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This article presents the development and results of a study that analyzed the psychosocial determinants of abstaining from sexual intercourse, practicing contraception, and avoiding pregnancy. It was carried out with a representative household and a clinic sample of 12-19-year-old females of lower-middle and lower socioeconomic levels in Mexico City. Among the implications of the results for program design are: (1) the need for clarifying erroneous beliefs and providing detailed, practical knowledge concerning sexuality, pregnancy, use of and access to contraceptives; (2) a broad definition of sex education that emphasizes family communication, values clarification, provision of alternative role options for women other than motherhood, and both the goals and the skills needed to achieve them--for example, independent decision-making. Attention to male attitudes and communication skills as well as ways of improving communication and support networks among peers was also found to be essential.  相似文献   

This research project explores doctors' views regarding induced abortion. Abortion's penalization in Mexico greatly conditions its relevance as a social and public health problem. Physicians constitute a professional sector that can play an important role in reforming current laws on abortion. As a professional group, they have taken a conservative stance towards abortion. Their attitudes are to a great extent influenced by the medical training they receive. In this article we present results from a survey of 96 medical students from the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Xochimilco, in Mexico City. Data were processed with the SPSS program. Simple frequencies show that students have limited knowledge concerning the legal status of abortion and that they tolerate it with restrictions and in limited situations. Women students apparently take a more conservative stance, but statistical analysis with the c-square test did not show significant differences by gender. The article poses the need to modify doctors' training in the reproductive health field, allowing future doctors to acquire a broader view of health problems related to sexuality and reproduction. In the long run, this should also promote a kind of comprehensive health care practice in medical services, thus responding more satisfactorily to women's needs.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to analyze quality of life (QoL) according to self-perceived weight and weight control behaviors, by gender. The sample consisted of 2,401 adolescent students (17-19 years of age) enrolled from 2007 to 2009 at a Mexican university; 61.9% were women, 19.4% worked, and 99.2% were single. An online self-administered questionnaire was used that included the perceptual module of the YQOL-R and seven items on body weight, adapted from YRBS 2007. RESULTS: 52% of women and 31.7% of men were attempting to lose weight. The highest QoL scores were in students who felt they were near the right weight, those who were attempting to maintain the same weight, and those who exercised. Lowest QoL was reported by those who considered themselves overweight, were trying to lose weight, were eating less, were skipping meals, or were using unsupervised dieting, vomiting, or laxatives. In women, QoL differed between those maintaining the same weight, gaining weight, and losing weight, while QoL in men only differed for those attempting to gain weight. The findings could be useful in educational processes, preventive programs, and assessment of interventions.  相似文献   

目的 了解某军校大学生健康危险行为现况,为军校有针对性地制定和实施干预措施提供依据。方法 采用分层整群抽样方法,选取某军校1 022名在校学生进行问卷调查。结果 48.24%的大学生喜欢吃甜食,33.27%偏食,29.06%认为超重,23.39%不遵守交通规则;64.58%的大学生感觉压力大,57.24%常感到孤独,34.25%担心某事而失眠;98.73%的大学生使用互联网,29.84%上网时间超过自己的预想,19.18%参加过类似打牌的娱乐性活动。结论 军校大学生的健康危险行为不容忽视,加强健康教育和行为干预非常必要。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate regional differences in knowledge, attitudes, and practice in emergency contraception use among Brazilian university students. A sample of university students answered a semi-structured questionnaire on knowledge, attitudes, and practice related to emergency contraception and sexual behavior. Fisher's exact test and ANOVA were used for statistical analysis. Statistical significance was set at p < 0.05. Ninety-six percent (n = 588) of the students had heard of emergency contraception, and 19% (n = 111) knew all the situations in which emergency contraception is indicated, with statistical differences between regions of the country. Forty-two percent of sexually active women in the sample had already used emergency contraception; 35% (n = 207) of students equated emergency contraception with abortion; and 81% (n = 473) thought emergency contraception involves health risks. No significant difference was observed between regions of the country regarding use and attitudes towards emergency contraception. Inter-regional differences in knowledge had no impact on students' attitudes and practice in emergency contraception. National awareness-raising campaigns are needed to improve knowledge on emergency contraception.  相似文献   

Which adolescent mothers are most likely to become pregnant soon after their first delivery? This study identifies and explores selected background, pregnancy, and postpartum predictors of short-interval repeat pregnancy among urban Mexican adolescents who were single when they conceived their first pregnancy. Of 137 adolescents followed until their second postpartum year, 26 had short-interval repeat pregnancies. These pregnancies were most likely to occur if the teenager was married or in consensual union by 5 months postpartum, was not using an IUD, and had a mother who had been an adolescent mother. Being married or in consensual union postpartum was, in turn, predicted by positive reactions of the adolescent and her partner during the first pregnancy. Nonuse of IUD was more likely if the adolescent had left school prior to pregnancy, did not receive support from her partner during the first pregnancy, and had not obtained an IUD before hospital discharge after first delivery. Adolescents whose mothers had been teen mothers came from more disadvantaged families.  相似文献   

目的 了解长春市某高校在校本科医学生功能性消化不良的患病现况及影响因素,为制定有针对性防治策略提供科学依据。 方法 2015年9-11月采用分层随机抽样方法,对长春市某高校抽取的1 024名本科医学生采用成人功能性胃肠病国际罗马Ⅲ诊断性问卷、自制调查问卷、焦虑自评量表(SAS)和抑郁自评量表(SDS)进行面对面调查,并利用logistic回归分析方法探讨其相关的因素,利用秩和检验分析生活方式与功能性消化不良症状的关系。 结果 功能性消化不良检出71人,患病率为6.9%,其中61人为餐后不适综合征,未筛检出上腹痛综合征者。性别为女性(OR=11.016, 95%CI:3.416~35.529)和就业压力(OR=1.980, 95%CI:1.176~3.335)是功能性消化不良的独立危险因素,餐后30 min后卧位是保护因素。其中,餐后立位者患FD的危险性是餐后30 min后卧位者的3.745倍(OR=3.745, 95%CI:1.033~13.577),餐后坐位者患FD的危险性是餐后30 min后卧位者的3.818倍(OR=3.818, 95%CI:1.154~12.633),餐后即卧位者患FD的危险性是餐后30 min后卧位者的4.362倍(OR=4.362, 95%CI:1.201~15.839)。暴饮暴食者(Z=2.230,P=0.026)发生餐后饱胀不适症状的频率高;少于6 h的睡眠时间者(Z=2.115,P=0.034)发生早饱症状的频率高;失眠者(Z=3.142,P=0.002)、抑郁者(Z=2.351,P=0.019)以及因学习和工作压力被迫熬夜者(Z=2.813,P=0.005)发生上腹痛或上腹烧灼感症状的频率高。 结论 长春市某高校在校本科医学生功能性消化不良患病率较高,受性别、就业压力、餐后习惯体位等因素的影响,而FD患者相关症状的发生频率也与饮食习惯、睡眠质量、心理抑郁等因素密切相关。  相似文献   

Abstract: There is strong evidence that religiosity among adolescents is associated with delayed onset of sexual activity. However, research on relationships between religiosity and contraceptive practices is limited and inconsistent. This paper provides data from a survey of 374 students aged between 16 and 21 at two Brisbane universities (72.4 per cent response rate). Those who perceived religion to be important in their lives were less likely to have had intercourse. Among the sexually active sample, religious youth did not differ from their peers in recent condom use, the age at which they first used condoms or the rate of partner change. Contrary to several recent assertions in review articles, this and other empirical studies do not show that religious youth are less likely than nonreligious youth to take precautions during sex.  相似文献   

To estimate trends and determinants of sexual initiation and contraceptive use among adolescent women in Northeast Brazil, multivariate logistic hazard models are used that draw on data from three Demographic and Health Surveys conducted there between 1986 and 1996. Educational attainment is among the variables found to be associated most consistently with differential risk of engaging in first intercourse during adolescence, including premarital intercourse, and of contraceptive use during sexual initiation. Greater frequency of attending religious services and greater exposure to television are also associated with lower rates of sexual initiation and higher use of contraceptives. Seemingly diminishing returns of education on delayed sexual activity may help explain, in part, observed increases in the absolute level of adolescent sexual experience across survey periods, however. Multilevel modeling techniques pointing to the existence of cluster-level random variances underline the need for further research into community influences on individual sexual activity.  相似文献   



To explore the ways in which medical abortion pills are obtained and used by university students in Chile in a clandestine context.

Study design

Using a qualitative approach, we conducted in-depth interviews with 30 young women who had had a medical abortion between 2006 and 2016 while attending university. We recorded the details of their pathways to abortion and their experience of abortion, and how they used networks in the university to find the pills and learn how to use them. The interviews were analyzed using narrative content analysis.


The findings show that medical abortion did not take place completely outside the healthcare system for these students, who accessed ultrasound scans pre- and post-abortion and post-abortion care. However, even with help and support from contacts, partners and friends, the clandestine situation created uncertainty and fear, which dominated the whole process, from finding and purchasing the pills, to uncertainty about correct doses and whether the abortion was going as it should and was complete or not. There was a high perception that failure and complications might be occurring, which led many of them to seek post-abortion care. The process was very demanding, requiring information, time, privacy to have the abortion, support and resources, and the ability to deal with risk.


Medical abortion allowed these young women to have safe abortions in terms of reduced risks to health and autonomy through self-management. However, clandestinity made them physically, socially and emotionally vulnerable and exposed them to the risk of normative, violent judgments during post-abortion care.


Access to medical abortion has transformed the experience of abortion in Chile, where abortion is illegal, because it is possible to use it safely and effectively outside healthcare settings. However, uncertainty, fear and risk will continue to dominate the experience, which can only be transformed by making abortion legal and available.  相似文献   

First-year medical students at eight U.S. medical schools were surveyed by written questionnaire in 1983-1985 to determine their attitudes toward cardiovascular diseases prevention at medical school entry. An overall response rate of 92% was achieved (2,654 questionnaires), and 97% of responders provided complete and analyzable survey data. Response rates at five of eight medical schools were 98-100%, and one school each had rates of 67, 84, or 90%. Differences in mean attitude responses from school to school were small, as were differences between men and women or between blacks and whites. This survey found that entering medical students have generally positive attitudes toward the effectiveness of preventive cardiology practice as well as toward the importance of research efforts in cardiovascular disease prevention. Students frequently indicated, however, that it is "extremely difficult" to change patients' unhealthful habits and that "physician encouragement" may not be sufficient to help patients achieve more healthful behaviors. These findings could be helpful in directing educational efforts for medical students. The data suggest that major emphasis should be placed on conveying facts regarding the physicians' efficacy in clinical preventive cardiology and on teaching the skills of preventive cardiology practice. Less emphasis appears to be necessary on encouraging positive attitudes about the importance of prevention since current students' attitudes appear to be already positive in this dimension.  相似文献   

目的  了解某医学专业学生健康素养现状及其影响因素,为医学院校大学生健康教育提供参考。 方法  采取随机分层整群抽样的方法,在某医学专业院校3个年级的1 428名学生进行健康素养问卷调查。资料采用率或构成比进行描述,采用χ2检验进行组间比较,采用Logistic回归分析模型分析影响因素。 结果  该校大学生具备健康素养水平的比例为57.18%,具备健康知识、健康技能和健康行为的比例分别为58.68%,65.48%,30.88%。该校大学生健康素养女生高于男生,且不同年级、不同专业、父亲受教育程度及职业不同具备健康素养的差异有统计学意义(χ2值分别为27.748、46.525、19.327、30.779,均有P < 0.01)。Logistic回归分析模型分析表明,女生健康素养高于男生(OR=1.521,95%CI:1.160~1.993,P=0.002);不同专业学生健康素养水平由高到低依次为临床医学、护理学、药学以及其他专业;母亲文化程度高的的子女健康素养高于文化程度低的子女。 结论  该校学生健康素养整体水平相对较高,医学院校应重点培养医学生健康的生活方式,从而提高大学生整体健康素养水平。  相似文献   

大学生突发公共卫生事件相关知识、态度和行为   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的探讨大学生对突发公共卫生事件的知信行状况及其关系。方法采用分层整群抽样方法,对河南省郑州大学不同专业和年级1 195名大学生进行突发公共卫生事件知信行状况的调查。结果在校大学生突发公共卫生事件相关知识平均得分为(74.63±12.27)分,各组间差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);面对突发公共卫生事件时,抑郁、神经衰弱、恐惧、焦虑和疑病得分分别为(0.53±0.60)、(0.49±0.56)、(0.70±0.53)、(0.32±0.49)和(0.51±0.62)分;积极和消极应对方式得分分别为(1.94±0.54)和(1.16±0.56)分;突发公共卫生事件相关知识与态度呈负相关(r=-0.408,P<0.01),与积极应对方式呈正相关(r=0.364,P<0.01),态度与积极应对呈负相关(r=-0.812,P<0.01),与消极应对呈正相关(r=0.860,P<0.01)。结论大学生对突发公共卫生事件知晓率较低,知识与态度和行为密切相关;在对大学生进行健康教育时,要注意其态度和行为转变。  相似文献   



The purpose of the study was to investigate the smoking habits of medical and other students and to explore the most important factors associated with students’ smoking.  相似文献   

This study examined the association between alcohol-use problem severity, defined by number of DSM-IV alcohol Abuse and Dependence symptoms and frequency of alcohol use, and problem behavior engagement among Mexican students. A confidential survey was administered to 1229 students in grades 7–12 at two schools in a northern border city in Mexico. Youths were categorized into five groups based on their alcohol use frequency and symptoms of DSM-IV alcohol Abuse and Dependence, specifically: no lifetime alcohol use, lifetime alcohol use but none in the past year, past year alcohol use, one or two alcohol Abuse or Dependence symptoms, and three or more alcohol Abuse or Dependence symptoms. The association between five levels of alcohol-use problem severity and three problem behaviors, lifetime marijuana use, lifetime sexual intercourse, and past year arrest/law trouble, was examined using chi-square or Fisher's exact tests. Several alcohol-use problem severity categories were significantly different with respect to rates of lifetime marijuana use, lifetime sexual intercourse, and past year arrest/law trouble. Higher alcohol-use problem severity was associated with greater endorsement of problem behaviors. Knowing about variations in adolescent alcohol use and alcohol problems may be instrumental in determining if youths are also engaging in a range of other risk behaviors. Considering varying levels of alcohol use and alcohol problems is important for effective targeted prevention and treatment interventions.  相似文献   

辽宁某医科大学学生艾滋病知识态度调查分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的了解医学院校大学生艾滋病相关知识、态度、信念情况,为制定大学生预防艾滋病健康教育方案提供依据。方法对大连医科大学216名在校学生的艾滋病相关知识、态度、安全性信念等进行问卷调查。结果大学生对AIDS的知识和态度得分为27,66±3.52分(满分46),安全性信念知识得分为3,71±1.38分(满分8)。能正确判断共用饮食器皿、共用坐厕、共用剃须刀和牙刷等途径能否传播艾滋病的比例分别为42,65%、37.91%和33.18%。正确的安全性观念的持有率较低。结论大学生艾滋病知识和安全性观念还很欠缺,对传播途径存在的认识误区,提示在医学院大学生中开展艾滋病健康教育是必要的。  相似文献   

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