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[目的]了解不同学历护生心理健康状况及其影响因素,为其心理教育和管理工作提供理论依据。[方法]采用症状自评量表(SCL-90)和焦虑自评量表(SAS)对陕西省4所医学院不同学历护生共591名进行问卷调查。[结果]SCL-90阳性检出率为31.3%,其中专科生36.1%,本科生28.8%,研究生16.0%;SAS阳性检出率为5.6%,其中专科生9.6%,本科生1.2%,研究生4.0%;SCL-90因子得分专科生和本科生高于全国成人常模,专科生高于本科生,本科生高于研究生;SAS得分专科生高于本科生和研究生。[结论]护生心理健康水平较低,其中专科生低于本科生,本科生低于研究生。  相似文献   

目的 了解不同学制护生应对方式的影响因素.方法 采用应对方式问卷和一般情况问卷对290例不同学制的护生进行调杳,所得资料采用SPSS 13.0统计软件进行统计学分析.结果 290名护士,积极应对得分(42.00±20.57),消极应对得分(34.00±13.24);在不同人口学特征方面:性别、学制、来源是否独生子女、父母文化程度对积极应对影响的差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论 应该针对不同情况的护生,做到因人而异、不间断地进行心理辅导、咨询工作,并定期开展心理健康教育讲座和应对技能的训练,培养护生良好的应对方式.  相似文献   

Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) is a serious disease that has special concern for the health care provider. AIDS has continued to grow despite control efforts. As the disease infectivity period remains lengthy, and the heterosexual population is affected to a greater degree, the level of anxiety has also risen despite educational endeavours. Many fears and anxieties have been associated with AIDS patients by health care workers. The reduction of stress, perceived risk and discomfort following educational efforts have been supported in past research. Educational programmes will need to be given for current health care workers at all levels as well as nursing students. Future nurses must be prepared to meet this challenge. This study was conducted using a convenience sample of nursing students at a university in western United States. Its purpose was to assess any changes that occurred in state anxiety following an educational presentation. Spielberge's State-Trait Anxiety Inventory was used as the measurement instrument. Some anxiety levels were significantly reduced.  相似文献   

Integrating nursing and fine arts can evoke a more holistic view of clients as well as foster creativity in students. Presented is an overview of The Creative Project assignment that culminates with nursing students developing a creative self-expression of a clinical experience through the lens of liberal arts and nursing.  相似文献   

Aim. To determine the effects of a course for nursing students on developing competence in spiritual care and the factors that might influence the effects. Background. Studies suggest that role preparation in nursing for spiritual care is poor. For the assessment of competence, few or no explicit competency framework or assessment tools seemed to be used. Design. Quasi‐experimental crossover design (pre–post‐test). Method. The subjects were students from Christian nursing schools in the Netherlands (n = 97). The intervention consisted of a course in spiritual care. Competencies were measured with an assessment tool, the Spiritual Care Competence Scale. Data were analysed by t‐test procedures (paired‐samples t‐test). At T1 vignettes were added to assess the quality of the students’ own analyses. These data were analysed by a Mann–Whitney test. Regression analyses were performed on the influence of student characteristics on the subscales of the assessment tool. Results. Ninety‐seven students participated in this study. Analysis showed statistically significant changes in scores on three subscales of the Spiritual Care Competence Scale between groups (T1) and over time for the whole cohort of students on all subscales (T2). Clinical placement showed as a negative predictor for three subscales of the Spiritual Care Competence Scale. Experience in spiritual care and a holistic vision of nursing both showed as positive predictors on certain competencies. A statistically significant difference was observed between groups in the student analysis of a vignette with explicit spiritual content. Conclusions. The outcomes raise questions about the content of education in spiritual care, the measurement of competencies and the factors that influence competency development. Relevance to clinical practice. The results provide nurse educators with insight into the effects of education in spiritual care on students’ competencies and help them consider a systematic place for spiritual care within the nursing curriculum.  相似文献   

[目的]在一起护生被害事件后进行集体心理干预,比较不同学历层次护生干预效果的差异,并分析引起差异的原因。[方法]对正在实习的321名护生进行集体心理干预,采用叙事治疗的方法:外化(护生现场叙述对此事件的真实感受,确定其问题)、解构(实施两个主题的讨论、体验、启发思考干预措施)、重写(一个主题讨论后建立新的自我认同),干预后采用自设问卷对干预结果进行调查。[结果]不同学历护生对"我对主流社会价值开始产生怀疑"条目得分存在差异(P0.05),其中本科与中专生比较差异有统计学意义(P0.05)。[结论]应用叙事疗法干预后,本科生与中专生对主流社会价值怀疑存在差异。  相似文献   

Nurse educators have identified that historically nurses have not been prepared to care for dying patients. Research also has identified that nursing students have anxieties about death, dying, and caring for dying patients. Several factors have been identified as affecting nurses' and nursing students' attitudes toward care of the dying. Factors addressed in this research were current and previous death education. This research incorporated experiential learning using a model of death education and transformative learning theory. The educational experiences were geared to help students understand the skills needed to care competently and compassionately for the dying. The use of the End of Life Nursing Education Consortium (ELNEC) education package along with experiences at the hospice, the funeral home, the anatomy laboratory, and role play helped facilitate transformative learning in the nursing students. The study examined the effects of an educational experience to determine if a one-time educational experience provides sufficient, lasting effects in a 6-week format. Results of this study indicate that education can have a positive effect on nursing students' attitudes toward care of the dying. Nursing students in the intervention group had a significant positive increase in their attitudes toward care of the dying after the intervention. The attitude change increased slightly after a 4-week period.  相似文献   

Abu-Moghli FA, Khalaf IA, Barghoti FF. International Journal of Nursing Practice 2010; 16 : 35–42
The influence of a health education programme on healthy lifestyles and practices among university students
This study aimed at exploring the lifestyles of university students, the relationship between specific demographical variables and health practices and the role of training in improving these practices. An experimental and a comparison group were selected using the convenient sampling method. Two 5-day training programmes on healthy lifestyles were conducted. Self-reported behaviours of both groups were assessed before and after the programme. The results reflected slightly positive health practices related to the three behavioural categories with the type of diet being the highest and physical activity being the lowest. No significant differences were reflected in relation to the selected variables. A positive influence of training on improving health behaviours of university students related to the three behavioural categories was observed. Results suggest a similar course to be included as a university elective and students' involvement in available extra curricular activities be encouraged.  相似文献   

Educational institutions have the responsibility to provide students with knowledge and practical experiences of best practices and international standards of care. Worldwide, international standards for appropriate and effective breastfeeding promotion and services often have not been met. The aim of this study was to determine the effectiveness of an infant feeding educational intervention on student nurses' knowledge levels about (1) evidence-based breastfeeding promotion, (2) evidence-based beliefs about outcomes of breastfeeding and formula-feeding, (3) evidence-based attitudes toward breastfeeding and formula-feeding, and (4) intention to perform evidence-based breastfeeding promotion behaviors. A quasi-experimental intervention with a non-equivalent control group was conducted at a major university in Hong Kong. The intervention group (n=111) received 10h of didactic instruction and an 8-week perinatal clinical rotation while the control group (n=162) did not. The intervention group was significantly more likely to associate breastfeeding with positive maternal and child outcomes. Attitudes toward breastfeeding and formula-feeding were not significantly affected by the educational intervention. On the 19-item knowledge survey, the control group (M=6.84; SD=2.95) scored significantly lower than the intervention group (M=10.30; SD=2.51). A public health breastfeeding promotion strategy frequently overlooked is professional-level curricular interventions. Improving evidence-based practices in nursing programs has the potential to impact many breastfeeding families in the hospital and the community.  相似文献   

目的探讨护生应对方式对心理健康的影响,为在校护生心理工作提供参考依据。方法对345名在校护生采用应对方式问卷、症状自评量表与青少年生活事件量表进行心理测评。结果护生在面临遭遇事件时倾向于采取解决问题、幻想、求助的应对方式。解决问题、求助与文化程度呈正相关,自责、退避、合理化与文化程度呈负相关,合理化与年龄呈负相关。解决问题与SCL一90总分及其各因子呈负相关,求助与除躯体化、人际关系敏感、其他因子以外的所有因子呈负相关,自责、幻想、退避与SCL一90总分及其因子呈正相关;生活事件与解决问题呈正相关,与退避、合理化呈负相关。多元回归分析显示,生活事件、解决问题和幻想对心理健康水平起到预测作用。结论在校护生的心理健康受到应对方式的影响,帮助护生建立成熟的应对方式是心理工作的重要内容。  相似文献   

护理系学生学习压力及应对方式的调查研究   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
目的 调查护理本、专科学生的学习压力和应对水平及二者的相关性 ,并探讨影响压力与应对的相关因素 ,以采取有效措施 ,引导学生正确应对 ,保持身心健康。方法 采用问卷调查方法 ,对临床实习的 6 0名护理本科生和 4 8名护理专科生的学习压力和应对方式进行调查。结果 本、专科护生学习压力水平的比较无统计学意义 (P >0 .0 5 ) ;本、专科护生应对水平的比较有统计学意义 (P <0 .0 5 ) ;压力与应对的相关分析显示二者呈现中度负相关 (r =- 0 .391)。结论 学生学习压力的影响因素有 :学生家庭年收入、对护理工作的兴趣、性格类型及对专业志愿的选择。影响应对水平的因素包括学生所在学校、身体状况、对护理工作的兴趣、性格类型及对专业志愿的选择。  相似文献   

Nursing students with tendencies toward developmental disorders or special educational needs could face difficulties while studying nursing. The study examined the behavioral traits of nursing students with special educational needs who graduated in Japan in March 2011. Nurse educators from 341 programs provided information concerning students who had been identified as difficult to teach while enrolled in nursing programs. Behavioral traits were examined in students with special educational needs (n = 139) and those who did not have special needs but were identified as difficult to teach by the nurse educators (n = 84). The most prevalent behaviors in students with special needs were “making excessive excuses” in unstressful situations and “lapsing into silence” under stressful circumstances. The number of students with special needs who were prone to “blaming others” and “disappearing” was higher relative to that of students without special needs under unstressful circumstances. Under stressful circumstances, “blaming others,” “disappearing,” and “staying at home” were reported more frequently for students with special needs than they were for students without special needs. Nurse educators should pay attention to these behaviors in students facing difficulties while studying nursing.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The study is placed within the context of the Irish health care system, which has undergone tremendous change, at the dawn of the new millennium, in particular from the nursing management and leadership viewpoint. AIM OF THE STUDY: The aim of this study is to explore nurses' expectations of the content and delivery of a nursing management degree programme. METHODS: This is an on-going action research study. Data has been collected using a focus group interview, questionnaire, document analysis and a reflective diary. Data was analysed using thematic analysis and SPSS as appropriate to qualitative and quantitative data respectively. To date two action research cycles are near completion and a total sample of 117 students have taken part in the study. FINDINGS: Nurses commencing the programme were unsure of their education and training needs, as they had not yet taken on board the recommendations of the Irish Commission on Nursing (Government of Ireland 1998). The findings suggest that nurse managers may not know what they need to know in light of the many current changes taking place in the Irish health system. The introduction of personal development planning (PDP) is among new strategies taking place as part of the second action research cycle. PDP can help nurse managers to reflect on their current responsibilities and plan for their future career pathways. CONCLUSIONS: The findings are presented in the context of one institution. Action research, which nests comfortably with certain management styles, has proved suitable as a tool for developing and changing this programme. The need for university teachers to focus on management development skills as well as the transmission of management theory is supported.  相似文献   

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