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林建宁 《今日药学》2011,21(5):261-264,271
目的 分析2010年我国医药行业经济运行的情况,总结出该年度医药行业发展的主要影响因素,并以此为依据预测2011的医药经济发展趋势.方法 采用简单的统计分析方法,分析2010年医药工业的七个子行业、医药行业工业和商业数据.结果 2010年我国医药工业生产保持较高增幅,医药商业平稳增长,利润率进一步回升,医院、零售终端增...  相似文献   

中国医药产业的机遇、挑战及相应对策   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
通过对中国医药产业现状与地位的分析,理清中国医药产业正面临着的机遇与挑战;通过对2010年度医药工业、医药商业以及样本医院用药的统计分析,增强对医药行业将迎来黄金十年的信心;通过对2011年医药行业的发展预测,阐述对医药产业进一步发展的思考及可供参考的对策.  相似文献   

2006年,国家出台了多项与医药行业息息相关的政策法规,如打击医药商业贿赂、整顿和规范药品市场秩序、加大医疗体制改革力度和连续对药品实行降价等,这些因素也直接或间接地影响了医药市场。2006年1-9月医药工业累计产品销售收入和实现利润增幅继续下滑,2006年上半年医院用药的  相似文献   

蒋兰敏 《上海医药》2003,24(4):155-155
20 0 2年是我国加入WTO的第一年 ,上海市医药行业加快调整 ,积极应对国际经济环境和市场竞争的挑战和压力 ,通过加强企业内部管理 ,开发新产品 ,开拓国内国外市场 ,并努力克服药品集中招标、药品降价等各种因素的影响 ,全年医药经济运行总体情况良好 ,经济效益明显好于年初预计。1 全年度医药工业主要指标及完成特点( 1 )医药工业总产值稳中有升 ,各项指标均有增幅 ,但增幅较上年有所下降。 2 0 0 2年全年完成医药工业产值 (不变价 ) 30 9.8亿元 ,同比增长 1 8.1 9% ;工业总产值 (现行价 )1 64.1亿元 ,同比增加 6.4 1 % ,增幅比上年同期…  相似文献   

林郑辉  程合丽  李然 《齐鲁药事》2009,28(8):502-503
2009年1月21日,国务院常务会议通过<关于深化医药卫生体制改革的意见>和<2009~2011年深化医药卫生体制改革实施方案>,新一轮医改方案正式出台.随着医药行业专项整治可能带来的市场规范化程度提升、新医改方案带来市场扩容机会、新上市产品的增加、药品终端需求活跃以及新一轮投资热潮等众多有利因素将保证中国医药行业继续快速增长.回顾我国医药行业的发展情况,全国医药生产虽处于持续、稳定、快速发展阶段,但也存在令人担忧的问题.调查数据表明,利润增幅低于销售收入增幅5.70%,而成本增长幅度远远高于销售收入增幅11.38%.  相似文献   

陈铮 《首都医药》2007,(23):37-38
2007年,我国医药行业在经历了一系列旨在规范医药市场秩序的政策因素洗礼后开始复苏。据SFDA南方医药经济研究所近日公布的最新数据分析表明,继一季度经济运行取得良好开局后,上半年医药经济总体保持平稳增长态势,整体效益明显好转。上半年医药工业累计完成生产总值2913.2亿元,同比增长21.31%,增幅提高1.29个百分点;  相似文献   

随着医药卫生体制改革的全面推进和不断深化,2010年1~11月国内医药市场持续向好,并呈逐渐扩容态势.全国医药工业生产、销售、效益继续保持平稳增长,但增幅趋缓;国际贸易存在一定不稳定因素,医药出口形势好转,但不容乐观.  相似文献   

国家发展和改革委员会经济运行局组织编制的《中国医药统计年报》,是经国家统计局批准、全面反映中国医药行业经济运行状况的综合性资料,收录了全国31个省、自治区、直辖市2007年的医药统计数据,全书分为综合和商业册、化学制药分册、中药/生物制药分册和医疗器械等四册。《2007年中国医药统计年报》主要内容包括全国各地区医药工业独立核算企业主要经济效益指标分析、  相似文献   

<正> 截至日前,医药类上市公司已全部披露了2006年中期业绩报告。统计数据显示出今年上半年医药上市公司的经营显露出疲弱态势。由于政策的调整,医药行业的销售不免多少受到影响:今年上半年,医药工业总产值增幅为19.5%,比2005年全年26.3%下降了6.8个百分点;113家医药上市公司完成主营业务收入781.00亿元,比上年同期增幅仅为9.68%,明显落后于医药行业工业总产值19.5%的增幅,同时还低于同期我国10.9%的 GDP 增幅;实现利润总额为42.92亿元,同比下降2.1%,增幅落后于医药行业7.7%的利润总额增幅。今年上半年,113家医药上市公司的主营业务利润率为24.21%,比上一年同期下降了2.15个百分点,主营业务利润为189.08亿元,比上年同期仅增长了0.72%。生物药公司上半年主营业务利润率为55.00%,比上年同期大幅增加9.73个百分点,这主要得益于白蛋白等产品在多年低迷后出  相似文献   

1.今年以来,我国国民经济发展总体态势良好,宏观政策的支持与外部经济环境的改善有力地推动了国内投资的强劲增长和外需的明显回升。良好的宏观经济环境为医药行业的改革与发展奠定了基础,当前我国医药经济的运行较前两年更加平稳。统计显示,医药工业总产值(不变价)和增加值的发展速度一直稳定在18%左右,效益增长速度与生产增长速度基本同步。医药商业销售增幅也相对稳定在8%~9%之间。2.医药加工贸易增长呈现加快势头,外需出现了明显的回升趋势。今年以来,受我国正式成为世贸组织成员、跨国公司生产基地加快向我国转移…  相似文献   

随着新医改的深入,属于医改范畴的相关政策接二连三出台,使医药产业链的整体发展受到了一定的影响。当前,医药工业的发展趋势是“换挡、变速、趋缓”;药品招标在各省市各行其道的实施原则使药品降价已成常态;多种原因导致医药产业链中的流通环节生存环境严峻与商业模式可能会出现颠覆性的变化;药品使用终端由于“二个总量控制”与“总额预付制”及“药占比的规定”与“抗菌药物分级管理”等因素致使用药金额同比增速出现明显的下降。因此,相关政策与制度的影响迫使整个医药产业链会在产品结构、药物创新、企业管理、销售模式、增值服务等方面出现质的变化,医药产业链出现的变化同时也肯定会给医药商业的发展带来机遇与挑战!  相似文献   

Many countries employ a range of policies to support their drug development industry. The support is primarily because of the perceived potential benefits from wealth creation, employment, and international trade related to a high‐technology industry. New Zealand (NZ) has a growing drug development industry; this article reports on the results of interviews with people representing the industry. The NZ industry reported that government policies that included funding of scientific, medical, and drug development research, a robust regulatory system, and strong patent laws have created a cluster of expertise for specialized drug development services. This is similar to those that have been reported to encourage the biotechnology industries of many countries. Threats to the industry in NZ include insufficient funding, small industry size, insufficient supportive policies, and stakeholders' lack of understanding of the industry. These barriers differ from those of developing countries such as China and India, probably because NZ's industry is built on its scientific and medical research rather than its manufacturing capability. The specific policies requested to further support the NZ industry include increased government investment, improved management of funding, and support for research, education, and career development. Drug Dev Res 73: 1–10, 2012. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

A realistic program for managing drug abuse in the workplace requires a clear understanding of the nature and effects of both licit and illicit drugs, as well as a knowledge of reliable methods for identifying and responding to both industry and individual needs. This article reviews the nature and effects of psychoactive drugs and discusses the medical steps to be taken when they are being abused. In addition, an overview of the means for identifying workplace drug abusers is presented. Testing methods and procedures are described, and such problems as false-positive and false-negative test results are clarified. The formation of corporate drug abuse policies is discussed and a continuum of industry interaction with health and drug abuse treatment professionals is presented. The roles of industry medical review officers, employee assistance programs, and other pertinent groups and individuals are also discussed.  相似文献   

Collaboration between the medical school at Leicester and a local pharmaceutical company, AstraZeneca, led to the design and implementation of an optional third year special science skills module teaching medical students about drug discovery and development. The module includes didactic teaching about the complexities of the drug discovery process leading to development of candidate drugs for clinical investigation as well as practical experience of the processes involved in drug evaluation preclinically and clinically. It highlights the major ethical and regulatory issues concerned with the production and testing of novel therapies in industry and the NHS. In addition it helps to reinforce other areas of the medical school curriculum, particularly the understanding of clinical study design and critical appraisal. The module is assessed on the basis of a written dissertation and the critical appraisal of a drug advertisement. This paper describes the objectives of the module and its content. In addition we outline the results of an initial student evaluation of the module and an assessment of its impact on student knowledge and the opinion of the pharmaceutical industry partner. This module has proven to be popular with medical students, who acquire a greater understanding of the work required for drug development and therefore reflect more favourably on the role of pharmaceutical companies in the UK.  相似文献   

罗力 《中国药房》2012,(48):4515-4517
目的:为完善全民“医保”和药品“零差率”销售等政策提供参考。方法:参考相关政策文件,分析目前全民“医保”和药品“零差率”政策存在的问题,并提出对策。结果:我国贫富差距较大,“医保”制度应根据不同经济水平人群分类设立。短期来看,医疗费用减免可减轻费用负担,但长远来看将推动医疗费用快速上涨,“医保”报销比例不宜快速提高,免费医疗更是不可取。医药分开、药品“零差率”销售政策短期内可降低药品费用,但从长期来看不能减轻人民群众药品费用负担。医药分开、药品“零差率”销售政策的出发点应当是解决医疗费用增长严控和药品产业大发展之间的矛盾,在控制医疗费用负担的同时,促进药品产业发展。落实前提是将医院原先获得的药品收益留在卫生系统。结论:可行的办法是成立药品招标配送中心,由该中心加价配送药品给各个医院,医院“零差率”销售药品。该中心加价所得药品收益纳入财政专项收入,并转拨卫生部门使用。  相似文献   

刘祉莉  沃红缨  陈萍 《中国药房》2014,(33):3087-3089
目的:甄别头孢菌素类药皮肤过敏试验的医疗风险,为最小化用药风险提供参考。方法:采用药品风险管理理论,归纳头孢菌素类药皮试的医疗风险并进行分析。结果:头孢菌素类药皮试的医疗风险可分为天然风险和人为风险。前者主要以药品不良反应形式存在,多由药品自身属性决定;后者则由于药政部门的管理机制不完善、药品生产厂家的药品说明书缺陷以及临床医师不合理用药等导致。结论:医疗风险的存在,给临床用药安全埋下了隐患。建议确立具有指导性的行业规定,明确药品生产厂家的责任主体意识,规范临床理论依据的差异化表述,并重视和加强医师的医德医风教育,从而将临床用药的风险降至最低。  相似文献   

随着人们关注生活质量,保健产业有了持续的发展。例如世界医药市场2005年的增长率比2004年上升了9.2%。如果分地域去考察2005年医药市场的发展状况的话就会发现,市场规模最大的是北美,大约为2657亿美元(47.0%);其次是欧洲,大约为1695亿美元(30.0%);再次是日本,大约为603亿美元(11.0%)。  相似文献   

Changes in technology can often affect society and models of industry. The broad expectations for ‘genomics’ that were highly publicized during the previous decade have not materialized at the rate predicted. However, with the completion of the human genome, it is now possible to identify individual subject DNA profiles using platforms that measure thousands of genetic variants simultaneously and at a diminishing cost. Genome-wide screening affects two important components for success of the pharmaceutical industry. The first is drug discovery with the identification and selection of the right target for a disease or medical indication. The second involves crucial decisions required during drug development, related to proof of efficacy sufficient enough to support the enormous cost commitment for drug development. Using Alzheimer’s disease as an example, the combined application of genome-wide screening, candidate gene analyses and efficacy pharmacogenetics is presented. The drivers for the industry for an evolution of present drug development come from the economic and regulatory environments, each of which are changing. The anticipated successes are effective and safe medicines for unmet medical needs, with a framework for sustaining drug pipelines.  相似文献   

目的:推动超说明书用药立法,以保障超说明书用药的规范性与合法性。方法:对目前国内外超说明书用药现状及立法情况、潜在危害、法律风险及国内因超说明书用药而引发的医疗纠纷案例等进行分析。结果与结论:超说明书用药的现象在临床上普遍存在,但对于超说明书用药的合理性与规范性,只有部分国家在法律层面明确规定是否允许超说明书用药;在国内,各方还缺乏统一的认识,更缺乏明确的法律依据,绝大部分超说明书用药管理规定仅仅是医院内部的规章制度及不具有法律效力的行业专家共识;涉及超说明书用药纠纷案时,《中国药典》、药品说明书、《临床诊疗指南》及《临床技术操作规范》等是法律判定的主要参考依据,除此之外的超说明书用药则是医疗过错判定的依据。故我国目前超说明书用药缺乏法律基础,医务人员需谨慎对待超说明书用药的法律风险。建议有关各方积极推动立法,为超说明书用药提供法律保障。  相似文献   

SRI's 9th International drug delivery summit analysed the current position of drug delivery technologies within the pharmaceutical industry. The classical position of drug delivery as a tool in life cycle management is currently expanding into the primary formulations or even into enabling positions. Using drug delivery as a platform for drug development or redevelopment was recognised as a trend in the industry which is supported by the rapidly growing portion of drug delivery enhanced products already sold as well as by industry initiatives supporting future growth of the sector.  相似文献   

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