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Background: Evidence is limited that long-term human exposure to organophosphate (OP) pesticides, without poisoning, is associated with adverse peripheral nervous system (PNS) function.Objective: We investigated associations between OP pesticide use and PNS function by administering PNS tests to 701 male pesticide applicators in the Agricultural Health Study (AHS).Methods: Participants completed a neurological physical examination (NPx) and electrophysiological tests as well as tests of hand strength, sway speed, and vibrotactile threshold. Self-reported information on lifetime use of 16 OP pesticides was obtained from AHS interviews and a study questionnaire. Associations between pesticide use and measures of PNS function were estimated with linear and logistic regression controlling for age and outcome-specific covariates.Results: Significantly increased odds ratios (ORs) were observed for associations between ever use of 10 of the 16 OP pesticides and one or more of six NPx outcomes. Most notably, abnormal toe proprioception was significantly associated with ever use of 6 OP pesticides, with ORs ranging from 2.03 to 3.06; monotonic increases in strength of association with increasing use was observed for 3 of the 6 pesticides. Mostly null associations were observed between OP pesticide use and electrophysiological tests, hand strength, sway speed, and vibrotactile threshold.Conclusions: This study provides some evidence that long-term exposure to OP pesticides is associated with signs of impaired PNS function among pesticide applicators.  相似文献   

Pesticide exposure assessment in the Agricultural Health Study (AHS) has relied upon two exposure metrics: lifetime exposure days and intensity-weighted lifetime exposure days, the latter incorporating an intensity score computed from a questionnaire-based algorithm. We evaluated this algorithm using actual fungicide exposure measurements from AHS private orchard applicators. Captan was selected as a marker of fungicide exposure. Seventy-four applicators from North Carolina and Iowa growing apples and/or peaches were sampled on 2 days they applied captan in 2002 and 2003. Personal air, hand rinse, 10 dermal patches, a pre-application first-morning urine and a subsequent 24-h urine sample were collected from each applicator per day. Environmental samples were analyzed for captan, and urine samples were analyzed for cis-1,2,3,6-tetrahydrophthalimide (THPI). Task and personal protective equipment information needed to compute an individual's algorithm score was also collected. Differences in analyte detection frequency were tested in a repeated logistic regression model. Mixed-effects models using maximum-likelihood estimation were employed to estimate geometric mean exposures and to evaluate the measured exposure data against the algorithm. In general, captan and THPI were detected significantly more frequently in environmental and urine samples collected from applicators who used air blast sprayers as compared to those who hand sprayed. The AHS pesticide exposure intensity algorithm, while significantly or marginally predictive of thigh and forearm captan exposure, respectively, did not predict air, hand rinse or urinary THPI exposures. The algorithm's lack of fit with some exposure measures among orchard fungicide applicators may be due in part to the assignment of equal exposure weights to air blast and hand spray application methods in the current algorithm. Some modification of the algorithm is suggested by these results.  相似文献   

Glyphosate is a broad-spectrum herbicide that is one of the most frequently applied pesticides in the world. Although there has been little consistent evidence of genotoxicity or carcinogenicity from in vitro and animal studies, a few epidemiologic reports have indicated potential health effects of glyphosate. We evaluated associations between glyphosate exposure and cancer incidence in the Agricultural Health Study (AHS), a prospective cohort study of 57,311 licensed pesticide applicators in Iowa and North Carolina. Detailed information on pesticide use and other factors was obtained from a self-administered questionnaire completed at time of enrollment (1993-1997). Among private and commercial applicators, 75.5% reported having ever used glyphosate, of which > 97% were men. In this analysis, glyphosate exposure was defined as a) ever personally mixed or applied products containing glyphosate; b) cumulative lifetime days of use, or "cumulative exposure days" (years of use times days/year); and c) intensity-weighted cumulative exposure days (years of use times days/year times estimated intensity level). Poisson regression was used to estimate exposure-response relations between glyphosate and incidence of all cancers combined and 12 relatively common cancer subtypes. Glyphosate exposure was not associated with cancer incidence overall or with most of the cancer subtypes we studied. There was a suggested association with multiple myeloma incidence that should be followed up as more cases occur in the AHS. Given the widespread use of glyphosate, future analyses of the AHS will allow further examination of long-term health effects, including less common cancers.  相似文献   

Exposure to certain environmental toxicants may be associated with increased risk of developing diabetes. The authors' aim was to investigate the relation between lifetime exposure to specific agricultural pesticides and diabetes incidence among pesticide applicators. The study included 33,457 licensed applicators, predominantly non-Hispanic White males, enrolled in the Agricultural Health Study. Incident diabetes was self-reported in a 5-year follow-up interview (1999-2003), giving 1,176 diabetics and 30,611 nondiabetics for analysis. Lifetime exposure to pesticides and covariate information were reported by participants at enrollment (1993-1997). Using logistic regression, the authors considered two primary measures of pesticide exposure: ever use and cumulative lifetime days of use. They found seven specific pesticides (aldrin, chlordane, heptachlor, dichlorvos, trichlorfon, alachlor, and cyanazine) for which the odds of diabetes incidence increased with both ever use and cumulative days of use. Applicators who had used the organochlorine insecticides aldrin, chlordane, and heptachlor more than 100 lifetime days had 51%, 63%, and 94% increased odds of diabetes, respectively. The observed association of organochlorine and organophosphate insecticides with diabetes is consistent with results from previous human and animal studies. Long-term exposure from handling certain pesticides, in particular, organochlorine and organophosphate insecticides, may be associated with increased risk of diabetes.  相似文献   

Exposure to certain pesticides has been linked with both acute and chronic adverse health outcomes such as neurotoxicity and risk for certain cancers. Univariate analyses of pesticide exposures may not capture the complexity of these exposures since use of various pesticides often occurs simultaneously, and because specific uses have changed over time. Using data from the Agricultural Health Study, a cohort study of 89,658 licensed pesticide applicators and their spouses in Iowa and North Carolina, we employed factor analysis to order to characterize underlying patterns of self-reported exposures to 50 different pesticides. Factor analysis is a statistical method used to explain the relationships between several correlated variables by reducing them to a smaller number of conceptually meaningful, composite variables, known as factors. Three factors emerged for farmer applicators (N=45,074): (1) Iowa agriculture and herbicide use, (2) North Carolina agriculture and use of insecticides, fumigants and fungicides, and (3) older age and use of chlorinated pesticides. The patterns observed for spouses of farmers (N=17,488) were similar to those observed for the farmers themselves, whereas five factors emerged for commercial pesticide applicators (N=4,384): (1) herbicide use, (2) older age and use of chlorinated pesticides, (3) use of fungicides and residential pest treatments, (4) use of animal insecticides, and (5) use of fumigants. Pesticide exposures did not correlate with lifestyle characteristics such as race, smoking status or education. This heterogeneity in exposure patterns may be used to guide etiologic studies of health effects of farmers and other groups exposed to pesticides.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Chlorpyrifos is one of the most widely used organophosphate insecticides in the United States. Although the toxicity of chlorpyrifos has been extensively studied in animals, the epidemiologic data are limited. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate whether agricultural chlorpyrifos exposure was associated with mortality, we examined deaths among pesticide applicators in the Agricultural Health Study, a prospective study of licensed pesticide applicators in Iowa and North Carolina. METHODS: A total of 55,071 pesticide applicators were included in this analysis. Detailed pesticide exposure data and other information were obtained from self-administered questionnaires completed at the time of enrollment (1993-1997). Lifetime chlorpyrifos use was divided into tertiles. Poisson regression analysis was used to evaluate the exposure-response relationships between chlorpyrifos use and causes of death after adjustment for potential confounders. RESULTS: A total of 1,851 deaths (588 among chlorpyrifos users) were observed during the study period, 1993-2001. The relative risk (RR) of death from all causes combined among applicators exposed to chlorpyrifos was slightly lower than that for nonexposed applicators (RR = 0.90; 95% confidence interval, 0.81-1.01). For most causes of death analyzed, there was no evidence of an exposure-response relationship. However, the relative risks for mortality from suicide and non-motor-vehicle accidents were increased 2-fold in the highest category of chlorpyrifos exposure days. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings of a possible association between chlorpyrifos use and external causes of death were based on small numbers. However, the findings may reflect a link between chlorpyrifos and depression or other neurobehavioral symptoms that deserves further evaluation.  相似文献   

Pesticides are potential risk factors for respiratory disease among farmers, but farmers are also exposed to other respiratory toxicants. To explore the association of pesticides with wheeze in a population without other farming exposures, the authors analyzed data from 2,255 Iowa commercial pesticide applicators enrolled in the Agricultural Health Study. Controlling for age, smoking status, asthma and atopy history, and body mass index, the authors calculated odds ratios for the relationship between wheeze and 36 individual pesticides participants had used during the year before enrollment (1993-1997). Eight of 16 herbicides were associated with wheeze in single-agent models; however, the risk was almost exclusively associated with the herbicide chlorimuron-ethyl (odds ratio (OR) = 1.62, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.25, 2.10). Inclusion of chlorimuron-ethyl in models for the other herbicides virtually eliminated the associations. The odds ratios for four organophosphate insecticides (terbufos, fonofos, chlorpyrifos, and phorate) were elevated when these chemicals were modeled individually and remained elevated, though attenuated somewhat, when chlorimuron-ethyl was included. The association for dichlorvos, another organophosphate insecticide, was not attenuated by chlorimuron-ethyl (OR = 2.48, 95% CI: 1.08, 5.66). Dose-response trends were observed for chlorimuron-ethyl, chlorpyrifos, and phorate; the strongest odds ratio was for applying chlorpyrifos on more than 40 days per year (OR = 2.40, 95% CI: 1.24, 4.65). These results add to the emerging literature linking organophosphate insecticides and respiratory health and suggest a role for chlorimuron-ethyl.  相似文献   

Trifluralin, 2,6-dinitro-N,N-dipropyl-4-trifluoromethylaniline, is a 2,6-dinitro herbicide widely used to control annual grasses and broadleaf weeds in agricultural settings. The association between trifluralin use and common cancer incidence was evaluated among 50,127 private and commercial pesticide applicators in the Agricultural Health Study (AHS), a prospective cohort study of licensed pesticide applicators and their spouses in Iowa and North Carolina. Poisson regression was used to examine internal dose-response relationships, while controlling for important lifestyle factors and other agricultural exposures. Two metrics of exposure (lifetime days and intensity-weighted lifetime days) were used in exposure-response analyses with non-exposed applicators, as well as applicators in the lowest tertile of exposure, as reference groups. Incident cancers were identified through state tumor registries from enrollment in 1993 through 2002. Trifluralin exposure was not associated with cancer incidence overall among 51% of private and commercial applicators (n=25,712) who had used trifluralin. However, there was an excess of colon cancer in the exposure category of higher half of highest tertile (rate ratios (RR) of 1.76 (95% CI=1.05-2.95) using the non-exposed as a referent and 1.93 (95% CI=1.08-3.45) using those with the lowest tertile of exposure as the referent). There was also a non-significantly elevated risk for kidney cancer and bladder cancer in the highest exposure group, although only the kidney cancer finding was consistent across exposure metrics. Although there was a possible link between trifluralin exposure and colon cancer, small numbers and inconsistencies in dose-response and subgroup analyses indicate that this may be a chance finding.  相似文献   

The authors evaluated the incidence of cancer among pesticide applicators with exposure to alachlor in the Agricultural Health Study, a prospective cohort study of licensed pesticide applicators in Iowa and North Carolina. A total of 49,980 pesticide applicators are included in this analysis; 26,510 applicators (53%) reported use of alachlor on the enrollment questionnaire. Detailed pesticide exposure and other information were obtained from a self-administered questionnaire completed at the time of enrollment (1993-1997). Poisson regression analysis was used to evaluate the exposure-response relations between alachlor and cancer incidence controlled for the effects of potential confounding factors. A total of 1,466 incident malignant neoplasms were diagnosed during the study period, 1993-2000. Among alachlor-exposed applicators, the authors found a significant increasing trend for incidence of all lymphohematopoietic cancers associated with lifetime exposure-days (p for trend = 0.02) and intensity-weighted exposure-days (p for trend = 0.03) to alachlor. The risks of leukemia (rate ratio = 2.83, 95% confidence interval: 0.74, 10.9) and multiple myeloma (rate ratio = 5.66, 95% confidence interval: 0.70, 45.7) were increased among applicators in the highest alachlor exposure category. Our findings suggest a possible association between alachlor application and incidence of lymphohematopoietic cancers among applicators in the Agricultural Health Study.  相似文献   

Pesticide exposure among farmers' wives is poorly characterized. Using questionnaire data from a cohort study of licensed pesticide applicators and their spouses, we investigated patterns of pesticide use among farmers' wives (n = 31,173). Wives reported a wide range of pesticide use: 36% never used pesticides during their lifetimes, whereas the heaviest pesticide users (10%) reported lifetime use of 3 or more agricultural pesticides plus commonly used residential pesticides. We identified 5 ordinal pesticide-use categories and studied factors associated with each category through polytomous logistic regression. Engaging in field work and household hygiene practices that could increase exposure were associated with pesticide use, and associations appeared to strengthen with increasing pesticide use category. Farm women reporting the heaviest pesticide use could exacerbate their exposure by engaging in practices that could increase pesticide contact.  相似文献   

Little is known about the potential carcinogenicity associated with routine application of diazinon, a common organophosphate insecticide. The authors explored a possible association of diazinon exposure with cancer risk in the Agricultural Health Study, a prospective cohort of licensed pesticide applicators in Iowa and North Carolina enrolled in 1993-1997. A total of 23,106 male applicators provided information in a self-administered questionnaire. Among 4,961 applicators who reported using diazinon, 301 incident cancer cases were diagnosed during the follow-up period ending December 2002 compared with 968 cases among 18,145 participants who reported no use. Poisson regression was used to calculate rate ratios and 95% confidence intervals. Two quantitative exposure metrics were used: lifetime exposure days and intensity-weighted lifetime exposure days, a measure that incorporates probability of pesticide exposure with lifetime pesticide application frequency. When lifetime exposure days were used, increased risks for the highest tertile of exposure and significant tests for trend for lung cancer and leukemia were observed. No other cancer site showed an association with diazinon for the highest tertile of exposure. Because these results were based on small numbers, additional analyses are necessary as more cases accrue to clarify whether diazinon is associated with cancer risk in humans.  相似文献   

Although limited, epidemiologic studies suggest possible associations between butylate use and cancer risk, specifically prostate cancer and non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL). We examined butylate use and cancer risk more broadly in the AHS, a cohort of licensed pesticide applicators in Iowa and North Carolina. Pesticide use information was collected using self-administered questionnaires. Poisson regression was used to calculate rate ratios (RR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI). Two exposure metrics were used: lifetime exposure days (LD) and intensity-weighted lifetime exposure days (IWLD). We used two referent groups: unexposed to butylate and the lowest butylate usage category. This analysis included 19,655 applicators with complete butylate use information; 5297 applicators were exposed to butylate, making this the largest study of butylate to date. The mean follow-up time since enrollment was 9 years. Prostate cancer risk was significantly elevated among applicators in the highest LD category in both referent groups (low-exposed referent: RRLD=2.09, 95% CI=1.27-3.44). We observed a significantly elevated joint effect of prostate cancer family history and high butylate usage across both exposure metrics and both referent groups (low-exposed referent: RRLD=2.00, 95% CI=1.07-3.74), and a non-significant, elevated interaction between butylate use and prostate cancer family history, similar to a previous AHS finding. Statistically significant increased risks and exposure-response trends were seen for all lymphohematopoietic cancers (AL) and NHL for both exposure metrics and referent groups (low-exposed referent: AL:RRLD=2.27, 95% CI=1.18-4.37; NHL: RRLD=3.44, 95% CI=1.29-9.21). Our analysis did not find meaningful associations for other cancers analyzed. Further study is warranted for AL, NHL and prostate cancers.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: A nested case-control analysis of high pesticide exposure events (HPEEs) was conducted using the Iowa farmers enrolled in the Agricultural Health Study (AHS). METHODS: In the 12 months of the study, 36 of the 5,970 farmer applicators randomly chosen from the AHS cohort (six per 1,000 farmer applicators per year) met our definition of an HPEE, by reporting "an incident with fertilizers, weed killers, or other pesticides that caused an unusually high personal exposure" resulting in physical symptoms or a visit to a health care provider or hospital. Eligibility criteria were met by 25 HPEE cases and 603 randomly selected controls. RESULTS: Significant risk factors for an HPEE included: poor financial condition of the farm which limited the purchase of rollover protective structures OR = 4.6 (1.5-16.6), and having a high score on a risk acceptance scale OR = 3.8 (1.4-11.2). Other non-significant factors were also identified. CONCLUSIONS: The limited statistical power of this study necessitates replication of these analyses with a larger sample. Nonetheless, the observed elevated odds ratios of an HPEE provide hypotheses for future studies that may lead to preventive action.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Pendimethalin, a widely used herbicide, has been classified as a group C possible human carcinogen by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. We evaluated the incidence of cancer in relation to reported pendimethelin use among pesticide applicators in the Agricultural Health Study, a prospective cohort of licensed pesticide applicators in Iowa and North Carolina. METHODS: Information on pesticide use came from two questionnaires (enrollment and take-home). The present analysis includes 9089 pendimethalin-exposed and 15,285 nonpendimethalin-exposed pesticide applicators with complete information on pendimethalin use and covariates from a take-home questionnaire. We conducted Poisson regression analyses to evaluate the association of pendimethalin exposure with cancer incidence (mean follow-up = 7.5 years) using two exposure metrics: tertiles of lifetime days of exposure and tertiles of intensity-weighted lifetime days of exposure. RESULTS: Overall cancer incidence did not increase with increasing lifetime pendimethalin use, and there was no clear evidence of an association between pendimethalin use and risks for specific cancers. The risk for rectal cancer rose with increasing lifetime pendimethalin exposure when using nonexposed as the reference (rate ratio = 4.3; 95% confidence interval = 1.5-12.7 for the highest exposed subjects; P for trend = 0.007), but the association was attenuated when using the low exposed as the referent group (P for trend = 0.08). Similar patterns for rectal cancer were observed when using intensity-weighted exposure-days. The number of rectal cancer cases among the pendimethalin-exposed was small (n = 19). There was some evidence for an elevated risk for lung cancer, but the excess occurred only in the highest exposure category for lifetime pendimethalin exposure. The trends for lung cancer risk were inconsistent for different exposure metrics. CONCLUSIONS: We did not find a clear association of lifetime pendimethalin exposure either with overall cancer incidence or with specific cancer sites.  相似文献   

Epidemiologists frequently rely on self-reported information regarding a variety of exposures including smoking history, medication use, and occupational exposure because other sources of information are either unavailable or difficult to obtain. One way to evaluate the accuracy of self-reported information is through logic checks using other sources. To assess the quality of the self-reported pesticide product use history of 57,311 licensed pesticide applicators in the Agricultural Health Study (AHS), we compared the self-reported decade of first use and total years of use to the year the pesticide active ingredient was first registered for use. We obtained pesticide active ingredient registration information from the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) and other publicly available sources for the 52 pesticides on the AHS initial questionnaires administered from 1994 to 1997. Based on the registration year, we assessed 19 pesticides for potential inaccuracies regarding duration of use or decade of first use. When calculating potential total years of use, we did not consider the impact of chemicals being removed from the market, since the possibility for continued use existed. The majority of respondents provided plausible responses for both decade of first use and total duration of use. On average, 1% of the subjects overestimated total possible duration of use, ranging from less than 1% for carbofuran and chlorpyrifos to 5% for imazethapyr. Decade of first use was also reasonably reported, although more subjects did not report decade of first use than duration of use, with an average of 6% of subjects missing decade information for an individual chemical. For subjects who reported a decade of first use, 98% gave plausible responses on average, with overestimates highest for cyanazine, introduced in 1971 (6% reported earlier use), and chlorimuron ethyl, introduced in 1985 (7% reported earlier use). This analysis provided the opportunity to consider only one source of potential overreporting of exposure, and while underreporting may have also occurred, we cannot evaluate its role nor the balance between these potential inaccuracies. While we are unable to validate directly the accuracy of a respondent's use of pesticides, this analysis suggests that participants provide plausible information regarding their pesticide use.  相似文献   

The frequency of self-reported high pesticide exposure events (HPEE) has been recorded in the NCI/EPA/NIEHS Agricultural Health Study (AHS). Fourteen percent (14%) of the enrolled applicators responding reported "an incident or experience while using any pesticide which caused an unusually high exposure." These data show, as expected, that the probability of a report of an HPEE increases with the cumulative number of days of pesticide application reported by the applicator. We have developed a three-parameter model that predicts the risk odds ratio (OR) of an HPEE as a function of the number of days that pesticides are applied. These events are costly in terms of resulting health-care visits, lost time from work, and potential risk for cancer and other chronic diseases. We propose that failure to carefully follow all the pesticide manufacturer's label requirements, inexperience, and random events (i.e., breaking hose) are the three factors responsible for the events observed. Special precautions for new or infrequent users of pesticides are indicated.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: This study assessed the feasibility of three laboratory methods for the detection of atrazine, a triazine herbicide, and its related metabolites in urine collected from field applicators.METHODS: Urine samples were collected from 256 randomly sampled field applicators 8 hours post application. Of these, 99 reported atrazine use during the application prior to sample collection and these samples were subsequently analyzed for urinary biomarkers.RESULTS: 37.4% (n = 37) samples showed detectable levels (minimum = 1.0 ng/mL) of deethylatrazine using gas chromatographic mass spectrometry (GCMS) analysis (X = 14.2 ng/mL; s.d. = 13.5). Fifty samples were tested using atrazine mercapturate in urine ELISA methods and 80% (n = 40) of these samples showed detectable levels of atrazine (X = 6.4 ng/mL; s.d. = 7.5). Of 10 samples tested by triazines in water ELISA methods, a common assay used for the detection of atrazine in groundwater, 100% showed detectable levels of atrazine (X = 22.4 ng/mL; s.d. = 13.9). Of the 21 samples collected from non-applicators and tested by GCMS, none evidenced detectable atrazine levels. Using GCMS as the gold standard, analyses showed that the mercapturate in urine ELISA was 48% sensitive and 91% specific whereas the triazines in water ELISA was 69% sensitive and 100% specific.CONCLUSIONS: It is possible to detect one-time atrazine exposures through analysis of urinary biomarkers among pesticide applicators. The feasibility of triazines in water ELISA methods for use in field studies for analyzing the presence of atrazine and related metabolites in urine was supported, but these methods need further testing on larger applicator samples before they can be used for standard screening.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Pesticide exposure has been suggested as one causal factor for the rise in asthma prevalence. The goal of this investigation was to determine the effect of pesticide exposure on respiratory symptoms and lung function in workers with occupational exposure to pesticides. METHODS: A prospective, case-controlled study was conducted among pesticide aviators (AV) and community controls (Con). In Phase I, subjects completed an asthma survey and baseline spirometry. In Phase II, subjects reported symptoms, lung function monitoring, and pesticide exposure during two, 14-day periods. RESULTS: Phase I-Self-reported asthma and symptoms were similar among AV (n = 135) and Con (n = 118) with 4-6% prevalence reported but with higher rates among smokers. Baseline lung function was similar; although, a higher proportion of AV had forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV(1)) <80% predicted (8% vs. 2%, P = 0.02). Phase II-Self-reported symptoms were similar with 80% of AV (n = 50) and 73% of Con (n = 49) reporting no symptoms. Only 4% of AV and 6% of controls reported increased symptoms from baseline to spray season. Serial lung function did not differ between group and mean diurnal variation in peak expiratory flow improved in both groups between sampling times (AV 18% vs. 14%; Con 19% vs. 16%, P < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: This study suggests that among workers with occupational pesticide exposure, asthma symptoms and lung function are similar to those of controls with only community-based exposure.  相似文献   

There are hundreds of studies of cancer and agriculture chemicals. However, few have focused on a single pesticide or class of pesticide. While cancer studies of nonspecific pesticide exposure among populations may provide hypotheses for additional testing, they contribute little to the understanding of the health risks of specific agricultural chemicals. This review concentrates on both the cancer findings and the exposure parameters in cohort studies of workers who manufacture or apply pesticides. Occupational studies of pesticide manufacturers and applicators provide important contributions to the causal assessment of the carcinogenicity of specific pesticides because the exposure is often longer, more intense, and better defined than for other study populations. Among the studies reviewed, there is little indication of increased cancer risk among pesticide manufacturers or sprayers. Limitations in sample size, exposure assessment, and the small number of studies make causal inference difficult. Additional methodological improvements with respect to exposure would contribute significantly to the understanding of the potential cancer risk from individual pesticides.  相似文献   

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