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Denmark is currently experiencing an outbreak of syphilis that began in 2003 and has continued in 2004. Data from the national surveillance system show that most cases are in men who have sex with men (MSM), and that a large proportion of these patients are also HIV positive. The proportion of known HIV positive cases in MSM notified with syphilis during the outbreak has, however, not been significantly different from previous years. The majority of cases were reported from Copenhagen municipality, and 70% of the cases were acquired domestically. The outbreak does not seem to be affecting the age group under 20 years. We speculate that most of the MSM found with both syphilis and HIV were already HIV positive when they acquired syphilis infection.  相似文献   

目的了解乐山市2000-2012年梅毒发病情况及流行病学特征,为制定防治策略和措施提供科学依据。方法采用描述流行病学方法,用SPSS10.0软件统计处理。结果2000-2012年全市共报告梅毒3809例,年平均发病率8.90/10万;发病率逐年上升,从2000年的0.55/10万上升到2012年的21.68/10万,年均递增41.13%;胎传梅毒比例从6.74%上升到42.32%。梅毒与AIDS/HIV关系密切(r=0.80,P0.01)。结论乐山市梅毒处于快速增长期,应采取加强性病防治知识宣传、提倡安全性行为、加强重点人群监测及规范诊治等综合措施,以控制梅毒的流行。  相似文献   

目的了解南岸区近几年从业人员梅毒感染情况。方法对2003-2009年171 744例从业人员体检资料进行分析。结果从业人员梅毒感染率为0.27%;其中公共场所从业人员梅毒感染率0.29%;食品行业从业人员梅毒感染率0.24%;女性梅毒感染率0.27%,男性梅毒感染率0.24%;21~50岁年龄组梅毒阳性数占总阳性数92.10%(408/443)。结论从业人员需要定期体检,及时发现传染病,提高该区传染病防控率。  相似文献   

济宁市2000~2006年共发现83例输入性疟疾,均为外来流动人口外地感染病例,以20~50岁男性为主。  相似文献   

乌鲁木齐市2000~2003年AIDS/STD监测情况分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的为了解乌鲁木齐市艾滋病/5传播疾病(AIDS/STD)在各类人群中的分布及其发生频率、现状和估计流行趋势,为乌鲁木齐市防治AIDS/STD策略提供依据。方法按照全国AIDS/STD检测工作规范要求,在2000~2003年对各类人群进行了监测。结果对吸毒、性乱人群、孕产妇、婚前体检者、公共场所服务人员、长途卡车司机及供血员的监测共计111337人,结果查出艾滋病病毒(HIV)感染者829例,梅毒914例,淋病323例,非淋菌性尿道(宫颈)炎1066例,尖锐湿疣221例,生殖器疱疹78例。结论HIV感染者在乌鲁木齐市仍主要集中在静脉吸毒人群中,近年来有从吸毒人群向一般人群发展的趋势,且供血员中检出率较高。应加大宣传力度,特别是用少数民族语言文字的宣传教育,增强民众的自我保护意识,通过干预改变和减少高危行为,并扩大检测范围,推广使用安全套,规范STD诊治,是乌鲁木齐地区预防控制AIDS/STD传播的有力措施。  相似文献   

We examined the epidemiological profile of rotavirus infection among children hospitalized for diarrhea in Taiwan, to assess the burden of this disease. From 1 April 2001 through 31 March 2003, children <5 years old with gastroenteritis admitted to 4 sentinel hospitals were enrolled in a surveillance study and had stool specimens tested for the presence of rotavirus, enteric adenovirus, and the bacterial pathogens for which routine screening is performed. For 52% of patients, a recognized enteric pathogen was identified, including rotavirus (43% of patients), bacteria (11%), enteric adenovirus (2.5%), and a mixture of pathogens (3.9%). Rotavirus was detected year-round, but great month-to-month variability made it difficult to identify a distinct seasonal pattern. Rotavirus disease was most common among children 7-23 months old, but the rate of rotavirus detection varied little between the youngest and oldest age groups. The novel strain P[8]G9 was detected most commonly (37% of strains), followed by strains P[8]G1 (31%), P[4]G2 (10%), P[8]G3 (9.3%), and P[8]G4 (3.7%). Rotavirus infection is the most important cause of diarrhea among hospitalized children in Taiwan, and a rotavirus vaccination program for young children might significantly reduce this problem.  相似文献   

目的进一步查清现阶段我市钉螺的分布情况、血吸虫病流行情况,为今后消灭钉螺、控制流行、彻底"达标",提供科学的防治依据.方法严格按照卫生部监测巩固技术方案,开展螺情监测、病情监测和健康教育.结果螺情90年代前半段时间,全市有螺面积回升 ,每年都有新螺点出现,新发现钉螺面积增幅较大,占18年全部新发现钉螺面积的68.4%; 病情18年间全市未有1例新感染病例或病畜发生.结论通过监测,我市的螺情、病情总体趋势呈稳步下降,防治成果较为巩固,但监测结果提示今后仍必须重点加强螺情监测巩固工作,以期达到彻底消灭残存钉螺的目标.  相似文献   

Influenza surveillance was conducted in Pune, India in 2003. A total of 573 throat swabs/ nasal swabs (TS/NS) and 190 nasopharyngeal aspirates (NPA) were collected from 763 in- and out-patients who were mostly children aged 0-16 years. TS/NS (507/573) and NPA (42/190) specimens were processed in MDCK cell cultures and identified with the hemagglutination inhibition test (HI). A total of 37 influenza viruses was isolated: twenty-three type A (H3N2) and 14 type B of the Yamagata lineage were isolated from 29 children and 8 adults. Three type A (H3N2) isolates were characterized as being similar to A/Panama/2007/99 like, A/Korea/770/2000 like, and B/Sichuan/379/99 like strains.  相似文献   

2000~2003年新济洲血吸虫病疫情监测点监测结果分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的掌握新济洲监测点血吸虫病疫情变化情况.方法按照<全国血吸虫病疫情监测点方案>要求的方法,每年开展螺情、病情等纵向观察.结果通过4年的疫情监测,该监测区螺情较重,感染性钉螺持续存在,而人群血吸虫总感染率维持在2%以下的较低水平.移民后,洲上无耕牛等家畜,但感染性钉螺面积仍有所上升,洲上居民感染率仍较高.结论监测区所采用的综合性防治措施对控制血吸虫病疫情是有效的,但监测和防治工作仍不能放松.洲上传染源情况较为复杂,需进一步研究.  相似文献   

AIMS: To track the effect of the French harm reduction programme targeted at intravenous drug users (IDUs) and associated health outcomes. MATERIAL: Since 1996, we have collected monthly sales of sterile syringes and substitution treatments (buprenorphine high dosage and methadone) sold to IDUs in the 23 000 pharmacies in France and collated these figures in a single data base (SIAMOIS). To this data base we have also added the number of syringes distributed through community associations, as well as methadone treatments prescribed in public drug dependence clinics. METHODS: For the period 1996-2003 we analysed syringe sales and prescribed substitution treatments as indicators of access to harm reduction services. We compared variations of these figures over time with trends in health outcome indicators [annual number of fatal overdoses, hepatitis C virus (HCV) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) prevalence among intravenous drug users], risk behaviour indicators (rate of syringe sharing or rate of syringe re-use) and legal indicators (heroin and cocaine use-related arrests). FINDINGS: The number of sterile syringes sold or distributed to IDUs increased from 1996 to 1999 (+ 21%) and then decreased dramatically from 1999 to 2003 (-40%). In 2003, we estimated that more than 100,000 drug users used substitution treatments. Between 1996 and 2003, a decrease in syringe sharing and syringe re-use was observed, HIV prevalence among IDUs decreased from 40% to 20% and HCV prevalence remained high (60-70%). From 1996 to 2003, arrests due to heroin use declined (from 17 328 to 4025) and deaths due to overdoses also decreased (from 465 to 89), whereas arrests for cocaine use increased from 1184 to 2511. CONCLUSION: Our results indicate that, since 1996 in France, IDUs have had greatly improved access to sterile syringes and substitution treatments. The decrease in syringe sharing and re-use practices and of HIV prevalence during the same time period indicates that the harm reduction policy implemented in France has had a positive impact. However, because of the persistent sharing and re-use of syringes and a remaining high HCV prevalence in IDUs, efforts to facilitate access to sterile syringes must continue, and targeting of at-risk groups must be improved. Behavioural surveys associated with HIV and HCV seroprevalence data are needed to further assess prevention of blood-borne infections among IDUs in France.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE AND BACKGROUND: Reattendance rates at hospitals and emergency departments (ED) can provide a valuable marker of the quality and effectiveness of clinical care. Linked hospital and ED data from New South Wales and Victoria, Australia, were used to examine reattendances for asthma. METHODS: Hospital and ED data were linked to identify individuals who reattended hospital or ED for asthma within 28 days of an initial attendance. The sociodemographic characteristics that predicted reattendance were examined using logistic regression. RESULTS: There were 139,043 attendances for asthma between July 2000 and June 2003 attributed to 95,042 people. Overall, 7.1% of people reattended for asthma within 28 days. There was a significantly higher risk of reattendance among females (odds ratio (OR) 1.09, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.03-1.14), people who lived in areas of greater socioeconomic disadvantage (OR 1.20, 95% CI 1.12-1.29) and Indigenous people (OR 1.15, 95% CI 1.00-1.32). Reattendance rates differed among age groups (P < 0.001), with the lowest rate being in 5- to 14-year-olds. CONCLUSION: The availability of linked hospital and ED data has provided a rare opportunity to investigate predictors of reattendance for asthma. Surveillance of trends in reattendances for asthma can be used to monitor the effectiveness of interventions to improve asthma control across the continuum of care, particularly in higher-risk groups such as Indigenous people, young children and those with greater socioeconomic disadvantage.  相似文献   

济南市曾是疟疾流行区,基本消灭疟疾后,疫情稳定,发病率维持在较低水平。为了巩固防治成果,为制定疟疾防治提供决策依据,现将2000~2003年的疟疾疫情统计分析如下。1资料与方法1.1资料来源统计资料来源于2000~2003年济南市各县(市)、区的疟疾年度统计报表,疟疾现症病例个案调查表,疟疾专题调查及疫点处理报告。1.2调查对象为本区居民、本区外来流动人员和本区医院门诊、急诊“三热”病人。外来人员包括外来流动人员和本区居民有确切外出史者。本地感染病例指由本地传染源在本地传播所致的病例或由输入病例在本地传播引起的第一代病例。输入…  相似文献   

Clusters of travel associated legionnaires' disease warrant urgent attention, and are detected by the French national surveillance system and the European network EWGLINET. Between September 2001 and August 2003, 37 clusters were identified in French tourist accommodation: 27 hotels and 10 campsites. The number of clinical cases per cluster was as follows: 30 clusters of 2 cases (81%), 6 clusters of 3 cases (16%) and one cluster of 4 cases (3%), a total of 82 cases. The local health authorities performed environmental investigations for 36 of the 37 clusters. Among the 36 clusters investigated, water samples were collected for 35. At 16 (46%) sites, Legionella pneumophila was found at a level of more than 103 cfu/litre. In all of the accommodation where risk assessment was found to be inadequate- control measures were implemented immediately. Six hotels were closed immediately following cluster alerts. Comparison of clinical and environmental isolates by pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) was possible in 3 clusters and identical genomic profiles of the isolates were found in all. During this two year period of surveillance, we found that on many sites there has been a risk of exposure to Legionella. This reinforces the importance of the European surveillance network and the timely notifications of all the cases to EWGLINET.  相似文献   

2002~2003年中国社区呼吸道感染常见病原菌的耐药性监测   总被引:61,自引:1,他引:61  
目的 调查 2 0 0 2~ 2 0 0 3年中国社区呼吸道感染常见病原菌的耐药性。方法 收集2 0 0 2年 4月~ 2 0 0 3年 4月全国 5个地区 5家医院社区呼吸道感染患者中分离的 779株肺炎链球菌、流感嗜血杆菌、卡它莫拉菌、A群 β溶血链球菌及苯唑西林敏感的金黄色葡萄球菌 (MSSA) ;同时收集北京市两家幼儿园儿童鼻咽携带的 185株肺炎链球菌、流感嗜血杆菌及卡它莫拉菌。琼脂稀释法测定头孢丙烯等 10种抗生素的最低抑菌浓度 (MICs)。结果 全国 5个地区 ,青霉素中介的肺炎链球菌(PISP)为 2 3 9% ,青霉素耐药 (PRSP)为 2 2 7%。PISP发生率从高至低依次为杭州 (4 4 1% )、武汉(2 6 2 % )、沈阳 (2 1 5 % )、上海 (2 0 8% )、北京 (18 5 % )、北京幼儿园 (12 7% ) ;而PRSP的排序则为北京幼儿园 (34 9% )、上海 (31 9% )、武汉 (2 7 9% )、杭州 (2 2 1% )、沈阳 (13 8% )、北京 (8 6 % )。肺炎链球菌对左氧氟沙星的敏感率为 96 3%。 9 5 %的流感嗜血杆菌和 87 4 %的卡它莫拉菌产生 β内酰胺酶 ,这两种菌对阿莫西林 /克拉维酸、头孢克洛、头孢丙烯、头孢呋辛、头孢曲松、阿奇霉素、左氧氟沙星的敏感率在 96 4 %~ 10 0 %之间。肺炎链球菌、A群 β溶血链球菌、MSSA对阿奇霉素耐药率高于 6 0 %。头孢丙烯对PISP  相似文献   

杭州市位于浙江省北部,辖8区5县,总面积16596km2,属亚热带季风气候,2003年总人口635万。间日疟为本地主要的疟疾流行虫种,中华按蚊是唯一传播媒介。20世纪50~70年代,全市曾发生过4次疟疾流行高峰,发病率高达1747.82/10万。此后发病率逐年下降,1986年降至1/10万以下,1989年经省卫生厅考核达到基本消灭疟疾标准。基本消灭疟疾后的1990~1999年,杭州市疟疾年平均发病率为0.19/10万,其中以1995年发病率最高(0.39/10万),1998年发病率最低(0.08/10万)。2003年疟疾发病率上升,是上一年的2倍。为了解全市近年来疟疾流行态势,并为进一步防治提供依据…  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to describe trends in infectious syphilis in the UK, and specifically the epidemiology of the London syphilis outbreak, the largest in the UK to date. Analysis of routine surveillance data from genitourinary medicine (GUM) clinics was performed as well as data collection through enhanced surveillance systems. There have been substantial increases in diagnoses of infectious syphilis between 1998 and 2003, with a 25-fold increase seen in men who have sex with men (MSM) (from 43 to 1028 diagnoses); 6-fold (138 to 860) in heterosexual men and 3-fold (112 to 338) in women. The national rise in syphilis was driven by a series of local outbreaks, the first of which occurred in 1997. To date, 1910 cases have been reported in the London outbreak, first detected in April 2001. High rates of HIV co-infection were seen among MSM, with MSM likely to be of white ethnicity and born in the UK. In contrast, heterosexuals were more likely to be of black ethnicity and born outside the UK. Most syphilis infections were acquired in London. MSM bear the brunt of the national resurgence in infectious syphilis. Substantial rises in male heterosexual cases has resulted in a divergence between male heterosexual and female cases, which now requires further investigation.  相似文献   

The epidemiology of human trichinellosis in China during 2000-2003   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Wang ZQ  Cui J  Xu BL 《Acta tropica》2006,97(3):247-251
The endemic foci of trichinellosis continue to be mainly located in the southwestern, the central and northeastern China. The seroepidemiological surveys of T. spiralis infection in humans were carried out in six Provinces or Municipals (P/M) of China during 2000-2003, the overall seroprevalence was 3.57%. From 2000 to 2003, 17 outbreaks of human trichinellosis, with 828 cases and 11 deaths, were recorded in 8 P/A of China. All of 11 deaths occurred in the southwestern China (1 case in Sichuan, 4 cases in Tibet and 6 cases in Yunnan), where the ethnic groups have the habit of eating raw meat. Pork is the predominant source of outbreaks of human trichinellosis in China. Out of 17 outbreaks, 13 (76.47%) outbreaks were caused by eating raw or poorly cooked pork, 2 (11.77%) outbreaks caused by eating raw dog meat and 2 (11.77%) outbreaks by eating game meat (wild boar and bear), suggesting the increasing significance of dog and game meat as source of infection for human trichinellosis. The partial effects of health education interventions for control of trichinellosis have been achieved in some counties of Yunnan province. The number of inhabitants eating raw meat has decreased from 72.74% (1561/2146) before interventions to 47.43% (489/1031) after interventions. The decrease of incidence of trichinellosis in China during the past 4 years was probably due to a combination of factors, including the reduction in the prevalence of Trichinella infection in domestic swine, the strengthened meat inspection, the increased use of home freezers and the development of heath education practice.  相似文献   

1995-2003年山西省碘缺乏病监测结果分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
目的评价山西省实施全民食盐加碘以来的防治效果及存在的问题,进一步完善可持续防治策略。方法1995-2003年的9年时间里,山西省地方病防治研究所对省辖的119个县(市、区)全部进行了碘缺乏病(IDD)监测。有4年是按照国家统一指导方案监测,其余间隙年山西省自行按PPS法抽样,产生30个监测点进行监测。监测指标包括8~10岁儿童甲状腺肿大率、儿童尿碘、盐碘及健康教育得分。结果(1)9年间,儿童甲状腺肿大率由1995年的10.9%下降到2003年的3.9%;(2)执行新的食盐加碘标准后,盐碘中位数从1999年的峰值49.7mg/kg逐年下降到2003年的31.7mg/kg,儿童尿碘中位数也由峰值407.5μg/L逐年下降到2003年的263.6μg/L,尿碘值在100~300μg/L的比率由低谷值24.6%逐年上升到2003年的51.1%;(3)9年间,合格碘盐食用率为48.3%~93.1%,碘盐覆盖率为90.5%~99.6%;(4)5年级学生和家庭主妇的IDD健康教育问卷知晓率均有逐年下降趋势。结论(1)自2000年山西省阶段性IDD消除目标实现以后,各项指标得到明显的提高,一直处于可持续消除IDD状态;(2)建议将食盐加碘执行标准改为(30±10)mg/kg,即能保证且适合各类人群的碘营养需求;(3)非碘盐冲击市场的现象始终存在,IDD健康教育工作需要继续加强。  相似文献   

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