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This study was initiated to elucidate the extent of dietary exposure of children in Korea to two pollutant metals of cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb). Possible urban–rural difference was also examined.


Food duplicate and morning spot urine samples were collected from 108 children in 4 kindergartens (KG) (1 KG in Seoul and 3 KGs in Jeju Island), as reported in a previous publication. The samples were analyzed for Cd and Pb by ICP-MS.


Cd and Pb in food duplicate and urine samples were distributed approximately log-normally. Geometric means for Cd and Pb in food duplicate samples were 12.4 and 5.8 μg/day, or 0.58 and 0.27 μg/kg body weight/day, respectively, and the values for Cd and Pb in urine (as observed, i.e., with no correction for urine density) were 0.91 and 1.64 μg/L, respectively. 2.41 and 0.30 μg/day of Cd and Pb (accounting for 19.5 and 5.1 %) came from boiled rice, the staple food. The levels of Cd and Pb burden among the children in the present survey were essentially the same with the levels reported for children in Pusan. The reasons for difference in the rank in Cd-D and Cd-U among the 4 KGs need further study.


The observed levels of Cd and Pb exposure were more or less similar to what were reported for children in Pusan. No apparent urban–rural difference could be detected.  相似文献   



Nutrient intakes of children were surveyed at the time when a nation-wide shift took place in the Republic of Korea from agriculture-based to industrialized society. Taking advantage of the survey locations (see below), possible delay in nutritional improvement in rural areas (as compared with that in an urban area) was also examined.


In total, 108 4- to 6-year-old children (boys and girls in combination) in 4 kindergartens (KGs; 1 in Seoul and 3 in Jeju Island) participated in the survey in 2003–2004. 24-h food duplicate samples were prepared by the mother of each child. Food items in each duplicate sample were separated and coded with reference to the Dietary Reference Intake for Koreans (the 2005 version). Nutrient intake of the day was estimated from the code and weight followed by summation for daily intake.


The children in the KG in Seoul studied were younger, and therefore were smaller in body size than those in other KGs. Thus, it was considered necessary to evaluate nutrient intake not only on a daily basis, but after adjustment for body weight. The AM daily intake of energy (protein in parenthesis) for the 108 children was 1479 kcal (55 g)/day or 69.8 kcal (2.6 g)/kg body weight/day. Evaluation by individual nutrient suggested that the intake was sufficient for almost all nutrients except for sodium and potassium. Sodium and potassium intake (2285 and 1840 mg/day, respectively) was in excess and insufficient, respectively, with potential risk of inducing hypertension later in life.


Inter-KG difference was not remarkable and therefore urban–rural difference was not apparent. Nutrient intakes as a whole appeared to be sufficient urban and rural areas. Nevertheless, excess Na intake coupled with insufficient K intake was a common problem.  相似文献   

[目的 ] 了解集体托幼机构膳食监测开展的效果及存在问题。 [方法 ] 对近 2 0年来用称重和记帐方法获得的上海市区托幼机构儿童膳食营养资料加以分析、比较。 [结果 ] 称重和记帐调查结果高于儿童平日实际的营养素摄入水平 ,其差别大小与调查的方法、持续期限、时间以及被调查儿童的年龄有关。 [结论 ] 膳食调查已起到了良好的监测作用 ,但合理的评估尚需不断改进调查方法和管理水平。  相似文献   

目的:建立一种石墨炉原子吸收光谱法测定果蔬罐头中锡的实验方法。方法:样品采用微波消解,以硝酸铵作基体改进剂,塞曼扣背景,石墨炉原子吸收法进行测定。结果:锡浓度在10μg/L~100μg/L范围线性良好,相关系数r=0.9993;方法检出限为4.15μg/L;样品回收率为86.8%~104.2%;相对标准偏差为5.45%~2.64%。结论:本方法具有快速、准确、灵敏度高等优级点;且试剂易于购得,成本低,适用于果蔬罐头中锡的测定。  相似文献   

目的  分析1982年与2012年我国6~17岁儿童蔬菜水果摄入量及其变化特征。方法  以1982年全国营养调查18 237名与2012年中国居民营养与健康状况监测中的5 819名6~17岁儿童为对象,分别用称重记账法与3 d 24 h膳食调查法收集儿童食物摄入情况,分析并比较两个年份学龄儿童的蔬菜与水果摄入量及达到WHO推荐摄入量的情况。结果  学龄儿童蔬菜摄入量从1982年的300.4 g下降到2012年的185.8 g(Z=45.9, P<0.001);学龄儿童水果摄入量由1982年的28.2 g增加到2012年的45.9 g(Z=36.8, P<0.001)。学龄儿童蔬菜水果总摄入量达到WHO推荐量80%及以上的比例由1982年的42.2%下降到2012年的21.6%(χ2 =809.9, P<0.001)。1982年和2012年,男生蔬菜摄入量均高于女生,且随年龄增长而升高;水果摄入量均为城市儿童高于农村儿童。结论  2012年与1982年相比,我国6~17岁儿童蔬菜摄入量下降较多,水果摄入量有所增加,2012年与1982年儿童蔬菜与水果摄入量均不足,建议采取综合干预措施提高儿童蔬菜与水果的消费,促进其健康成长。  相似文献   

目的 检测广东省广州市市售常见食品中的硼含量并评估居民硼的膳食摄入量。方法 于2010—2012年在广州市采集113种共687份食品,采用姜黄素分光光度法测定硼含量,结合居民膳食调查数据计算居民硼膳食摄入量。结果 不同食品硼含量差异较大,豆类硼含量为(18.69±10.27)mg/kg,坚果为(10.95±7.49) mg/kg,水果为(1.34±7.26) mg/kg,蔬菜为(1.24±0.91) mg/kg,奶、鱼、肉以及大多数的谷物含硼较少;加工食品硼含量基本与其原料硼含量一致,但有2份肉丸硼含量高达58.12和66.92 mg/kg,1份碱水粽硼含量为2.65 mg/kg;全国及广州市居民膳食中硼的日均摄入量分别为1.32 和1.71 mg,主要食物来源分别为蔬菜及其制品,分别占25.76%及21.64%,禽畜肉类及其制品分别占22.73%及33.33%,大米及其制品分别占12.12%及13.45%,豆类及其制品分别占8.33%及12.92%。结论 各类食品硼含量顺序大概为:豆类>坚果类>水果类>蔬菜类>谷类>动物性食品;个别加工食品存在违法添加硼砂(硼酸)的可能;居民日硼摄入量在WHO推荐成人日摄入硼的安全范围内,但大量摄入违法添加硼的食物可增加危害风险。  相似文献   

王琦 《现代预防医学》2015,(17):3150-3153
摘要:目的 为了解长治市某省级示范幼儿园学龄前儿童的营养膳食摄入情况,并对营养膳食调查结果进行评价与分析,为进一步合理编制营养膳食食谱与营养配餐指导提供科学依据。方法 对省级示范幼儿园1周(5 d)的膳食利用称重法与记账法并结合询问法进行调查记录,统一采用集体学龄前儿童健康管理系统,利用营养膳食计算机软件进行数据分析。结果 能量(88.7%)、蛋白质(89.8%)摄入量略低,维生素B2(74.2%)、维生素C(80.2%)摄入量偏低,而钙(67.9%)、锌(65.5%)摄入量严重不足;三大产能营养素供能比分别为蛋白质14.1%,脂肪38.1%,糖类47.8%,脂肪摄入量偏高,糖类偏低,而优质蛋白质(45.2%)摄入量符合供给标准,营养合理;蛋白质来源于动物性食物比例不足(40.3%),除维生素A外,钙、铁、维生素B2均来源于植物性食物,脂肪主要来源于植物油,儿童超重率为10.2%,肥胖率为3.1%,龋齿率为36.7%、弱视率为6.1%,而贫血检出率为3.5%;以上结果均从体格检查与营养指标测定结果中得到证实。结论 基于幼儿园食谱存在的问题,根据合理营养、平衡膳食原则和学龄前儿童的生理特点,应加强幼儿园营养膳食管理,优化食谱,提高学龄前儿童的营养状况,确保学龄前儿童健康快乐发育成长。  相似文献   

Daily dietary fibre intake of toddlers living in Antwerp (Belgium) have been calculated by weighted food records with subsequent conversion using computerised food composition tables. Dietary fibre intakes were also measured by the duplicate portion technique to evaluate the intakes of total, soluble and insoluble dietary fibre. Calculated dietary fibre intake was 10 ± 3 g/d. Measured intakes of total, soluble and insoluble dietary fibre were 14.5 ± 2.8 g/d, 6.0 ± 1.9 g/d, and 8.6 ± 1.6 g/d. Values about the fibre intakes between both methods differed for 31.7%. Bread contributed for more than one third of the total dietary fibre intake. The contributions of the other food groups were 15.1% for fruits, 14.5% for starchy foods and 13.9% for vegetables. The intakes of dietary fibre from bread by the toddlers in this study could be considered as high, whilst intakes from fruits and vegetables might be increased.  相似文献   

目的  了解1982年与2012年中国6~17岁儿童膳食能量摄入和能量的营养素来源及变化特征。方法  分析1982年全国营养调查和2010—2013年中国居民营养与健康状况监测(简称“2012年营养调查”)中参加膳食调查的6~17岁儿童的膳食摄入情况。1982年的膳食信息连续5 d采用家庭食物称重记账法收集,2012年的膳食信息连续3 d采用24 h膳食回顾与3 d家庭油、盐、调味品称重相结合方法收集。结果  从1982年到2012年,中国6~17岁儿童膳食能量日平均摄入量由(2 216.5±19.0)kcal/d下降至(1 766.4±30.6)kcal/d(t=45.05, P<0.001);碳水化合物供能比由(73.7±0.4)%下降至(55.5±0.6)%(t=102.10, P<0.001);蛋白质供能比由(10.8±0.1)%增加至(12.3±0.2)%(t=-33.40, P<0.001);脂肪供能比由(15.2±0.3)%增加至(33.2±0.5)%(t=-105.22, P<0.001)。脂肪供能比超过宏量营养素可接受范围上限(30%)的6~17岁儿童比例由1982年的6.1%增加至2012年的59.8%。结论  2012年和1982年相比中国6~17岁儿童膳食能量摄入水平下降,三大宏量营养素供能比例发生变化,碳水化合物供能比减少,蛋白质和脂肪供能比增加。应充分利用政策支持,结合学校、家庭和社会多方面力量广泛开展营养宣传教育,引导6~17岁儿童合理饮食,调整城乡6~17岁儿童饮食结构。  相似文献   



Few studies have investigated the relationship between living arrangements and dietary intake among evacuees after disasters.


To examine the relationship between living arrangements and dietary intake using the data of a large-scale cohort survey of evacuees after the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011.


73,433 residents in evacuation zones responded to the Fukushima Health Management Survey questionnaire. Subjects were excluded if they did not report their living conditions or were missing more than three pieces of information about dietary intake. The data of 52,314 subjects (23,149 men and 29,165 women ≥15 years old) were used for the analyses. Evacuees' living arrangements were characterized into three categories: evacuation shelters or temporary housing, rental houses or apartments, or a relative's home or their own home. Dietary intake was characterized in terms of grains, fruits and vegetables, meat, soybean products, dairy products, and fish. Daily consumption of the third quartile (Q3) or higher for each food group was defined as ‘high consumption’. Prevalence ratios (PRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were estimated using modified Poisson regression analyses.


Modified Poisson regression analyses showed that, compared with respondents living in a relative's home or their own home, the PRs and 95% CIs for the people living in rental apartments of high consumption of fruits and vegetables (non-juice), meat, soybean products, and dairy products were 0.69 (95% CI, 0.61–0.77), 0.82 (95% CI, 0.73–0.91), 0.89 (95% CI, 0.83–0.94), and 0.83 (95% CI, 0.74–0.93) respectively. The corresponding PRs and 95% CIs for people living in evacuation shelters or temporary housing were 0.83 (95% CI, 0.78–0.88), 0.90 (95% CI, 0.86–0.95), 0.94 (95% CI, 0.91–0.97), and 0.91 (95% CI, 0.86–0.96) for high consumption of fruits and vegetables (non-juice), meat, soybean products, and dairy products, respectively.


The present study suggests that, after the earthquake, living in non-home conditions was associated with poor dietary intake of fruits and vegetables (non-juice), meat, soybean products, and dairy products, suggesting the need for early improvements in the provision of balanced meals among evacuees living in non-home conditions.  相似文献   

目的:了解福建省5岁以下儿童维生素A膳食摄入状况。方法:采取整群分层抽样的方法对福州、厦门等9个县市儿童膳食和血清维生素A进行调查。结果:全省5岁以下儿童维生素A(视黄醇当量)平均摄入量为365.09μgRE,摄入量达到中国居民膳食蛋白质推荐摄入量(RNI)的87.02%。9个不同县市5岁以下儿童膳食中维生素A摄入情况各不相同,最高为厦门,占RNI标准的258.57%;山区儿童膳食中维生素A摄入情况占RNI标准最高,为126.88%;城市居中(80.81%);沿海最低(44.96%);各个年龄组维生素A摄入情况以0岁组最低,占RNI标准的63.19%,其次为1岁组(79.3%),2~5岁后基本相近(116.17%)。结论:婴儿早期开始服用鱼肝油,增加与多食胡萝卜、肝脏等维生素A含量高的食物是预防和治疗维生素A缺乏的最有效、最迅速、经济的手段。  相似文献   

We studied the association in dietary intakes and patterns between parents (aged 20–65 years) and their children (aged 2–18 years), using nationally representative data collected by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) in the Continuing Survey of Food Intake by Individuals 1994–96. We analyzed two 24-h recall dietary data for 1061 fathers, 1230 mothers, 1370 sons and 1322 daughters. All analyses adjusted for sampling design complexity. We assessed multivariate-adjusted parent–child correlations in selected nutrients, food groups and overall dietary quality assessed using the new USDA 2005 Healthy Eating Index score (HEIn). The parent–child correlations were weak or moderate (0.20–0.33) for most intake measures. There were clear patterns of interaction with gender dyads in the intakes of calcium and dairy products (P < 0.05 for dyad × parental intake), whereby multivariate-adjusted correlations in mother–daughter or mother–child dyads were significantly stronger compared to their father–child counterparts. The reverse was true for multivariate-adjusted correlations in HEIn. Hispanics and other ethnic groups had significantly stronger resemblance than Non-Hispanic whites and blacks in soft drinks and HEIn. Resemblance in general was stronger among older children, though the reverse was true when considering agreement in HEIn's upper quintile. The influence of family income and parental education on the resemblance was small. In conclusion, parent–child dietary resemblance in the US is relatively weak, and varies by nutrients and food groups, and by the types of parent–child dyad and population groups. Factors other than parental eating behaviors seem to play an important role in affecting American young people's dietary intake.  相似文献   



The objective of this study is to assess population-level trends in children's dietary intake and weight status before and after the implementation of a provincial school nutrition policy in the province of Nova Scotia, Canada.


Self-reported dietary behavior and nutrient intake and measured body mass index were collected as part of a population-level study with grade 5 students in 2003 (n = 5215) and 2011 (5508), prior to and following implementation of the policy. We applied random effects regression methods to assess the effect of the policy on dietary and health outcomes.


In 2011, students reported consuming more milk products, while there was no difference in mean consumption of vegetables and fruits in adjusted models. Adjusted regression analysis revealed a statistically significant decrease in sugar-sweetened beverage consumption. Despite significant temporal decreases in dietary energy intake and increases in diet quality, prevalence rates of overweight and obesity continued to increase.


This population-level intervention research suggests a positive influence of school nutrition policies on diet quality, energy intake and healthy beverage consumption, and that more action beyond schools is needed to curb the increases in the prevalence of childhood obesity.  相似文献   

A recent Cochrane review concluded that low glycaemic index (GI) diets are beneficial in glycaemic control for patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). There are limited UK data regarding the dietary GI in free-living adults with and without T2DM. We measured the energy and macronutrient intake and the dietary GI in a group (n = 19) of individuals with diet controlled T2DM and a group (n = 19) without diabetes, matched for age, BMI and gender. Subjects completed a three-day weighed dietary record. Patients with T2DM consumed more daily portions of wholegrains (2.3 vs. 1.1, P = 0.003), more dietary fibre (32.1 vs. 20.9 g, P < 0.001) and had a lower diet GI (53.5 vs. 57.7, P = 0.009) than subjects without T2DM. Both groups had elevated fat and salt intake and low fruit and vegetable intake, relative to current UK recommendations. CONCLUSIONS: Patients with T2DM may already consume a lower GI diet than the general population but further efforts are needed to reduce dietary GI and achieve other nutrient targets.  相似文献   

目的了解学龄前儿童的膳食营养状况,便于进一步进行营养干预。方法连续5 d膳食调查称重法调查郑州某幼儿园儿童膳食。结果该幼儿园儿童蔬菜类、水果类、鱼虾类、蛋类、豆类摄入量合理,谷类、奶类摄入不足,脂类、禽畜肉类摄入过量;各类食物实际摄入量占供应量的百分比为62.13%~99.57%,实际摄入量占带量的百分比为46.16%~285.53%,供应量占带量的百分比为46.36%~372.14%。带量食谱除能量合理外,其它营养素均存在偏高或偏低的现象。结论该幼儿园带量食谱设计需改进,儿童各类营养素的摄入量及比例需调整。  相似文献   

The daily ganglioside intake of 19 healthy individuals was estimated based on consumption of specific foods from food records. The ganglioside content of 6 specific foods commonly consumed by healthy individuals living in the Edmonton, Alberta, Canada area was 0.51 ± 0.08 μg NANA/g (1% milk), 0.73 ± 0.09 μg NANA/g (yogurt), 0.72 ± 0.05 μg NANA/g (cheddar cheese), 1.73 ± 0.59 μg NANA/g (egg yolk), 1.70 ± 0.17 μg NANA/g (cooked ground beef), and 0.83 ± 0.32 μg NANA/g (canned tuna). The highest ganglioside content from foods analyzed, gram for gram, was found in egg yolk and cooked ground beef. The mean ganglioside intake from this group of healthy individuals was determined (i.e. <100 μg N-acetylneuraminic acid/4187 kJ daily). The findings of this study may be useful for studies investigating ganglioside concentrations of foods or usual ganglioside intake in a healthy population.  相似文献   

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