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目的了解柳州市嫖客人群艾滋病(AIDS)相关行为与艾滋病病毒(HIV)感染状况。方法2012年4—7月,对市区部分嫖客进行调查,分析AIDS知识知晓率、性行为、吸毒行为、既往HIV检测情况,以及HIV、梅毒和丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)感染状况。结果调查的400名嫖客中,AIDS知识知晓率为51.00%,最近一年与暗娼发生商业性性行为中坚持使用安全套的比例为45.83%,最近一年与固定性伴发生性行为时每次都使用安全套的比例仅为1.25%,既往接受HIV检测并知道检测结果的比例为4.75%。HIV阳性率为2.25%(9/400),梅毒阳性率为8.00%(32/400),HCV阳性率为8.00%(32/400)。危险因素分析显示,嫖客中HCV的感染与注射吸毒史有关(P=0.000),嫖客中HIV的感染与安全套使用呈负相关(P=0.007)。结论市区嫖客人群AIDS相关危险行为暴露风险较大,亟须进一步探讨社区嫖客流行病学调查和有效行为干预方法。  相似文献   

Li X  Lu H  Ma X  Sun Y  He X  Li C  Raymond HF  McFarland W  Pan SW  Shao Y  Vermund SH  Xiao Y  Ruan Y  Jia Y 《AIDS and behavior》2012,16(3):499-507
This study assessed the correlates of recent HIV testing and HIV/AIDS-related stigmatizing and discriminatory attitudes among men who have sex with men (MSM) in Beijing, China. A cross-sectional study probed demographics, sexual and drug use behaviors, HIV testing, and prevention services. Of 500 participants, 39.3% recently received a test for HIV. Recent testing was independently associated with expressing lower levels of HIV/AIDS-related stigmatizing and discriminatory attitudes, more male sex partners, no female sexual partners and knowing HIV status of their last male partner. Expressing lower levels of HIV/AIDS-related stigmatizing and discriminatory attitudes was independently associated with recent testing, younger age, and knowing HIV status of their last male partner. This study revealed that HIV/AIDS-related stigmatizing and discriminatory attitudes were common and inversely associated with recent HIV testing. Low levels of testing highlighted the urgent needs to reduce HIV/AIDS-related stigma and discrimination and expand HIV testing among MSM in Beijing.  相似文献   

As part of an intervention in correctional facilities in Hungary, we conducted research on AIDS-related attitudes and the HIV risk behavior history of 551 male and 81 female inmates to assess needs for and to tailor AIDS education programs. Although lifetime injection drug use was uncommon (8% of men, 3% of women), many Hungarian inmates had engaged in unprotected sex and had had high-risk sex partners: a quarter of men had primary partners who sold sex, about half of them had sex with female prostitutes, 13% of women had worked as prostitutes, and 9% of all inmates indicated having had sex in prison. Because many prison inmates may constitute a potential bridge population for the sexual transmission of HIV between the general population and high-risk populations, interventions among prison inmates may provide an opportunity to reach an at-risk population and to prevent the wider spread of sexually transmitted HIV.  相似文献   

目的了解嫖客人群艾滋病(AIDS)相关行为与艾滋病病毒(HIV)感染状况。方法 2009年4-7月,对中国5个城市的部分社区嫖客进行调查,分析AIDS相关知识知晓率、异性性行为、同性性行为、吸毒行为、既往HIV检测情况,以及HIV、梅毒和丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)实验室检测结果。结果此次在5个监测点社区共调查1842名嫖客,AIDS相关知识知晓率为61.3%,商业性行为中坚持使用安全套比例的中位数为33.1%,既往接受HIV检测并知道检测结果的比例为9.3%;HIV检出率的中位数为0(范围为0~0.3%),梅毒检出率中位数为1.5%,HCV抗体检出率中位数为0.8%。危险因素分析显示,嫖客中HCV的感染与注射吸毒史有关,P=0.001。结论 5个城市社区嫖客人群AIDS相关危险行为暴露风险较大,亟需进一步探讨社区嫖客流行病学调查和有效行为干预方法 。  相似文献   

Low perception of HIV risk despite behaviors associated with increased risk is thought to be a contributing factor for a higher prevalence of HIV in blacks than other groups in the United States. We sought to determine HIV risk perception and its impact on safer sex practices and interest in preexposure prophylaxis (PrEP). From August 1 to October 31, 2010, an anonymous survey was conducted at a sexually transmitted infection clinic asking questions about demographics, risk behaviors, and PrEP interest. Participants were categorized into high-risk, moderate-risk, and low-risk groups according to predefined HIV risk characteristics. Only heterosexual high-risk participants were further assessed for their risk perception, condom use and PrEP interest. There were 494 participants; 63% male, 70% blacks, 88% heterosexual; 83% were categorized into the high-risk group. Of the 359 heterosexual high-risk participants, 301 (84%) perceived themselves at no or low-risk. Rates of consistent condom use with vaginal, oral, and anal sex were low (<20%) in this group despite high levels of knowledge about HIV transmission risks. Rates of condom use were not affected by risk perception. No interest in PrEP was associated with low education level (adjusted odds ratio 4.97; p=0.02) and low risk perception. These findings suggest that despite having knowledge about HIV transmission risks, the majority of high-risk participants did not recognize their risks and used condoms with low frequency. Low risk perception and low education level may impact PrEP interest. Enhanced interventions are needed to improve HIV risk perception, safer sex practices, and knowledge about PrEP.  相似文献   

We demonstrate the utility of cluster analysis for identifying diverse HIV risk groups found in a community-based sample. Within a group of 706 American Indian young adults, we used cluster analysis to identify four profiles of HIV risk/protection. The High Efficacy/Low Risk cluster had high levels of knowledge/education, self-efficacy, and outcome expectations about HIV protection, with low levels of risk behaviors. Low Efficacy/Low Risk had low levels of HIV knowledge/education, self-efficacy, and outcome expectations, but high levels of perceived risk for HIV with low levels of HIV risk behaviors. Low Efficacy/Moderate Risk was similar to the previous group, but its members had moderately higher levels of several risk behaviors and higher condom use. Low Efficacy/High Risk had high rates of several high-risk behaviors such as exchanging sex for money or injection drug use. Validation analyses highlighted differences that can be useful for the development of preventive interventions.  相似文献   

目的了解北京市大学生男男性行为人群(MSM)的艾滋病病毒(HIV)与梅毒的现患状况、艾滋病相关认知与行为。方法采用自填式问卷,调查社会人口学信息、艾滋病相关知识、同/异性性行为等,并进行HIV和梅毒的血清学检测。结果 157位调查对象,HIV、梅毒以及合并感染率分别为2.5%、7.0%和1.3%。由于同性性取向,5.1%有过自杀行为。近6个月曾与偶遇性伴发生过性行为者("419")约占到45%,其HIV和梅毒的感染率均高于无"419"行为者。不足20%曾发生异性性行为。结论大学生MSM中普遍存在HIV高危同性性行为,也存在异性性行为,亟须开展有效的健康教育和行为干预。  相似文献   

Alcohol use is a public health problem in the Russian Federation. This study explored relationships between alcohol use and behavioral risks for HIV transmission among men who have sex with men (MSM) in Moscow, Russia. Alcohol use disorder identification test (AUDIT) scores for 1367 MSM participating in a cross-sectional survey and HIV testing were categorized to: “abstinence/low use”, “hazardous use”, “harmful use/dependency”. Multiple logistic regression models compared dependent variables for sexual and drug use behaviors across alcohol use strata. Hazardous and harmful/dependent alcohol use were significantly associated with high-risk sexual behaviors and drug use. Harmful use/dependency was associated with an increased odds of having more than five male sex partners (last 12 months; adjusted odds ratios—AOR 1.69; 95 % CI 1.25–2.27), inconsistent condom use during anal intercourse (AOR 2.19; 95 % CI 1.61–2.96) and, among those using recreational drugs, injection drug use (last month; AOR 4.38: 95 % CI 1.13–17.07) compared to abstinent/low-level users. Harmful/dependent use was marginally associated with HIV infection (AOR 1.48; 95 % CI 0.97–2.25). HIV prevention efforts for MSM in Moscow may benefit from addressing problem alcohol use to mitigate high-risk behaviors.  相似文献   

Injection and other drug use and high-risk sexual behaviors put criminal offenders at increased risk for HIV infection. Studies in other populations, especially females, have found that a history of sexual or physical victimization increases engagement in HIV-risk behaviors, and drug-involved offenders have high rates of such prior victimization. However, there has been little research among male offenders. In a sample of 247 male felony drug offenders in New York City, prior sexual victimization was related to a higher number of sex partners and lower proportion of protected sex acts in the 30 days before arrest. Prior physical abuse was related to cocaine injection, but not heroin injection or high-risk sex behaviors. These results suggest a complex relationship between sexual and physical abuse and HIV risk among male offenders. Assessing for specific prior abuse histories of offenders and providing targeted interventions may be useful for developing more effective primary and secondary HIV prevention services for this high-risk population.  相似文献   

2007年广西20个市县艾滋病高危人群综合监测结果分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 了解广西艾滋病高危人群中有关艾滋病知识、行为、态度的现状,为广西艾滋病项目制定干预计划、评价综合防治效果提供基线资料和依据.方法 根据综合监测方案,在20个市(县)对暗娼、吸毒者和男性同性恋人群进行调查.结果 (1)暗娼最近1个月与非固定性伴发生性关系时每次都使用安全套的比例为43.1%,有1.2%的暗娼有吸毒行为,HIV感染率中位数为1.9%;(2)吸毒者中注射吸毒比例为85%,最近一次注射与别人共用过针具的比例是14.7%,其固定性伴的吸毒率为20.4%,吸毒者HIV感染率中位数16.5%;(3)男性同性恋者具有低龄化、高学历的特点,同时存在有"买性"、"卖性"以及同性、异性性行为,HIV感染率中位数为0.8%.结论 应加大干预力度,针对各类艾滋病高危人群的不同特点,开展有针对性的宣传教育和干预活动,逐步使目标人群改变其艾滋病感染的危险行为,减缓艾滋病的传播.  相似文献   

目的 了解男同性恋者艾滋病相关知识、态度及危险行为状况 ,为行为干预提供线索。 方法  采用横断面调查设计 ,对进出某酒吧的男同性恋者进行问卷调查。 结果  文化程度普遍较高 ,但对艾滋病知识缺乏 ,知识的来源主要通过报纸、杂志和电视。安全套使用率低 ,每次性行为均使用安全套的比例为 1 4 4% ,不使用安全套的原因主要是自己或性伴侣不喜欢用或性行为时身边无安全套。随着艾滋病知识的增加 ,每次都用安全套的比例呈现上升趋势 ,从未使用安全套的比例则呈现明显下降的趋势。 1 1 7%做过艾滋病病毒 (HIV)检测 ,无人获得过HIV检测阳性结果。不做HIV检测的原因主要是自认为感染的可能性不大 ,认为自己是阴性或不想考虑阳性的事。首次性行为年龄中位数为 1 8岁 ;性伴侣数较多 ,平均为 1 0 3个。 40 5 %的调查对象在半年内有过女性性伴侣 ,96 6 %在半年内有过男性性伴侣 ,84 5 %半年内有无保护肛交史。 结论  该市男同性恋者艾滋病相关知识缺乏 ,危险性行为普遍存在 ,安全套使用率低 ,艾滋病极有可能在此人群中流行 ,应尽快采取措施加强预防  相似文献   

目的探索估计街头暗娼规模的方法,并对该人群艾滋病高危行为干预工作覆盖面作出初步评价。方法选择云南省甲、乙两县为研究现场。通过对了解街头暗娼情况的知情人的深入访谈和参与式观察,确定街头暗娼分布范围,绘制地图,并进行清点计数和问卷调查,以估计街头暗娼数及其接受艾滋病高危行为干预的情况。然后通过改良普查法公式,计算街头暗娼规模,并评价于预覆盖面。结果估计甲县街头暗娼规模约为104~111人,人群干预覆盖率为65.7%;估计乙县街头暗娼规模约为147~162人,人群干预覆盖率为28.4%。结论艾滋病高流行地区街头暗娼人群干预工作覆盖面不足,应进一步加强该人群干预工作。  相似文献   

Risk behaviors related to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection and transmission were studied in a sample of 167 male cocaine users admitted during a 5-month period to an inpatient drug treatment program. Data obtained included drug history and related behaviors, sexual behaviors, knowledge, and attitudes regarding HIV infection and AIDS. Approximately 20% of the sample had used IV drugs in the year prior to the interview and 94% of these reported sharing needles; 20% of the IV drug users (IVDUs) reported always using bleach to clean needles. With regard to sexual practices, 7% of the total sample reported sex with other males in the year prior to the interview; 86% of the total sample reported having sex with females and 80% of these noted they never or rarely used condoms during vaginal sex. Respondents generally did not believe they themselves were at high risk for HIV infection, yet they continued to engage in acknowledged high-risk behaviors. These findings suggest that IVDUs and non-IV cocaine users are likely to contribute to the spread of HIV in several populations.  相似文献   

The introduction of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) has led to dramatic reductions in morbidity and mortality due to HIV infection. However, the resulting optimism and improved health status produced by HAART appears to have contributed to unanticipated consequences in men who have sex with men (MSM): loss of fear of acquiring and transmitting HIV, an increase in high-risk sex, decreased use of condoms, and a resurgence of gonorrhea and syphilis. Other factors, such as lack of knowledge of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), use of the Internet as a venue to find sex partners, the increasing use of Viagra (Pfizer, New York, NY) as a recreational drug, and the apparent expanding role of oral sex in STD transmission are fueling these trends. Since ulcerative and inflammatory STDs facilitate HIV transmission, a new wave of HIV infection in MSM may be on the horizon. The rising STD rates and relapses in high-risk sexual behaviors in MSM, both HIV-infected and -uninfected MSM, have profound implications for public health and the clinical management of these patients. Clinicians should be aware of this turn of events, and implement new screening and counseling guidelines that have been issued in response to these alarming reports.  相似文献   

目的调查上海市浦东新区新发现的艾滋病病毒(HIV)感染人群的艾滋病相关高危行为的特征,为控制艾滋病在人群中的传播提供更好的防治措施和依据。方法采用横断面调查方法,对2011年1月1日至2012年6月30日期间,所有新发现并最终确认的HIV感染者进行面对面、一对一的流行病学问卷调查,收集社会人口学信息、性行为对象信息、高危行为史、既往性病史、配偶及性伴HIV检测情况等资料,进行相关的统计描述与分析。结果共完成合格的调查问卷249份,其中男性212人,女性37人,男女比例为5.7∶1。最近3个月有22.1%、22.1%、22.9%和7.6%的调查对象分别与配偶、固定性伴、临时性伴和商业性伴有过性行为,安全套使用率分别为12.7%、16.4%、5.3%和0;3个月前有41.4%、36.1%、59.4%和28.5%的调查对象与配偶、固定性伴、临时性伴和商业性伴有过性行为,每次使用安全套率分别为5.8%、6.7%、1.4%和4.2%。调查对象的配偶、固定性伴HIV感染率为32.1%(25/78)。调查对象中,既往有吸毒史、手术史和献血史的分别占4.4%、3.2%、5.6%。结论浦东新区的HIV感染者的性伴种类较多,且安全套使用率较低,配偶及固定性伴的感染率较高,应在该人群中加大艾滋病的防治力度。  相似文献   

Lau JT  Thomas J 《AIDS care》2001,13(1):71-81
The objective was to assess levels of high-risk sexual behaviour, condom use, sexually transmitted disease (STD) history and AIDS-related perceptions among Hong Kong men returning from China by land; 1,254 systematically sampled subjects were interviewed. Of respondents, 32.5% had sexual intercourse with a commercial sex worker (CSW) in China in the past six months; 11.2% have done so on this trip. A third of those who reported having sex with CSWs did so without a condom. A fifth had a history of STDs: seventy per cent of respondents who did not use a condom with a CSW would not use a condom with their regular sexual partner. Less educated respondents, 31-40-year-olds and non-business and frequent travellers were more likely to have sex with a CSW. Those who practice high-risk sex fear AIDS more, are aware that their own risk of HIV infection is not negligible, but think that chances of HIV infection from CSWs in China are small. Although Hong Kong's estimated HIV prevalence among adults is low (0.06%), the huge volume of cross-border travel between Hong Kong and China and the common practice of high-risk sex by Hong Kong male travellers provide a bridge for emerging epidemics to spread.  相似文献   

Background: Alcohol and drug use by women is related to high-risk sexual practices and protective behaviors. Objectives: To determine sexual risk and protective behaviors using information about women’s drug use immediately before or during sex. Methods: Latent class analysis using PROC LCA in SAS software was used to determine classes of women using both past 30-day drug use and before or during sex. Participants were recruited from a community-based research site located in a low socio-economic area of Los Angeles County and completed the Risk Behavior Assessment, which elicits information on drug and sex risk behaviors. Results: The Risk Behavior Assessment and HIV and sexually transmitted infections testing was obtained on 812 women. Five distinct groups were identified by PROC LCA: An Abstinent group comprised of 26% of participants; an Alcohol and Marijuana group (16%); an Amphetamine group (11%); a No Sex-with-Alcohol group (37%); and a Poly Drug group (11%). Multinomial logistic regression revealed that sexual behaviors and condom use were different across the five groups: The Alcohol and Marijuana group had a higher odds of vaginal intercourse, while the No Sex-with-Alcohol group was most likely to use condoms for vaginal intercourse. The Poly Drug group had the highest risk for anal intercourse while the Amphetamine and Poly Drug groups had high proportions of women with injection-drug using and men-who-have-sex-with-men sexual partners. Conclusion: Identifying women based on drug use immediately before or during sex can help providers understand prevention and risk-reduction practices and interventions for drug-using women.  相似文献   

目的评价利用网络平台对男男性行为人群(MSM)在艾滋病知识的认知、态度及行为学方面的干预效果。方法主要采用网络调查及网络干预的模式,对MSM人群进行艾滋病预防知识、态度、行为干预进行评价,包括两次横断面调查和为期2个月的3期网络干预。结果共调查1 293人,平均年龄为(27.6±6.0)岁,其中75%年龄在18~30岁之间;86.2%为专科或本科以上学历;64.8%目前居住在北京。干预前后,MSM人群艾滋病知识知晓情况、安全套使用及HIV检测情况等方面的差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。但在减少过去6个月中的肛交行为、消除阻碍接受HIV检测的因素等方面,网络干预不具有显著效果(P>0.05)。结论针对MSM人群,可以尝试采用网络干预的方法来提高艾滋病防治知识,减少HIV感染的高危行为,促进接受HIV检测。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine trends in HIV and related risk behaviors among recognized high-risk groups in Bangladesh, the types and extent of prevention initiatives that have been undertaken, and highlight the immediate needs. METHODS: Journal publications and conference abstracts and proceedings were reviewed. Experts involved in the development and evaluation of current programs or policy were contacted for official reports and policy documents. The trends in sexual risk behaviors over five rounds of national surveillance were tabulated. Gaps in the ongoing prevention interventions have been assessed in the light of the Anderson-May equation. RESULTS: Periodic surveillance on recognized high-risk groups shows that HIV prevalence has been increasing steadily. In the capital city, HIV prevalence in one subset of a high-risk group is close to the level of a concentrated epidemic (4.9%). The high prevalence of sexual risk behaviors among drug users and sex workers and their clients is alarming. Although a small increase in condom use and a reduction of syphilis have been noted among subsets of high-risk groups in recent years, this is clearly not enough to curb the threat of a possible HIV epidemic. CONCLUSION: There is an urgent need for a comprehensive prevention program that should include more efforts on education and condom promotion, effective management of all sexually transmitted infections, a screening program for migrant workers, the continuation of both behavioral and serological components of HIV surveillance, and the expansion of surveillance to cover the remaining high-risk groups, with due consideration to the consistency of surveillance indicators.  相似文献   

The disinhibitory effects of abusable substances on sexual behavior and the increasing HIV prevalence among heterosexuals suggest that alcoholics and non-injection drug users may be at risk for HIV infection. We examined alcohol and non-injection drug use as AIDS risk factors, AIDS risk knowledge, and the effect of AIDS education upon voluntary HIV testing among 91 heterosexual male inpatients in a VA alcohol rehabilitation program. Questionnaire data revealed relationships between age, the use of alcohol, marijuana and intranasal cocaine just prior to sex and an increase in the number of female sexual partners. Use of alcohol just prior to sex was also associated with an increased number of unprotected sexual behaviors. AIDS risk knowledge in our sample was comparable to norms from previous studies. Inpatients received education concerning alcohol and sexuality either with or without an AIDS component. AIDS education and offer of HIV testing were associated with increased requests for HIV testing.  相似文献   

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