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Acetorphan is a potent enkephalinase inhibitor displaying antidiarrhoeal activity attributable to its intestinal antisecretory action mediated by endogenous enkephalins. The effect of acetorphan on digestive motility was studied in 12 healthy volunteers. Oro-caecal transit time was evaluated using the sulphasalazine/sulphapyridine method and colonic transit times using radiopaque markers. These measurements were successively performed after one week treatment with an antidiarrhoeal dose of acetorphan (100 mg t.d.s.) or placebo. There was no significant modification in transit time linked to acetorphan treatment: total oro-caecal times were 303 +/- 32 min vs. 287 +/- 27 min and colonic transit times 25.8 +/- 5.8 h vs. 31.3 +/- 5.5 h after acetorphan and placebo, respectively (means +/- S.E.M.). There was no significant modification either in right colonic, left colonic or rectosigmoid segmental transit times, or in the mean number of stools. These results, consistent with those from animal studies, confirm that, unlike classical antidiarrhoeal mu opiate receptor agonists, which act by delaying intestinal transit, acetorphan does not affect the transit. Antidiarrhoeal activity not accompanied by a delayed intestinal transit could have beneficial therapeutic consequences in the management of infectious diarrhoea. In addition, we show that the sulphasalazine and radiopaque markers methods can be simultaneously applied in the same study.  相似文献   

The effects of 60 min pretreatment with the enkephalinase inhibitor acetorphan were assessed on naloxone-precipitated (2.5 mg/kg IP) abstinence in chronically morphinized rats. In addition, the antinociceptive activity of the compound was investigated in mice. Intraperitoneal injection (50 mg/kg) in rats attenuated some aspects of the opioid withdrawal syndrome such as burrowing, wet dog shakes, squeal on touch hostility, tachypnoea, ptosis and rough hair, whereas jumping and escape behaviour were significantly increased in acetorphan-treated animals. No effect was observed on withdrawal hypothermia or acute weight loss. Similarly, chronic dosing with acetorphan after withdrawal produced no significant effect on body weight. Acetorphan (50 mg/kg IP) failed to produce any antinociceptive activity in the mouse tail immersion test, but potentiated the antinociceptive effect of d-Ala2-d-Leu5-enkephalin. These results are discussed in terms of acetorphan crossing the blood-brain barrier before being hydrolysed to thiorphan, thus yielding opioid withdrawal relieving effects.  相似文献   

The enkephalinase inhibitor thiorphan was infused intracerebroventricularly in rats during 14 days (25 micrograms/5 microliters/hr), inducing an average inhibition of cerebral enkephalinase of about 65%. Animals were tested during the infusion for their response to acetorphan, a parenterally active derivative of thiorphan. When administered intravenously on day 8 of the infusion, acetorphan (5 mg/kg) significantly increased locomotion in chronic saline-infused rats but not in animals receiving thiorphan. Furthermore, when injected at the same dose on day 10, acetorphan did not modify the latency to jump, in the hot plate test, in thiorphan-treated rats, whereas it elicited a significant analgesia in chronic saline-treated controls. These data show that the effects induced by the administration of an enkephalinase inhibitor were diminished after a period of chronic inhibition of the enzyme, suggesting the development of tolerance.  相似文献   

Tritium labelling of the enkephalinase inhibitor, thiorphan, is complicated by the presence of mercapto functional group. Reactions often used in aromatic tritiation, such as halogination and catalytic halogen/tritium displacement, are adversely affected by the presence of the divalent sulfur moeity. By protecting the SH group with t‐butyl group, the tritiation reaction proceeded smoothly without catalyst poisoning. The mercapto functionality was re‐generated with great ease and efficiency using 2‐nitrobenzenesulfenyl chloride and dithiothreitol (DTT). [3H]‐Thiorphan, thus, obtained had a radiochemical purity of >99% by AN‐HPLC and a specific activity of 18.42 Ci/mmol. [3H]‐Thiorphan showed good stability when stored at 4°C in an aqueous solution containing 10% methanol and 0.2% DTT in the dark. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Insulin administration to rats produced a dose-related hypoglycemia. When insulin and the enkephalinase (Enk'ase) inhibitor thiorphan (30 or 100 mg/kg s.c.) were co-administered, there was a potentiation of the hypoglycemic response to insulin; these doses of thiorphan alone had no significant effect on plasma glucose. When tested in vitro against isolated Enk'ase, both insulin and its beta-chain inhibited the catabolism of [Met5]enkephalin. Theoretically, thiorphan blocked the catabolism of insulin by inhibiting Enk'ase. Alternatively, thiorphan acted as an inhibitor of another insulin-catabolizing enzyme having similar substrate requirements as Enk'ase.  相似文献   

目的合成神经内肽酶抑制剂消旋卡多曲。方法以氯苄为起始原料,经六步反应合成消旋卡多曲。结果每步反应均经改进,总收率为60%。所得产品经元素分析,IR,1HNMR,13CNMR光谱数据与文献报道一致。结论本工艺路线方法简单,原料易得,适合工业化生产。  相似文献   

Many neuropeptides have been identified in human airways and these are susceptible to breakdown by endogenous enkephalinases. This study investigated the effect of enkephalinse inhibition with phosphoramidon (10−5 M) on contractile responses to neurokinin A, eledoisin, physalaemin and substance P in human isolated bronchial smooth muscle. Contractile responses to the maximal doses of neuropeptides given were potentiated by phosphoramidon, whereas those to carbachol were unaffected. In addition, neuropeptide response curves were significantly (P < 0.05) shifted to the left as measured by geometric mean dose ratios (95% confidence intervals) of 20.9 (5.4–81.3) n = 7 for neurokinin A; 63 (21.8–181.9) n = 6 for eledoisin, 44.7 (3.2–616.6) n = 5 for physalaemin and 6.9 (2.4–20) n = 6 for substance P. We conclude that enkephalinase inhibition in vitro signficantly potentiates the contractile response to neuropeptides in human airway smooth muscle. Absence of, or decreased activity of enkephalinase could lead to enhanced effects of endogenous neuropeptides in human airways in vivo.  相似文献   

Acetorphan, an enkephalinase inhibitor, or morphine was injected in mice which had received saline or morphine (32 mg/kg s.c. twice a day on 8 consecutive days) chronically. In the hot-plate test, the analgesia (increase in jump latency) induced by morphine (2 mg/kg i.p.) or by the mu selective opioid agonist, [D-Ala2,N-Me-Phe4, Gly5-ol]enkephalin (DAGO) (1.5, 3 or 6 ng/mouse i.c.v.), was significant in the saline group but was strongly decreased in morphine-pretreated mice. In contrast the analgesic effect of acetorphan (5 mg/kg i.v.) or of the delta selective opioid agonist [D-Pen2,D-Pen5]enkephalin (DPDPE) (0.75, 1.5 or 3 micrograms/mouse i.c.v.) was similar in both groups. These results suggest that the enkephalins protected by acetorphan act on the delta receptor site to produce antinociception.  相似文献   

1. The influence of epithelium removal and/or thiorphan on the effects of neurokinins (substance P (SP), neurokinin A (NKA), neurokinin B (NKB)) and related peptides on airway contractility was investigated on the guinea-pig isolated trachea. 2. Removing the tracheal epithelium significantly enhanced the sensitivity but not the maximum contractile responses to the peptides. 3. After removal of the epithelial layer, the shifts to the left of the log concentration response curves were greater for SP and SP-OMe (1.62 and 1.94 log units, respectively) than for two SP analogues substituted in position 9 namely [Pro9]SP sulfone and [beta-Ala4, Sar9]SP(4-11) sulfone (0.66 and 0.68 log units, respectively). The leftward shifts for compounds related to NKA or NKB lay between 0.58 and 0.73 log units. 4. The leftward shifts of the log concentration-response curves for SP, SP-OMe, [Pro9]SP sulfone, [beta-Ala4, Sar9]SP(4-11) sulfone and NKA were of similar magnitude after removal of the epithelium or after pretreatment with thiorphan (10(-5) M), an enkephalinase inhibitor, in the presence of epithelium. No significant additional shift of the curves to the left was observed with thiorphan plus epithelium removal. 5. The results obtained with the selective agonists for each of the three classes of neurokinin receptor (i.e NK1, NK2, NK3) suggest that the guinea-pig trachea contains receptors for SP and NKA but few if any for NKB. 6. It was concluded that neurokinins and related peptides (especially SP and analogues not substituted in position 9) are degraded by enkephalinase mainly located in the tracheal epithelium and that the addition of thiorphan or epithelium removal results in an inhibition or loss of enkephalinase activity, thereby increasing similarly the potencies of these peptides. It was, therefore, suggested that the supersensitivity to neurokinins produced by epithelium removal was due neither to the elimination of a permeability barrier nor to reduced production of a relaxant factor, but mainly to reduced peptide degradation.  相似文献   

Since 1985, many drug abuse treatment centers and health care providers have implemented special education programs for individuals who inject drugs. They focus primarily on increasing awareness of the threat of the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) being spread through drug injection equipment and by sexual activities. As part of the Drug Abuse Treatment for AIDS- Risk Reduction (DATAR) project, the AIDS/HIV Risk Reduction Module was designed to meet these special intervention needs. This study examined program impact on 110 methadone treatment clients. Results indicated that for those in treatment less than 4 months, the AIDS intervention program enhanced specialized knowledge about AIDS, aided in the reduction of AIDS-risky behaviors, and enhanced attitudes toward achieving and maintaining abstinence from drug use. Thus, AIDS education and intervention programs appear to be effective and should be emphasized in the early phase of drug abuse treatment.  相似文献   

The effects of intravenous administration of 2.5 mg/kg of GB 52, a highly potent derivative of the enkephalinase inhibitor, thiorphan, were studied on the threshold of both the nociceptive reflex (Tr) and sensation of pain (Tp) as well as on the thresholds of both recruitment of the maximal nociceptive reflex response (Tmr) and tolerable pain (Tip), elicited by electrical stimulation of the sural nerve in normal and relaxed volunteers. It was found that neither the nociceptive motor responses (Tr and Tmr) nor the subjective reports of pain (Tp and Tip), were significantly affected by GB 52. It is concluded that, in the experimental conditions used, the transmission of nociceptive messages at the spinal level is not tonically modulated by any enkephalinergic system.  相似文献   

Teriflunomide, being developed as a potential oral treatment for multiple sclerosis (MS) by sanofi-aventis, is the active metabolite of the rheumatoid arthritis drug leflunomide. Both teriflunomide and leflunomide are inhibitors of the mitochondrial enzyme dihydroorotate dehydrogenase, which is critically involved in pyrimidine synthesis. The production of activated T-cells largely depends on de novo pyrimidine synthesis, and thus pyrimidine depletion is thought to result in the inhibition of immune cell proliferation. Therapeutic efficacy of teriflunomide has been demonstrated in vivo in an experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis model of MS using Dark Agouti rats. In a phase II, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial of patients with relapsing-remitting MS, treatment with teriflunomide reduced the number of active lesions in the brain and preliminary evidence indicated a slowing in the development of disability. Recently reported data from the phase III TEMSO clinical trial support these initial findings. Compared with current therapies, teriflunomide has the advantage of oral administration. Thus, if good efficacy is demonstrated, teriflunomide may have a role to play in the future treatment of MS.  相似文献   

Nonpeptidic delta-opioid receptor agonists produce antidepressant-like effects in rodents, and compounds that inhibit the breakdown of endogenous opioid peptides have antidepressant-like effects in animal models. In this study, the behavioral effects of the enkephalinase inhibitor, RB101 (N-[(R, S)-2-benzyl-3-[(S)(2-amino-4-methyl-thio)-butyldithio]-1-oxopropyl]-l-phenylalanine benzyl ester), were examined. Specifically, the effects of RB101 on convulsive activity, locomotor activity, and antidepressant-like effects in the forced swim test were studied in Sprague-Dawley rats, and the opioid receptor types mediating these effects were examined by antagonist studies. In addition, the effects of RB101 on brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) mRNA expression were evaluated in relation to its antidepressant effects. RB101 produced delta-opioid receptor-mediated antidepressant effects (32 mg/kg i.v. and 100 mg/kg i.p.) and increased locomotor activity (32 mg/kg i.v.) in rats. RB101 did not produce convulsions or seizures and did not alter BDNF mRNA expression. In conclusion, RB101 has the potential to produce antidepressant effects without convulsions.  相似文献   

The sedative effect of SCH 34826, an enkephalinase inhibitor, was evaluated by studying electroencephalographic (EEG) activity, behaviour and the sleep-waking cycle in the rat. The reference opioid, morphine, was used for comparison. After administration of morphine (10 mg/kg s.c.) the rats were motionless and stuporous at first and then hyperactive. An increase of slow wave sleep, at the expense of both wakefulness and REM sleep was recorded, with high-amplitude slow wave bursts appearing in the EEG tracings during the waking, albeit stuporous, phase. Relative spectral power in the 1-4 and 12-16 Hz bands was increased and there was a shift of the dominant frequency to a lower frequency. The specific opioid antagonist, naltrexone, readily reversed most of these effects. The drug SCH 34826 (10-100 mg/kg p.o.) had no effect on the parameters examined; large doses (300 and 1000 mg/kg p.o.) induced restlessness in some animals, resulting in increased waking. This effect was antagonized by naltrexone. The data indicate that SCH 34826, at doses far greater than those proposed for clinical use, is devoid of sedative liability and does not induce any of the behavioural or EEG effects typical of morphine.  相似文献   

The analgesic and acute central nervous system (CNS) side effect potential of the enkephalinase inhibitor SCH 32615 (N-[L-(1-carboxy-2-phenyl)ethyl]-L-phenyl-alanine-beta-alanine) were evaluated after IV administration to mice, rats and squirrel monkeys. In mice, SCH 32615 caused dose-related suppression of acetic acid-induced writhing (minimal effective dose, MED = 3 mg/kg IV). In rats, SCH 32615 produced dose-related increases in the response latencies in the yeast inflamed-paw test (MED = 10 mg/kg IV). In squirrel monkeys, using a new hot-water bath tail-flick test, SCH 32615 significantly prolonged the escape latencies (MED = 100 mg/kg IV). These results in primates are the first data showing an analgesic action of an enkephalinase inhibitor in a reflex model of pain. When measured for its CNS side effect potential, SCH 32615 had no significant effects in rats (up to 100 times its analgesically active doses) or in monkeys (up to three times). In the mouse, at doses 100 times its minimal effective dose, SCH 32615 produced brief convulsions; these lasted only a minute, resolved quickly, and did not cause lethality. In contrast, in rats and squirrel monkeys, the standard opioid analgesic morphine produced profound CNS side effects; this was particularly notable in monkeys, in which morphine's maximal analgesic effects were associated with near lethal respiratory depression. These data demonstrate that SCH 32615 produces selective analgesic actions and that its acute side effect liability is less than that seen with a clinically used standard.  相似文献   

Intraventricular administration of enkephalinase inhibitor, phosphoramidon (1 X 10(-8)-5.6 X 10(-7) moles ICV) induced a behavioural syndrome consisting of excessive grooming with the body scratching as the most prominent symptom and wet-dog-shakes (WDS). The frequency of the phosphoramidon-induced WDS and body scratching were decreased by the pretreatment with the opiate receptor blocking agent, naltrexone (2.9 X 10(-6) moles/kg IP). Both the phosphoramidon-induced WDS in naive rats and naloxone-precipitated withdrawal WDS were decreased in REM sleep deprived rats compared with animals allowed normal sleep (control and stress groups). The results are discussed in light of a possible functional insufficiency of endorphinergic system during REMSD. It has been suggested that this insufficiency might be a background to the increased neuronal excitability during REMSD.  相似文献   

This study assessed the abuse potential of pagoclone, a partial agonist at the gamma-aminobutyric acid type A (GABAA) benzodiazepine receptor site, in healthy recreational drug users. Twenty-three young adults, who reported past recreational use of sedative drugs or alcohol, participated in 4 sessions during which capsules containing pagoclone (doses: 1.2 mg, the higher end of the proposed therapeutic dose range, and 4.8 mg, a 4-fold higher dose), diazepam (dose, 30 mg), or placebo were randomly administered under double-blind conditions. Subjective ratings of mood, drug effects, and psychomotor tests were completed at regular intervals after ingesting the capsules. On most of the standardized measures of abuse potential, pagoclone (dose, 4.8 mg) was rated as being similar to diazepam. Both drugs increased the ratings of good effects and drug liking. However, pagoclone also produced some adverse mood effects that might limit its potential to be used recreationally, and it produced fewer sedativelike effects on some measures. In general, the results with these doses indicate that the abuse potential of pagoclone is similar to that of diazepam, although its profile as a partial agonist suggests that differences between the drugs may emerge at higher doses.  相似文献   

Aegera, under license from Idera Pharmaceuticals, is developing AEG-35156, a 19-mer phosphorothioate antisense oligonucleotide targeting the caspase inhibitor X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis protein (XIAP) messenger RNA, for the potential treatment of cancer. Several clinical trials are ongoing and include: two phase I monotherapy clinical trials for the potential treatment of cancer and in patients with solid tumors; a phase I combination clinical trial of AEG-35156 with docetaxel in locally advanced, metastatic, or recurrent solid tumors; four phase I/II combination clinical trials for the potential treatment of pancreatic cancer, advanced breast cancer, advanced NSCLC, and acute myeloid leukemia. Mild to moderate adverse effects were observed in early phase clinical trials. Aegera plans to initiate randomized phase III trials if tolerable side effects and evidence of activity are demonstrated in phase I/II clinical trials.  相似文献   

Zonisamide (Zonegran®) is a broad‐spectrum antiepileptic agent that shares some pharmacological properties with other anticonvulsants, including phenytoin, carbamazepine, and valproic acid, but is differentiated from these agents by the ability to significantly block T‐type calcium channels. Zonisamide interacts with the γ‐amino‐butyric acid (GABA) receptor in an allosteric manner, and thus does not modulate GABA receptor effects. However, given the potential of drugs within the latter class for drug abuse in humans, an evaluation of zonisamide for abuse potential is an important component of its potential side‐effect profile. In the present study, zonisamide was tested in animal models of the subjective and reinforcing effects of central nervous system (CNS) depressant drugs, e.g., diazepam discrimination in rats and intravenous self‐administration in rhesus monkeys, respectively. In addition, zonisamide was evaluated for physical dependence liability in a chronic infusion model using rats. Zonisamide did not substitute for diazepam in rats trained to discriminate 2.5‐mg/kg diazepam from vehicle nor was it self‐administered by rhesus monkeys experienced in methohexital‐reinforced responding. Continuous infusion of zonisamide (400 or 600 mg/kg/day) did not prevent the loss of body weight associated with discontinued pentobarbital infusion. These doses of zonisamide did produce some incomplete attenuation of observable signs of pentobarbital withdrawal, likely due to direct sedative or depressant effects of these high doses. These results suggest that zonisamide would not produce diazepam‐like intoxication in humans nor would it likely be subject to abuse when made more widely available. Further, when administered chronically, zonisamide would not be expected to produce physical dependence of the CNS depressant type. Taken together, these results support the prediction that zonisamide would have low abuse liability. Drug Dev. Res. 54:66–74, 2001. © 2001 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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