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Immunodominance is considered an obstacle to successful T cell-based vaccination, and constant efforts are made to uncover the underlying mechanisms for this phenomenon. We have examined the contribution of terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT), whose function accounts for approximately 90% of T cell receptor diversity, to dominance hierarchies of H-2(b)-restricted flu-specific T(CD8+). Using intracellular cytokine staining to quantitatively detect epitope-specific T(CD8+), we demonstrate that TdT-deficient mice exhibit a distinct hierarchical pattern in their primary and recall T(CD8+) responses to influenza A viruses, which results from skewed responsiveness towards select influenza epitopes. Our data establish a link between TdT and immunodominance in H-2(b)-restricted antiviral T(CD8+) responses.  相似文献   

The rational design of vaccines that elicit CD8+ T cell responses requires knowledge of the identity of the antigen-presenting cell (APC), the location and time of presentation and the nature of the antigen presented by the APC. Here we address these questions for an antigen encoded by a recombinant vaccinia virus. We found that, following local infection, vaccinia virus infected macrophages and dendritic cells in draining lymph nodes. However, only the dendritic cells presented antigen to na?ve CD8+ T cells, as determined by direct visualization of sectioned nodes by confocal microscopy. Presentation occurred as rapidly as 6 h after inoculation and quickly declined in parallel with the number of infected cells present in the nodes. These data provide direct evidence that virus-infected APCs prime na?ve CD8+ T cells in vivo.  相似文献   

The success of immune system‐based cancer therapies depends on a broad immune response engaging a range of effector cells and mechanisms. Immune mobilizing monoclonal T cell receptors (TCRs) against cancer (ImmTAC™ molecules: fusion proteins consisting of a soluble, affinity enhanced TCR and an anti‐CD3 scFv antibody) were previously shown to redirect CD8+ and CD4+ T cells against tumours. Here we present evidence that IMCgp100 (ImmTAC recognizing a peptide derived from the melanoma‐specific protein, gp100, presented by HLA‐A*0201) efficiently redirects and activates effector and memory cells from both CD8+ and CD4+ repertoires. Using isolated subpopulations of T cells, we find that both terminally differentiated and effector memory CD8+ T cells redirected by IMCgp100 are potent killers of melanoma cells. Furthermore, CD4+ effector memory T cells elicit potent cytotoxic activity leading to melanoma cell killing upon redirection by IMCgp100. The majority of T cell subsets belonging to both the CD8+ and CD4+ repertoires secrete key pro‐inflammatory cytokines (tumour necrosis factor‐α, interferon‐γ, interleukin‐6) and chemokines (macrophage inflammatory protein‐1αβ, interferon‐γ‐inducible protein‐10, monocyte chemoattractant protein‐1). At an individual cell level, IMCgp100‐redirected T cells display a polyfunctional phenotype, which is a hallmark of a potent anti‐cancer response. This study demonstrates that IMCgp100 induces broad immune responses that extend beyond the induction of CD8+ T cell‐mediated cytotoxicity. These findings are of particular importance because IMCgp100 is currently undergoing clinical trials as a single agent or in combination with check point inhibitors for patients with malignant melanoma.  相似文献   

H2-M3-restricted CD8+ T cells can exhibit cross-reactivity to different bacterially derived N-formylmethionine peptides. The extent of this promiscuity is unclear. We deleted the nonredundant fMIVTLF epitope and found that Listeria monocytogenes still primed fMIVTLF-specific T cells. Thus, cross-reactivity appears to be a more general characteristic of H2-M3-restricted T cells.  相似文献   

Dendritic cells (DC), in their role in initiation of the adaptive immune response, have been extensively studied for their capacity to interact and stimulate naive T cells. Subsets of mature murine DC isolated directly from the spleen have been shown to differ in their ability to induce proliferative responses in both primary CD4(+) and primary CD8(+) T cells; the myeloid-related CD8alpha(-) DC induce a more intense or prolonged proliferation of naive T cells than do the lymphoid-related DC bearing CD8alpha despite similar expression of MHC and co-stimulatory molecules. Here we examine the interaction of these DC subpopulations with T cells already in the activated or memory state which are known to have greater sensitivity to antigen stimulation and bear receptors with increased capacity for signal transduction. We show that influenza virus-specific CD4(+) T cell clones and splenic T cells from peptide-primed animals proliferated in response to antigen presented by separated splenic CD8(-) DC. In contrast, these T cells showed only weak, if any, proliferation in response to CD8(+) DC despite observable cluster formation in the cultures. The differential between the two DC types in inducing proliferation was even more pronounced than previously seen with primary T cells and did not reflect differential longevity of the DC in culture, altered response kinetics or deviation from IL-2 to IL-4 induction with CD8(+) DC, but was related to the levels of IL-2 induced. The deficiency in the CD8(+) DC was not overcome by using infectious virus rather than synthetic peptide as the antigen source. These results show that lymphoid-related CD8(+) splenic DC, despite their mature phenotype, fail to provide appropriate signals to secondary CD4(+) T cells to sustain their proliferation.  相似文献   

Common variable immunodeficiency (CVID) is a heterogeneous antibody deficiency syndrome with alterations in T cell regulation and function in a subgroup of patients. We assessed phenotype and function of bulk and virus-specific CD8+ T cells of a cohort of 34 HLA-A2+ CVID patients by pentamer technology and flow cytometry in relationship to their immunological and clinical phenotypes. Bulk CD8+ T cells displayed a shift toward a more antigen experienced and activated differentiation state. The advanced differentiation pattern was mainly found in a subgroup of CVID patients with lymphadenopathy and granulomatous disease. This effect existed independently of the patients' CMV status even so CMV-associated immunosenescence was more evident in CVID patients than in CMV-positive immunocompetent controls. As the phenotype and function of virus-specific CD8+ T cells were normal in CVID the induction of antiviral immunity by prophylactic immunization appears to be a logical and desirable aim for this group of patients.  相似文献   

We describe a three-color flow cytometry assay for the detection of virus-specific CD4+ and CD8+ T cells in the cat. The assay is based upon detection of intracellular TNFalpha using the cross-reactive mAb 6401.1111, raised against the human cytokine. Allophycocyanin-conjugated mAb 6401.1111 specifically stained feline TNFalpha-producing murine cells and also Staphylococcus aureus Enterotoxin B-stimulated feline T cells, thus providing formal evidence for cross-reactivity. By using the anti-TNFalpha mAb in combination with PE- and FITC-conjugated mAbs against feline CD4 and CD8, respectively, antiviral CD4+ and CD8+ T cells could be identified in the peripheral blood and in the spleens of feline infectious peritonitis virus-infected cats. Moreover, feline calicivirus (FCV)-specific CD4+ T cells were detected in the spleens of FCV-vaccinated cats. As antigen-presenting cells (APCs), we used immortalized autologous fibroblast cell lines, PBMC or splenocytes. A straightforward protocol, in which splenocyte preparations served both as APCs and effector cells, consistently yielded best results. The assay will permit further studies of the cellular immune responses in cats during natural and experimental viral infections. It will contribute to vaccine development against feline viruses by facilitating the identification of T cell antigens and epitopes, and by allowing the quantitative detection of virus-specific T cells after vaccination. Furthermore, the assay will add to the value of those systems in which viral infections of the cat serve as models for human disease.  相似文献   

We report the identification of two peptides from Salmonella OmpC porin that can bind to major histocompatibility complex class I K(b) molecules and are targets of cytotoxic T lymphocytes from Salmonella-infected mice. These peptides are conserved in gram-negative bacterial porins and are the first Salmonella porin-specific epitopes described for possible CD8(+)-T-cell elimination of infected cells.  相似文献   

While naive CD8(+) T cells have been shown to require bone marrow-derived dendritic cells (DC) to initiate immunity, such a requirement for memory CD8(+) T cells has had limited assessment. By generating bone marrow chimeras that express the appropriate antigen-presenting molecules on either radiation-sensitive bone marrow-derived or radiation-resistant non-bone marrow-derived compartments, we showed that both primary and secondary immune responses to influenza virus infection of the lung were initiated in the draining LN. This required cells of bone marrow origin, most likely DC, for optimal expansion within the secondary lymphoid compartment. This was similarly the case with HSV-1 infection of the skin. As Langerhans cells are radioresistant, unlike other DC populations, these studies also demonstrate that the radiosensitive DC responsible for secondary expansion of HSV-specific memory are not Langerhans cells.  相似文献   

Regulatory T cells (T(reg) cells) play an important role in the regulation and suppression of immune responses to self- and foreign antigens. Suppressed and impaired host immune responses are a major characteristic of many persistent human virus infections, such as those caused by human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), hepatitis C virus (HCV), and herpes virus. It has recently become evident that immune regulation mediated by T(reg) cells may comprise one mechanism that contributes to the impairment of virus-specific immune responses. Indeed, during viral infection, the generation of distinct subsets of CD4+ as well as CD8+ T(reg) cells has been reported. The phenotypic and functional heterogeneity of T(reg) cell subsets involved in the suppression of virus-specific immune responses suggests that different mechanisms and factors contribute to the generation of those cells during viral infection. This review focuses on the CD8+ T(reg) cell subset and summarizes current knowledge about the induction and function of CD8+ T(reg) cells in persistent human virus infections.  相似文献   

The impact of CD28 ligation upon CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocyte proliferation and cytokine production was assessed. Although costimulation increased the proliferative response of both T cell subsets, cytokine production was most markedly increased in the CD4+ subset, as evidenced by a 40-fold increase in interleukin-2 (IL-2), a 14-fold increase in interleukin-3 (IL-3) and 5-fold increases in interferon gamma and GM-colony-stimulating factor (CSF) production. The CD8+ T cell response to CD28 ligation was less marked, maxima being a 5-fold increase in IL-2 production and 2-fold increases in IL-3 and GM-CSF production. Resolution of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells into their CD44lo (na?ve) and CD44hi (memory/effector) subsets revealed that naive CD4+ T cells were the most CD28-responsive subsets. CD28-mediated costimulation promotes distinct differentiation programs in CD4+ versus CD8+ T cells.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Although green tea polyphenol catechin has been reported to have antiallergic and anti-inflammatory activities, the precise mechanisms of its effect on the immune system have been poorly investigated. OBJECTIVE: In this study, we aimed to elucidate the mechanisms of the anti-inflammatory effect of catechin. For this purpose, we studied the effect of 2 kinds of catechin, epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) and epicatechin gallate, on peripheral blood CD8+ T cells, which play the key role in immune responses. METHODS: Isolated peripheral blood mononuclear cells or CD8+ T cells were incubated without or with catechin, and the changes in the surface expression of integrin molecules were investigated by flow cytometry and the direct binding of catechin to CD11b molecule by competitive ELISA. Also, the effect of catechin on the ability of CD8+ T cells to bind intracellular adhesion molecule 1 and to migrate in response to chemokines was evaluated by using the adhesion and migration assays. RESULTS: The 2 catechins directly bound to CD11b expressed on CD8+ T cells, which caused a consequent decrease of flow-cytometric CD11b expression. The effect was more prominent with EGCG than epicatechin gallate, and the impaired expression of CD11b induced by EGCG resulted in decreased ability of CD8+ T cells to adhere intercellular adhesion molecule 1, and consequently decreased migration in response to chemokines. CONCLUSION: We concluded that catechin, especially EGCG, by downregulating CD11b expression on CD8+ T cells and, in consequence, inhibiting infiltration of these cells into the sites of inflammation, is a promising new potent anti-inflammatory agent.  相似文献   

The magnitude and efficacy of CD8(+) T cell memory may notably regress, especially if immune induction occurs in the absence of adequate CD4(+) help. This report demonstrates that this CD8(+) memory malfunction could be remedied if a source of cognate antigen-recognizing helper cells were provided during recall. The inability of adoptive transfer of memory SIINFEKL-specific CD8 cells to reject tumors was overcome if recipients were primed for ovalbumin-specific helper cell responses. Additionally, animals primed for a SIINFEKL-specific memory response and incapable of rejecting the tumor could regain protective immunity if given helper cells. This pattern of CD8(+) T cell functional rescue or reprogramming by helper cell transfer was replicated using a Herpes simplex virus antiviral immunity system. Our results could mean that therapeutic vaccine approaches could be designed to compensate situations that have defective CD8(+) T cell function.  相似文献   

Many new types of vaccines against infectious or malignant diseases are currently being proposed. Careful characterization of the induced immune response is required in assessing their efficiency. While in most studies human tumor antigen-specific T cells are analyzed after in vitro re-stimulation, we investigated these T cells directly ex vivo using fluorescent tetramers. In peripheral blood lymphocytes from untreated melanoma patients with advanced disease, a fraction of tumor antigen (Melan-A/MART-1)-specific T cells were non-naive, thus revealing tumor-driven immune activation. After immunotherapy with synthetic peptides plus adjuvant, we detected tumor antigen-specific T cells that proliferated and differentiated to memory cells in vivo in some melanoma patients. However, these cells did not present the features of effector cells as found in cytomegalovirus specific T cells analyzed in parallel. Thus, peptide plus adjuvant vaccines can lead to activation and expansion of antigen specific CD8(+) T cells in PBL. Differentiation to protective CD8(+) effector cells may, however, require additional vaccine components that stimulate T cells more efficiently, a major challenge for the development of future immunotherapy.  相似文献   

Much attention has been paid whether there are any differences in regulating the human immune response between HLA-DR and -DQ molecules encoded by the genes within the HLA class II multigene family. Previous studies have suggested that HLA DQ molecules control low responsiveness through activating CD4 T cells which generate CD8 positive T cells, whereas HLA -DR molecules control high responsiveness through activating CD4 helper T cells. To examine this model we investigated the streptococcal cell wall antigen (SCW) specific T cell lines restricted by either DR or DQ molecule. To identify the restricting molecules, L cell transfectants expressing DQw1, DR2AB1 or DR2AB5 from Dw12 haplotype or DQw4, DR4 or DRw53 from DW15 haplotype were used. 1. From individuals with Dw12 which is a low responder haplotype to SCW, T cell clones specific to SCW and restricted by HLA-DQw1 or DR2 were identified, whereas from individuals with Dw15 which is a high responder haplotype, only DR4 or DRw53 restricted T cell clones were identified and DQw4 restricted T cells were never observed. 2. SCW specific CD4 T cells restricted by DQw1 were able to support the growth of CD8 positive cells, whereas those restricted by DR4 could not do so. 3. The CD8 T cells also required autologous antigen presenting cells and SCW to grow, and they completely blocked the immune response to SCW in vitro. These observations clearly demonstrated the distinct function of HLA-DQ and -DR molecules in regulating the human immune response to SCW.  相似文献   

Cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) play a significant role in the clearance of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) infection in humans and mice. Identification of class I MHC-restricted CTL epitopes is critical in elucidating mechanisms of CTL responses against viral infections. However, only four H-2d-restricted epitopes have been reported in mice. Because of the diversity of transgenic and knockout mice available to study immune responses, new epitopes in additional strains of mice must be identified. We therefore attempted to discover novel CTL epitopes in C57Bl/6 mice. Our efforts revealed a new H-2D(b)-restricted CTL epitope from the RSV M protein, corresponding to aa 187-195 (NAITNAKII). Also, M187-195-specific CTLs were activated with kinetics similar to the immunodominant BALB/c epitope, M2 82-90. This is the first RSV-specific CTL epitope described in a strain of mice other than BALB/c. Furthermore, identification of this H-2b-restricted CTL epitope provides access to genetically modified H-2b mice for more detailed studies of CTL mechanisms in RSV infection.  相似文献   

Turner SJ  Diaz G  Cross R  Doherty PC 《Immunity》2003,18(4):549-559
The spectrum of TCR V beta usage is compared for primary and recall CD8(+)D(b)PA(224)(+) T cell responses in mice with influenza pneumonia. Single-cell RT-PCR established that the same clonotypes were present in the lymphoid tissue and in the virus-infected lung. Longitudinal analysis indicated that the memory TCR repertoire reflects the primary response, with no decrease in diversity prior to (or after) secondary challenge. The re-engagement of memory T cells looked to be stochastic in this localized, transient infection. Analysis of clonotypes from the blood, spleen, regional lymph nodes, bone marrow, lung, and liver over a 200 day interval showed no evidence of selective localization or loss. The long-term distribution of memory T cells seemed to be essentially random.  相似文献   

目的:探讨4条登革病毒抗原肽在不同遗传背景小鼠中的免疫原性.方法:4条登革病毒抗原肽(C45-57KLVMAFIAFLRFL,E396-408SSIGKMFEATARG,NS323-35YRILQRGLLGRSQ 和 NS3141-155NREGKIVGLYGNGVV) 中每条肽分别免疫BALB/c小鼠和C57BL/6小鼠;3周后,处死小鼠并制备脾细胞悬液;不刺激或同样抗原肽刺激脾细胞后,采用细胞内细胞因子染色流式细胞术(ICS) 检测小鼠脾细胞CD4+ T细胞中肽特异性产生IFN-γ或IL-4的CD4+ T 细胞的百分比.结果:肽C45-57可诱导BALB/c小鼠产生特异性的IFN-γ+ CD4+ T细胞(0.72%±0.04% vs 0.04%±0.02%,P<0.05)而肽E396-408 则诱导产生特异性的IL-4+ CD4+ T细胞(0.09%±0.01% vs 0.01%±0.01%,P<0.05);肽E396-408、NS323-35和NS3141-155均可诱导C57BL/6小鼠产生特异性的IFN-γ+ CD4+ T细胞(分别为0.31%±0.03% vs 0.02%±0.01%,P<0.05;0.21%±0.03% vs 0.04%±0.01%,P<0.05;0.44%±0.04% vs 0.02%±0.01%,P<0.05),而肽C45-57可诱导产生特异性的IL-4+ CD4+ T细胞(0.45%±0.05% vs 0.02%±0.02%,P<0.05).结论:肽C45-57和E396-408在BALB/c小鼠中具有免疫原性而肽C45-57、E396-408、NS323-35和NS3141-155在C57BL/6小鼠中具有免疫原性.  相似文献   

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