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Five mouse homologues of the human dendritic cell C-type lectin, DC-SIGN   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
DC-SIGN, a human C-type lectin, is expressed on the surface of dendritic cells (DC), while a closely related human gene, DC-SIGNR or L-SIGN, is found on sinusoidal endothelial cells of liver and lymph node. Both DC-SIGN and DC-SIGNR/L-SIGN can bind ICAM-3 and HIV gp120, and transmit HIV to susceptible cells in trans. Here, we report the cloning of five mouse genes homologous to human DC-SIGN and DC-SIGNR/L-SIGN. Only one gene, named mouse DC-SIGN, is highly expressed in DC, and is not found in a panel of mouse macrophage and lymphocyte cell lines. The other four genes, named mouse SIGNR1 (SIGN-Related gene 1), SIGNR2, SIGNR3 and SIGNR4, are expressed at lower levels in various cells according to RT-PCR and Northern blot analyses on RNA. All the genes of mouse DC-SIGN and SIGNRs map to adjacent regions of chromosome 8 A1.2-1.3. However, like human DC-SIGN, only the mouse DC-SIGN gene is closely juxtaposed to the CD23 gene, while the other four SIGNR genes are located close to each other in a neighboring region. mRNAs of mouse DC-SIGN and three SIGNR genes encode type II transmembrane proteins (DC-SIGN, 238 amino acids; SIGNR1, 325 amino acids; SIGNR3, 237 amino acids; SIGNR4, 208 amino acids), but the SIGNR2 gene only encodes a carbohydrate recognition domain (CRD) without a cytosolic domain and a transmembrane domain (SIGNR2, 178 amino acids). Amino acid sequence similarities between the CRD of human DC-SIGN and the mouse homologues are 67% for DC-SIGN, 69% for SIGNR1, 65% for SIGNR2, 68% for SIGNR3 and 70% for SIGNR4 respectively. However, the membrane proximal neck domains in the mouse genes are much shorter than their counterparts in human DC-SIGN and DC-SIGNR/L-SIGN. This family of mouse C-type lectins is therefore complex, but only one of the new genes, DC-SIGN, is juxtaposed to CD23 and is expressed at high levels in DC.  相似文献   

Summary: Langerhans cells (LCs) are antigen-presenting dendritic cells (DCs) that reside in epithelia. The best studied example is the LC of the epidermis. By electron microscopy, their identifying feature is the unique rod- or tennis racket-shaped Birbeck granule. The phenotypic hallmark is their expression of the C-type lectin receptor langerin/CD207. Langerin, however, is also expressed on a recently discovered population of DC in the dermis and other tissues of the body. These ‘dermal langerin+ dendritic cells’ are unrelated to LCs. The complex field of langerin-negative dermal DCs is not dealt with here. In this article, we briefly review the history, ontogeny, and homeostasis of LCs. More emphasis is laid on the discussion of functional properties in vivo. Novel models using genetically engineered mice are contributing tremendously to our understanding of the role of LCs in eliciting adaptive immune responses against pathogens or tumors and in inducing and maintaining tolerance against self antigens and innocuous substances in vivo. Also, innate effector functions are increasingly being recognized. Current activities in this area are reviewed, and possibilities for future exploitation of LC in medicine, e.g. for the improvement of vaccines, are contemplated.  相似文献   

Problem The immunological equilibrium at the feto-maternal interphase contributes towards late gestational diseases like growth restriction (IUGR) pre-eclampsia (PE) and hemolysis, elevated liver enzymes, low platelets (HELLP)-syndrome. The state of activation of decidual dendritic cells (DC) has emerged as one of the central players influencing this immunological equilibrium. Method of study Paraffin-embedded tissue sections from 27 pregnancies were immunostained for DC markers DEC-205, DC-SIGN, DC-LAMP and costained for DC-SIGN/CD56 and DC-SIGN/ vascular endothelial growth factor receptor (VEGFR) -1 and -2. We investigated placental tissue of IUGR fetuses and of patients who developed PE or HELLP-syndrome as well as placental tissue derived from normal pregnancies. Results We found that expression of DEC-205 and DC-SIGN was significantly upregulated in HELLP placentas, whereas expression of DC-LAMP was abrogated almost entirely. Costaining showed an interaction between DC-SIGN(+) DC and natural killer cells as well as costaining of VEGFR-1 and -2 and DC-SIGN. Pre-eclamptic and IUGR placentas showed no significant change in any of the investigated markers compared to normal controls. Conclusion Our data suggest a participation of DC-mediated immunological mechanisms in HELLP syndrome.  相似文献   

We have previously reported that a population of lymphoid-related CD8alpha(+) DEC-205(+) dendritic cells (DC) from mouse spleen have 'regulatory' effects on the T cells they activate. CD8 T cells produce IL-2 and give a sustained proliferative response to allogeneic CD8alpha(-) DEC-205(-) splenic DC, but produce little IL-2 and give a limited response to allogeneic CD8(+) DEC-205(+) splenic DC. Although CD8alpha and DEC-205 correlate closely among splenic DC, lymph nodes (LN) include a large population of CD8alpha(low) DEC-205(high) DC. By i.v. transfer of purified thymic early lymphoid precursors into irradiated recipient mice we now demonstrate that these CD8alpha(low) but DEC-205(high) LN DC can be the progeny of a lymphoid precursor population, apparently corresponding to the CD8alpha(high) DEC-205(high) DC progeny of the same precursors in spleen and thymus. By culture of the separated, purified DC with allogeneic CD8 T cells we demonstrate that the CD8alpha(low) DEC-205(high) DC of LN are also functionally equivalent to the CD8alpha(high) DEC-205(high) DC of spleen. Therefore, DEC-205 but not CD8alpha serves to segregate functionally distinct DC types in LN. However, DC isolated from the spleens of genetically manipulated DEC-205(null) mice and separated on the basis of CD8alpha expression have a similar capacity to stimulate CD8 T cells as their heterozygous littermate controls, with the CD8alpha(+) but now DEC-205(null) DC still giving restricted responses. In conclusion, high expression of DEC-205 appears to be a good marker of the lymphoid-related regulatory type of DC, but DEC-205 itself is not responsible for transmitting negative signals to the T cells.  相似文献   

皮肤树突状细胞(DC)作为重要的抗原提呈细胞,在机体免疫应答或自身耐受的发生中扮演着非常重要的角色.皮肤免疫系统中定居着多种DC亚群,主要包括表皮层中的郎格汉斯细胞(LC)与真皮层中的各种真皮DC亚群.健康皮肤中的DC亚群主要有表皮LC、真皮DC(dDC)和浆细胞DC(pDC),dDC又分为Langerin+ dDC及Langerin-dDC等.但在炎症性皮肤,如过敏性皮炎、银屑病等病变皮肤中则存在着炎症性DC亚群.DC由于其复杂的异质性群体,导致了其各亚群的特殊化功能.皮肤DC亚群的特殊化功能,为皮肤性疾病的临床治疗及新型疫苗的研发设计等都提供了良好的新策略.  相似文献   

The distribution of dendritic cells (DCs) and macrophages in the human spleen has received less attention than that of lymphocytes. Here we have addressed this problem with the human DEC-205/CD205 marker ('DEC'), which is an endocytic receptor on DCs that mediates efficient presentation of antigens. DEC was abundant on dendritic profiles in the white pulp but absent from the red pulp, the latter defined with antibodies to two antigens, mannose receptor/CD206 on sinusoidal lining cells, and macrosialin/CD68 on macrophages. Double staining with anti-DEC and anti-CD3 showed the expected concentration of DEC+ cells in the relatively small T-cell areas of the human spleen. DEC+ cells were also found in other regions of the white pulp. In all regions, the DEC+ cells were positive for major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II and the CD11c integrin but largely immature, with low expression of B7-2/CD86 costimulator and DC-lysosome-associated membrane protein (LAMP)/CD208. When we concentrated on the perifollicular region between the red pulp and the marginal zone, we found macrophages that stained with antibodies to sialoadhesin/CD169 and DC-specific ICAM-3 grabbing non-integrin (SIGN)/CD209, and just inside these cells were DEC+ profiles. The DEC+ DCs were intertwined with cells that stained for the vascular addressin mucosal addressin cell adhesion molecule (MAdCAM). Therefore, anti-DEC-205/CD205 antibodies are useful for identifying DCs in human splenic white pulp and its border region with the red pulp.  相似文献   

Hemocyanins are used as immunomodulators in clinical applications because they induce a strong Th1-biased cell-mediated immunity, which has beneficial effects. They are multiligand glycosylated molecules with abundant and complex mannose-rich structures. It remains unclear whether these structures influence hemocyanin-induced immunostimulatory processes in human APCs. We have previously shown that hemocyanin glycans from Concholepas concholepas (CCH), Fissurella latimarginata (FLH), and Megathura crenulata (KLH), participate in their immune recognition and immunogenicity in mice, interacting with murine C-type lectin receptors (CLRs). Here, we studied the interactions of these hemocyanins with two major mannose-binding CLRs on monocyte-derived human DCs: MR (mannose receptor) and DC-SIGN (DC-specific ICAM-3–grabbing nonintegrin). Diverse analyses showed that hemocyanins are internalized by a mannose-sensitive mechanism. This process was calcium dependent. Moreover, hemocyanins colocalized with MR and DC-SIGN, and were partly internalized through clathrin-mediated endocytosis. The hemocyanin-mediated proinflammatory cytokine response was impaired when using deglycosylated FLH and KLH compared to CCH. We further showed that hemocyanins bind to human MR and DC-SIGN in a carbohydrate-dependent manner with affinity constants in the physiological concentration range. Overall, we showed that these three clinically valuable hemocyanins interact with human mannose-sensitive CLRs, initiating an immune response and promoting a Th1 cell-driving potential.  相似文献   

Immune escape through C-type lectins on dendritic cells   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Dendritic cells (DCs) detect different pathogens and elicit tailored anti-microbial immune responses. They express C-type lectins that recognise carbohydrate profiles on microorganisms, resulting in internalisation, processing and presentation. Intracellular sequences of distinct DC-specific lectins point to differences in intracellular routing that influence antigen presentation. Moreover, putative signalling motifs hint to the activation of DCs on carbohydrate recognition. Recent evidence shows that not only pathogens, but also tumour antigens, exploit C-type lectins to escape intracellular degradation resulting in abortive immunity. More insight into ligand specificity, intracellular targeting and signalling will reveal the pathways by which pathogens modulate immunity through C-type lectins.  相似文献   

Summary: Immunity results from a complex interplay between the antigen-non-specific innate immune system and the antigen-specific adaptive immune system. The cells and molecules of the innate system employ non-clonal recognition receptors including lectins, Toll-like receptors, NOD-like receptors, and helicases. B and T lymphocytes of the adaptive immune system employ clonal receptors recognizing antigens or their derived peptides in a highly specific manner. An essential link between innate and adaptive immunity is provided by dendritic cells (DCs). DCs can induce such contrasting states as immunity and tolerance. The recent years have brought a wealth of information on the biology of DCs revealing the complexity of this cell system. Indeed, DC plasticity and subsets are prominent determinants of the type and quality of elicited immune responses. In this article, we summarize our recent studies aimed at a better understanding of the DC system to unravel the pathophysiology of human diseases and design novel human vaccines.  相似文献   

A method is described to isolate and characterize human skin dendritic cells (DC). This method is based on the migratory capacities of these cells. The cells migrated 'spontaneously' out of split-skin explants into the medium during a 24-h culture period and contained up to 75% CD1a+ cells. After removal of co-migrated T cells and macrophages, the highly enriched (> 95% CD1a+) DC showed potent allo-antigen-presenting capacities. About 25% of the CD1a+ cells were also positive for the dermal DC marker CD1b, whereas only 15-20% of the cells contained Birbeck granules, the characteristic cell organelle of the epidermal Langerhans cell. Before culture, CD1a+ DC were observed on cryostat sections not only in the epidermis but also in the dermis. After culture, the number of CD1a+ cells in both epidermis and dermis had decreased. Not all the cells had migrated during the culture period; some CD1a+ cells could still be detected in the epidermis and dermis after culture. Thus, using this method, potent allo-stimulating CD1a+ cells, migrating from both epidermis and dermis, can be obtained without the use of enzymes.  相似文献   

Dendritic cells (DCs) are important in HIV-1 transmission; DCs capture invading HIV-1 through the interaction of the gp120 oligosaccharides with the C-type lectin DC-SIGN and migrate to the lymphoid tissues where HIV-1 is transmitted to T cells. Thus, the HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein gp120 is an attractive target to prevent interactions with DCs and subsequent viral transmission. Here, we have investigated whether the structural homologue of DC-SIGN, the nematode C-type lectin Mermaid can be used to prevent HIV-1 transmission by DCs. Our data demonstrate that Mermaid interacts with high mannose structures present on HIV-1 gp120 and thereby inhibits HIV-1 binding to DC-SIGN on DCs. Moreover, Mermaid inhibits DC-SIGN-mediated HIV-1 transmission from DC to T cells. We have identified Mermaid as a non-cytotoxic agent that shares the glycan specificity with DC-SIGN and inhibits DC-SIGN-gp120 interaction. The results are important for the anti-HIV-1 microbicide development directed at preventing DC-HIV-1 interactions.  相似文献   

树突状细胞(Dendritic cells,DC) 是专职性抗原提呈细胞, 其表面表达的C 型凝集素受体(C-type lectinreceptors,CLR ) 在DC 的摄取糖蛋白和识别微生物抗原,并将抗原信息提呈给T、B淋巴细胞的过程中发挥重要作用,从而在调节抗真菌寄生虫感染、过敏反应和肿瘤免疫中扮演重要角色。故通过研究C 型凝集素受体对DC功能的调控效应来深入了解疾病的发生发展并进一步调控其过程具有重要意义。本文将对近期相关研究成果作一综述。  相似文献   

Lock K  Zhang J  Lu J  Lee SH  Crocker PR 《Immunobiology》2004,209(1-2):199-207
Siglecs are sialic acid binding Ig-like lectins mostly expressed in the haemopoietic and immune systems. Amongst the 11 human siglecs, there are eight proteins highly related to CD33 which have biochemical features of inhibitory receptors, containing two conserved tyrosine-based inhibitory motifs. Five of these (CD33/siglec-3, -5, -7, -9 and -10) are expressed on circulating monocytes. Here we show that monocytes cultured to differentiate into macrophages using either GM-CSF or M-CSF retained expression of these siglecs and their levels were unaffected following stimulation with LPS. In comparison, monocyte-derived dendritic cells down-modulated siglec-7 and -9 following maturation with LPS. Plasmacytoid dendritic cells in human blood expressed siglec-5 only. On monocytes, siglec-5 was shown to mediate rapid uptake of anti-siglec-5 (Fab)2 fragments into early endosomes. This suggests, in addition to inhibitory signalling, a potential role in endocytosis for siglec-5 and the other CD33-related siglecs. Our results show that siglecs are differentially expressed on mononuclear phagocytes and dendritic cells and that some can be modulated by stimuli that promote maturation and differentiation.  相似文献   

Summary:  C-type lectin receptors (CLRs) have long been known as pattern-recognition receptors implicated in the recognition of pathogens by the innate immune system. However, evidence is accumulating that many CLRs are also able to recognize endogenous 'self' ligands and that this recognition event often plays an important role in immune homeostasis. In the present review, we focus on the human and mouse CLRs for which endogenous ligands have been described. Special attention is given to the signaling events initiated upon recognition of the self ligand and the regulation of glycosylation as a switch modulating CLR recognition, and therefore, immune homeostasis.  相似文献   

Recruitment of dendritic cells in oral lichen planus   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Using immunohistochemistry the presence of different dendritic cell (DC) subsets was analysed in 16 biopsies from patients with oral lichen planus (OLP). A significant increase of CD1a+/Langerin+ Langerhans cells, DC-SIGN+ DC and CD123+/BDCA2+ plasmacytoid DCs (PDCs) was found in the epithelium and in the stroma of OLP biopsies compared to normal oral mucosa. A proportion of DCs were mature DC-LAMP+ and expressed S100 or CD11c, typically found in the interdigitating DCs of nodal T-cell areas. Double staining revealed that mature DCs co-expressed CCR7, thus indicating the development of a nodal migratory phenotype upon maturation. Significant recruitment of PDCs producing IFN-alpha was demonstrated by the expression of MxA within the lichenoid inflammatory infiltrate and close cell-to-cell contacts between PDCs and mature DCs were observed, with a significant correlation between the numbers of these two populations. Moreover, PDCs were also found to contain Granzyme-B, an associated-cytotoxic granule protein, inducing target cell apoptosis. Taken together, these results suggest that PDCs may promote maturation of DCs and amplify the cytotoxicity of lymphoid cells. Finally, the recruitment of different subtypes of DC, such as Langerhans cells, stromal DC-SIGN+ DCs and PDCs, associated with a significant proportion of mature DCs, acquiring a CCR7+ 'migratory' phenotype, indicate that they may play a pivotal role in the development of the lichenoid inflammatory infiltrate that occurs typically in OLP.  相似文献   

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