary handoffs is that the temporary provider will not have sufficient information, or will not have time to gather the necessary information, to provide care for the patient safely. The “ticket‐to‐ride” tool, in addition to the verbal handoff communication, can be used to provide temporary providers of care with a salient synopsis of the patient's condition to protect the patient during an absence from the floor or unit. This article gives guidance on the development of a ticket‐to‐ride form.  相似文献   



The purpose of this study was to analyse the extent to which breast cancer patients excuse inconveniences that occur during their hospitalisation, and how this “tendency to excuse” affects their satisfaction with the hospital stay.


Breast cancer patients undergoing treatment at one of 51 breast centres in North Rhine-Westphalia (Germany) in 2009 were asked to complete the Cologne Patient Questionnaire-Breast Cancer (CPQ-BC). For the analyses, the “tendency to excuse” scale was subdivided into three groups. Linear regressions were performed to investigate associations between the “tendency to excuse” and patient satisfaction.


88 % (3,950) of the patients completed the questionnaire. The results show that the inpatients excused inconsistencies to a moderate degree. The “excusers” and “non-excusers” showed greater satisfaction with hospital services than the “medium-excusers”.


The “tendency to excuse” scale could aid future data analysis of patient satisfaction surveys by identifying patients who are more likely to answer in an unbiased fashion. According to hospital survey outcomes, adjusting for the “tendency to excuse” scale however, does not lead to substantially different results when comparing health care providers.  相似文献   

There are medical mishaps that have been deemed “Never Events” by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). This term refers generally to preventable occurrences so egregious that they should never occur. But they do occur. And when they do, litigation often follows. This article focuses on one such Never Event—the operating room fire—with strategies on how to defend it. Information provided in this article was derived from a review of the relevant literature and from the author's personal experience defending lawsuits arising from Never Events, including a jury trial involving a surgeon who was sued for a patient's injuries after a fire erupted in the operating room.  相似文献   

The 34-item Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ) has demonstrated sound psychometric properties in all samples reported to date (including this study). However, the unidimensional nature of the 34 items suggests that the BSQ may be unnecessarily long for use in studies when body disparagement is not the main focus of investigation. This study of 342 adult women presents two 16-item “alternate forms” of the BSQ which showed equivalent means and excellent internal consistency in both derivation and replication samples. Two 8-item scales were also derived. The 34-, 16-, and 8-/tem versions showed equivalent convergent and discriminant validation against the Eating Attitudes Test (EAT)-26 and other parameters. We suggest that use of these 16-item versions may be more efficient than the original BSQ where body disparagement is not the sole focus of a study, or where a repeated measures design is employed. Furthermore, the 8-item versions are sufficiently robust to be used as “alternate forms” where speed of completion and economy are of the essence. © 1993 by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

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