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The College of Medicine at the University of Arizona was among many medical schools instituting a course of study leading to graduation in three years. Students and faculty found the three-year program to be an unsatisfactory educational experience. Among the major problems were excessive intensity of classroom work, insufficient vacation time, and inadequate time to teach important basic science material. Objective measures of student performance demonstrated no differences between graduates of the new program and students graduating from a traditional four-year curriculum. A process of curriculum review involving students, faculty, and administrators ultimately resulted in several curricular improvements and establishment of a new four-year program.  相似文献   

In the spring of 1987, 20 medical students from the Eastern Virginia Medical School of the Medical College of Hampton Roads were involved in a pilot program to teach about the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) to high school senior students in Norfolk, Virginia. The medical students received instruction about AIDS from basic science and clinical faculty members at the medical school in preparation for the project. All participating high school seniors completed a 15-item knowledge test about AIDS prior to the intervention and an equivalent posttest one week after the program was completed. T-test analysis revealed a significant increase in knowledge by students at all five high schools. Responses to 10 subjective posttest questions indicated that the high school students were interested in learning about AIDS and having medical students as their teachers. This program provides an example of how medical institutions can develop a collaborative community education project that contributes to the education of medical students.  相似文献   

医学课程的整合已经成为基础医学课程模式改革的重要内容。本文通过设计问卷对不同对象进行调查和开展专家的反复论证和座谈,不断调整整合方案,确定以“器官-系统”为主线的临床医学专业基础医学课程整合方案。方案整合了基础医学课程的课程设置和授课内容,将18门基础医学课程整合为6大课程模块。通过基础医学课程整合方案的初步实施,切实提高了教员的授课质量和学员的学习效率,并逐步引导学员形成整体系统的医学学习思维,符合现代医学教育的理念和趋势。同时,通过过程评价和结果评价反映出基础医学课程整合方案比较合理和有效。  相似文献   

为适应医学教育国际化要求,充分利用国际留学生全英教学资源优势,针对常见的制约双语教学发展的瓶颈因素,从师资、学生、教材等方面,全方位实施提升七年制医学生双语教学水平和质量的新举措,全面培养新世纪的高素质专业型的医学精英人才.  相似文献   

J E Verby 《JAMA》1977,238(9):960-964
The Rural Physician Associate Program was developed by the University of Minnesota Medical School faculty in an attempt to meet the demands of the citizens of Minnesota to improve the distribution of primary physicians to rural areas. The program is offered to students who have completed 2 2/3 academic years of medical school. There were no regulations requiring the students' return to rural areas after completion of training. Thus far, 163 students have completed the program. Forty-three have continued in medical school and another 27 are in residency-training programs. Primary care residencies have been chosen by 68; another 31 have completed their medical education and are in rural practice. Of the 22 practicing in Minnesota, 21 have returned to rural communities.  相似文献   

目的评价八年制临床医学专业学生预防医学社区实践教学效果。方法选择北京大学医学部八年制临床医学专业165名学生和49名教师为调查对象,组织学生到社区进行预防医学实践,采用调查问卷和访谈法评价教学效果。采用SPSS 13.0软件进行数据处理。结果81.9%的学生认为社区实践的收获较大。社区实践加强了学生的群体和预防为主的观念,增加了学生的求知欲;45.2%的学生毕业后愿意为病人和人群进行健康教育;学生在课题设计、资料收集、论文撰写、计算机处理资料方面均有不同程度的收获。90.0%以上的学生认为需要加强统计学相关知识。教师提出了教学过程中出现的问题并给出了合理化建议。结论预防医学社区实践加强了医学生群体健康的基本观念,提高了医学生的科研基本技能,在弥合公共卫生和临床医学之间的裂痕中起到了一定的作用。  相似文献   

根据医药高专教学改革的思路,选取基础医学课程中与护理专业紧密相关的知识点,将基础医学课程整合为《医用形态学基础》和《医用机能学基础》,实施于三年制护理专业。获得了一些经验,并为基础医学课程进一步整合提供实践依据。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: An integrated approach to teaching medical subjects is an effective educational strategy. Yet, this has not become popular in medical colleges in India. We describe an integrated learning programme to teach the gastrointestinal system in the first year of the medical course. METHODS: The integrated learning programme was conducted for 3 years (2003-2005). It incorporated elements of problem-based learning, early clinical exposure, lectures and small group laboratory work. Student assessment was formative (for problem-based learning sessions) and summative (using problem-based learning and knowledge tests). Evaluation of the programme was based on feedback from the students and faculty members. RESULTS: Ninety-six per cent of the students obtained more than 60% marks in the problem-based learning test. The mean (SD) score in the knowledge test was 62 (0.89)%. The majority of students received satisfactory and more than satisfactory grades for their performance in the problem-based learning sessions. The feedback from faculty members and students was positive, which highlighted benefits such as integrated learning of the basic sciences, their application to clinical cases and active student learning. The challenges encountered included the higher input required from faculty members. Most of the faculty members and students recommended that the integrated programme should be continued and extended to other parts of the curriculum. CONCLUSION: An integrated learning programme is feasible within a conventional medical curriculum of an Indian medical college.  相似文献   

目的:了解广西医科大学七年制临床医学对全球医学教育最基本要求(GMER)的认知与态度。方法:对我校七年制在校临床医学生采取现场问卷调查法,集中填写调查问卷,然后进行统计分析。结果:七年制临床医学生对GMER的认知度偏低。七大领域由高到低的排序依次为职业价值、态度、行为和伦理领域,临床技能领域,医学科学基础知识领域,批判性思维和研究领域,沟通技能领域,信息管理领域,群体健康和卫生系统领域。不同年级调查对象在"职业价值、态度、行为和伦理"、"医学科学基础知识"、"临床技能"、"群体健康和卫生系统"、"信息管理"及"批判性思维和研究"等领域的态度存在差异(P<0.05)。结论:应在我校广泛且深入地开展GMER的教育推广。  相似文献   

对国内部分院校三年制临床医学专业人才培养方案现状分析表明,各院校人才培养目标一致;课程体系相似,仍普遍采用以学科为基础的课程模式;课程设置较混乱、教学时数不均衡;实践课程和医学人文社会科学课程薄弱.本文提出,应当根据实际工作岗位的需求改革三年制临床医学专业人才培养模式,创新和重构课程体系,合理安排课程顺序和学时分配,重视实践教学环节与学生成绩评定,使三年制临床医学专业人才培养方案成为培养高素质医学人才的内在需求.  相似文献   

R E Bouchard  H M Tufo  H N Beaty 《JAMA》1985,253(8):1146-1150
The development of a quality assurance program as part of residency training in internal medicine is described. In addition to ensuring quality, the program allows both the faculty and the resident to assess individual performance more precisely than previously possible. The residents become increasingly thorough and improve problem-solving skills over the three-year program. They are provided the tools to manage quality in their own practice.  相似文献   

卫生学是临床医学专业的必修课程,提高卫生学教学质量对加强医学生掌握预防医学知识与技能至关重要.通过分析徐州医学院在临床医学专业卫生学教学过程中存在的问题,提出更新教学内容、改革教学方式、加强实践能力培养等改革对策,对提高教学效果具有重要意义.  相似文献   

为探讨医学本科生毕业时应具备哪些基本知识、医疗技能和医德修养,用毕业生终期目标(TheExitObjectivesSurvey,EOS)评估表,调查了192位师生,统计分析了90条项目,其中师生一致(75%赞成)认为必要的有38条(42%),以及四川大学华西临床医学院与美国华盛顿大学之间、师生之间认识的差异,并讨论其含义和影响因素。希望调查结果可供规划医学生毕业前教育内容的参考,为今后随着社会发展、科技进步和医疗改革的现状,调整传统的教育模式,制定一套层次分明、切实可行的教育目标体系。  相似文献   

PBL教学模式下医学院校教师素质探析   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
PBL作为基于问题的学习,其理论基础的核心是建构主义。教育目标的调整无可争辩地会涉及到对教师素质的重新界定,在PBL教学模式下,教师不再是传统教学模式下的“传道者”和“授业者”,而是“医学生知识建构的促进者”、“医疗人才类型改革的参与者”,这二者是PBL教学模式下医学院校教师应具备的基本素质。  相似文献   

多学科的PBL课程在口腔医学院的设立   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
目的:阐述了武汉大学口腔医学院在7年制的本硕连读生中设立多学科PBL课程的过程。方法:在单学科的PBL教学得到了同学和老师的肯定的基础上,我院从2004年开始了多学科的PBL课程的筹备。大约4/5的传统理论大课被保留,其余课时被PBL取代,每年指派3—4名青年教师脱产带教兼任PBL教师。结果:多学科的PBL教学在构建复杂的立体知识构架方面优势明显,但由于传统的应试教育和全新教学理念的冲突,使现行的PBL可能成为教学的“累赘”。  相似文献   

目的总结对医学本科生开展细胞生物学双语教学的经验和方法。方法问卷调查及分类分析。结果①本科生公共英语水平均达到了接受双语教学的基本条件 ,专业英语水平表现出不均衡性 ,英语听力薄弱是多数学员存在的共同问题。②学员对教员的素质要求很高 ,期望教员具有丰富的专业知识和流利的口语。对课时比例、教材等具体教学手段 ,不同学员要求不同。③双语教学的教学效果基本上是理想的 ,但仍有许多地方需改进 ;双语教学成功与否关键在于教师备课及学员预习。结论必须大力提高教员素质与教学经验 ,因地制宜确定教学内容 ,强化学员对专业词汇和背景知识的学习  相似文献   

做好毕业实习各环节管理,努力提高实习质量   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
临床毕业实习是医学本科生由医学生向临床医生过渡的重要阶段,是将医学基础理论与临床技能相结合的过程,是医学教育的关键阶段。在医学院校扩招的今天,笔者深刻地体会到,在临床教学实践中,不断优化临床教学模式和完善临床教学管理,认真做好毕业实习前、实习中和实习末三个阶段的管理,培养医学生临床实践能力,才能不断提高临床实习质量,培养出基础扎实、知识面广、实践能力强、综合素质高的高级专门医学人才。  相似文献   

何琳  朱丹 《医学教育探索》2012,11(12):1289-1291
目前,医学生培养中存在人文知识传授相对缺乏、健全人格塑造不足、创新教育未全面推广等问题。探索从更新教育观念、加强师资队伍建设、注重基础知识授课、强化学生能力提升等方面,促进医学影像学专业(超声医学方向)学生综合素质的培养。  相似文献   

医学院校大学生睡眠质量调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:调查医学院校大学生的睡眠质量的现况,为制定针对性措施提供依据.方法:采用匹兹堡睡眠质量指数(Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index,PSQI)量表及自制的医学生睡眠质量影响因素调查表,对在校1547名本科医学生进行分层抽样调查.结果:1547名医学生的PSQI总分平均为(6.22±2.36)...  相似文献   

文章主要探讨了临床七年制医学生在基础阶段进行科研训练的重要性和具体方法,结合自己的专业研究方向,指导医学生接触和参与到生物医学工程研究方向之一——生物医学信号处理的实际研究工作中,弥补医学生因为理工科知识和实践的欠缺造成的不足,激发他们探索和研究科学问题的兴趣,增强他们的创新意识,从而培养其基本的科研素质和能力,为医学生进入更高阶段的学习和研究工作打下一定基础。  相似文献   

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