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In experiments carried out on cats simultaneous recording from hindlimb motoneurones and propriospinal interneurones receiving monosynaptic inputs from the brain stem was accomplished. The recording of the unitary postsynaptic potentials produced in motoneurones by direct stimulation of individual propriospinal cells has shown that supraspinal projections can govern spinal motor centres via propriospinal cells that establish direct monosynaptic contacts with alpha-motoneurones.  相似文献   

I Engberg  K C Marshall 《Neuroscience》1979,4(11):1583-1591
A technique permitting the introduction of two separate microelectrodes into spinal motoneurones of cats has been used to study the effect of injections of large depolarizing currents on membrane properties and on synaptic potentials. By using one electrode for passage of current, and the other for recording, continuous measurement of membrane potentials was possible. The Ia excitatory postsynaptic potential has been reversed in twelve motoneurones, and the reversal level in most of-these has been measured at between 0 and +10mV. During continuous injection of strong depolarizing currents, large variations in membrane potential and input resistance, sometimes of a repetitive nature, were observed.The results indicate that the characteristics of the Ia excitatory postsynaptic potential are explainable by a chemically mediated increase in ionic conductance, a concept which has been challenged by other recent studies in which reversal of these potentials could not be obtained.  相似文献   

In chromatolysed hypoglossal motoneurons impulse transmission from the initial segment to the soma-dendritic membrane, the relationship of firing frequency to stimulating current, and the trajectory of antidromic responses were explored. In some axotomized motoneurons by the 7th post-operative day the initial segment component could not be separated from the soma-dendritic component. No significant changes were observed on inhibitory postsynaptic potentials produced by lingual nerve stimulation in comparison with normal motoneurons. The slope of the primary range showed a high gain in relation to stimulating current in axotomized motoneurons 14 days after axotomy. On the 28th post-operative day most axotomized motoneurons produced a large delayed depolarization following an antidromic spike.From these findings it is suggested that hypoglossal motoneurons undergoing chromatolysis have a high safety factor for impulse transmission from the initial segment component to the soma-dendritic component and a low threshold for the generation of a spike in the soma-dendritic membrane.  相似文献   

One of the most interesting aspects of penicillin-induced epileptiform activity in the hippocampal slice preparation is that CA3 pyramidal cells periodically burst in synchrony. Penicillin is now known to block inhibitory postsynaptic potentials and permit excitatory postsynaptic potentials to trigger bursting in single neurons. The phenomenon of synchronous bursting is readily simulated with a simple but realistic quantitative model, assuming that CA3 pyramidal cells are mutually excitatory. The degree of coherence in the population burst depends on the connectivity of the cells with each other and on the amount of coupling between them. If coherence is extremely high, then a given cell must be able to excite a number of other cells in its neighborhood, and conversely, any one cell can be triggered to burst by bursting in only one of its neighbors. Such predictions are in principle experimentally testable. This model does not predict the experimentally observed relation between the periods of spontaneous single cell bursting and synchronous bursting of the population (single cells burst more rapidly in the resting slice than does the population in the penicillin-treated slice). We offer plausible testable explanations for this discrepancy.  相似文献   

Synaptic effects of superior colliculus stimulation on medial rectus motoneurons were studied in encéphale isolé cats. Excitatory postsynaptic potentials were observed in all medial rectus motoneurons located on the side of stimulation, whereas contralateral motoneurons received mainly inhibition. The latencies of stimulus-locked excitatory and inhibitory postsynaptic potentials were in the ranges of 1.3–2.6 and 2.0–3.5 ms. respectively, i.e. on the average longer than in abducens motoneurons. Acute lesions of paramedian structures at bulbar levels did not affect the excitatory responses. Pontine transection at the level of the abducens nucleus reduced the mass response of medial rectus motoneurons, but failed to abolish short latency excitatory potentials in motoneurons studied intracellularly.The present data suggest that the shortest excitatory pathway from the superior colliculus to medial rectus motoneurons is disynaptic. The inhibitory pathway appears to contain at least one additional interneuron. The reciprocal pattern of synaptic action on antagonistic (left and right) medial rectus motoneurons indicates that collicular stimulation activated connections responsible for conjugate contraversive eye movements. According to the results of transection experiments. bulbar structures cannot be regarded as the main relay site of tectofugal effects on ocular motoneurons. Although the exact location of relay neurons could not he at present established. the observed timing of synaptic events is not inconsistent with the idea that tectal influences on medial rectus and abducens motoneurons are mediated by common internuncial cells in the parabducens region.  相似文献   

Organized cultures of mouse cerebellum with separated regions containing cortical, deep nuclear neurons and brain stem neurons from the peduncular zone were used for electrophysiological studies of axonal projections and synaptic interactions. Responses of single neurons of each of the regions were recorded extracellularly and intracellularly during localized electrical stimulation of other parts of the explant, and indicated extensive synaptic interactions. Cortical stimulation inhibited deep nuclear neurons, apparently monosynaptically, and frequently caused antidromic activation of these cells. Synaptic responses of brain stem neurons to cortical stimulation were usually excitatory, but these were often succeeded by inhibitory potentials. Since brain stem cells were often antidromically activated, the excitatory synaptic responses may be mediated by collaterals of antidromically stimulated brain stem axons. Stimulation of the deep nuclear region could evoke inhibitory or excitatory potentials in cortical neurons, the most frequent response being an excitatory postsynaptic potential which was followed in about 2 ms by an inhibitory potential. Most excitatory and some inhibitory postsynaptic potentials followed high frequency stimulation with constant latencies.The results indicate that within these cultures there are rich synaptic interconnections, many of which follow patterns resembling those seen in the intact brain. The monosynaptic inhibitory projection from the cortex to the deep nuclei and collateral inhibition by Purkinje cell axons appear to be features of cerebellar function that are reproduced in this culture model. In addition, a projection from the deep nuclei to the cortex recently described in the intact cerebellum is also present in the cultures and gives postsynaptic potential responses typical of excitatory afferents to the cerebellar cortex. Such cultures appear useful as an experimental model for the study of synaptic mechanisms or the effects of drugs in the mammalian CNS.  相似文献   

The input-output relations of the rabbit accessory olfactory bulb were studied by intra- and extracellular single unit recordings following electrical stimulation of the vomeronasal nerves, the lateral olfactory tract and the corticomedial amygdala. Cellular activity of accessory bulb mitral cells evoked by stimulation of the vomeronasal nerves consisted of a brief excitation with a latency of 16 ms. This initial response was followed by a period of reduced firing probability which was due to an inhibitory postsynaptic potential. In many cases this secondary response was followed by a second excitatory postsynaptic potential on which action potentials were generated at higher stimulus intensities. Deeper cells in the granule cell layer responded with a long latency, long duration, excitation, often consisting of bursts of 2-3 spikes. The majority of mitral cells were antidromically invaded by amygdala stimulation. The latencies of the antidromic spikes showed a wide range of variation (12-80 ms). Due to this great variation in antidromic latency the inhibitory postsynaptic potential following the antidromic action potential was rather modest but prolonged in duration. In many cases the onset of the inhibitory postsynaptic potential preceded the antidromic response. The majority of cells did not respond to lateral olfactory tract stimulation. Only 10% of the tested cells were invaded antidromically by stimulation at this site. These neurons were also driven antidromically by amygdala stimulation. We conclude that, although the physiological characteristics of mitral cells of the main and accessory olfactory bulb are very similar, there are important differences. The efferent fibres of the accessory bulb conduct at very slow and variable rates and project directly to the corticomedial amygdala.  相似文献   

The ionic mechanism of postsynaptic inhibition in frog spinal motoneurones was studied with conventional and with ion-sensitive microelectrodes. In these neurones the inhibitory postsynaptic potential was depolarizing, its reversal potential being 15 mV less negative than the resting membrane potential. During the inhibitory postsynaptic potential the input resistance of the motoneurones was reduced to 20% of the resting value, indicating a strong increase of membrane conductance. The Cl- equilibrium potential calculated from intra- and extracellular Cl- activity measurements coincided with the reversal potential of the inhibitory postsynaptic potential to within a few millivolts. During repetitive inhibitory postsynaptic activity the intracellular Cl- activity decreased markedly, while the extracellular Cl- activity increased slightly. These changes of intra- and extracellular Cl- activities were no longer found after suppression of the inhibitory postsynaptic potential by strychnine. Blockade of an active, inward-going Cl- transport system in motoneurones by NH+4 led to a shift of the Cl- equilibrium potential and the reversal potential of the inhibitory postsynaptic potential towards the resting membrane potential. After prolonged action of NH+4, the Cl- equilibrium potential approached the membrane potential to within 5 mV, while the reversal potential of the inhibitory postsynaptic potential and resting membrane potential coincided. The difference between Cl- equilibrium potential and membrane potential after blockade of the Cl- pump is traced back to interfering intracellular ions, such as HCO-3 or SO42-, leading to an overestimation of intracellular Cl- activity and to the calculation of an erroneous Cl- equilibrium potential. Inhibitory amino acids like gamma-aminobutyrate or beta-alanine evoked depolarizations with reversal potentials similar to that of the inhibitory postsynaptic potential. These depolarizations were associated with a marked decrease of neuronal input resistance during inhibition. During the actions of these compounds a decrease of intracellular and a small increase of extracellular Cl- activity were found. The activities of other ions (K+, Ca2+ and Na+) did not change significantly, with the exception of extracellular K+ activity, which was slightly increased. Evidence is presented that the inhibitory postsynaptic potential, as well as the depolarizing action of inhibitory amino acids in motoneurones, is the result of an increase in membrane Cl- permeability and an efflux of Cl- from these cells, while other ions do not seem to be involved.  相似文献   

Microiontophoretic and systemic injections were used to investigate the mechanism of baclofen's powerful depressant action on transmission at primary afferent synapses in the cat. Iontophoretic applications depressed the spontaneous and evoked activity of cuneate cells and reduced the excitability and input resistance of spinal motoneurones. These effects, which were quick to reverse, resemble those of γ-aminobutyrate and may be due to activation of γ-aminobutyrate receptors by high concentrations of baclofen. Systemic doses of baclofen (0.1–5 mg/kg i.V.), which are known to give only a very low tissue concentration (<10?7M), induced a very prolonged depression of synaptic responses in the spinal cord (motoneuronal excitatory postsynaptic potentials) and the cuneate nucleus (medial lemniscal potentials); but there was no increase in motoneuronal conductance, and responses of cuneate neurones to direct stimulation by electrical pulses, glutamate, or substance P were not diminished. On the other hand, there was some reduction in the excitability of primary afferent fibres, and the dorsal column reflex and primary afferent depolarization (as revealed by tests of terminal excitability) were nearly abolished.These observations are most simply explained if systemic baclofen blocks primary afferent synapses by a presynaptic action, which leads to a depression of transmitter release; this would be in keeping with evidence that, in cortical slices, baclofen selectively inhibits the release of excitatory amino acids.  相似文献   

M Takata  T Nagahama 《Neuroscience》1984,13(3):855-862
Cortically induced postsynaptic potentials were studied in normal and axotomized cat hypoglossal motoneurons. In normal protruder motoneurons innervating tongue protruder muscles, we have demonstrated that stimulation of the orbital gyrus, at the point optimum for inducing lapping movements of the tongue by repetitive stimuli, produced inhibitory postsynaptic potentials or excitatory postsynaptic potentials followed by predominant inhibitory postsynaptic potentials. The cortically induced excitatory postsynaptic potential in normal protruder motoneurons was composed of only the short-latency component. In protruder motoneurons 30, 40, 60 and 80 days after axotomy, we have demonstrated that the number of protruder motoneurons responding with two components of excitatory postsynaptic potentials (the short- and the long-latency component) to cortical stimulation increased in correspondence with the lapse of days after axotomy and that the amplitude of cortically induced inhibitory postsynaptic potentials in axotomized protruder motoneurons was reduced in size as compared with normal protruder motoneurons.  相似文献   

Innervation of the locust oviduct has been investigated with morphological and electrophysiological methods. Using Co2+ and Ni2+ labelling technique, it was found that G7 N2B1 and B2a nerves innervate the oviduct musculature. Ultrastructurally two different terminals could be distinguished: (a) nerve endings containing mainly clear vesicles forming neuromuscular junctions with the muscle fibers; and (b) nerve terminals containing electron-dense granules which showed only "synaptoid" structures, but failed to form junctions with the muscle cells. The neuromuscular junctions proved to be functioning, since it was possible to record intracellularly miniature excitatory postsynaptic potentials and excitatory postsynaptic potentials from the muscle cells. The distribution of the amplitudes of the miniature excitatory postsynaptic potentials suggests a multiterminal innervation. Following electrical stimulation of N2B nerve, excitatory postsynaptic potentials similar to those appearing spontaneously could be evoked. After repetitive stimulation, facilitation or summation of excitatory postsynaptic potentials was observed. The results obtained show that locust oviduct muscle has a double, motor and modulatory innervation.  相似文献   

Composite excitatory postsynaptic potentials were elicited in lumbar motoneurones by Ia afferents from muscles of the triceps surae group. These excitatory postsynaptic potentials were examined in the same cell before, during and after interruption of descending spinal pathways. After transection or cold block of the spinal cord at T12-T13, the amplitude of composite excitatory postsynaptic potentials showed no significant change for a period of up to seven hours after transection. However, there was a reduction in amplitude of the monosynaptic reflex in the extensor motoneurones which may be due to an observed hyperpolarization and reduction in membrane time constant in these neurones. The reduction in amplitude of the monosynaptic reflex observed in spinal shock can be attributed to the effects of these changes, rather than to a decrease in the size of the monosynaptic excitatory postsynaptic potential.  相似文献   

This study was designed to examine the ability of naloxone to antagonize the inhibition of neurons in the globus pallidus produced by electrical stimulation of the caudate nucleus. In rats anesthetized with chloral hydrate, bipolar stimulating electrodes were placed in the head of the caudate and seven-barrel micropipettes were utilized for recording extracellular activity of globus pallidus cells as well as for microiontophoretic application of experimental drugs. In most globus pallidus cells which were inhibited by caudate stimulation, application of naloxone (at currents which antagonized morphine-elicited depression) attenuated the caudate-induced effect. Naloxone did not antagonize depression of globus pallidus neurons induced by gamma-aminobutyrate. The results indicate that caudate stimulation causes the release of endogenous enkephalins which act to suppress neuronal activity in the globus pallidus. Thus, this study supports biochemical and histochemical studies which provide evidence for an enkephalinergic component in the striatopallidal projection.  相似文献   

The responses of 155 neurones and 91 glial cells to the electrical stimulation of the cortex were recorded in the suprasylvian gyrus of 20 cats under pentobarbital anaesthesia. Glial cells were identified by electrophysiological criteria: absence of action potentials and postsynaptic potentials; high membrane potential; slow depolarization during the electrical stimulation of the cortex. 50 glial cells showed membrane potentials between 80 and 100 mV. Stimuli of low intensity which evoked only excitatory postsynaptic potentials of apical dendrites, the so-called dendritic potentials, failed to evoke glial depolarization. However, glial depolarization could be elicited at high-frequency stimulation. Stimuli, which evoked not only the dendritic potential but also subsequent slow negativity, could usually bring about glial depolarization too. The amplitude of glial depolarization in response to one stimulus did not exceed 2 mV, the latency being 3–5 ms. A phenomenon of decrementai summation of glial depolarization was observed. The stronger and more frequent the stimulation, the larger was glial depolarization. However, at frequencies over 50/s glial depolarization decay was observed already during the stimulation and in some cases, membrane potential was drastically reduced to zero. After cessation of stimulation, glial depolarization decayed exponentially in 3–4 s; in some cases the decay was prolonged up to 10s and slow irregular fluctuations of the membrane potential were recorded; at the same time, spikes of the neighbouring neurone could be recorded from the glial cell. With a decrease of the membrane potential glial depolarization was attenuated, but it could be elicited even at membrane potential below 20 mV.The results are interpreted in relation to the potassium ion hypothesis. It is suggested that glial depolarization is determined by release of K+, which is associated with excitation of non-myelinated fibres and with excitatory postsynaptic potentials generated in the cortical neuropile. Significant increases in the concentration of extracellular potassium ions could provoke actual movement of glial cells. It is supposed that glial depolarization of small magnitude which is recorded occasionally at the membrane potential below 30 mV is the result of electronic spread of glial depolarization from the neighbouring glial cells.  相似文献   

The effects of ammonium acetate or chloride, perfused through the lateral ventricle, were studied on the hippocampal formation of the rat. During perfusion with ammonia, the population spikes, evoked by stimuli delivered to the fimbria, were first increased and then reduced. On the other hand, the late positive wave gradually decreased throughout the application of ammonia. The inhibition, studied by the paired-pulse test, was found to be reduced when the population spike was transiently enhanced, indicating that disinhibition could be responsible for the enhancement of synaptically evoked responses. Neither antidromically evoked population spikes nor the typical effects of iontophoretically applied glutamate, aspartate or gamma-aminobutyrate were changed by ammonia. These findings can be accounted for by a single action of ammonia, a depression of excitatory synaptic transmission, the excitatory synapses on inhibitory interneurons being more readily depressed than those on the pyramidal cells. Both effects, early hyperexcitability and late depression, are probably due to a reduction in the release of the excitatory neurotransmitter, glutamate and/or aspartate. We tentatively suggest that these mechanisms are responsible for some of the symptoms observed during the development of hyperammonemic encephalopathies.  相似文献   

In the presence of convulsant drugs such as picrotoxin, neurons in the hippocampal-slice preparation generate synchronized depolarizing bursts. This synchrony occurs on a time scale of tens of milliseconds and is produced by excitatory synaptic interactions between neurons. The synaptic interactions themselves occur on a time scale of tens of milliseconds. The "epileptiform" local-field potential during such synchronized bursts is comb-shaped ("ringing"), whereas the field potential expected if action potentials in neighboring neurons were uncorrelated is noisy and not comb-shaped. This suggests that individual action potentials are locally synchronized on a time scale of 1 ms. We have previously shown, using computer simulations, that electrical interactions--mediated by currents flowing in the extracellular medium--can plausibly explain action-potential synchronization in experiments where chemical synapses are blocked. The present simulations demonstrate that electrical interactions can also account for action-potential synchronization--and thus the "ringing" shape of the field potential--during epileptiform bursts, where excitatory synapses are functional. The field potential is thus a modulating influence on, as well as a reflection of, underlying neuronal transmembrane events.  相似文献   

In experiments on rats under urethane anaesthesia--in which the fimbria and hippocampal commissure had been cut previously to eliminate orthodromic inputs--the negative antidromic population spike evoked in CA3 by fimbrial stimulation was measured inside and outside 73 neurons in the stratum pyramidale. Subtraction of the extracellular from the intracellular records showed that on the average 39.2% (S.E. 1.93) of the extracellular population spikes appeared as a positive, depolarizing transmembrane potential. Similar measurements in the dendritic zone of CA3, where the extracellular antidromic population spike is positive, revealed a smaller and hyperpolarizing transmembrane potential, whereas presumed neuroglia showed no consistent transmembrane potential in either direction. Further tests demonstrated clear facilitation of individual pyramidal cell firing, synchronous with the antidromic population spike. These observations are consistent with the possibility that, owing to the unusually close packing and regular alignment of the pyramidal neurons, electrical field interactions in CA3 tend to promote synchronized mass discharges.  相似文献   

The lateral vestibular nucleus of the toadfish Opsanus tau was localized by means of axonal iontophoresis of Procion Yellow. The ultrastructure of the lateral vestibular nucleus neurons was then correlated with their electrophysiological properties. The lateral vestibular nucleus consists of neurons of various sizes which are distributed in small clusters over a heavily myelinated neuropil. The perikarya and main dendrites of the large and the small neurons are surrounded by a synaptic bed, which is separated from the neighboring neuropil by a layer of thin astrocytic processes. The synaptic bed contains three main classes of axon terminals, club endings, large and small terminals, the first being quite infrequent. All the large terminals as well as the occasionally observed club endings contain a pure population of rounded synaptic vesicles. In some of the small axon terminals there are also rounded vesicles; however, the majority contain flattened vesicles or a pleomorphic population. These data indicate that the small terminals originate from different afferent sources. The synaptic interfaces of the large boutons and of the club endings bear three types of junctional complexes: attachment plates, gap junctions and active zones. Those showing both gap junctions and active zones were designated as morphologically ‘mixed synapses’. Gap junctions, although in large number, have only been observed at the synaptic interfaces between terminals with rounded vesicles and the perikarya or the dendrite of the lateral vestibular nucleus neurons. Therefore electrotonic coupling would only be possible by way of presynaptic fibers. Some axons observed in the neuropil were found to establish gap junctional complexes with two different dendritec profiles and this observation is in favour of electrotonic coupling by way of presynaptic terminals.Field and intracellular potentials were recorded in the lateral vestibular nucleus. The field potential evoked by stimulation of the vestibular nerve consisted of an early positive-negative wave followed by a slow negativity, and that evoked by spinal cord stimulation was composed of an antidromic potential followed by a slow negative wave. Vestibulo-spinal neurons were identified by their antidromic spikes. In these cells, stimulation of the ipsilateral vestibular nerve evoked an excitatory postsynaptic potential with two components. The short delay of the first component of this excitatory postsynaptic potential and its ability to follow paired stimulation at close intervals without reduction of the second response suggest that it is transmitted electrotonically from primary vestibular afferent fibers. By contrast the latency of the second peak of the vestibular evoked excitatory postsynaptic potential and its sensitivity to high stimulus frequencies are compatible with monosynaptic chemically mediated transmission from primary vestibular afferents. Spinal stimulation evoked graded antidromic depolarizations in vestibulo-spinal neurons. The latency of these potentials was too short to allow for chemical transmission through afferents or recurrent collaterals and suggests electrotonic spread of antidromic activity from neighboring neurons. An important finding is that the graded antidromic depolarizations can initiate spikes; thus coupling between neurons in the lateral vestibular nucleus is sufficiently close that a cell can be excited by activity spread from neighboring cells. Similar graded depolarizations were recorded in identified primary vestibular afferents; their latencies and time course indicate that they were brought about by electrotonic spread of postsynaptic potentials and spikes to the impaled presynaptic fibers; this confirms the morphological evidence that coupling between lateral vestibular nucleus neurons occurs, at least in part, by way of presynaptic vestibular axons. As the spinal stimulus strength was increased, these graded depolarizations became large enough to initiate spikes which presumably propagate to the vestibular receptors. Thus antidromic invasion of the presynaptic terminals may provide negative feedback by preventing their re-excitation at short intervals after a synchronous discharge of an adequate number of postsynaptic cells. Excitatory inputs to the neurons of the lateral vestibular nucleus were identified from the spinal cord and from the contralateral vestibular nerve. Long latency excitatory postsynaptic potentials large enough to excite the cells were recorded following spinal stimulation; the threshold intensity for evoking them was consistently higher than that adequate to generate the graded antidromic depolarizations. Field potentials recorded after stimulation of the contra lateral vestibular nerve consisted of an initial positive negative wave followed by a slow negative wave. the stimulus intensity for evoking these potentials was the same or slightly above the threshold for those evoked in the lateral vestibular nucleus on the stimulated side. Also lateral vestibular nucleus neurons exhibited excitatory postsynaptic potentials large enough to excite the cells following stimulation of the contralateral vestibular nerve. but no inhibitory postsynaptic potentials were detected. This lack of commissural inhibition indicates a qualitative difference between the central organization of these cells in the toadfish and in mammals.The presence of neurons in the lateral vestibular nucleus which send their axons to the labyrinth was confirmed by their heavy staining with Procion Yellow following axonal iontophoresis. In a number of vestibular neurons. abruptly rising spikes were evoked at short latencies after adequate stimulation of the ipsilateral vestibular nerve. Graded stimuli applied to the vestibular nerve evoked graded short latency depolarizations as well as long latency excitatory postsynaptic potentials in these presumed efferent neurons to the labyrinth; the former could indicate electrotonic coupling of the efferent cells or electrotonic transmission from primary afferents, resulting in a short latency feedback loop.From these studies, the synaptic organization of the lateral vestibular nucleus neurons is compared with that of the Mauthner cells of teleosts, and the possibility of a dual mode of transmission, electrical and chemical, by primary vestibular afferents is discussed.  相似文献   

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