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目的:研究治疗复发性喉乳头状瘤的方法.方法:为3例病变范围广泛或多次复发的喉乳头状瘤患者行喉造口激光切除术.结果:3例患者分别经过3次、2次、10次手术治愈,经过半年到3年的随访,肿瘤无复发,喉功能恢复良好.结论:1.此种术式通过一次喉造口,可充分暴露病变,反复精确地切除肿瘤,从而有效地减少了肿瘤种植及复发,可多次切除病变而不需反复行喉裂开术,损伤相对较小,适用于易复发且范围广的喉乳头状瘤;2.采用激光手术治疗喉乳头状瘤,可有效地恢复正常的喉功能,损伤小,疗效好.  相似文献   

Recurrent laryngeal papillomas are tumors believed to be induced by human papillomaviruses. Severity of this disease varies due to the unpredictability of clinical remissions and recurrences. However, the severity of the disease does not affect the classification of these tumors as benign, and the rate of spontaneous conversion of recurrent laryngeal papillomas to carcinomas is very low. Laryngeal papillomas from six patients were evaluated cytogenetically after short-term culture. All six specimens were chromosomally normal, consistent with their classification as benign tumors with a low rate of malignant conversion. The presence of human papillomaviruses has no detectable effect on the chromosomes of these tumors.  相似文献   

This is a preliminary report of an ongoing study to test the efficacy of intralesional injections of the antiviral drug cidofovir in adults with recurrent laryngeal papillomas in whom multiple other treatments have previously failed. This study has been designed to include 10 to 20 patients, a number sufficient to either prove or disprove the safety and efficacy of this agent. This report conveys information on the first three patients enrolled in the trial. Each patient received an overall dose of 5 to 10 ml of cidofovir, at a concentration of 4.17 mg/ml, intralesionally at 2- to 4-week intervals. The approximate volume injected into each wart was 0.2 to 0.5 ml. Biopsies of the lesion sites were obtained at the initiation and completion of therapy. No other treatment was given. Resolution of lesions was monitored by videolaryngoscopy and still photography 1 to 2 weeks after each treatment. In time, the lesions resolved in all three patients, although all three later experienced a minor recurrence. We conclude that intralesional cidofovir appears to be a promising new treatment for controlling--and perhaps at higher dosages curing--refractory laryngeal papillomas, while causing little or no injury to laryngeal structures.  相似文献   

Bleeding into head and neck structures as a complication of thrombolysis is extremely rare but potentially lethal. It is usually associated with local trauma. We describe a case of a 67-year-old woman who developed spontaneous, massive pan aerodigestive tract haemorrhage precipitating airway obstruction following administration of streptokinase for myocardial infarction; a previously unreported complication. This case highlights the importance of being vigilant of airway symptoms following such treatment, prompting early involvement of anaesthetic and otolaryngology personnel.  相似文献   

Thirty-three patients with moderate to severe recurrent laryngeal papillomatosis underwent photodynamic therapy at our institution. All received 2.5 mg/kg of dihematoporphyrin ether intravenously either 48 or 72 hours prior to photoactivation with an argon pump dye laser system. Photosensitivity was the only side effect seen. Statistical analysis showed a significant decrease, by approximately 50%, in the average rate of laryngeal papilloma growth following treatment. The response was especially pronounced in patients with the worst disease. In addition, three patients have now remained free of disease for extended periods following photodynamic therapy. Latent infection with human papillomavirus continues to persist in clinically normal tissue following photodynamic therapy. The results and potential of this exciting new therapy for laryngeal papillomatosis are described.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Benign laryngeal polyps usually present with hoarseness and dysphonia. There have been a few reported cases, however, of polyps that caused airway obstruction. Herein we present our series of obstructing laryngeal polyps. METHODS: A retrospective review was performed of all patients with benign laryngeal lesions treated by the senior author (A.M.S.S.) between 1997 and 2006. Patients who presented with airway obstruction were identified. Detailed information was recorded on the demographics, presenting signs and symptoms, and surgical procedures. Preoperative and postoperative laryngoscopies were reviewed. RESULTS: Ten patients were identified. There were 7 women and 3 men. The mean age was 49 years (range, 34 to 64 years). All had a history of vocal abuse and smoking, with a mean of 35.2 pack-years (range, 7.5 to 112.5 pack-years). All underwent microlaryngoscopy with excision of the lesions. Jet ventilation or a small endotracheal tube was used to secure the airway. The mean follow-up of 9 patients was 71.2 days (range, 25 to 208 days); 1 patient was lost to followup. An excellent airway and improved voice was achieved in all. Forty-four percent (4 of 9) had persistent dysphonia and a decreased mucosal wave after the operation. CONCLUSIONS: Benign laryngeal polyps may present with airway obstruction and thus should be included in the differential diagnosis of stridor. Endoscopic treatment can result in an excellent airway, but dysphonia may persist in some cases.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Unsedated office-based laryngeal laser surgery (UOLS) is now an effective alternative to traditional operating room-based suspension microdirect laryngoscopy under general anesthesia. This procedure includes pulsed dye laser (PDL) treatment of recurrent respiratory papillomas, granulomas, leukoplakia, and polypoid degeneration. The objective of this study was to determine the magnitude of the cost savings derived by moving these types of procedures from the operating room to the office setting. METHODS: Retrospective cost-identification analysis was performed by comparing the billing records of patients who underwent surgical laser treatment for recurrent respiratory papillomatosis in the operating room to the costs and charges for patients who underwent similar procedures with the in-office PDL. RESULTS: In performing surgery with the PDL in the office, the average cost savings was more than $5,000 per case. Current reimbursement rates do not cover the cost of performing UOLS. CONCLUSIONS: The potential cost savings of UOLS are tremendous; however, at present significant financial disincentives prevent proliferation of this technology.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare postoperative patient discomfort, voice quality, and procedure time and cost for removal of recurrent respiratory papillomas using the microdebrider versus the CO2 laser. STUDY DESIGN: A randomized prospective study comparing children undergoing excision of recurrent respiratory papillomas by CO2 laser versus excision by microdebrider. METHODS: For the 6-month study, patients for whom removal of recurrent respiratory papillomas was indicated were randomly assigned by birth year to microdebrider or CO2 laser therapy. Disease severity was scored as the sum of ratings of 1+ (minimal), 2+ (moderate), or 3+ (severe) for involvement of 27 areas of the aerodigestive tract by direct microlaryngoscopy immediately before treatment. Parents scored patient discomfort and improvement in voice quality 24 hours after surgery, using a 5-point (0 = no pain; 4 = worst pain) and a 10-point (1 = minimal change; 10 = significant improvement) scale, respectively. RESULTS: Nineteen patients ranging in age from 2.5 to 20 years underwent 32 procedures in all. Groups did not differ significantly in age, sex, or severity of disease. For disease of equivalent severity, microdebrider treatment was associated with equivalent 24-hour-postoperative pain scores, greater improvement in voice quality, shorter procedure times, and lower overall procedure cost. CONCLUSIONS: Immediate postoperative results indicate that the microdebrider may be as safe as and, at some institutions, might be more cost-effective than the CO2 laser for removal of recurrent respiratory papillomas.  相似文献   

Endotracheal tube ignition during laser surgery of the larynx   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The ignition of an endotracheal tube was caused by laser penetration of an unprotected portion of the tube during resection of laryngeal papillomas. We discuss the factors that contributed to the ignition, the hazards that were encountered, and the methods of prevention that were used.  相似文献   

Objectives/Hypothesis: Standard management of recurrent respiratory papillomatosis (RRP) currently consists of CO2 laser microsurgical ablation of papillomas. Because of the recurrent nature of this viral disease, patients are often faced with significant cumulative risk of soft tissue complications. As a minimally traumatic alternative to management of RRP, we have investigated the use of the 585-nm pulsed dye laser (PDL) to cause regression of papillomas by selective eradication of the tumor microvasculature. Study Design: Nonrandomized prospective pilot study. Methods: Patients with laryngeal papillomas were treated with the PDL at fluences of 6 J/cm 2 (double pulses per irradiated site), 8 J/cm 2 (single pulses), and 10 J/cm 2 (single pulses), at noncritical areas within the larynx, using a specially designed micromanipulator. Lesions on the true cords were treated with the CO2 laser, using standard methodology. Results: Clinical examination of three patients treated to date showed that PDL treatment appeared to produce complete regression of papillomas. Unlike the sites of lesions treated by the CO2 laser, the epithelial surface at the PDL treatment sites was preserved intact. Conclusions: These preliminary results suggest the PDL may eradicate respiratory papillomas with minimal damage to normal laryngeal tissue. Further analysis of the ongoing study is required to demonstrate potential benefits of the technique.  相似文献   

The authors have presented results of otolaryngologic and phoniatric examination of 504 patients after thyroid surgery. 39 patients (7.74%) with recurrent laryngeal nerve paralysis were qualified for thorough phoniatric investigation.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether treatment of laryngopharyngeal reflux reduces the laryngeal soft tissue complications encountered in surgery for recurrent respiratory papillomas. STUDY DESIGN: Retrospective chart review. METHODS: Retrospective chart review of all pediatric patients treated for laryngeal recurrent respiratory papillomas between 1984 and 1999 was performed. Thirty-one such patients were identified. Twenty-four were at "high risk" for developing complications based on the number of operating suite visits and the presence of disease at the anterior commissure. Twelve patients underwent 24-hour double pH probe testing. RESULTS: Overall, 13 of 31 patients (42%) developed laryngeal webs. No other soft tissue complications were encountered. Of the patients who had pH probe testing, 12 of 12 (100%) had at least one pharyngeal episode of acid exposure. Of the "high-risk" patients, 10 were treated for reflux and only 2 of 10 (20%) developed webs. Eleven of 14 (79%) of the "high-risk" patients who were not treated for reflux developed webs. The difference in rate of web formation between patients treated for reflux and those not treated for reflux was statistically significant (P =.011). CONCLUSIONS: Antireflux treatments for patients undergoing surgery for laryngeal recurrent respiratory papillomas may reduce the soft tissue complications, especially scarring and web formation. Prophylactic antireflux therapy may be warranted in any patient undergoing surgery during which laryngeal mucosal disruption is anticipated.  相似文献   

Electrosurgery in the presence of volatile anesthetic gases has been associated with operating-room fires. We report a case in which an operating-room fire occurred while an intubated patient underwent electrosurgical tracheostomy. The fire in this case was caused by a combination of an oxygen-rich environment, a polyvinyl chloride tube, and heat generated by an electrosurgical unit. We also discuss factors that increase the risk of this type of fire and the management steps that should be undertaken in the event that such a fire occurs, and we briefly review the literature on this subject.  相似文献   

We describe clinical experiences in the management of three patients with laryngopharyngeal dystonia causing severe breathing problems. In contrast to spasmodic dysphonia, which presents with action-induced involuntary spasms of laryngeal muscles during speaking, all three patients showed laryngopharyngeal spasms primarily during respiration. In analogy to spasmodic dysphonia we propose the term spasmodic laryngeal dyspnea for this rare condition. Localized unilateral botulinum toxin injected into the thyroarytenoid muscle and /or ventricular folds reduced the quantity and quality of spasms and led to a pronounced improvement of breathing problems.  相似文献   

Using immunocytochemical techniques, recurrent laryngeal papillomas from six adult patients were studied. The p53 tumour suppressor gene protein was detected in the basal epithelial cells in papillomas from all six patients. None was detected in normal epithelium. Elevated levels of p53 protein are usually indicative of its inactivation either by point mutation or by complexing with tumour virus proteins.  相似文献   

Infestation of ear, nose, and throat by maggots, the larvae of the fly (genus Chrysomyia) [J Laryngol Otol 1976:393-399], is termed "myiasis." Prevalent in tropical countries, atrophic rhinitis is the most common predisposing factor for this condition. The maggots burrow into delicate membranes and feed on underlying structures, causing considerable destruction of tissues, resulting in complications such as extensive erosion of the nose, face, and orbit, with rarely meningitis and death as a result of intracranial involvement [J Laryngol Otol 1989;103:489-491]. We report a rare complication of pneumocephalus after atrophic rhinitis with nasal myiasis.  相似文献   

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