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Abstract  We compared the frequency distribution of total cholesterol (TC) levels in 103 patients with panic disorder (PD) with that in 173 gender- and age-matched normal controls (NC). There was no significant difference in the mean TC level between the PD and the NC groups. The distribution of TC levels in the PD group was similar to that in the NC group. As a whole distribution pattern, there is no association between high serum cholesterol levels and panic disorder. However, four male PD patients had very high TC levels of more than 260mg/dL, and two of them had obviously deviated values from the frequency distribution of TC levels in the NC group. Our findings are supportive of the view that male PD patients with high TC levels have excess mortality due to cardiovascular diseases.  相似文献   

Ten (6.9%) of a sample of 144 patients with panic disorder and agoraphobia developed photophobic behaviour in the course of their anxiety disorder. Their illumination ratings were characterized before and after cognitive behaviour therapy and compared to 10 age- and sex-matched normal control subjects. The illumination of a sheet of printed paper by a continuously adjustable reading lamp was rated by the subjects as ‘too dark’, ‘comfortable’ or ‘too bright’. The ratings for comfortable luminance were significantly lower in the photophobic patients than in the controls, and renormalized after cognitive behavioural therapy. No differences were observed in the ratings for ‘too dark’ and ‘too bright’. Photophobia in a subsample of patients with panic disorder is a state-dependent phenomenon that can be influenced by cognitive behavioural therapy. The role of neurotransmitters, conditioning processes and a concomitant neurasthenic syndrome requires further characterization.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present paper was to investigate the role of coping behavior in patients with panic disorder (PD). This was done by evaluating three items of coping behavior (seeking of social support, wishful thinking and avoidance) in the Ways of Coping Checklist. The subjects consisted of 30 patients with PD (26 with agoraphobia). Coping behavior and the severity of PD was investigated at baseline and at 24 months (the final outcome). At baseline there were no gender differences in coping behavior. The severity of panic attacks significantly correlated with that of agoraphobia. The baseline severity of PD (panic attacks and agoraphobia) did not correlate with coping behavior. At the outcome assessment there was no significant correlation between the severity of panic attack and coping behavior. The severity of agoraphobia at final outcome and the coping behavior (seeking of social support) at baseline were significantly correlated. In the group that had remission in agoraphobia (the good outcome group), the severity of agoraphobia at baseline was significantly lower and the seeking of social support coping behavior was significantly higher than that of the poor outcome group. No significant difference in panic attack severity was noted between the good and poor outcome groups. Discriminant analysis revealed that seeking of social support coping behavior was a significant discriminant factor of agoraphobia. Although these are preliminary data, special coping behavior might be related to improvement of agoraphobia in patients with PD.  相似文献   

We report the case of a 16-year-old adolescent with the onset of a panic disorder with agoraphobia after a first panic attack during marijuana intoxication. There was a good response to standard cognitive behavioural therapy for panic disorder.  相似文献   

Patients attending an inpatient phobia treatment program were diagnosed for DSM-III-R Axis I and II disorders, using the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-III-R Disorders, and completed a set of self-report instruments. They were divided into 3 groups: (a) those who met the criteria for panic disorder with agoraphobia (n= 57), (b) those who met the criteria for agoraphobia without a history of panic disorder (n= 21), and (c) those who met criteria for other anxiety disorders, but not for panic/agoraphobia (n= 14). On Axis I, more of the panic with agoraphobia than of the agoraphobia without panic patients had obsessive-compulsive disorder. On Axis II, no significant differences between the agoraphobic patients with and without panic occurred. However, the number of hysterical traits was related to the presence of panic disorder among the agoraphobic patients. Avoidant and dependent traits were related to symptom severity.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: In earlier reports, we found that perfectionism might be involved in the development and/or maintenance of agoraphobia in panic disorder. The present report extends this work by examining the relationship between perfectionism and comorbidity with personality disorders in panic disorder patients with agoraphobia (PDA) and those without agoraphobia (PD). METHOD: We examined comorbidity of personality disorders by Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-III-R Personality Disorders (SCID-II) and assessed perfectionism using multidimensional perfectionism scale in 56 PDA and 42 PD patients. RESULTS: The PDA group met criteria for at least one personality disorder significantly more often than the PD group. With stepwise regression analyses, avoidant and obsessive-compulsive personality disorders emerged as significant indicators of perfectionism in patients with panic disorder. CONCLUSION: These findings suggest that perfectionism in panic disorder patients may be more common in those with comorbid personality disorders, and may be an important target for preventive and therapeutic efforts.  相似文献   

A case is presented of a patient with severe panic disorder and agoraphobia in whom initial treatment with clomipramine resulted in complete elimination of panic attacks, with no improvement in agoraphobic avoidance. The addition of phenelzine to the pre-existing clomipramine treatment resulted in rapid and complete disappearance of the agoraphobic avoidance. The possible implications of this case for our understanding of the neurobiological relationship between panic attacks and agoraphobia are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract Results of several long-term follow-up studies suggest that mortality due to cardiovascular diseases is high in males with panic disorder (PD). Based on these data, various studies have been undertaken to determine the relationship between PD and total cholesterol (TC) levels; however the results obtained so far have not been consistent. We compared TC levels in 46 PD patients to those in 46 sex, age, smoking and alcohol consumption matched patients with major depression and 46 matched patients with schizophrenia. The relationship between TC and the severity of PD was investigated, and before- and after-treatment TC change was compared. TC levels were significantly higher in the PD group than in the other groups, regardless of sex. The severity of PD was not correlated with TC levels. TC levels did not decrease in remitted PD patients. These findings suggest that relatively high TC levels in PD patients are attributable to endogenous disease-specific factors. Clinicians should pay close attention to the correlation between high mortality due to cardiovascular diseases and relatively high TC levels in male PD patients.  相似文献   

Data on naturally occurring panic attacks were gathered through continuous self-monitoring for 94 patients suffering from panic disorder with agoraphobia. A total of 1276 panic attacks were collected. In this article various aspects of panic attacks, including severity, duration and time of onset and situations in which panic occurs are addressed. In addition, the symptoms of panic were investigated, examining the (in)variability of attacks within each patient and the patterning of symptoms in the entire group of patients. The most important findings were as follows: attacks occurred predominantly in nonphobic situations; nocturnal panic attacks were generally more severe than attacks during the day; symptom patterns across various attacks, stemming from the same patient, were rather variable; and finally, a substantial number of the attacks (40%) did not meet the DSM-III-R criteria for number of symptoms.  相似文献   

The issue of panic disorder resistant to treatment (whether pharmacological or psychological) has attracted little research attention, despite its clinical frequency and importance. The aim of this study was to compare three treatment modalities, namely exposure alone (E), exposure associated with imipramine (EI) and cognitive therapy supplementing exposure (EC), in a sample of 21 patients with DSM-IV panic disorder and agoraphobia, who failed to respond to a first standard course of individual behavioural treatment based on exposure in vivo. Treatments were administered according to a cross-over, controlled design (E-EI-EC, EI-EC-E, EC-E-EI). Twelve of the 21 patients achieved remission (panic-free status) during the trial. In 8 cases this occurred after exposure alone (E) and in two cases each after the other treatments (EI and EC). The results revealed a significant effect of the factor time on a number of variables, and the superiority of exposure alone compared to other treatment modalities with regard to some variables. These findings suggest that long-term behavioural treatment based on exposure may be necessary in some patients, and may induce clinical remission. However, patients who do not respond to exposure show poor tolerance of and compliance with pharmacological treatment, and are unlikely to achieve remission with imipramine or cognitive therapy, even though this may occur in individual cases.  相似文献   

Platelet serotonin levels were examined in 18 patients with panic disorder and compared to platelet serotonin levels of eight healthy controls. There was no statistically significant difference in the platelet serotonin levels between the two groups.  相似文献   

In the DSM-IV, a panic disorder (PD) diagnosis includes specification of agoraphobia, which is primarily an index of situational avoidance due to fear of panic. No other anxiety diagnosis requires specification of level of avoidance. This raises the question as to whether agoraphobia provides unique information beyond the core features of PD (i.e., panic attacks and panic-related worry). The incremental validity of agoraphobia, defined using DSM-IV specifiers versus level of situational avoidance, was examined in relation to the expression and treatment of PD (N=146). Analyses indicate that agoraphobia status adds uniquely to the prediction of PD symptoms, impairment, and response to treatment. However, level of situational avoidance, defined either as a continuous or dichotomous variable, appears to have greater utility compared to the DSM-IV method of classifying agoraphobia. In summary, the agoraphobia specifier seems to have clinical utility but this could be improved by focusing on a dimensional assessment of situational avoidance.  相似文献   

To examine the familial liability of panic disorder (PD) and agoraphobia (AG) in a community sample, namely the effect of parental PD and AG on the offspring's risk to develop either or both conditions in adolescence or adulthood. A representative community sample of N=3,021 adolescents and young adults aged 14-24 years at baseline was followed up over a period of 10 years in up to four waves. Family information was assessed by either direct interviews with at least one parent or by using subjects' family history information at either wave (N=3,014). Diagnoses and selected symptoms were assessed in both, parents and subjects, by using a standardized diagnostic interview (DSM-IV M-CIDI) with its respective family history module. (1) Parental panic attacks (PA), PD, and AG were all shown to be associated with an increased risk of offspring to also develop PA, PD, and AG. (2) Associations of parental PD were present irrespective of parental AG, whereas parental AG without PD was not associated with an increased offspring risk. (3) Outcome risk was particularly elevated in offspring of parents with PD+AG. (4) Parental PD or AG was not associated with an earlier age of onset of any syndrome in the offspring. We confirmed and expanded previous results from clinical samples that comorbid PD and AG aggregate in families. AG without PD is not familial, but it might enhance the familial transmission of PD.  相似文献   

Using cluster analysis of 207 patients with panic disorder (PD), we investigated the relationships between several panic symptoms at the time of panic attacks, which included anticipatory anxiety, agoraphobia, and 13 clinical symptoms based on the Diagnostic and Statistics Manual-III-Revised. Cluster analysis revealed three panic symptom clusters: cluster A (dyspnea, choking, sweating, nausea, flushes/chills); cluster B (dizziness, palpitations, trembling or shaking, depersonalization, agoraphobia, and anticipatory anxiety); and cluster C (fear of dying, fear of going crazy, paresthesias, and chest pain or discomfort). Generally, cluster A was comprised exclusively of physiological symptoms, among which respiratory symptoms were prominent, cluster B included both panic and non-panic symptoms such as agoraphobia and anticipatory anxiety, and cluster C was comprised chiefly of fear symptoms.  相似文献   

Psychological parameters that are believed to affect estimations of cardiovascular fitness were examined in patients with panic disorder and nonclinical controls. Fifty-four participants [panic disorder patients (n = 27) and age- and sex-matched nonclinical controls (n = 27)] completed a cycle ergometer test and were compared on the basis of estimated VO2 max. Participants were randomly assigned to experimental conditions in which they received heart-rate feedback or no feedback during the test. Patients with panic disorder exhibited lower VO2 max and decreased exercise tolerance (i.e., were more likely to discontinue the test) than nonclinical controls. Furthermore, individuals with high anxiety sensitivity (i.e., a fear of autonomic arousal), but not a panic disorder diagnosis per se, achieved significantly lower VO2 max when provided with heart-rate feedback. Moreover, diagnostic status interacted with levels of anxiety sensitivity to predict VO2 max. Patients with panic disorder display poorer cardiovascular fitness after controlling for anxiety and other factors that underestimate performance during fitness testing.  相似文献   

Objective QT dispersion (QTd), defined as the maximal inter-lead difference in QT intervals on 12 leads of the surface electrocardiogram (ECG), reflects the regional heterogeneity of ventricular repolarization and has been suggested as an important marker for risk of arrhythmia in addition to the QT interval. Some investigators proposed that it might be a predisposing factor for arrhythmic events and sudden death. Thus, we aimed to investigate whether QTd differs in patients with panic disorder from that in healthy controls. Methods In 40 panic disorder patients and 40 healthy controls, Qmax, Qmin, and QTd values were measured. In addition, the Hamilton depression rating scale and the panic agoraphobia scale were scored for both patients and healthy volunteers. Results Qmax and Qmin values in the panic disorder patients were significantly higher than those in healthy controls. The mean corrected QTd was significantly greater in the patients than in the controls. One-way analysis of covariance (ANCOVA; using left atrial size, age and heart rate as covariates) also corrected the significant difference. In addition, ANCOVA revealed a significant main effect for the diagnosis, indicating a significantly higher QTd for patients compared with controls. Conclusion QTd might be associated with panic disorder. Future studies in larger samples evaluating the effects of treatment are required.  相似文献   

The match-mismatch model of panic states that panic disorder patients tend to overestimate the probability of panic prior to engaging in a fear-provoking situation. Furthermore, patients are expected to become more accurate in predicting panic over subsequent occasions of exposure. We tested the model with naturally occurring panic attacks. Patients rated the probability of a panic attack in the morning, and these ratings were compared to the actual occurrence of panic that day. Ratings were collected daily in a baseline period before treatment, during treatment, and again for 2 weeks after treatment. The results confirmed that panic disorder patients tend to overpredict the likelihood of panic. However, patients did not become more accurate in their predictions over time. In fact, overprediction bias increased because expectancy of panic remained stable, in spite of the decline of the frequency of panic from pre- to post-test. Thus, over a short course of therapy panic patients tend to persist in overestimating the chance that panic may occur. At baseline, expectancy of panic and the tendency to overpredict were not associated with other aspects of the symptomatology. Neither expectancy nor overprediction bias was predictive of treatment outcome. Finally, improvement in treatment was not associated with a decreased expectancy of panic.  相似文献   

Panic disorder (PD) is prevalent, impairing, under-recognized, and often mistreated. Previous surveys in Chinese communities indicate very low prevalence estimates and provide limited information about its clinical characteristics. A random telephone survey of the general population (age range, 15-60 years) in Hong Kong was conducted using a questionnaire that generated the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM)-IV-based diagnosis of PD, its symptom profile, help-seeking behavior, and health visit expenditure. Of 3,004 interviews successfully completed, 3.89% of participants (n=117) met criteria of PD in the previous 6 months. Their demographic and clinical profile resembled that of their Western counterparts. Excessive physical investigations and under-treatment were common. Participants with subthreshold PD (14.9%; n=449) exhibited a similar but attenuated clinical profile. We conclude that PD may be more common in Chinese people than what previous epidemiological surveys suggest. The present study is limited by the lack of clinical reappraisal, examination of comorbidity, and a low overall response rate. Nonetheless, it suggests that telephone interviews may provide a cost-effective alternative to large-scale epidemiological surveys for communities with limited resources for mental health research and high unmet needs for treatment.  相似文献   

Psychophysiological response patterns in panic disorder   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To determine whether panic disorder patients exhibit physiological hyperarousal during rest or during mild, non-panic-inducing stress, 18 patients who experienced frequent panic attacks were compared with nonanxious controls on a battery of physiological assessments. During baseline, patients with panic disorder exhibited higher forehead electromyographic activity, higher systolic blood pressure and higher heart rates than non-anxious volunteers. During psychological stress, heart rate and systolic blood pressure rose more in patients with panic disorder than in nonanxious controls. The skin conductance response, however, was greater and more variable in the nonanxious controls. The results suggest that panic disorder patients with frequent panic attacks exhibit heightened cardiovascular arousal and decreased electrodermal flexibility than nonanxious people, even in nonthreatening situations.  相似文献   

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