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Psychological aggression predicts physical aggression in early marriage   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Psychological aggression by self and partner, physical aggression by the partner, and marital dissatisfaction were examined as longitudinal predictors of first instances of physical aggression during marriage. Subjects who were not physically aggressive at a premarital assessment were selected from a sample of 393 engaged couples. Couples participated in three subsequent assessments over the first 30 months of marriage. As hypothesized, individuals' own psychological aggression predicted their initial incidents of physical aggression in marriage. Psychological aggression by their partners also predicted initial incidents of physical aggression. Prior physical aggression by their partners was inconsistently associated with first instances of physical aggression. Contrary to our hypothesis, previous levels of marital dissatisfaction did not predict initial incidents of physical aggression. These findings were consistent across sexes. The results underscore the progression from psychological to physical abuse and have clear implications for understanding the development and prevention of interspousal aggression.  相似文献   

Learned helplessness in animals has been used to model disorders such as depression and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), but there is a lack of knowledge concerning which individual behavioral characteristics at baseline can predict helpless behavior after exposure to inescapable stress. The first aim of this study was to determine behavioral predictors of helplessness using the novel and familiar open-field tests, sucrose consumption, and passive harm-avoidance tasks before learned helplessness training and testing. Individual differences in physiologic responses to restraint stress were also assessed. A cluster analysis of escape latencies from helplessness testing supported the division of the sample population of Holtzman rats into approximately 50% helpless and 50% non-helpless. Linear regression analyses further revealed that increased reactivity to the novel environment, but not general activity or habituation, predicted susceptibility to learned helplessness. During restraint stress there were no mean differences in heart rate, heart rate variability, and plasma corticosterone between helpless and non-helpless rats; however, a lower heart rate during stress was associated with higher activity levels during exploration. Our most important finding was that by using an innocuous screening tool such as the novel and familiar open-field tests, it was possible to identify subjects that were susceptible to learned helplessness.  相似文献   

We assessed the relationship between potential risk factors for coronary heart disease, including type A behavior, leisure time physical activity, and stress in a young black adult population. The study population consisted of 192 black college freshmen at the University of Pittsburgh. The mean age of male subjects was 18.4; the mean age of female subjects was 18.5 years. No significant sex differences were noted for body mass index, type A behavior, stress, or physical activity levels. For both men and women, type A (Framingham) was positively correlated with stress. Only among women was there a positive association between type A (Bortner) and physical activity.  相似文献   

The current study investigates locomotor activity in a novel environment and correlates these activity levels with cocaine self-administration in rats that were either trained or untrained on a lever-pressing task prior to cocaine self-administration. The authors report that it is the rate of learning the lever-pressing task, not cocaine self-administration, that correlates with locomotor activity. The results suggest that a correlation between locomotor activity and cocaine self-administration is secondary to a link between locomotor activity and rate of learning to lever press for a reward. The authors conclude that locomotor activity is not necessarily an indicator of propensity to self-administer cocaine and demonstrate that environmental novelty and rate of learning an operant task are important considerations when designing experiments on drug-seeking behaviors.  相似文献   

Past research has demonstrated that regular physical activity provides a myriad of physical, mental, and emotional benefits. The decision of whether to partake in physical activity (PA) or remain sedentary appears to be partially influenced by motivational and emotional systems. Research suggests left frontal alpha asymmetry is a neural marker of approach motivation. However, studies have not explored whether habitual levels of PA and sedentary behavior relate to this neurophysiological signal. Across two studies, individuals completed measures of habitual PA and sedentary behavior using the International Physical Activity Questionnaire-Short Form. Then, resting electroencephalography activity was recorded. Results of Study 1 (N = 32, 72% women) indicated that more time spent sitting on both weekdays and weekend days were associated with less left frontal asymmetry (r = −.45, p = .027, and r = −.55, p = .005, respectively). Study 2 recruited a larger sample (N = 96, 31% women) and investigated moderators. Greater levels of moderate (r = .27) and total (r = .29) PA were associated with greater left frontal asymmetry (ps < .05), and the relationship between sedentary behavior and less left frontal asymmetry was moderated by sex (weekday: β = .62, p = .011; weekend day: β = .41, p = .034). Our results suggest that left frontal asymmetry may be a novel neurophysiological marker for PA and sedentary behavior.  相似文献   

Background: Regular physical activity is beneficial for the health and functioning of people with a disability. Effective components of successful physical activity promotion interventions should be identified and disseminated. Purpose: To study the underlying mechanisms of the combined sport stimulation program “Rehabilitation & Sports” (R&S) and daily physical activity promotion program “Active after Rehabilitation” (AaR). Method: Subjects in four rehabilitation centers received R&S + AaR (n = 284). Subjects in six control centers (n = 603) received usual care. Physical activity and its determinants were assessed with questionnaires at seven weeks before and nine weeks and one year after rehabilitation. Results: Variables that were determinants of the intervention-induced improvement in physical activity behavior at both follow-up measurements were attitude, the perceived benefits “improved health and reduced risk of disease,” “better feeling about oneself,” and “ improved fitness,” and the barrier “limited environmental possibilities.” The percentage change in the intervention coefficient caused by these determinants ranged from –35.3% to –16.3% and from –28.4% to –11.3% at nine weeks and one year after rehabilitation, respectively. Conclusion: Personalized tailored counseling interventions can improve physical activity behavior in people with a disability by targeting both personal and environmental determinants of physical activity behavior.  相似文献   

Structured interview (SI) assessments of global and component Type A behavior were conducted in a general population sample of 903 respondents. Correlations among all the measures were positive and significant. A factor analysis revealed that the common component variance was explained by a single underlying factor. Interrater reliabilities were approximately 0.5 to 0.7 for the individual components and 0.8 for both the SI global Type A and a second global measure that was assigned independently by assessors who did the component scoring. Prediction of the SI-assessed global measure from the components accounted for 56% of the variance, and prediction of the second global measure from the components accounted for about 83% of the variance. Implications of the psychometric properties of the SI component and global measures of Type A behavior for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Heritability of type A behavior   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ninety-three pairs of monozygotic and 97 pairs of dizygotic middle-aged, American, male twins were studied to estimate the heritability of Type A behavior--a coronary heart disease-prone behavior pattern. Participants were given the interview assessment of Type A behavior. In addition, they completed four psychological test batteries: the Thurstone Temperament Schedule, the Jenkins Activity Survey, the California Psychological Inventory, and the Gough Adjective Check List. Type A behavior measured by interview was found to be nonheritable. Psychological test scales which significantly correlated with Type A behavior, however, generally had significant heritability estimates. Only the Adjective Check List scales, which significantly correlated with Type A, showed nonsignificant heritability estimates. Selected items from these Adjective Check List scales may provide a method for assessment of Type A behavior possibly free from genetic influence.  相似文献   

Recently, sedentary behavior recommendations have been included in the public health guidelines of multiple countries, pointing to new opportunities for prevention of chronic disease as well as a potential strategy for initiating long-term behavior change.ObjectiveTo propose an evidence-informed approach to physical activity counseling that starts with a focus on reducing sedentary time.MethodsWe put forward a case for addressing changes in sedentary behavior in clinical practice using a narrative review. We also propose a new approach for the assessment and counselling of patients with respect to movement behaviors.ResultsThere is evidence to support a stepwise approach to physical activity counseling that starts with targeting sedentary behavior, particularly in those who are highly sedentary, or those who have chronic disease, or physical impairments.ConclusionsOur approach encourages clinicians to consider sedentary behavior counseling as a critical first step to physical activity counseling. For many patients, this initial step of reducing sedentary behavior could build a pathway to an active lifestyle.Practical ImplicationsA shift from long periods of sedentary time to daily routines incorporating more light intensity physical activity could result in meaningful health improvements. Importantly, this approach may be more feasible for highly inactive patients.  相似文献   

The main goals of this cross-sectional survey were (a) to describe the associations between sex, age, and physical activity behavior and (b) to describe the age and sex-related associations with the choice of structured (formal) and unstructured (nonformal) physical activity programs. At baseline, data were selected randomly from 1,013 students, from the 7th to the 12th grades. A response rate of 73% (n = 739) was obtained. Accordingly, the sample of this study consisted of 594 adolescents (304 females and 290 males) with mean age of 15.9 years (range 13-20). Physical activity was assessed by means of a questionnaire. A questionnaire about leisure activities was applied to the sample to define the nominal variable “nature of physical activity.” The data showed that significantly more girls than boys (p ≤ .001) belonged to the sedentary group (80.7% girls) and low activity group (64.5% girls). Boys more frequently belonged to the more active groups (92.1%; p ≥ .001). The older participants were more engaged in formal physical activities, whereas the younger mostly chose informal ones whatever their level of physical activity. There were more significant differences in girls’ physical activity groups (X2 = 20.663, p≤ .001) than in boys’ (X2 = 7.662, p≤ .05). Furthermore, active girls chose more structured physical activities than their sedentary counterparts (18.8% vs. 83.3%). However, boys preferred unstructured activities regardless of physical activity group (83.7% vs. 58.5%; p ≤ .05). It can be concluded that as age increased, organized sports activities became a relatively more important component of total weekly activity for both male and female participants.  相似文献   

背景:置换前步行能力和活动功能能够很好的预测患者髋关节置换后的康复和功能状态,但对于置换前没有任何行走能力的股骨颈骨折患者来说,无法使用这些客观评估手段来预测置换后功能效果。 目的:探讨置换前主观活动功能评估对老年髋关节置换患者置换后6个月活动功能预测的效果,并分析影响置换后6个月活动功能的患者特征资料。 方法:前瞻性研究了两个中心在2010年11月和2013年2月期间收治的髋关节置换病例,分为股骨颈骨折行全髋关节置换组、髋关节骨性关节炎行全髋关节置换组和股骨颈骨折行人工股骨头置换组。评估各组患者的特征资料、伤前(骨折患者)或置换前(骨性关节炎患者)2周SF-36评分和LAPAQ评分与置换后6个月患者主观和客观活动功能评价的相关性。置换后6个月主观功能评价包括LAPAQ问卷调查表、SF-36评分量表,客观功能评价包括起立-行走测定和六分钟步行测试。 结果与结论:115例患者完成研究。①置换前LAPAQ评分和SF-36评分均能预测股骨颈骨折和骨性关节炎患者在髋关节置换后6个月的主观和客观活动功能状态。置换前LAPAQ评分对置换后活动功能的预测似乎优于置换前SF-36评分。对于置换前无法用客观活动功能评价的髋部骨折患者来说,置换前LAPAQ评分是一种预测置换后6个月活动功能的方法。②与置换前相比,股骨颈骨折患者在术后6个月能够恢复到伤前的70%-80%活动功能,骨性关节炎患者在置换后活动功能明显优于置换前,在置换后6个月,能够增加约27%活动功能。③患者的基本特征也影响置换后的活动功能,其中并发症数是影响置换后6个月功能最主要的因素。中国组织工程研究杂志出版内容重点:人工关节;骨植入物;脊柱;骨折;内固定;数字化骨科;组织工程全文链接:  相似文献   

ObjectiveThere is a large amount of studies about interventions for promoting physical activity (PA) in persons with type 2 diabetes (T2D) as well as several systematic reviews referring to these studies. The objective of this contribution is to provide a systematic review of these systematic reviews.MethodPubMed, PsychInfo and the Cochrane Library were searched for systematic reviews and/or meta-analyses regarding interventions for promoting PA in persons with T2D. The individual reviews and the relationships between the reviews were analysed.ResultsEighteen reviews were included. Seventeen of these reviews contained references to included trials, amounting to 113 trials in total. Five of the reviews addressed PA interventions in general; six addressed specific devices for delivering the intervention; five addressed specific approaches for giving the participants feedback about their outcomes; and two addressed specific therapeutic approaches. Only 14 cross-references were found.ConclusionGiving feedback about outcomes and helping people to integrate PA in their daily lives seem to be the most effective intervention components. Basing intervention development on theories seems helpful.Practical implicationsInterventions should give feedback about outcomes and help to integrate PA in daily life. Intervention development should be theory-based.  相似文献   


Nearly 70% of adults with chronic pain experience increased pain during activity, and this may reduce enjoyment of physical activity (PA), and subsequent PA intention/behavior. The goal of this study was to examine increased pain during activity as a predictor of PA, via its effects on PA enjoyment. Participants included 178 overweight/obese midlife adults with chronic pain who completed an online prospective survey. Results indicated that greater increases in pain during activity were associated with less PA enjoyment, and, in turn, lower intention to exercise over the next week (p?<?0.05). Activity-induced pain also predicted lower total volume of PA at 1-week follow-up, and this relationship was mediated by PA enjoyment (p?<?0.05). These findings have the potential to inform the refinement of PA promotion interventions for individuals with chronic pain.




Short-to-moderate duration exercise training improves fitness and lowers cardiovascular risk in type 2 diabetes (T2DM). However, the impact of long-term compliance to an active lifestyle of T2DM patients on cardiovascular risk factors has never been studied but could provide information on the maximal achievable health effect of physical activity in T2DM. This study examined the impact of a life-long active lifestyle by comparing physical fitness, cardiovascular risk and vascular function between long-term physically active T2DM patients versus sedentary T2DM patients and controls.


Fitness, HOMA-IR, brachial artery flow-mediated dilation (FMD) and lifetime risk for cardiovascular disease were assessed in 15 exercising T2DM patients, 12 age-, sex- and weight-matched sedentary T2DM patients and 9 sedentary men free of established cardiovascular and metabolic disease as controls. Long-term regular exercise was defined as self-reported participation of >2.5 h of (predominantly) endurance exercise per week, which was performed for 18–47 years.


Sedentary T2DM patients showed lower fitness (21.8 ± 2.3, 32.6 ± 6.0 and 31.1 ± 3.2 ml O2/kg/min), higher HOMA-IR (8.3 ± 5.0, 2.0 ± 1.8 and 1.1 ± 0.5 100/%S) and higher lifetime risk scores (17.3 ± 5.4, 9.3 ± 5.0 and 8.9 ± 3.9 %) compared to active peers and controls, respectively. Brachial artery FMD was lower in sedentary T2DM patients compared with active peers, but not in controls (3.3 ± 1.2, 5.2 ± 2.1 and 3.8 ± 1.2 %).


Life-long active T2DM patients have superior fitness levels, HOMA-IR, cardiovascular risk and FMD compared to sedentary peers, whilst no differences were found when compared to controls. This study provides evidence that a life-long active lifestyle, even in T2DM, may be able to effectively normalize cardiovascular risk.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The relationship between activity levels and body fat in children is unclear, despite a large number of studies. The issue is clouded by the wide variety of methods used to assess children's activity levels. It is important to assess whether the type of activity measure influences the fatness-activity relationship. This is a first step to uncovering the role of modifying variables such as gender, age, maturity, etc. PRIMARY OBJECTIVE: This study uses meta-analytic procedures to synthesize the results of such studies and to assess whether the type of activity measure used has an effect on the strength of the relationship observed. METHODS AND PROCEDURES: Fifty studies were located that satisfied the inclusion criteria. Seventy-eight per cent of the studies showed a negative relationship, 18% no relationship and 4% a positive relationship between physical activity and body fatness. Data were analysed using the meta-analytic procedures described by Rosenthal (Meta-analytic Procedures for Social Research, Sage, 1991). MAIN OUTCOMES AND RESULTS: The mean effect size indicated a small to moderate, inverse relationship (r = -0.16). Mean effect sizes differed significantly (F(3,52) = 8.04, p < 0.001) according to the activity measure used: questionnaire, r = -0.14; motion counters, r = -0.18; observation, r = -0.39; heart rate (HR), r = 0.00. Observation measures elicited a significantly stronger relationship with body fat than did questionnaire or heart rate measures (p < 0.05). However, there was no significant difference between the effect sizes elicited by observation and motion counters. Correlational analyses revealed no effect of age group or gender on the strength of the relationship between fatness and activity. CONCLUSIONS: This meta-analysis suggests there is a small to moderate relationship between body fat and activity in children. It is important to note, however, that the size of the relationship depends on the activity measure used. It is therefore recommended that direct measures of movement, such as observation or motion counter methods, are used to assess the relationship of activity levels with health.  相似文献   

Background: The relationship between activity levels and body fat in children is unclear, despite a large number of studies. The issue is clouded by the wide variety of methods used to assess children's activity levels. It is important to assess whether the type of activity measure influences the fatness-activity relationship. This is a first step to uncovering the role of modifying variables such as gender, age, maturity, etc. Primary objective: This study uses meta-analytic procedures to synthesize the results of such studies and to assess whether the type of activity measure used has an effect on the strength of the relationship observed. Methods and procedures: Fifty studies were located that satisfied the inclusion criteria. Seventy-eight per cent of the studies showed a negative relationship, 18% no relationship and 4% a positive relationship between physical activity and body fatness. Data were analysed using the meta-analytic procedures described by Rosenthal (Meta-analytic Procedures for Social Research, Sage, 1991). Main outcomes and results: The mean effect size indicated a small to moderate, inverse relationship (r =-0.16). Mean effect sizes differed significantly (F(3,5,2) 8.04, p &lt; 0.001) according to the activity measure used: questionnaire, r =-0.14; motion counters, r =-0.18; observation, r =-0.39; heart rate (HR), r = 0.00. Observation measures elicited a significantly stronger relationship with body fat than did questionnaire or heart rate measures (p &lt; 0.05). However, there was no significant difference between the effect sizes elicited by observation and motion counters. Correlational analyses revealed no effect of age group or gender on the strength of the relationship between fatness and activity. Conclusions: This meta-analysis suggests there is a small to moderate relationship between body fat and activity in children. It is important to note, however, that the size of the relationship depends on the activity measure used. It is therefore recommended that direct measures of movement, such as observation or motion counter methods, are used to assess the relationship of activity levels with health.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: A limited amount of literature suggests that plasma leptin concentrations are reduced with habitual physical activity in men and non-pregnant women. We investigated the relationship between maternal physical activity and plasma leptin during early pregnancy. METHODS: The study population included 879 normotensive, non-diabetic pregnant women who reported physical activity type, frequency, and duration in early pregnancy. Plasma leptin, measured in blood samples collected <16 weeks gestation, were determined using enzyme immunoassays. Weekly duration (h/week) and energy expended on recreational physical activity [metabolic equivalent score (MET)-h/week] were categorized by tertiles among active women. Physical activity intensity was categorized as none, moderate (<6 MET) and vigorous (> or =6 MET). Differences in leptin concentrations across categories were estimated using linear regression procedures. RESULTS: Mean leptin was 5.8 ng/ml lower among active versus inactive women (P=0.001). Mean leptin was lower among women in the highest levels (>12.8 h/week) of time performing physical activity (-8.1 ng/ml, P<0.001) and energy expenditure (>70.4 MET-h/week) (-8.3 ng/ml, P=0.001) compared with inactive women. Leptin was inversely associated with the intensity of physical activity. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings are consistent with other reports suggesting an independent inverse relationship between habitual physical activity and leptin concentrations. Our findings extend the literature to include pregnant women.  相似文献   

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