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目的 探讨右美托咪啶辅助表面麻醉用于患者支气管肺泡灌洗术的效果.方法 拟行支气管肺泡灌洗术的ICU患者24例,ASA分级Ⅱ或Ⅲ级,体重50~80 kg,年龄24~64岁,采用随机数字表法,将患者随机分为2组(n=12),A组术前30 min静脉注射0.9%生理盐水5 ml,术前5 min经气管导管或气管套管内注入2%利多卡因5~10 ml,随后按需每15~30 min经纤维支气管镜追加2%利多卡因5 ml,总量控制在20 ml以内;B组术前30 min缓慢静脉注射右美托咪啶0.5~1.0 μg/kg,随后以0.1~0.5 μg·kg-1·h-1速率维持,表面麻醉方法同A组.记录灌洗时间、不良反应及心血管不良事件的发生情况.于灌洗前20 min(T1)、灌洗开始后20 min(T2)、灌洗结束后20 min(T3)时采集血样,测定血浆儿茶酚胺浓度和血清皮质醇浓度.结果 与A组比较,B组血清皮质醇浓度、血浆儿茶酚胺浓度降低、不良反应及心血管不良事件发生率降低,操作时间缩短(P<0.05).与T1时比较,A组T2,3时血清皮质醇及血浆儿茶酚胺浓度升高,B组T2,3时血清皮质醇及血浆儿茶酚胺浓度降低(P<0.05).结论 右美托咪啶辅助表面麻醉可安全有效地用于患者支气管肺泡灌洗术.
Objective To investigate the efficacy of dexmedetomidine-assisted topical anesthesia in patients undergoing bronchoalveolar lavage ( BAL). Methods Twenty-four ASA Ⅱ or Ⅲ patients in ICU, aged 24-64 yr, weighing 50-80 kg, scheduled for BAL, were randomly divided into 2 groups ( n = 12 each) : topical anesthesia group (group A) , topical anesthesia + dexmedetomidine group (group B) . In group A, 0.9% normal saline 5 ml was injected intravenously 30 min before operation, 2% lidocaine 5-10 ml was given via a tracheal tube or cannula 5 min before operation and then an increment of 2% lidocaine 5 ml was given using fibreoptic bronchoscope every 15-30 min as required (the total amount was within 20 ml) . In group B, dexmedetomidine 0.5-1.0 μg/kg was injected (time of injection≥ 10 min) followed by infusion at 0.1-0.5 μg·kg-1 ·h-1 and the topical anesthesia was performed as the method described in group A. The time of lavage, adverse reactions and adverse cardiovascular events were recorded. Blood samples were taken 20 min before lavage, 20 min after the start of lavage and 20 min after the end of lavage (T1-3 ) for determination of the concentrations of plasma catecholamine and serum cortisol. Results The incidences of adverse reactions and adverse cardiovascular events were significantly lower and the operation time was significantly shorter in group B than in group A ( P < 0.05). The concentrations of plasma catecholamine and serum cortisol were significantly higher at T2,3 in group A, while lower at T2,3 in group B than at T1 ( P < 0.05) . The concentrations of plasma catecholamine and serum cortisol were significantly lower in group B than in group A ( P < 0.05). Conclusion Dexmedetomidine-assisted topical anesthesia can be used safely and effectively in BAL.  相似文献   

Objective To investigate the efficacy of dexmedetomidine-assisted topical anesthesia in patients undergoing bronchoalveolar lavage ( BAL). Methods Twenty-four ASA Ⅱ or Ⅲ patients in ICU, aged 24-64 yr, weighing 50-80 kg, scheduled for BAL, were randomly divided into 2 groups ( n = 12 each) : topical anesthesia group (group A) , topical anesthesia + dexmedetomidine group (group B) . In group A, 0.9% normal saline 5 ml was injected intravenously 30 min before operation, 2% lidocaine 5-10 ml was given via a tracheal tube or cannula 5 min before operation and then an increment of 2% lidocaine 5 ml was given using fibreoptic bronchoscope every 15-30 min as required (the total amount was within 20 ml) . In group B, dexmedetomidine 0.5-1.0 μg/kg was injected (time of injection≥ 10 min) followed by infusion at 0.1-0.5 μg·kg-1 ·h-1 and the topical anesthesia was performed as the method described in group A. The time of lavage, adverse reactions and adverse cardiovascular events were recorded. Blood samples were taken 20 min before lavage, 20 min after the start of lavage and 20 min after the end of lavage (T1-3 ) for determination of the concentrations of plasma catecholamine and serum cortisol. Results The incidences of adverse reactions and adverse cardiovascular events were significantly lower and the operation time was significantly shorter in group B than in group A ( P < 0.05). The concentrations of plasma catecholamine and serum cortisol were significantly higher at T2,3 in group A, while lower at T2,3 in group B than at T1 ( P < 0.05) . The concentrations of plasma catecholamine and serum cortisol were significantly lower in group B than in group A ( P < 0.05). Conclusion Dexmedetomidine-assisted topical anesthesia can be used safely and effectively in BAL.  相似文献   

静脉注射右美托咪啶辅助全身麻醉的有效性和安全性   总被引:31,自引:4,他引:27  
目的评价静脉注射右美托咪啶辅助全身麻醉的有效性和安全性。方法本试验为前瞻性、多中心、随机、双盲、安慰剂平行对照的临床研究。选择全麻下择期开腹手术时间超过2 h患者,年龄18~64岁,ASAⅠ级或Ⅱ级,随机分为2组:对照组(C组)和右美托咪啶组(D组)。D组病人缓慢静脉注射右美托咪啶1μg/kg,C组注射等容量生理盐水。记录给药后10 min内Ramsay镇静评分SpO2和呼吸频率(RR)。静脉注射异丙酚和芬太尼进行全麻诱导,吸入异氟烷维持麻醉,记录诱导期间异丙酚用量、术中芬太尼和异氟烷用量,以2 h内MAC曲线下面积反映异氟烷用量。观察血压、心率、MAC,根据病人的应激反应调节麻醉深度。在麻醉结束时,由麻醉科医师根据经验判定麻醉质量满意程度,。记录麻醉时间、手术时间、拔管时间和清醒时间。记录术中失血量、输液量、尿量和术中不良事件发生情况及术后24 h肝肾功能情况。结果C组完成病例104例,D组完成108例。给药后10 min内D组Ramsay镇静评分高于C组(P〈0.01)。D组给药后10 min内RR、SpO2较C组下降(P〈0.05)。与C组比较,D组麻醉诱导期间异丙酚用量、术中芬太尼及异氟烷用量均减少(P〈0.01)。2组麻醉时间、手术时间、苏醒时间、拔管时间、术中出血量、输液量、尿量和麻醉质量满意程度差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。D组术中收缩压、HR均较C组降低(P〈0.05)。2组术后24 h肝肾功能的变化和不良事件发生率差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05),且未见严重不良事件发生。结论静脉注射右美托咪啶产生一定的镇静作用,麻醉中可节俭异丙酚、芬太尼和异氟烷的用量,并具有良好的安全性。  相似文献   

目的:观察右美托咪啶在肛肠疾病患者麻醉中的应用效果。方法:将150例肛肠疾病手术患者随机分为观察组和对照组,每组75例。所有患者均行腰麻-硬膜外联合麻醉,对照组患者使用罗哌卡因进行麻醉,观察组在对照组的基础上持续静脉注射右美托咪啶进行麻醉,对照组患者注射与右美托咪啶等量的生理盐水,观察2组患者神经阻滞情况、运动阻滞情况、生命体征监测、术后镇痛效果及并发症情况。结果:观察组患者神经阻滞起效时间短于对照组(P <0.05),持续时间长于对照组(P <0.05);观察组中运动阻滞评为1分者较对照组少,评为2、3分者多于对照组(P <0.05);麻醉前、麻醉30min后患者生命体征指标组间、组内比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);术后观察组患者疼痛评分明显低于对照组(P <0.05);2组患者并发症发生率比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论:右美托咪啶用于肛肠疾病患者手术中能够获得更好的麻醉效果,可有效减轻患者术后疼痛,且临床用药安全性较高。  相似文献   

目的 评价右美托咪啶辅助静吸复合全麻用于小儿气管异物取出术的效果.方法 拟行气管异物取出术患儿60例,性别不限,年龄1~4岁,体重8 ~ 23 kg,ASA分级Ⅰ或Ⅱ级,采用随机数字表法,将患儿随机分为静吸复合全麻组(Ⅰ组)和右美托咪啶辅助静吸复合全麻组(Ⅱ组),每组30例.入室后面罩吸入8%七氟醚诱导入睡,入睡后减至4%,Ⅱ组静脉输注右美托咪啶0.5 μg/kg,随后静脉注射异丙酚2 mg/kg,接着静脉输注异丙酚6mg·kg-1·h-1和瑞芬太尼0.15 μg·kg-·min-1维持麻醉,Ⅰ组除不用右美托咪啶外余同Ⅱ组,2 min后停止吸入七氟醚开始置入硬支气管镜.于进镜前、进镜1和5 min时记录HR和SpO2,记录呼吸抑制、喉头水肿和心动过缓等的发生情况,术后记录异丙酚和瑞芬太尼总用量、镜检满意情况及苏醒时间.结果 与Ⅰ组比较,Ⅱ组患儿进镜1和5 min时HR降低,进镜1 min时SpO2升高,异丙酚和瑞芬太尼用量减少,手术时间缩短,苏醒时间延长,镜检满意度升高,呼吸抑制和喉头水肿发生率降低(P<0.05).结论 右美托咪啶辅助静吸复合全麻用于小儿气管异物取出术的效果较静吸复合全麻好,且并发症少.  相似文献   

目的 评价右美托咪啶辅助麻醉下肺癌根治术病人麻醉后寒战的发生.方法 择期全麻复合硬膜外麻醉下开胸行肺癌根治术病人80例,性别不限,年龄50~75岁,身高158 ~ 180 cm,体重48 ~ 79 kg,ASA分级Ⅰ或Ⅱ级,采用随机分层法,将病人随机分为2组(n=40):生理盐水对照组(C组)和右美托咪啶组(D组).2组麻醉诱导及维持方法相同.静脉注射咪达唑仑、芬太尼、异丙酚和罗库溴铵进行麻醉诱导,气管插管后机械通气.麻醉维持:吸入七氟醚,间断硬膜外注射罗哌卡因,维持BIS值40~ 55.D组气管插管后静脉输注右美托咪啶0.5μg·kg-1 ·h-1至手术结束前1h,C组给予等容量生理盐水.记录术后1h内寒战发生情况.结果 C组和D组寒战发生率分别为50%和10%;与C组比较,D组寒战发生率降低,寒战程度减轻(P<0.05).结论 右美托咪啶辅助麻醉可降低肺癌根治术病人麻醉后寒战的发生机率.  相似文献   

目的 评价右美托咪定复合丙泊酚用于老年患者胃镜检查术麻醉的有效性及安全性.方法 择期胃镜检查术患者90例,按照随机数字表法,随机分成复合麻醉组及丙泊酚组(n=45),复合麻醉组静脉输注右美托咪定0.4 μg/kg,持续5 min,25 min后静脉注射丙泊酚1.0 mg/kg;丙泊酚组单纯静脉注射丙泊酚2.0 mg/kg.术中发生体动反应时,间断追加丙泊酚0.2 mg/kg,监测围术期血压、心率、脉搏血氧饱和度和Narcotrend指数(NTI);记录丙泊酚及心血管活性药物的用量、心血管不良事件及呼吸抑制等不良反应的发生情况.结果 与丙泊酚组比较,复合麻醉组丙泊酚用量、呼吸抑制与心动过速发生率、体动反应程度明显降低(P<0.05),术中NTI明显升高(P<0.01),循环抑制发生率的差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).结论 小剂量右美托咪定0.4 μg/kg复合小剂量丙泊酚1.0 mg/kg用于老年患者胃镜检查术可产生良好的麻醉效应,并具有良好的安全性.  相似文献   

目的 比较右美托咪啶和异丙酚用于难治性精神病患者脑立体定向手术的麻醉效果.方法 拟行立体定向脑内多靶点射频毁损术的难治性精神病男性患者30例,年龄22~33岁,体重60-90 kg,采用随机数字表法,将其随机分为2组(n=15):异丙酚组(P组)和右美托咪啶组(D组).麻醉诱导:2组均静脉注射咪达唑仑0.05 ~0.10 mg/kg和芬太尼1~2 μg/kg.D组静脉输注右美托咪啶负荷量1 μg/kg(输注时间>10 min),随后以0.3~0.7 μg·kg-1·h-1速率输注,气管插管前,静脉注射异丙酚1~2 mg/kg.P组静脉注射异丙酚2~3 mg/kg,随后以3~4 mg·kg-1·h-1率静脉输注.经口直接喉镜引导气管插管,保留自主呼吸.分别记录定位过程中体动、呛咳、呼吸暂停、心血管不良事件和低氧血症等的发生情况.结果 与P组比较,D组体动、呛咳、呼吸暂停、心动过速、低血压和低氧血症的发生率降低,心动过缓的发生率升高(P<0.01),高血压发生率差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).结论与异丙酚麻醉比较,右美托咪啶用于难治性精神病患者脑立体定向手术时麻醉效果好,且对呼吸及循环功能的影响小,更安全.  相似文献   

右美托咪啶的临床麻醉应用进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
背景 右美托咪啶为高效、高选择性的α2肾上腺素受体激动剂,具有镇静、镇痛和抗焦虑等作用.自1999年美国FDA批准将其用于ICU的镇静以来,其在临床麻醉中的应用也日益广泛.目的 综述右美托咪啶在临床麻醉中的应用进展,为该药在临床工作中的应用提供参考.内容 此文分别从作用机制及临床应用两方面,综述了右美托咪啶的镇静作用,...  相似文献   

背景 右美托咪啶为高效、高选择性的α2肾上腺素受体激动剂,具有镇静、镇痛和抗焦虑等作用.自1999年美国FDA批准将其用于ICU的镇静以来,其在临床麻醉中的应用也日益广泛.目的 综述右美托咪啶在临床麻醉中的应用进展,为该药在临床工作中的应用提供参考.内容 此文分别从作用机制及临床应用两方面,综述了右美托咪啶的镇静作用,镇痛作用,抑制术中应激反应,麻醉辅助作用及对术后恢复的影响等内容.趋向 右美托咪啶作为新型的麻醉辅助用药,其在临床麻醉中的应用具有广泛前景.  相似文献   

目的比较盐酸戊乙奎醚与阿托品在婴幼儿支气管肺泡灌洗术术前用药的有效性及安全性。方法 80例接受支气管肺泡灌洗术患儿随机均分为P组与A组,分别静注盐酸戊乙奎醚0.01 mg/kg或阿托品0.01 mg/kg。记录给药前(T1)、给药后10 min(T2)、手术开始时(T3)、手术30min(T4)、手术结束(T5)与术后4 h(T6)时的HR、MAP、SpO2及唾液分泌量。结果 T2时唾液分泌量两组均明显低于T1时(P<0.05);T3后开始增加,P组增加缓慢,T6时恢复正常;而A组增加较快,至T6时明显多于T1时(P<0.05);A组唾液分泌总量明显多于P组(P<0.05)。血流动力学T2时P组HR减慢、MAP下降(P<0.05),T3后增快或升高;T2后A组HR即明显增快、MAP升高(P<0.05),T6时两组均恢复正常。A组HR明显快于、MAP明显高于P组(P<0.05)。结论婴幼儿支气管肺泡灌洗术前用盐酸戊乙奎醚临床效果优于阿托品。  相似文献   

支气管肺泡灌洗技术在呼吸系统疾病诊断与微创治疗方面应用广泛。局部麻醉下实施支气管肺泡灌洗时患者气道反应强烈,常难以耐受;全身麻醉的应用可以有效减轻支气管肺泡灌洗治疗期间患者气道反应,但会增加呼吸、循环抑制的风险。间歇性高频喷射通气模式能够提供较好的氧供,并减轻二氧化碳蓄积,且不增加肺损伤风险。右美托咪定、瑞马唑仑、艾司氯胺酮等麻醉药物的合理应用可以进一步降低患者呼吸抑制的风险,降低不良反应的发生率。  相似文献   

目的 探讨肺癌病人术前血清及支气管肺泡灌洗液(BALF)中内皮抑素(endostatin)表达情况,分析其与肿瘤临床病理特征和预后的关系.方法 酶联免疫吸附(ELISA)法检测57例肺癌及34例肺良性病变者术前血清及BALF中endostatin含量.结果 肺癌病人血清及BALF术前内皮抑素含量显著高于肺良性病变者,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).淋巴结及远处转移组术前内皮抑素含量明显高于无转移组(P<0.05);肺腺癌病人外周血清及BALF中内皮抑素表达高于鳞癌、小细胞癌者;Ⅲ~Ⅳ期病人血清、BALF内皮抑素水平高于Ⅰ~Ⅱ期者(P<0.01).肺癌病人内皮抑素在外周血清及BALF中的表达呈线性正相关(P=0.000).结论 肺癌病人血清及支气管肺泡灌洗液中内皮抑素含量明显高于良性病变者,且与肿瘤组织学类型、分化程度、TNM分期、淋巴结转移呈明显正相关,肺泡灌洗液中内皮抑素含量较血清中高且更敏感,可能有助于肺癌病人预后的评估及肿瘤分化程度判断.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) is recommended to facilitate the diagnosis of ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP). It is unclear if bilateral sampling improves the accuracy of BAL. METHODS: Consecutive patients with clinical suspicion for VAP were analyzed. All patients underwent bilateral BAL. A threshold of >10(4) colony-forming units (cfu)/mL was diagnostic for VAP (VAP positive). Samples were concordant if the organism(s) and thresholds from both lungs were diagnostically consistent. Organisms 10(4) cfu/mL were considered false-negative samples. RESULTS: Between November 2005 and April 2006, 73 patients were considered clinically suspicious for VAP. Forty-four (60%) patients were VAP positive. Twenty-eight (64%) VAP patients had concordant samples. Overall, there were 15 false-negative samples. Sole use of the unilateral samples to guide treatment would have inappropriately directed antibiotic avoidance and/or discontinuation in 25% of VAP patients. Influence of the chest radiograph was equivocal because of the presence of bilateral infiltrates in 80% of discordant samples. CONCLUSIONS: Bilateral BAL improves the accuracy of bronchoscopy in diagnosing VAP. Unilateral BAL may be insensitive in patients with clinically significant contralateral infection.  相似文献   

IntroductionSerum autoantibodies support the diagnosis of interstitial lung disease (ILD) related to systemic autoimmune diseases (SAD-ILD). Nevertheless, their presence in the bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) has not been explored.ObjectivesTo demonstrate the presence of autoantibodies in the BAL of ILD patients at onset of clinical evaluation, its relation with serum autoantibodies and to analyze clinical features of patients with autoantibodies in BAL.MethodsAutoantibodies against extractable nuclear antigens (ENAs) were analyzed by immunoblot in the BAL of 155 patient with suspected diagnosis of ILD and 10 controls.ResultsSeven ENAs were detected in the BAL of 19 patients (Anti-Ro52, Anti-Ro60, CENP-B, Anti-La, Jo-1, Sm/RNP and Anti-SL70). The most frequent ENA was anti-Ro52 (13 patients; 68,4% of positives ones). Seven patients presented more than one ENAs. Fourteen were diagnosed of SAD-ILD, 3 of interstitial pneumonia with autoimmune features, one of non-specific idiopathic pneumonia and other of silicosis. In 10 cases (52%) IgA autoantibodies were also detected. The autoantibodies observed in BAL were also detected in the serum of 17 patients (90%). There were no significant clinical differences with the patients with SAD-ILD or interstitial pneumonia with autoimmune features with patients with negative BAL.ConclusionThe study of ENAs in BAL is feasible and can be a useful tool in the ILD initial algorithm, specifically sustaining the suspected diagnosis of SAD-ILD.  相似文献   

Cytomegalovirus (CMV) pneumonia causes major morbidity and mortality. Its diagnosis requires demonstration of viral cytopathic changes in tissue, entailing risks of lung biopsy. This study aimed to determine CMV viral load (VL) thresholds in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) for diagnosis of CMV pneumonia in immunocompromised patients. CMV VL in BALF was studied in 17 patients (83% transplant recipients) and 21 control subjects with and without CMV pneumonia, respectively, using an FDA‐approved PCR assay (Cobas® AmpliPrep/Cobas TaqMan® CMV Test, Roche Molecular Systems, Inc.) calibrated to the WHO International Standard for CMV DNA (NIBSC: 09/162). Receiver operating characteristic curve analysis produced a BALF CMV VL threshold of 34 800, IU/mL with 91.7% sensitivity and 100.0% specificity for diagnosis of possible, probable, and proven CMV pneumonia in transplant patients, while a threshold of 656 000 IU/mL yielded 100% sensitivity and specificity among biopsy‐proven cases. For all immunocompromised patients, a VL threshold of 274 IU/mL was selected. VL thresholds also were normalized to BALF cell count yielding a threshold of 0.32 IU/106 cells with 91.7% sensitivity and 90.5% specificity for possible, probable, and proven CMV pneumonia in transplant recipients. Monitoring CMV VL in BALF may be a less invasive method for diagnosing CMV pneumonia in immunocompromised patients.  相似文献   

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