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目的:构建护士长应对突发公共卫生事件应急能力评价指标体系,为相应能力的评价和培训提供参考。方法:在PPRR风险管理模型基础上,以国际护士会灾害护理核心能力框架(2.0版)为指导,通过文献分析、半结构访谈和研究小组讨论等方法形成护士长应对突发公共卫生事件应急能力评价指标体系初稿,应用Delphi法对全国28名专家进行2轮函询,运用层次分析法和平均分配法确定各级指标权重。结果:形成包含4项一级指标、18项二级指标、62项三级指标的护士长应对突发公共卫生事件应急能力评价指标体系,2轮专家函询的问卷有效回收率分别为93.9%和90.3%,专家权威系数分别为0.867和0.855,三个等级指标肯德尔和谐系数分别为0.104~0.165和0.112~0.229(P<0.05)。结论:本研究构建的护士长应对突发公共卫生事件应急能力评价指标体系,为临床护士长的应急能力评价提供了工具,也为相应培训模式的优化提供了参考。 相似文献
随着社会的发展和进步,突发公共卫生事件不断增多,这不仅对人民的生命财产构成了危害,也增加了社会的不稳定因素。因此,及时有效地处置突发公共卫生事件,是摆在各级医院面前的一个新的课题,值得深入研究探讨。2006年3月15日晚8时,沈阳市皇姑区某酒店因后厨燃气泄漏发生火灾,致在厨房的12名员工全部被烧伤,烧伤部位集中在头面部,急诊被120急救中心送至我院。现将这起突发事件的应急处理报告如下。 相似文献
[目的]探讨护理应急预案在突发公共卫生事件中的应用.[方法]应用护理应急预案对5批突发公共卫生事件共119例病人进行救治.[结果]经抢救后,食物中毒事件病人无一例死亡,重大交通事故和房屋倒塌事故死亡8例,整个抢救过程紧张有序.[结论]突发公共卫生事件后,迅速启动护理应急预案,科学化、规范化、程序化实施抢救,可使抢救工作行之有效,从而提高抢救的成功率,降低病人的病死率和致残率. 相似文献
2003年“非典”疫情的袭来,突发公共卫生事件受到了全中国乃至全世界的广泛重视。而社区健康服务中心也面临着前所未有的大挑战,社区护士在其中承担的任务更是重中之重。由于基础知识教育的缺失,社区护士在公共卫生应急知识方面以及业务技术方面均存在不足。本文通过分析我国目前社区公共卫生应急工作开展的实际情况以及存在的问题对比国外社区护士应急培训工作及教育开展情况,探讨改进教育培训模式,以此弥补现有社区应急工作的不足,充分发挥社区护士面对突发公共卫生事件的应急能力。 相似文献
突发公共卫生事件,是指突然发生,造成或者可能造成社会公众健康严重损害的重大传染病疫情、群体不明原因疾病、重大食物和职业中毒以及其他严重影响公众健康的突发事件。近年来,国内外突发公共卫生事件呈上升趋势,非典、禽流感等重大传染疫情,其他因素引发的影响公众健康的事件经常发生,给人们的心理和身体上带来了很大的伤害。突发公共卫生事件发生后,如何积极应对并做好应急医疗处理,是我们需要深入研究探讨的一个课题。 相似文献
[目的]探讨护理应急预案在突发公共卫生事件中的应用。[方法]应用护理应急预案对5批突发公共卫生事件共119例病人进行救治。[结果]经抢救后,食物中毒事件病人无一例死亡,重大交通事故和房屋倒塌事故死亡8例,整个抢救过程紧张有序。[结论]突发公共卫生事件后,迅速启动护理应急预案,科学化、规范化、程序化实施抢救,可使抢救工作行之有效,从而提高抢救的成功率,降低病人的病死率和致残率。 相似文献
孟繁增 《中国临床医药研究杂志》2006,(4):115-116
突发公共卫生事件往往以偶然的形式突然发生,造成原因复杂多样,有传染病、不明原因疾病、食物中毒、职业中毒及其它。其规模与事态的变化、发展趋势及其影响的深度和广度事先难以预料。2003年春天,一场来势凶猛SARS,又称为传染性非典型肺炎及目前在全球各个国家发生禽流感疫情,致使少数人感染,死亡率达50%,都是典型的突发公共卫生事件之一。 相似文献
韩文娟 《中外女性健康研究》2021,(11):190-191
目的:探讨学校突发公共卫生事件应对能力及应急预案.方法:采用回顾性方法分析,选取秦华小学自2018年1月至2018年12月就读的72例学生为研究对象,分析学校突发公共卫生事件应对能力及其应急预案.结果:学生对食物中毒发生原因、食物中毒应对措施的知晓率分别为14.29%、11.43%,学生对传染病发生原因、传染病应对措施... 相似文献
《Public health nursing (Boston, Mass.)》2010,27(4):371-382
ABSTRACT Community/public health nursing (C/PHN) educators and practitioners need a framework from which to plan, implement, and evaluate curriculum and community‐based practice. The Association of Community Health Nursing Educators (ACHNE) periodically updates the Essentials of Baccalaureate Nursing Education for Entry Level Community/Public Health Nursing to reflect changes in core knowledge, basic competencies, and practice. This update reflects relevance to 21st‐century health care and to national trends influencing nursing education. The 2009 revision is based on critical analysis of key C/PHN literature and input from public health nursing educators and practitioners. A key assumption is that a baccalaureate nursing degree is the minimum requirement for professional C/PHN. Fifteen essential concepts for baccalaureate nursing education are delineated along with related competencies. Newly defined essentials include communication, social justice, and emergency preparedness, response, and recovery. Issues related to didactic and clinical experiences are addressed. The ACHNE Essentials is an important guide for baccalaureate education curriculum planning and evaluation. The Essentials may be useful as a baseline from which to develop competencies of graduate nursing programs. The document is also useful for guiding practice setting orientation and professional development. 相似文献
Susan M. Swider Ph.D. A.P.H.N. B.C. F.A.A.N. Joyce Krothe Ph.D. R.N. David Reyes D.N.P. M.P.H. R.N. A.P.H.N.‐B.C. Michelle Cravetz M.S. R.N.‐B.C. A.P.H.N.‐B.C. 《Public health nursing (Boston, Mass.)》2013,30(6):519-536
This article describes the most recent efforts by the Quad Council of Public Health Nursing organizations to review and revise the competencies for PHN practice, and highlights the implications of these competencies for practice, education, and research. The Quad Council is a coalition of four nursing organizations with a focus on public health nursing and includes the Association of Community Health Nursing Educators; the Association of Public Health Nursing (known prior to July 1, 2012 as the Association of State and Territorial Directors of Nursing); the Public Health Nursing section of the American Public Health Association; and the Council on Economics and Practice of the American Nurses' Association. The Quad Council competencies are based on the Council on Linkages competencies for public health professionals and were designed to ensure that public health nursing fits in the domain of public health science and practice. 相似文献
Gail Zandee Debra Bossenbroek Meghan Friesen Kari Blech Ruth Engbers 《Public health nursing (Boston, Mass.)》2010,27(3):277-284
ABSTRACT A unique program that partners community health workers with nursing students was developed in response to community‐based participatory research data and integrated into a public health practicum at a baccalaureate nursing program in West Michigan. The goal of the program is to promote the health of 3 underserved urban neighborhoods while educating nursing students in population health and public health nursing. The purpose of this paper is to describe program conception and implementation and discuss evaluation of educational outcomes as a public health learning experience. 相似文献
Association of Community Health Nursing Educators Research Committee 《Public health nursing (Boston, Mass.)》2010,27(1):94-100
ABSTRACT The Association of Community Health Nursing Educators (ACHNE) Research Committee initiated a revision of the ACHNE Research Priorities for public health nursing practice in 2006, following those developed in 1992 and in 2000. The committee (a) reviewed public health nursing research abstracts (n=485) from 7 selected nursing journals to evaluate progress in addressing the 2000 Priorities; (b) identified research methods used, health issues and health behaviors addressed, and demographics of study populations in the abstracts; and (c) reviewed research priorities from key federal funding agencies and journal editors. Overall, progress toward meeting previous priorities was modest, with a limited range of methods, topics, and samples described. The 2009 ACHNE Research Priorities for public health nursing include: (1) Population‐Focused Outcomes, and (2) Public Health Nursing Workforce. Multisite studies, clinical trials, community‐based participatory research, development and/or analysis of existing large data sets, and development of valid and reliable methods are needed to address these priorities. Collaboration among educators, researchers, and practitioners is crucial to develop the scientific evidence base for population‐based nursing practice. 相似文献
急诊科开展特色健康教育工作的做法 总被引:8,自引:4,他引:4
探讨如何构建适合急诊特点、满足急诊人群需求、优质高效且具有可操作性的急诊健康教育工作方法。在分析急诊健康教育工作特点、综合市场对健康教育需求的前提下,确立急诊健康教育服务的主体意识;针对性制定急诊科健康教育职责制度、实施方法和标准化工作程序;有的放矢地实施专职服务、提供规范服务、营造满意服务、建立互动服务、推行延伸服务等,创建出富有特色的急诊健康教育服务。经1年多的运作,主动满足急诊人群的健康需求,提高了护理质量和患者满意度,拓宽了急诊护理服务市场。 相似文献
Jill Collier Gail Davidson Carol B. Allen Janna Dieckmann Mary M. Hoke Mary Alice Sawaya 《Public health nursing (Boston, Mass.)》2010,27(1):89-93
ABSTRACT The Association of Community Health Nursing Educators (ACHNE) has developed a number of documents designed to delineate the scope and function of community/public health nursing (C/PHN) educators, researchers, and practitioners. Consistent with the mission of ACHNE, this position paper entitled Academic Faculty Qualifications for Community/Public Health Nursing has been developed by the Faculty Qualifications Task Force. The shortage of qualified nursing faculty has been well documented. In particular, this shortage has increased the difficulty in having sufficient numbers of faculty who are educationally and experientially qualified to teach in the C/PHN specialty. ACHNE is addressing this concern by setting forth preferred qualifications for faculty to teach C/PHN at both the graduate and undergraduate level. While we recognize that the current faculty shortage may require schools to use faculty to teach in areas in which they do not have appropriate formal preparation, the paper outlines best practices for teaching C/PHN, a goal we urge all schools of nursing to work toward. Task Force members developed an earlier draft of the document in fall 2008, and input was solicited and received from ACHNE members and considered in the final document, which was approved by the ACHNE Executive Board in July 2009. 相似文献
护理本科生社区健康教育能力的培养 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4
目的通过社区护理教学实践培养本科护生的健康教育能力。方法在社区健康教育实践中,将194名护理本科生分组深入社区开展健康调查,收集资料;评估并找出社区服务对象中存在的主要健康问题,制定健康教育的计划;组织护生分组进行社区健康教育前的角色扮演反复演练;护生分组深入社区开展健康教育实践活动;及时进行健康教育的效果评价。结果实施社区健康教育实践活动后,护生对教学的满意度93%,护生综合能力优良率98%,《社区护理》考核优良率93%。结论护生深入社区开展健康教育实践活动是培养和锻炼其健康教育能力的良好途径。 相似文献