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正中神经返支卡压及易损伤部位的解剖学基础   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
目的:探讨腕管综合征术后大鱼际功能恢复不良的原因与返支易损伤部位。方法:对20侧成人新鲜上肢标本进行显微解剖,观测正中神经返支走行中存在的卡压因素以及易损伤部位。结果:(1)拇短屈肌浅头尺侧存在腱弓及腱纤维束结构,对正中神经返支形成卡压;(2)住屈肌支持带远侧返支与掌腱膜关系密切,在此部位掌腱膜可对返支形成卡压或术中易误伤返支;(3)走行中返支与拇长屈肌腱和示指屈肌腱存在交叉走行关系。结论:(1)返支走行中存在易卡压因素,治疗腕管综合征时应常规探查松解返支;(2)涉及拇长屈肌腱,示指屈肌腱和掌腱膜手术时,应注意防止损伤返支。  相似文献   

A gross anatomic study of 169 hands from 94 human adult cadavers was carried out to define the morphology of the flexor retinaculum and the relationship of the flexor retinaculum to the course of the median and ulnar nerves and branching of the palmar digital nerves. The following results were obtained. Three parts of the flexor retinaculum were arranged like overlapping tiles on a roof, and in all cases, the median nerve passed deep to the flexor retinaculum, whereas the ulnar nerve passed through various parts of the flexor retinaculum in 19% of cases irrespective of its proximal form and branching of the palmar digital nerves.  相似文献   

During surgical exposure of the carpal tunnel it is possible to injure the neurovascular structures closely related to the flexor retinaculum, such as the superficial palmar arch and the communicating branch between the ulnar and median nerves. Because of the importance of these structures and with the purpose of increasing knowledge of anatomical details concerning to their location, a biometric study was performed on the retinaculum and the communicating branch, and between the communicating branch and the distal wrist crease, as well as between the retinaculum and the superficial palmar arch. We dissected 56 hands from 28 Brazilian formalin‐preserved cadavers of both sexes (24 male) at the Federal University of São Paulo–Escola Paulista de Medicina, Brazil. The communicating branch was observed in 96.4% of cases and the superficial palmar arch in 78.6%. The communicating branch was found between the common palmar digital nerve of the 4th interosseous space (from the ulnar nerve) to the homonymous nerve of the 3rd interosseous space (from the median nerve). In males, the distance between the distal wrist crease and the site where the communicating branch originates from the ulnar component had an average of 33.9±5.5 mm on the right side and 30.2±8.2 mm on the left. The distance between the distal wrist crease and the junction of the communicating branch with the common palmar digital nerve of the 3rd interosseous space was 43.6±6.9 mm on the right and 40.2±6.2 mm on the left side. Conversely, in 14.8% of cases (1 female), the communicating branch was observed to emerge from the common palmar digital nerve of the 3rd interosseous space. The distance between the retinaculum and the superficial palmar arch in the axial line of the 4th metacarpal bone was on average 7.3±4.3 mm on the right and 8.3±3.5 mm on the left side. At the same level, the distance between the retinaculum and the communicating branch was 6.2±3.7 mm on the right side and 5.1±2.8 mm on the left. These results can be used as a reference during surgical procedures in the palmar region.  相似文献   

Treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome consists in decompression of the median nerve by section of the flexor retinaculum. Usually, this surgery improves the disease with disappearance of the symptoms. However, some painful sequelae may remain such as painful discharges, paresthesiae or permanent anesthesia of the base of the thumb or of the scar related to an injury of the palmar cutaneous branch of the median nerve (PCBm). This study was performed to define the accurate emergence and the anatomic characteristics of this nerve in relation to stable landmarks. Moreover, it assessed the importance of the visual identification of the branch during section of the flexor retinaculum. Thirty-five hands were dissected under macroscopic examination and under magnification of the thinnest branches. Measurements were performed with a caliper and the forearm in supination. Determination of the bistyloid line showed variability in the location of the distal wrist crease. Thus, it could not be used as a landmark to locate the PCBm. The palmar cutaneous branch is the distal collateral branch of the median nerve in the forearm. It emerges on its radial side, on average 44.3 mm before the bistyloid line. It courses in line with the third finger and perforates the antebrachial aponeurosis about 5.7 mm from the bistyloid line. This emergence can be located in the palm, where it can be injured if the incision is performed in line with the third finger. The PCBm usually ends in the palm by division into two or three branches. The lateral branch supplies the skin of the thenar eminence while the medial, usually shorter branch supplies the midline part of the palm. This study has shown the importance of performing the cutaneous incision in line with the fourth finger to avoid injury to the PCBm.  相似文献   

Carpal tunnel syndrome is the most common entrapment neuropathy dealt with by the clinician. Multiple techniques have been used to surgically treat this pathological condition and all of these approach the carpal tunnel from the palmar surface of the hand or wrist. We have developed a novel endoscopic approach to the carpal tunnel utilizing a dorsal approach that necessitates a good appreciation of the anatomy of this region. This approach was carried out in 10 hands. Through a single dorsal incision we were able to transect the flexor retinaculum in all specimens without obvious damage to neural or vascular tissues. The microscissors used in our study were found to be too delicate for transection of the flexor retinaculum thus another cutting tool should be considered. Our dorsal approach with visualization of the internal aspect of the flexor retinaculum may obviate many of the complications that are seen with the current techniques used to surgically treat carpal tunnel syndrome such as injury to the median nerve and its branches. Clinical trials are now necessary with prospective randomized studies that will determine which techniques are most efficacious and minimize complications most effectively.  相似文献   

The palmaris longus muscle is one of the most variable muscles in human anatomy. During a routine anatomical dissection for medical students at Tottori University, we found duplicate palmaris longus muscles in the bilateral forearms together with the palmaris profundus muscle in the right forearm. The bilateral aberrant palmaris longus muscles were observed at the ulnar side of the palmaris longus muscle and their distal tendons were attached to the flexor retinaculum. The palmaris profundus muscle found in the right forearm was located at the radial side of the flexor digitorum superficialis muscle. The proximal tendon was originated from the anterior surface in the middle of the radius, while the distal tendon coursed radial to the median nerve through the carpal tunnel, finally inserting into the distal part of the flexor retinaculum. Both the palmaris longus and aberrant palmaris longus muscles were innervated by the median nerve. The palmaris profundus muscle was presumably supplied by the median nerve.  相似文献   

The most frequent disposition of the structures within the ulnar tunnel is for the ulnar nerve to be located medial or posteromedial to the ulnar artery. The structures within the ulnar tunnel are closely related to the medial part of the flexor retinaculum. Lesions of the ulnar nerve and artery during endoscopic decompression of the carpal tunnel have been reported (Agee et al. 1992; Lee et al. 1992; Nath et al. 1993; De Smets & Fabry, 1995). An adequate anatomical knowledge of such structures and their variations is therefore important. During a study of the palmar region, we found that a special branch originated from the ulnar nerve in relation to the flexor retinaculum. Documentation of this variation will contribute to the knowledge of the anatomy of the ulnar nerve and its distal branches.  相似文献   

We report an anomalous palmar muscle belly of the flexor digitorum superficialis muscle (FDS) in the right hand of an 80-year-old female cadaver. The muscle originated from the center of the volar surface of the flexor retinaculum and inserted onto the palmar aspect of the base of the middle phalanx of the little finger. Its tendon of insertion divided into two bands, a pattern typical of the FDS tendon, between which the tendon of flexor digitorum profundus muscle to the little finger passed. The tendon of the usual antebrachial FDS to the little finger was absent. The anomalous muscle belly was innervated by a branch from the median nerve.  相似文献   

Arterial variations in the distal half of the arm are common (Anagnostopoulou and Venieratos 1999, J. Anat. 195:471-476). We observed a rare variant of a muscular branch of the brachial artery that penetrated the median nerve in the lower part of the arm. After its origin from the posteromedial surface of the brachial artery, the muscular branch passed through a nervous loop in the median nerve to enter and supply the brachialis muscle. At the site of arterial penetration, the nerve displayed perineurial thickening and increased fasciculation and interfascicular connective tissue. Three small branches of the artery supplied the nerve fascicles. We did not observe nerve compression or muscular changes, but the possibility of altered clinical symptoms produced by irritation from arterial pulsation cannot be ruled out. This variation may be clinically important because symptoms of median nerve compression arising from similar variations are often confused with more common causes, such as radiculopathy and carpal tunnel syndrome.  相似文献   

Aim of the study was to study the variations in the branching pattern of median nerve in the carpal tunnel and hand, which would form useful data for hand surgeons doing open/endoscopic carpal tunnel release. Median nerve and its branches were explored by dissection in fifty hands of twenty-five formalin fixed adult human cadavers over a period of three years. We found variations in 35 out of 50 hands. Based upon Lanz classification, frequency of variations in present series was variation in the course of thenar branch (58%), accessory branches at the distal portion of the carpal tunnel (34%), high divisions of the median nerve (8%) and accessory branches proximal to the carpal tunnel (nil). Rare variations including transligamentous median nerve and multiple thenar branches were also observed. Medial take off of thenar branch as observed in this series has special clinical significance in carpal tunnel release. Knowledge of the variable anatomy of median nerve would help to avoid incomplete decompression at operations for nerve entrapment and injury to thenar branch.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to compare the MRI findings of wrists in patients diagnosed with CTS with those of the healthy controls, and to evaluate the correlation between the MRI differences and the electrophysiological findings in the patient group. This study involved 55 wrists, 30 of which were clinically and electrophysiologically diagnosed with CTS and 25 healthy controls. These 55 wrists were evaluated electrophysiologically, and in terms of median nerve diameter, ratio of median nerve diameter at psiform bone level to distal radio-ulnar joint level, the flexor retinaculum bulging ratio and the median nerve intensity by MRI. When the patient group, which were clinically and electrophysiologically diagnosed with CTS, and the healthy control group were compared, a significant difference (p < 0.001) was observed between the two in terms of median nerve diameters (at psiform bone level: 8.47 +/- 1.41mm and 2.91 +/- 1.01 mm, distal radio-ulnar joint level: 4.04 +/- 1.06 mm and 2.42 +/- 0.95 mm), ratio of median nerve diameter at psiform bone level to distal radio-ulnar joint level (2.17 +/- 0.54 and 1.25 +/- 0.12), their flexor retinaculum bulging ratios (26.21 +/- 5.98% and 7.27 +/- 4.53%) and their median nerve intensities. In the patient group, no significant correlation between MRI and the electrophysiological findings was found (p > 0.05). According to the data obtained from the study, we believe that the MRI examination of structural changes that occur in the carpal tunnel, neighboring structures and the median nerve would be useful in the diagnosis of CTS, especially in cases with suspected clinical and electrophysiological diagnosis.  相似文献   

During routine anatomical dissection in the hypothenar region of the left hand of a 64-year-old female cadaver, a number of variant structures were observed. The most prominent finding in our case was a supernumerary muscle hitherto unknown in the anatomical literature. This variant muscle had a muscular body formed by the connection of two deeply situated muscular bellies--medial and lateral. The lateral belly originated from the flexor retinaculum, the medial one--from the hamate bone. The common muscular body inserted to the antero-lateral surface of the base of the fifth proximal phalanx. Due to its location and possible function, we named the variant muscle "deep abductor-flexor" of the little finger. The flexor digiti minimi brevis muscle showed two proximal tendons--the medial tendon was attached to the hamulus of the hamate bone while the aberrant lateral tendon originated from the lateral part of the flexor retinaculum. Both, the aberrant lateral tendon of the flexor digiti minimi brevis and the lateral belly of the "deep abductor-flexor", passed over the palmar branch of the ulnar nerve, which define their possible clinical significance in ulnar nerve compression. Therefore, the variations of the hypothenar muscles are reviewed and their relation to the compression of the ulnar nerve is discussed.  相似文献   

An unusual variation of flexor digitorum superficialis was observed during the cadaver dissection. The flexor digitorum superficialis (FDS) had a normal origin and insertion, except to the index finger, where a muscle belly replaced the tendon of FDS. The unusual muscle belly originated as a continuation of FDS tendon in the carpal tunnel and inserted normally into the middle phalanx. A branch of the median nerve innervated the anomalous muscle belly. The anomalous muscle belly described here should be considered in the aetiology of carpal tunnel syndrome.  相似文献   

Carpal tunnel decompression is one of the most common surgical procedures in hand surgery. Cutaneous innervation of the palm by median and ulnar nerves was evaluated to find a suitable incision preserving cutaneous nerves. A morphometric study was designed to define the safe-zone for mini-open carpal tunnel release. Sixteen fresh-frozen (8 right, 8 left) and 14 formalin-fixed (8 right, 6 left) cadaveric hands were dissected. Anatomy of the palmar cutaneous branch of the median and the ulnar nerve, motor branch of the median nerve, superficial palmar arch were evaluated relative to the surgical incision. We also identified the motor branch of the median nerve. Detailed measurements of the whole palmar region are reported in this study. The motor branch of the median nerve was extraligamentous as 60%, subligamentous as 34%, transligamentous as 6%. The palmar cutaneous branches of the median and the ulnar nerves in the palmar region were classified as Type A (34%), Type B (13%), Type C (13%), Type D (none), Type E (40%) according to forms of palmar cutaneous innervation originating from the ulnar and median nerves. Injury to the palmar cutaneous branch of the median nerve (PCBMN) is the most common complication of the carpal tunnel surgery. Various techniques were described to decrease post-operative morbidity. Based on these anatomic findings mini incision between the superficial palmar arch and the most distal part of the PCBMN in the palmar region is the safe-zone for carpal tunnel surgery.  相似文献   

During anatomy practice in 1999 at Kumamoto University School of Medicine, the anomalous lumbrical muscles originating in the forearm were observed in both arms of a cadaver. These muscles, originating from the intermediate tendon of the deep layer of the flexor digitorum superficialis for the index finger (FDS-II), passed through the carpal tunnel to join the insertion of the first lumbrical muscle, and formed a muscle belly near the origin in the left and at the insertion in the right. The left anomalous muscle was innervated by a branch of the median nerve just proximal to the carpal tunnel. The right one received a twig from the nerve to the first lumbrical muscle. Tracing the nerve fibers by peeling off the epi- and perineurium clarified that the nerve fibers supplying the left anomalous muscle formed a common bundle with the fibers to the first lumbrical muscle. Therefore, these anomalous muscles are considered to be the accessory lumbrical muscles arising from the forearm. The three accessory lumbricalis, including one case reported by Yamada (1986), received branches which had slightly different origins from proximally (nerve to the distal belly of FDS-II) to distally (nerve to the first lumbricalis). Accordingly the position of the muscle belly shifted distally. The occurrence of these unusual accessory lumbrical muscles indicates that the distal belly of FDS-III and the first lumbricalis are derived from a common muscle origin and presents an important clue to the phylogenetic origin of the flexor digitorum superficialis.  相似文献   

The persistent median artery (PMA) may compress the median nerve (MN) and may be a significant supply of blood to the hand. Two cases of unilateral PMA (4%) were detected during the dissection of 50 upper limbs. The first case was a 75-year-old, right-handed male who suffered from chronic pain in both upper limbs, especially the left side. A dissection of his left upper limb revealed a PMA piercing both the MN and the medial branch of the anterior interosseous nerve. This artery coursed distally, deep to the transverse carpal ligament (TCL), forming a median-ulnar pattern for the superficial palmar arch (SPA). The PMA was superficial to two nerves at the distal edge of the TCL; the extraligamentous recurrent thenar (RT) branch of the MN and the third common digital nerve (TCDN). The second case was from the left side of an 80-year-old female found to have a high origin of the radial artery with trifurcation of the latter into PMA, common interosseous, and ulnar arteries. The PMA passed deep to the TCL forming a radial-median-ulnar pattern of SPA. Both the transligamentous RT branch of the MN and the TCDN passed deep to the PMA inside the carpal tunnel, before the abnormal crossing of the latter nerve ventral to the SPA on its way to the digits. The relationships of the PMA to various MN branches may have important implications regarding the diagnosis and treatment of MN compressive neuropathies.  相似文献   

During dissection of the right forearm of a 27-year-old female cadaver, variations in the form and insertion of the palmaris longus muscle were observed. The tendon of the palmaris longus muscle, which demonstrated a centrally placed belly, split into two tendons: one inserted into the palmar aponeurosis and the other into the proximal part of the flexor retinaculum. Additionally, we found an accessory muscle extending between the flexor retinaculum and the tendon of the abductor digiti minimi muscle. This accessory muscle was located deep to the ulnar artery but superficial to the superficial and deep branches of the ulnar nerve at the wrist. Finally, an aberrant branch of the ulnar nerve was identified in the forearm; it traveled distally alongside the ulnar artery and in the palm demonstrated communications with common palmar digital nerves from the ulnar and the median nerves. No variations were observed in the contralateral upper limb.  相似文献   

The palmaris profundus is a rare, but known anatomic variation which may lead to compression of the median nerve and/or its branches. Two patients with carpal tunnel syndrome are presented in whom a palmaris profundus was discovered at operation. In these cases, median nerve compression at the wrist was attributed to the course of the extra tendon and its local mass effect on the nerve (i.e., the palmaris profundus and median nerve shared a common sheath); more commonly, the resultant decreased available space for the median nerve within the carpal tunnel due to the presence of an accessory (10th) flexor tendon is thought to be responsible. Postoperative 3 Tesla magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was performed to demonstrate the full course of the variant muscle; despite variations in the size and longitudinal extent of the accessory musculotendinous unit, an important similarity was noted: the intimate relationship of the median nerve and the palmaris profundus. These two cases and our review of the literature highlight the fact that one name (i.e. palmaris profundus) reflects several anatomic subtypes. However, the close relationship of the palmaris profundus with the median nerve in the forearm and the palm is a common theme which emphasizes the potential pathoanatomic consequences of this relationship: nerve compression. Clin. Anat. 22:643–648, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings in carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) and to compare them with electrophysiological findings. METHODS: Routine motor and sensory nerve conduction examinations and needle EMG were performed in 42 hands of 22 patients, who were clinically diagnosed as having CTS in at least one wrist. RESULTS: Of 29 wrists with clinically and electrophysiologically confirmed CTS, MRI could detect abnormality in 18 wrists (62%). Median nerve was found to be abnormal in MRI in 1 of 2 wrists with suspected clinical symptoms and proven CTS by electrophysiological examination. MRI was abnormal in 1 of 4 wrists with normal clinical and electrophysiological examination. MRI was abnormal in 46, 7% of wrists with mild CTS, in 61.6% of moderate CTS and in 100% of severe CTS. Volar bulging of the flexor retinaculum was detected in a single wrist with severe CTS. Enlargement of median nerve was observed in 3 of 5 severe CTS. CONCLUSION: MRI could be useful in the diagnosis of unproven cases in CTS. It also provides anatomical information that correlate well with electrophysiological findings in regard of the severity of median nerve compression.  相似文献   

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