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目的评价术前亚甲蓝定位、金属夹定位和术中纤维结肠镜定位在腹腔镜结直肠肿瘤手术中的应用效果。方法复旦大学附属肿瘤医院2009年12月至2012年6月间收治的64例结直肠肿瘤患者在行腹腔镜手术前进行了肿瘤定位,其中术前2h内4点法亚甲蓝定位23例,术前1d金属夹定位20例,术中纤维结肠镜定位21例,定位后行腹腔镜结直肠肿瘤根治性手术、肠段切除或局部切除术。结果所有手术均获成功,无手术死亡和并发症发生。术前亚甲蓝定位标记成功率为82.6%(19/23),2例因亚甲蓝弥散导致组织界限不清行中转开腹手术,2例肿瘤因腹腔面肠壁无亚甲蓝显色而无法定位,遂于术中加行纤维结肠镜定位。术前金属夹定位标记成功率为85.0%(17/20),2例乙状结肠肿瘤和1例直肠上段肿瘤因无法确定下切缘而于术中加行纤维结肠镜定位。术中肠镜定位标记成功率为95.2%(20/21),1例因病灶为长蒂腺瘤未能准确定位。对于术前亚甲蓝和金属夹定位失败而加行术中结肠镜定位的5例患者中,2例准确定位并成功施行腹腔镜手术;1例因病灶为长蒂腺瘤未准确定位;2例定位准确但因小肠和结肠胀气明显,手术空间不足致中转开腹手术。结论上述3种定位方法用于腹腔镜结直肠肿瘤手术均可获得较为满意的定位效果。临床实践中应根据肿瘤位置和拟行的手术方式来选择适宜的肿瘤定位方法。  相似文献   

目的:探讨腹腔镜结直肠手术肿瘤的定位方法。方法:2009年12月至2013年12月收治58例结直肠肿瘤患者,其中22例于术前2 h内行亚甲蓝定位,12例术前行钛夹定位,4例术前行气钡双对比造影检查,20例术中结肠镜定位。准确定位后行腹腔镜结直肠癌根治术或局部肠段切除术。结果:2例行术前亚甲蓝标记患者因腹腔面肠壁浆膜无亚甲蓝染色而无法定位,术中行结肠镜检查定位;1例行术前钛夹定位患者腹部平片见钛夹位于右下腹,结合肠镜肿瘤距肛门的距离,确定病变位于乙状结肠;1例行术中结肠镜检查准确定位患者因结肠镜检查致使小肠及结肠胀气,无手术空间,中转开腹;4例患者行气钡双对比检查准确定位。结论:腹腔镜结直肠术中可结合直肠指诊对肿瘤进行定位,直肠指诊不能触及的肿物,通过术前行亚甲蓝、钛夹标记、气钡双对比造影及术中肠镜检查对结直肠肿瘤进行定位,术中可准确、快速定位病灶,缩短手术时间,减少并发症的发生,同时避免误切肠管及保肛失败。  相似文献   

目的 探讨肠镜联合钛夹定位法进行结肠肿瘤定位诊断对选择手术切口的指导意义.方法 30例结肠肿瘤患者在术前行结肠镜检查,于肿瘤处使用钛夹进行标记,摄腹部立、平卧位腹平片确定其体表投影部位并进行切口选择.结果本组患者在肠镜下有9例患者(30%)出现定位错误或无法准确判定;联合钛夹定位后,所有患者术前均明确肿瘤部位,以此指导手术切口选择,100%手术切口选择正确,获得良好的术野暴露.结论 肠镜对于结肠肿瘤定位困难,有一定误差率,肠镜联合钛夹标记法进行肿瘤定位,有助于准确定位并选择最佳的手术切口.  相似文献   

目的 探讨肠镜联合钛夹定位法进行结肠肿瘤定位诊断对选择手术切口的指导意义.方法 30例结肠肿瘤患者在术前行结肠镜检查,于肿瘤处使用钛夹进行标记,摄腹部立、平卧位腹平片确定其体表投影部位并进行切口选择.结果本组患者在肠镜下有9例患者(30%)出现定位错误或无法准确判定;联合钛夹定位后,所有患者术前均明确肿瘤部位,以此指导手术切口选择,100%手术切口选择正确,获得良好的术野暴露.结论 肠镜对于结肠肿瘤定位困难,有一定误差率,肠镜联合钛夹标记法进行肿瘤定位,有助于准确定位并选择最佳的手术切口.  相似文献   

目的 探讨肠镜联合钛夹定位法进行结肠肿瘤定位诊断对选择手术切口的指导意义.方法 30例结肠肿瘤患者在术前行结肠镜检查,于肿瘤处使用钛夹进行标记,摄腹部立、平卧位腹平片确定其体表投影部位并进行切口选择.结果本组患者在肠镜下有9例患者(30%)出现定位错误或无法准确判定;联合钛夹定位后,所有患者术前均明确肿瘤部位,以此指导手术切口选择,100%手术切口选择正确,获得良好的术野暴露.结论 肠镜对于结肠肿瘤定位困难,有一定误差率,肠镜联合钛夹标记法进行肿瘤定位,有助于准确定位并选择最佳的手术切口.  相似文献   

目的探讨腹腔镜治疗结肠肿瘤术中应用结肠镜定位的效果。方法 2014年1月~2015年11月16例结肠肿瘤行腹腔镜下结肠肿瘤切除术中,因病灶未侵及浆膜层或位于侧腹壁,腹腔镜下不能明确部位及切除范围,术中经肛门行结肠镜定位,利用"透光法"明确病灶部位后行根治性切除。结果 16例在结肠镜下均找到病灶,在腹腔镜下标记后切除,无中转开腹,无漏切、误切。手术时间(112.5±31.0)min,术中出血(22.8±11.2)ml。术前9例病理诊断为良性肿瘤中,术后6例病理诊断为恶性肿瘤,其中4例为中分化腺癌,1例为中-重度不典型增生,灶区癌变,1例为中分化腺癌,部分黏液腺癌。15例术后12~14 d痊愈出院,1例因吻合口漏术后1个月痊愈出院。术后3个月随访16例,肠镜检查未发现复发。结论腹腔镜下结肠肿瘤切除术中因病灶部位不能明确,在结肠镜下定位,明确病灶部位,避免漏切、误切的风险,有优势互补的作用,增加腹腔镜手术的适应范围及安全性,值得推广。  相似文献   

目的评价胃肠肿瘤腹腔镜手术中内镜检查的应用价值。方法回顾分析2004年1月~2008年11月我院505例胃肠肿瘤腹腔镜手术中39例(7.7%)术中内镜检查的临床资料。结果 32例以定位病变为指征,其中30例找到病变,检出率达93.8%(30/32);5例以评价吻合口为指征,术后均未出现吻合口狭窄,其中3例同时内镜定位病变切除了合并存在的结肠腺瘤;1例术中出血,行术中内镜明确了出血部位;1例拟在腹腔镜辅助下行内镜下胃脂肪瘤切除,因内镜下注射后抬举征阴性,提示病变深度超过黏膜下层,故改为腹腔镜下切除。结论术中内镜检查对腹腔镜胃肠肿瘤手术病变定位及吻合口评估有重要价值。  相似文献   

目的:探讨腹腔镜结直肠手术前钛夹标记辅助病灶定位的应用指征。方法:2013年7月1日至2014年6月30日共行367例腹腔镜结直肠切除术,其中86例(23.4%)因病灶定位不确切行术中肠镜定位,分析并归纳其原因。结果:造成病灶定位不确切的因素包括肛检阴性、术前肠镜定位肿瘤位于非回盲部或升结肠、术前影像学检查未发现原发病灶或原发病灶T分期≤2期、肠镜下评估病灶直径≤3 cm、大体类型为隆起型(各因素均为强烈相关,P=0.000)。上述因素即为术前钛夹标记定位的初步指征,将其表述为流程图。应用此流程图预测367例研究对象是否需行术前钛夹标记定位,取得良好的效果,其灵敏度为94.2%,特异度为90.0%,阳性似然比9.42,Youden指数0.842,准确率91.0%,阳性预测值74.3%,阴性预测值98.1%。结论:应用此指征判断病灶是否需行术前钛夹标记定位方法简便且有效,可避免对无需定位的病灶进行额外操作,降低了术中肠镜定位的使用频率。但术前钛夹标记辅助定位的实际使用效果仍需大样本前瞻性研究确定。  相似文献   

腹腔镜下胃部分切除术是外科治疗胃间质瘤的有效方法。对于单纯腹腔镜下难于判断病变部位者,术中应用胃镜进行病变定位,可以保证腹腔镜手术顺利进行,避免中转开腹手术。我院2006年10月~2008年7月应用胃镜术中病变定位完成20例腹腔镜下胃间质瘤手术,效果满意,报道如下。1临床资料1.1一般资料本组20例,男性8例,女性12例,平均年龄42(25~68)岁。临床症状主要为上腹部不适、腹痛、黑便,1例为体检发现。所有患者均通过上消化道钡餐、胃镜和超声内镜检查,提示为胃粘膜下来源于肌层的肿瘤,超声内镜均显示有完整包膜。病变位于胃后壁12例,胃前壁8例;肿瘤平均直径2.1(1.5~4.2)cm。其中,腔内型12例,腔外型3例,混合型5例。术前超声检查肝脏均无占位性病变。1.2胃镜下病变定位及手术方法全身麻醉下建立人工气腹。根据术前诊断的病变部位选择适当位置置入腹腔镜(WOLF)及辅助器械。电子胃镜(Fu jinon EVE S99)置于患者头端,施行胃镜定位者位于患者右侧。麻醉师监视患者的气管插管,以防脱落松动。从患者口腔置入纤维胃镜,根据术前胃镜及超声内镜对肿瘤的初步定位,改变光纤位置及胃镜头角度,施行胃镜[修回日期]...  相似文献   

【摘要】目的探讨内镜辅助定位腹腔镜手术在胃肠息肉和小肿瘤中的应用。方法对38例直径在2.0~3.5cm之间的胃肠道息肉和肿瘤患者(病变位于胃13例.结肠25例)施行腹腔镜手术,术中首先利用内镜进行准确定位,然后行病变切除手术。结果本组38例患者术中均准确定位.定位后行腹腔镜下胃壁楔形切除术7例.经小切口胃壁部分切除术6例.经小切口结肠壁部分切除术25例。  相似文献   

目的 探讨原发性腹膜后肾上腺外嗜铬细胞瘤的诊断和治疗经验。方法 回顾性分析5例原发性腹膜后肾上腺外嗜铬细胞瘤诊治经过。均行手术治疗 ,4例术中切除瘤体 ,并安置银夹 ,其中 1例在美蓝注入瘤体血管染色指导下手术 ,1例 2次手术。结果  1例术前诊断不明确 ,准备不充分 ,术中死亡。后 4例术前诊断明确 ,准备充分 ,术中血压稳定 ,完整切除肿瘤 ,其中美蓝染色指导下 1例手术时间缩短 ,出血少。随访中 ,1例无症状患者行CT检查时于银夹标记部位发现肿瘤复发 ,及时 2次手术 ,病理提示恶性。结论 重视原发性腹膜后肾上腺外嗜铬细胞瘤的术前定性、定位诊断 ,术中美蓝注入瘤体血管染色能指导手术 ,安置银夹标记值得采用和推广。  相似文献   

A 71-year-old woman, who had undergone laparoscopic cholecystectomy 1 year previously at our hospital, presented with abdominal pain, high fever, and jaundice. She was diagnosed with choledochal stenosis caused by migration of the clips that were used at the previous operation. At reoperation, the common bile duct was successfully dissected, including the stenotic site, where a metal clip was found to be penetrating the duct wall. The stenotic site was sufficiently resected, when a black-brown gallstone was found proximally to the stenosis. Interestingly, the stone was found to contain two metal clips, which were considered to have migrated into the bile duct and to have acted as a nidus for stone formation. The common bile duct was reconstructed by direct end-to-end anastomosis. Surgeons must exercise caution in the use of metal clips, keeping in mind the potential risk of clip migration. Received: June 3, 2000 / Accepted: August 2, 2000  相似文献   

Migration of metal clips into the urinary tract is rare. We present a case in which migration of a metal clip into the urinary bladder occurred after retropubic radical prostatectomy. A 75-year-old man, who had undergone retropubic radical prostatectomy three years before, presented with painful micturition and gross hematuria. Radiography and cystoscopy showed two vesical stones. As treatment for these stones, transurethral holmium laser lithotripsy was performed. One of the stones had formed around a metal clip that had presumably migrated into the urinary bladder. After removal of both stones, the patient was able to void freely. In conclusion, it is important to remember that metal clips may migrate postoperatively and cause secondary complications. Therefore, metal clips should be applied sparingly at the vesicourethral anastomosis during retropubic radical prostatectomy.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The study aims to evaluate the efficacy of resorbable clips in polydioxanone in laparoscopic surgery. METHODS: The authors report their personal experience regarding the use of Absolok (ABL) resorbable clips in laparoscopic surgery. Out of a total of 745 laparoscopic operations performed from September 1992 to February 1997, 438 included the use of resorbable clips in place of metal clips, both for cystic duct section during cholecystectomy and vascular structures, or to lock continuous sutures. ABL clips were also used for major vessels (e.g. mesenteric artery) during laparoscopic colic resections. RESULTS: In all cases when they were used, ABL never gave rise to complications, such as biliary outflow or hemorrhage caused by the dislocation of the clips themselves. CONCLUSIONS: The authors conclude by affirming the value and safety of this type of clip.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The objective of this study was to compare the safety and efficacy of three different methods to secure the renal vessels during laparoscopic donor nephrectomy (LDN). METHODS: Vessel lengths and intraoperative vascular complications were compared in a prospective series of 106 LDNs in which the vessels had been secured using a stapling device, metal clips, or polymer clips. RESULTS: One hundred six patients underwent LDN (right = 25, left = 81). Renal vein lengths were not significantly different after stapling or using polymer clips (36 +/- 10 vs 37 +/- 9 mm; P = .463). Renal arterial length was shorter after stapling (30 +/- 7 mm) compared with both endoclips (34 +/- 10 mm; P = .030) and polymer clips (34 +/- 8 mm; P = .030). There was one major arterial bleed in the endoclip group, one episode of stapler malfunction, but no adverse events with polymer clips. CONCLUSION: Polymer clips are safe and yield greater vessel lengths during LDN.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Modified Blalock-Taussig (BT) shunt causing pulmonary artery distortion has been reported. This distortion may get worse after a corrective operation if the BT shunt is ligated, rather than divided. In this study we examined whether division of modified BT shunt at the time of corrective operation would allow pulmonary artery growth and avoid further distortion. METHODS: Fifteen patients who had modified BT shunts and subsequently had corrective operations performed by one surgeon between January 1980 to December 1990 were analyzed. The median time from the BT shunt to corrective operation was 46.3 months (range, 3 to 119 months). At the time of corrective procedure, the BT shunt was divided and metal clips were used to occlude and mark each end. At follow-up a chest roentgenogram was obtained and the distance between the two clips was measured. RESULTS: In all 15 patients measured sequentially the distances between the two clips increased steadily. CONCLUSIONS: Division of BT shunt at the time of corrective procedure reduces pulmonary artery distortion.  相似文献   

目的:报告Hem—o—lok结扎夹在腹腔镜肾切除术中肾动脉处理失败的体会。方法:报告我院4例经后腹腔途径行腹腔镜肾切除术时Hem—o—lok结扎夹结扎肾动脉时动脉断裂出血的临床资料。男3例,女1例。平均年龄76岁(58~84岁)。肾透明细胞癌2级2例,。肾透明细胞癌1~2级1例,肾盂移行细胞癌1例。行腹腔镜肾癌根治术3例,腹腔镜肾输尿管全长切除术1例。4例均经后腹腔途径行腹腔镜肾切除术,采用Hem—o—lok结扎夹结扎肾动脉和肾静脉。结果:3例Hem—o—lok结扎夹结扎。肾动脉后,肾动脉结扎处近心端发生部分断裂出血,1例肾动静脉结扎切断后肾脏已完全游离在取肾脏标本时肾动脉完全断裂引起大出血。4例均改行开放手术,血管阻断钳部分阻断腹主动脉,可吸收线缝合血管断端。平均手术时间80min(65~110min),术中平均出血量450ml(200~1000m1),1例术中输血800ml。结论:腹腔镜肾切除时Hem-o-lok结扎夹结扎肾动脉具有一定的潜在危险,肾动脉一旦断裂需及时改行开放手术。  相似文献   

AIM To study the effect of different techniques of cystic duct closure on bile leakage after laparoscopic cholecystectomy(LC) for biliary disease.METHODS A systematic search of MEDLINE, Cochrane and EMBASE was performed. Rate of cystic duct leakage(CDL) was the primary outcome. Risk of bias was evaluated. Odds ratios were analyzed for comparison of techniques and pooled event rates for non-comparative analyses. Pooled event rates were compared for each of included techniques.RESULTS Out of 1491 articles, 38 studies were included. A total of 47491 patients were included, of which 38683(81.5%)underwent cystic duct closure with non-locking(metal)clips. All studies were of low-moderate methodological quality. Only two studies reported separate data on uncomplicated and complicated gallbladder disease. For overall CDL, an odds ratio of 0.4(95%CI: 0.06-2.48)was found for harmonic energy vs clip closure and an odds ratio of 0.17(95%CI: 0.03-0.93) for locking vs non-locking clips. Pooled CDL rate was around 1% for harmonic energy and metal clips, and 0% for locking clips and ligatures. CONCLUSION Based on available evidence it is not possible to either recommend or discourage any of the techniques for cystic duct closure during LC with respects to CDL,although data point out a slight preference for locking clips and ligatures vs other techniques. No separate recommendation can be made for complicated gallbladder disease.  相似文献   

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