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The authors present a case in which high-frequency electrical stimulation of the cingulum using standard deep brain stimulation (DBS) technology resulted in pain relief similar to that achieved with cingulotomy and superior to that achieved with periventricular gray matter (PVG) stimulation. This patient had a complete spinal cord injury at the C-4 level and suffered from medically refractory neuropathic pain. He underwent placement of bilateral cingulum and unilateral PVG DBS electrodes and a 1-week blinded stimulation trial prior to permanent implantation of a pulse generator. During the stimulation trial, the patient's pain level was assessed using a visual analog scale, and pain medication usage was recorded. During this period the patient was blinded to stimulation parameters. Stimulation of the cingulum provided better pain control than PVG stimulation or medication alone. The authors believe that cingulum stimulation can benefit patients with severe neuropathic pain that is refractory to other treatments. Advantages over cingulotomy include reversibility and the ability to adjust stimulation parameters for optimum efficacy.  相似文献   

Functional electrical stimulation after spinal cord injury.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This article reviews work mainly from my own laboratory on the effects of electrical stimulation for therapy and function following spinal cord injury. One to two hours per day of intermittent stimulation can increase muscle strength and endurance and also reverse some of the osteoporosis in bones that are stressed by the stimulation. Stimulation during walking can also be used to improve speed and other parameters of the gait. Surface stimulation systems with 1-4 channels of stimulation were used in a multicenter study. Initial increases of almost 20% in walking speed were seen and overall increases of nearly 50% in subjects who continued to receive stimulation for a year on average. Some changes were due to improved strength and coordination with stimulation and additional walking, but a specific effect of stimulation persisted throughout the trial. Improved devices will soon be available commercially that were developed on the basis of feedback from users.  相似文献   

Context: This describes the first person with spinal cord injury (SCI) treated with percutaneous peripheral nerve stimulation for chronic shoulder pain.

Findings: From baseline to one-week after treatment, the subject's worst pain in the last week, rated on a 0–10 numerical rating scale (BPI-SF3), decreased by 44%. Pain interference decreased and remained below baseline 12 weeks after the end of treatment. There was an associated improvement in the mental component of quality of life.

Conclusion: This case demonstrates the feasibility of treating shoulder pain in patients with SCI with percutaneous PNS. To demonstrate efficacy further studies are required.  相似文献   

Incontinence and frequency of voiding were present after spinal cord injuries in 18 patients. A hyperreflexic bladder and/or pelvic floor weakness was found in these patients. Functional electrical stimulation resulted in relief or improvement of symptoms in 9 of the 11 patients in whom this procedure was used. An increase in anal sphincter pressure with functional electrical stimulation was a more reliable criterion than an increase in maximum urethral pressure in the selection of patients for the procedure.  相似文献   

Upper extremity pain after spinal cord injury   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

In a study of 44 patients with different types of chronic pain, mostly associated with deafferentation, chronic percutaneous epidural spinal stimulation has proved useful treatment achieving an initial 52% incidence of pain amelioration overall. Long-term result showed at six months in 86%, at 1 year in 90%, although technical problems, which included electrode displacement and required minor operative readjustment, affected 48% of those permanently implanted. No other complications were seen. Success bore no relationship to quality of pain reported by the patients or to duration of pain. The patients with denervation caused by nerve or root lesions responded better than those with cord lesions even though electrical paresthesia were delivered to the area of pain in each case. A decline in effectiveness with time was noted in small numbers of our cases despite persistence of paresthesia in the area of pain. It is suggested that late failure reflects plasticity of the nervous system in adapting to new inputs. Morphine study was carried out in some of these patients. Morphine did not help to ameliorate the pain in many cases with deafferentation pain. And also Naloxone was administered during successful pain-relieving stimulation. This did not result in recurrence of pain. The Somato Sensory Responses were recorded in 25 patients before and during neurostimulation. When stimulation was applied the late component was suppressed in most of those who enjoyed a good result. The early component was not changed in those patients even during stimulation. These results suggest that spinal cord stimulation would suppress the denervative hypersensitivity of dorsal horn in the patients with deafferentation pain.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Prior studies have shown that neurons within the spinal cord are sensitive to response-outcome relations, a form of instrumental learning. Spinally transected rats that receive shock to one hind leg learn to maintain the leg in a flexed position that minimizes net shock exposure (controllable shock). Prior exposure to uncontrollable stimulation (intermittent shock) inhibits this spinally mediated learning. Here it is shown that uncontrollable stimulation undermines the recovery of function after a spinal contusion injury. Rats received a moderate injury (12.5 mm drop) and recovery was monitored for 6 weeks. In Experiment 1, rats received varying amounts of intermittent tailshock 1-2 days after injury. Just 6 min of intermittent shock impaired locomotor recovery. In Experiment 2, rats were shocked 1, 4, or 14 days after injury. Delaying the application of shock exposure reduced its negative effect on recovery. In Experiment 3, rats received controllable or uncontrollable shock 24 and 48 h after injury. Only uncontrollable shock disrupted recovery of locomotor function. Uncontrollably shocked rats also exhibited higher vocalization thresholds to aversive stimuli (heat and shock) applied below the injury. Across the three experiments, exposure to uncontrollable shock, (1) delayed the recovery of bladder function; (2) led to greater mortality and spasticity; and (3) increased tissue loss (white and gray matter) in the region of the injury. The results indicate that uncontrollable stimulation impairs recovery after spinal cord injury and suggest that reducing sources of uncontrolled afferent input (e.g., from peripheral tissue injury) could benefit patient recovery.  相似文献   



Functional electrical stimulation (FES) has been regularly used to offset several negative body composition and metabolic adaptations following spinal cord injury (SCI). However, the outcomes of many FES trials appear to be controversial and incoherent.


To document the potential consequences of several factors (e.g. pain, spasms, stress and lack of dietary control) that may have attenuated the effects on body composition and metabolic profile despite participation in 21 weeks of FES training.


A 29-year-old man with T6 complete SCI participated in 21 weeks of FES, 4 days per week.


Prior to and following training, the participant performed arm-crank-graded exercise testing to measure peak VO2. Tests conducted included anthropometrics and dual energy X-ray absorptiometry body composition assessments, resting energy expenditure, plasma lipid profiles and intravenous glucose tolerance tests.


The participant frequently reported increasing pain, stress and poor eating habits. VO2 peak decreased by 2.4 ml/kg/minute, body mass increased by 8.5 kg, and body mass index increased from 25 to 28 kg/m2. Waist and abdominal circumferences increased by 2–4 cm, while %fat mass increased by 5.5%. Absolute increases in fat mass and fat-free mass of 8.4 and 1 kg, respectively, were reported. Fasting and peak plasma glucose increased by 12 and 14.5%, while lipid panel profiles were negatively impacted.


Failure to control for the listed negative emerging factors may obscure the expected body composition and metabolic profile adaptations anticipated from FES training.  相似文献   

Surface electrical stimulation of skeletal muscle after spinal cord injury.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
STUDY DESIGN: Survey. OBJECTIVE: Examine muscle contractile activity during electrical stimulation (ES) after spinal cord injury (SCI). SETTING: General community of Athens, Georgia, USA. METHODS: Eight clinically complete SCI adults (C6 to T12) 4+/-1 (mean+/-SE) years post injury and eight able-bodied adults were studied. Surface ES was applied to the left m. quadriceps femoris for three sets of 10, 1 s isometric actions (50 Hz trains, 400 micros biphasic pulses, 50 micros phase delay, 1 s: 1 s duty cycle) with 90 s of rest between sets. Current was set to evoke isometric torque that was (1) sufficient to elicit knee extension with 2.3 kg attached to the ankle (low level ES), and (2) intended to equal 30% (mid level ES) or 60% of maximal voluntary torque of able-bodied adults (high level ES, able-bodied only). The absolute and relative cross-sectional area (CSA) of m. quadriceps femoris that was stimulated as reflected by contrast shift in magnetic resonance images and torque were measured. RESULTS: Six+/-2, 20+/-2 and 38+/-4% of the average CSA of m. quadriceps was stimulated during low, mid and high level ES, respectively, for able-bodied. Corresponding values for SCI for low and mid level ES were greater (61+/-12 and 92+/-7%, P = 0.0002). Torque was related to the CSA (cm2) of stimulated muscle (Nm = 3.53 x stimulated CSA+13, r2 = 0.68, P = 0.0010), thus ES of a greater per cent of m. quadriceps femoris in SCI was attributed to their smaller muscle (24+/-3 vs 73+/-5 cm2, P = 0.0001). The decline in torque ranged from 9+/-l to 15+/-4% within and over sets for low, mid or high level ES in able-bodied. SCI showed greater (P = 0.0001) fatigue (19+/-3 to 47+/-6%). CONCLUSION: The territory of muscle activation by surface electrical stimulation varies among SCI patients. Given sufficient current, a large portion of the muscle of interest can be stimulated. The resulting torque is modest, however, compared to that attainable in able-bodied individuals due to the small size and limited fatigue resistance of skeletal muscle years after spinal cord injury.  相似文献   

Clinical applications of electrical stimulation after spinal cord injury   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
During the last one-half century, electrical stimulation has become clinically significant for improving health and restoring useful function after spinal cord injury. Short-term stimulation can be provided by electrodes on the skin or percutaneous fine wires, but implanted systems are preferable for long-term use. Electrical stimulation of intact lower motor neurons can exercise paralyzed muscles and reverse wasting; improve strength, endurance, and cardiovascular fitness; and may reduce the progression of osteoporosis. Other potential therapeutic uses being investigated include reduction of spasticity, prevention of deep vein thrombosis, and improvement of tissue health. Pacing of intact phrenic nerves in high tetraplegia can produce effective respiration without mechanical ventilation, allowing improved speech, increased mobility, and increased sense of well-being. Improvement of cough has also been demonstrated. Stimulation of intact sacral nerves can produce effective micturition and reduce urinary tract infection; it can also improve bowel function and erection. It is usually combined with posterior sacral rhizotomy to improve continence and bladder capacity, and the combination has been shown to reduce costs of care. Electroejaculation can now produce semen in most men with spinal cord injury. Significant achievements have also been made in restoring limb function. Useful hand grasp can be provided in C5 and C6 tetraplegia, reducing dependence on adapted equipment and assistants. Standing, assistance with transfers, and walking for short distances can be provided to selected persons with paraplegia, improving their access to objects, places, and opportunities that are inaccessible from a wheelchair. This review summarizes the current state of therapeutic and neuroprosthetic applications of electrical stimulation after spinal cord injury and identifies some future directions of research and clinical and commercial development.  相似文献   

Chronic pain following spinal cord injury (SCI) is a highly prevalent clinical condition that is difficult to treat. Using both von Frey filaments and radiant infrared heat to assess mechanical allodynia and thermal hyperalgesia, respectively, we have demonstrated that a one-time injection of fibronectin (50?μg/mL) into the spinal dorsal column (1?μL/min each injection for a total of 5?μL) immediately after SCI inhibits the development of mechanical allodynia (but not thermal hyperalgesia) over an 8-month observation period following spinal cord dorsal column crush (DCC). DCC will only induce mechanical Allodynia, but not thermal hyperalgesia or overt motor deficits. By applying various fibronectin fragments as well as competitive inhibitors, these effects were shown to be dependent on the connecting segment-1 (CS-1) motif of fibronectin. Furthermore, we found that acute fibronectin treatment diminished inflammation and blood-spinal cord barrier permeability, which in turn leads to enhanced fiber sparing and sprouting. In particular, the reduction of serotonin (5-HT) in the superficial dorsal horn, an important descending brainstem system in the modulation of pain, was blocked with fibronectin treatment. We conclude that treatment of SCI with fibronectin preserves sensory regulation and prevents the development of chronic allodynia, providing a potential therapeutic intervention to treat chronic pain following SCI.  相似文献   

Osteoporosis after spinal cord injury.   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Dual-photon absorptiometry characterized bone loss in males aged less than 40 years after complete traumatic paraplegic and quadriplegic spinal cord injury. Total bone mass of various regions and bone mineral density (BMD) of the knee were measured in 55 subjects. Three different populations were partitioned into four groups: 10 controls (healthy, age matched); 25 acutely injured (114 days after injury), with 12 reexamined 16 months after injury; and 20 chronic (greater than 5 years after injury). Significant differences (p less than 0.0001) in bone mass mineral between groups at the arms, pelvis, legs, distal femur, and proximal tibia were found, with no differences for the head or trunk. Post hoc analyses indicated no differences between the acutely injured at 16 months and the chronically injured. Paraplegic and quadriplegic subjects were significantly different only at the arms and trunk, but were highly similar at the pelvis and below. In the acutely injured, a slight but statistically insignificant rebound was noted above the pelvis. Regression techniques demonstrated early, rapid, linear (p less than 0.0001) decline of bone below the pelvis. Bone mineral loss occurs throughout the entire skeleton, except the skull. Most bone loss occurs rapidly and below the pelvis. Homeostasis is reached by 16 months at two thirds of original bone mass, near fracture threshold.  相似文献   

A case of congenital tethered cervical spinal cord is presented in a young adult. Metrizamide computerized tomography was the most useful imaging technique for identifying the tethered spinal cord. Intraoperative somatosensory evoked potentials correlated well with clinical improvement following surgery.  相似文献   

Dorsal root entry zone stimulation for deafferentation pain.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Dorsal root entry zone (DREZ) stimulation was performed in 12 patients with chronic pain syndromes after extensive trials of medical therapy, sympathectomy or peripheral nerve stimulation had failed, with 50% of them obtaining excellent long-term benefit. Evoked potential monitoring to facilitate positioning of electrodes under either general or spinal anesthesia, and postoperatively to explore the mechanism of action, revealed findings distinct from those reported with conventional spinal cord stimulation (SCS). DREZ stimulation may function on a different neurophysiologic basis than conventional SCS, involving intersegmental processing and influencing tract of Lissauer functions or the dorsal horn directly.  相似文献   

We report a case of posttraumatic syringomyelia (PTS) that developed 10 months after spinal cord injury (SCI), A 46-year-old man was involved in a motorcycle accident, in which he received a severe spinal cord injury due to a burst fracture at the T6 level. The patient underwent posterior fixation without decompression at another hospital, and was transferred to our hospital for rehabilitation. Ten months after the SCI, he complained of back and neck pain caused by bending his head backward. MRI showed syringomyelia shaped like a cone extending from the T6 to the C6 level, enlarged by cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) flow toward the syringomyelia at the T6 level. Pain was relieved by syringosubarachnoid shunt implantation and the syrinx disappeared after the operation. PTS emerging 10 months after spinal cord injury is relatively rare. From the radiological and operative findings, PTS was enlarged by the CSF flow, which was hindered at the T6 level by compression of the vertebral body to the spinal cord. In cases of SCI in patients who undergo posterior fixation with insufficient decompression, close attention to PTS is required in the postoperative follow-up.  相似文献   

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