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The intrinsic optical parameters-absorption coefficient mua, scattering coefficient mus, anisotropy factor g, and effective scattering coefficient mus'--are determined for human red blood cells of hematocrit 42.1% dependent on the shear rate in the wavelength range 250 to 1100 nm. Integrating sphere measurements of light transmittance and reflectance in combination with inverse Monte-Carlo simulation are carried out for different wall shear rates between 0 and 1000 s(-1). Randomly oriented cells show maximal mua, mus, and mus' values. Cell alignment and elongation, as well as the Fahraeus effect at increasing shear rates, lead to an asymptotical decrease of these values. The anisotropy factor shows this behavior only below 600 nm, dependent on absorption; above 600 nm, g is almost independent of shear rate. The decrease of mus' is inversely correlated with the hemoglobin absorption. Compared to randomly oriented cells, aggregation reduces all parameters by a different degree, depending on the hemoglobin absorption. It is possible to evaluate the influence of collective scattering phenomena, the absorption within the cell, and the cell shape.  相似文献   

Medical laser applications require knowledge about the optical properties of target tissue. In this study, the optical properties of selected native and coagulated human brain structures were determined in vitro in the spectral range between 360 and 1100 nm. The tissues investigated included white brain matter, grey brain matter, cerebellum and brainstem tissues (pons, thalamus). In addition, the optical properties of two human tumours (meningioma, astrocytoma WHO grade II) were determined. Diffuse reflectance, total transmittance and collimated transmittance of the samples were measured using an integrating-sphere technique. From these experimental data, the absorption coefficients, the scattering coefficients and the anisotropy factors of the samples were determined employing an inverse Monte Carlo technique. The tissues investigated differed from each other predominantly in their scattering properties. Thermal coagulation reduced the optical penetration depth substantially. The highest penetration depths for all tissues investigated were found in the wavelength range between 1000 and 1100 nm. A comparison with data from the literature revealed the importance of the employed tissue preparation technique and the impact of the theoretical model used to extract the optical coefficients from the measured quantities.  相似文献   

Differences in absorption and/or scattering of cancerous and normal skin have the potential to provide a basis for noninvasive cancer detection. In this study, we have determined and compared the in vitro optical properties of human epidermis, dermis, and subcutaneous fat with those of nonmelanoma skin cancers in the spectral range from 370 to 1600 nm. Fresh specimens of normal and cancerous human skin were obtained from surgeries. The samples were rinsed in saline solution and sectioned. Diffuse reflectance and total transmittance were measured using an integrating sphere spectrophotometer. Absorption and reduced scattering coefficients were calculated from the measured quantities using an inverse Monte Carlo technique. The differences between optical properties of each normal tissue-cancer pair were statistically analyzed. The results indicate that there are significant differences in the scattering of cancerous and healthy tissues in the spectral range from 1050 to 1400 nm. In this spectral region, the scattering of cancerous lesions is consistently lower than that of normal tissues, whereas absorption does not differ significantly, with the exception of nodular basal cell carcinomas (BCC). Nodular BCCs exhibit significantly lower absorption as compared to normal skin. Therefore, the spectral range between 1050 and 1400 nm appears to be optimal for nonmelanoma skin cancer detection.  相似文献   

The absorption coefficient mu(a), scattering coefficient mu(s), and anisotropy factor g of diluted and undiluted human blood (hematocrit 0.84 and 42.1%) are determined under flow conditions in the wavelength range 250 to 1100 nm, covering the absorption bands of hemoglobin. These values are obtained by high precision integrating sphere measurements in combination with an optimized inverse Monte Carlo simulation (IMCS). With a new algorithm, appropriate effective phase functions could be evaluated for both blood concentrations using the IMCS. The best results are obtained using the Reynolds-McCormick phase function with the variation factor alpha = 1.2 for hematocrit 0.84%, and alpha = 1.7 for hematocrit 42.1%. The obtained data are compared with the parameters given by the Mie theory. The use of IMCS in combination with selected appropriate effective phase functions make it possible to take into account the nonspherical shape of erythrocytes, the phenomenon of coupled absorption and scattering, and multiple scattering and interference phenomena. It is therefore possible for the first time to obtain reasonable results for the optical behavior of human blood, even at high hematocrit and in high hemoglobin absorption areas. Moreover, the limitations of the Mie theory describing the optical properties of blood can be shown.  相似文献   

目的 研究热变过程中生物组织的光学特性变化。方法 采用犬肝、犬肾、犬肌肉和鼠肌肉4种动物组织作为样本,使用积分球系统测量650 nm波长激光照射下的样本在热风枪从30℃升温到100℃过程中的准直透射光、漫透射光和漫反射光光强随温度变化的数据,根据Kubelka-Munk模型计算得出吸收系数、散射系数和散射各向异性因子变化曲线。结果 温度变化使组织光学特性改变,热变过程中样本透射减弱,吸收系数和散射系数增大,散射各向异性因子减小,不同组织的变化有一定差别。结论 热变性使组织透射减弱,吸收和散射增强。  相似文献   

To complement a project towards the development of real-time optical biopsy for brain tissue discrimination and surgical resection guidance, the optical properties of various brain tissues were measured in vitro and correlated to features within clinical diffuse reflectance tissue spectra measured in vivo. Reflectance and transmission spectra of in vitro brain tissue samples were measured with a single-integrating-sphere spectrometer for wavelengths 400-1300 nm and converted to absorption and reduced scattering spectra using an inverse adding-doubling technique. Optical property spectra were classified as deriving from white matter, grey matter or glioma tissue according to histopathologic diagnosis, and mean absorption and reduced scattering spectra were calculated for the three tissue categories. Absolute reduced scattering and absorption values and their relative differences between histopathological groups agreed with previously reported results with the exception that absorption coefficients were often overestimated, most likely due to biologic variability or unaccounted light loss during reflectance/transmission measurement. Absorption spectra for the three tissue classes were dominated by haemoglobin absorption below 600 nm and water absorption above 900 nm and generally determined the shape of corresponding clinical diffuse reflectance spectra. Reduced scattering spectral shapes followed the power curve predicted by the Rayleigh limit of Mie scattering theory. While tissue absorption governed the shape of clinical diffuse reflectance spectra, reduced scattering determined their relative emission intensities between the three tissue categories.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study is to analyze and compare differences in the optical properties between normal and adenomatous human colon tissues in vitro at 630-, 680-, 720-, 780-, 850-, and 890-nm wavelengths using a Ti:sapphire laser. The optical parameters of tissue samples are determined using a double integrating sphere setup at seven different laser wavelengths. The inverse Monte Carlo simulation is used to determine the optical properties from the measurements. The results of measurement show that the optical properties and their differences vary with a change of laser wavelength for normal and adenomatous colon mucosa/submucosa and normal and adenomatous colon muscle layer/chorion. The maximum absorption coefficients for normal and adenomatous human colon mucosa/submucosa are 680 nm, and the minimum absorption coefficients for both are 890 nm. The maximum difference of the absorption coefficients between both is 56.8% at 780 nm. The maximum scattering coefficients for normal and adenomatous colon mucosa/submucosa are 890 nm, and the minimum scattering coefficients for both are 780 nm. The maximum difference of the scattering coefficients between both is 10.6% at 780 nm. The maximum absorption coefficients for normal and adenomatous colon muscle layer/chorion are 680 nm, and the minimum absorption coefficients for both are 890 nm. The maximum difference of the absorption coefficients between both is 47.9% at 780 nm. The maximum scattering coefficients for normal and adenomatous colon muscle layer/chorion are 890 nm, and the minimum scattering coefficients for both are 680 nm. The maximum difference of the scattering coefficients between both is 9.61% at 850 nm. The differences in absorption coefficients between normal and adenomatous tissues are more significant than those in scattering coefficients.  相似文献   

Fluorescence intensity fluctuations in the visible wavelength regime in normal, benign, and cancerous human breast tissue samples are studied through wavelet transform. The analyses have been carried out in unpolarized, parallel and perpendicularly polarized channels, for optimal tissue characterization. It has been observed that polarized fluorescence data, particularly the perpendicular components, differentiate various tissue types quite well. Wavelet transform, because of its ability for multiresolution analysis, provides the ideal tool to separate and characterize fluctuations in the fluorescence spectra at different scales. We quantify these differences and find that the fluctuations in the perpendicular channel of the cancerous tissues are more randomized as compared to their normal counterparts. Furthermore, for cancerous tissues, the same is very well described by the normal distribution, which is not the case for normal and benign samples. It has also been observed that, up to a certain point, fluctuations at larger scales are more sensitive to tissue types. The differences in the average, low-pass wavelet coefficients of normal, cancerous, pericanalicular, and intracanalicular benign tissues are also pointed out.  相似文献   

In order to identify possible age-dependent dielectric properties of brain and eye tissues in the frequency range of 400 MHz to 18 GHz, measurements on bovine grey and white matter as well as on cornea, lens (cortical) and the vitreous body were performed using a commercially available open-ended coaxial probe and a computer-controlled vector network analyser. Freshly excised tissues of 52 animals of two age groups (42 adult animals, i.e. 16-24 month old and 10 young animals, i.e. 4-6 month old calves) were examined within 8 min (brain tissue) and 15 min (eye tissue), respectively, of the animals' death. Tissue temperatures for the measurements were 32+/-1 degrees C and 25+/-1 degrees C for brain and eye tissues, respectively. Statistical analysis of the measured data revealed significant differences in the dielectric properties of white matter and cortical lens tissue between the adult and the young group. In the case of white matter the mean values of conductivity and permittivity of young tissue were 15%-22% and 12%-15%, respectively, higher compared to the adult tissue in the considered frequency range. Similarly, young cortical lens tissue was 25%-76% higher in conductivity and 27%-39% higher in permittivity than adult cortical lens tissue.  相似文献   

In this paper we present the absorption coefficient mu(a) and the isotropic scattering coefficient mu(s)(') for 22 human skin samples measured using a double integrating sphere apparatus in the wavelength range of 1000-2200 nm. These in vitro results show that values for mua) follow 70% of the absorption coefficient of water and values for mu(s)(') range from 3 to 16 cm(-1). From the measured optical properties, it was found that a 2% Intralipid solution provides a suitable skin tissue phantom.  相似文献   

Summary Complete antigen obtained according to Boiven's method, and polysaccharide fractions of saline extracts of cancerous and normal tissues of the human stomach possess antigenic properties. The presence of a protein component in these fractions was established by the method of chromatography on paper. Existence of cancerous specificity in lipid and polysaccharide fractions and in complete antigen of human tumor tissue was demonstrated by the reaction of anaphylaxis with desensitization.Presented by Active Member AMN SSSR N. N. Zhukov-Verezhnikov  相似文献   

In order to enable a detailed analysis of radio frequency (RF) absorption in the human pineal gland, the dielectric properties of a sample of 20 freshly removed pineal glands were measured less than 20 h after death. Furthermore, a corresponding high resolution numerical model of the brain region surrounding the pineal gland was developed, based on a real human tissue sample. After inserting this model into a commercially available numerical head model, FDTD-based computations for exposure scenarios with generic models of handheld devices operated close to the head in the frequency range 400-1850 MHz were carried out. For typical output power values of real handheld mobile communication devices, the obtained results showed only very small amounts of absorbed RF power in the pineal gland when compared to SAR limits according to international safety standards. The highest absorption was found for the 400 MHz irradiation. In this case the RF power absorbed inside the pineal gland (organ mass 96 mg) was as low as 11 microW, when considering a device of 500 mW output power operated close to the ear. For typical mobile phone frequencies (900 MHz and 1850 MHz) and output power values (250 mW and 125 mW) the corresponding values of absorbed RF power in the pineal gland were found to be lower by a factor of 4.2 and 36, respectively. These results indicate that temperature-related biologically relevant effects on the pineal gland induced by the RF emissions of typical handheld mobile communication devices are unlikely.  相似文献   

The optical absorption and scattering coefficients have been determined for specimens of normal and diseased human breast tissues over the range of wavelengths from 500 to 1100 nm. Total attenuation coefficients were measured for thin slices of tissue cut on a microtome. The diffuse reflectance and transmittance were measured for 1.0 mm thick samples of these tissues, using standard integrating sphere techniques. Monte Carlo simulations were performed to derive the scattering and absorption coefficients, as well as the mean cosine of the scattering angle. The results indicate that scatter exceeds absorption by at least two orders of magnitude. Absorption is most significant at wavelengths below 600 nm. The scattering coefficients lie in the range 30-90 mm-1 at 500 nm, and fall smoothly with increasing wavelength to between 10 and 50 mm-1 at 1100 nm. The scattering coefficient for adipose tissue differs, in that it is invariant with wavelength over this spectral range. For all tissues examined, the scattered light is highly forward peaked, with the mean cosine of the scattering angle in the range 0.945-0.985. Systematic differences between the optical properties of some tissue types are demonstrated.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the expression of nm23 in curettage specimens from 63 cases of normal, hyperplastic and neoplastic endometrial tissues by immunohistochemistry. The histological diagnoses were as follows: normal proliferative (N = 5) or secretory (N = 5), simple hyperplasia (N = 11), complex hyperplasia (N = 9), atypical hyperplasia (N = 8) and adenocarcinoma (N = 25), consisting of endometrioid adenocarcinoma (N = 15), clear cell (N = 7) and serous papillary adenocarcinoma (N = 3). There was no immunostaining for nm23 protein in the 10 cases of normal endometria and in the 28 cases of endometrial hyperplasia. In contrast, 52% of the adenocarcinomas displayed a cytoplasmic staining pattern which was moderate to strong. This difference was statistically significant (p < 0.0001, chi-square test). nm23 expression in curettage specimens had no predictive value for determining the FIGO stage in the hysterectomy specimens (p = 0.2709, chi-square test). No significant difference for nm23 immunoreactivity was found between the histologic subtypes of endometrial adenocarcinoma (endometrioid versus serous papillary and clear cell, p = 0.1413, chi-square test). In this study, there was no immunostaining of normal endometria or of endometrial hyperplasia (including atypical endometrial hyperplasia) to support the hypothesis that expression of the nm23 gene product is related to the development of endometrial adenocarcinoma. In contrast, nm23 expression was upregulated in many cases of endometrial adenocarcinomas irrespective of the histologic subtype.  相似文献   

The use of three dimensional in vitro systems in cancer research is a promising path for developing effective anticancer therapies. The aim of this study was to engineer a functional 3-D in vitro model of normal and cancerous cervical tissue. Normal epithelial and immortalized cervical epithelial carcinoma cell lines were used to construct 3-D artificial normal cervical and cervical cancerous tissues. De-epidermised dermis (DED) was used as a scaffold for both models. Morphological analyses were conducted by using hematoxylin and eosin staining and characteristics of the models were studied by analyzing the expression of different structural cytokeratins and differential protein marker MAX dimerisation protein 1 (Mad1) using immunohistochemical technique. Haematoxylin and eosin staining results showed that normal cervical tissue had multi epithelial layers while cancerous cervical tissue showed dysplastic changes. Immunohistochemistry staining revealed that for normal cervix model cytokeratin 10 was expressed in the upper stratified layer of the epithelium while cytokeratin 5 was expressed mainly in the middle and basal layer. Cytokeratin 19 was weakly expressed in a few basal cells. Cervical cancer model showed cytokeratin 19 expression in different epithelial layers and weak or no expression for cytokeratin 5 and cytokeratin 10. Mad1 expression was detected in some suprabasal cells. The 3-D in vitro models showed stratified epithelial layers and expressed the same types and patterns of differentiation marker proteins as seen in corresponding in vivo tissue in either normal cervical or cervical cancerous tissue. These findings imply that they can serve as functional normal and cervical cancer models.  相似文献   

The duodenum is the main site for (pre-) malignant extracolonic manifestations in patients with familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP). Changes in the E-cadherin/beta-catenin complex play a pivotal role in the development of malignancies. Loss of E-cadherin has been described in association with loss of SMAD4. To elucidate the pathways leading to the development of duodenal adenomas in patients with FAP, the distributions of E-cadherin, SMAD4, and beta-catenin were analyzed. Furthermore, differences between the duodenum and colon were evaluated. Normal FAP duodenum (n = 13) and FAP duodenal adenomas (n = 50; total, 21 patients) were compared with non-FAP duodenal adenomas (n = 7) and normal non-FAP duodenum (n = 15) by immunohistochemical staining for extracellular and intracellular E-cadherin, beta-catenin, and SMAD4. Colonic biopsies of 10 patients with FAP were also studied, as well as non-FAP colonic adenomas (n = 26) and non-FAP normal colon (n = 12). Compared with the intracellular component of E-cadherin that was present in all cases, a significant loss of extracellular E-cadherin was observed in both duodenal and colonic adenomas and normal tissue of patients with FAP. Nuclear localization of beta-catenin was more often observed in duodenal FAP adenomas compared with non-FAP adenomas. Loss of nuclear SMAD4 was seen in the duodenum and, to a higher degree, in the colon of patients with FAP, as well as non-FAP patients. The loss of extracellular E-cadherin in the normal duodenal and colonic mucosa of patients with FAP might play a role in the high susceptibility of these tissues for (pre-) malignant transformation.  相似文献   

The histology of pseudo-carcinomatous invasion in adenomatous polyps of the colon and rectum is described and the appearances are contrasted with those seen in malignant polyps.The recognition of pseudo-carcinomatous invasion is important in the differential diagnosis of benign and malignant polyps of the large bowel. Failure to distinguish it from carcinoma may lead to wrong treatment and false reports of the incidence and prognosis of cancer of the colon and rectum.The evidence suggests that pseudo-carcinomatous invasion may be the result of repeated twisting of the stalk of a polyp which causes haemorrhage and this facilitates the passage of non-malignant adenomatous epithelium through the muscularis mucosae.  相似文献   

李宏丹  杨成 《解剖学报》2022,53(1):50-59
目的 探讨WAS-like蛋白(WASL)在肠癌的表达情况,以及对肠癌细胞干性的影响.方法 运用UALCAN数据库预测WASL蛋白的表达量与肠癌组织中的表达及其与肠癌患者的性别、临床分期、淋巴结转移的关系;组织免疫荧光和细胞免疫荧光染色验证WASL在肠癌组织和细胞中的表达.Western blotting检测人正常结直...  相似文献   

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