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The increasing number of immigrants in Canada has led to more nursing students for whom English is an additional language (EAL). Limited language skills, cultural differences, and a lack of support can pose special challenges for these students and the instructors who teach them. Using a qualitative research methodology, in-depth interviews with fourteen EAL nursing students and two focus group interviews with nine instructors were conducted. In this paper, the instructors' perspectives are presented. Data acquired from the instructors suggest that the challenges experienced by EAL students and instructors reside in a lack of awareness and support at the institutional and structural levels rather than solely on capacities of individual EAL students or instructors. From this study, identification of supportive activities for nurse educators and education sector decision makers emerged.  相似文献   

Teaching nursing students with English as a second language (ESL) can be a challenge for nursing faculty in many English speaking countries. This qualitative study purported to answer the research question, "How do students with ESL describe their experiences in a nursing program"? to develop a better understanding of the reasons for their course failure. Seidman's Model of in-depth interviewing (1998) consisting of three successive interviews with the same participant was used. The first interview focused on the students' life histories, the second allowed the participants to reconstruct the details of their experiences, and the third encouraged the students to reflect on the meaning of their experiences. Three themes emerged, "walking the straight and narrow", "an outsider looking in", and "doing whatever it takes to be successful." Although each participant shared instances where ESL may have contributed to his/her academic difficulty, the participants did not perceive that ESL was the primary reason for course failure, but attributed it to the discrimination and stereotyping they experienced. In spite of the discrimination and stereotyping, participants reported a strong desire to persist in the nursing program. Findings from this study provided an in-depth understanding of the perceptions of three nursing students with ESL. Also, the findings are applicable to nursing faculty in that a better understanding of students with ESL can enhance their learning.  相似文献   

The growth of accelerated graduate entry nursing programs has challenged traditional approaches to teaching and learning. To date, limited research has been undertaken in the role of learning preferences, language proficiency and academic performance in accelerated programs. Sixty-two first year accelerated graduate entry nursing students, in a single cohort at a university in the western region of Sydney, Australia, were surveyed to assess their learning preference using the Visual, Aural, Read/write and Kinaesthetic (VARK) learning preference questionnaire, together with sociodemographic data, English language acculturation and perceived academic control. Six months following course commencement, the participant's grade point average (GPA) was studied as a measurement of academic performance. A 93% response rate was achieved. The majority of students (62%) reported preference for multiple approaches to learning with the kinaesthetic sensory mode a significant (p=0.009) predictor of academic performance. Students who spoke only English at home had higher mean scores across two of the four categories of VARK sensory modalities, visual and kinaesthetic compared to those who spoke non-English. Further research is warranted to investigate the reasons why the kinaesthetic sensory mode is a predictor of academic performance and to what extent the VARK mean scores of the four learning preference(s) change with improved English language proficiency.  相似文献   

Students who speak English as a second language (ESL) face considerable challenges in English language universities, but little is known about the relationship between English-language acculturation and academic performance. A prospective, correlational design was used to validate the English Language Acculturation Scale (ELAS), a measure of the linguistic aspect of acculturation, and to determine the relationship between English-language acculturation and academic achievement among 273 first-year nursing students. Exploratory factor analyses demonstrated that the ELAS was a valid and reliable measure (alpha = .89). When ELAS scores were examined in relation to students' grades, students with the lowest ELAS scores also had the lowest mean subject grades, highlighting the need to place greater emphasis on identifying English-language acculturation among ESL students.  相似文献   

The expanding scope of practice of paramedics and nurses demands they possess a sophisticated knowledge of bioscience to enable them to think critically and make rational clinical decisions. It is well documented that nursing students struggle with bioscience but there are no studies examining the performance of paramedic students in this crucial subject. In this study, we compared the academic performance of first year nursing, paramedic and nursing/paramedic double degree students in a bioscience subject. Regression analyses were used to identify predictors of academic success. Data revealed a low success rate in bioscience for all three degree programs (63.2, 58.8, and 67.6% respectively) and a strong correlation between academic success in bioscience and non-bioscience subjects (r(2)=0.49). The best predictors of overall academic success were the University Admission Index score and mature entry into the course. Previous study of biology was associated with an increased bioscience and overall GPA but not with non-bioscience grades. Discriminant analysis was used to develop a model that could predict overall academic success with an accuracy of 78.5%. These criteria may be useful during the admission process and for the early identification of students at risk of failure.  相似文献   

The growth in numbers of culturally and linguistically diverse students entering nursing programs in Australia presents challenges for academic and clinical staff, and most importantly the students themselves. In this paper we present the findings from a pilot study designed to explore these issues and to develop strategies to address them. This study used a qualitative explorative approach to gain rich in-depth data. Eleven culturally and linguistically diverse students, three clinical facilitators, and four academic staff participated in focus group interviews. Four major themes emerged: level of English language competence, feelings of isolation, limited opportunities for learning, and inadequate university support. The issues we identified led to a meaningful discussion of the political, financial, social and intercultural context that they are entrapped in. This paper provides educators, clinicians, policy makers and researchers with an insight where and how they commence to break the trap and highlights, the need for further research into the perspectives of Australian students' who study and socialise with their international peers.  相似文献   

目的探讨学业成绩、学业情绪与本科实习护生职业生涯适应力的相关性,为提高本科护生前期专业理论教学质量与增强后期临床工作适应力提供借鉴。方法采取整群抽样方法,对某高校2017级分布于5所三级甲等医院的128名本科实习护生进行学业成绩、学业情绪及职业生涯适应力调查。结果本科护生生涯适应力各维度均分为4.07±0.06~4.12±0.05;学业情绪各维度得分从高到低依次为:积极高唤醒条目均分3.79±0.43分、积极低唤醒条目均分3.42±0.40分、消极高唤醒条目均分2.97±0.60分、消极低唤醒条目均分2.58±0.67分;学业成绩平均分75.20±6.47分;护生学业成绩与学业情绪的积极高唤醒、积极低唤醒及消极低唤醒维度能够联合预测其职业生涯适应力的40.2%。结论护生学业成绩、学业情绪对生涯适应力具有预测作用,护理教育者可根据护生的学业成绩、学业情绪现状提供干预,以促进其职业生涯适应力的发展,更好地适应未来临床工作。  相似文献   

为顺应社会需求,提高护理人才竞争力,国内各大护理院校积极开展了护理专业英语课程实践研究,其中关于教学方法的探讨比较活跃。为了解我国护理专业英语教学方法的应用与研究现状,本文对相关文献进行了回顾,在对当代外语教学法进行梳理的基础上,分析了其在护理专业英语中的应用情况,以总结经验、指出不足,提出未来进一步完善的方向。  相似文献   

目的 探讨护理本科生学业特权现状,分析其影响因素。方法 2022年3月,课题组成员采用一般资料问卷、学业特权问卷、护生职业认同问卷、主动性人格量表、家庭关怀指数问卷及学业自我效能感问卷,通过问卷星平台对333名江苏省护理本科生进行调查。结果 护生学业特权总分为(24.89±8.82)分。多元线性回归分析显示,毕业后是否选择从事护理相关工作、职业选择自主性、家庭关怀指数、学习能力自我效能感是护理本科生业特权的影响因素(P均<0.05)。结论 护理本科生的学业特权水平偏高,护理教育者应围绕护理本科生学业特权的影响因素采取相应措施,提高其学习主动性,从而降低护生的学业特权水平。  相似文献   

WAN CHIK W.Z., SALAMONSON Y., EVERETT B., RAMJAN L.M., ATTWOOD N., WEAVER R., SAAD Z. & DAVIDSON P.M. (2012) Gender difference in academic performance of nursing students in a Malaysian university college. International Nursing Review 59 , 387–393 Purpose: To examine differences in academic performance between male and female nursing students, and to identify whether professional identity and language usage were explanatory factors of academic performance. Background: Although the numbers of men entering the nursing profession are increasing, societal stereotypes and the lack of male role models in nursing may have a negative impact on motivation, and hence, academic performance. Methods: A total of 147 students who were enrolled in an undergraduate nursing programme in Peninsula Malaysia were surveyed in January 2011. In addition to demographic and academic data, three instruments were administered to measure language acculturation and professional identity. Findings: The mean age of participants was 20.0 (SD: 1.5) years with 81% being female. Almost all students spoke the Malay language at home. Although there were no differences between male and female nursing students in relation to professional identity (P = 0.496), male nursing students reported a lower mean English language usage score (9.9 vs. 10.9, P = 0.011) and a higher mean Malay language usage score (20.4 vs. 18.8, P = 0.017). Males were also found to have lower academic performance than female students, as measured by grade point average (GPA) (2.7 vs. 3.2, P < 0.001). Regression analysis revealed gender was the only significant predictor of academic performance (β = ?0.44, P < 0.001). Conclusions: Males represent less than 10% of the nursing workforce in developed countries, with some developing countries experiencing even lower participation rates. Promoting academic support of male nursing students may assist in increasing the number of male registered nurses in the nursing workforce.  相似文献   

洪少华  章彩芳 《护理与康复》2012,11(11):1010-1012
目的了解本科护生对医学英语角色扮演教学的体验,为医学英语教学改革提供依据。方法采用质性研究中现象学方法对23名正在学习医学英语的本科护生进行一对一访谈,将获得的资料进行分析,提炼出主题。结果护生在医学英语角色扮演教学活动中的体验主要有两方面,正向体验有新鲜感、提高学习兴趣、增加自信心、拓展思维、增强团队合作和人文关怀意识;负面感受有加重学习压力和耗费时间。结论医学英语角色扮演教学有利于提高护生综合素质,但也加重了护生学习压力,且耗费时间。  相似文献   

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