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Solution conformations of three series of model peptides, homochiral Ac-Pro-L-Xaa-NHCH3 and heterochiral Ac-Pro-D-Xaa-NHcH3 (Xaa = Val, Phe, Leu, Abu. Ah) as well as αβ-unsaturated Ac-Pro-ΔXaa-NHCH3 [Δ Xaa =ΔVal, (Z)-ΔPhe, (Z)-ΔLeu, (Z)-ΔAbu] were investigated in CDCl3 and CH2Cl2 by 1H-, 13C-NMR, and FTIR spectroscopy. NH stretching absorption spectra, solvent shifts Δδ for NH (Xaa) and NHCH3 on going from CDCl3 to (CD3)2SO, diagnostic interresidue proton NOEs, and trans-cis isomer ratios were examined. These studies performed showed the essential difference in conformational propensities between homochiral peptides (L-Xaa) on the one hand and heterochiral (D-Xaa) and αβ-dehydropeptides (ΔXaa) on the other. Former compounds are conformationally flexible with an inverse γ-bend, a β-turn, and open forms in an equilibrium depending on the nature of the Xaa side chain. Conformational preferences of heterochiral and αβ-dehydropeptides are very similar, with the type-II β-turn as the dominating structure. There is no apparent correlation between conformational properties and the nature of the Xaa side chain within the two groups. The β-turn formation propensity seems to be somewhat greater in αβ-unsaturated than in heterochiral peptides, but an estimation of β-folded conformers is risky.  相似文献   

Conformations of three series of model peptides: homochiral Ac-Pro-L-Xaa-NHCH3 and heterochiral Ac-Pro-D-Xaa-NHCH3 (Xaa=Phe, Val, Leu. Abu. Ala) as ivell as α,β-dehydro Ac-Pro-ΔXaa-NHCHs [ΔXaa = (Z)-ΔPhe, ΔVal. (Z)-ΔLeu, (Z)-ΔAbu] were investigated by CD spectroscopy in 2 % dichloromethanecyclohexane, trifluoroethanol. water. and occasionally in other solvents. The spectra of homochiral peptides show a significant solvent dependence. Folded structures are present in 2% dichloromethane-cyclohexane and unordered ones occur in water. The folded conformers are of the inverse γ-turn type for all the peptides but Ac-Pro-L-Phe-NHCH3 for which the type-I β-turn is preferred. The changes in the spectra of the heterochiral peptides are limited. The compounds adopt the typc-II β–turn in 2% dichloromethanecyclohexane, represented by class B spectra, and retain this conformation in water as well as in fluorinated alcohols but not always to a full extent. The CD spectra of the unsaturated peptides in 2%, dichloromethanecyclohexane, although they cannot be assigned to any common spectral class, must be attributed to the βII-turn conformation as determined for these coinpounds by NMR and IR spectroscopy. The CD spectra of dehydropeptides exhibit a considerable solvent dependence and suggest unordered structures in water.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of Ac-Pro-ΔVal-NHCH3 was examined to determine the influence of the α,β-dehydrovaline residue on the nature of peptide conformation. The peptide crystallizes from methanol-diethyl ether solution at 4° in needle-shaped form in orthorhombic space group P212121 with a= 11.384(2) Å, b = 13.277(2) Å, c = 9.942(1) Å. V = 1502.7(4) Å3 Z = 4, Dm= 1.17 g cm?3 and Dc=1.18 g cm?3 The structure was solved by direct methods using SHELXS-86 and refined to an R value of 0.057 for 1922 observed reflections. The peptide is found to adopt a β-bend between the type I and the type III conformation with φ1=?68.3(4)°, ψ1=? 20.1(4)°, φ2=?73.5(4)°= and Ψ2=?14.1(4)°=. An intramolecular hydrogen bond between the carbonyl oxygen of ith residue and the NH of (i+ 3)th residue stabilizes the β-bend. An additional intermolecular N.,.O hydrogen bond joins molecules into infinite chains. In the literature described crystal structures of peptides having a single α,β-dehydroamino acid residue in the (i+ 2) position and forming a β-bend reveal a type II conformation.  相似文献   

Abstract: : The Fourier transform infrared spectra of Ac-(E)-ΔAbu-NHMe were analyzed to determine the predominant solution conformation (s) of this (E)-α,β-dehydropeptide-related compound and the electron density perturbation in its amide groups. The measurements were performed in dichloromethane and acetonitrile in the region of mode vs (N–H), amide I, amide II and vs (Cα= Cβ). The equilibrium geometrical parameters, calculated by a method based on the density functional theory with the B3LYP functional and the 6–31G* basis set, were used to support spectroscopic interpretation and gain some deeper insight into the molecule. The experimental and theoretical data were compared with those of three previously described molecules: isomeric Ac-(Z)-ΔAbu-NHMe, Ac-ΔAla-NHMe, which is deprived of any β-substituent, and saturated species Ac-Abu-NHMe. The titled compound assumes two conformational states in equilibrium in the DCM solution. One conformer is extended almost fully and like Ac-ΔAla-NHMe is C5 hydrogen-bonded. The other adopts a warped C5 structure similar to that of Ac-(Z)-ΔAbu-NHMe. The C5 hydrogen bond, unlike the H-bond in Ac-ΔAla-NHMe, is disrupted by acetonitrile. The resonance within the N-terminal amide groups in either of the (E)-ΔAbu conformers is not as well developed as the resonance in Ac-Abu-NHMe. However, these N-terminal groups, compared with the other unsaturated compounds, constitute better resonance systems in each conformationally related couple: the C5 hydrogen-bonded Ac-(E)-ΔAbu-NHMe/Ac-ΔAla-NHMe and the warped C5 Ac-(E)-ΔAbu-NHMe/Ac-(Z)-ΔAbu-NHMe. The resonance within the C-terminal groups of the latter couple apparently is similar, but less developed than the resonance in Ac-Abu-NHMe. The electron distribution within the C-terminal group of the hydrogen-bonded C5 (E)-ΔAbu conformer apparently is determined mainly by the electron influx from the Cα= Cβ double bond.  相似文献   

The Fourier transform infrared spectra are analyzed in the regions of vs(N-H), amide I, amide II and vs(Cα=Cβ) bands for a series of Ac-ΔXaa-NHMe, where ΔXaa =ΔAla, (Z)-ΔAbu, (Z)-ΔLeu, (Z)-ΔPhe and AVal, to determine the predominant solution conformation of these α, β-dehydropeptide-related molecules and the electron distribution perturbation in their amide bonds. The measurements were performed in dichloromethane (DCM). To confirm and rationalize the assignments, the spectra of the respective series of saturated Ac-Xaa-NHMe, recorded in DCM, and the spectra of these two series of unsaturated and saturated compounds, recorded in acetonitrile, were examined. To help interpret the spectroscopic results, the equilibrium geometrical parameters for some selected amides were used. These were optimized with ab initio methods in the 6-31G** basis set. Each of the dehydroamides studied adopted a C5 structure, which in Ac-ΔAla-NHMe is fully extended and accompanied by the strong C5 hydrogen bond. Interaction with the Cα=Cβ bond lessened the amidic resonance within each of the flanking amide groups. The N-terminal C=O bond was noticeably shorter, both amide bonds were longer than the corresponding bonds in the saturated entities and the N-terminal amide system was distorted. Ac-ΔAla-NHMe constituted an exception. Its C-terminal amide bond was shorter than the standard one and both amide systems were prototypically planar.  相似文献   

Abstract: The peptide Boc-l -Val-ΔPhe-ΔPhe-l -Ile-OCH3 was synthesized using the azlactone method in the solution phase, and its crystal and molecular structures were determined by X-ray diffraction. Single crystals were grown by slow evaporation from solution in methanol at 25°C. The crystals belong to an orthorhombic space group P212121 with a = 12.882(7) Å, b = 15.430(5) Å, c = 18.330(5) Å and Z = 4. The structure was determined by direct methods and refined by a least-squares procedure to an R-value of 0.073. The peptide adopts a right-handed 310-helical conformation with backbone torsion angles: φ1 = 56.0(6)°, ψ1 = –38.0(6)°, φ2 = –53.8(6)°, ψ2 = 23.6(6)°, φ3 = –82.9(6)°, ψ3 = –10.6(7)°, φ4 = 124.9(5)°. All the peptide bonds are trans. The conformation is stabilized by intramolecular 4→1 hydrogen bonds involving Boc carbonyl oxygen and NH of ΔPhe3 and CO of Val1 and NH of Ile4. It is noteworthy that the two other chemically very similar peptides: Boc-Val-ΔPhe-ΔPhe-Ala-OCH3 (i) and Boc-Val-ΔPhe-ΔPhe-Val-OCH3 (ii) with differences only at the fourth position have been found to adopt folded conformations with two overlapping β-turns of types II and III′, respectively, whereas the present peptide adopts two overlapping β-turns of type III. Thus the introduction of Ile at fourth position in a sequence Val-ΔPhe-ΔPhe-X results in the formation of a 310-helix. The crystal structure is stabilized by intermolecular hydrogen bonds involving NH of Val1 and carbonyl oxygen of a symmetry related (–x, y – 1/2, 1/2 + z) ΔPhe2 and NH of ΔPhe2 with carbonyl oxygen of a symmetry related (x, y1/2, 1/2 + z) Ile4. This gives rise to long columns of helical molecules linked head to tail running along [010] direction.  相似文献   

The structure of a peptide containing C-terminal dehydrophenylalanine, Z-Gly-(Z)-δPhe (C19H18N2O5, MW = 354) was determined from single-crystal X-ray diffraction data. Needle-shaped crystals were grown from a 1:1 mixture of methanol-acetone in the monoclinic space group P21 with a= 14.717(4), b= 4.941(2), c= 12.073(4) Å, β= 103.72(4)?; V= 852.86(8) Å3, Z= 2 and Dc= 1.32 g cm ?3. The structure was solved by direct methods using SHELXS-86 and refined to a final R-index of 0.032 for 1714 observed reflections. The peptide adopts a conformation folded at the glycine residue, and principal torsion angles are ω0= 167.6(2)?, pHGR;1= -71.8(3)?, ψ1= -31.6(4)?, ωl= - 165.7(3)?, pHGR;2= 65.6(4)?, ψ1/2 = -174.4(3)? and ψ2/2 = 5.2(4)?. Two intermolecular hydrogen bonds, N1—H…Oo and O2—H…O′1, join the folded molecules into columns and link columns to each other, respectively. FTIR spectroscopy shows the presence of three hydrogen bonds. This third one has been interpreted as an intramolecular hydrogen bond of the N2—H…N1 type. © Munksgaard 1994.  相似文献   

Abstract: A protected tridehydropeptide containing (Z)‐β‐(3‐pyridyl)‐α,β‐dehydroalanine (ΔZ3Pal) residue, Boc‐Leu‐ΔZ3Pal‐Leu‐OMe ( 1 ), was synthesized via Erlenmeyer azlactone method. X‐ray crystallographic analysis revealed that the peptide 1 adopts an extended conformation, which is similar to that of a ΔZPhe analog, Boc‐Leu‐ΔZPhe‐Leu‐OMe ( 2 ).  相似文献   

The crystal structure of the tBuCO-d,l -Ala-Δz-Phe-NHiPr dipeptide has been solved by X-ray diffraction. The peptide crystallizes in monoclinic space group P2JC with a = 13.445 (3) Å, b = 35.088 (4) Å, c = 14.755(3) Å, β= 116.73(1)°, Z = 12 and dc= 1.151 g.cm?3. The three independent molecules per asymmetric unit accommodate a βII-folded conformation, but only one of them contains the typical i + 3 → i interaction characterizing a β-turn. In the other two molecules, the N…O distance exceeds 3.2 Å, a value generally considered the upper limit for hydrogen bonds in peptides. In solution, the βII-turn conformation is largely predominant.  相似文献   

Semi-empirical energy calculations were performed for published conformations of cyclo(Gly-Pro-Gly)2 using different force fields (DISCOVER cvff and cff91, AMBER, and CHARMM). The resulting potential energies were then used to create Boltzmann weighting factors for an ensemble of cyclo(Gly-Pro-Gly)2 structures. The dipole interaction model was used to predict π-π* circular dichroic spectra (CD) for the individual structures of cyclo(Gly-Pro-Gly)2. The Boltzmann weighting factors were applied to the individual spectra so that a composite spectrum was constructed to represent a CD arising from a collection of different structures in solution. Weighting factors determined from different force fields were compared. Boltzmann-weighted spectra better resembled the experimental CD than any calculated spectrum using only a single conformation of cyclo(Gly-Pro-Gly)2. The structures most heavily weighted contained at least one type I β-turn.  相似文献   

Conformational energy computations on Ac-l -(αMe)Val-NHMe indicate that turns and right-handed helical structures are particularly stable conformations for this chiral Cα-methyl, Cα-alkylglycyl residue. We have synthesized and characterized a variety of l -(αMe)Val derivatives and peptides (to the pentamer level). The results of the solution conformational analysis, performed using infrared absorption, 1H nuclear magnetic resonance, and circular dichroism, are in general agreement with those obtained from the theoretical investigation, in the sense that the l -(αMe)Val residue turns out to be a strong β-turn and right-handed helix former. A comparison is also made with the conclusions extracted from published work on peptides rich in other Cα-methyl, Cα-alkylglycyl residues.  相似文献   

Abstract: A spontaneously folding β‐hairpin peptide (Lys‐Lys‐Tyr‐Thr‐Val‐Ser‐Ile‐Asn‐Gly‐Lys‐Lys‐Ile‐Thr‐Val‐Ser‐Ile) and related cyclic (cyclo‐Gly‐Lys‐Tyr‐Ile‐Asn‐Gly‐Lys‐Ile‐Ile‐Asn) and linear (Ser‐Ile‐Asn‐Gly‐Lys) controls were studied to determine the effects of various factors on secondary structure. Secondary structure was evaluated using circular dichroism (CD) and 1D and 2D 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). The effects of chemical modifications in the peptide and various solution conditions were investigated to determine their impact on peptide structure. The β‐hairpin peptide displayed a CD minimum at 216 nm and a TOCSY i + 1 ? i + 2 and i + 2 ?i + 3 interaction, confirming the expected structure. Using NMR α‐proton (H) chemical shifts, the extents of folding of the β‐hairpin and linear control were estimated to be 51 and 25% of the cyclic control (pH 4, 37 °C), which was taken to be maximally folded. Substitution of iso‐aspartic acid for Asn reduced the secondary structure dramatically; substitution of aspartic acid for Asn also disrupted the structure. This result suggests that deamidation in unconstrained β‐turns may have adverse effects on secondary structure. N‐terminal acetylation and extreme pH conditions also reduced structure, while the addition of methanol increased structure.  相似文献   

The effect of Zn(II) binding on the structure of bovine α-lactalbumin (LA) was investigated. α-Lactalbumin, a regulatory subunit of lactose synthase, binds Ca(II) and Zn(II) at different sites in a mutually non-exclusive manner. The structures of the metal-depleted form of LA (apo-LA) and Ca(II)-bound LA (holo-LA) have been well characterized. Here, the effect of Zn(II) binding on the structure of holo-LA has been investigated by comparison with the structure of holo-LA and apo-LA using CD and NMR spectroscopy. The CD spectrum of Zn(II)-holo-LA was similar to that of holo-LA, but the intensity of the negative peak in near-UV region was decreased. Zn(II) binding to holo-LA produced only small changes in NMR chemical shifts, but the integral volumes of the cross-peaks of NOESY signals in cluster II, which is in the vicinity of Zn(II) binding site, were affected. Zn(II) binding induces a local structural change on the holo-LA, but it does not induce a large backbone conformational change, © Munksgaard 1996.  相似文献   

Effects of calcium removal on the cell-clearing activity of α-lactalbumin (α-LA) and concomitant changes in conformational structure have been investigated as part of a continuing study of the activity found earlier [McKenzie, H.A. & White, F.H., Jr. (1987) Biochem. Int. 14, 347]. This activity is similar to that of lysozyme, whereby lysis of the bacterial cell wall is catalyzed. However, the specific activity of α-LA is on the order of 10?6 that of lysozyme. Under conditions where activities of apo and native α-LA were approximately linear functions of the protein concentration, the maximal ratio of apo to native activity was 5.7:1, determined by comparison of second order velocity constants. The CD spectrum of apo α-LA is intermediate between that of the A state and the native protein. By NMR, the conformation of apo α-LA is similar to, but distinctly different from, that of the native protein. The apo form did not revert completely to the native state when Ca(II) was resupplied, consistent with a role for this cation in folding. It is suggested that the activity increase may result from a diminished constriction of the “cleft” region in α-LA.  相似文献   

The synthesis and conformational analysis in solution (by FTIR absorption and 1H NMR) and in the crystal state (by X-ray diffraction) of three Hib-containing depsipeptides have been performed. In the crystal state Z-Aib-Hib-Aib-OMe is folded into a type-III β-bend, while the conformation adopted by Z-(Aib-Hib)2-Aib-OMe is a β-bend ribbon spiral, characterized by two type-III β-bends with Aib(1)-Hib(2) and Aib(3)-Hib(4) as corner residues, respectively. Both independent molecules in the asymmetric unit of t-Boc-L-Ala-Hib-L-Ala-OMe crystals are folded into a type-II β-bend. For the Aib-Hib depsipeptides the conformation adopted in the crystal state is also that largely prevailing in solution, whereas for t-Boc-L-Ala-Hib-L-Ala-OMe the β-bend conformation is significantly less populated in solution. A comparison is also made with: (i) the published crystal-state conformations of fully protected -(Aib)3?, -(Aib)5?, and -L-Ala-Aib-L-Ala- sequences and the β-bend ribbon spiral generated by (Aib-L-Pro)n oligomers, and (ii) with the herewith described solution preferred conformation of Z-L-Ala-Aib-L-Ala-OMe. The possible use of Hib as an isosteric replacement for Aib in the design of conformation ally constrained depsipeptides is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of changing 1st and 4th amino acid residues on β-turn preference of tetrapeptide sequences was studied by use of CD spectra of the chromophoric derivatives, which have Dnp- and pNA-groups as the amino and carboxyl substituents, respectively. The effect was examined with the tetrapeptides having such sequences at the 2nd and 3rd positions as -L-Pro-L-Asn-, -L-Pro-Gly-, -L-Pro-D-Ala-, -L-Ala-D-Leu-, -L-Ala-L-Pro-, and -D-Ala-L-Pro-. The β-turn preferences estimated from the CD intensities of the bands due to exciton interaction were found to depend largely on the configurations of the 1st and 4th amino acid residues. When 1st and 2nd (or 3rd and 4th) residues had the same configuration, decreased intensity of the CD band was observed even if the internal sequence had high β-turn preference. Terminal Gly residues were favorable for the β-turn conformation in many of the tetrapeptide sequences examined.  相似文献   

Several linear molecules containing the Cα,α-diphenylglycine residue were prepared as potential anticonvulsants. The conformational preferences of the Cα,α-diphenylglycine residue were assessed in these synthetic derivatives and dipeptides by X-ray diffraction, FTIR absorption and 1H NMR techniques, and by conformational energy computations. Five (out of six) derivatives adopt the fully extended C5 conformation in the crystal state. This intramolecularly H-bonded form is largely populated in chloroform solution in all the derivatives investigated. Conformational energy computations in vacuo support the view that the intramolecularly H-bonded C7-ring form is the most stable structure for these compounds. Only one linear derivative exhibits a (modest) anticonvulsant activity.  相似文献   

The molecular and crystal structures of the Cα-tetrasubstituted, δ-branched α-amino acid Cα-methyl-homophenylalanine, H-d -(αMe)Hph-OH, and three peptides (to the pentamer level), including the homotripeptide, have been determined by X-ray diffraction. The peptides are Z-l -(αMe)Hph-(l -Ala)2-OMe, pBrBz-[d -(αMe)Hph]3-OtBu and Ac-(Aib)2-l -(αMe)Hph-(Aib)2-OtBu. All the (αMe)Hph residues prefer φ,ψ torsion angles in the helical region of the conformational map. The two terminally blocked tripeptides adopt a β-bend conformation stabilized by a 1→4 C = O?H-N intramolecular H-bond. The terminally blocked pentapeptide is folded in a regular 310-helix. In general, the relationship between (αMe)Hph α-carbon chirality and helix handedness is the same as that exhibited by protein amino acids. A comparison is also made with the conclusions extracted from published work on peptides from other types of Cα-alkylated aromatic α-amino acids. © Munksgaard 1996.  相似文献   

The molecular and crystal structures of one derivative and three model peptides (to the pentapeptide level) of the chiral Cα,α-disubstituted glycine Cα-methyl, Cα-isopropylglycine [(αMe)Val] have been determined by X-ray diffraction. The derivative is mClAc-l -(α Me)Val-OH, and the peptides are Z-l -(αMe)Val-(l -Ala)2-OMe monohydrate, Z-Aib-L-(αMe)Val-(Aib)2-OtBu, and Ac-(Aib)2-l -(αMe)Val-(Aib)2OtBu acetonitrile solvate. The tripeptide adopts a type-I β-turn conformation stabilized by a 1 ← 4N-H . O=C intramolecular H-bond. The tetra- and pentapeptides are folded in regular right-handed 310-helices. All four L-(αMe)Val residues prefer φ, Ψ angles in the right-handed helical region of the conformational map. The results indicate that: (i) the (αMe)Val residue is a strong type-I/III β-turn and helix former, and (ii) the relationship between (αMe)Val chirality and helix screw sense is the same as that of Cα-monosubstituted protein amino-acids. The implications for the use of the (αMe)Val residue in designing conformationally constrained analogues of bioactive peptides are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract: A homologous series of nonapeptides and their acetylated versions were successfully prepared using solid‐phase synthetic techniques. Each nonapeptide was rich in α,α‐dialkylated amino acids [one 4‐aminopiperidine‐4‐carboxylic acid (Api) and six α‐aminoisobutyric acid (Aib) residues] and also included lysines or lysine analogs (two residues). The incorporation of the protected dipeptide 9‐fluorenylmethyloxycarbonyl (Fmoc)‐Aib‐Aib‐OH improved the purity and overall yields of these de novo designed peptides. The helix preference of each nonapeptide was investigated in six different solvent environments, and each peptide's antimicrobial activity and cytotoxicity were studied. The 310‐helical, amphipathic design of these peptides was born out most prominently in the N‐terminally acetylated peptides. Most of the peptides exhibited modest activity against Escherichia coli and no activity against Staphylococcus aureus. The nonacetylated peptides (concentrations ≤100 μm ) and the acetylated peptides (concentrations ≤200 μm ) did not exhibit any significant cytotoxicity with normal (nonactivated) murine macrophages.  相似文献   

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