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A boy with developmental delay, particularly of speech, a distinct face, antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies, and recurrent infections was found to have an apparently balanced de novo t(1;6)(q32.3;q22.3) translocation. Fluorescent in situ hybridisation with BAC/PAC clones and long range polymerase chain reaction products assessed in the human genome sequence localised the chromosome 1 breakpoint to a 9.8 kb segment within a hypothetical gene, LOC388735, and the chromosome 6 breakpoint to a 12.8 kb segment in intron 4 of the T‐cell lymphoma breakpoint‐associated target 1 (TCBA1) gene. Disruption and/or formation of TCBA1 fusion genes in T cell lymphoma and leukaemia cell lines suggests a role for this gene in tumorigenesis. The isolated mouse Tcba1 gene shows 91% amino acid sequence similarity with human TCBA1. It is expressed in fetal and adult brain and with lower levels in liver and testis. The human gene has been reported to be expressed exclusively in brain and thymus. Reduced TCBA1 expression in brain and thymus may explain at least some of the symptoms in this patient. It is concluded that germline alterations of the TCBA1 gene are associated with developmental delay and typical physical features.  相似文献   

We report on an 8-year-old girl with congenital scoliosis (segmented hemivertebra between the second and third lumbar vertebrae) and psychomotor developmental delay. She has a de novo reciprocal translocation, t(13;17)(q34;p11.2). Congenital scoliosis is one type of structural spine deformation and hemivertebra is the most common anomaly causing congenital scoliosis. The cause and the mode of inheritance of hemivertebrae are unknown. Our patient has a de novo balanced chromosome aberration and retains two copies of the LLGL gene, which is usually lacking in patients with Smith-Magenis syndrome (SMS). Since some SMS patients who showed a deletion at 17p11.2 had congenital scoliosis, it is likely that one (17p11.2) of the breakpoints in our patient is a candidate region for a hemivertebra locus. Am. J. Med. Genet. 73:244–246, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We report on a sporadic case of heterotaxia with a de novo chromosome structural abnormality. The patient had inversely located heart (dextrocardia), stomach, duodenum, and cecum. In addition, she had cerebral atrophy, hypertelorism with telecanthus, infraorbital skin furrows, ear-lobe grooves, prominent maxilla and teeth, large carp mouth, short fifth fingers with limited flexion, generalized hypotonicity, and severe psychomotor retardation. High-resolution chromosome banding analysis demonstrated an apparently balanced translocation: 46,XX,t(6;18)(q21;q21.3). It is hypothesized that both heterotaxia and the chromosomal abnormality in the patient are causally related and a putative situs determining gene has been disrupted by the chromosome break, i.e., a position effect or a cryptic deletion at around the breakpoints. The translocation in our patient may be a good source for positional cloning of the gene. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Mental retardation is a frequent condition that is clinically and genetically highly heterogeneous. One of the strategies used to identify new causative genes is to take advantage of balanced chromosomal rearrangements in affected patients. We characterized a de novo t(10;13) balanced translocation in a patient with severe mental retardation and major hypotonia. We found that the balanced translocation is molecularly balanced. The translocation breakpoint disrupts the coding sequence of a single gene, called ATP8A2. The ATP8A2 gene is not ubiquitously expressed, but it is highly expressed in the brain. In situ hybridization performed in mouse embryos at different stages of development with the mouse homologue confirms this observation. A total of 38 patients with a similar phenotype were screened for mutations in the ATP8A2 gene but no mutations were found. The balanced translocation identified in this patient disrupts a single candidate gene highly expressed in the brain. Although this chromosomal rearrangement could be the cause of the severe phenotype of the patient, we were not able to identify additional cases. Extensive screening in the mentally retarded population will be needed to determine if ATP8A2 haploinsufficiency or dysfunction causes a neurological phenotype in humans.  相似文献   

A 3-month-old infant girl had manifestations of the Smith-Lemli-Opitz syndrome (SLOS) including typical positional anomalies of the limbs, apparent Hirschsprung disease, cataracts, ptosis, anteverted nares, cleft of the posterior palate, small tongue, broad maxillary alveolar ridges, and abnormally low serum cholesterol levels. Chromosomal analysis showed a de novo balanced translocation interpreted as 46,XX,t(7;20)(q32.1;q13.2). We hypothesize that the translocation breakpoint in this case interrupts one SLOS allele and that the other allele at the same locus has a more subtle mutation that was inherited from the other parent. This case, as well as cytogenetic observations in other SLOS cases, suggests that SLOS could be due to autosomal recessive mutation at a gene in 7q32. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A father and three of his offspring had skeletal abnormalities consisting of a short forearm, cubitus valgus, fusion of first and second cervical vertebrae, and cleft of L5 and SI. All four had a reciprocal, apparently balanced, translocation 2;8(q32;p13). Normal sibs had normal chromosomes. We conclude that this may be a rare instance of an autosomal dominant condition associated with a balanced chromosome translocation.  相似文献   

In this report we describe a 26-year-old female with the typical clinical symptoms and signs of Melkersson-Rosenthal syndrome, an autosomal dominant disorder with variable expression, and a de novo t(9;21)(p11;p11), and suggest that the "Melkersson-Rosenthal gene" is located at 9p11.  相似文献   

We report on an 8-year-old boy with severe mental retardation, epileptic seizures, autistic behaviour, and X-ray CT findings of the skull characteristics for tuberous sclerosis. At the age of 9 years, first signs of adenoma sebaceum developed. Chromosomal analysis revealed a translocation t(3;12)(p26.3;q23.3). The parents were both healthy and had normal karyotypes. As non-random association of a chromosomal abnormality and tuberous sclerosis is hypothesized, a third locus for this disorder on 3p26 or 12q23 has to be taken in account.  相似文献   

A carrier of a reciprocal translocation between chromosomes 10 and 18 had a child with a reciprocal translocation involving different segments of the same chromosomes. The categories of possible meiotic errors in carriers of balanced rearrangements must, therefore, be expanded to include new reciprocal translocations.  相似文献   

In this report we describe a 6-year-old boy with Sotos syndrome and a de novo apparently balanced 3/6 translocation (karyotype: 46,XY,t(3;6)(p21;p21)). Pre- and postnatal overgrowth are observed in an increasing number of conditions of variable etiology. In the Sotos syndrome autosomal dominant inheritance with variable expression has been documented. Here we discuss the importance of the cytogenetic findings and postulate a relationship between the invisible loss of chromosomal material at 3p21 and/or 6p21 and the expression of the autosomal dominant gene.  相似文献   

The molecular characterization of balanced chromosomal rearrangements has often been a powerful tool for the positional identification of genes associated with specific diseases. In some instances, these rearrangements may be associated with a variety of different phenotypes, and thus establishing a genotype-phenotype correlation may be a complex process. However, molecular characterization of the rearrangement remains a useful tool for diagnoses or prognoses, or for identifying new genes and establishing a gene-to-function relationship. In this work we describe the characterization of a de novo balanced translocation t(2;6)(q24.3;q22.31) found in a patient with a complex phenotype. The major clinical finding was a severe neurological involvement. Thanks to the molecular characterization of this translocation we found that the rearrangement led to the truncation of the TCBA1 gene on chromosome 6q. We found that the gene is transcribed in different splice variants and is highly specific for the central nervous system. TCBA1 does not show any similarity with other known genes, and no information is available about its function. However, the gene appears to be well conserved among species, and we were able to infer the sequence of a putative mouse homolog of TCBA1. This allowed us to perform a more detailed expression study in mice, thus confirming its specificity for the nervous system. This finding is of particular interest because it suggests that TCBA1 may be correlated with the neurological phenotype of our patient, and possibly mutated in genetic diseases with a neurological phenotype.  相似文献   

We describe a girl with typical Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome with apparently balanced reciprocal translocation between chromosome 2 and 16. The patient has a condition characterized by mental retardation, typical facial manifestations, broad thumbs and first toes. Cytogenetic studies of the patient showed a reciprocal translocation without visible deletion, karyotype: 46, XX, t(2;16) (p13.3; p13.3). Her parents had normal chromosomes. These results suggest that the locus of the gene for the Rubinstein-Taybi syndrome may be situated at 2p13.3 or 16p13.3.  相似文献   

Individual sperm from men with balanced translocations have different chromosomal contents. Thus, an estimation of the overall sperm chromosomal imbalance of such patients could help to give the couple an adapted genetic counselling. We report here the study of a balanced translocation carrier, t(17;22) (q11;q12) whose reproductive history reported four miscarriages. Moreover, he had an abnormal semen analysis with oligoteratozoospermia. The meiotic segregation pattern was examined in 700 sperm, using fluorescence in-situ hybridization (FISH). Nineteen percent of the sperm had balanced translocations or were normal. All other sperm were unbalanced (81%) and their distribution was observed as follows: the frequencies of adjacent 1, adjacent 2 and 3:1 segregations were 12.9, 5.8 and 46.8% respectively. Among the segregations scored, 13.7% were related to second meiotic division abnormalities. Less than 2% of the total sperm scored were not explained. The 3:1 segregation was present at a very high rate, which is very unusual. In cases of balanced translocations, we believe that no general features can be drawn. Thus, the FISH technique may be very helpful for genetic counselling, which remains an important step and must be done with care.  相似文献   

The association of rare chromosomal rearrangements involving a specific 17q breakpoint with campomelic syndrome (CMPS) and or sex reversal (SR) has led to an assignment of the CMPS1 SRA1 locus to 17q24.3→q25.1. We describe a patient with multiple anomalies and SR, who had a de novo t(12;17) translocation. The phenotype was consistent with that of CMPS except for the lack of lower limb bowing and talipes equinovarus. Chromosome painting indicated that the breakpoints appeared to have occurred at 12q21.32 and 17q24.3 or q25.1. This study suggests that acampomelic CMPD with SR represents a variant of the CMPS1/SRA1 locus disorder. We emphasize the likelihood that CMPS may be a contiguous gene syndrome. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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