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心尖肥厚型心肌病的临床诊断探讨   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
目的 了解心尖肥厚型心肌病的临床表现和辅助检查特点。方法 总结29例心尖肥厚型心肌病的临床表现和心电图,超声心动图,核素心肌断层显像,运动平板心电图及冠状动脉和左室造影的特征,确定心尖肥厚型心肌病的诊断方法。结果 心电图显示以胸导为主的导联R波振幅呈V4≥V5〉V3关系增高,同时伴有T波对称性深倒置,超声心动图和核素心肌断层显像显示心尖部肌肉肥厚,20例活动平板心电图有心肌缺血,左心室造影心尖部肌  相似文献   

心尖肥厚型心肌病的心电图特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析10例心尖肥厚型心肌病的心电图。9例V3-V6R波异常高大,尤以V3-V5,为甚,伴T波倒置。内8例呈巨大倒置T波。6例24小时动态心电图2例活动平板心电图运动试验心率增快时T波倒置无变化。  相似文献   

胸导联心电图R-ST-T变化对心尖肥厚型心肌病的诊断价值   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨胸导联心电图R-ST-T变化与心尖肥厚型心肌病(AHCM)的关系.方法对经超声心动图和/或左心室造影确诊的42例AHCM病人(AHCM组)及35例非AHCM病人(对照组)的心电图进行对比分析,分析胸导联心电图R-ST-T变化(R波增高呈RV4>RV5>RV3,T波倒置呈TV4>TV5>TV3,ST段下移,且均无动态演变)对判断AHCM的临床价值.结果 AHCM组心电图出现异常42例(100%).胸导联心电图R-ST-T变化在AHCM的出现率为78.6%,显著高于对照组的8.6%(P<0.01).胸导联心电图R-ST-T变化预测AHCM的敏感度为78.6%、特异度为91.4%.5例AHCM病人胸导联心电图R-ST-T变化早于超声心动图及左心室造影改变.结论胸导联心电图R-ST-T变化是诊断AHCM的敏感、特异的预测指标,心电图对AHCM的诊断具有早期预测意义.  相似文献   

患者男性 ,40岁。因胸闷1年 ,加重3天入院。曾诊断为冠心病。体检 :BP110/70mmHg,心界不大 ,心尖搏动强有力 ,心率68次/min ,心律齐 ,心尖区可闻及Ⅱ级收缩期杂音及第3心音。肝脾无肿大。X线胸片及血清心肌酶检查正常。心电图 (图1)示 :窦性心律 ,心率60次/min ,P_R间期0.14s ,QRS时间0.08s ,QRS波群在Ⅱ导联呈R型 ,V5 导联呈RS型 ,V6 导联呈Rs型 ,没有Q波 ,而V1、2 导联呈QS型 ,没有r波 ,V4~6ST段压低>0.05mV ,T波I、aVL浅倒 ,V3~6 深尖倒置 ,V…  相似文献   

目的 观察心尖肥厚型心肌病 (AHCM )与其他类型的肥厚型心肌病 (HCM )的心电图改变。方法 对 87例HCM(B组 )者行彩色多普勒超声心动图 (UCG)及心电图检测 ,对比 1 6例AHCM组 (A组 )与 71例HCM组 (B组 )的心电图ST段压低、T波倒置、传导阻滞、病理性Q波、左室高电压、WPW的发生率。结果 A组与B组的病理性Q波、巨大倒置T波的发生率存在显著性差异 (P <0 0 5 )。结论 A、B组两组之间虽然心电图及其它方面存在许多共性 ,但病理性Q波以及巨大倒置T波的存在与否 ,对两种HCM的心电图改变有鉴别诊断价值。  相似文献   

郑霞  李娟  宋梅  王传霞 《山东医药》2003,43(4):20-20
心尖肥厚型心肌病是原发性肥厚型心肌病的一个亚型 ,临床上较少见。我科自 1998年以来收治本病 4例 ,现择其中3例分析心电图表现如下。例 1:患者男 ,46岁 ,因胸闷 3年 ,加重 3天入院。曾诊断冠心病。心电图 :窦性心律 ,心率 68次 / min,P- R间期 0 .16s,QRS时间 0 .0 8s,V1 导联 r S型 ,V5导联 Rs型 ,没有 q波 ,RV4高 2 .5 m V,RV5+ SV1 =3 .7m V。 I、a VL、V4- 6 ST段压低0 .0 5~ 0 .10 m V,T 波 I、a VL、V3- 6 倒置 ,V4倒置最深达0 .7m V,Q - T间期 0 .46s。 X线胸片及血清心肌酶检查正常。心电图诊断 :窦性心律 ,心肌缺…  相似文献   

心尖部肥厚型心肌病特征性心电图分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
心尖部肥厚型心肌病病变局限于左心室乳头肌以下心尖部,40,60岁多见,是肥厚型心肌病的一种特殊类型,由于不引起左心室流出道梗阻,临床症状少或不典型,容易漏诊、误诊,而心电图表现具有一定的特征性。目前对心尖部肥厚型心肌病诊断尚无金标准。本文对心尖部肥厚型心肌病患者进行分析并结合超声心动描记术特点,探讨心电图特征性改变对该病的诊断价值。  相似文献   

心尖肥厚型心肌病 (AHCM)属原发性心肌病的 1种特殊类型 ,因其特殊的心电图特征 ,日益引起人们关注。本文报告 5例于后。男 4例 ,女 1例 ,年龄 2 1~ 47(平均3 4 5 )岁 ,病程 6月~ 6年 ,临床症状各异 ,病程短者可无明显症状 ,仅在健康查体时发现 ( 2例 )。随病程延长可有活动后胸闷、气短等 ,无高血压及心绞痛病史。均经二维超声心动图 (UCG)确诊。UCG显示 :心尖部局限性心肌肥厚 19~3 0mm ,无左室流出道狭窄 ,无瓣膜病变 ,房室各腔大小正常。 2例给予冠脉造影显示冠脉无狭窄。心电图表现为 ①左胸导联R波振幅增高 :5例左胸…  相似文献   

患者女性,42岁。于1998年体查时,临床依据心电图提示“慢性冠状动脉供血不足”而诊断为冠心病,并对症治疗。此间患者无明显的不适感觉,既往亦无高血压病史。从2001年12月开始患者自觉胸闷、心悸、气短、尤其在活动或劳累后明显。因胸闷、气短加重1W入院。体格检查:血压130/80mmHg,神志清,口唇无紫绀,无颈静脉怒张,心率72  相似文献   

心尖肥厚型心肌病患者心电图的诊断意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨心尖肥厚型心肌病患者的心电图特征性改变及临床诊断意义。方法分析38例心尖肥厚型心肌病患者的心电图及超声心动图资料。结果心尖肥厚型心肌病合并有心电图异常和超声心动图异常改变者38例(100%),其中伴胸前导联巨大倒置T波≥0.2mV~0.3mV,以V3~V4最明显29例(76%);左胸V4~V6导联R波电压增高,且RV4>RV5>RV6者26例(68.4%);ST段压低,以V3~V4最明显者29例(76%);超声心动图示心尖部肥厚达15mm或以上伴心尖部心腔狭小者38例。结论心电图对心尖肥厚型心肌病具有早期诊断价值和预测意义。  相似文献   

We describe a patient with asymptomatic apical hypertrophic cardiomyopathy(AHCM)who later developed cardiac arrhythmias,and briefly discuss the diagnostic modalities,differential diagnosis and treatment option for this condition.AHCM is a rare form of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy which classically involves the apex of the left ventricle.AHCM can be an incidental finding,or patients may present with chest pain,palpitations,dyspnea,syncope,atrial fibrillation,myocardial infarction,embolic events,ventricular fibrillation and congestive heart failure.AHCM is frequently sporadic,but autosomal dominant inheritance has been reported in few families.The most frequent and classic electrocardiogram findings are giant negative T-waves in the precordial leads which are found in the majority of the patients followed by left ventricular(LV)hypertrophy.A transthoracic echocardiogram is the initial diagnostic tool in the evaluation of ACHM and shows hypertrophy of the LV apex.AHCM may mimic other conditions such as LV apical cardiac tumors,LV apical thrombus,isolated ventricular non-compaction,endomyocardial fibrosis and coronary artery disease.Other modalities,including left ventriculography,multislice spiral computed tomography,and cardiac magnetic resonance imagings are also valuable tools and are frequently used to differentiate AHCH from other conditions.Medications used to treat symptomatic patients with AHCM include verapamil,beta-blockers and antiarrhythmic agents such as amiodarone and procainamide.An implantable cardioverter defibrillator is recommended for high risk patients.  相似文献   

心尖肥厚型心肌病(AHCM)是肥厚型心肌病(HCM)的一种较为罕见的表型,其肥厚部位主要限于左室心尖部,主要以V4~V6巨大倒置T波及左室造影呈“锹状”改变为特征。本文对该病发病情况、病因、病理、病理生理及诊治情况的最新进展作一综述。  相似文献   

目的探讨肥厚型心肌病住院患者的心电图特点。方法对1994年5月~2005年7月北京大学人民医院和北京世纪坛医院收治的经超声心动图诊断为肥厚型心肌病的住院患者76例,分析其心电图特点。结果按肥厚的部位分为单纯室间隔肥厚或室间隔肥厚为主组(46例)、单纯心尖肥厚组(14例)、单纯游离壁肥厚组(6例)和弥漫性肥厚组(10例)。间隔肥厚为主组患者中,23例(50.0%)存在病理性Q波,其中间隔厚度超过2.0cm者10例(42.5%);而在另23例无病理性Q波患者,间隔厚度超过2.0cm者仅5例(21.7%)。心尖肥厚组和单纯游离壁肥厚组均仅1例心电图存在病理性Q波。QRS波群宽度在各组无显著性差异(p>0.05)。76例患者中,心电图符合左室肥厚(SV1 RV5≥4.0mV)诊断标准的23例(30.3%),符合RV4>RV5>RV6(或RV3>RV4>RV5)者34例(44.7%),ST-T改变共71例(93.4%),ST段下移超过0.1mV者53例(69.7%),T波深倒置振幅超过0.5mV者30例(39.5%)。T波深倒置在心尖肥厚组多于间隔肥厚组(P=0.02),但T波倒置深度与心尖肥厚程度无明显相关(p=0.40)。间隔肥厚为主组中梗阻型和非梗阻型各项心电图指标无显著性差异(p>0.05)。结论病理性Q波多出现在室间隔肥厚为主型患者,T波深倒置在心尖肥厚组多于间隔肥厚组,但T波倒置深度与心尖肥厚程度无明显相关。  相似文献   

We describe an unusual case of coronary artery-left ventricular fistulae associated with apical hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in a 63-year-old man who had a 2-year history of angina pectoris without significant coronary atherosclerosis. It is important to recognize this anomaly as it may be the source of angina in patients without angiographic evidence of major atherosclerotic coronary artery disease.  相似文献   

Apical hypertrophic cardiomyopathy(AHCM) is a relatively rare morphologic variant of HCM in which the hypertrophy of myocardium is localized to the left ventricular apex. Symptoms of AHCM might vary from none to others mimic coronary artery disease including acute coronary syndrome, thus resulting in inappropriate hospitalization. Transthoracic echocardiography is the firstline imaging technique for the diagnosis of hypertrophic cardiomyopathies. However, when the hypertrophy of the myocardium is localized in the ventricular apex might results in missed diagnosis. Aim of this paper is to review the different imaging techniques used for the diagnosis of AHCM and their role in the detection and comprehension of this uncommon disease.  相似文献   

扩张型心肌病的心电图改变   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
目的观察扩张型心肌病病例的心电图改变。方法26例经心脏超声检查诊断为扩张型心肌病的病例列入观察。分析结果显示所有病例心电图均有异常改变,其中以一度房室阻滞最为常见(35%),其次是ST段下移(31%)和心房颤动(26%)。对心电图各波段测定,显示QRS时限延长明显(115±34.5ms),与心脏超声检查测定的左室大小呈线性正相关。结论提示对于心电图出现QRS时限延长,或一度房室阻滞或ST段下移或心房颤动者,有必要进行心脏超声检查。  相似文献   

目的讨论通过心电图、超声心动图及左室造影等检查诊断心尖肥厚型心肌病(AHCM)的可行性以及分析误诊原因。方法对13例AHCM病例的心电图、超声心动图、及左室造影结果进行分析。结果AHCM合并有心电图异常者13例(100%)其中有12例心电图有特征性改变;心超提示心尖区增厚者11例;左室造影提示舒张期黑桃A样改变的5例;有7例初诊误诊为冠心病。结论AHCM较易被误诊为冠心病,心电图、超声心动图、左室造影、MRI检查对于AHCM的早期诊断与鉴别诊断有重要意义。  相似文献   

A Chinese engineer presented with non-specific palpitation, atypical chest pain and normal electrocardiogram both at rest and during exercise, was documented to develop electrocardiographic evidence of left ventricular hypertrophy and abnormal isotopic cardiac scintigraphy during stress test within a period of three years. His echocardiogram remained unremarkable. Cardiac catheterisation and cineventriculogram confirmed the presence of apical hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, without any outflow tract obstruction or coronary artery disease. This case, together with 14 others detected recently in Hong Kong, will arouse the existence of this form of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy in the Chinese. The emergence of all diagnostic features in this patient within a short time will support an aetiological hypothesis that apical hypertrophic cardiomyopathy can be acquired in patients with genetic predisposition.  相似文献   

The term dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) defines a heterogeneous group of cardiac disorders, which are characterized by left ventricular or biventricular dilatation and systolic dysfunction in the absence of abnormal loading conditions or coronary artery disease sufficient to cause global systolic impairment. In approximately one third of cases, DCM is familial with a genetic pathogenesis and various patterns of inheritance. Although the electrocardiogram (ECG) has been considered traditionally non‐specific in DCM, the recently acquired knowledge of the genotype–phenotype correlations provides novel opportunities to identify patterns and abnormalities that may point toward specific DCM subtypes. A learned ECG interpretation in combination with an appropriate use of other ECG‐based techniques including ambulatory ECG monitoring, exercise tolerance test and imaging modalities, such as echocardiography and cardiovascular magnetic resonance, may allow the early identification of specific genetic or acquired forms of DCM. Furthermore, ECG abnormalities may reflect the severity of the disease and provide a useful tool in risk stratification and management. In the present review, we discuss the current role of the ECG in the diagnosis and management of DCM. We describe various clinical settings where the appropriate use and interpretation of the ECG can provide invaluable clues, contributing to the important role of this basic tool as cardiovascular medicine evolves.  相似文献   

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