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本刊2023年第56卷第11期第1074页《儿童黑素瘤临床研究进展》一文中"基金项目:国家自然科学基金(81872216)"改为"基金项目:国家重点研发计划(2022FC2504701、2022YFC2504705);国家自然科学基金(81872216)", 英文"Fund program: National Natural Science Foundation of China(81872216)"改为"Fund programs: National Key Research and Development Program of China(2022YFC25047001, 2022YFC2504705);National Natural Science Foundation of China(81872216)"。特此更正。 相似文献
《中华皮肤科杂志》2022年第55卷第11期第1000页《藏族白癜风527例临床特点分析》一文漏标研究的资助基金项目, 需在第1000页"【关键词】"下方标注"基金项目:中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费(2020-RW310-004)", 第1001页"DOI: 10.35541/cjd.20210940"上方标注"Fund program:Special Fund for Basic Scientific Research Business of Central Public Research Institutes(2020-RW310-004)"。特此更正。 相似文献
患者女, 38岁, 全身散在红斑丘疹伴发热9 d。9 d前患者无明显诱因出现发热, 3 d后下肢皮肤出现散在红斑、丘疹, 上覆细屑, 瘙痒明显, 就诊于当地医院, 给予口服西替利嗪和金银花颗粒、外用曲安奈德益康唑乳膏治疗, 未见明显好转, 病情逐渐加重, 遂来我院就诊, 拟诊"银屑病"收入院治疗。患者病程中有发热, 体温37.5~38.3 ℃, 伴有干咳, 无高血压、糖尿病史, 否认肝炎、结核等传染病史。家族史无特殊。体检:一般情况可, 各系统检查无异常。皮肤科检查:双下肢(股部为著)多发豌豆大小棕紫色扁平丘疹, 呈对称性, 上覆细屑, 伴瘙痒, Auspitz征阴性(图1A)。实验室检查:红细胞沉降率2.0 mm/1 h(参考值:< 20 mm/1 h, 下同), 胸部CT示两肺纹理增多, T细胞斑点试验286.1 pg/ml(< 14 pg/ml), 为阳性;血尿粪常规、肝肾功能、血糖、血脂、血电解质、心电图正常。皮损分枝杆菌核酸检测结果为阳性。腿部皮损组织病理检查:真皮上部密集淋巴细胞、多核巨细胞浸润(图1B), 结核样肉芽肿改变, 提示结核性苔藓。 相似文献
报道1例甲母质细胞癌。患者女, 76岁, 左手拇指甲下肿物3年。皮肤科检查:左手拇指甲板增厚, 局部呈黄色及黑色, 远端甲板略弯曲, 甲板下可见明显血管扩张, 甲下及甲板外侧缘可见疣状增生。组织病理检查:肿瘤呈团块状向下浸润生长, 团块中央明显角化坏死, 伴较多"鳞状涡"结构及细胞异形, 可见病理性核分裂象。免疫组化示HK31、HK85在鳞状涡区域阳性表达, K6/K16在肿瘤基底部阳性表达, HK75在整个肿瘤区域强阳性表达。诊断:甲母质细胞癌。治疗:手术切除联合3次皮肤光动力治疗, 随访18个月未见复发。 相似文献
老年人带状疱疹发病率高, 临床症状复杂且严重, 易罹患特殊类型带状疱疹。老年带状疱疹常累及周围运动神经、中枢神经、颅神经及内脏, 引发相关特殊症候。本共识针对老年带状疱疹特殊临床类型及带状疱疹后相关症候群等方面进行分类描述和分析;在系统性评估、排除禁忌证后, 建议早期给予高效抗病毒、抗炎、镇痛等治疗。本共识旨在提高对老年带状疱疹的重视及临床规范化诊疗水平。 相似文献
Nakai H Sugata K Usui C Asano Y Yamakita T Matsunaga K Mizokuchi Y Katano H Iwatsuki K Yoshikawa T 《Pediatric dermatology》2011,28(1):23-25
We present a case of primary Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection with erythema multiforme. A 1-year-old Japanese boy presented with skin eruptions, including typical target lesions and a low-grade fever. Just before the skin biopsy, 95 copies/μg DNA of EBV genome was detected in peripheral blood mononuclear cells, which subsequently increased to 6,834 copies/μg DNA. Skin tissue collected from the skin lesion showed the typical pathologic findings of erythema multiforme. EBV-encoded small nuclear RNA signals were not detected in the skin tissue by in situ hybridization. 相似文献
通过对1例以生殖器多发性溃疡为主要特点的病例的分析,在有限的条件下,根据性病病征处理原则,经过综合治疗,取得了较好的效果,从而对我们开展病征处理溃疡性性病提供了依据. 相似文献
To date there have been only five reported cases of females with genital ulceration associated with primary Epstein-Barr virus infection. We describe two further patients and review the clinical features of all seven cases, noting the typical features, particularly purple ulcer margins and systemic symptoms, which should alert the physician to consider this diagnosis.
患者女,23岁。因外阴红肿、刺痛4 d入院。4 d前出现会阴瘙痒、分泌物增多,查念珠菌阳性,拟诊念珠菌性阴道炎,给予氟康唑胶囊150 mg顿服,复方明矾散、双唑泰栓及联苯苄唑乳膏外用,3 d前瘙痒加重,出现轻微疼痛,予聚维酮碘溶液阴道冲洗,制霉菌素阴道泡腾片及硝酸咪康唑栓治疗,症状无改善,2 d前外阴明显肿胀,大量水疱及脓疱,渗出,行走时疼痛明显,外院拟急性女阴溃疡给予头孢曲松、泼尼松治疗,效果不佳,疼痛加剧,呈反复持续发作的刺痛,加用盐酸曲马多注射液肌内注射,疼痛未能改善…… 相似文献
Between December 1990 and July 1991, 17 male HIV patients between the ages of 21 and 47 years in an Indian hospital were identified and information was obtained on their history, age, source of infection, hospitalization, places and sources of sexual contact, and extramarital sexual contacts. Each patient with a sexually transmitted disease (STD) underwent HIV testing too using ELISA whose results were subsequently confirmed by Western Blot. 15 of the 17 patients also had an associated genital ulcer disease (GUD), which was a significant relationship. 12 had asymptomatic generalized lymphadenopathy and 5 were afflicted with persistent generalized lymphadenopathy. Of the 17 patients, 9 had chancroid, 2 had an early phase of syphilis, 3 had lymphogranuloma venereum, 1 each had candidal balanitis, condylomata acuminata, and acute gonorrhea. Eight patients contracted the HIV infection in Bombay. 14 patients had contracted the disease from prostitutes. Homosexual contacts were denied by all. 13 patients admitted a single instance of extramarital sexual contact. In a study of 123 HIV seronegative prostitutes monitored regularly, HIV seroconversion was significantly associated with GUD. There is convincing evidence that GUD increases the risk of acquiring HIV infection because the breach of mucosal integrity of the genitalia provides a more efficient route for viral entry. Other risk factors documented for sexual transmission of HIV in addition to STDs are: lack of male circumcision, receptive anorectal sexual intercourse, lack of condom use, and advanced HIV-related immunosuppression in the index case. Since GUD predisposes to HIV infection, it is imperative to treat genital ulcer and to increase sex education regarding HIV. 相似文献
H N?her L Gissmann U K Freese D Petzoldt S Helfrich 《The Journal of investigative dermatology》1992,98(5):791-793
Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) can infect B lymphocytes as well as epithelial cells of the oral cavity. Recently, infection of epithelial cells of the inflamed uterine cervix has been demonstrated, and EBV-DNA has been detected in urethral discharge of men suffering from genital infection. We investigated whether EBV can be found in the genital tract of both sexes independently from inflammatory disease states. Genital specimens of men and women of a sexually transmitted diseases outpatient clinic after excluding sexually transmitted diseases and clinically apparent signs of inflammation were investigated using the polymerase chain reaction to screen for EBV-DNA. In 13 of 47 samples (27.7%) swabbed from the uterine cervix, EBV-DNA could be detected. Similarly, 6 of 45 samples (13.3%) scraped from the sulcus coronarius contained EBV-DNA. Our study shows that the female genital tract and likewise the male genital tract can subclinically harbor EBV. These findings suggest i) that in addition to the oral cavity, the female and the male genital tract may be a reservoir for EBV and ii) that sexual transmission of this virus associated with an epidemiology different from that of oral infection may be possible. 相似文献