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目的了解南宁市控烟现状,开展控烟需求评估、控烟活动效果评估,创建无烟环境、降低被动吸烟的危害。方法根据“迈向无烟中国”项目组“项目基线调查方案”制订南宁市“迈向无烟中国”项目基线调查方案”,对南宁市控烟政策、控烟能力、网络现状,六种场所不同人群控烟知识知晓率,以及烟草企业现状进行调查。结果公共场所禁烟规定有着良好的群众基础,控烟网络建设有待完善,公众对被动吸烟健康危害的认识及对部分公共场所禁烟政策的支持尚有待提高。结论南宁市控烟工作基础薄弱,应积极促使公共场所禁止吸烟相关法规的出台和实施,整合控烟力量。建立控烟网络,创建无烟环境。努力提高南宁市的控烟能力,最终减少被动吸烟的暴露。  相似文献   

目的 了解医院控烟志愿者活动状况,为开展控烟工作提供新的思路.方法 目编调查问卷对516例由医务人员组成的控烟志愿者以无记名方式进行问卷调查.结果 通过控烟志愿者的宣传活动,吸烟率医务人员由活动前14.00%降至10.00%,住院患者陪护和门诊就医患者的家属由33.60%降至25.60%,住院患者和门诊就医患者由28.20%降至22.60%;志愿者认为,活动前有必要进行控烟知识和控烟技巧的培训,该活动的收获是在帮助他人的同时,提高了自己的幸福感.结论 控烟志愿者队伍能提高医院的控烟宣传效果,对创建无烟环境起到积极的推进作用.  相似文献   

编者按:我国是世界上最大的烟草生产国及消费国,吸烟及二手烟暴露是一个严重的公共卫生问题.WHO《烟草控制框架公约》要求各缔约国采取和实行有效的立法、实施、行政和(或)其他措施,以防止在室内工作场所、公共交通工具、室内公共场所接触烟草烟雾.  相似文献   

控烟研究在烟草控制中具有重要意义,目前我国真正与控烟政策及实践相关的研究并不多。本文结合减少烟草需求的MPOWER控烟策略,从监测烟草的使用和预防政策、保护人们免受二手烟的危害、提供戒烟帮助、警示烟草危害、禁止烟草广告促销与赞助和提高烟税6个方面提出了每一领域研究的方向思路,为今后控烟领域的相关研究提出建议和参考。  相似文献   

目的了解无锡市医院控烟状况。方法以随机抽样调查方式,对市属8家医院在岗员工进行问卷调查。结果 8家医院员工的现在吸烟率为7.9%,其中男、女吸烟率分别为23.6%、0.2%;在工作单位违禁吸烟场所以卫生间(48.6%)、办公室(33.3%)、休息室(27.8%)、楼梯(22.2%)为主;工作场所二手烟暴露率为17.1%。结论无烟政策和控烟措施取得了一定成效,应继续坚持贯彻执行,加强禁烟宣传和监督巡查,加强对医务人员的相关培训,充分发挥医务人员在控烟领域的重要作用。  相似文献   

目的:评价绍兴市无烟医疗卫生机构模式对工作人员的控烟干预效果,为制定控烟工作相关政策提供依据。方法采用简单随机抽样和整群抽样相结合的方法抽取调查对象,采用自填问卷方式对绍兴市6家医疗卫生机构工作人员进行基线调查,采取一系列控烟干预措施1年后,再次调查并评价控烟干预效果。结果干预前后男性吸烟率分别为32.54%和25.40%,女性吸烟率分别为1.33%和1.53%,但男、女干预前后吸烟率差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05);干预前后在烟草知识方面对“低焦油、低尼古丁的烟对身体危害小”“过滤嘴可以降低吸烟危害”和“被动吸烟危害很小”的认识有所提高,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论控烟是一个缓慢的过程,无烟医疗卫生机构模式的控烟效果有待进一步观察。  相似文献   

三亚市创建无烟医院医生控烟效果评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 通过调查三亚市创建无烟医院前后医生的吸烟相关行为变化评价医院控烟效果,为进一步制定并实施控烟干预措施提供依据.方法 2008年、2012年均从三亚市4所二、三级医院按性别和年龄分层随机抽取医生,由专业人员指导自行填写统一问卷.数据应用SPSS 11.5软件进行统计分析.结果 创建无烟医院后,2012年比2008年吸烟基本知识知晓率提高(82.07%和74.60%),总吸烟率下降(15.63%和24.34%),尤其是40岁以下医生吸烟率下降,戒烟率升高(12.87%和7.57%).帮助患者控烟意识增强.但为患者制定控烟计划、使用控烟药物方面欠缺.结论 无烟医院创建有利于提高医务人员对吸烟及被动吸烟危害的认识,降低医务人员自身吸烟率以及促进其主动对患者进行控烟干预.  相似文献   

目的 了解海南省无烟医疗机构的控烟干预效果,为进一步制定控烟相关政策提供依据.方法 2018年7月,对海南省医疗机构采用随机抽样的方法 ,抽取3个卫生行政机构[1个卫生健康委员会(原卫生和计划生育委员会)、1个疾控中心和1个卫生监督所]及4个医疗卫生机构(1个市县级人民医院、1个市县级中医院/保健院、2个基层医疗卫生机...  相似文献   

目的了解大兴区医疗机构职工吸烟现状、控烟知识、态度和行为,以及医务工作者控烟能力,为创建无烟医院提供基线资料。方法采用分层整群抽样方法,先抽取大兴区一级医院和二级医院各2家,再在医院内采取系统抽样方法,抽取吸烟的职工进行问卷调查。结果医务工作者总吸烟率为10.0%,男性34.5%、女性0.3%,男女之间差异有统计学意义(χ2=129.4,P<0.01)。94名吸烟者中,63人(67.0%)曾尝试过戒烟,戒烟失败的主要原因中以缺乏意志力所占比例最高(33.3%)。医生对尼古丁替代疗法知晓率最高(47.0%),但对5日戒烟法知晓率较低(23.9%)。结论有必要在医生中开展吸烟危害、戒烟知识和戒烟方法的培训。积极开展创建无烟医院活动是促进医院建设无烟环境的一个有效载体。  相似文献   

目的了解福州市医院的控烟现状及评价创建无烟医疗单位的效果。方法采用现场观察记录法,评价控烟效果。结果医院禁烟宣传率为83.3%,禁烟标识普及率为79.4%,非工作人员吸烟发现率为3.1%,工作人员吸烟发现率为0.3%,吸烟劝阻率为15.0%,烟头发现率为24.0%;无烟医院禁烟标识普及率高于非无烟医院(χ2=34.338,P<0.05),有禁烟标识的场所的吸烟发现率比无禁烟标识场所低(χ2=4.734,P<0.05),有禁烟标识场所烟头发现率低于无禁烟标识场所(χ2=61.22P<0.05),无烟医院烟头发现率低于非无烟医院(χ2=7.590,P<0.05)。结论无烟医院的控烟措施及吸烟现状均好于非无烟医院,应加大创建无烟医院的力度。  相似文献   

This study assessed the spatial dependence of daily tobacco consumption and how it is spatially impacted by individual and neighborhood socioeconomic determinants, and tobacco consumption facilities before and after a smoke-free implementation.Individual data was obtained from the Bus Santé, a cross-sectional survey in Geneva. Spatial clusters of high and low tobacco consumption were assessed using Getis-Ord Gi*.Daily tobacco consumption was not randomly clustered in Geneva and may be impacted by tobacco consumption facilities independently of socioeconomic factors and a smoking ban. Spatial analysis should be considered to highlight the impact of smoke-free policies and guide public health interventions.  相似文献   

目的:调查甘肃省医疗卫生机构从业人员控烟相关知识、态度、行为现状,分析其在创建无烟医疗卫生系统和参与、引领社会控烟等方面作用的发挥及其存在的问题,为进一步开展医疗卫生专业机构控烟工作与完善控烟策略提供依据。方法:采用分层整群抽样的方法确定34家医疗卫生机构,使用自行设计的问卷,对各级各类医疗卫生机构从业人员进行现场自填法调查其控烟相关的知识、态度、行为。结果:甘肃省医疗卫生从业人员对烟草危害缺乏深度和广度认识,虽在控烟态度上较积极,但控烟的综合服务能力不足,对受众戒烟帮助的方式方法欠规范。Logistic回归分析显示,影响医务人员控烟能力的主要因素为自身吸烟情况、劝阻吸烟行为、询问吸烟情况。结论:对医疗卫生从业人群进行针对性的烟草知识和戒烟技能培训,降低该人群吸烟率,增强行政后勤管理人员控烟意识,是建设无烟医疗卫生系统、引领社会控烟的关键环节。  相似文献   

中国烟草流行与控制   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
烟草使用是当今世界最大的可预防死因,烟草使用者中近一半将死于烟草使用.目前全世界吸烟者总人数超过10亿,约占世界人口的1/4.每年烟草使用导致全球500多万人死亡.在发展中国家,随着人口的稳步增长以及烟草企业的大力市场营销措施,烟草使用人数持续增长[1].如果当前的趋势继续下去,到2030年,由于烟草使用导致的年死亡人数将超过800万;到21世纪末,烟草使用将夺去10亿人生命,而且据估计,其中3/4以上集中在发展中国家[1].  相似文献   

IntroductionIn many countries, health advocates aim to increase public support for tobacco control policies by framing these policies in terms of child protection. We examined whether support for the protection of children is indeed associated with support for tobacco control policies, even among smokers, opponents of state intervention and opponents of a governmental role in tobacco control.MethodsWe used a survey on a representative sample of Dutch adults of 18 years and older (n = 1631). The survey measured respondents’ support for banning tobacco displays, raising the age of sale for tobacco to 21 years and limiting tobacco sales to specialized shops. Regression analyses were done to assess the association with respondents’ support for the protection of children against tobacco. In further analyses, subgroup interactions were added.ResultsRespondents’ support for the protection of children against tobacco with legislation was positively related to support for all three policies. Associations were weaker for smokers (except for raising the age of sale) but similar for opponents of state intervention and opponents of a governmental role in tobacco control.ConclusionThis is the first paper to empirically support the idea that emphasizing the need to protect children against tobacco enhances support for tobacco control policies. This ‘child effect’ is effective in all segments of the population, albeit somewhat weaker among smokers.  相似文献   

烟草使用所引起的疾病死亡人数逐年攀升,已经成为中美两国重大的公共卫生问题。通过对美国和中国在《WHO 烟草控制框架公约》下所开展的公共场所控烟政策比较研究,分析当前两国控烟政策的异同,以及其未来的防控重点。  相似文献   

目的:比较分析卫生部室内公共场所禁烟令实施前和实施三个月后北京市公共场所吸烟及控烟措施的变化情况,为公共场所控烟工作提供建议。方法:自行设计调查问卷,随机抽取北京市部分地区的餐馆、网吧、医院、长途汽车站和火车站共计326家进行观察性调查。结果:网吧吸烟现象最严重,吸烟网吧比例由93.8%降至75.6%,其它四类场所未见明显变化;餐馆和网吧工作人员对于吸烟者的劝阻率都低于10%。有禁烟标识的餐馆比例由49.7%提高至81.7%;不摆放烟具的网吧、餐馆和医院比例均有所提高;有63.6%的长途汽车站和50.0%的火车站仍在售卖烟草;有控烟宣传的场所比例医院为70.6%,其它四类场所均不足50%。结论:此次禁烟令在实施3个月后并未对北京市公共场所禁烟和控烟工作产生明显干预效果。建议进一步调查禁令未能取得明显效果的原因及其影响因素;进行长期的动态监测,开展禁烟政策的阶段性评估;完善处罚条款,明确监督检查机构;加强政府引导以提高公共场所控烟措施的普及程度。  相似文献   

本文主要根据世界卫生组织发布的《扭转烟草流行系列政策MPOWER》的要求进行分类,描述了我国相应烟草政策的制定及执行情况,并与《烟草控制框架公约》相应条款要求对比,提出了政策制定和执行方面的不足和改进意见。  相似文献   

Tobacco use is the most important preventable risk factor for premature death. The World Health Organization (WHO) Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC), the first international public health treaty, came into force in 2005. This paper reviews the present status of tobacco control policies in Korea according to the WHO FCTC recommendations. In Korea, cigarette use is high among adult males (48.2% in 2010), and cigarette prices are the lowest among the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development countries with no tax increases since 2004. Smoke-free policies have shown incremental progress since 1995, but smoking is still permitted in many indoor public places. More than 30% of non-smoking adults and adolescents are exposed to second-hand smoke. Public education on the harmful effects of tobacco is currently insufficient and the current policies have not been adequately evaluated. There is no comprehensive ban on tobacco advertising, promotion, or sponsorship in Korea. Cigarette packages have text health warnings on only 30% of the main packaging area, and misleading terms such as "mild" and "light" are permitted. There are nationwide smoking cessation clinics and a Quitline service, but cessation services are not covered by public insurance schemes and there are no national treatment guidelines. The sale of tobacco to minors is prohibited by law, but is poorly enforced. The socioeconomic inequality of smoking prevalence has widened, although the government considers inequality reduction to be a national goal. The tobacco control policies in Korea have faltered recently and priority should be given to the development of comprehensive tobacco control policies.  相似文献   

营造无烟环境 构建和谐医院   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,借创建全国文明城区的东风,结合争创上海市卫生系统文明单位的工作,我们将营造无烟环境,构建和谐医院作为加强医院文化与品牌建设的重要内容之一,采取多管齐下的方式,取得了一定的成效。  相似文献   

IntroductionDespite numerous studies demonstrating no significant economic effects on hospitality businesses following a statewide smoke-free (SF) policy, regional concerns suggest that areas near states without SF policies may experience a loss of hospitality sales across the border. The present study evaluated the impact of Ohio's statewide SF policy on taxable restaurant and bar sales in border and non-border areas.MethodsSpline regression analysis was used to assess changes in monthly taxable sales at the county level in full-service restaurants and bars in Ohio. Data were analyzed from four years prior to policy implementation to three years post-policy. Change in the differences in the slope of taxable sales for border (n = 21) and non-border (n = 67) counties were evaluated for changes following the statewide SF policy enforcement, adjusted for unemployment rates, general trends in the hospitality sector, and seasonality.ResultsAfter adjusting for covariates, there was no statistically significant change in the difference in slope for taxable sales for either restaurants (β = 0.9, p = 0.09) or bars (β = 0.2, p = 0.07) following the SF policy for border areas compared to non-border areas of Ohio.ConclusionsBorder regions in Ohio did not experience a significant change in bar and restaurant sales compared to non-border areas following a statewide SF policy. Results support that Ohio's statewide SF policy did not impact these two areas differently, and provide additional evidence for the continued use of SF policies to provide protection from exposure to secondhand smoke for both workers and the general public.  相似文献   

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