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Recent behavioral experiments examining the siphon withdrawal reflex of Aplysia have revealed inhibitory effects of strong tail shock, a stimulus commonly used as an unconditioned stimulus in studies of associative and nonassociative learning in Aplysia. We utilized a reduced preparation to perform a cellular analysis of tail shock-induced inhibition in the siphon withdrawal reflex. First, we carried out behavioral studies that showed that the reduced preparation exhibits a siphon withdrawal reflex to water jet stimuli, and that tail shock produces inhibitory behavioral effects comparable to those in the intact animal: (1) strong shock produces transient inhibition of nonhabituated responses, and (2) a habituated response is facilitated by weak shock, but not by strong shock, suggesting that increasing tail shock intensity recruits the inhibitory process that competes with facilitation of habituated reflexes. Next, we carried out cellular studies that showed that the amplitude of the complex EPSP in siphon motor neurons elicited by water jet stimuli to the siphon also exhibits the inhibitory patterns produced by tail shock: (1) the nondecremented complex EPSP (a neural correlate of a nonhabituated siphon withdrawal reflex) is significantly inhibited 90 sec after strong tail shock and recovers to preshock levels 10 min later, and (2) the decremented complex EPSP (a neural correlate of a habituated reflex) is significantly facilitated by weak shock, but is not facilitated by strong shock. In addition to the complex EPSP, we simultaneously examined the monosynaptic connection between siphon sensory neurons and siphon motor neurons. The monosynaptic EPSP does not show the pattern of inhibitory modulation by tail shock exhibited by the siphon withdrawal reflex and the complex EPSP: (1) the nondecremented monosynaptic EPSP is not inhibited 90 sec after strong shock, but tends to be above preshock levels; and (2) the decremented monosynaptic EPSP is facilitated by weak as well as strong tail shock. Our results suggest that an important component of the inhibitory process triggered by strong tail shock is mediated by neural elements presynaptic to the siphon motor neurons. Because modulation of the monosynaptic connection between identified siphon sensory and siphon motor neurons does not parallel the tail shock-induced inhibitory patterns observed in the siphon withdrawal reflex and in the complex EPSP, other synaptic connections are likely to play an important role in mediating tail shock-induced inhibition in the siphon withdrawal reflex.  相似文献   

Facilitation of synaptic connections between sensory neurons and motor neurons mediating the tail withdrawal reflex in Aplysia is produced by the modulatory effects of sensitizing stimuli. Facilitation can be mimicked by perfusing these neurons with serotonin (5-HT) in a semi-intact preparation. Consequently, 5-HT has been presumed to be acting as an agonist of the modulatory transmitter that mediates sensitizing input in vivo. While the 5-HT effects appear to be mediated by increased cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) levels in the sensory neurons, a critical issue that has not been examined is whether sensitizing stimuli also increase cAMP levels in these cells. We now report that such sensitizing stimuli delivered to the tail of a semi-intact preparation lead to elevation of cAMP levels in the tail sensory neurons.  相似文献   

Tail shock-induced modulation of the siphon withdrawal reflex of Aplysia has recently been shown to have a transient inhibitory component, as well as a facilitatory component. This transient behavioral inhibition is also seen in a reduced preparation in which a cellular reflection of the inhibitory process, tail shock-induced inhibition of complex EPSPs in siphon motor neurons, is observed. The biogenic amine serotonin (5-HT) is known to play a role in the facilitatory aspects of sensitization in Aplysia. The aim of this article was to examine whether 5-HT might also contribute to the inhibitory effects of tail shock in the siphon withdrawal reflex. To examine this question, we carried out two kinds of experiments. First, in the isolated abdominal ganglion, we recorded intracellularly from siphon motor neurons and examined the effects of 5-HT on (1) complex (polysynaptic) EPSPs, produced by siphon nerve stimulation, and, simultaneously, (2) monosynaptic EPSPs from siphon sensory neurons. We found that, paralleling the effects of tail shock in the reduced preparation, 5-HT produced transient inhibition of the complex EPSP; the monosynaptic EPSP was facilitated by 5-HT. Second, we examined the behavioral effects of 5-HT on siphon withdrawal in a reduced preparation. We found that 5-HT again paralleled tail shock by producing transient inhibition of the siphon withdrawal reflex. Our results suggest that, in addition to its well-established facilitatory role in reflex modulation in Aplysia, 5-HT might play an important inhibitory role, as well.  相似文献   

The gill- and siphon-withdrawal reflex of Aplysia undergoes transient inhibition following noxious stimuli such as tail shock. This behavioral inhibition appears to be due in part to transient presynaptic inhibition of the siphon sensory cells, which can be mimicked by application of the peptide FMRFamide. Although FMRFamide is widespread in the Aplysia nervous system, an FMRFamide-containing inhibitory neuron has not previously been identified. We have searched for such a neuron by combining FMRFamide immunofluorescence with fluorescent dye backfilling from the abdominal ganglion, the location of the siphon sensory cells. These methods localized a neuron in the left pleural ganglion, which we have named LPL16. LPL16 is FMRFamide immunoreactive; it is excited by tail shock; and stimulation of LPL16 produces inhibition of siphon sensory cell-to-motor cell postsynaptic potentials and narrowing of action potentials in the sensory cells in tetraethylammonium solution. These results indicate that LPL16 participates in the inhibitory effects of tail shock, and support the idea that FMRFamide plays a physiological role in the inhibition.  相似文献   

To examine the relationship between synaptic plasticity and learning and memory as directly as possible, we have developed a new simplified preparation for studying the siphon-withdrawal reflex of Aplysia in which it is relatively easy to record synaptic connections between individual identified neurons during simple forms of learning. We estimated that monosynaptic EPSPs from LE siphon sensory neurons to LFS siphon motor neurons mediate approximately one-third of the reflex response measured in this preparation, which corresponds to siphon flaring in the intact animal. To investigate cellular mechanisms contributing to dishabituation and sensitization, we recorded evoked firing of LFS neurons, the siphon withdrawal produced by stimulation of an LFS neuron, the complex PSP in an LFS neuron, and the monosynaptic PSP from an "on-field" or "off-field" LE neuron to an LFS neuron during behavioral training. Unlike the simplified gill-withdrawal preparation (Cohen et al., 1997; Frost et al., 1997), in the siphon-withdrawal preparation we found no qualitative differences between the major cellular mechanisms contributing to dishabituation and sensitization, suggesting that dissociations that have been observed previously may be attributable to transient inhibition that does not occur for this component of the reflex. Furthermore, in the siphon-withdrawal preparation, all of the various cellular measures, including monosynaptic PSPs from either on-field or off-field LE neurons, changed approximately in parallel with changes in the behavior. These results provide the most direct evidence so far available that both dishabituation and sensitization involve multiple mechanisms, including heterosynaptic facilitation of sensory neuron-motor neuron PSPs.  相似文献   

Tail sensory neurons in the pleural ganglion that mediate the afferent portion of the tail withdrawal reflex in Aplysia californica undergo heterosynaptic facilitation of transmitter release during sensitization. As in the siphon sensory neurons, the transmitter serotonin produces facilitation and also elicits a slow, decreased conductance excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP) in these neurons. Using voltage clamp and biochemical analyses, we have found that the slow EPSP in the pleural sensory neurons is due to a decrease in a potassium conductance identical to the S potassium current characterized in siphon sensory neurons. Like the S current, the current modulated by serotonin in the pleural sensory neurons is a non-inactivating potassium current, and it contributes to both the resting and action potentials. The current reverses in 120 mM external K+ at -20 mV, close to the predicted Nernst equilibrium potential. Intracellular cesium blocks the serotonin response, but the current is not blocked by equimolar substitution of barium for calcium, nor by 50 mM tetraethylammonium chloride. The effect of serotonin is cAMP dependent, since serotonin elevates cAMP and both cAMP injection and forskolin mimic the serotonin response. These results indicate that the mechanism associated with sensitization of the siphon-gill withdrawal reflex, a slow decreased potassium conductance, is also a component of the neuronal circuitry underlying modulation of another reflex, the tail withdrawal reflex. Therefore, two distinct populations of neurons subserving similar behavioral functions have related biophysical and biochemical properties.  相似文献   

Respiratory pumping in Aplysia californica is a relatively stereotyped behavioral pattern with three components: (1) withdrawal of gill, siphon and mantle shelf; (2) closing of parapodia; (3) heart inhibition accompanied by a decrease in vasomotor tone. This phasic behavior is triggered by a central burst-generating network of interneurons in the abdominal ganglion. During respiratory pumping, motor neurons innervating the several effector organs receive a burst of either excitatory or inhibitory synaptic input which has previously been attributed to an unidentified central command cell called Interneuron II. Several of these motor cells are also concomitantly release from tonic synaptic input, which is opposite in sign to that which they receive from Interneuron II. This tonic input has been attributed to an unidentified cell called Interneuron XI. In this paper we identify and describe some of the neurons which contribute to the burst generating network; specifically, we focus on the neurons that produce the synaptic action attributed to Interneurons II and XI. The synaptic actions attributed to Interneuron XI are produced by a single, spontaneously active neuron, cell L24. This cell is a multi-action interneuron: it produces inhibitory synaptic potentials in some follower motor neurons, excitatory synaptic potentials in other follower cells, and a conjoint excitatory-inhibitory synaptic action onto gill motor neuron L7. At low frequency, L24 is excitatory to L7. With high frequency firing of L24, the synaptic potential produced in L7 converts from excitatory to inhibitory. In contrast to Interneuron XI, which is a single cell, the synaptic potentials previously attributed to Interneuron II are actually produced by a cluster of at least 3 respiratory command cells which we call L25, L26 and L27. Each of these cells accounts for only a limited portion of the synaptic input that drives the motor neurons during respiratory pumping. For most motor neurons innervated by both the respiratory command cells and Interneuron XI, the two synaptic inputs are opposite in sign. Mutually inhibitory connections between Interneuron XI and some of the central respiratory command cells ensure that the synaptic potentials from these two sources are constrained to occur at different times. Thus, centrally commanded synaptic inhibition or excitation of these motor neurons is made more effective by simultaneous disexcitation or disinhibition of Interneuron XI input. In addition to their role in generating respiratory pumping, L24 and L26 also contribute to the mediation of the defensive gill and siphon withdrawal reflex.  相似文献   

Noxious stimulation of a restricted site on the skin of Aplysia (training) causes site-specific sensitization of the tail-withdrawal reflex that is associated with several sensory correlates that are evident both 10 min and 2 hr after training. First, extracellularly recorded afferent activity evoked by test stimulation of the trained site increases, indicating peripheral sensory changes. Second, central sensory alterations are manifested by tail sensory neurons within the pleural VC cluster that innervate the trained site and are activated during training. These mechanosensory/nociceptive cells display a number of differences from unactivated tail sensory neurons innervating other sites: slow depolarization of the soma observed immediately after training, decrease in soma action potential threshold, and enhancement of monosynaptic EPSPs to identified motor neurons. Noxious stimulation of a more extensive region also produces site-specific sensitization of the tail-withdrawal reflex and site-specific enhancement of EPSP amplitude measured 1 d after training. This training produced a novel cellular correlate of behavioral enhancement in Aplysia--regenerative bursting responses (2-35 spikes) in response to brief depolarization of the sensory neuron soma. The changes in peripheral and central excitability appear similar to changes associated with mammalian models of primary hyperalgesia. Site-specific enhancement of nociceptive signaling also occurs during aversive associative conditioning in a noxious unconditioned stimulus (US) pathway. These site-specific changes involve activity-dependent extrinsic modulation (ADEM) of the VC sensory neurons, suggesting a close relationship to changes underlying associative conditioning in conditioned stimulus (CS) pathways in Aplysia.  相似文献   

Several lines of evidence suggest that 5-HT plays a significant role in presynaptic facilitation of the siphon sensory cells contributing to dishabituation and sensitization of the gill- and siphon-withdrawal reflex in Aplysia. Most recently, Glanzman et al. (1989) found that treatment with the 5-HT neurotoxin, 5,7-DHT markedly reduced both synaptic facilitation and behavioral dishabituation. To provide more direct evidence for a role of 5-HT, we have attempted to identify individual serotonergic facilitator neurons. Hawkins (1989) used histological techniques to locate several serotonergic neurons in the ring ganglia that send axons to the abdominal ganglion and are therefore possible serotonergic facilitators. These include one neuron in the B cluster of each cerebral ganglion, which we have identified electrophysiologically and named the CB1 cells. Both glyoxylic acid histofluorescence and 5-HT immunofluorescence indicate that the CB1 neurons are serotonergic. In a semiintact preparation, the CB1 neurons respond to cutaneous stimulation which produces dishabituation and sensitization (such as tail shock) with an increase in firing, which may outlast the stimulation by 15 min. Intracellular stimulation of a CB1 neuron in a manner similar to its response to tail shock produces facilitation of the EPSPs from siphon sensory neurons to motor neurons, as well as broadening of the action potential in the sensory neurons in tetraethylammonium solution. These results strongly suggest that the identified serotonergic CB1 neurons participate in mediating presynaptic facilitation contributing to dishabituation and sensitization of the gill- and siphon-withdrawal reflex in Aplysia.  相似文献   

Summary It is not widely recognized that the pathology of Werdnig-Hoffman disease (WHD) may include cells other than the lower motor neuron. In the early infantile (acute) forms of this degenerative disease, neuropathologic involvement may extend well beyond the lower motor neuron territory to include neurons in spinal sensory ganglion and thalamus.The present report describes the neuropathologic findings of four patients with early infantile degenerative motor neuron disease, compares them to other reported patients, and discusses the relationship of these patients to those with classic WHD. We found involvement of thalamic and primary sensory neurons, although mild, to be a common finding in classic WHD. We suggest that early infantile forms of degenerative lower motor neuron disease which show prominent involvement of thalamic, primary sensory, and other neurons are but one end of the spectrum of WHD.  相似文献   

A 53 year old man developed symptoms of motor neuron disease in childhood. There was a family history of a similar disorder and it was felt to represent a form of Kugelberg-Welander disease. In addition to the motor deficits, sensory abnormalities in his legs were documented during life. Autopsy revealed anterior horn cell loss throughout the length of the spinal cord, with preservation of the phrenic nucleus. The lumbar dorsal root ganglia showed active degeneration of sensory neurons, with nuclear changes exceeding cytoplasmic ones. The fasciculus gracilis showed Wallerian degeneration. The findings provide direct evidence that sensory neurons can degenerate in some forms of motor neuron disease, and that the "demyelination" or "degeneration" of posterior columns sometimes seen in the various forms of motor neuron disease may actually be secondary to cell body disease in the dorsal root ganglia.  相似文献   

Y Shemesh  R Rozin  A Ohry 《Paraplegia》1977,15(3):238-244
Twenty patients with spinal cord injury underwent serial electromyographic examinations. Fibrillation potentials and positive waves were noted in six patients in the spinal shock phase. In another subject, these potentials were found 27 months after injury. Our finding of significant slowing in the NCV of both nerves, indicates that lower motor neurons are indeed affected by upper motor neuron lesions. The H-reflex studies showed an increase in the mean H/M ratio. This may indicate an increase of reflex motor neuron excitability. No clear correlation was found between this increase and the degree of clinical spasticity. With repeat investigations, after a period of physical activity, a trend to reduction of the H/M ratio was noted with no clinical confirmation of reduction in spasticity. These findings emphasise the need for not assigning diagnostic terms to EMC abnormalities, but rather identifying them as neurophysiological changes which must be interpreted in the light of the clinical picture.  相似文献   

Although the Drosophila larva has been extensively used for genetic studies of synaptic transmission and locomotion, neurophysiological studies have lagged because it is difficult to investigate circuitry and synaptic function in the larval central nervous system (CNS). Here we introduce an optical technique to monitor neuronal activity in the intact Drosophila larval CNS. We loaded neurons retrogradely through cut axons with dextran-conjugated calcium indicators. Fluorescence responses to changes in the concentration of intracellular calcium are sufficiently fast and large to monitor electrical activity in single neurons. Responses to action potentials were detected in motor neuron cell bodies, axons, neurites, dendrites and sensory neuron afferents identified by genetically targeted green fluorescent protein expression. Our findings provide an experimental procedure for testing synaptic function and connectivity within the intact larval CNS.  相似文献   

G J Parry  S Clarke 《Muscle & nerve》1988,11(2):103-107
We report five patients with pure motor neuropathy characterized by multifocal weakness, muscle atrophy that was sometimes profound, cramps, and fasciculations with relatively preserved reflexes. The clinical picture led to an initial diagnosis of motor neuron disease in all cases, but nerve conduction studies revealed multifocal conduction block confined to motor axons and predominantly involving proximal nerve segments. Routine sensory nerve conduction studies, ascending compound nerve action potentials, and somatosensory evoked potentials were all normal even through nerve segments in which motor conduction was severely blocked. Onset of symptoms was insidious, and progression was indolent. In two cases, after many years of neuropathy, sensory abnormalities developed but remained clinically trivial. These unusual cases probably have the same pathogenesis as previously described patients with persistent multifocal conduction block. Distinction from motor neuron disease is critical, since chronic demyelinating neuropathy may respond to treatment.  相似文献   

When isolated and grown in cell culture, the sensory and motor neurons of the gill withdrawal reflex of Aplysia readily form synaptic connections. Repeated exposures to 5-HT cause facilitation of the synaptic connections between co-cultured sensory and motor neurons lasting at least 24 hr. As a first step toward understanding the locus and the mechanisms underlying this long-term synaptic facilitation, we have examined the membrane excitability of the isolated presynaptic sensory neurons grown alone in dissociated cell culture. Four repeated applications of 1 microM 5-HT caused a significant increase in the excitability of sensory neurons, lasting at least 24 hr. This resembles the short-term changes in excitability seen in response to a single application of 5-HT. Unlike the short-term effect, this long-lasting change was blocked by exposure of the cells during the 5-HT treatment to 10 microM anisomycin, an inhibitor of protein synthesis. Thus, like the synaptic facilitation, the long-term change in excitability of the isolated presynaptic neurons differs from the short-term in requiring the synthesis of new protein. This finding suggests that the sensory neuron uses gene products to modulate membrane currents in its long-term response to repeated external stimuli that are not required in its short-term response to a single stimulus.  相似文献   

The translocator protein (18 kDa; TSPO), formerly known as the peripheral benzodiazepine receptor, is an outer mitochondrial membrane protein that associates with the mitochondrial permeability transition pore to regulate both steroidogenesis and apoptosis. TSPO expression is induced in adult dorsal root ganglion (DRG) sensory neurons after peripheral nerve injury and a TSPO receptor ligand, Ro5-4864, enhances DRG neurite growth in vitro and axonal regeneration in vivo . We have now found that TSPO is induced in neonatal motor neurons after peripheral nerve injury and have evaluated its involvement in neonatal and adult sensory and motor neuron survival, and in adult motor neuron regeneration. The TSPO ligand Ro5-4864 rescued cultured neonatal DRG neurons from nerve growth factor withdrawal-induced apoptosis and protected neonatal spinal cord motor neurons from death due to sciatic nerve axotomy. However, Ro5-4864 had only a small neuroprotective effect on adult facial motor neurons after axotomy, did not delay onset or prolong survival in SOD1 mutant mice, and failed to protect adult DRG neurons from sciatic nerve injury-induced death. In contrast, Ro5-4864 substantially enhanced adult facial motor neuron nerve regeneration and restoration of function after facial nerve axotomy. These data indicate a selective sensitivity of neonatal sensory and motor neurons to survival in response to Ro5-4864, which highlights that survival in injured immature neurons cannot necessarily predict success in adults. Furthermore, although Ro5-4864 is only a very weak promoter of survival in adult neurons, it significantly enhances regeneration and functional recovery in adults.  相似文献   

Several members of hematopoietic factors are known to have neuroprotective effects against axotomized motor neuron death. We carried out a study to determine whether interleukin-3 (IL-3) and erythropoietin (EPO) rescue spinal motor neuron death following axotomy. Unilateral sciatic nerve was transected in neonatal rats. Different doses of IL-3, EPO, or vehicle were administered daily for two weeks by intraperitoneal injection. After treatment, the number of spinal motor neurons was determined at the level of L4 segment In comparison with vehicle, both IL-3 (10 microg kg(-1)) and EPO (5.0 mg kg(-1)) significantly prevented the loss of motor neurons. Protective potentials is the same between them. These results suggest that IL-3 and EPO play a role for motor neuron survival in vivo and suggest the potential use of these hematopoietic factors in treating diseases that involve degeneration and death of motor neurons, such as motor neuropathy and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.  相似文献   

Noxious stimuli, such as electrical shocks to the animal's tail, enhance Aplysia's gill- and siphon-withdrawal reflex. Previous experimental work has indicated that this behavioral enhancement, known as dishabituation (if the reflex has been habituated) or sensitization (if it has not been habituated), might be mediated, at least in part, by the endogenous monoaminergic transmitter serotonin (5-HT). To assess 5-HT's role in dishabituation and sensitization of Aplysia withdrawal reflex, we treated Aplysia with the serotonergic neurotoxin 5,7-dihydroxytryptamine (5,7-DHT). We found that 5,7-DHT treatment significantly reduced the dishabituation of the withdrawal reflex produced by tail shock. Treatment with the neurotoxin also blocked the heterosynaptic facilitation of monosynaptic connections between siphon sensory neurons and their follower cells, which contributes to the behavioral enhancement. Analysis by high-performance liquid chromatography indicated that 5,7-DHT treatment significantly reduced 5-HT levels in the Aplysia CNS. Moreover, the neurotoxic effects of 5,7-DHT appeared to be relatively specific for serotonergic pathways. Thus, 5,7-DHT treatment did not disrupt the ability of nonserotonergic facilitatory interneurons, the L29 cells, to facilitate the connections of siphon sensory neurons. Also, 5,7-DHT reduced 5-HT-dependent, but not dopamine-dependent, histofluorescence in Aplysia central ganglia. Finally, 5,7-DHT does not reduce the levels of the facilitatory peptides SCPA and SCPB within the Aplysia CNS. Our results, together with those of Mackey et al. (1989), indicate that 5-HT plays a major role in mediating dishabituation and sensitization of Aplysia's withdrawal reflex.  相似文献   

There is an ongoing discussion whether ALS is primarily a disease of upper motor neurons or lower motor neurons. We undertook a review to assess how new insights have contributed to solve this controversy. For this purpose we selected relevant publications from 1995 onwards focussing on (1) primary targets and disease progression in ALS and variants of ALS, (2) brain imaging markers for upper motor neuron lesion, and (3) evidence for ALS being a multisystem disorder. Clinically, upper motor and lower motor neuron symptoms can occur in any order over time. Brain imaging markers show upper motor neuron involvement in early disease. Overlap syndromes of ALS and dementia, and involvement of autonomic and sensory nerves occur frequently. PET/SPECT scans, functional MRI and voxel based morphometry studies clearly show abnormalities in extra-motor areas of the brain. Pathologically, the 43 kDa TAR DNA-binding protein (TDP-43) provides a clue to these overlapping disorders. In conclusion, evidence accumulates that ALS is a multisystem disorder rather than a pure lower and/or upper motor neuron disorder.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to investigate the spinal cord effects and sites of action of different inhaled concentrations (0.5-2%) of the anaesthetic, halothane. Simultaneous recordings were made of 3 Hz, suprathreshold (1.5 x T) electrically evoked spinal dorsal horn (DH) wide-dynamic range (WDR) neuron responses and of single motor unit (SMU) electromyographic (EMG) responses underlying the spinal withdrawal reflex in spinalized Wistar rats. Compared with the baseline responses obtained with 0.5% halothane, the electrically evoked early responses of the DH WDR neurons as well as the SMUs were only depressed by the highest, 2% concentration of halothane. In contrast, 1.5% halothane markedly inhibited the late responses of the DH WDR neurons, whereas 1% halothane started to significantly depress the late responses of the SMUs. Likewise, wind-up of the WDR neuron late responses was inhibited by 1.5-2% halothane, whereas 1-2% halothane significantly depressed wind-up of the SMU EMG late responses. The inhibitory effects of 2% halothane on the early and the late responses of the DH WDR neurons, but not of the SMUs, were completely reversed by opioid micro-receptor antagonist naloxone (0.04 mg/kg). However, no significant effects of naloxone were found on different responses of the DH WDR neurons as well as the SMUs at 0.5-1% halothane, suggesting that different concentrations of halothane may modulate different spinal receptors. We conclude that halothane at high concentrations (1.5-2%) seems to play a predominant inhibitory role via spinal multireceptors on ventral horn (VH) motor neurons, and less on DH sensory WDR neurons, of the spinal cord.  相似文献   

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