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我院自1985年以来,共收治创伤性膈肌破裂47例,现将诊治情况总结报道如下。 1临床资料 本组男38例,女9例,年龄16~68(平均39)岁。闭合性损伤35例,包括车祸伤、坠落伤、砸压伤等,开放性刀刺伤12例。左侧膈肌破裂41例,右侧破裂5例,  相似文献   

李晶 《实用医学杂志》2006,22(4):451-452
目的:总结创伤性膈肌破裂的诊治经验。方法:回顾性分析1996-2004年我院收治的20例创伤性膈肌破裂患者资料,发生原因为车祸伤12例,刀刺伤8例。均手术治疗,剖胸术9例,剖腹术11例。结果:术前确诊18例,治愈19例,死亡1例。结论:创伤性膈肌破裂一旦确诊都应手术治疗,手术径路应视伤者的胸腹部情况而定,应遵循先重后轻,先处理致命伤,术式简单有效的原则。X线检查对创伤性膈肌破裂的诊断有很大帮助。  相似文献   

胸部刀刺伤是胸外科急、重症之一,关键在于早期诊断、早期治疗、早期手术。我院于2001-01~2006-12共收治37例,现分析如下。1临床资料1.1一般资料本组男32例,女5例,年龄17~48岁,30岁以下23例。左侧27例,右侧10例,双侧5例。入院时间:伤后1h以内18例,1~2h11例,2h以上8例,最长1例伤后17h由外院转入。大多数病例为夜间入院。心脏裂伤7例,心室5例,心房2例,冠脉血管断裂1例。膈肌破裂6例,其中左侧5例,右侧1例。肋间动脉断裂5例,胸廓内动脉断裂1例,肋骨骨折7例,肝破裂1例,胃破裂1例,脾破裂3例,伴其他部位刀刺伤10例。合并休克17例。1.2治疗闭式引流2…  相似文献   

目的 探讨创伤性膈肌破裂的临床诊断特点、易误诊漏诊的因素和治疗方法。方法 20例创伤性膈肌破裂和膈疝临床资料回顾性分析。钝性伤致膈肌破裂6例(发生率1.9%),穿透伤14例(发生率17%);左侧膈肌破裂18例,右侧膈肌破裂2例;发生膈疝16例,其中误诊3例。结果 全组均行手术治疗,19例治愈,1例死与ARDS。结论 创伤性膈肌破裂及膈疝主要依靠临床表现和胸部X光检查诊断,一经确诊应采取积极的手术治疗。  相似文献   

我院1986-06/2008-06共收治创伤性膈肌破裂21例,现将诊断治疗情况分析如下。 1临床资料 1.1一般资料 本组男18例,女3例,年龄13-68岁,平均36岁。膈肌左侧破裂18例,其中1例为陈旧性,右侧破裂3例,急性开放性损伤3例,其中刀刺伤2例,靶齿戳伤1例;闭合性损伤18例,包括车祸、挤压伤及高处坠落伤等。发病至就诊时间24 h内13例,24 h-3 d 7例,最长伤后30 a 1例,膈肌破裂口小于10cm 15例,〉10 cm有7例。  相似文献   

目的:探讨腹腔镜代替胸腔镜在胸部刀刺伤并胸腹联合伤诊治中的临床应用价值。方法:应用电视腹腔镜技术成功地对6 例下胸部刀刺伤并胸腹联合伤的患者进行了腹腔镜探查与手术治疗。结果:手术均获成功。腹腔镜下肺裂伤修补3 例,肋间血管损伤缝扎止血4 例,肝裂伤“地毯式”电凝止血5 例,膈肌破裂缝合修补6 例。术后住院8~12d,无手术并发症。结论:腹腔镜代替胸腔镜应用于胸部刀刺伤并胸腹联合伤的诊治是一种安全、有效、微创伤的方法,值得在已有腹腔镜设备但尚无胸腔镜的基层医院开展普及推广  相似文献   

创伤性膈疝19例分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
创伤性膈疝是少见的创伤后并发症,是指因直接或间接暴力、创伤使膈肌破裂,腹腔脏器疝入胸腔的疾病。但该病多有胸部等其他合并伤,从而影响了或掩盖了膈肌破裂,使之不易早期诊断而延误治疗,死亡率较高。对我院1990-07~2004-050伤性膈疝19例分析如下。  相似文献   

1990 - 0 1~ 2 0 0 0 - 10漏诊膈肌损伤 7例 ,本文分析了漏诊原因 ,提出早期诊断 ,避免漏诊 ,能够提高治疗效果 ,减少并发症。1 临床资料本组 7例病例 ,开放性损伤 3例 ,闭合性损伤 4例 ,受伤当时合并股骨干骨折 1例 ,骨盆骨折 1例 ,肋骨骨折 2例 ,颜面、颈部、双手烧伤、创伤性湿肺、血气胸 1例。受伤当时胸透见伤侧膈肌抬高 1例。膈下游离气体 1例 ,见表 1。表 1  7例膈肌损伤漏诊病例表病例序号损伤性质初步诊断术中所见漏诊时间1下胸部挤压伤胃破裂、气胸膈肌破裂 (左 ) 3h2上腹部刀刺伤腹腔内脏破裂肠破裂 ,膈肌破裂 (左 ) 3.5h3右…  相似文献   

膈肌损伤多因临床表现不典型 ,又常被合并伤的症状所掩盖 ,易延误诊治 ,因此早期确诊及时处理十分重要[1 ] 。本文综合我院自 1991- 0 3~ 2 0 0 0 - 0 3,收治 2 1例膈肌损伤的临床资料 ,对其诊治问题及经验教训作回顾性探讨。1 临床资料本组男 19例 ,女 2例 ,年龄 2 6~ 42岁。开放性损伤 12例(5 7.1% ) ,其中刀刺伤 9例 ,挤压伤 3例 ;闭合性损伤 9例(4 2 .9% ) ,其中挤压伤 7例 ,坠落伤 2例。左侧膈肌损伤 18例(85 .7% ) ,右侧 3例 (14.3% )。 16例膈疝形成 ,疝入脏器分别是胃与大网膜、横结肠、小肠。合并肋骨骨折 10例 ,四肢及骨盆骨折…  相似文献   

目的:总结12例膈肌破裂的诊断和治疗。方法:回顾分析了近10a收治的膈肌破裂患12例,其中左侧膈肌破裂10例,右侧2例。致伤原因依次为:锐器刺伤9例,车祸伤2例,胸腹部挤压伤1例。术前明确诊断8例,术中探查发现3例,漏诊l例。结果:12例均经手术治疗,治愈8例,死亡4例,死亡4例,死亡率33.33%。结论:术前对膈肌破裂的高度重视及术中对隔肌的仔细探查,是减少漏诊的关键。早期诊断、及时手术、积极有效的术后处理,是提高治愈率的重要措施。  相似文献   

目的 研究急性脊髓刀扎伤的磁共振成像(MRI)特征。方法 对12例急性脊髓刀扎伤患者的MRI进行回顾性分析。结果 12例均可见入路信号,椎管外一椎管内的刀迹金属伪迹影;此外,亦可见脊髓内的刀迹金属伪迹影、脊髓损伤信号、水肿信号、脊髓出血信号、硬膜外、下血肿出血信号。硬膜下、外血肿的鉴别可通过硬膜在血肿与脊髓间的关系来鉴别;矢状T1、T2加权相可以清晰地显示黄韧带、后纵带及硬膜的损伤或断裂。结论 MRI可准确诊断脊髓刀扎伤的部位,髓内、髓外及韧带、硬膜的损伤,尤其是矢状T2W相可清晰、准确地显示刀扎入的路径。  相似文献   

目的:提高创伤性膈肌破裂的诊治水平。方法:回顾分析1987年1月-2004年10月复旦犬学附属金山医院和解放军第149医院18例创伤性膈肌破裂患者临床资料,男15例,女3例。均为多发伤。左侧膈肌破裂16例,右侧1例,双侧1例手术经胸6例,经腹切口10例,胸腹联合切口2例。手术行疝回纳、修补膈肌裂口,并处理其它合并伤。结果:治愈15例,死亡3例。1例双侧膈肌破裂患者死于粉碎性肝破裂、创伤性休克、失血性休克:1例死于严重的脑外伤;1例死于呼吸、循环等多脏器功能不全。结论:提高认识,正确应用辅助检查,尤其是X线、CT等检查方法,有助于早期诊断。及时复苏、止确处理其他合并伤、及时手术,是提高治愈率的关键。  相似文献   

We prospectively studied 126 asymptomatic patients who had a total of 144 stab wounds (average size, 2 cm) to the chest to determine their need for hospitalization. Their average age was 32 years; 102 of them were men. Four left against medical advice. The remaining 122 patients were judged to be asymptomatic when inspiratory and expiratory chest roentgenograms, recorded serially over a 24-hour period, revealed no intrathoracic trauma. Subcutaneous air was found in five of the patients, and an aorto-right ventricular fistula was found in one patient during his follow-up visit to the clinic a week later. The fistula was repaired uneventfully. No late-developing complications were detected in a review of the charts a year later. We believe a patient with a stab wound to the chest but with no evidence of intrathoracic injury may be appropriately managed with limited observation, including serial inspiratory and expiratory roentgenograms of the chest.  相似文献   

Knife-inflicted, deeply penetrating head and neck trauma is an uncommon life-threatening injury and a challenging problem. An examination of the neurovascular and systemic physical status is a first requirement and the decision as to which approach to adopt for the removal of the blade is of critical importance. Here we report a rare case of a pre-auricular stab wound with the knife blade deeply lodged in the extracranial infratemporal fossa. Radiological investigations showed that the knife blade had entered from the temporomandibular joint and become lodged through the anterior margin of foremen magnum below the petrosal bone. Minimal left vocal cord paresis, left palatal weakness and a slight deviation of the tongue towards the left side were observed. The other neurological and systemic physical evaluations were normal. Simple withdrawal of the blade in the operating room did not cause serious neurovascular injury. Here we discuss and compare the expanded exposure of anatomical structures for blade removal and simple withdrawal in similar injuries.  相似文献   

预制破片致兔胸部爆炸伤的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的:研究预制破片铝制雷管致兔胸部爆炸伤的伤情特点及规律,为制定胸部爆炸伤的救治原则提供实验依据。方法:用电启动方式引爆预制破片铝制雷管,将32只家兔置于距雷管5,8,10,12,15cm处,致伤前后常规观察生命体征及破片,冲击波对胸壁,肺脏和周围组织脏器的损伤情况,结果:伤后即刻死亡率为46.9%,各组死亡率有明显差异,冲击波主要靶器官为肺脏,破片伤发生率为62.5%,以盲管伤为主,常合并肋骨折及肋间血管损伤,心肌挫伤,肝脾,胃肠破裂。结论:胸部爆炸伤伤情复杂,死亡率高,伤后易致以肺功能衰竭(ARDS)为主的多脏器功能衰竭,破片伤致失血性休克和冲击伤致急性肺功能损伤是伤后早期死亡的主要原因。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Intracranial stab wounds are relatively uncommon, as the adult skull usually provides an effective barrier to penetration. We present an interesting case of a penetrating intracranial stab wound with several important teaching points. CLINICAL PRESENTATION: A 44-year-old man presented to the emergency department with a 1.2-cm stab wound to the left temporal area. His initial Glasgow Coma Score was 14/15. Computerized tomography of his brain revealed a left temporal lobe haemorrhage and contusion. Magnetic resonance images of his brain revealed a linear haematoma extending from his left temporal lobe into the left middle cerebellar peduncle, consistent with a penetrating injury. He was managed conservatively with intravenous antibiotics and made an excellent recovery. Three weeks after injury, he had mild residual problems with recall and attention. CONCLUSION: Several leaning points exist in this case. Firstly, as stab wounds to the brain frequently present as apparently innocuous facial or scalp lacerations, a high index of suspicion is needed to prevent these injuries presenting with serious late infective complications. Secondly, reports of similar cases in the literature suggest that stab wounds to the temporal region are associated with a high morbidity and mortality. This case demonstrates that a patient with an injury such as this can occasionally make a good functional recovery. Finally, this case highlights the advantage of magnetic resonance imaging over computerized tomography in patients with these injuries once it has been established that there is no residual intracranial metal fragment prior to magnetic resonance imaging. In this case, the entire wound tract was only evident on magnetic resonance imaging and not on the initial computerized tomography scans.  相似文献   

Diaphragmatic rupture following trauma is often an associated and missed injury. The diagnosis is difficult, so is usually made intraoperatively. Twenty-one patients with traumatic rupture of the diaphragm (TRD) who presented between 1995 and 1998 were retrospectively analysed: 12 had penetrating injuries and nine had blunt injuries. Right-sided defects exceeded left (12 vs 9). Only seven patients had signs and symptoms directly referrable to rupture of the diaphragm. All patients were operated on through a midline laparotomy. Diaphragmatic hernia was seen in six patients (28.5%); 20 (95%) patients had concomitant injuries. The liver was the most commonly injured organ (10 patients). The aim of this study was to report our experiences with TRD and review the literature. We conclude that correct preoperative diagnosis of TRD needs a high index of suspicion. It can be diagnosed intraoperatively by explorative laparotomy. Most ruptures can be repaired by the abdominal approach.  相似文献   

A 77-year-old man injured himself when he fell heavily on the left side of his chest. He had massive subcutaneous emphysema, bleeding, and left hemopneumothorax. He also fractured his seventh through tenth ribs; a fragment of the ninth rib was displaced into the thoracic cavity. The severity of the damage and the patient's pain was assessed using the Abbreviated Injury Scale 1990 (1998 update) as level 3. He was treated with conservative therapy and discharged on the 16 days after the injury. However, the following day, he had acute upper abdominal pain, his blood pressure dropped to 40 s, and he was readmitted. A chest CT showed the transverse colon was prolapsed in the thoracic cavity. The patient was diagnosed as having a delayed traumatic diapharagmatic hernia. A laparoscopic repair was performed. The rupture was classified as a IIIb-type diaphragmatic injury according to the Japanese Association for the Surgery of Trauma's classification system. It is believed that a fragment of a fractured rib that had been displaced in the thoracic cavity ruptured the diaphragm sharply. Since traumatic diapharagmatic hernia rarely occurs, it is relatively difficult to diagnose at the first examination. This condition has a high mortality rate because of the associated injuries. Surgery is the only treatment, but it should only be considered after a second examination. Herein, I report my experience with a case of delayed diaphragmatic hernia repaired by laparoscopic surgery.  相似文献   

SUMMARY Traumatic rupture of the diaphragm is an uncommon injury which can be missed unless there is a high index of suspicion. In the interval between rupture of the diaphragm and herniation of abdominal contents, signs and symptoms are nonspecific and the chest X-ray may be normal.  相似文献   

A 22 year old woman presented to the accident and emergency department with a self inflicted stab wound to the radial side of the volar aspect of the left forearm caused by a pen knife. Her wounds were sutured on the day of injury. Over the course of next three weeks her wounds healed well but she noticed difficulty in using the hand. She therefore attended her general practitioner who suspected a possible nerve injury and referred the patient back to the A&E department. On follow up examination, she was noticed to have a loss of finger and thumb extension and weakness of thumb abduction. Active extension of the wrist (with radial deviation) was intact. There was no sensory deficit. Posterior interosseous nerve (PIN) palsy was diagnosed and the patient was referred to the regional hand surgery unit where she underwent exploration of the wound. A complete transection of the PIN in the supinator canal was found and repaired with good functional outcome. This case reflects the importance of clinical examination in uncommon peripheral nerve injuries and appropriate referral to a specialist department in case of doubtful penetrating wound that pose a threat to an underlying important structure.  相似文献   

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