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Histological and autoradiographic studies using 3H-proline indicate that cartilaginous tissue in the mandibular condyle maintains morphologic and metabolic characteristics of an embryonic type of tissue. Cartilage cells in the condyle lack the specific arrangement and cellular homogeneity characteristic of more differentiated endochondral growth sites. Through dedifferentiation many chondrocytes in the mandibular condyle appear to outlive the hypoxic conditions that are reported to prevail within the mineralizing zone. Chondrocytes in this zone reveal only a minimal amount of 3H-proline uptake in comparison with the cells in the chondroblastic and premineralizing zones. The dedifferentiated chondrocytes appear to redifferentiate into more specialized cells, possibly osteoprogenitor cells, as they reveal a significant increase in 3H-proline incorporation in the vicinity of the ossifying front. These observations on proline metabolism support the concept that calcification in the condylar cartilage is not necessarily accompanied by degeneration and death of the chondrocytes.  相似文献   

The present chronological investigation assessed the distribution of type II collagen expression in the developing mouse mandibular condyle using immunohistochemical staining with respect to the anatomy of the anlage of the mandibular condyle, the histological characteristics of which were disclosed in our previous investigation. We analyzed fetuses, obtained by cross breeding of ICR strain mice, between 14.0 and 19.0 days post-conception (dpc) and pups on 1, 3, and 5 days post-natal (dpn) using immunohistochemical staining with 2 anti-type II collagen antibodies. The expression of type II collagen was first detected at 15.0 dpc in the lower part of the hypertrophic chondrocyte zone; thereafter, this type II collagen-positive layer was expanded and intensified (P1 layer). At 17.0 dpc, we identified a type II collagen-negative layer (N layer) around the P1 layer and we also identified another newly formed type II collagen-positive layer (P, layer) on the outer surface of the N layer. The most typical and conspicuous 3-layered distribution was observed at 1 dpn; thereafter, there was a reduction in the intensity of expression, and with it, the demarcation between the layers was weakened by 5 dpn. The P1 layer was derived from the central region of the core cell aggregate of the anlage of the mandibular condyle and participated in endochondral bone formation. The N layer was derived from the fringe of the core cell aggregate of the anlage, formed the bone collar at the side of the condyle by intramembranous bone formation, and showed a high level of proliferative activity at the vault. The P2 layer was formed from the outgrowth of the N layer, and could be considered as the secondary cartilage. The intensive expression of type II collagen from 17.0 dpc to 3 dpn was detected in the fibrous sheath covering the condylar head, which is derived from the peripheral cell aggregate of the anlage. Since its expression in the fibrous sheath was not detected in the neighboring section in the absence of hyaluronidase digestion, some changes in the extracellular matrix of the fibrous sheath appear to participate in the generation of the lower joint space. The results of the present investigation indicate that further studies are required to fully characterize the development of the mouse mandibular condyle.  相似文献   

Histochemical and autoradiographic studies using 35S-sulfate indicate that the majority of the cartilage cells in the developing mandibular condyle of the young mouse are active, vital cells. Concomitant with the increase of hypoxic conditions within the deeper layers of the cartilage, an increase in sulfated glycosaminoglucuronoglycans synthesis takes place. Hypertrophic chon-drocytes in the premineralized and mineralized zones reveal marked 35S-sulfate uptake in comparison with the less differentiated cells in the chondroblastic and perichondrial zones. These observations of radiosulfate activity support the concept that calcification processes in the condylar cartilage are not necessarily accompanied by degeneration and death of the hypertrophic chondrocytes. The radiosulfate activity of the surviving chondrocytes in the vicinity of the ossification front indicates possible modulation into osteoprogenitor cells.  相似文献   

Cathepsin K is a cysteine protease of the papain family that cleaves triple-helical type II collagen, the major structural component of the extracellular matrix of articular cartilage. In osteoarthritis (OA), the anabolic/catabolic balance of articular cartilage is disrupted with the excessive cleavage of collagen II by collagenases or matrix metalloproteinases. A polyclonal antibody against a C-terminal neoepitope (C2K) generated in triple-helical type II collagen by the proteolytic action of cathepsin K was prepared and used to develop an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay to study the generation of this epitope and the effects of its presence in normal adult and osteoarthritic femoral condylar articular cartilage. The generation of the C2K epitope in explant culture and the effect of a specific cathepsin K inhibitor were studied. The neoepitope, which is not generated by the collagenase matrix metalloproteinase-13, increased with age in articular cartilage and was significantly elevated in osteoarthritic cartilage compared with adult nonarthritic cartilage. Moreover, in explants from three of eight OA patients, the generation of the neoepitope in culture was significantly reduced by a specific, nontoxic inhibitor of cathepsin K. These data suggest that cathepsin K is involved in the cleavage of type II collagen in human articular cartilage in certain OA patients and that it may play a role in both OA pathophysiology and the aging process.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional alteration of fibrillar matrix in the rat mandibular condylar cartilage was investigated with a high-resolution scanning electron microscope (SEM) and it was determined whether alterations correlate with developing occlusion and advancing age. Two important SEM techniques of DMSO freeze-cracking and treatment with trypsin and hyaluronidase were employed to remove interfibrillar proteoglycans and disclose fibril arrangement. Our SEM investigation demonstrated that collagen fibrils in the fibrous zone covering hyaline-cartilaginous area in the condyle are thicker (50 to 80 nm in diameter) than the fibrils (30 to 50 nm in diameter) that predominantly constituted an interterritorial fibrillar matrix (IFM) in the area. While the thick fibrils had a distinct striation of about 55 nm periodicity, the thin fibrils had no distinguishable striation. The thick fibrils having a periodic striation of about 60 nm was found along with the thin fibrils, also in the IFM in the aged rats and in the deep IFM, but were considerably less than the thin fibrils. The fibrils in the fibrous zone and IFM were disorderly arranged at 19-day-insemination age. In 1-week-old rats whose incisors erupted, the fibrils constituting the fibrous zone altered from disordered to ordered arrangement. The IFM in these rats took the form of a network. Incorporation of small fibrillar bundles into the fibrillar network was seen in 2-week-old rats whose upper and lower first molars erupted. In 8-week-old rats whose molars had erupted completely, the IFM completely occupied by regularly oriented fibrils appeared additionally.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

 In order to analyse the regional and age-related variations of primate condyles, immunohistochemical techniques were used to examine the localization of types I, II and III collagen and a variety of glycosaminoglycans in distinct anteroposterior regions of the mandibular condyle of two growing female rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta). In the juvenile monkey staining for types I and III collagen was weak in the fibrous tissue layer, intense in the pre-cartilaginous tissue layer and faint in the cartilaginous tissue layer; staining was significantly more intense in the posterosuperior and posterior regions than in the anterior region. Similarly, staining for cartilage-characteristic extracellular matrices, including type II collagen and keratan sulfate, was intense in the cartilaginous tissue layer of the posterior condyle. In contrast, in the late-adolescent monkey staining for the extracellular matrices was more intense in the anterior half of the condyle (i.e. from the anterior to the posterosuperior region) than in the posterior region, and most intense in the posterosuperior region. The results demonstrate that marked regional differences exist in the phenotypic expression of the extracellular matrices in the mandibular condyles of growing monkeys and that these differences vary between different developmental stages. The variations probably reflect the predominance of competing growth and articulatory functions in the mandibular condyles. Accepted: 19 July 1996  相似文献   

Collagen fibrils were formed in the presence of dermatan sulfate (DSPG) and high density (HDPG) proteoglycans isolated from human adult knee femoral articular cartilage. Eroded cartilage had a higher percentage of DSPGs in the extracted proteoglycans than normal cartilage (p = .018). The dermatan sulfate proteoglycans (DS-PGI and DS-PGII) were detected in normal and osteoarthritic cartilage. DSPGs compared to HDPG inhibited in vitro collagen fibrillogenesis producing a longer lag phase (p less than .05) and a slower rate of fibril formation (p less than .05). DSPGs from eroded osteoarthritic cartilage alone or in combination with HDPG produced a longer lag phase than DSPGs from normal cartilage alone or in combination with HDPG (p less than .05). The inhibition of fibrillogenesis by DSPGs suggests that collagen fibril formation in vivo may be abnormal due to the influence of molecular changes in proteoglycan as well as an increased proportion of DSPGs occurring in osteoarthritic cartilage. Abnormal fibril formation may produce a weakened cartilage matrix, thus contributing to an accelerated process of cartilage degeneration in osteoarthritis.  相似文献   

An ultrastructural study was undertaken on cartilage resorption at the site of initial endochondral bone formation in the mouse mandibular condyle on d 16 of pregnancy. After resorbing the bone collar, the osteoclasts extended their cell processes into the cartilage matrix and made contact with hypertrophic chondrocytes. By means of cell processes or vacuolar structures, these osteoclasts entrapped the calcified cartilage matrices, cell debris, and the degraded uncalcified cartilage matrices. In particular, since the calcified cartilage matrices were sometimes seen to be disrupted within the osteoclastic vacuolar structures, they were probably disposed of by the osteoclasts. Invading endothelial cells giving rise to capillaries also directly surrounded the degraded uncalcified cartilage matrices and small deposits of cell debris. In addition, hypertrophic chondrocytes that had attached to or were in the process of attaching to the invading osteoclasts often enclosed the small calcified cartilage matrices. Other cell types that have often been reported in other regions of cartilage resorption were not seen at the site of initial endochondral bone formation in this study. Our findings in relation to cartilage resorption may therefore represent unique features of the site of initial endochondral bone formation site. We consider that the manner of cartilage resorption is likely to vary by site, age, and species.  相似文献   

Type II collagen (CII) was purified from chick sternal cartilage using a combination of pepsin digestion, NaCl precipitation and ion exchange chromatography. Following, the effect of purified CII on the collagen-induced rat arthritis (CIA) model was investigated. Circular dichroism spectral and atomic force microscopy analysis indicated that the purified CII retained its intermolecular cross-links during the preparation process. Compared with the control group, oral administration of 600 µg/kg CII over a period of 35 days markedly decreased the index of arthritis (30.98%) and suppressed paw swelling (20.28%) in CIA rats. Furthermore, CII treatment also dose-dependently reduced the serum level of anti-CII antibody and inhibited the over-production of inflammatory cytokines levels (tumour necrosis factor α, interleukin 1 β and interferon γ) in CIA rats. In conclusion, CII extracted from chick sternal cartilage possesses anti-rheumatoid arthritis activity, which may be a result of its regulation of the humoral and cellular immune systems.  相似文献   

The secretory pathway of clentin phosphoproteins in rat incisors was studied by electron microscopic radioautography after the injectionof 3H serine, and the results were compared with those using 3H-proline as a tracer. Five min after injection of 3H-serine, radioactivity was found in the rough endoplasmic reticulum. At 10 min, silver grains were observed over the spherical portions of the cisface of the Golgi apparatus. At 20 min after injection, silver grains were seen over the cylindrical portions of the transface of the Golgi apparatus. The secretory granules showed the strongest reaction from 20 min to 1 hr. At 45 min, a significant labeled band appeared at the mineralization front. At 1 hr, the labeling at the mineralization front began to appear in the mineralized dentin, and after 12 hr this labeled band was located within the mineralized dentin. The pathway of 3H-proline was essentially the, same The pathway of H-proline movedmrore slowly as that of 3H-serine, 3H-proline than 3H-serine, especially in transit from the rough endoplasmic reticulum to the Golgi apparatus. Secretory granules were heavily labeled from 30 min to 1 hr after injection of 3H-proline; no labeling was found at the mineralization front at 45 min. The labeling seen initially over the predentin was over the mineralized dentin no earlier than 6 hr after injection. The labeling pattern with 3H-serine is closely related to the localization of phosphoproteins, whereas the pattern with 3H-proline reflects the production of collagen rather than of phosphoproteins. The present radioautographic results indicate that dentin phosphoproteins are related to secretory granules and are secreted by Odontoblasts at the mineralization front and also that phosphoproteins are involved in the process of mineralization of the circumpulpal dentin.  相似文献   

Human life expectancy has been steadily increasing at a rapid rate, but this increasing life span also brings about increases in diseases, dementia, and disability. A global burden of disease 2010 study revealed that hip and knee osteoarthritis ranked the 11th highest in terms of years lived with disability. Wear and tear can greatly influence the quality of life during ageing. In particular, wear and tear of the articular cartilage have adverse effects on joints and result in osteoarthritis.The articular cartilage uses longevity of type II collagen as the foundation around which turnover of proteoglycans and the homeostatic activity of chondrocytes play central roles thereby maintaining the function of articular cartilage in the ageing. The longevity of type II collagen involves a complex interaction of the scaffolding needs of the cartilage and its biochemical, structural and mechanical characteristics. The covalent cross-linking of heterotypic polymers of collagens type II, type IX and type XI hold together cartilage, allowing it to withstand ageing stresses. Discerning the biological clues in the armamentarium for preserving cartilage appears to be collagen cross-linking. Therapeutic methods to crosslink in in-vivo are non-existent. However intra-articular injections of polyphenols in vivo stabilize the cartilage and make it resistant to degradation, opening a new therapeutic possibility for prevention and intervention of cartilage degradation in osteoarthritis of aging.  相似文献   

Type II collagen (CII) is a target for autoreactive T cells in both rheumatoid arthritis and the murine model collagen-induced arthritis. The determinant core of CII has been identified as CII260-270, and the alteration of this T cell epitope by posttranslational modifications is known to be critical for development of arthritis in mice. Using CII-specific T cell hybridomas we have now shown that the immunodominant T cell epitope in the normal (healthy) human and rat joint cartilage is O-glycosylated at the critical T cell receptor recognition position 264 with a mono- or di-saccharide attached to a hydroxylysine. In contrast, in the arthritic human and rat joint cartilage there are both glycosylated and non-glycosylated CII forms. Glycosylated CII from normal cartilage could not be recognized by T cells reactive to peptides having only lysine or hydroxylysine at position 264, showing that antigen-presenting cells could not degrade the O-linked carbohydrate. Thus, the variable forms of the glycosylated epitope are determined by the structures present in cartilage, and these vary during the disease course. We conclude that the chondrocyte determines the structures presented to the immune system and that these structures are different in normal versus arthritic states.  相似文献   

Degradation of type II collagen is thought to be a key step in the destruction of articular cartilage in patients with rheumatoid arthritis or osteoarthritis. The aim of this study was to investigate whether type II collagen degradation is associated with cartilage destruction. Type II collagen degradation was studied in two murine arthritis models, zymosan-induced arthritis (ZIA), which develops reversible articular cartilage damage based on proteoglycan analysis, and antigen-induced arthritis (AIA), in which there is irreversible damage to the cartilage. Type II collagen degradation was assayed immunohistochemically using the COL2-3/4m antibody which recognizes denatured type II collagen, such as is produced by collagenase cleavage. In both models, degradation of type II collagen was observed in the non-calcified articular cartilage of arthritic but not of control knees. In the patella-femoral compartment, collagen denaturation started to increase on day 3 (ZIA) and day 7 (AIA) and remained high on day 14. In contrast, in the tibia-femoral compartment, type II collagen breakdown was not increased before 14 days in either model. By 28 days, collagen denaturation was strongly reduced in the patella-femoral compartment in the ZIA model, but persisted in the tibia-femoral compartment in both models. In conclusion, increased type II collagen degradation was found in articular cartilage of both ZIA and AIA animals. Since ZIA does not develop irreversible cartilage destruction, this indicates that cartilage may have the ability to withstand a limited degree of type II collagen degradation without developing irreversible damage. Copyright © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Collagen arthritis has been passively transferred with a serum concentrate from immunized donors to immunologically naive recipients as well as cyclosporin-treated, type II collagen-tolerant rats. These findings point to an important role for anticollagen antibody and appear to rule out a role for cellular immunity to type II collagen in the initiation of this disease. The passively transferred arthritis was a transient lesion in the majority of naive recipients and in the cyclosporin-treated, type II collagen-tolerant rats as well when a serum concentrate was transferred after the cessation of cyclosporin treatment. When cyclosporin-treated, type II collagen-tolerant rats received transfer concentrate while cyclosporin was administered continuously, arthritis was significantly enhanced, and lasted as long as cyclosporin was administered and in the majority of rats up to 2 weeks after the cessation of cyclosporin treatment. These results, together with a rapid clearance of anticollagen antibody from the serum, suggest that anticollagen antibody is not the sole regulatory factor and that a cellular suppressor system, sensitive to cyclosporin, might participate in the regulation of this disease process.  相似文献   

AIMS: To investigate the relative stability of collagen metabolites in degrading cartilage. METHODS: New antipeptide antibodies to denaturation epitopes located in the N-terminal and C-terminal regions of the type II collagen helix have been made and characterized. Type II collagen fragments in the conditioned medium from cultures of degrading bovine nasal cartilage were detected by immunoblotting with the new antisera as well as by N-terminal sequencing. The antibodies were also used in immunohistochemical studies of normal and osteoarthritic human cartilage. RESULTS: Type II collagen fragments with an apparent molecular mass of approximately 30 kDa were detected in cartilage conditioned media using antibody AH12L3, which recognizes N-terminal epitope AH12. The N-terminal sequence of one of these fragments matched exactly a sequence in the N-terminal region of type II collagen. Antibody AH9L2, which recognizes C-terminal epitope AH9, did not bind to any protein bands in the immunoblotted culture medium. In immunohistochemical studies, antibody AH12L3 detected extensive regions of degraded collagen in osteoarthritic cartilage and a more restricted pattern of staining in nonarthritic cartilage. Far less immunostaining was apparent in all cartilage specimens with antibody AH9L2. CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate that the N-terminal region of type II collagen is more resistant to proteolysis than the C-terminal region, an observation that has important implications for the choice of epitopes that are likely to be good markers of damage to cartilage collagen in patients with arthritis.  相似文献   

AIMS: To investigate the relative stability of collagen metabolites in degrading cartilage. METHODS: New antipeptide antibodies to denaturation epitopes located in the N-terminal and C-terminal regions of the type II collagen helix have been made and characterized. Type II collagen fragments in the conditioned medium from cultures of degrading bovine nasal cartilage were detected by immunoblotting with the new antisera as well as by N-terminal sequencing. The antibodies were also used in immunohistochemical studies of normal and osteoarthritic human cartilage. RESULTS: Type II collagen fragments with an apparent molecular mass of approximately 30 kDa were detected in cartilage conditioned media using antibody AH12L3, which recognizes N-terminal epitope AH12. The N-terminal sequence of one of these fragments matched exactly a sequence in the N-terminal region of type II collagen. Antibody AH9L2, which recognizes C-terminal epitope AH9, did not bind to any protein bands in the immunoblotted culture medium. In immunohistochemical studies, antibody AH12L3 detected extensive regions of degraded collagen in osteoarthritic cartilage and a more restricted pattern of staining in nonarthritic cartilage. Far less immunostaining was apparent in all cartilage specimens with antibody AH9L2. CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate that the N-terminal region of type II collagen is more resistant to proteolysis than the C-terminal region, an observation that has important implications for the choice of epitopes that are likely to be good markers of damage to cartilage collagen in patients with arthritis.  相似文献   

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