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母血、脐血、母乳铅、钙水平配对分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
[目的]了解母血、脐血、母乳之间铅、钙含量的相关性,尝试降低人体铅含量的途径. [方法]对56名正常产妇进行母血、脐血、母乳铅、钙含量进行配对分析. [结果]各样本中铅含量呈母血>脐血(P<0.05),钙含量呈母乳>脐血>母血(P<0.01),母血铅与脐血铅含量、母乳铅含量均呈显著正相关,分别为(r=0.375,P<0.05;r=0.511,P<0.01).母血铅与母血钙含量呈负相关(r=-0.468,P<0.01). [结论]脐血、母乳铅含量受母血铅水平的影响,铅可通过血液进入乳汁,母亲通过授乳可将铅传递给新生儿.血钙水平降低会导致血铅升高.  相似文献   

新生儿脐血及其母血中铅含量的研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
测定了 5 7名产妇及其新生儿脐带血中铅的含量 ,并测定了 2 0例胎儿的肝、肾、脑、脾、肺、心等 6种脏器组织中的铅含量 ,结果显示 ,新生儿脐血铅浓度为 10 0 5 μg/L ,达可接受上限 (10 0 μg/L) ,胎儿脏器铅含量随孕月增加而增加 ,铅在胎儿体内积蓄 ,并从环保和优生优育的角度对其进行了深入探讨。  相似文献   

长沙地区母血和新生儿血中铅镉的含量   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
胎盘对铅、镉等有毒金属元素的转移作用,国内外都有不小报道,但以国外资料较多,其转移作用的大小,结论不完全一致。 本文对长沙市区数十名产妇的母血及脐带血中铅、镉的含量进行了测定和比较,以探讨胎盘的转移作用。 1.材料和方法 调查对象为在长沙市医院分娩的产妇,年龄范围为 19~31岁,平均24.7岁。产前均有详细记录。90.7%为初产妇。分娩过程全部正常,婴儿无畸形。所有产妇无烟酒嗜好及职业性接触史。  相似文献   

目的:探讨母血与脐血血清维生素正常水平值及相互关系。方法:对2002年1月~2003年6月在天坛医院妇产科进行检查的北京市崇文区540例孕产妇配对测定母血、脐血中维生素A、C、D、E浓度,比较其水平并进行相关性分析。结果:脐血与母血比较,维生素A、C、D、E差异有显著性意义,脐血维生素值普遍低于母血。母血与脐血维生素A、C、D、E具有相关性。其中尤以母血维生素A与脐血的相关性大。结论:本次研究测得母血、脐血维生素值均低于正常值。提示孕期应合理补充维生素,定期检测体内维生素的含量,母血与脐血维生素A、C、D、E含量具有相关性,妊娠期补充维生素对提高新生儿体内维生素含量有作用,以提高维生素A最容易见效。  相似文献   

目的 检测母血及脐血中砷、铍、铬和镍浓度及相关影响因素分析.方法 随机选择125名健康住院分娩产妇作为研究对象,分别采集产前静脉血和分娩时胎儿脐血,并对产妇进行家庭社会环境和健康问卷调查.用微波消解,电感耦合等离子体-质谱仪(ICP-MS)检测全血样品砷、铍、铬和镍4种金属浓度.结果 母血中砷、铍、铬和镍浓度分别为5.27,0.01,46.98和56.07μg/L,脐血中砷、铍、铬和镍浓度分别为3.81,0.01,49.74和41.74μg/L,其中脐血中砷浓度显著低于母血(P<0.01).母血与脐血中砷、铍、铬和镍浓度均呈现显著正相关(P<0.01).孕妇接触职业性有害因素及近期家庭装修与母血及脐血中砷浓度有相关性.结论 孕妇和胎儿增均已暴露于砷、铍、铬和镍重金属;胎盘对铍、铬和镍缺乏有效屏障作用.  相似文献   

目的 :分析新生儿脐血与足血 TSH(促甲状腺素 )水平的相关性。方法 :2 13例新生儿出生后 ,即刻 (10 min内 )采集脐带血 ,第 3d采集足跟血 ,用 EL ISA法专人检测 TSH水平 ,对检测结果进行相关性分析。结果 :1新生儿脐血与足血 TSH中位数分别为 2 .32 nmol(s.L) - 1 、 1.5 8nmol(s.L) - 1 ,差异有显著性 ;2两者存在正相关 ,相关系数 r=0 .6 885 ,回归方程为 :Y=- 0 .0 4 36 0 .76 14 X。 3两者超标情况有联系但无差别。结论 :在筛查先天性甲低患儿及监测、评价地区碘缺乏病严重程度和防治效果的工作中 ,新生儿脐血与足血 TSH值具有较好的相关性 ,以脐血推算足血 TSH是可行的  相似文献   

目的了解铍、钍和铀3种有害微量元素在母体与胎儿体内的分布情况,为进一步研究它们对母、儿的毒性作用提供依据。方法选择125名住院分娩的产妇,取孕妇产前静脉血和分娩时胎儿脐静脉血,采用电感耦合等离子体-质谱(ICP-MS)法对全血样品进行铍、钍和铀质量浓度检测。结果母血中铍、钍和铀的检出率分别为55.2%、96.8%和64.0%,浓度分别为0.13、52.60和0.52μg/dl;胎儿脐血铍、钍和铀的检出率分别为55.2%、95.2%和70.4%,浓度分别为0.10、49.86和0.64μg/dl;3种有害元素浓度在母血与脐血间比较,差异均无显著性;相关分析表明,母血与脐血间铍、钍和铀的浓度呈显著正相关。结论母胎体内铍、钍和铀3种有害微量元素检出率较高,表明胎盘对胎儿没有发挥保护性屏障功能。  相似文献   

张珠兰  王庆玲 《中国妇幼保健》2002,17(8):483-483,492
有关孕妇及新生儿脐血中微量元素含量测定的报道较多,但对于孕妇不同血红蛋白(Hb)水平时母血与脐血Hb的影响研究报道较少.本文就86例分娩期孕妇和新生儿脐血血清中6种元素的变化及其对脐血Hb的影响进行了研究,报道如下.  相似文献   

新生儿脐血铅含量与神经行为发育的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 :探讨孕期低水平铅暴露下 ,脐血血铅含量对新生儿神经行为发育的影响。方法 :随机选择 2 0 0 3年 1~4月出生足月新生儿 135例。以脐血铅作为孕期铅暴露的指标 ,新生儿神经行为发育 (NBNA)评分作为效应指标 ,采用描述性分析方法评价二者之间的相关性。结果 :高暴露组和低暴露组在新生儿主动肌张力、神经行为发育总评分上差异有显著性 (P<0 .0 5 ) ,原始反射评分差异有非常显著性 (P<0 .10 ) ,在新生儿行为能力、被动肌张力、一般估价上差异无显著性。结论 :孕期低水平铅暴露对新生儿神经行为发育影响明显。  相似文献   

范志强  周韫珍 《营养学报》1990,12(4):405-407
<正> 新生儿特别是早产儿容易发生维生素E(VE)缺乏,并可引起一系列临床症状如组织水肿、溶血性贫血等。国外有研究认为:新生儿VE低水平与很多因素有关,如新生儿血中FC、LDL、HDL、新生儿出生体重、妊娠周数、母血VE水平等。但这些因素的研究都仅限于单因素的直线相关分析,不能表明许多因素共同对VE水平的复杂影响,有的因素可能只是一种伴随相关现象,如妊娠周数与母血脂水平、新生儿体重等本身都呈正相关。本研究对这些因素都进行了单因素直线相关分析以与其它研究结果比较,在此基础上,用逐步回归的方法,找出对血中VE水平有影响的因素及其影响程度,以进一步了解VE在妊娠期的转运和代谢。  相似文献   

Whole blood lead levels were estimated by atomic absorption analysis in 226 blood samples from 113 mothers of 23 different nationalities. Samples were collected before delivery, and from cord blood from their respective neonates. The concentrations of blood lead were within the expected range of occupationally unexposed populations. Mean maternal blood lead levels were 0.72 0.10 mumol/l (14.9 2.14 mug/dl), range 0.32-1.34 mumol/l (6.6-27.8 mug/dl) and mean cord blood levels were 0.64 0.12 mumol/l (range 0.29-1.46 mumol/l). Sixteen percent of the mothers and nearly 10% cord blood samples were found to have blood lead level greater than 0.97 mumol/l (20 mug/dl). Very high levels, in excess of 1.21 mumol/l (25 mug/dl), were detected in 3.5% of mothers as compared to 2.6% of cord blood samples. Out of 113 infants, 65 (58%) were males with a mean cord blood lead level of 0.63 mumol/l and 48 (42%) were females with a mean level of 0.66 muol/l. The lowest maternal blood lead levels 0.68 mumol/l were observed in ages 20 to 25 years old, and lowest cord blood levels 0.58 mumol/l were seen in maternal age of less than 20 years old. On the other hand, the highest maternal and cord blood lead levels (0.82 and 0.75 mumol/l, respectively) were observed in maternal ages of greater than 35 years old. The results show a direct correlation of blood lead level between mothers and umbilical cord as seen in the linear regression distribution curve.  相似文献   

目的 探讨在宫内低水平铅暴露状态下,新生儿脐血铅含量及初乳铅铅含量与神经行为发育的关系.方法 随机选取南京市妇幼保健院医院产科2010年1-4月出生的足月新生儿170例.以脐血铅和初乳铅铅含量作为新生儿铅暴露的指标,新生儿神经行为NBNA发育评分作为效应指标.结果 高暴露组和低暴露组在新生儿主动肌张力、原始反射和神经行...  相似文献   

目的:探讨影响新生儿脐血红细胞参数的因素。方法:采集1 180例新生儿脐血,利用全自动红细胞分析仪检测红细胞数(RBC)、血红蛋白含量(HB)、红细胞平均体积(MCV)、红细胞平均血红蛋白含量(MCH)、红细胞压积(HCT)、红细胞体积分布宽度(RDW)。分析不同性别、孕周及分娩方式新生儿脐血红细胞参数的差异。结果:男性新生儿的RBC、HB、HCT和RDW高于女性新生儿(P<0.05),MCV和MCH低于女性新生儿(P<0.05);足月产儿的HB、MCV、MCH和RDW低于早产儿(P<0.05);顺产新生儿的RBC、HB和HCT较剖宫产儿高(P<0.05)。结论:新生儿脐血红细胞参数受性别、孕周及分娩方式等因素的影响;了解新生儿红细胞参数,有助于某些遗传性血液病的早期筛查。  相似文献   

目的了解某地区产妇及新生儿血砷、汞和铅的水平,分析其相关影响因素。方法在某地区随机抽取A、B两所医院,选择2012年4—5月间住院分娩的产妇共226名,采集产妇静脉血和新生儿脐带血,采用电感耦合等离子体质谱法测定全血中砷、汞和铅的浓度,并对产妇进行问卷调查。结果 226对产妇和新生儿血铅浓度范围分别为2.65~67.00μg/L和4.05~70.89μg/L,均低于100μg/L的限值;A医院产妇和新生儿血砷平均浓度分别为1.20μg/L和1.23μg/L,均高于B医院(0.62μg/L和0.71μg/L),差异具有统计学意义(P0.05),血汞和血铅浓度差异均无统计学意义(P0.05);新生儿脐带血中砷、汞和铅浓度与产妇静脉血中同种元素浓度呈显著正相关(P0.01),相关系数分别为0.925、0.832和0.765;多重线性回归分析结果显示,家庭年收入越高,产妇及其新生儿血砷浓度越高(P0.05);产妇文化程度则对血铅水平有显著影响,文化程度越高,产妇及其新生儿血铅浓度越低(P0.05)。结论该地区产妇和新生儿体内砷、汞、铅暴露水平较低,但胎盘对重金属缺乏有效屏障作用,仍应采取有效措施减少产妇和新生儿重金属暴露。  相似文献   

儿童血铅与胎儿期铅污染的关系   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
目的了解儿童血铅水平与胎儿期铅污染的关系。方法采集1~5岁儿童手指血和新生儿出生时的脐带血,用原子吸收石墨炉法测定血铅浓度。结果1122例儿童血铅平均为(0.42±0.15)μmol/L,血铅值≥0.483μmol/L的儿童占27.54%;127例新生儿脐带血铅平均为(0.16±0.12)μmol/L,血铅值≥0.483μmol/L的新生儿占0.79%。结论儿童血铅水平高主要是环境污染和生活行为引起,儿童在胎儿期血铅的本底水平已较高,所以预防儿童铅中毒应从孕妇做起。  相似文献   

目的探讨胎儿脐血中脂联素水平与出生体重的相关性。方法选择2015年10月—2015年12月在本院分娩的健康新生儿30例,根据新生儿出生体重分为3 000 g组、3 000~3 999 g组、≥4 000 g组,分析各组新生儿母亲的年龄、身高、孕次、产次、孕前BMI及新生儿出生体重与母血、脐血脂联素浓度、新生儿性别的关系。结果男婴和女婴脐血中脂联素含量均明显高于其母血中脂联素含量,差异有统计学意义;男婴与女婴母血脂联素浓度比较,差异无统计学意义;女婴脐血脂联素浓度明显高于男婴,差异有统计学意义。母血脂联素浓度与孕母年龄、身高、孕次、产次无关(r=0.043、0.087、0.076、0.101,P0.05);母血脂联素与孕前BM1、新生儿性别相关(r=0.365、0.886,P0.05)。三组母血脂联素比较,差异无统计学意义;3 000~3 999 g组、≥4 000 g组脐血脂联素水平明显高于3 000 g组,差异有统计学意义。新生儿出生体重与母血脂联素浓度无关(r=0.014,P=0.912);新生儿体重与脐血脂联素浓度相关(r=0.939,P0.01)。结论胎儿脐血脂联素水平与孕母年龄、身高、孕次、产次无关,与孕前BMI、新生儿性别相关,与出生体重高度相关,可作为胎儿生长发育与营养状态的评价指标之一。  相似文献   

目的:了解佛山市产妇、新生儿血铅水平及其影响因素。方法:采用电感耦合高频等离子体发射光谱法,于2003年6月~2004年2月,取本院产科产妇静脉血及其新生儿脐血588例,进行血铅、钙、锌、铁、铜和锰水平测定,按妇幼保健管理卡内容,进行相关记录。结果:产妇血铅水平0.424±0.170μmol/L,Bpb≥0.483μmol/L者占19.05%,新生儿脐血铅水平0.417±0.164μmol/L,铅中毒率为18.71%;母子血铅值显著正相关(r=0.861,P<0.01),产妇血铅值与其血钙、铁值显著负相关(r=-0.267、-0.298,P<0.05);城郊产妇及新生儿血铅水平显著高于城区。结论:城郊产妇、新生儿血铅较高,血钙、锌、铁含量影响血铅水平。  相似文献   

Lead, cadmium and mercury were measured in placental tissue, umbilical cord and maternal blood samples of 1578 women who delivered at the Al-Kharj King Khalid Hospital between 2005 and 2006. The aim of this study was to evaluate the status of heavy metal exposure in mothers and their newborns and to identify predictors of maternal exposure. Lead was detected in all cord and maternal blood and in 96% of placental tissues. Only in 0.89% and 0.83% of cord and maternal blood samples were the levels of lead above the CDC threshold limit of 10 μg/dl. Maternal blood lead was also higher (2.3%) than the German Reference value in women of 7 μg/dl. Approximately 9.3% of women had a placental lead above the 95th percentile in the range of 0.83-78 μg/g dry wt., a level of possible developmental toxicity. Cadmium was detected in 94.8% and 97.9% of cord and maternal blood samples respectively, though only five newborns had a cadmium level above the OSHA threshold limit of 5 μg/l. Comparing our results to the newly revised German Reference value for nonsmokers, 48.6% of mothers had blood cadmium levels >1.0 μg/l. We found as well that 25% of women had placental cadmium in the >75th percentile, in the range of 0.048-4.36 μg/g dry wt., which is likely to affect fetal growth and development. Of the maternal and cord blood samples, 11.2% and 13%, respectively, had mercury levels >5.8 μg/l, which is the EPA reference dose. Nearly 49% of women had mercury levels >2.0 μg/l, the German Reference value for those who consume fish ≤3 times a month. Around 50% of the mothers had placental mercury in the range of 0.031-13.0 μg/g dry wt. Regression analyses indicated that the levels of metals in the blood and placenta were influenced by several factors. This study provides informative baseline biomonitoring data and reveals a substantial exposure to heavy metals in non-occupationally exposed Saudi mothers and their newborns that might jeopardize the health of both. Additional research is also urgently needed to explore factors such as environment, diet, lifestyle and/or cultural habits contributing to maternal and fetal exposures. Preventive measures to eliminate or minimize the unnecessary risk of fetus exposure to heavy metals or other pollutants during pregnancy should be initiated once these factors are identified.  相似文献   

Brominated flame retardants (BFRs), in particular the polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), have been used in consumer products for many years to increase fire resistance. Recently, developmental neurotoxicity at very low levels has increased the concern about these compounds. The major objectives of this study were to investigate the maternal and fetal exposure to PBDEs on the basis of maternal and umbilical cord plasma samples and to study the extent of placental transfer for different PBDE congeners. The findings were also compared with previously observed PBDE levels and patterns determined in placental tissue from the same individuals, and the relationship with the external exposure from house dust from the participants’ homes was explored. Samples of maternal and umbilical cord plasma from a cohort of 51 pregnant women from the Copenhagen area were collected. Paired maternal and umbilical cord plasma were analysed for BDE-28, 37, 47, 85, 99, 100, 119, 138, 153, 154, 183, 209 and the brominated biphenyl BB-153 using automated SPE extraction and GC-HRMS for the tri- to hepta-BDEs and GC-LRMS (ECNI) for BDE-209. PBDEs were detected in all maternal and umbilical cord plasma samples. The sum of tri- to hexa-BDEs (ΣPBDE) in maternal plasma varied between 640 and 51,946 pg/g lipid weight (lw) with a median level of 1765 pg/g lw. In the umbilical cord samples ΣPBDE varied between 213 and 54,346 pg/g lw with a median of 958 pg/g lw. The levels observed in fetal and maternal plasma were highly correlated, but the placental transport of PBDE congeners was found to decrease with increasing diphenyl ether bromination. Maternal concentrations were significantly correlated (p < 0.05) for most congeners with the previously determined concentrations in placental tissue from the same individuals. Furthermore, positive correlations (p < 0.05) were found for BDE-28, 47, 100, 209 and ΣPBDE in maternal plasma and house dust as well as for ΣPBDE in umbilical cord plasma and house dust. The positive correlations for PBDEs for both maternal and umbilical cord plasma with house dust showed that domestic house dust is a significant source of human exposure to PBDEs in Denmark including in utero exposure.  相似文献   

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