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[目的]掌握常熟口岸蜚蠊本底情况,为消灭和控制蜚蠊提供科学依据。[方法]从2003年8月-2004年7月对常熟口岸蜚蠊采用药激法进行调查。[结果]共捕获蜚蠊312只,经鉴定分为2科2属3种,以美洲大蠊为主,蜚蠊月平均密度为1.3只/间。[结论]常熟口岸的蜚蠊密度低于国家标准,但是仍需要对蜚蠊做好杀灭工作。  相似文献   

[目的]调查湄洲岛口岸蜚蠊种类、种群密度及季节消长情况。[方法]采用盒式诱捕法。[结果]全年计捕蜚蠊1285只,有蜚蠊品种2属5种。以美洲大蠊为优势种占78.1%,平均密度0.9只/盒。蜚蠊活动高峰期在6~9月份。  相似文献   

[目的]掌握福州江阴码头媒介生物本底情况,为媒介生物的控制提供科学依据。[方法]从2001年8月~2002年7月对福州江阴码头的鼠类、蚤类、蚊类、蝇类及蜚蠊5类媒介生物进行了种群、密度及季节消长情况的调查。[结果]共捕鼠类2目2科3属4种,平均密度为7.56%;共检出蚤类2科2属2种,染蚤率为27.35%;共捕获蚊类1亚科2属3种,年平均密度为12.17只/人工小时;共捕获蝇类3科4属6种,年平均密度为35.36只/笼;共捕获蜚蠊1科1属1种,年平均密度为2.3只/盒。[结论]福州江阴码头鼠密度偏高,今后应加强灭鼠工作。  相似文献   

为了识别在不同思维状态下的自发脑电(EEG)信号,本文用6阶自回归(AR)模型表示EEG信号,用学习矢量量化(LVQ)神经网络作分类器,分别用LVQl和LVQ2.1算法对网络进行训练,并对分类结果进行测试,比较了网络选择不同参数时对分类正确率的影响。研究表明:竞争层神经元数目直接影响了正确率,当选择最佳参数值时分类正确率为62%-83%,因人而异。  相似文献   

2004年4月~2005年,广州机场出入境检验检疫局采用盒式诱捕法、药激法和目测法对广州白云国际机场(以下简称:白云机场)的蜚蠊种群构成、生境分布和季节消长进行系统监测。共捕获蜚蠊2403只,经鉴定分为1目2科3属5种,以德国小蠊为优势种,占捕获蜚蠊总数的68.96%。每年6~9月为密度高峰期。根据监测结果,通过采取科学的综合防制措施,机场蜚蠊密度得到有效控制,达到国家规定控制标准。[第一段]  相似文献   

目的了解厦门港船舶蜚蠊种群结构,为船舶旅游卫生、船舶媒介生物控制,以及防病提供依据。方法用蟑螂监测盒,选用新鲜面包作为诱饵和粘捕法进行调查。结果捕获蜚蠊981只,经分类鉴定:蜚蠊种群有2属3种,德国小蠊为优势种,占76.1%,其次是美洲大蠊和澳洲人蠊。蜚蠊密度季节消长明显。结论厦门港船舶受蟑螂侵害最严重的主要为德国小蠊,是主要防制对象。  相似文献   

[目的]了解三沙港区鼠、蚤、蚊、蝇和蜚蠊的种群密度及季节消长情况,为制定防治方案提供依据。[方法]依据验检疫总局《国境口岸及出入境交通工具医学媒介生物监测规定》进行调查。[结果]三沙港区捕获的鼠类隶属啮齿目鼠科1种、食虫目鼢鼠青科1种,年均鼠密度1.1%,褐家鼠为优势种(53.9%),全年鼠体处未检获蚤类;一年捕获蚊类3种,人房年均成蚊密度为4.33只/人工小时,骚扰阿蚊为优势种(57.7%);全年捕获苍蝇6种,年均密度为17.67只/笼,除1~3月外,其他月份均有蝇类活动,高峰为9月106只/笼;捕获蜚蠊1种,为美洲大蠊,年均密度指数为0.1只/屋,除1至3月,其他月份均有出现。[结论]查清三沙港区鼠、蚊、蝇和蜚蠊的种群密度及季节消长。港区存在病媒生物种类丰富,种群密度较高,活动季节长,具备传播多种疾病的条件,应作为口岸卫生监督的重要对象之一。  相似文献   

[目的]了解龙海市城区室内蜚蠊的种群分布及季节消长情况。[方法]瓶捕法。[结果]我市城区发现蜚蠊7种,以美洲大蠊为优势种;室内蜚蠊全年均有活动。6-9月为活动高峰期。[结论]龙海市区的室内蜚蠊防治工作应根据其种群分布及季节消长展开。  相似文献   

钦州口岸媒介生物本底调查报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]为开展媒介生物控制工作提供科学依据。[方法]从1998年3月~1999年2月对钦州口岸的病媒昆虫、啮齿动物的种群分布、季节消长情况进行了调查。[结果]本次调查中发现鼠类2目2科3属4种,年平均鼠密度4.36%,褐家鼠为优势鼠种;蚊类为1目1科2亚科3属4种,致倦库蚊为优势种;蝇类3科5属6种,市蝇为优势种;蜚蠊1目1科2种,美洲大蠊为优势种。[结论]钦州口岸检验检疫机关应定期开展口岸媒介生物种群调查,及时掌握本口岸媒介生物的种群变化,为开展灭鼠除虫工作提供科学依据。  相似文献   

宁德市蜚蠊种群密度与季节消长   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]调查宁德市蜚蠊种群分布及其季节消长,为蜚蠊的防制提供依据。[方法]采用广口瓶三包诱捕法,每月观察1次,调查蜚蠊种群密度、分布、侵害情况及季节消长。[结果]全市共诱捕室内蜚蠊4科5属9种。山区县以黑胸大蠊为优势种,蜚蠊活动期4~12月,密度最低为12月。沿海县以褐斑大蠊和美洲大蠊为优势种,全年都有活动,密度最低1月份,密度高峰期都在8月份。[结论]掌握宁德市室内蜚蠊的本底资料,发现金边土鳖为宁德市蜚蠊新记录。  相似文献   

目的为了解和掌握句容市区蟑螂种群分布和密度情况,为创建“国家卫生城市”提供科学防治措施。方法采用目测法、蟑螂粘捕盒法、药激法3种调查方法。结果本次调查房间数375间,捕捉到蟑螂2科2属3种,成虫及若虫627只,成虫占43.54%,若虫占56.46%。蟑迹阳性率为17.33%,蟑螂侵害率为14.4%,蟑螂粘捕盒法密度为0.84只·盒^-1·夜^-1。结论句容市有蟑迹房间超过标准2.5倍,有蟑螂阳性房间超过标准3.8倍,要想顺利通过“国家卫生城市”现场考核,必须加强管理,开展培训,采取综合防治。  相似文献   

1. Net flux of volatile fatty acids (VFA), D-beta-hydroxybutyrate (BOHB) and L-lactate across post-stomach (anterior mesenteric-drained viscera (MDV], stomach and total hepatic portal-drained viscera (PDV) tissues was measured in two beef steers (mean live weight 390 kg). 2. Net flux was measured while steers were fed, in sequence, on (1) chopped lucerne (Medicato sativa) (twelve meals/d), (2) chopped lucerne (two meals/d) and (3) a pelleted concentrate diet containing 780 g ground maize/kg (two meals/d). 3. Five hourly net flux measurements were obtained on 2 d for each dietary regimen, beginning 0.5 h before a meal delivered at 08.00 hours. Net flux was calculated as venous-arterial concentration differences (VA) multiplied by blood flow (measured by downstream dilution of p-aminohippurate (PAH]. 4. Stomach tissues accounted for 85 to over 100% of net VFA and BOHB appearance across PDV. Net appearance across stomach tissues represented 74% of net PDV L-lactate appearance. 5. When lucerne was given, there was net utilization of arterial acetate and BOHB across MDV. This MDV utilization may reflect acetate and BOHB use as an energy source or their incorporation into mesenteric fat. 6. When concentrate was given, more n-butyrate and n-valerate and less L-lactate appeared across PDV and less 3-methylbutyrate appeared across stomach tissues than when lucerne was given. Postprandial increases in VFA, BOHB and L-lactate net flux across PDV followed meal-feeding of lucerne. 7. On a net basis, the relative contribution of MDV tissues of total PDV net appearance of VFA and BOHB was small (less than 15%) in these steers.  相似文献   

1. Blood from chronic indwelling catheters in the caudal aorta and anterior mesenteric, gastrosplenic and hepatic portal veins was used to measure blood flow and net flux of oxygen, glucose and nitrogenous compounds across hepatic portal-drained viscera (PDV), post-stomach (anterior mesenteric-drained viscera (MDV] and stomach tissues of two beef steers (390 kg mean live weight). 2. Steers were fed in sequence on (1) chopped lucerne (Medicago sativa) hay (twelve meals/d), (2) chopped lucerne hay (two meals/d) and (3) a pelleted concentrate diet containing 780 g ground maize/kg (two meals/d). The lucerne hay and concentrate contained 26.5 and 16.8 g nitrogen/kg respectively. 3. Five measurements of net flux (blood flow multiplied by venous-arterial concentration differences (VA] were obtained hourly on 2 d for each dietary regimen, beginning 0.5 h before feeding at 08.00 hours. Blood flow was measured by downstream dilution of p-aminohippurate (PAH). 4. Blood flow across MDV averaged 42% of PDV blood flow (665 litres/h). 5. Net use of O2 across MDV accounted for 51% of net PDV use of O2 (920 mmol/h). This disproportionate use of O2 in relation to blood flow was due to greater VA for O2 across MDV than across stomach tissues. Dietary regimen had no effect on the proportions of PDV blood flow and net O2 consumption attributable to MDV or stomach tissues. 6. When lucerne was given, net glucose use across MDV represented 69% of PDV use (35 mmol/h). When concentrate was given, MDV glucose use switched to net absorption (29 mmol/h), reducing net PDV glucose use to 1 mmol/h. 7. When concentrate was given, net MDV absorption of alpha-amino-N (AAN) increased from 98 to 190 mmol/h, yet net PDV absorption (101 mmol/h) was not affected. Net stomach AAN flux increased from -7 to -69 mmol/h when concentrate was given, negating the increase in net MDV absorption. 8. Net absorption of ammonia-N across MDV represented 28 and 52% of net PDV absorption when lucerne and concentrate were given respectively. Net NH3-N absorption across PDV was lower when lucerne was given than when concentrate was given (295 v. 154 mmol/h), reflecting lower dietary N intake (153 v. 83 g/d). Net MDV absorption of NH3-N was not affected by diet. Net removal of blood urea-N (BUN) across PDV (101 mmol/h) was not affected by diet. Across MDV, BUN removal was lower when concentrate was given than when lucerne was given (32 v. 77 mmol/h).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

必扑杀蟑饵剂连锁灭蟑效果观察   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
目的 观察连锁杀蟑饵剂在不同条件下的连锁灭蟑效果,并探讨其应用前景。方法 参照国标测试饵剂药效方法。利用试虫的“有毒”粪便、“有毒”虫尸,作为下一步实验试虫的食物,分别测试若虫、成虫的连锁实验,并测试有、无外源食物竞争情况下的连锁作用。结果 必扑杀蟑饵剂药效达到国标B级标准,在无外源食物竞争情况下,对若虫、成虫显示出良好连续杀灭效果,但若有外源食物竞争,则这一效果明显下降。结论 连锁杀蟑饵剂有连锁灭蟑效果。  相似文献   

Natural neurotoxins are promising molecules in the actual search for the development of alternative pest management since chemical insecticides pose unacceptable risks to the environment and to health. The aim of the article is to describe the application of two electrophysiological methods (double-oil-gap technique used on cockroach isolated giant axon and microelectrode technique used on cockroach neurosecretory DUM cells in situ) to study neurotoxin effects on insect nervous system function.  相似文献   

1. The molecular composition of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) obtained from cockroach neural, and rat brain tissues was different. Vertebrate enzyme exhibited a higher degree of polymerization than insect enzyme. 2. Acephate was a potent inhibitor of cockroach AChE, but a poor inhibitor of rat AChE. Unlike acephate, methamidophos was a potent inhibitor of both cockroach and rat enzymes. Acephate exhibited greater affinity for the cockroach-AChE than for the rat-AChE, and acephate phosphorylated the cockroach-AChE several times faster than the rat enzyme. The rate of phosphorylation of insect and rat AChE was similar in the presence of methamidophos. Solubilization of AChE by Triton X-100 altered the kinetics of inhibition of rat AChE by acephate. However, solubilization did not alter the kinetics of inhibition of rat AChE by methamidophos or the kinetics of inhibition of cockroach AChE by acephate or methamidophos. 3. The mechanism of acephate-cockroach AChE interaction was different than the mechanism of acephate-rat AChE interaction. It is proposed that both the rat and cockroach enzyme may contain, along with the anionic and esteratic sites, an "electron deficient" (ED) binding site which may exhibit selectivity for acephate and nefopam. The ED site in rat-AChE has allosteric properties, whereas the cockroach-AChE does not. It is also proposed that the ED site in cockroach-AChE may be situated in or adjacent to the active site and, therefore, acephate may be bound to the ED site such that the phosphate moiety of acephate interacts with the enzyme's "esteratic" site. Although nefopam also bound to the ED site in cockroach AChE, it did not inhibit the enzyme. This study also indicated that the ED site in rat-AChE may be peripheral to the active site, and that the binding of acephate to this site prevented the phosphorylation by methamidophos of the rat-AChE. Unlike acephate, methamidophos specifically bound to the active site in both the rat- and cockroach-AChE.  相似文献   

蜚蠊卵啮小蜂观察   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
蜚蠊卵啮小蜂是黑胸小蠊、日本大蠊、德国小蠊卵荚内寄生蜂。在湖北该蜂主要寄生在黑胸大蠊卵荚,年发生3~4代,以预蛹或蛹在卵荚内越冬,翌年初夏开始羽化出蜂。在卵荚内发育历期各代不尽相同,主要与温度有关,随着气温升高发育历期渐短,成虫寿命6~10天,该蜂对黑胸大蠊卵荚自然寄生率31.31~72.30%,平均为49.46%。成蜂雌雄性比为1:0.84~1:0.10,平均为1:0.33。蜚蠊卵啮小蜂对黑胸大蠊的发生危害有较强的控制作用,生物防治利用前景广阔。  相似文献   

PURPOSE: A non-randomized controlled trial was conducted to evaluate the effectiveness of three lifestyle modification programs to reduce blood pressure: individual counseling only; counseling using group dynamics; and individual support using mail. METHODS: We enrolled men and women ages 20-69 with a systolic blood pressure (SBP) of 130-159 mmHg and/or a diastolic blood pressure of 85-99 mmHg (high-normal or mild hypertension). Participants were assigned to one of 4 groups: individual counseling (n = 134); group counseling (n = 79); mailing support (n = 127); and controls (with usual care) (n = 178). The three intervention programs included behavioral support for each person's lifestyle problems once a month for 6 months. Sex and age adjusted net blood pressure change (and 95% confidence intervals [CIs]) compared with the control group was calculated for each of the intervention groups. RESULTS: Net SBP change was the largest for the group counseling group: sex and age adjusted net SBP change was -6.5 mmHg (95% CI: -10.0, -3.0). Net SBP change for the mailing support group was also significant (-4.3 mmHg [95% CI: -7.3, -1.3]). Net SBP change for the individual counseling group was -2.5 mmHg (95% CI: -5.5, 0.5). Looking at the results separately by sex, net SBP reduction was also largest in women of the group counseling group, whereas improvement in men was similar among 3 groups (approximately 4 mmHg). Body weights were reduced by about 1 kg in all 3 groups. CONCLUSIONS: Lifestyle modification programs using group dynamics or using individual support by mail, in addition to individual behavioral support, appear to be effective for blood pressure reduction. Group counseling may be more effective in women.  相似文献   

Oxygen (O2) uptake and net metabolite flux by portal-drained viscera (PDV) and hepatic (HEP) tissues have been quantitated in vivo by measuring blood flow and arteriovenous concentration differences in cattle with chronic indwelling catheters in appropriate blood vessels. Results from use of this technique show that PDV of cattle account for 8-10% of body tissue, but 18-25% of whole animal O2 consumption. Similarly, HEP tissues account for 1-2% of body tissues, but more of whole animal O2 consumption than PDV. Glucose, volatile fatty acids (VFA), glutamate and glutamine are used as substrates by PDV; ketones, alanine and glycine are major products of PDV metabolism that are transported to HEP tissues along with absorbed VFA, ammonia, amino acids and other products of digestion. Most amino acids, L-lactate, propionate and butyrate and ammonia in blood from PDV are removed by HEP tissues, which in turn release glucose, glutamate, branched-chain amino acids, ketones, acetate and urea to peripheral blood. Net HEP flux of glucose measured by this technique is compatible with glucose requirements for lactation and other metabolism; similarly, HEP uptake of ammonia and alpha-amino N can account for 95% of HEP release of urea N. The technique is a powerful tool for quantitation of intermediary metabolism.  相似文献   

目的调查了解秦岭南麓陕西留坝地区虻科种群组成及一日觅血活动节律。方法网捕法和畜诱法。结果获得大批标本,经整理鉴定,共计虻科5属52种,即斑虻属6种,麻虻属9种,黄虻属4种,虻属23种和瘤虻属10种。种类组成:憎黄虻和鸡公山虻居首位,分别占捕获总数的24.254%和21.790%;日本虻、秦岭虻和山东虻次之,分别占捕获总数的9.468%、8.431%和8.042%;亚柯虻、副菌虻、察哈尔斑虻和甘肃麻虻居第3位,分别占捕获总数的5.318%、4.021%、3.502%和3.243%;其余19种密度最低,共占捕获总数2.464%。一日觅血活动节律,自早晨8:30时开始觅血活动,至晚21:30时觅血活动结束,以12:30~17:30为觅血活动猖獗时域,16:30时为一日觅血活动之高峰。结论基本掌握了当地虻科种群组成及一日觅血活动规律,为防制提供了依据。  相似文献   

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