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胎盘母体血管灌注不良(maternal vascular malperfusion,MVM)包括一系列在母体蜕膜血管中所表现的病理改变,其本质是妊娠过程中子宫螺旋动脉重塑异常导致的绒毛间隙氧合和血流动力学的异常。MVM在胎盘病理检查中是很容易被识别的一系列病理表现,但是国内病理医师对胎盘病理诊断的重视程度不够。该文就M...  相似文献   

李斌  唐仕波  林少芬  肖迎  孟晶 《中国微循环》2005,9(3):204-204,206,F002
目的 利用HUVEC建立人体外三维血管模型。方法原代培养HUVEC,利用Ⅰ型胶原蛋白建立三维系统,在上面培养HUVEC,随着胶原蛋白的降解,人体外三维血管模型逐渐形成,HE染色三维血管样结构。结果HUVEC成功培养,人体外三维血管模型顺利构建。结论利用Ⅰ型胶原蛋白建立的三维系统,能成功构建人体外三维血管模型。  相似文献   

Amsterdam胎盘病理诊断共识的制定规范了胎盘诊断术语,该标准将胎盘病理分为母体血管灌注不良、胎儿血管灌注不良及感染-炎性病变。本文梳理了胎儿灌注部分病理诊断的相关文献,内容包括脐带病变、胎儿大血管栓塞性疾病及终末绒毛的缺血缺氧性病变,以帮助理解此类病变,提高胎盘病理诊断质量。  相似文献   

目的通过微CT (micro CT)扫描重建获得手舟骨内血管高精度模型,为临床提供解剖学参考。方法选取3个新鲜上肢,从肱动脉插管并灌注铅丹造影剂,灌注结束24 h后解剖手舟骨。用micro CT扫描,构建手舟骨血管三维模型以观察手舟骨的骨内及骨外血管分布。结果手舟骨表面存在一个连续的\"Ⅴ\"型血管区,自掌侧桡腕关节远端的韧带附着区到达手舟骨腰部桡侧,进一步折返沿背侧嵴向近端尺侧延伸。手舟骨桡侧腰部的\"Ⅴ\"型折返点和背侧血管较为密集。手舟骨桡侧远端结节内的骨内血管较为丰富,有3~5支骨内主干血管,来自于桡侧腰部和结节周围的骨外血管。而手舟骨近端尺侧的骨内血管只有1~2支主干血管,且行程较长。舟月骨间韧带内的血管没有发出骨内分支。结论手舟骨表面存在一个连续的\"Ⅴ\"型的血管区。手舟骨桡侧腰部的\"Ⅴ\"型折返点和背侧血管较为密集,其骨内分支是手舟骨的主要供血来源。  相似文献   

目的 通过乳胶-氧化铋对比剂与显微计算机断层扫描(Micro-CT)技术相结合的方法,完成家兔腹盆腔器官内血管系统的三维数字化图像重建。方法 6只4月龄雌性健康家兔作为研究对象。试验动物均进行腹腔麻醉。麻醉成功后纵行切开家兔腹壁,暴露盆腹腔血管,完成腹主动脉插管(用于子宫、膀胱、小肠的对比剂在体灌注)及肾动脉插管(用于肾脏的对比剂在体灌注)。选择乳胶-氧化铋混合溶液(氧化铋颗粒/乳胶溶液=1 g/mL)作为血管灌注对比剂。血管灌注成功后选取家兔的子宫、膀胱、小肠和肾脏作为研究器官。利用SkyScan 1076型Micro-CT对目标器官进行扫描,使用NRecon软件对扫描获得的原始图像进行处理和转化。采用Mimics 17.0软件对目标器官内的血管图像进行三维重建,获得家兔不同器官内的血管树三维图像,分析家兔不同器官内不同血管树的分级和分支特点。结果 目标器官的血管树数字化三维重建模型均构建成功。家兔膀胱血管树的最小可测量血管分级为二级,直径为(0.41±0.08)mm;子宫血管树的最小可测量血管分级为三级,直径为(0.39±0.08)mm;小肠和肾脏血管树的最小可测量血管分级均为四级,直径分别为(0.27±0.04)mm和(0.19±0.03)mm。结论 采用乳胶-氧化铋混合对比剂进行动物血管灌注Micro-CT成像,通过相关软件可成功重建动物器官内血管树的三维图像,可显示家兔器官血管树的走行并测量血管直径,对于小动物腹盆腔器官血管系统尤其是微小型血管网数字化三维模型的建立具有较大优势,为小动物腹盆腔器官疾病模型中血管解剖结构的研究提供了新的思路和方法。  相似文献   

目的 通过子痫前期胎盘血管铸型及CT数字化三维结构模型分析子痫前期胎盘血管的解剖学特征,为子痫前期的临床预判提供数据支持。方法 随机收集2018年11月至2020年6月的134例孕周≥34周胎盘,其中正常组68例,子痫前期66例(轻度组36例、重度组30例)。以自凝型牙托粉添加造影剂硫酸钡构建胎盘的血管铸型模型,对胎盘血管铸型模型进行CT扫描得到数字化的三维结构模型,测量铸型模型胎盘动静脉分级数、各级分支血管的直径及胎盘动静脉血管容积并比较3组差异。结果晚发型重度子痫前期胎盘与同期正常组、轻度子痫前期组相比,胎盘血管总容积及胎盘静脉容积变小(P<0.05),胎盘静脉分级数减少、静脉各级分支直径变细(P<0.05),动脉分级数减少及动脉第3、4级分支直径变细(P<0.05)。结论 血管铸型结合CT三维模型有助于直观、全面地认识先兆子痫胎盘血管结构特点。  相似文献   

李迅  叶频  付少武  冯成安 《解剖与临床》2008,13(4):F0002-F0002
人体是形态结构非常复杂整体,由于缺少精确量化的计算模式而限制了人类对疾病的认识和诊治。虚拟现实技术、三维图像技术和生物医学的结合为医学教育提供了一种崭新、高效的教学手段。本研究利用相关软件构件颅骨三维模型,目的是为解剖教学提供一个直观、便利的辅助工具。  相似文献   

目的 探讨胎盘血管的结构和临床价值 ;检测不同程度妊高征患者外周血红细胞内Ca2 + 含量 (IECa2 + ) ,联合应用小剂量肠溶阿司匹林、硝苯地平和硫酸舒喘灵三种药物 ,对降低妊高征患者IECa2 + 、改善胎盘灌注功能和提高新生儿质量的作用。方法 采用改良的血管铸形技术 ,对其中 87例胎盘血管铸形 ;应用流式细胞术 ,对 86例正常足月妊娠及 15 8例不同程度妊高症IECa2 + 测定 ;并对 5 6例妊高征患者采用三联药物治疗。结果 ①展现了人胎盘血管三维结构和双胎胎盘血管系统之间的“血脉相连现象” ;计算了正常妊娠和妊高征胎盘血管系统容积 ,重度妊高征显著性小于正常组 (P <0 .0 1)。②正常孕妇产前及产时IECa2 + 分别是 110 1 7± 89 2和 1173 5± 86 2 ,重度妊高征较正常妊娠和轻度者IECa2 + 显著性增加 (P <0 .0 1)。③本资料 χ2 检验显示三联用药组重度妊高征包括先兆子痫中新生儿重度窒息、IUGR和死胎发生率均显著低于自然组和单用硝苯地平组 (P <0 .0 5 )。结论 胎盘血管三维铸形 ,对研究胎盘功能有重要价值 ,也为临床教学提供了直观模型 ;联合应用硝苯地平、小剂量肠溶阿司匹林和硫酸舒喘灵 ,具有协同降低妊高征患者IECa2 + 、改善妊高征胎盘灌注功能的作用。  相似文献   

体外构建组织工程化小口径血管模型   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
目的体外构建组织工程化人工血管模型。方法将诱导细胞制成细胞ECMgel悬液培养,镜下观察细胞形态;将诱导的平滑肌细胞和内皮细胞悬液分层种植于支架内表面,以荧光显微镜、扫描电镜和HE染色光镜观察。结果在ECMgel凝胶中细胞生长良好;旋转培养的血管模型,质地均匀,内腔面光滑;HE染色可见血管壁三层结构:内皮细胞层、平滑肌细胞层、PGA 交联胶原层;扫描电镜可见内皮细胞融合成片;荧光显微镜观察可见均匀分布的内皮细胞。结论①ECMgel是携带细胞良好的基质;②旋转培养条件可以促进细胞的贴附和分化;③利用体外诱导的种子细胞分层种植可以构建成与天然血管结构相似的血管模型。  相似文献   

目的 基于造影及CT扫描对腰椎椎前大血管行三维重建及测量,探讨实施腰椎弓根螺钉双皮质固定手术的可行性及安全性。 方法 采用明胶-氧化铅混悬液灌注的新鲜成人标本10例,CT扫描后三维重建,测量椎弓根轴线与椎体前缘交点与大血管的解剖结构关系。L/RAD(L/RVD): 左右侧腰椎椎弓根轴线与椎体前缘的交点和腹主动脉(下腔静脉或髂动静脉)之间的距离。 结果 L3(RAD)与L5(LAD)分别为(0.51±0.12) cm和(0.16±0.11) cm, L1(LVD)与L4(RVD)分别为(1.03±0.08) cm和(0.10±0.16)  cm。L1~3 L/RAD及L3,L5 L/RVD对比均有显著性统计学意义(P<0.05)。L1~L3腹主动脉逐渐靠近椎体前缘(0.38~0.46 cm),L3~5则反之(0.46~0.16 cm)。L1~4下腔静脉逐渐远离椎体前缘(1.00~0.11 cm)。腹主动脉位于L1~4椎体左侧-6°~30°区域; 下腔静脉位于 L1~3椎体前面右侧-15°~57°,L4椎体前面-10°~60°。髂血管在L5椎体前面左内外、右内外分别为4°~10°,-20°~60°,-18°~35°,-50°~70°。 结论 L1~5左侧双皮质椎弓根螺钉置钉过深容易损伤腹主动脉及髂血管,L1~3椎右侧椎弓根螺钉易操作,L4~5双侧损伤下腔静脉及髂血管的可能性较大。  相似文献   

目的医学图像能够反映人体各组织的生理或病理性的结构信息和功能信息,根据图像序列,对患者心血管组织进行三维重建,可以方便医生对血管的病灶部位做出准确诊断。本文将区域生长法(region growing method,RGM)在二维图像的基础上用于三维,并比较RGM的3种子方法对心血管模型进行三维分割的效果。方法结合VTK(Visualization Toolkit)与ITK(Insight Segmentation and Registration Toolkit)函式库,首先利用光线投射法(ray casting,RC)对患者的CT扫描图像序列进行三维重建,得到患者胸腔三维模型;之后分别利用区域生长法中连通阈值、置信连接和邻域连接3种算法进行三维分割处理,得到患者心血管模型的仿真结果。结果三维重建仿真技术,具有直观重现心血管造影序列所描述的人体胸腔部位各组织的可能性;3种分割算法的比较显示,邻域连接法相比于其他两种算法,模型的解剖结构信息丢失程度较大,血管树的分支数目及管径也明显偏小。结论使用VTK与ITK函式库,通过光线投射法的体绘制技术和区域生长法的图像分割技术,可以建立患者的心血管模型;区域生长法中的连通阈值和置信连接算法,对结果的细节保留程度最大。  相似文献   

石冰涛  刘锦 《解剖学报》2016,47(4):572-574
目的利用3ds Max软件制作内耳模型,然后用熔融沉积型3D打印机进行内耳模型打印。方法首先用3ds Max软件以网格化修饰构建内耳模型,经Repetier-Host软件处理后利用熔融沉积型3D打印机进行打印。结果利用3ds Max软件制作的内耳模型可以通过熔融沉积型3D打印机打印内耳解剖模型,并能清晰显示内耳的解剖结构。结论将3ds Max技术与熔融沉积型3D打印机相结合进行人体解剖模型打印可以成功打印出人体解剖模型。  相似文献   

This study reports some morphological characteristics of human placenta that play an important physiological role in normal pregnancies. The structures were the spiral arteries, the extracellular matrix and the MHC-antigens bearing cells. We studied these important tissue compartments in 80 placentas from normal and abnormal pregnancies (affected by in utero growth-retardation), where we could hypothesize an altered pattern of the same structures. Placental specimens were evaluated using histochemistry and immunohistochemical methods, like echo-doppler and echography. Our data show uterine and spiral arteries as markedly changing during pregnancy in normal women, but surely involved in some different morphological alterations in the pathological groups. The extracellular matrix compartment is strictly related with the vascular one, both under a physiological point of view (artery resistance and sometimes blood flow inversion) and under a non-cellular component pattern. Normal specimens are rich in sialomucins, solfomucins and glycoproteins. Collagen bundles are mainly of fetal type III, by also adult type I is present at the physiological end of pregnancy. In placentas with blood supply alteration, morphological studies suggest an early aging of the extracellular matrix (with prevalence of adult type I collagen in perivascular muffs). These changes could make more difficult all the exchanges from the blood to the tissues. The immunocompetent cell population is normally well represented in placental tissue: these cells are dentritic-shaped and lie in the perivascular spaces and in the placental and villous stroma. In the altered placentas examined, we were able to identify HLA-DR+ cells that exhibit Langerhans cell markers and are strongly suggestive of an alteration of the normal immunitary relationship between fetal antigens and mother T-cell populations.  相似文献   

Twin-twin transfusion syndrome (TTTS) is a condition in which twins share blood disproportionately by the communicating vessels in the shared placenta, resulting in high fetal and perinatal mortality. Fetoscopic laser photocoagulation is performed to interrupt these communicating vessels; however, small vessels are often missed due to the poor image obtained with a fetoscope. We have developed a fluorescence endoscope capable of visualizing very small vessels, even in amniotic fluid, and we investigated its feasibility for in vivo visualization of placental vessels. Indocyanine green (ICG) was given at single doses of 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5 mg/kg, respectively, into the maternal circulation of pregnant rabbits, and the endoscope was used to identify the placental vessels. The vessels were detected within 15s after ICG injection for about 10 min. The brightness difference between the intervillous space and the umbilical vessels was significantly smaller after administration of 0.5 mg/kg than after 1.0 mg/kg (p=0.02) or 1.5 mg/kg (p=0.01). Even very small vessels (0.2mm in diameter) were detected. In conclusion, our new endoscope successfully provided a detailed view of the placental vessels in vivo. The results are promising for future TTTS laser surgery.  相似文献   

Several optical techniques that investigate blood contained within the retinal vessels are available or under development. We present a mechanical model that simulates the optical properties of the eye, the retinal vessels, and the ocular fundus. A micropipette is chosen as the retinal vessel model, and a mechanical housing is constructed to simulate the eyeball. Spectralon is used to simulate the retinal layers. Filling the eye with fluid index matched to the glass pipette eliminates reflection and refraction effects from the pipette. An apparatus is constructed and used to set the oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide concentrations in whole human blood. These whole blood samples are pumped through the pipette at 34 microL/min. Measurements made in the model eye closely resemble measurements made in the human eye. This apparatus is useful for developing the science and testing the systems that optically investigate blood and blood flow in the large retinal vessels.  相似文献   

基于激光三维扫描技术的微型轴流血泵叶轮加工精度检测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的检测微型轴流血泵的转子叶轮加工精度,建立叶轮形状复杂的微型血泵叶轮加工精度检测方法。方法本文采用激光三维扫描技术获得FW-2型轴流血泵叶轮的点云,利用逆向工程软件Geomagic Studio对点云进行处理后建立三维模型。将建立的叶轮模型与设计的叶轮模型导人Geomagic Qualify软件进行对比,即可分析具有复杂曲面的FW-2型轴流血泵转子叶轮各个型面的加工精度。结果对比激光扫描得到的叶轮模型与设计的叶轮模型,结果显示FW-2型轴流血泵转子叶轮整体加工精度符合要求,只有极小区域加工精度较低。结论激光三维扫描结合逆向三维建模技术是微型血泵复杂叶轮的加工精度检测的有效方法。本研究为微型血泵叶轮检测提供了一种新思路, 对确定血泵使用过程中的血栓形成原因,改进血泵设计具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Modern imaging techniques are able to generate high-resolution multimodal angiographic scans. The analysis of vasculature using numerous 2D tomographic images is time consuming and tedious, while 3D modeling and visualization enable presentation of the vasculature in a more convenient and intuitive way. This calls for development of interactive tools facilitating processing of angiographic scans and enabling creation, editing, and manipulation of 3D vascular models. Our objective is to develop a vascular editor (VE) which provides a suitable environment for experts to create and manipulate 3D vascular models correlated with surrounding anatomy. The architecture, functionality, and user interface of the VE are presented. The VE includes numerous interactive tools for building a vascular model from multimodal angiographic scans, editing, labeling, and manipulation of the resulting 3D model. It also provides comprehensive tools for vessel visualization, correlation of 2D and 3D representations, and tracing of small vessels of subpixel size. Education, research, and clinical applications of the VE are discussed, including the atlas of cerebral vasculature. To our best knowledge, there are no other systems offering similar functionality as the VE does.  相似文献   

Zebrafish Intrahepatic Biliary System: Confocal projection through the liver of a 5 day post‐fertilization zebrafish larva immunostained with antibodies raised against the human multidrug resistance protein‐1 (red), also known as Pglcyoprotein, an ABC transporter in the hepatocyte canalicular membrane, and a novel zebrafish epitope 2F11 (green) that recognizes biliary epithelial cells. Hepatocytes secrete bile through their canaliculus into the intrahepatic biliary duct network. 10 μm z‐stack. From Lorent et al., Developmental Dynamics 239:398‐406, 2010.  相似文献   

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