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A sensitive, selective, precise and stability-indicating high-performance thin layer chromatography (HPTLC) method for analysis of indinavir sulphate both as a bulk drug and in formulations was developed and validated. The method employed TLC aluminium plates precoated with silica gel 60F-254 as the stationary phase. The solvent system consisted of carbon tetrachloride/chloroform/methanol/10% v/v ammonia (4:4.5:1.5:0.05, v/v/v/v). Densitometric analysis of indinavir sulphate was carried out in the absorbance mode at 260 nm. This system was found to give compact spots for indinavir sulphate (Rf value of 0.43 +/- 0.02, for six replicates). Indinavir sulphate was subjected to acid and alkali hydrolysis, oxidation, dry and wet heat treatment, and photo degradation. The drug undergoes degradation under acidic and basic conditions, oxidation, dry and wet heat treatment, and photo degradation. Also the degraded products were well resolved from the pure drug with significantly different Rf values. The method was validated for linearity, precision, robustness, limit of detection (LOD), limit of quantitation (LOQ), specificity and accuracy. Linearity was found to be in the range of 100-6000 ng/spot with significantly high value of correlation coefficient r2 = 0.997 +/- 0.64. The linear regression analysis data for the calibration plots showed good linear relationship with r2 = 0.999 +/- 0.002 in the working concentration range of 1000-6000 ng/spot. The LOD and LOQ were 40 and 120 ng/spot, respectively. Statistical analysis proves that the method is repeatable and specific for the estimation of the said drug. As the method could effectively separate the drug from its degradation products, it can be employed as a stability-indicating one. Moreover, the proposed HPTLC method was utilized to investigate the kinetics of acid degradation process. Arrhenius plot was constructed and activation energy was calculated.  相似文献   

The present study describes degradation of stavudine under different stress conditions (hydrolysis, oxidation, photolysis and thermal stress), and establishment of a stability-indicating reversed-phase HPLC assay method. The drug was found to hydrolyse in acidic, neutral and alkaline conditions and also under oxidative stress. The major degradation product formed under various conditions was thymine, as evidenced through comparison with the standard and spectral studies (NMR, IR and MS) on the isolated product. Separation of drug, thymine and another minor degradation product was successfully achieved on a C-18 column utilising water–methanol in the ratio of 90:10. The detection wavelength was 265 nm. The method was validated with respect to linearity, precision (including intermediate precision), accuracy and specificity. The response was linear in the drug concentration range of 25–500 μg ml−1. The mean values (±R.S.D.) of slope and correlation coefficient were 24256 (±0.679) and 0.9994 (±0.0265), respectively. The R.S.D. values for intra- and inter-day precision studies were <0.210 and <1%, respectively. The recovery of the drug ranged between 99.7 and 101.5% from a mixture of degraded samples. The method even proved to be affective on application to a stressed marketed capsule formulation.  相似文献   

In the present study, comprehensive stress testing of enalapril maleate was carried out according to ICH guideline Q1A(R2). The drug was subjected to acid (0.1N HCl), neutral and alkaline (0.1N NaOH) hydrolytic conditions at 80 degrees C, as well as to oxidative decomposition at room temperature. Photolysis was carried out in 0.1N HCl, water and 0.1N NaOH at 40 degrees C. Additionally, the solid drug was subjected to 50 degrees C for 60 days in a dri-bath, and to the combined effect of temperature and humidity, with and without light, at 40 degrees C/75% RH. The products formed under different stress conditions were investigated by LC and LC-MS. The LC method that could separate all degradation products formed under various stress conditions involved a C18 column and a mobile phase comprising of ACN and phosphate buffer (pH 3). The flow rate and detection wavelength were 1 ml min(-1) and 210 nm, respectively. The developed method was found to be precise, accurate, specific and selective. It was suitably modified for LC-MS studies by replacing phosphate buffer with water, where pH was adjusted to 3.0 with formic acid. The drug showed instability in solution state (under acidic, neutral, alkaline and photolytic stress conditions), but was relatively stable in the solid-state, except formation of minor products under accelerated conditions. Primarily, maximum degradation products were formed in acid conditions, though the same were also produced variably under other stress conditions. The LC-MS m/z values and fragmentation patterns of two of the five products matched with enalaprilat and diketopiperazine derivative, previously known degradation products of enalapril. Also, m/z value of another product matched with an impurity listed in the drug monograph in European Pharmacopoeia. Rest two were hitherto unknown degradation products. The products were characterized through LC-MS fragmentation studies. Based on the results, a more complete degradation pathway for the drug could be proposed.  相似文献   

A simple, rapid and stability-indicating reversed-phase liquid chromatographic method was developed for the assay of varenicline tartrate (VRT) in the presence of its degradation products generated from forced decomposition studies. The HPLC separation was achieved on a C18 Inertsil column (250 mm × 4.6 mm i.d. particle size is 5 μm) employing a mobile phase consisting of ammonium acetate buffer containing trifluoroacetic acid (0.02M; pH 4) and acetonitrile in gradient program mode with a flow rate of 1.0 mL min(-1). The UV detector was operated at 237 nm while column temperature was maintained at 40 °C. The developed method was validated as per ICH guidelines with respect to specificity, linearity, precision, accuracy, robustness and limit of quantification. The method was found to be simple, specific, precise and accurate. Selectivity of the proposed method was validated by subjecting the stock solution of VRT to acidic, basic, photolysis, oxidative and thermal degradation. The calibration curve was found to be linear in the concentration range of 0.1-192 μg mL(-1) (R(2) = 0.9994). The peaks of degradation products did not interfere with that of pure VRT. The utility of the developed method was examined by analyzing the tablets containing VRT. The results of analysis were subjected to statistical analysis.  相似文献   

Isoniazid was subjected to different ICH prescribed stress conditions of thermal stress, hydrolysis, oxidation and photolysis. The drug was stable to dry heat (50 and 60 degrees C). It showed extensive decomposition under hydrolytic conditions, while it was only moderately sensitive to oxidation stress. The solid drug turned intense yellow on exposure to light under accelerated conditions of temperature (40 degrees C) and humidity (75% RH). In total, three major degradation products were detected by LC. For establishment of stability-indicating assay, the reaction solutions in which different degradation products were formed were mixed, and the separation was optimized by varying the LC conditions. An acceptable separation was achieved using a C-18 column and a mobile phase comprising of water:acetonitrile (96:4, v/v), with flow rate and detection wavelength being 0.5 ml min(-1) and 254 nm, respectively. The degradation products appeared at relative retention times (RR(T)) of 0.71, 1.34 and 4.22. The validation studies established a linear response of the drug at concentrations between 50 and 1000 microg ml(-1). The mean values (+/-R.S.D.) of slope, intercept and correlation coefficient were 35,199 (+/-0.88), 114,310 (+/-4.70) and 0.9998 (+/-0.01), respectively. The mean R.S.D. values for intra- and inter-day precision were 0.24 and 0.90, respectively. The recovery of the drug ranged between 99.42 and 100.58%, when it was spiked to a mixture of solutions in which sufficient degradation was observed. The specificity was established through peak purity testing using a photodiode array detector. The method worked well on application to marketed formulation of isoniazid, and a fixed-dose combination containing isoniazid and ethambutol HCl. It was even extendable to LC-MS studies, which were carried out to identify the three degradation products. The m/z values of the peaks at RR(T) 0.71 and RR(T) 1.34 matched with isonicotinic acid and isonicotinamide, respectively. The product appearing at RR(T) 4.22 was isolated using preparative LC-MS, and turned out to be a yellow compound that was identified as isonicotinic acid N'-(pyridyl-4-carbonyl)-hydrazide based on mass, FTIR and (1)H/(13)C NMR spectral data. The same was indicated to be responsible for discolouration of isoniazid bulk drug substance and formulations, which is a familiar problem. The mechanism of formation of the said compound is outlined.  相似文献   

This write-up provides a review on the development of validated stability-indicating assay methods (SIAMs) for drug substances and products. The shortcomings of reported methods with respect to regulatory requirements are highlighted. A systematic approach for the development of stability-indicating methods is discussed. Critical issues related to development of SIAMs, such as separation of all degradation products, establishment of mass balance, stress testing of formulations, development of SIAMs for combination products, etc. are also addressed. The applicability of pharmacopoeial methods for the analysis of stability samples is discussed. The requirements of SIAMs for stability study of biotechnological substances and products are also touched upon.  相似文献   

The degradation behaviour of secnidazole was investigated under different stress degradation (hydrolytic, oxidative, photolytic and thermal) conditions recommended by International Conference on Harmonisation (ICH) using HPLC and LC-MS. A stability-indicating HPLC method was developed that could separate drug from degradation products formed under various conditions. Secnidazole was found to degrade significantly in alkaline conditions, oxidative stress, and also in the presence of light. Mild degradation of the drug occurred in acidic and neutral conditions. The drug was stable to dry heat. Resolution of drug and the degradation products formed under different stress studies were successfully achieved on a C-18 column utilizing water-methanol in the ratio of 85:15 and at the detection wavelength of 310 nm. The method was validated with respect to linearity, precision (including intermediate precision), accuracy, selectivity and specificity.  相似文献   

Ezetimibe was subjected to different ICH prescribed stress conditions. Degradation was found to occur in hydrolytic and to some extent in photolytic conditions, while the drug was stable to oxidative and thermal stress. The drug was particularly labile under neutral and alkaline hydrolytic conditions. A stability-indicating HPLC method was developed for analysis of the drug in the presence of the degradation products. It involved a C-8 column and a mobile phase composed of ammonium acetate buffer (0.02 M, pH adjusted to 7.0 with ammonium hydroxide) and acetonitrile, which was pushed through the column in a gradient mode. The detection was carried out at 250 nm. The method was validated for linearity, range, precision, accuracy, specificity, selectivity and intermediate precision.  相似文献   

Ampicillin and cloxacillin were degraded together under different stress test conditions prescribed by International Conference on Harmonization. The samples so generated were used to develop a stability-indicating high performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) method for the two drugs. The drugs were well separated from degradation products using a reversed-phase (C-18) column and a mobile phase comprising of acetonitrile:phosphate buffer (pH 5.0), which was delivered initially in the ratio of 15:85 (v/v) for 1 min, then changed to 30:70 (v/v) for next 14 min, and finally equilibrated back to 15:85 (v/v) from 15 to 20 min. Other HPLC parameters were: flow rate, 1 ml/min; detection wavelength, 225 nm; and injection volume, 5 microl. The method was validated for linearity, precision, accuracy, specificity and selectivity. It was also compared with the assay procedures given in British Pharmacopoeia for individual drugs. Similar results were obtained, indicating that the proposed single method allowed selective analysis of both ampicillin and cloxacillin, in the presence of their degradation products formed under a variety of stress conditions. The developed procedure was also applicable to the determination of instability of the drugs in commercial products.  相似文献   

A stability-indicating HPLC assay method has been developed and validated for medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA) in bulk drug and injectable suspension. An isocratic RP-HPLC was achieved on a Hichrom C18 column (150 mm × 4.6 mm i.d., 5 μm) utilizing a mobile phase of methanol 0.020 M acetate buffer pH 5 (65:35, v/v) and a photodiode array detector at 245 nm. The stress testing of MPA was carried out under acidic and alkaline hydrolysis, and oxidation conditions. MPA was well resolved from its degradation products, a main related substance (megestrol acetate) and two preservatives (methyl paraben and propyl paraben) with the resolution ≥2. The proposed method was validated for selectivity, linearity, accuracy, precision and solution stability. The method was found to be suitable for the quality control of MPA in bulk drug and injections as well as the stability-indicating studies.  相似文献   

The objective of the current investigation was to study the degradation behaviour of tinidazole under different ICH recommended stress conditions by HPLC and LC-MS, and to establish a validated stability-indicating HPLC method. The drug was subjected to stress conditions of hydrolysis, oxidation, photolysis and thermal decomposition. Extensive degradation was found to occur in alkaline medium, under oxidative stress and in the photolytic conditions. Mild degradation was observed in acidic and neutral conditions. The drug was stable to thermal stress. Successful separation of drug from degradation products formed under stress conditions was achieved on a C-18 column using water-acetonitrile (88:12) as the mobile phase. The flow rate was 0.8 ml x min(-1) and the detection wavelength was 310 nm. The method was validated with respect to linearity, precision, accuracy, specificity and robustness. The utility of the procedure was verified by its application to marketed formulations that were subjected to accelerated stability studies. The method well separated the drug and degradation products even in actual samples. The products formed in marketed liquid infusions were similar to those formed during stress studies.  相似文献   

Sulfadimethoxine was subjected to different International Conference on Harmonisation prescribed stress conditions (hydrolysis, oxidation and photolysis). A stability-indicating high-performance liquid chromatography method was developed for analysis of the drug in the presence of its major degradation products. It involved a Knauer Eurospher C18 thermostated column at 25 °C, and 9.57 mM phosphate buffer (pH adjusted to 2.0 with orthophosphoric acid)-acetonitrile (70:30 v/v) as mobile phase. The mobile phase flow rate and sample volume injected were 1.2 mL/min and 20 μL respectively. The selected wavelength for the determination was 248 nm. The method was validated for its linearity, precision, accuracy, specificity and selectivity, and then applied to the assay of sulfadimethoxine in pharmaceutical formulations. The results of the study show that sulfadimethoxine is highly sensitive to basic hydrolysis and oxidation. The mechanisms and schemas of hydrolytic, oxidative and photolytic degradation are also studied. The method developed, which separates all of the most degradation products, is simple, accurate, precise and specific. Thus, it can be applied to study the stability of veterinary preparations containing sulfadimethoxine.  相似文献   

A stability-indicating gradient reverse phase liquid chromatographic purity and assay method for duloxetine hydrochloride (DUH) was developed and validated. DUH was subjected to the stress conditions and it is sensitive towards oxidative, acid and hydrolytic degradation. Successful separation of DUH from its two process impurities and one degradation impurity formed under stress conditions was achieved on a Symmetry C18, 250 × 4.6 mm, 5 μm column using a gradient mixture of solvent A (0.01 M potassium dihydrogen orthophosphate having 0.2% triethyl amine, pH adjusted to 2.5 with orthophosphoric acid) and solvent B (20:80 v/v mixture of acetonitrile and methanol). The flow rate is 1 ml/min and the detection wavelength is 230 nm. The mass balance was found to be in the range of 99.2–99.7% in all the stressed conditions.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to develop a stability-indicating HPLC assay for the determination of penethamate (PNT), an ester prodrug of benzylpenicillin (BP), in aqueous solutions. The method was validated by subjecting PNT to forced decomposition under stress conditions of acid, alkali, water hydrolysis and oxidation. A quenching solution was developed to limit degradation to negligible levels before and during the analysis. Both PNT and BP were simultaneously determined and separated in presence of degradation products on a C18 column using a mobile phase consisting of methanol–acetonitrile–acetate buffer. Different degradation products were formed in the stress conditions. The peak purity indexes of PNT and BP obtained by diode array detection were >0.999, confirming the absence of other co-eluting substances. The assay was linear for both analytes in the concentration range 1–100 μg mL−1. The LOD and LOQ of PNT were 0.03 and 0.09 μg mL−1 respectively. Degradation of PNT followed pseudo-first-order kinetics with t1/2 of 43.6 min at pH 2.01 and 4.2 min at pH 9.31. In addition, the absence of BP in the acidic solutions of PNT emphasises the futility of monitoring BP to assess the stability of PNT. In conclusion, the assay is rapid and stability-indicating with adequate precision and accuracy, and in conjunction with the quenching solution, can be used for stability studies of PNT with simultaneous quantitation of BP. The degradation studies provide useful information for formulation development of PNT.  相似文献   

A reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) method was applied to study the forced degradation behavior and stability of epidepride. 123I radioisotope-labeled epidepride, [(-)-N-{[(2S)-1-ethylpyrrolidin-2-yl]methyl}-5-iodo-2,3- dimethoxybenzamide] is a radiotracer with a high affinity for dopamine D2 receptors in the brain and has been used as an imaging agent for single-photon emission computed tomography. HPLC studies were performed using 127I-epidepride (the nonradioactive compound), instead of 123I-epidepride, with an RP-18 column using a mobile phase consisting of methanol, acetonitrile, and ammonium acetate (pH 7.0, 10 mM). The eluent flow rate and the wavelength for HPLC detection were 0.5 mL/min and 210 nm, respectively. The ligand was exposed to acid (1 N HCl) and alkaline (1 N NaOH) media and was subjected to oxidative decomposition at room temperature using 3% H2O2 and to thermal decomposition at 50°C. After various reaction times (30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours, 8 hours, and 24 hours), the substances were investigated by HPLC and LC-MS/MS. Although no decomposition products were observed after the acidic, alkaline, and thermal treatments, >80% of the initial amount of 127I-epidepride was oxidized within 24 hours in the presence of H2O2. Only one major oxidation product with an m/z value of 435 was observed, in addition to the 127I-epidepride species (m/z 419). The product was characterized by LC-MS/MS fragmentation, and the deteriorated type and fragmentation pathways were proposed for epidepride.  相似文献   

A reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) method was applied to study the forced degradation behavior and stability of epidepride. 123I radioisotope-labeled epidepride, [(−)-N-{[(2S)-1-ethylpyrrolidin-2-yl]methyl}-5-iodo-2,3-dimethoxybenzamide] is a radiotracer with a high affinity for dopamine D2 receptors in the brain and has been used as an imaging agent for single-photon emission computed tomography. HPLC studies were performed using 127I-epidepride (the nonradioactive compound), instead of 123I-epidepride, with an RP-18 column using a mobile phase consisting of methanol, acetonitrile, and ammonium acetate (pH 7.0, 10 mM). The eluent flow rate and the wavelength for HPLC detection were 0.5 mL/min and 210 nm, respectively. The ligand was exposed to acid (1 N HCl) and alkaline (1 N NaOH) media and was subjected to oxidative decomposition at room temperature using 3% H2O2 and to thermal decomposition at 50°C. After various reaction times (30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours, 8 hours, and 24 hours), the substances were investigated by HPLC and LC-MS/MS. Although no decomposition products were observed after the acidic, alkaline, and thermal treatments, > 80% of the initial amount of 127I-epidepride was oxidized within 24 hours in the presence of H2O2. Only one major oxidation product with an m/z value of 435 was observed, in addition to the 127I-epidepride species (m/z 419). The product was characterized by LC-MS/MS fragmentation, and the deteriorated type and fragmentation pathways were proposed for epidepride.  相似文献   

Stress degradation studies were carried out on three piperazinyl quinazoline alpha(1)-adrenergic receptor blockers, viz. prazosin, terazosin, and doxazosin, following the conditions prescribed in the parent drug stability testing guideline (Q1AR) issued by International Conference on Harmonization (ICH). All drugs showed significant decomposition at 80 degrees C in acidic conditions (0.1 M HCl) and complete degradation in alkaline conditions (0.1 M NaOH). Under both these conditions, 2-piperazinyl-6,7-dimethoxy-4-aminoquinazoline was formed as a major decomposition product in all three drugs. The degradation pattern under ICH-prescribed photolytic conditions in liquid and solid states was also similar for all the drugs. The light exposure resulted in the formation of a cluster of degradation products. No degradation was observed in neutral and oxidative conditions. In solid state, all drugs were stable at 50 degrees C in a 1-month study. In alkaline conditions, the order of sensitivity to degradation of the three drugs was doxazosin>terazosin>prazosin, while the same was terazosin>doxazosin>prazosin under acidic conditions. Mechanistic explanation is provided for the variable behaviour of decomposition.  相似文献   

The objective of the current study was to develop a validated, specific and stability-indicating reverse phase liquid chromatographic method for the quantitative determination of acetazolamide and its related substances. The determination was done for an active pharmaceutical ingredient, its pharmaceutical dosage form in the presence of degradation products, and its process-related impurities. The drug was subjected to stress conditions of hydrolysis (acid and base), oxidation, photolysis and thermal degradation as per International Conference on Harmonization (ICH) prescribed stress conditions to show the stability-indicating power of the method. Significant degradation was observed during acid and base hydrolysis, and the major degradant was identified by LC–MS, FTIR and 1H/13C NMR spectral analysis. The chromatographic conditions were optimized using an impurity-spiked solution and the generated samples were used for forced degradation studies. In the developed HPLC method, the resolution between acetazolamide and, its process-related impurities (namely imp-1, imp-2, imp-3, imp-4 and its degradation products) was found to be greater than 2. The chromatographic separation was achieved on a C18, 250 mm × 4.6 mm, 5 μm column. The LC method employed a linear gradient elution, and the detection wavelength was set at 254 nm. The stress samples were assayed against a qualified reference standard and the mass balance was found to be close to 99.6%. The developed RP-LC method was validated with respect to linearity, accuracy, precision and robustness.  相似文献   

Sensitive and selective stability-indicating assay methods (SIAMs) are suggested for the determination of cilostazol (CIL) in the presence of its acid, alkaline and oxidative degradation products. Developing SIAMs is necessary to carry out any stability study. Stress testing of CIL was performed according to the International Conference on Harmonization (ICH) guidelines in order to validate the stability-indicating power of the analytical procedures. Stress testing showed that CIL underwent acid, alkaline and oxidative degradation; on the other hand, it showed stability towards photo- and thermal degradation. Two chromatographic SIAMs were developed, namely HPLC and HPTLC methods. The concentration range and the mean percentage recovery were 1.0-31.0 microg/ml and 99.96+/-0.46 and 0.6-14.0 microg/spot and 99.88+/-1.10 for HPLC and HPTLC methods, respectively. In addition, derivative spectrophotometric methods were developed in order to determine CIL in the presence of its acid degradation product; these were performed by using the third derivative spectra (3D) and the first derivative of the ratio spectra (1DD) methods. The linearity range and the mean percentage recovery were 2.0-34.0 microg/ml and 100.27+/-1.20 for the (3D) method, while they were 2.0-30.0 microg/ml and 99.94+/-1.18 for the (1DD) method. Also, two chemometric-assisted spectrophotometric methods, based on using partial least squares (PLS) and concentration residual augmented classical least squares method (CRACLS), for the determination of CIL were developed. Both methods were applied on zero order spectra of the mixtures of CIL and its acid degradation product, the mean percentage recovery was 100.03+/-1.09 and 99.91+/-1.27 for PLS and CRACLS, respectively. All methods were validated according to the International Conference on Harmonization (ICH) guidelines and applied on bulk powder and pharmaceutical formulations.  相似文献   

In the present study, comprehensive stress testing of tenatoprazole was carried out according to ICH guideline Q1A (R2). Tenatoprazole was subjected to stress conditions of hydrolysis, oxidation, photolysis and neutral decomposition. Additionally, the solid drug was subjected to 50 °C for 60 days in dry-bath, and to the combined effect of temperature and humidity at 40 °C/75% RH. Extensive degradation was found to occur in acidic, neutral and oxidative conditions. Mild degradation was observed in basic conditions. The drug is relatively stable in the solid-state. The products formed under different stress conditions were investigated by LC and LC–MS. Successful separation of drug from degradation products formed under stress conditions was achieved on a Chemito ODS-3 column [C18 (5 μm, 250 mm × 4.6 mm, i.d.)] using methanol: 0.01 M acetate buffer pH 4.5 adjusted with glacial acetic acid (55:45) as the mobile phase at flow rate of 1 mL/min and the peak was detected using a UV detector set at 306 nm. The LC–MS m/z values and fragmentation patterns of degradation products formed under different stress conditions were studied and characterized through LC–MS fragmentation. Based on the results, degradation pathway for drug has been proposed.  相似文献   

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